#((I say it's not a spoiler free blog but I still haven't finished AAI2 or any of the SoJ DLC))
xmfxne · 3 years
- What is the most precious thing you own? Is it valuable at all?
- What is your earliest memory that you can remember?
Interview the Muse (Accepting!)
"Hm? Well, obviously my bracelet." Apollo gestured, raising his hand up to show off said bracelet. "I don't know if it's actually worth any money or not, but it's...the only thing I have of my mother. I don't even have a face for her, so this is all I have. As for my earliest memory..."
Apollo paused, thinking back further than he'd been used to doing so for the past decade. He actively suppressed most of his memories from before he was nine until only recently.
It was a dark night, the typical light of the stars and moon having been all but snuffed out by a thick veil of fog. Fog wasn't uncommon, especially if one lived on the mountains. Of course, the young, sleeping toddler was oblivious to such details.
No, what he remembered was being shaken awake. Nahyuta was crying. "Apollo?! Are you okay?!" His big brother was only four, and Apollo, three, but he could still, of course, say 'yes' and 'no' by now. Or at least he was supposed to. He couldn't. In fact, Apollo couldn't breathe. The toddler was wheezing, trying to gasp for air, but he couldn't. In an instant, he was frightened, sitting up and reaching for Nahyuta, as if he could somehow help. "Apollo?! Apollo!!" Nahyuta began to cry harder seeing the three-year-old struggling to breathe. He quickly ran out of the room screaming, "Dad! Dad! Apollo's not...!" He couldn't hear him over his own coughing.
Dhurke soon busted into the room to assess the situation, just about breaking the door in the process, but it was unlikely anyone cared in this scenario. All Apollo could do was continue to cough, sputter, and wheeze. There was a brief discussion, but all Apollo knew was that Datz took him in his arms and brought him to the closest hospital and...
Apollo couldn't remember much more after that. Nothing in as great detail. "...I...guess that the night I was diagnosed with asthma was pretty frightening...but that's the first thing that I can remember." Apollo sighed, his bangs deflating with the rest of him. "I guess that should have been a sign that my life was going to try to beat me up and throw me down, huh?" It was a half-joke, but he couldn't help but take it a bit seriously.
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