#((for all of you fellow FFXIVers))
dualcastimpact · 8 months
WoL Question of the Day #51
slaps down a question for all my fellow ffxivers. i'm curious. what did you name your chocobo? was there any significance in character or out of character to it? i want to know!! Jun 3, 2022
There's no in-game significance to Raginmar's chocobo's name; it's from an FFXV fic featuring Prompto being saved by his very protective chocobo— that chocobo's name was Mico! I really liked that fic and I'm terrible at naming things, so I thought that was as good a name as any.
I tried to put in some effort for the others' chocobos, so here are their names:
Amaranthus, L'vazha's chocobo (sounded cute)
Sonata, Canso's chocobo (music terms)
Fleetwind, Adricienne's chocobo (delivery bird gotta go fast)
Raisho, Kirika's chocobo (???)
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baeffxiv · 7 years
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Upscaled Songbird poster for you all, Happy Little Ladies Day, fellow FFXIVers!
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