#'whaaaat? she just showed up and said you let her..........'
mixelation · 7 months
if you've been here a while you know i have a bunch of AUs with the premise "kid!karin gets her ass out of grass, usually semi-accidentally, sometimes being basically kidnapped." and i think "minakushi survive and take karin in as their own" is the BEST possible outcome for her (besides AUs where her mom also survives but her mom isn't a real character so i always have her already dead). and for the minakushi AUs i have, i think they all center around karin being in konoha for the chunin exams and minato being like "haha, you're not getting her back :)" but the much FUNNIER option is
minato: (teleports into karin's living room) hi uh no time to talk but my wife knew your mom and
karin, who pays attention in class: the hokage???
minato: (grabs her and teleports away)
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macabr3-barbi3 · 1 month
A Practical Demonstration (Alastor/Reader)
The deal you made with Alastor leads to an unexpected demonstration.
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(ayyo I never posted the first and second chapter of this so: here we go!) Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Tags: Sex Toys; Non Sex-Repulsed Alastor; Reader-Insert
“What in the nine rings is that shit?”
“Hi, Angel,” you greet him as he came into your room, not bothering to close the door fully behind him. “As always, nice of you to knock.” You’ve got a wide spread of documents scattered across the desk, various color schemes and books on light studies and all sorts of shit that Velvette had asked you to look into for her. You don’t mind helping out where you can but you had been at this for hours, and Angel showing up unannounced was always a good way to distract you when you were trying to work.
The demon shrugs. “Eh, ya get used to it,” he says with a grin, his sharp teeth coming into view, the gold one glinting in the light from your desk. “But for real, what is that thing?” He points to your nightstand, where the rose toy you neglected to put away sat on proud display.
You flush and race across the room, throwing the toy unceremoniously back inside. “It’s really nothing,” you tell him, and when he approaches you spread your arms out to try to keep him back. “Angel, come on-”
He’s sprouted his third set of arms to reach around you, opening the drawer and pulling your newest gift out from the top. “Come on now, ya don’t gotta be ashamed if it's a sex thing!” He lets it sit in his hand as he poses with the rest of his arms, blinking coyly at you in his new position. “I basically am a sex thing, baby, it don’t bother me none!” He holds it up to inspect, and when he brings it a little too close to his face you drag his arm back away. “Where’d ya get this thing?”
It was a gift from Velvette, something new that Vox and Valentino had created together that your friend had felt compelled to shove into your hands one day. “Keep it on the low, yeah?” She had said, an eyebrow raised and a cocky smirk on her face. “New product, can’t be lettin’ it get in the wrong hands but Satan knows ya ain’t gettin’ any action in that rickety joint of yours.” You had blushed and stammered and protested but ultimately had taken the damn thing, placing it on the nightstand in your room when you returned that day and not touching it beyond the one time you turned it on- just out of curiosity- and saw the force of the suction that it could generate.
“Velvette gave it to me, and it’s a sex toy,” you tell him, and he gives you a knowing look.
“Ahh, she’s still tryna get ya laid, huh?” You close your eyes and give him a tight nod. “She still doesn’t know about your thing for tall and freaky?”
You slam your hands over his mouth, eyes darting to the partially open door, not noticing the shadow that slipped into the room mere moments before. “Angel! Shut up!”
“Whaaaat?” He complains, pulling your hands away from his mouth. “It’s not like it’s a secret- pretty much everyone knows except the Strawberry Pimp himself, and-”
“And,” you interrupt him, taking the toy from his hands and throwing it back into the nightstand, “I would like to keep it that way. And don’t call him that,” you add as an afterthought.
Angel groans as he started walking away. “Spoilsport,” he calls over his shoulder. “Ya never let me have any fun.” He exits the room and purposely leaves the door fully open this time, and with an eye roll you follow him, sure that Charlie and Vaggie have dinner ready by now.
Alastor is there when you stroll into the dining room, his customary smile in place as he looks at the two of you. “Evening, friends!” He greets you, and you give him a smile back. “I’ve saved a seat for you, my dear,” he says, and pulls out the chair to the right of the one he normally sits in.
Your face flushes, and Angel snickers beside you as he goes around the table to sit by Husk. “You don’t have to do that, Alastor,” you tell him, and his grin sharpens dangerously.
“But of course I do,” he says smoothly, quietly, fanning out his napkin to sit across his lap as he sits. “What would dear Velvette think if she knew we weren’t getting along?”
Your spine stiffens, and a glance around the room confirms that no one else had heard him. It was the only point of contention between the two of you, really, the deal that you had made with him to keep Velvette safe from the insanity of the other Vees.
He owned your soul, and any of your knowledge of the more recent aspects of technology on Earth that could potentially help him in taking down Vox. In return, he would not specifically target Velvette when the final confrontation with the Vees took place, content with simply obliterating Vox and Valentino- provided that Velvette did not take any actions directly against him.
Velvette knew about your deal and the part you played in ensuring that when the Vees fell she would not be part of the carnage. They had thrown her under the bus not long before you came to the hotel, placing the blame for a series of footage and info leaks on her social media platforms, and she was more than happy to let someone else seek her revenge for her. She kept the benefits of working with the Vees- ‘no harm done,’ she had told them- and had the extra reassurance that when they fell she would remain on top. She knew you seemed happy enough to work with Alastor when he asked it of you, and was pleased that the deal didn’t seem to be a hardship on you.
He didn’t often use that against you like this though, like her safety was a bargaining chip that went hand in hand with his personal happiness or mood. You hadn’t even said anything bad! Just that he hadn’t needed to save you a seat beside him. You were thrilled, honestly, and just mostly nervous about him catching one of your looks or blushes when you watched him too closely.
You gave him a smile regardless. “Right. I appreciate the gesture then,” you say, and don’t see the way that his grin extends as he watches you sit and start reaching for the food laid out on the table.
Dinner is a strange affair. Throughout the night Alastor seems to keep finding excuses to turn his attention to you, only to harshly refute or ignore what you say in response. His leg is twitchy under the table and keeps knocking against yours, to the point that you turn essentially sideways in your seat to stop it from happening and talk to Vaggie and Charlie instead. At the end of the meal you walk yourself to your room slowly, tired beyond belief, confused and a bit hurt by Alastor’s behavior.
To your surprise, the Radio Demon is in your room when you close the door behind you. You startle a bit, not expecting him, and at the sound he looks up from where he sits at your desk, the documents you had for Velvette organized into a neat stack. “Hello, my dear!” He says, and rises from the chair to approach you. You look to the floor, not wanting him to see the hurt you’re sure is reflected there, but he places a sharp tipped finger under your chin and raises your head to look at him. His smile is softer, his eyes lowered a bit as he gazes down at you. 
“I want to apologize for my behavior at dinner,” he says, and you heave a relieved exhale. “Upon reflection I do see that my manners were abysmal, and there was no need to treat you in such a fashion.”
“It’s okay, sir,” you say, but when you start to take a step back more of his fingers come up to grip your face, holding you in place. “Um-”
“Ah ah ah,” he admonishes. “I wasn’t finished. In addition to my apology, I did have a query for you in regards to our deal.”
“Of course,” you tell him, and your heart has started beating a bit harder in your chest now with the way he’s looking at you. It’s impossible to tell when he’s angry with the smile most of the time, but his expression is even more unreadable now than it usually is. “What is it?”
He pauses for a moment. “Is there any form of technology that you are uncomfortable with the thought of showing or demonstrating for me?”
You blink slowly a couple times, the way you’ve seen Lucifer do when he doesn’t understand something that someone has said to him. “Uh. No, sir, I don’t think so.” Part of your ‘job description,’ as Alastor put it, was sometimes showing him non-television style technology and demonstrating its uses for him. You had gone over flip phones, Walkman's, CD players, pagers, and more recently some small tablets and compact computers. Digital cameras were out of the question, as were actual televisions whether they be old or new.
He didn’t like any of them, would have rather not bothered with the whole idea by his own admission. But he felt it necessary to understand what he could about the things that gave Vox so much power over people, and being the most recently dead at the Hotel you had the most up-to-date information. You were also one of the few who didn’t begrudge Alastor his preference for older tech- you had died while AI was a big thing on Earth, and that had freaked you out enough at times that you could appreciate hardwiring that didn’t talk back to you unprompted. Usually he stood a few feet away, far enough back that he could still watch without interrupting any frequencies, and allowed you to walk him through the various uses of the device.
“Lovely!” He says at your response, and then straightens up and crosses the room towards your bed of all places. “Now, I noticed at dinner that you’ve seemed quite out of sorts lately. Are you getting enough rest?”
“Yes, sir, I think so,” you tell him, eying him warily. “I’ve been doing a lot of studying for Velvette to help with her shoots- light composition and all that, but-“
He makes a noise at you, something that sounds like an admonishment. “Come now,” he says, “you mustn’t be neglecting your beauty sleep for a Vee, even if she is the most tolerable of the lot!” He takes a seat on your bed- what? - and gently pats the pillow at the head. “In you go, my dear. I can’t have my little assistant lacking.”
You raise your eyebrows but decide not to argue on the matter. He’s been in a weird mood all night, and you really are quite tired at this point. You approach cautiously, climbing into bed the opposite side of where he sits. “If you say so, Alastor.” You lay back against the pillow, not bothering yet to get under the covers. “I’ll see you in the morning?” You glance towards the door, hoping that he will rise and leave you.
“Hahaha!” He laughs instead, rotating his body so that he can face you more fully. ‘No, I think not my dear! I’ll stay to make sure you get some proper shut-eye.”
Your heart beats faster. No way would you be able to actually sleep with him in the room. “That’s really okay,” you try to tell him, but when you sit up he places a hand gently on your shoulder and guides you back down to the pillow.
“Naughty girl,” he admonishes, and the words send a rush of heat across your face. “I truly insist! You rest up, and I’ll be right here to ensure that you do!”
“Oookay,” you finally agree, and lean back against the pillows stiffly. It's torture for a long few minutes, where you try to regulate your breathing and not focus on the fact that he’s so close to you, in your bed. Eventually though, despite your heartbeat in your throat, you do start to relax a bit.
“Hmmm.” Alastor hums where he sits in the bed next to you, and while his smile is, of course, still present, his eyes have a kind of far off look in them.
“Alastor? Is everything okay?”
“Oh, quite alright!” He says in his typical fashion. “But I must admit I find myself rather curious about something, and I was hoping you could help me gain some enlightenment.”
“Sure; however I can help.”
“Splendid!” He claps his hands together. Your nightstand is enveloped in shadows, and when it re-emerges your rose toy sits front and center on top. You choke on your spit a bit, sputtering as Alastor looks at you. “I heard you mention to Angel Dust that this is a ‘sex toy’ earlier, but you didn’t go into any further detail! What exactly is the function of such a thing?”
You were going to drop double dead right here in your bedroom, with Alastor sitting atop your sheets and looking curiously between you and the toy. “Oh God, uh…” He raises an eyebrow, prompting you to continue, but you can’t seem to find the words. “Shit, um, that’s not really- it’s kinda a private thing,” you sputter out, but he just continues to smile at you as you attempt to sink through the bed, through the floor, into a special kind of Hell reserved for moments as awkward as this one.
“I confess, my dear, a contribution to my terrible manners earlier stemmed from the idea that you might be holding back information.” He plucked the small device off the night stand and turned it this way and that in his hand. “When I thought about how you mentioned to Angel that it was a ‘sex toy,’ though, I realized that we had never established any sort of boundary as far as what kinds of technology you would show me per the confines of our deal!” He placed a hand to his forehead, an exaggerated face palm. “Which was quite silly of me, of course.”
You were going to stop breathing.
“Naturally I wouldn't want to make you do anything that would make you uncomfortable,” he continued, tucking the hand not holding the intimate technology under his chin to look at you thoughtfully. “And really, I doubt this is any kind of device that could do any true damage in the coming battle between myself and Vox. But one can never be too sure!” 
He holds it out to you, and though you take it with trembling hands you are still trying to explain. “Sir- Alastor - this is very much not the kind of technology that you would be interested in.”
“Oh but I am!” He assures you, and he sits cross legged now beside you. “I am quite interested in learning more about such a strange device. And did you not say that there was no technology that you were uncomfortable with demonstrating?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“And- pardon my eavesdropping, of course- did you not also tell Angel Dust that you received the device from Velvette, a known ally of my personal enemy and a demon bent on destroying me?”
You close your eyes tightly. This was too much. “Yes, I did. But-”
He makes a noise at you, like a parent would to an unruly child. “Well now, how am I to know that the device was not planted on Velvette by the others? Not merely a gift to a friend but something orchestrated by Vox to destroy me and everything I care for?” He reaches out a hand, brushing his fingers against your cheek. “I would so hate to see you harmed, my dear. Will you not show me how it works to ease my worried thoughts?”
Your breath is stuck in your throat as you swallow hard. You… suppose he raised a valid point, as awkward as you felt about it. You knew that despite your deal he felt some apprehension about allowing you to spend so much time with Velvette, even with what you were providing him with in return. If this was what it would take to ease some of the tension in his mind…
“I… okay,” you said finally on an exhale, and looked back down at the toy. Your voice trembled as you held it up for him to see. “Do you… I mean, usually you stand a little ways away, sir.”
His grin stretches up his face, eyes glowing red as he watches you fiddle with the object in your hand. “Oh no, darling, I’m quite content right here.”
“Right.” The blush on your face nearly permanent at this point, you rotate the device so that you can reach the button on the side. “There’s this little, um, button on the side to turn it on.” you press the button and the noise immediately starts, subtle but all too loud in the space between you and Alastor. Your cheeks are burning. “There are a few different uh, strength settings. For the. Suction.” The smile on Alastor’s face is etched in stone, and he leans closer to you as you cycle through the different speed settings. You can’t look at him anymore, dropping your eyes into your lap as you hold up the toy. “Next, uh…”
“What is the suction for, dear?”
When you look up you nearly jump back in shock; he’s moved even closer, his face right in front of yours when you’ve brought it up. “I- what?”
He places his hand over yours on the rose. “The suction. Whatever could it be for?” You try to lean back and he follows you, bent nearly in half as he does. “You could use-”
“No!” You push the toy into his hands, desperate for escape from this situation, but his smile doesn’t waver. “I mean, not no no, but- you don’t want to see that-”
“My dear.” He sets the device to the side, using one of his hands to bring your face up to look at him. He comes even closer, essentially crawling across the bed and hovering over you- what the fuck what the fuck- while you do your best to sink into the pillow. “As entertaining as it is to see you so flustered, I truly was looking for a more practical demonstration. Won’t you show me?”
If your heart flutters any harder it will burst from your chest. But he’s being so insistent that he doesn’t mind the nature of the device and that he wants an actual showing of how it’s used. You take a deep, shaky breath and commit to it- he’s asked, and you’ll indulge Alastor anything he asks of you. You reach to the side of him and take hold of the toy. “I haven’t, uh. Used it before,” you tell him.
 His eyes flash red and the smile stretches as he leans back the slightest bit. “No time like the present then!” He chirps, the static in his voice more pronounced that it had been thus far. When you move your hand to your waistband you hesitate, but his eyes zero in on the movement. “By all means,” he says, “don’t stop on my account.”
Another deep breath and you clench your eyes shut, not able to make eye contact with him as you remove your bottoms. With your eyes closed you don’t see the way that his widen; so focused on your own breathing that you don’t notice his sharp inhale at your movements as you settle back into the mattress. You keep your eyes closed as you bring the toy to your lower body, debate for a moment, and decide to position it before switching it on.
You’re hyperaware of Alastor’s gaze on you even without being able to see it. Your hands tremble as you place the small gap in the top over your clit, spreading your legs slightly for a better angle. A hand on your thigh makes your eyes fly open, and when you make eye contact with Alastor you clench them shut again, unable to do this knowing that he’s touching you-
Without realizing, your hands have tightened their grip on the toy and pressed the button to turn it onto the lowest suction strength. The sudden strong sucking on your most sensitive spot has a harsh moan tumbling from your lips, your head tossing back into the pillow and Alastor’s fingers tightening imperceptibly on your skin, claws digging in ever so slightly. It's so much and so sudden, almost overwhelming, and you’re not sure if you should curse Velvette or send her a gift basket.
“What does it feel like?” The static is gone from Alastor’s voice, and when you find the strength to open your eyes he’s much closer to your… demonstration than you would have expected him to be. Close enough to taste, not that he would, but the thought of it alone has your hips lifting from the bed, desperate for more that you know he won’t give you.
“It’s so- ugh, fuck,” is what you manage, and his eyes are hooded and focused so intently on you. You hope that this is giving him whatever information he was hoping to gather, because there was no way in any of the nine rings of Hell that you would ever be able to look him in the eyes again after this.
“Eloquent, darling,” he says, still no static to the words, and then his spare hand is placed over yours on the rose toy and jumping the suction up by a couple levels.
Another unbidden moan rips itself from your chest, your free hand clenching the sheets on the bed as Alastor holds your other to the toy on your clit. You’re soaked by this point, arousal dripping onto the sheets below you, and you’re so close already without the added stimulation of the harsher suction. “Fuck fuck fuck, God,” you get out between your panting, and his chuckle brings your gaze back to him, not realizing that your eyes had rolled back as you rode the waves of pleasure.
His other hand, the one that had been on your thigh, is now posed by your entrance, his glove discarded somewhere on the bed and his fingers mere centimeters away from where you suddenly, desperately want them to be. “There’s no God here, my dear,” he says darkly, “but perhaps I can be persuaded to worship you instead.” The suction increases again, his pressing of the button subtle, but it's too much, too much-
Your vision goes dark with the strength of your orgasm, the coil in your stomach snapping as you arch up with a drawn out gasp of his name. There’s static in the room, drowning out the sound of your cries as you ride through your release, and you can just barely see Alastor through your half-closed eyes, his own eyes lidded and his pupils blown wide as his smile is stretched as far as the sudden green stitches would allow. 
He holds down on the power button to turn the device off, pulling it- and his hands- away from your body. You allow your eyes to drift shut, breathing heavily as you lay back into the pillows. You can hear the vague sounds of something moving around, your nightstand opening and closing though the space on the bed is still dipped down from his weight. You’re trying to gather the strength to say something, to explain yourself maybe- because how could you let yourself get so far gone that you said his name mid-orgasm, Jesus- when the dip in the mattress disappears.
“Well, that was quite enlightening!” You hear him say, and when you drag your eyes open he’s standing on the other side of the bed, his expression totally normal aside from the permanent smile. “I do so appreciate your compliance, my dear, in helping to ease my mind about such a strange device.”
“I- yeah, sure,” you manage to get out without stuttering too much, and how composed he is now, while you are still half naked and heaving from your release, has your face flaming. “Anytime. Happy to help.”
His eyes lower. “Funny you should say that! I did notice a few more devices in your drawer- were these items gifts from Velvette as well?”
You had forgotten about the variety of other toys you kept near your bed, and your blush renews, your face hot at the thought of what he had seen. “No, sir,” you tell him, and he makes a little humming noise similar to the one he had earlier. 
You think about how his pupils had been so dilated, his fingers poised and ready to join the fray while you used the toy, and add as an afterthought- “Some of them are uh, VoxTech brand though.” You hoped you weren’t wrong, and the positively lecherous look that his smile takes on confirms it for you.
“How interesting!” he exclaims. “I suppose there may be other demonstrations in order then, hm? After all, it never hurts to be thorough!” He holds a hand out to you and you place your own into it, allowing him to bring it to his lips for a soft kiss. “And I do plan on being quite thorough, darling. I hope we can find the time to reconvene soon- in the meantime, sweet dreams.” 
With that he melts into shadows and vanishes, and no sooner than the black puddle on the floor disappeared have you whipped your phone out of the pocket of your discarded bottoms. You text Velvette first, a series of emojis that she has no hope of deciphering- her response of ‘TF r u on about???’ confirming that thought- and then Angel, asking for recommendations before pulling up the VoxTech website and taking a look at the options you don’t currently have in your drawer.
Like Alastor said- it doesn’t hurt to be thorough!
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candycandy00 · 3 months
The Doll House - A Nanami x Reader Fanfic Part 4 (Final)
Despite your crippling fear of men, your family sells you to the Doll House. Luckily, you end up with the handsome, gentlemanly Nanami as your trainer, and he’s about to show you how great a man can be.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Geto’s Part Here!
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Gojo’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
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AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Nanami’s. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored! I’m keeping the same tag list as Geto’s part. If you’d like to be removed, please let me know!
Note: Consider these parts AU’s within an AU. So you might see Geto with a different doll from the reader in his part, but just consider this an alternate timeline lol.
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Daddy kink. Hair pulling. Fingering. Divider by @benkeibear!
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Your voice comes out louder than you expected as your jaw practically hits the floor. Your aunt shows up out of nowhere, on your birthday, right after a magical date with Nanami, and tells you she’s taking you home? Why now? Scratch that, why did she sell you off in the first place?
You’ve wanted desperately to go home since the moment she dumped you out here, so this should be everything you want. But… Nanami just asked you to be his doll, for the entire ten years! Being with a man you’ve fallen in love with is something you never realized you wanted until now. 
Two things you want desperately, offered to you at the same time, but you can only choose one. 
Your heart and head are getting confused. Everything is happening too fast. 
Your aunt looks at you and smiles, as if she didn’t just abandon you. “I figured four weeks would be enough. Looks like I was right. Look at you, all dressed up, going to dinner with a man.”
“Enough for what?” you ask, feeling strangely numb. 
“Enough to fix your little man-fearing problem,” she says, giving a dismissive wave of her hand. “No niece of mine was going to stay hidden away in her room for the rest of her life, playing those silly games and reading those silly books.”
You stare at her in disbelief. “So, you sent me here to get me over my fear of men?” She nods, and suddenly you feel angry. “How could you?! Do you know how scared I was? I almost jumped out a window!”
“Now, now, don’t get snippy with me,” she says, not seeming to take your words seriously at all. “We can discuss all this privately. The owner has been kind enough to loan us one of the empty rooms for the night so we can finalize the termination of the contract. Come along.”
She walks off down the hall as if she owns the place, leaving you in stunned silence. You look over at Nanami, who has remained quiet this whole time, probably thinking it would be rude to interrupt a family discussion. 
For a brief moment, a look of hurt passes over his face, but then he smiles warmly at you and says, “You get to go home. That’s what you’ve wanted all along, right? I’m happy for you.”
“Please forget what I said earlier. Your place is with your family. You don’t belong here, being someone else’s property. Go and live your life.”  
With that, he leans down and kisses your cheek, and then he’s gone, back to his room. You hear his door close, and it feels like he’s shut you out. 
Left alone, you feel even more overwhelmed and confused. Should you go after Nanami? You don’t even know what you want. First of all, you think you should talk to your aunt before making any serious decision. 
You walk down the familiar hallway and find only one door open. Inside, your aunt is sitting in a chair, your doll contract in her hands. She’s reading it over, probably for the tenth time. She’s always been very detail-oriented about things like this. 
When you walk in and shut the door behind you, she looks up. “Don’t worry, the fees for breaking the contract are small,” she says. “There won’t be any problems.”
You’ve read the contract already. You know the fees are most definitely not small, though maybe they are for someone like her. 
“Aunt Rina, did you really send me here just so I could get over my fear?”
She places the contract on the nearby table and crosses her legs. “Of course, honey. And it fixed you right up, didn’t it?”
“But what if I’d gotten stuck with some brute who would abuse me? How could you take that kind of risk with my safety?” you ask, struggling to keep your tone even, controlled. You’re trying to mimic Nanami. 
She scoffs. “Do you think I didn’t extensively research this place, and Nanami Kento specifically, before bringing you here?”
You blink in surprise. “Nanami? You mean you planned for him to be my trainer?”
“I most certainly did,” she replies, looking pleased with herself. “He looks just like that cartoon man you loved so much when you were younger. Prince whatshisname. And after looking into him, he turned out to be perfect. I even spoke with several dolls he’s trained, and all of them had lovely things to say about him. They said he cares about consent, that he’s a wonderful lover, and just generally a prince of a man. I knew he could fix you, so I made sure he was available before bringing you in.”
She keeps using that term. “Fixing”. To her, you’re just a project that needed repairs. You clench your fists at your sides but keep your voice at a calm level. “Aunt Rina, I know you probably meant well, in your own way, but that wasn’t your decision to make. Especially not without even discussing it with me first. Even though Nanami has been wonderful to me, those first few days were hell for me. I was so scared, and I thought I had no family to turn to, because you had abandoned me.”
For the first time, a glimmer of something like guilt flashes in Aunt Rina’s eyes. “I was only trying to help you,” she says, half guilty, half defensive. “You’re such a smart, beautiful young woman. It seemed a shame to watch you rot away.”
You walk over and place one hand on her shoulder. “I understand what you’re saying, but you still didn’t have the right to make that choice for me. And the truth is, whether I’m afraid of men or not, I’m still going to be playing my games and reading my books. Getting over my fear won’t change who I am. You keep wanting to ‘fix me’, but I don’t need to be fixed. Not in the way you mean.”
Aunt Rina opens her mouth to say something, but she stops herself. She watches as you reach down and pick up the contract, then fold it neatly. 
“What are you doing?” she asks, looking alarmed. 
You tuck the contract into your bra, having no pockets on the dress. “I’m making my own decision for once. I’m choosing how I want to live my life.”
She stands up. “As a doll?! As some man’s plaything?”
“Not ‘some man’, Aunt Rina. The man I love.”
Before she can reply, you leave the room, hoping it’s not too late to take Nanami up on his offer.
Nanami closes the book in his lap and sighs. He can’t focus on the words at all. His eyes keep drifting over to the empty chair across from him, to the book she’d just started last night, lying untouched on the table. He didn’t realize how much he would miss her comforting presence, the way her face lit up as she read. 
Should he have fought for her? Begged her to stay with him? No, that would have been unfair to her. She never wanted to be a doll in the first place, and that sort of life really didn’t suit her. She had a family and a home to return to, and he wouldn’t dream of trying to force her to give that up. He wouldn’t even ask, so as not to put her in a difficult position. 
Still… he‘ll miss her. 
A few minutes ago, he bagged up her belongings and sat them neatly in the hall. He hopes she’ll quietly take them and leave. He’s not sure he could bear seeing her again, saying goodbye to her. If he sees her face, hears her voice, he might not be able to resist asking her to stay. 
Just as he’s standing up to get ready for bed, he hears a knock at his door. He freezes in place, listening. Then, he hears her sweet voice carry through the door. 
“Nanami? Can we talk?”
He doesn’t answer. He can’t answer. He knows it’s cowardly, but he can’t face her, can’t face the coming farewell. 
“Nanami? K… Kento?”
She’s never called him by his given name before, and his heart races at the sound of it. Why does it have to sound so lovely coming from her mouth? 
There’s a pause, and then she asks, “Are you asleep?”
He doesn’t make a sound, afraid she’ll hear him and know he’s awake. So he waits, and waits, not moving, barely breathing, until it’s been so long that he’s certain she’s gone. Then he exhales a heavy breath and walks over to the door. He slowly cracks it open, and finds no one in the hall. She must have given up and gone to sleep. A tiny, selfish part of him wishes she’d still been there at his door, waiting for him. Surprisingly, her belongings are still on the floor, untouched. Did she not realize what they were?
Nanami closes the door again, locks it, then leans his back against it, eyes downcast. He can faintly smell her perfume. He was right to not open the door for her. It was taking every ounce of his strength to keep from marching straight to the room she’s sharing with her aunt and demand that she choose him. 
The snow is picking up outside. He can hear the frigid wind blowing past his window. He wonders if she’s watching the snow, and at that very moment, he realizes it’s not just the wind he hears. 
Something is banging on his window. 
He looks up in surprise, and between the heavy brown curtains he can just make out a hand pressed against the glass. 
Nanami rushes over and throws the curtains back. There, shivering at his window, red dress billowing around her in the snowy wind, is his doll. He hurriedly opens the window, ignoring the gust of snow hitting him in the face. “What are you doing?!” he yells, taking one of her arms and pulling her inside. He glances out the window behind her and sees a small end table from the welcome room. Did she really drag it outside in the cold and use it to climb up?
Her dress is damp from the snow, and beneath it, she’s wearing chunky black boots. “Are those… Choso’s boots?”
“I borrowed them,” she says, her teeth chattering. “Didn’t want to do this in heels.”
Nanami rushes to his closet and pulls out a coat, then wraps it around her shoulders. “Back to my original question,” he says, “what are you doing?”
“You wouldn’t open your door,” she tells him, seeming unusually bold. “This was my only other idea.”
He’s trying to decide how to respond to that when she reaches into the neckline of her dress and pulls out a folded piece of paper. 
“Here’s my contract,” she says, holding the paper out to him. “Take it, and make me yours!”
Nanami stares at the contract in her hand, but doesn’t take it. “I can’t. You belong with your family. I don’t want to make you-“
“You’re not making me do anything!” she says forcefully. “For the first time in my life, I’m making an important choice for myself. I’m choosing you! Please don’t cheapen that by suggesting that you’re somehow making me do this.”
Nanami looks at her face, into her eyes. He sees nothing but determination and resolve. No doubts, no fear. She’s still holding the contract out to him. His face relaxes as the tension leaves his body. “I can’t take your contract now. The Doll House owns it until your training is complete.”
She blinks and lowers her arm. “Really?”
“Yes. So hold onto it until then.”
Her eyes flick from the contract in her hands to his face. “Does that mean you’ll still keep me?”
He smiles at her. “I’d be honored to officially have you as my doll.”
She squeals in delight and throws her arms around his neck, his coat slipping off her shoulders and falling to the floor. His hands automatically move to her back, rubbing it gently through the silky material of the dress as he tilts his face down to kiss her. 
You’ve never been so happy before. You fell in love with your trainer, and the feeling is mutual. Now you get to spend the next ten years as his doll. You can’t imagine a more perfect life. 
The two of you have been wrapped in each other’s arms for nearly ten minutes straight, kissing and smiling. But you’ve noticed a few things: Nanami’s kisses are getting deeper, his hands are slowly sliding your dress up your body, and there’s a rock hard bulge in his pants. 
You raise your arms to let him pull the dress over your head, then you step out of Choso’s oversized boots, giggling at the memory of the other trainer’s confused face when you asked to borrow them. Nanami eagerly helps you out of your underwear, then unbuttons his shirt. You watch him pull the fabric off his shoulders, holding your breath without realizing it. Then he’s removing his pants, somehow looking classy even as he steps out of them one leg at a time. 
Once fully undressed, he takes your hand and leads you to the bed. He kisses you once more before taking his place on the mattress, sitting up with his back against the brass headboard. He gently tugs you into his lap, facing away from him, and then his hands are moving all over you, softly groping your thighs and breasts. You lean back against his chest, and his mouth finds your neck. You breathe out a sigh as his hand slips down between your legs, his fingers brushing over your clit. He rubs tiny circles into it until you’re moaning and shuddering in his lap, your pussy dripping wet. 
He pushes you forward until your elbows are almost touching the bed in front of you, your ass raised slightly. Then his hands are on your hips, pulling you back and onto his cock. You gasp as he enters you, this position allowing him to go especially deep. His hands on either side of you guide your movements, so that you’re thrusting back onto him, feeling him hit your sweet spot each time. 
One of his hands leaves your hip and moves up to your neck, where he rubs across your skin, gathering your hair in his fist. He pulls, forcing your back to arch and his cock to shove even deeper into you. You cry out, your body stretching to its limit in various ways. “Ahhh, s-so deep, Daddy!”
He uses your hair to turn your head, so that you’re facing him as he leans around to kiss you. “Such a good girl for me,” he says, his other hand finding your clit again. 
When the pleasure overwhelms you, you stop fucking yourself on his cock for a moment, catching your breath. He firmly tugs your hair, saying, “Don’t slow down, not until you’re full of my cum.”
Fuck, he’s hot when he’s forceful. 
“Sorry, Daddy,” you say with a shaky voice, resuming your thrusts. “It just… feels so good…”
His fingers relentlessly pleasure you as he keeps a tight grip on your hair, keeping your upper body leaning back against him. The stimulation is too much, and you quickly cum, panting and moaning, your whole body quivering. 
But you don’t stop moving, wanting to make Nanami feel as good as you do, wanting to feel his warm cum inside you. Clenching around him, you tilt your face up to kiss him again, deeply, your tongue running over his. It doesn’t take long for him to twitch inside you, and you feel him shudder as his grip on your hair tightens and his cock presses in deeper than ever. He cums into your pussy, filling you to the brim with his warmth. 
Afterward, the two of you are lying in bed, you wrapped in his arms. His hands are idly rubbing your shoulders as he kisses the top of your head. 
“I thought I’d lost you,” he says, his voice quiet. 
“Never,” you say. 
He lets out a sigh, sounding comfortable and content. “I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight than you outside my window.”
You look up at him. “Seriously? I thought I looked desperate.”
He smiles down at you. “I thought you looked like a dream, like everything I’ve ever wanted.”
You blush and bury your face in his chest. “I’ll talk to my aunt tomorrow,” you say, changing the subject. “I’m the one who signed the contract so she has no say in the matter, but I want to explain things to her anyway. She was wrong to do what she did, but she did raise me.”
“Of course,” he says. There’s a pause, then he adds, “Once your training is over, and I take possession of your contract, I’m going to rip it up.”
You sit up in alarm. “What? Why?”
“I don’t want you to be bound to me because of a legal document,” he tells you. “I want you to stay with me because you choose to. And besides… ten years isn’t nearly enough.”
You grin, snuggling back up to him. “I’ll always choose you. Ten years from now. A hundred years from now. I love you.”
Tag List:
@suguguro @kaedear @onyxsphynx @poopoobuttsy @butterskyy @collectionofdolls @akaotv @witchbybirth @bloofinntoona @wasurenagusaa @tclbts @tojirin @lucyrocks86 @badbyeyoongi @97britt @aydene @lzaj19 @lyn-lotte @missthatgirl @peachedtv @ladytamayolover @nanam1nx @deegausserr
Note for those on the tag list: I’m doing Sukuna’s part next and since it will involve some more extreme elements (s&m, erotic torture, ptsd, things like that, though everything that happens between Sukuna and Reader will be consensual), I’m not going to keep this tag list. If you’d like to be tagged in the Sukuna chapters, please tell me so! Otherwise, I’ll resume tagging you when I get to the next trainer! 
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multi-fxndom446 · 6 months
Alejandro Vargas x Reader
Summary: you are taken into custody after working with Valeria and Alejandro practically begs for you to give him a reason why.
Warnings: angst, talk about blackmail, fluff at the end, a lil spicy at the end by not to much. my absolute shit show of Spanish (my resident Spanish speaker took 6 hours to respond and I don’t trust google.) IS THIS MILITARY ACCURATE OR POLITICALLY ACCURATE? NO BUT LEMME LIVE.
Word count: 5.1k
Also the very end was completely unnecessary and you can skip it if you want but I feel like it add another little happy ending cushion😗
Whaaaat another one so soon??? Crazy.
Genuinely this seemed better in my head but hopefully y’all still like it.
Now where did this come from? Idfk don’t ask my I was gonna write for Gaz next 😭
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Your wrists hurt.
That was the only thing you tried to focus on as you stared blankly at the wall in front of you as if looking through the multiple men standing in the room with you, interrogating you.
They had your wrists zip tied together behind the chair. You couldn’t help but rub against the restraint from how tight they were, your skin becoming raw.
It made you wonder if they cuffed you tighter than was necessary. No, you knew they did. Maybe it was because it was Alejandro who restrained you and he let his anger for you bleed through slightly.
“You’re really not gonna talk?” Alejandro demanded, his hands splayed on the table separating the two of you. If you looked in his eyes you knew you’d see the anger he harbored for you but that’s not what you were scared of seeing, you were scared of seeing the confusion, the hurt that would also be there. “Why did you do it?”
He’d been asking you that for the last half hour and yet you still haven’t given him a reason for doing what you did. You didn’t give him a reason as to why you betrayed him and Rudy all those years ago. And why you did it again not even a week ago.
You were taken into custody with Valeria, who was in a separate room from you awaiting her own interrogation but for some reason they really wanted answers from you.
“Let's go. She won’t talk.” Ghost had finally said after a tense moment of Alejandro trying to get you to look him in the eyes but everytime he did it was like you were staring straight through him. “Maybe Valeria will talk.”
Maybe she would. Just to torment you further.
“C’mon Ale.” Rudy muttered softly patting him on the shoulder as he walked out of the room with everyone else.
Alejandro stared at you for a moment longer and in a split second of weakness your eyes flitted up to meet his. His breath caught in his throat but he forced himself to look away and follow the others out.
He was the last to enter the shipping container holding Valeria and after they got the information they needed from her some of the men left. Leaving him, Rudy and Price alone with her.
“Why did she do it?” Alejandro asked her but she tilted her head in mock confusion, legs crossed like she didn’t have a care in the world. “Don’t play stupid Valeria. She wouldn’t have done that on her own accord.”
Finally Valeria snapped, a humorless laugh leaving her lips. “And how would you know? You don’t know anything about her.” Alejandro just glared back at her.
“Can someone please explain to me the relationship between all of you?” Price finally piped in and it was then Alejandro realized he never really explained how he knew you.
Alejandro held his glare on the women before him for a moment longer before turning his head to glance at Price. “Y/n was part of Valeria’s squad. One of the closest friends Valeria had.” Valeria sneered in response.
“Maybe that was why she decided to join me. Ever think of that pendejo? Maybe she wanted to.” Alejandro just shook his head, he could feel his anger rising the more he spoke to her, he knew he had to calm down if he was going to get the answers he wanted. “She was practically my right hand man y’know? Did everything I asked without question.”
“There has to be a reason for it. She wouldn’t have just done that.” Rudy finally spoke up. “She was also my friend in the military. I did know her, she wouldn’t have just done something like that for no reason at all. She wouldn’t have betrayed us-“
“Twice?” Valeria finished, laughing when all three pairs of eyes snapped back to her. “You hear quite a few things when stuck in here. Did you ever think maybe it’s just in her to betray you?”
Alejandro scoffed. He clenched his jaw as he shook his head in disbelief, “no.” He stated as he slammed open the door and walked out.
Time was running out for you to confess your reasons to him. TF141 was already gathering supplies to take off shortly to go after the last missile and Hassan. He needed to know why before he put you in a prison so far away he would never even see a glimpse of you again.
You were still staring off blankly rubbing against your restraint when Alejandro came in again. So loudly it did cause you to glance at him but this time he held your gaze as he walked in closer.
“Explain to me.” He demanded his fists clenched tight. “Explain it to me! Why did you do it?” Your heart hurt at the way his voice had a hint of begging.
When once again he saw your lips were sealed tight he flung the only other chair in the room against a wall. “Puta madre!” He yelled but you didn’t move not even when Rudy and Soap rushed in at the commotion.
Soap had a hand on Alejandro’s chest to stop him from advancing which he just shook off. “Alejandro, maybe you should take a minute to calm down.” He said softly but Alejandro just shook his head.
He opened his mouth to respond when your voice stopped him in his tracks. “I won’t speak to you.” You said it with such conviction before nodding to Rudy. “I’ll only talk to Rudy.”
Alejandro looked between you and his best friend with a look you could almost decipher as hurt or betrayal. Maybe both. “What?” He muttered his gaze still flying back and forth before he took a deep breath and leveled you with a harsh glare. You wouldn’t talk to him then whatever happened to you was no longer his fault. “You don’t get to call him Rudy. Not after everything you’ve done. It’s Rodolfo to you.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, “fine I’ll only speak to Rodolfo. No one else.” Then you went quiet again and shifted your gaze back to the wall. All three men looked at each other before Rudy looked to his friend, almost in question on if it would be okay for him to talk to you.
“Hijo de la puta.” Alejandro shoved soaps hand away as he put an arm out again. “Fuck!” Finally after a few more moments of him cursing under his breath he nodded to Rudy before he quickly made his way out, soap following close behind.
Rudy watched his Colonel go, he knew how much this was hurting him. It was hurting him as well. You and him were pretty close when you served together, you told him everything and he you, so he truly couldn’t believe you would betray them without good reason.
“Alright,” he picked the chair up from the floor and set it down across from you, almost surprised that you met his gaze head on. “Explain.”
“I already know I’m dead Rudy.” He titled his head in confusion, choosing to ignore the way you called him by his nickname. “Either i get killed or i'm going to prison for the rest of my life, I have no reason to confess.”
“Other than to give us peace of mind!” He leaned forward. Rudy was never one who was able to hide his emotions easily, especially around people he cared about. But you were honestly getting tired of the pleading that was in the depths of his and Alejandro’s eyes. “There had to be a reason. The you I knew back then would’ve never left without-“
Suddenly he cut himself off almost like a realization hit him square in the face, chest caving slighty he took a deep breath. “Y/n..”
You could see it on his face, the knowledge he had just come upon. Your shoulders sagged as your cold eyes finally broke to reveal just how tired you were. “They threatened someone I care about Rudy.” Silence engulfed the room while he waited for you to continue. “Someone I love. If I were to ever reveal their plans it’s not my life at risk it’s his.”
“After all this time you still-?” His gaze and posture both softened almost immediately as the answers were slowly being revealed to him.
“Everyday.” You swallowed thickly. “I was never worried about my own life.”
Rudy shifted slightly to bring himself closer to you as if the two of you were gossiping. “Dime.” He all but whispered “Everything.”
You shook your head, “I can’t. The ones threatening him are still alive. I can’t.” You denied, your wrists rubbing tighter against the restraints as you grew more and more anxious.
“Valeria and Graves?” You nodded “y/n. Valeria is going away and graves is dead they won’t get to him.”
You shook your head again a little more forcefully, “I didn’t see Graves with my own eyes I don’t know that he is. And you don’t know Valeria, Rudy. Not the way I do. She has people on the outside. I can't risk it. So kill me, do whatever you want to me just keep him safe.”
“You know I can’t do that.” You could see the way his heart was breaking at even the thought of killing you. “I can protect you, we both can. Just trust me enough to tell me.”
You shut your mouth tight, already making up your mind that you were done with this conversation but Rudy wasn’t going to let you do that. Not after he just started getting answers.
“Fine. I’ll go speak with Valeria, tell her you told me everything.” Your eyes shot open at his words. You pulled tight against your restraints as he stood up.
“No?” You shook your head. “Then tell me.”
You searched his eyes to see if he was really going to do what he said but you saw nothing but conviction in them and it made you realize one thing. He had no reason to make promises to you when you broke all of yours.
Sighing, you deflated in your seat. “Valeria, that day on the mountain, already had our squad on her side. I was the last to know because she knew when I found out I would tell you and Ale. She was my best friend. I had no reason to suspect her of anything. Until she held a knife to my throat and told me she would kill him if I didn’t join her. I told her to go ahead, that I would never do it.” The pain of recalling the moments of your betrayal was almost unbearable. “The one person I loved longer than I could remember. His life was in my hands. So the choice was obvious to me. Even if you both hated me in the end at least you both would be alive.”
Rudy took a deep breath as he took in all your words. “And Graves? Why did you side with him?” You gave him a look as if telling him he should already know.
“Come on Rudy.” You scoffed, eyes burning with unshed tears. “You know why. He took me into his custody soon after Valeria and I were arrested. I had information he needed and when I refused to talk he told me what he did to you and everyone else.”
You looked at him again, shaky breaths falling from your lips. “He had him, Rudy. I couldn’t just let Graves hurt him. So yes I told him what I knew in exchange for Alejandro’s safety. I don’t care if that makes me weak, I don’t even care that it means he hates me now. He’s alive. That’s all that matters to me.”
This time when the silence engulfed the room he knew you were well and truly done speaking. Your posture straightened as you sat back against the chair, your gaze back to staring at the wall in front of you.
Rudy let the silence settle for a minute before he rapped his knuckles against the table and let out a deep breath. He pushed his chair in and left without another word, knowing you well enough to know he wasn’t getting anything else out of you.
As soon as he was out of the room, questioning eyes were on him, piercing into his very soul. “Well? Did she say anything?” Alejandro asked frantically, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. But when Rudy stayed silent Alejandro’s shoulders fell. “She really won’t talk? She told you nothing?”
“That’s it Alejandro. We have to load her and Valeria up.” Ghost muttered while the colonel stared at Rudy for another moment, hoping he would say anything. But when he again didn’t he let out a long sigh before nodding his head.
“Sí, I’ll help you.” Alejandro and soap were the ones to go in and get you. Rudy watched from the doorway as the both of you seemed to put a brick wall between you. Neither one acknowledging the other as Soap yanked you up.
You winced slightly when your wrists rubbed against the zip tie again.
Rudy was going to leave it alone. He really was. But then he saw your eyes quickly scan Alejandro as if checking for injuries when he wasn’t looking. Then how Alejandro was still gentle when he grabbed onto your arm to escort you out.
“Colonel, wait.” Your eyes shot over to Rudy who couldn’t seem to keep your gaze. “She did talk. Can we speak privately?”
“Rudy.” You gritted out roughly and Alejandro’s hand tightened its hold on you. “Don’t.”
“Please Ale it’s important.” You swear if looks could kill Rudy would be so far underground. Alejandro looked between you, Rudy and soap before gesturing for soap to let go which he did. Alejandro sat you back in your chair and the both of them followed Rudy out.
“Rodolfo! Don’t you dare!” You screamed after him as the door clicked shut behind them.
You felt like you were going to be sick, after everything you’ve done to keep it a secret it was gonna be exposed just like that because you trusted Rudy. Which in hindsight maybe wasn’t the best idea but after so many years of not seeing a face you trusted your gut just told you to speak to him.
It was so quiet now in your cell. You were so tired, there was no more fight left in you. You followed Valeria around like a puppy on a short leash, doing anything and everything she asked you even when your morals told you it was wrong. One click of her phone had you scrambling to do what she asked.
You learned very early on of all the connections she had. If she wanted something done or someone killed all she had to do was press a few buttons and things would be done.
Alejandro’s life loomed over you even after all these years. Even after all the time you started losing sight of yourself, your anchor was keeping him safe. Maybe that was why it was so easy for you to give in to Graves. Like a good puppy trained, one threat and you were spilling everything.
It made you sick. You were trained harshly in the military to not give information so easily. To either get rescued or die. But..you couldn’t even consider yourself as part of the military anymore not after going with Valeria.
You could still feel the presence of Graves like he was still right behind you interrogating you. Like your hands were still tied to the chair, breathing through any punches they threw at you until you saw Alejandro being roughly escorted by the room you were in. He didn’t notice you but you noticed him and Graves noticed the drastic change in your eyes.
It took him less then a minute to finally understand what made you tick and immediately he switched his way of doing this. Any time you refused to talk, he would send one of his men to Alejandro’s cell just a few doors down. You’d be able to hear very clearly when he would grunt in pain or when he would fall to the floor and it made your heart ache.
You lasted them doing that only a few more times before you finally gave Graves everything he wanted. Then he left you there for dead, stuck in a room in between 141 and shadow company as both sides shot at each other. The stray bullets landing somewhere near you.
You hoped that one would bounce just right and take you out. But unfortunately the world wouldn’t be so kind and in the next moment Alejandro rounded the corner, stopping short when he saw you.
He had clenched his jaw tight then and grabbed a zip tie he found somewhere. He cut you loose but immediately cuffed your hands together and you couldn’t even put up a fight as he grabbed your arm tightly and started dragging you down the halls with them.
That’s how you ended up here you suppose.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed since Rudy decided he was going to reveal everything to Alejandro but a few minutes later the door opened quietly and the man himself walked in, lips sealed shut much like yours.
He didn’t say anything as he walked over to you and pulled out his knife. You watched him carefully as he came closer and closer and just when you were about to be worried he cut the zip tie and let your hands loose.
You immediately brought them up to your chest so you could rub away the soreness and keep a close eye on him but he wouldn’t meet your gaze instead he stopped at the door, “make sure she doesn’t do anything. We’re taking Valeria into custody. We'll be back later tonight.” He informed one of his men who nodded sharply.
“Rudy told you everything?” You finally asked and Alejandro turned his head slightly to acknowledge that he heard you but never did respond. Just continued out the door which closed softly behind him. “God damn it Rudy.”
When he had said he was going to be back later that night you didn’t expect that to mean some god forsaken hour of the night. You waited as long as you could, pacing your small room after finally being let free but after a while there really was nothing to do but sit and wait.
And you waited. And waited.
Until your eyes couldn’t wait anymore. You rested your head on the table for what you told yourself would just be a short nap but then your eyelids continued to grow heavier and you slept until Alejandro returned.
When he did finally return he sent his own men to bed when he noticed the tired look in their eyes. He really needed to give them a day off soon. “You want me to come with you?” Rudy asked when the last of the men were gone.
Alejandro glanced between him and the door before shaking his head softly. “Nah. This is something I have to confront on my own. Get some rest.” Rudy gave him a short nod and parted ways while Alejandro quietly entered the room, noticing your sleeping form immediately.
It made his chest squeeze to see you so vulnerable. It made him wonder how long it’s been since you felt comfortable enough to even do something as simple as falling asleep.
He quietly moved the other chair closer to you and leaned his head against the table just so he could admire you in peace for a little longer. You really never changed in his eyes.
He watched silently while your eyes fluttered open, taking a minute to adjust to what was in front of you before your eyes widened and you sat straight up. Very much wide awake.
Alejandro let out a sigh as he slowly sat up as well, the once soft expression now wiped from his face. You glanced at him every few seconds as the silence consumed you.
He just watched you and you were starting to wonder if he was ever going to talk. After a long silence that seemed almost like a challenge you finally broke first when you could no longer take his piercing eyes burning holes into you.
“Why didn’t you take me into custody with Valeria?” You knew you could usually hold out longer but it was him staring at you. It was easier to ignore when more of the men were in here because that way you could feel all eyes on you. But his alone was starting to hurt.
Alejandro crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Because I’m not taking you into custody. Rudy did tell me everything.” You looked away from him, nodding. “I can’t accept what you did even if it was you protecting someone you love.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion slightly at his choice of words. “What?” You muttered softly.
“The things you did. Do you think the person you loved would forgive you if they learned you did all of that in the name of protecting them?” Your throat dried as you stared at him. “You killed innocent people.”
“I never killed anyone.” You snapped and his eyebrows raised. He uncrossed his arms to lean against the table again, motioning for you to continue. “Valeria had men for that. I was in charge of moving the shipments. To keep her identity safe.”
Alejandro was quiet and you could see the way he was trying to process your words. “I was put on the front line, my life was at risk but I never killed anyone. How little do you think of me?” At this he glared at you and opened his mouth as if he was going to argue but he just shook his head and stood up to make his way to the door.
“I’ll be sure to let Rudy know.” He stated while he reached for the handle.
“What the hell does Rudy have to do with this?” You demanded as you stood abruptly from your seat. “Did he not tell you everything?”
He paused, “he told me you were doing it to protect someone you loved, he didn’t tell me who. But you only wanted to speak to him so I put two and two together.” You stood there in utter shock. You felt like wringing his neck.
How clueless could he be even after all this time?
“It wasn’t because of Rudy I did all of that.” You clenched your hands tightly at your sides and Alejandro finally turned to you again but didn’t say anything. Another challenging silence fell between you before your anger got the best of you. “How stupid are you Alejandro?”
“Que?” He rounded on you quickly gripping onto your wrist when you tried backing away. He cornered you against the wall closest to you, caging you there as he leveled you with a harsh glare. “You think you can talk to me like that?”
You were almost positive your heart may just stop beating all together. He had your wrist in one hand pressed against the wall and his other gripped your upper arm making sure you stayed there.
You opened your mouth to respond but no words would come out. “Come on, you had so much to say just a few minutes ago.” He sneered, bringing his face closer to yours to where you had no space left. His entire body was practically pushed against you and you could feel every muscle on his body.
You only stood in shock for a second more before you returned his glare. “Yes because what makes you think it was Rudy?!” You felt his hold loosen just ever so slightly but his glare never let up. “Why for all these years have you continued to be blind?”
“Then help me see. Just fucking tell me the reason.” He pushed against you slightly like he was trying to shove you into the wall more
“Rudy already told you everything.” You spat bringing your face just that much closer. “I can’t help you see something that’s been right in front of you this whole time!”
Alejandro tsked before his body was gone and he was already several steps towards the door again but he didn’t pause at the handle, it looked almost like he needed to put distance between you both.
“I want to hear it from your mouth!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “Why is it so hard for you to tell me? Haven’t you trusted me before?”
“This has nothing to do with trust.” You rubbed at the wrist he had in his grasp. “I’m doing it to protect-“
“Protect who?!” He took a few steps closer to you again
“It doesn’t matter-“
“Who did you do this for?! Who did you throw your whole life away for?!”
“I did it for you, pendejo!”
Your breathing was heavy as you stared at him. The confession was like a bomb going off in the middle of a battlefield. Something that was so loud it left your ears ringing from the aftermath.
Before you could even register, Alejandro had crossed the space again in a few steps. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him while his other hand went to cup the side of your head, hands entangling in the strands of your hair as he brought you to him.
He kissed you heatedly, keeping you tight against him when you made a noise of surprise. Even still you couldn’t help but notice how kissing him in real life couldn’t ever compare to all the dreams you’ve allowed yourself to have.
You felt the roughness of his beard against your own face as you brought your hands up to his chest where you could feel his heart beating just as hard as yours.
He pushed you back against the wall as he moved from your lips to leave heated kisses down your neck forcing you to arch into him with a moan. The hand on your waist wrapped around the small of your back to keep you in that arch against him. You could feel the heat of his palm through the layers of clothes you had on and it made you want more.
“Ale.” You whimpered and immediately felt him stop. He pulled away slowly to look you in the eyes which you were sure were hazy from the moment. “What?”
He had a look in his eyes you couldn’t place. Something so much deeper than you were expecting. He took in a shaky breath, “I didn’t think I was ever going to hear you say my name like that again.” He whispered almost breathless.
The hand in your hair moved down to cup your jaw softly while the two of you kept eye contact. “Rudy told you everything didn’t he?”
Instead of answering he kissed you again this time softer before pulling back only an inch to mutter his next request against your bruised lips. “Stay with me. We can protect you.” He felt you take a sharp breath. “I can protect you.”
“Let me protect you mí amor.”
Your hands clenched against his chest and looked away from his intense gaze. “Your higher ups wouldn’t allow that to happen.”
“If you’re worried about 141 and Sheperd don’t. Shepherd is AWOL he can’t tell me shit on what to do with you.” He informed and you could feel his hand start rubbing your back soothingly. “You gave up everything to protect my life. Let me do this for you now.”
You searched his eyes looking for anything that would tell you he’s lying but there was nothing but love. “Okay.” You said softly and could practically feel his grin before he closed the gap once again and brought you to him.
Months later you would find yourself in his room on base while he was away training. He practically forced you to stay with him and by that you meant he held you tight in his embrace anytime he was with you and it made you never want to leave. And he never made you.
You found out that Alejandro loved you as well, since the beginning. You remembered when you finally broke down in his arms one night when he admitted that he never stopped loving you.
You apologized over and over but he just cradled you in his arms and whispered sweet compliments in Spanish until you calmed down and he carried you to the bed you shared and held you even closer for the rest of the night.
He wasn’t lying when he said he was going to protect you. He did everything in his power to protect you even from your own mind.
It’s all you could think about as you roamed his room, wearing one of his shirts while you cleaned. You were so lost in thought you didn’t hear his door open and close softly until arms wrapped around you and you were pulled into a sturdy chest.
“Hola, mi amor.” Alejandro kissed your neck softly, smiling when he felt you melt into his arms. “Is this my shirt?”
You felt his hand grab onto the hem of the shirt while he continued kissing you neck. You titled your head away to give him more access and gave him a small hum in confirmation.
“You should wear it more often.” He murmured against your neck while he laid his palm flat against your stomach to pull you closer to him. His lips traveled up to the shell of your ear where he whispered, “come to bed with me. I’m so tired.”
You laughed softly. This whole thing felt like a dream. You didn’t know how you got so lucky for him to let you stay like this.
Though it was a slow process and he was still working through forgiving you for everything and you were working through everything you had been through you truly don’t think you have ever been happier.
“I’m cleaning.” He groaned when you started unwrapping his arms but he just grabbed your waist and twisted you around so you were facing each other. “Ale.”
“I’m just relishing in your presence Princesa.” He smirked while trailing his fingers down the side of your bare thighs.
You chuckled again and kissed his lips shortly, smirking when he chased after your lips for more. “Well you can relish in it still by helping me.” You stepped away and he groaned.
“Okay okay.” But he still couldn’t keep his eyes off you the whole time.
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softspaceboibrian · 2 years
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy || Eddie Munson || Chapter 2
Chapter 1 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Y/N Henderson || I used she/her pronouns, but there is no actual physical description, so the pronouns can be switched with whatever anyone wants or prefers!
Summary: Robin likes to play matchmaker, and loves seeing her best friend happy.
Warnings: swear words, pining, Steve being a douche. just a lot of fluff and bad writing, as always!
WC: 6650 (whaaaat!?!? i really am sorry for the length of the chapters! please, let me know if you would like them to be shorter!)
A/N: Thank you so so much to anyone that showed support and love to the first chapter! apparently, people asked if I had a taglist and, well, I have decided to make one! So, if you would like to be added, please, do let me know in the comments or write to me privately!
Taglist: @263adder @criminalyetminimal @christina-gg22 @beautyandthenovels
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The next morning Y/N woke up in a particularly good mood. When she went to the kitchen to get some breakfast, she greeted her little brother with a kiss on the top of his head, her hand quickly messing with his locks – which she knew it bothered him, but she felt… chirpy. As every other day that Steve had an early shift at the Family Video, he picked up Robin and Y/N and gave them a ride to school. She quickly wished a good day to her mother, before leaving the house and running to the car. She took her seat in the back, not without leaning forward to leave a quick kiss on the cheeks of both her friends. However, that was not usual for Y/N, and as a matter of fact left the two in the front seats quite confused.
Steve looked at Robin and then turned towards the girl in the back seat. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, perfect! Why?” She smiled, her eyes moving between her friends.
Robin shook her head and turned towards her too. “Dude, you are never this happy in the morning.”
“Yeah… it’s… weird” Steve said quietly.
She didn’t really know why she was that happy, or why she felt like hugging her friends – which, should be noted, would be completely out of the ordinary for her, since she wasn’t big on hugs and touching people, especially in the morning. She wasn’t like germophobic or something like that. She just wasn’t great at showing affection to people. She tried, but a part of her always felt like people didn’t want her to hug them or say I love you and such. She usually felt like a burden to others, which was why she spent most of her time in middle school alone. But then Robin came along and things changed a bit. Robin was always asking her to hang out, to go to the movies or get ice cream, which was fun and she loved it, but a small voice in the back of her head kept whispering “She’s only doing this because she pities you!”. They were friends for a long time, and when Robin got the job at the Scoops Ahoy, she was sure that was going to be it. Instead, she met Steve. At first, the dynamic was weird, because she felt like she was the third wheel, Steve was all over Robin and, on her part, Robin enjoyed being able to make fun of him. But then the thing with the Russians beneath the Starcourt Mall happened, and that changed everything. Not only she found out that her little brother had been fighting creatures from a sort of parallel dimension for years, but that Steve was involved too, and now her and Robin were officially part of the gang. After that, after everything that happened and all they did to protect each other, she never for once doubted them and their feelings toward her again. But still, it was hard for her to show affection properly. She was working on it.
“Earth to Y/N! Are you still there?” Robin snapped her fingers in front of her face a couple of times.
Y/N shook her head and looked at the girl. “Sorry, got lost in my head for a moment.” She smiled.
“I asked you how it went with the Freak yesterday” Steve looked at her through the rear-view mirror, and only then she realised they had started driving.
Y/N’s expression changed, and her smile faded. “I would very much appreciate it if you stopped calling him like that. I get it that you’re not fond of him, but still, I would rather you call him Munson than that.” Her lips were pressed in a thin line and her eyes were deadly serious, so much that Steve felt shivers travel down his own spine.
“I don’t understand why you defend him, or why you even like him… it’s not like he’s a good person, and you know that. I mean, drugs! That’s bad enough on its own!”
Robin couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips. “Dude, you literally used to smoke weed until like, a year ago!”
“Yeah, then I figured out it was bad and I stopped!” Steve replied.
“Steve, I’m not going to start doing drugs. I know better, and you know it. But still, even if I know that drugs are bad, that doesn’t mean I can’t be friends with Eddie!” Y/N crossed her arms and turned her head to the side, her eyes now following the view outside of the window. “Eddie is not as bad as he is painted. He’s kind and caring.”
Steve huffed, shaking his head slightly. “Y/N, you barely now him!”
“And still, I know him much better than 99% of people in our school!” Y/N was no longer as chirpy as she was when she entered the car, and was glad to see the familiar building appear outside the window. “If you would just stop being a whiny, prejudiced bitch, then you would realise that people may actually be different then how you painted them in your head.” As soon as the car stopped, she ran out without even saying goodbye to Steve. She just needed to get away from him.
She started making her way inside the school, and a few moments later Robin appeared on her side. They stayed quiet on the way to their lockers, neither of them unsure of what to say. It was stupid, because Robin hadn’t said anything bad to her that morning, so she shouldn’t be angry, not even grumpy with her. But luckily, she didn’t have to say anything, because the other girl spoke first. “You know, as long as you say he’s cool, I’m okay with him.”
That put the smile back on her face. She knew she could trust Robin because she knew Robin trusted her. “Thank you.” She said, bumping her shoulder against the other girl’s. They walked for a few more moments until they reached their lockers, talking about this and that, when suddenly the calm of the hallway was disturbed by someone.
“Y/N!!” Eddie’s voice echoed through the hallway, catching basically everyone’s attention. He ran, bee lining between all the other students. “Y/N!” He called out again.
“I think someone is looking for you” Said Robin sarcastically, leaning against the locker right beside Y/N’s open one.
Not that she hadn’t noticed.
“Y/N!” Eddie eventually reached them and Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her own book in his hands. “I have been looking for you!”
“I just got here.” She smiled, closing her locker and fully turning towards him.
Eddie looked at Robin and gave her a quick, awkward smile, before returning with his eyes on her. “This book. God, this book was amazing!” His smile is now bigger and more sincere.
“You mean the novella” She giggled, which caught Robin attention. Giggles? Get a grip girl!
“No, I mean the entire fucking book! I stayed up all night and read every single one of the stories because I couldn’t get enough of it!” He flipped through the pages of the book, showing her little pieces of paper with stuff written on them. “You need to recommend me something similar, please!”
Y/N had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling too much. What was Robin thinking of that? And what would Eddie think if he realised she was actually excited by that idea? Fuck, she had to keep her feeling at bay, she has to take a deep breath and calm down. “Yeah, of course. I would love to.”
“Cool” He smiled, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
The real reason Eddie had stayed up all night was, yes, because he was intrigued by the stories he was reading, but most importantly because he could not understand how someone like her, who had barely even spoken to him before yesterday, could give him such a perfect suggestion. How did she know exactly what he liked? Yes, he had told her he liked King, but this was different. Was he predictable? Or maybe he was just overthinking this and she could have just suggested him something she liked, and the fact that he liked it too was a complete coincidence, but still.
“I also wanted to ask you if you had a free period at some point today. I have to… talk to you.” Dude, that pause was so creepy! Even Robin Buckley is looking at you in a weird way. Wait, has she been listening to the conversation this all time?!
“Uhm, I have a free period at third but, me and Robin-” Y/N was abruptly cut off by Robin.
“Oh, shit! I forgot to tell you; I have to practice during third period! Sorry, but you know, with the championship final and everything… Hope it’s okay.” Robin said, looking at her friend. “But luckily, you won’t be alone, because you can meet up with Munson, right?”
Eddie looked at Robin, then Y/N, waiting impatiently for an answer. “Yeah, of course.” She smiled, a bit confused at Robin’s decision, but not mad about it. “Where should we meet?”
“Meet me at the exit that leads to the football field” He smiled, biting his lip slightly, trying to contain his excitement. However, the bell rang, interrupting their conversation. Both Y/N and Eddie sighed, looking in opposite directions, and right then and there, Robin could swear that was a scene out of a romantic comedy: the boy and the girl, a metalhead and a bookworm, two people you would have never imagined together, were very obviously head over hills for each other but completely oblivious to the other’s feelings. She wanted to say something so badly, play match maker and nudge them in the right direction, but the river of students rushing towards class ruined the moment.
“So, I’ll see you later, then” Y/N smiled, and moved slightly towards the boy. Robin really thought she was going in for a kiss or a hug, something. But instead, she stopped, and smiled awkwardly. “I have to go to class, bye!” The words rushed out of her mouth, just as fast as she took off in the direction of their first class together. Robin was so confused by that scene that she was taken completely by surprise when she felt herself being pulled away from her place. She waved goodbye to Eddie and then quickly turned in the direction they were walking in, sure she would have otherwise fallen straight to the ground.
When they finally reached the class, they took their seats in the third row, and immediately Y/N buried her face in her hands. “Dude, that wasn’t so bad!”
“I’m so embarrassing!”
“No, Y/N, don’t say that!” Robin said, letting a small laugh leave her laugh. “Yes, it was an interesting interaction, especially the final part, when you were obviously going in for a hug and-”
“A kiss”
Y/N sighed, turning her head towards her friend. “A kiss. I was going to give him a kiss. On the cheek, obviously. But I don’t know… I blanked. And so, I ran.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Yesterday, when he was leaving my home, I gave him a kiss on a cheek, and he seemed cool about it.” You should actually specify the fact that you actually ran after him, and basically pushed yourself through his car’s window to give him said kiss. “So, I thought it could become a thing. But then something inside of me told me it was wrong and that would only embarrass him or that he would hate it. But it was too late.”
At that point Robin couldn’t help but laugh. Laugh so hard that even the two boys in varsity jackets sitting in the row before them turned around confused. “I never in my life thought I’d be witnessing you catch feelings for someone, especially someone like Eddie!” She continued laughing. “Not that there’s anything wrong with him, I just didn’t think he was your type. Even though, now that I think about it, your celebrity crush is Brian May, so that matches up perfectly.”
“I’m not catching feelings!” No, you’re not. You’re just completely unable to form a coherent thought when he looks at you with those big, puppy eyes, or you go weak in the knees when he laughs, especially if it’s because of something you said. “I’m not catching feelings.” She said again, as if she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else.
“Okay, fine, you’re not. I’m just saying, it’s nice. This version of you, all bubbly and giggly.” Robin got closer to her, and whispered. “Yes, I saw you giggle. It was amazing.” She laughed.
Y/N was ready to say something back, but the teacher entered the class and started the lesson, leaving her thinking to herself about Robins words: this version of you. Was she that different from how she normally was when she was with him? She noticed all of that in just a few minutes of a random conversation that she witnessed?
That morning went by so slowly. Whenever Y/N looked at the clock hanging above the blackboard, it kept showing the same time. And Robin wasn’t of any help, constantly asking her if everything was okay, or what she was thinking about. I’m fine, she kept saying. Nothing, just thoughts. Her answers were so vague that not even Robin believed her. But she couldn’t tell the truth, she couldn’t admit to Robin that she was in fact thinking of Eddie, and wanted so bad for those two classes to be over, so that she could go and meet with him, because she was electrified just at the idea of spending a bit more time with him. No, she couldn’t possibly admit any of that. Also, Eddie was most probably only using her to get a good grade, so it was stupid to even get excited to see him. And yet, she could not help but look for his familiar figure in the corridor whenever they were changing classrooms.
Eddie, on the other hand, didn’t have a Robin to support him or ask him if he was okay or what he was thinking about. He was alone most of his classes because that’s what happens when you’re held back two times. Yes, sometimes he had classes with Jeff, but it wasn’t like they talked that much about things that weren’t D&D or the band. He didn’t have a best friend. And he spent most of high school thinking he didn’t need one, that he was just as good by himself, with just a few people to share a laugh during lunch in the cafeteria. But now, now he wished he had someone that he could talk to. Not that he would have told them about Y/N and the feelings he definitely didn’t have for her, but just to have someone to spend the afternoons with, talking about this and that, watching movies and stuff. But he didn’t have anyone like that. That’s why classes were so boring to him, and that’s why he skipped most of them. Until that last semester: a part of him, the one that hated school the most, told him that he had to try if he wanted to leave that place once and for all. Another part of him, a soft voice that he kept pushing deep in the back of his head, told him that it would help him make a good impression on Y/N. Obviously, he didn’t care. But still, he started skipping fewer classes each week, until he arrived at a point where he even started moving deals to lunch break or after school so that he could attend class. If he had a best friend, they would have told him that he had changed, and maybe even that they liked this new “scholarly” version of him. But he didn’t have one.
However, that day was different. The previous evening, when he was over at the Henderson’s for dinner, Dustin insisted he tried and talk with Y/N about her writing. And he couldn’t help but be curious, because if Henderson was so fond of his sister’s writing to the point that he wanted her to write something for Hellfire, then it must have meant that she was actually really good. Nonetheless, after dinner, when they were alone in her room, he didn’t have the heart to force her to talk about it, having seen the reaction she had at the dinner table when Dustin brought it up. But maybe, if he brought it up in a completely different context, with just the two of them, then maybe, just maybe, she would be more open to talk about it. It was a stretch, he knew it. Just like he knew that could then make things very awkward between the two of them. But he wanted to get to know her better, and if she was actually so passionate about writing, then he wanted to know more about it. And that is why, for the first time in weeks, he skipped class. Yes, he obviously could have asked her to meet him after school like he did with clients. But she wasn’t a client. It was Y/N.
So, as soon as the bell that signalled the end of the second period rang, he ran towards the door to the field. A part of him hoped to see her already standing there, leaning against the wall, ankles crossed as she read from a book. At least that is how he imagined her. But when he got there, she was nowhere to be seen. It’s early, we have a few more minutes before third period starts. Maybe there were too many people in the corridor and she was still making her way there. A couple more minutes went by and he was staring at the bell on the wall on the opposite side of the corridor, begging it to wait a bit longer before ringing. But it rang nonetheless, and she still wasn’t there. She must have forgotten we were meeting, he thought to himself. Or maybe she didn’t want to meet with you in the first place and she agreed just to sound nice, but now she’s not going to show up and the next time you see each other she’s gonna give you some stupid excuse like “Sorry, turns out I had to do homework” or some other shit. But as he was completely absorbed by his own thoughts, he didn’t realise the girl had just appeared right beside him.
“Eddie? Are you okay?” She put a hand on his forearm, trying to catch his attention. However, Eddie was so lost in his thoughts that it not only caught his attention, but startled him, making him jump a bit.
“Shit, Henderson! You have to stop sneaking up on me like that!” He said loudly, bringing a hand to his heart, as if he was having a heart attack because of the scare.
Y/N smiled, and all the bad thoughts left Eddie’s head. “What if I like it? Seeing big, scary Eddie Munson get scarred by little ol’ me?” She smirked, tilting her head to the side, her arms crossed in from of her chest. Was she flirting with him?
Eddie took a step closer, taking advantage of the height difference. “Well, don’t get too comfortable, or you won’t see it coming.”
“See what coming?”
“Payback!” He replied, quickly moving his hands and reaching for her waist. He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, slightly tickling her sides. That was a risky move, he knew, but he didn’t really think before acting.
Y/N started laughing, kicking the air and trying to get free from his hold. “Please, Eddie! Stop!” She screamed, unable to stop laughing. After a few more moments, he put her down. He was smiling, but at the same time he was studying her face, trying to get a reaction from her.
When her feet touched the ground, she was completely out of breath from all the laughing. “I hate you” She whispered, and Eddie froze for a moment, afraid he might have ruined it all. But when Y/N leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his chest, he felt like his heart was going to explode.
He smiled. He was sure he had never been this calm, this happy in his entire life. He moved his hands, laying one on her back, while the other reached for her head, where it began gently stroking her hair, in an attempt to help her calm down and catch her breath. “Well, now you know what payback looks like” He said quietly.
Neither Eddie nor Y/N wanted to move, both of them afraid to lose the magic of the moment. But a few moments later, a distant clicking of heels started making its way down the corridor. “Shit, we shouldn’t be here!” He whispered-screamed, quickly grabbing her hand and pulling her behind him and out of the door. “I shouldn’t be here!”
Y/N was taken by surprise by his reaction, but ran after him, nonetheless. “What do you mean you shouldn’t be here?!” But she didn’t get a response. Instead, Eddie kept running, first across the football field, then towards the woods behind it, and he didn’t stop until he reached the familiar wooden table in the small clear. Once there, he slowed down until they eventually stopped, leaning forward, his hand on his knees, struggling to catch his breath. Shit, I’m completely out of shape.
No one spoke for a few moments, both too breathless to talk. Y/N leaned against a tree, and kicked her head back, her eyes closed, as a hand moved rogue strands of hair out of her own face. “What did you mean when you said you shouldn’t be there?” She broke the silence.
Her eyes were still closed, but Eddie knew he couldn’t just not answer her. So, he took a big breath and took a seat on one of the benches. “I should be in class right now…” He said quietly, almost hoping she would not hear him. Y/N remained quiet for a moment, and Eddie was sure he had fucked up. He knew she cared about school, and attendance, and getting good grades. So, him skipping class must have been terrible in her eyes. Good job, moron! You ruined it, he thought to himself, burying his face in his hands.
“You skipped class to spend time with me?” She asked him. When he eventually looked up, his eyes met hers. She looked serious, but not mad.
He looked down, almost embarrassed. “Ehm… yes” It almost sounded like a question, as if he weren’t sure about that. But he was sure, he deliberately chose to skip third period because she had told him that she had a free period at third. He wanted to spend time with her. He needed to be with her.
“Why?” That question took him by surprise. He was ready to be scolded by her, he was 100% sure she was going to tell him that it was stupid, that he had to attend class if he wanted to graduate and so on. But she didn’t do any of that. When he looked up, he realised she had moved closer, and was now standing right in front of him. “I mean, why would you skip class to be with me? You could have just come here alone and smoked all by yourself, completely unbothered. Or you could have come here with some pretty girl to, I don’t know, make out. So, why? Why me?”
But I am here with a pretty girl. That is what he wanted to tell her. He didn’t care about anything else, or anyone else, for that matter. He just wanted to be with her, and in his head that didn’t need explanations. But she wanted them. So, he stood up from where he was sitting and moved away. He walked around the table, kicking some leaves off the ground. “You give me way too much credit if you think I could pull any pretty girl.”
“So, you don’t think I’m pretty?” She asked.
Fuck, no. I don’t think you’re pretty, actually. I think you are one of those beautiful creatures from a Tolkien story. Fuck, in my head you are what Arwen looks like. “That’s not what I said” He replied, leaning against a tree.
“Well, you said you cannot pull any pretty girl, but I’m here, so you must not think me pretty, right?” He wasn’t sure if she was flirting with him or she was just trying to challenge him in some way.
“If you really must know, I think you are much more than just pretty.” He said, looking down at his feet, his once white sneakers not completely worn out and dirty. “But I cannot go around the school saying it, because if your brother heard me talking about you like this, he would probably kill me on sight.”
“Dustin would never kill you. Especially not because of me.” She said, taking a seat at the table.
“Then you obviously don’t know your brother and how protective and jealous of you he is.” He said, a soft smile appearing on his lips, as he pushed himself off of the tree, to go sit at the table, right across from her. “I saw him almost throw a punch at Wheeler one time because he said you were hot” He laughed at the memory.
“And what do you think?” She asked, looking at him, fidgeting with her necklace.
“What?” He knew what she was asking him, but he couldn’t answer. He had already said too much. Also, he didn’t know how to tell her that he did not find her sexy. I mean, he did find her sexy, but not like that. He didn’t want to have sex with her just because she was hot, just for the sake of it. He thought she was beautiful, and he wanted to hold her hand. He wanted to stroke her hair, move strands of hair out of her face and tuck them behind her ears like they do in those stupid, sickeningly sweet romantic comedies. He wanted to pick flowers for her and listen to her read for him in the evenings. Fuck, he wanted to kiss her at her locker before class. He wanted to drive her home and kiss her goodnight. He wanted to hold her in his arm as she sat in his lap while they did their homework in the afternoons. But he couldn’t say that. Not to her face. So, instead, he played dumb and pretended not to understand what she was asking him.
“I’m sorry, it’s stupid…” Her voice was soft, and she wouldn’t raise her eyes off of the table. “I don’t even know why I’m asking you any of this. I’m ruining the mood.”
“You’re not.” He quickly replied, so firmly that she was almost startled. “You’re not ruining anything.” He added, a bit gentler this time. “I skipped class because I wanted to be with you. Not because I didn’t want to go to class, because I wanted to smoke or meet up with someone. I wanted to be with you, Y/N.” She finally looked up to meet his eyes, and Eddie felt his heart fluttered. “I want to get to know you. Like, yeah, you helping me with English is great and all, but I don’t want us to go back to strangers as soon as the project is done.”
“It wouldn’t have happened.” She almost looked hurt.
Eddie sighed, looking off into the distance. “Yeah, it would have, Y/N.” He started tapping his leg, knowing full well he was going to open up to her, and hated the idea of being vulnerable in front of people, especially someone who held so much power over him like she did. “Me and you, we don’t really move in the same circles here at school. I am the freak, and most people are disgusted by my presence. You… you’re lovely, and people smile at you when you walk down the corridor. You have friends-”
“I have one friend.”
“But people like you.”
“Most people don’t even know I exist, Eddie.” She tried to get back his attention. She wanted him to look at her in the eyes. “I’m a nerd and a brainiac. People know me as the one that knows always too much. Because that’s who I am. I have Robin and Steve, yes. But they have a job, and I cannot spend all my afternoons at the Family Video watching them rewind VHSs. So, most of the times I stay at home, I do my homework, I study, and then I read. I read so much. And I always end up absorbing information that serve no purpose to me in real life. But I absorb them and end up knowing how to make a bomb at home or knowing way too much about sword fighting.” She sighs. “Still, that doesn’t explain why you think we would have stopped talking after the English assignment was done.”
“Because, generally speaking, people don’t really want to have much to do with me.”
“And yet my brother worships you.”
“Your brother is stupid.” A soft laugh leaving his lips, as a signal that he wasn’t being serious about that comment.
“My brother is not stupid, and you know that.” She replied, reaching out for his hand. “Eddie, I think you’re a good person. A great one, even. And I like spending time with you. That’s how I know we wouldn’t have stopped hanging out.” Eddie’s hand shifted beneath Y/N’s, until he was holding her hand properly. “So, please, stop being stupid and thinking I’m like everyone else at this school. If they don’t see you for who you truly are, then it’s their loss. More Eddie for me.” She smiled, squeezing his hand tightly.
She never in her life thought she would have talked like that to someone who wasn’t her brother. Sometimes it was hard even to talk to Robin like that, and she was her best friend. But, somehow, things with Eddie came so easily. And sitting there, holding his hand, didn’t really make her feel uncomfortable like she would have expected to.
Eddie’s thumb started rubbing her knuckles as softly as possible, scared to move or to speak. He didn’t want things to change. He just wanted to sit there for hours, exactly like that, holding her hand and her smiling at him. If the Eddie of three years before saw him like that, he would have laughed so hard he would have needed to hold onto something. He probably looked pathetic, head over hills for a girl that deserved much more than him. And yet, he was there. And she was there with him. She could have chosen not to come, but she did.
“So,” Y/N broke the silence, still holding his hand. “you said you wanted to talk to me.”
Fuck, right. “Yeah, I did…”
“Was it just an excuse to get me to come spend time with you or were you for real?” She smiled, propping her head on her hand.
“I… I was for real, but now I’m thinking I shouldn’t ask you what I was gonna ask you, because I don’t want to ruin this moment.” He said sincerely, looking down at the wooden table between them.
She gave his hand a quick squeeze to try and get him to look at her again. “You can ask me anything. If I don’t feel like giving you an answer, I’ll just say so.”
He took a deep breath. “Okay… but, for real, don’t feel like you have to give me an answer. It’s just, your brother kept talking about it, and I was curious-”
“It’s about my writing.” She said. And he was ready for her to say that it wasn’t something she really felt like talking or something like that. But she didn’t. “I started doing it when I was 13, I think. At first, I did it because it helped me with my anxiety. I would invent fantastic worlds where I could run off to with my head whenever I was having a panic attack. Then it became a passion. I kept writing about fantasy lands, with elves and druids and creatures that communicated through runes, but it no longer was for my anxiety. It was for me.” He listened attentively; his head slightly tilted to the side. He never would have thought she had problems with anxiety. But, after all, he didn’t really know much about her. “One day, a couple of years ago, Dustin was having a bad day, and I wanted to help. Nothing was working, not even “The Never-Ending Story”, which is one of his favourite movies. So, I took him to my room and picked up my notebook. I started reading him my story, and ever since that day, he has always been my one and only reader. He has read every single page, he has given me notes, and even asked me to write him as a dwarf in my story.” She giggled at the memory. “I was ready to write him as a high elf, or a druid, a pirate even. But no, he wanted to be a dwarf. And so I did.” Eddie couldn’t help but smile, wanting to walk around the table to go and sit right beside her just to be closer to her. “But with the support, also came the stressing part where he kept pushing me to send my story to an editor, or to enrol in some kind of contest for teen writers. But, as you could probably imagine, I refused. So, he started begging me to write something for D&D. At first it was for his party with Mike and the others; then it was for you.”
“And did you?” She looked at him confused. “Did you write something for D&D?”
She shook her head. “I barely know anything about D&D… what would the point be?”
“I’m pretty sure you know a lot. As I understand, Dustin tells you everything about our campaign, so you should know stuff by know. And, you don’t need to know much about the rules to write a story.”
“I disagree.” She replied.
“Let me rephrase: if you were to write for Hellfire, you wouldn’t need to know the rules, because you would have me.” He smiled. “I’m not saying that you have to do it, but if you ever changed your mind, you could just write the plotline and I could take care of everything else.”
She looked at him in silence, biting the inside of her cheek. Eddie could not really decipher what she was thinking. Maybe he offended her. Did he say something? Fuck, maybe he insisted too much. He knew it, he shouldn’t have said anything about the writing in the first place. “We could try” She said.
Eddie was shocked. Did she actually agree to do it? “You don’t have to.”
“I know.” She got up from her seat, leaving Eddie with his hand open where he once was holding hers. “But, I mean, Dustin has wanted me to do it for so long, and I think it could be good for me to write something different, you know?” He kept looking at her, unsure if he should answer, if he should say something. “And, if you’re really going to help me, then yes. Why not, right?” Eddie nodded; his eyes fixed on her figure. “But I have two conditions.”
“Anything you want, princess.” Princess? Really?
She smiled, a soft tint of pink rising to her cheeks. Princess? I like it. “Number one: we’re not going to say anything to Dustin, or he’s never going to let me leave my room again until it’s done.” Eddie laughed, nodding. “And second: I want to tell the story.” Eddie looked at her confused. “I mean, I want to be there when you play it out, and I want to tell myself as much of the story as I can. You would obviously do your Dungeon Master thing, but I want to be able to tell my story.”
He smiled, finally getting up from his seat. “We can definitely do that.” He walked closer to her.
She was going to do something, she was going to hug him, maybe even kiss him like she did the previous evening, but, in the distance, she heard the school bell ring. Fuck, they both thought. “We should head back or we’re going to be late for class.” She said, obviously disappointed that third period was already over.
“Or we could skip the rest of the day…” He said, knowing full well she wasn’t going to accept the proposition.
“No skipping school on my watch, okay?” She smiled, moving a finger in front of his face.
“I was just kidding, I swear!” He smiled back.
They started making their way back to the building in silence, both unsure what they should say. Neither of them was happy to leave the other, but duty called. Once they got back inside, Eddie walked Y/N all the way to her locker, so that she could pick up her textbook, and then walked her to class. “I had fun” She said, bumping into his side to get his attention.
He smiled, walking with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Yeah, we should do it again.” She look at him, giving him the look, and he already knew what she was going to say. “I meant spend time together, not skip class!” He laughed.
She smiled, nodding. “Yeah, I would love that.” They walked for a little longer, until they reached Y/N’s class. “So… this is me.”
Eddie nodded, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Fuck, he wanted to kiss her so bad.
They stayed there for a few moments, in silence, looking at each other, until Y/N took control of the situation. Fuck it, she thought to herself, before pushing herself on her tiptoes. “Meet me outside after school.” She said, before quickly pressing her lips on his cheek. It only lasted a moment, but when they moved away from each other it was impossible to tell who was blushing more. Y/N quickly bid goodbye to Eddie and ran inside the classroom, taking her seat at her usual desk.
Little did she know Robin was already sitting there and had witnessed everything. “What the hell was that?”
Y/N jumped, scared by her friend’s voice. “Shit, Robin, how long have you been here?”
“Long enough to have seen whatever that was.” She laughed. “Why did you run away?”
“It was embarrassing! I shouldn’t have done it! Fuck!” Y/N buried her face in her hands. “It’s something to do it when it’s just the two of us; but it’s completely different when I do it in front of everyone!”
“I don’t think people really care…” Robin said, trying to make her friend feel better. “Anyway, I assume it went well.”
“Yeah, we had fun” Y/N smiled, raising her head to finally meet her friend’s eyes. “How did your rehearsal go?”
“What rehearsal?”
Y/N looked at her, eyes wide open. “Didn’t you have band practice or something?”
“Nope” She replied, trying to hold back the laughter that was building inside of her.
“Robin!” She yelled, but deep down she was glad she did it, or she wouldn’t have spent all that time with him. “Thank you.” She whispered.
“Call me Cupid” She laughed.
Yes, she loved her best friend.
Thank you for reading! Love you xx
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cutekittenlady · 3 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 5
I just need one.
Just to steady my nerves.
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Ohhhh thats the good stuff.
Okay Polly. You can do this. Just walk out on that soundstage. And, i dunno, act?
Dear lord this is like third grade talen show all over again. Only this time I don't have Hugh to dig the hole.
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The filming... actually turned out okay? It was pretty standard fare hero schlock but ah well.
And hey, i actually have a fan!
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Hmmm this is going straight into my veins.
Dont tell my mom.
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Your lucky I've had my lemonade hit today old man.
Welp. Guess I'm a move star now.
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Oh shoot it's dark. Uhhh is Pop Roxie still running his boat? I did say I was gonna do all the gym matches so I kinda gotta go to Castelia right? Hnngh maybe I'll come back to do more films later?
At least after getting a set of wings or something to get here and back again in a jiffy.
I wind up running to the pier in the rain.
Okay Hugh I'm here, sorry I took so long. See there was this bald guy with a really unfotunate name and-
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Whaaaats going on here?
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What like.... like the terrorist group? I mean lets not jump the gun here Roxie. I mean just cause theyre dressed kinda funny doesn't mean we can just jump to conclusion. Besides even if they WERE Team Plasma they wouldn't just admit to it. Nobodys that-
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... Wow okay so... you guys are like... actually that dumb then?
Look I- No I get you wanna make some big dramatic speech but I- Stop cutting me off you RUDE LITTLE-
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Hugh, baby, do NOT cut the Polly off when shes speaking! You know what happened in third grade.
Anyway Hugh goes off on this whole hate filled speech about how much these guys suck. And I expected some kinda edgy response but instead.
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Home slice. You were chased... by Lillipup? Dude I hit a Lillipup with a bike when I was, like, five and it was flattened like a pancake. Sure, I got banned from riding for, like, ten years but my point is that anyone who runs from a Lillipup, a Lillipup right?, has no right joining a terrorist organization.
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God its the third grade all over again.
Hope you have a shovel Hugh.
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Oh sweetie.
We're gonna bury you.
Plasma Grunt sent out a Patrat against Bentley and you can just tell that Bentley has a chip on his shoulder over the Gym battle because hes raring to go. Patrat starts with bide after Bentley wraps him up, after that I had Bentley use growth while Patrat stored energy. Next round Patrat releases the energy and Bentley hit him with vine whip. That combined with wrap gets the little rat int he red. Patrat manages to forestall hi defeat with detect but one return later and its over.
After defeating the Patrat Bentley learns Leaf Tornado.
The Plasma grunt and his buddies have enough sense to run off before we can really get going and run for their lives.
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Its okay Hugh you didn't have a shovel anyway.
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Uh... Pretty sure thats a YOU job? Your the gym leader here.
However Roxie gives me the HM for Cut before running off.
Well Hugh guess we have a free HM now soooooo
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Deep inhale through nose
Yeah okay.
Your lucky were friends Hugh.
The things I do for friendship.
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Thats what I DOING! GAWD
Look its not like we're even going to find them! If they're really in a terrorist cell theres no way they're just going to be standing out in the open like a jackass saying "Come and get me Polly"
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.... Bentley.
Go loose buddy.
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Hey look its a purrloin.
And now its dead.
Just like old times. Old times being, like, the day before yesterday. Or whatever.
Aaaand the Plasma grunt runs away.
Hugh get her!
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I... you... She ran RIGHT PAST YOU!
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oh please do tell
Okay she said they have a boat. Castelia City has a port. Hmm Okay.
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I... we were JUST there Hugh! We'd have been better off just waiting in Virbank for them to come back and then jumping out at them from behind a trash can! Or dragging them into an alley to get info or something!
Arceus Dammit Hugh! This is YOUR revenge quest! I'm just tagging along cause Prof. Juniper asked me to complete... the... pokedex....
You know what Hugh, you uh, you go on ahead. I have some stuff I gotta... take... care of....
Shit shit shit how many pokemon do I have to catch?!
Ran into a shaking bush and caught an audino on the way to the pokemon center. Shove THAT into the PC for now, what else....
Route 19... Route 19 gotta start with route 19. Habitat mode dont fail me now!
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10 notes · View notes
Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 15: Super Volcano
~The Man Cave~
Ray and (y/n) were sat solemnly at the supercomputer, as Charlotte watched Schwoz make some calculations. The small man was about to explain some horrible news to them all in more detail, but first, they needed Henry to come down in the elevator. The boy screamed on the way down, before stumbling out and into the bright room where his sombre colleagues were waiting.
"Hey, guys, what's the poops?" He said to them in a lighthearted manner, but the look on his bosses' faces made his smile drop. 
"We're all gonna die," Ray said to the boy dramatically. He was holding his best friend to his chest, thinking that he only had a few more days to live with her.
"Whaaaat?" Henry asked, the question completely throwing him off.
"You're not gonna die." (y/n) hit his chest lightly, a sad smile on her face, but Ray just clung to her harder, not wanting to waste a single minute.
"You're indestructible." Schwoz reminded him in a serious tone.
"We're all gonna die," Charlotte added in.
"Well, it's still bad for me. Who am I gonna talk to when you're all dead?" The large man cried, the woman in his lap trying to give him some comfort. Who was he gonna have to love when she was gone?
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is going on here?" Henry said in bewilderment. He had never seen his boss look so upset, or Schowz without a smile.
"That." The genius said, putting a video of some magma under the Earth's surface on the monitor.
"What is that?" The boy asked, just seeing a load of icky mess on the screen.
"That is a supervolcano, fifty miles below the surface of the earth, right under the town," Ray told him gravely, standing up but still not letting (y/n) go.
"Oh. Hey, you guys think I should get my teeth whitened?" Henry moved offtopic, not understanding the seriousness of the situation.
"Your teeth?"
"Is this kid serious?"
"Are you crazy?" All his friends protested.
"Two days from now that volcano is going to pop like a big, red-hot throbbing pimple." Schwoz described it to him, making Charlotte grimace at the image.
"Billions of tons of hot lava will spew from the ground and melt everything," Ray said, walking over to the boy with the young woman's hand firmly in his.
"You mean melt all of Swellview?" Henry looked at him with a pale face.
"All of the whole world." The smaller man clarified for him, sending Henry into a panic.
"But I just ordered a new bike online." The teen squeaked.
"Well, when does it get here?" Schwoz asked.
"Next week," Henry replied, swallowing a lump in his throat.
"Oh yeah, no, your bike is screwed." (y/n) said to him sadly as the others shook their heads and she hugged Ray's arm. Two days wasn't enough time to tell him everything she had ever wanted to say to him. 
"Oh man, the whole world is going to end? You sure of this?" Henry was starting to feel very nauseous.
"Yes," Schwoz confirmed, going back to the computer.
"Schwoz has been watching the volcano, monitoring the vibrations, doing all the calculations," Ray said, his voice breaking when (y/n) wrapped her arms around his waist. Two days wasn't enough time to do everything he had ever wanted to do with her.
"How much time do we have left?" Charlotte asked the genius. Schwoz hit a button on the control panel, and a countdown appeared on the monitor, showing that there were less than 48 hours to go. 
"Just under two days." (y/n) swallowed and put her forehead on her friend's chest. He cradled her head, believing that in less than two days, he was going to lose her forever.
"Oh, oh, jeez. I got to go tell my mom and dad. And my cousins. and everyone!" Henry shouted, running to go warn his family about what was about to happen. Reluctantly, Ray let go of (y/n) so he could run stop him from reentering the elevators. Using his laser control, he used a traction beam on the boy's butt and pulled him back to the group.
"You could've just said, 'Henry, come back.'" The boy said to him, but the man just tucked his controller into his back pocket and pulled his best friend into his arms.
"We can't tell people about the volcano, Henry." (y/n) said in a quiet, sad voice. 
"Why?" The boy asked her in confusion.
"So they can spend their last two days living their normal lives," Charlotte explained. The last thing they needed was pandemonium on the streets.
"Right. Enjoying the simple, important things like petting their dogs, and watching television, and going on the internet and expressing strong opinions based on little or no knowledge or information." Ray listed off all the things he could think of.
"I do that," Schwoz admitted. 
"Telling girls that you love them?" Henry said back, making Ray go wide-eyed. But the comment went over (y/n)'s head.
"Ooh, Henry, do you like someone?" She smirked at the boy and Ray breathed a sigh of relief.
"Well, if I have only have two days left on this earth, I know what I'm doing," Charlotte said, walking over to the auto-snacker.
"A gallon of ice cream and a spoon." She ordered from the machine.
"She's got the right idea, make that two spoons." (y/n) smiled and walked over to Charlotte.
"A gallon of ice cream and two spoons." The machine produced what they had asked for and the two girls began to dig into the frozen dessert.
"Oh come on guys, you can't spend your last two days on earth just stuffing your faces," Henry said to them, but they didn't care.
"Wanna bet?" (y/n) replied through a mouthful of ice cream.
"Uh, yes, we can." Charlotte agreed with her, so they both walked to the couch to eat their ice cream.
"Dude, you should totally tell (y/n) how you feel," Henry whispered to Ray once the females were out of earshot. Ray looked at him in alarm.
"No! I can't do that!" He snapped, even though he had considered doing just that. 
"Why not?" Schwoz butted in, wanting to see Ray man up in his last two days alive.
"Because, she'd reject me and I'd spend the rest of my life in pain and agony, knowing that I ruined my friendship with her." The superhero ranted, but his friends just groaned.
"You don't know that," Henry said, as they all looked at Charlotte and (y/n), who were chatting and eating away.
"You should tell, you-know-who, that you love him." Charlotte leant over and mumbled into (y/n)'s ear. Her cheeks flushed at the thought, but Charlotte just suggestively raised her eyebrows.
"No, no, no, no. Not happening." The older woman said firmly, the idea of confessing to the man made her feel incredibly flustered. 
"Come on! It's Ray!" Charlotte tried to hint that he'd say yes without revealing the entire truth since she'd made a promise not to tell the other person how they felt.
"Exactly! It's Ray. Gorgeous, funny, silly Ray! The man I watch day in, day out, dating girl after girl, actress after model. The man I can't have." She said, her face in her hands. Charlotte reached out to hold her hand across the table.
"We're all gonna die in two days anyway, you can tell him and not worry about the consequences.." The dark-haired girl reasoned, and (y/n) thought it over for a second. If it all went wrong, she wouldn't have to hide in another country for the rest of her life. If it went right, she would die happy knowing that he loved her as much as she loved him.
"I'll think about it." She twitched the corner of her mouth into a smile and stirred the melting ice cream. She took another mouthful, letting the icy cold sweetness run down her throat.
"Think about Ray in his Captain Man suit. We all see how you check him out." The girl teased in a sly voice, laughing when the woman shoved more ice cream into her mouth to stop herself from squeaking in embarrassment.
~Later that night, Henry's porch~
"Two days from now that volcano is going to pop." "Billions of tons of hot lava will spew from the ground and melt everything." Schwoz and Ray's voices rang in Henry's head, as he took a moment to appreciate the stars in the night sky. He had propped two bright, orang pillows onto the ground and was just sat there, thinking about how in a few days, everything would be gone.
Jasper came walking up to Henry's door and noticed his best friend sat just outside his house with a drunken expression on his face.
"Hey, Henry." The curly-haired boy greeted.
"You ever look at the stars?" Henry asked him, which weirded Jasper out a bit. What kind of question was that?
"Huh?" The kid looked up like his friend.
"Stars are amazing. Thousands of twinkling little lights shining in the night sky," Henry said wistfully, staring up at the cosmos.
"All right." Jasper didn't know what else to say to the boy's poetic words.
"I love you, man," Henry told him, a smile on his face. He had two days to tell his friends how much he appreciated them, and he was going to let them know even if it killed him.
"Okay, dude." The other boy accepted his comment with a shrug of his shoulders. Boy, Henry was being weird tonight.
"Hey, wanna see a pic of my new bucket?" Jasper moved on, taking out his PearPhone. He sat down next to Henry, who really didn't care about his bucket.
"No, not really." He said through gritted teeth, making Jasper's face fall.
"What do you mean?" He asked Henry, wondering what was wrong with his lovely bucket.
"Nobody cares about your dumb buckets." Henry snapped at him, finally telling him what he had wanted to say for years. His best friend gasped at his rude words.
"What's up with you?" Jasper looked at him in concern. He knew Henry better than anyone, and he had never seen him like this before.
"What?" Henry played coyly since he couldn't tell the other teen about the supervolcano.
"First, you tell me that you love me, then, you scream at me. You're acting like my mom." Jasper told him.
"I don't know, man. It's just, life is short and--" Henry's emotional speech was interrupted when Charlotte approached them. After a long day of being (y/n)'s wingwoman in her struggle to confess to Ray before the world ended, she had been to a greasy takeout shop to buy some burgers.
"Here comes Charlotte." Henry pointed out to his best friend, and they watched as Charlotte slowly walked towards them. She sat down on the bench with a plastic bag full of unhealthy food. 
"What's up?" She asked in a tired and depressed voice. 
"You went to Inside-Out Burger?" Henry asked, noticing the logo on the bag.
"Yup." She answered simply, opening the box on the first burger. 
"Since when do you eat chilli cheeseburgers? I thought you were getting in great shape for that 10k run." Jasper pointed out, remembering how strict the girl had been with her diet and exercise regime.
"I was. Now I'm eating this." Charlotte said before taking a huge bite from the delicious sandwich. She wouldn't be alive to do the run, so she might as well eat as much junk food as possible before she got burnt to a crisp.
"Has (y/n) told Ray yet?" Henry asked her and the girl let out a long groan. 
"No, every time he flops his hair or flexes a muscle, she goes all weak-kneed and chickens out," Charlotte told him about the frustration she had gone through with the adults.
"Man, I wish he'd just tell her," Henry grumbled.
"It will take a miracle." The girl said, taking another big bite.
"Can I?" Henry asked, wanting something deep-friend and delicious too.
"Yeah, get in there." Charlotte kicked over the bag, so the boys each took out a burger. They both took a bite and chewed in silence for a moment before Jasper noticed something peculiar.
"These have pickles on them." He pointed out.
"So?" Henry didn't know what he was getting at.
"I thought you both hated pickles." He replied.
"Well, one day Jasper, we may not even be here to love or hate pickles. So while I am here, I'm gonna give pickles a chance." Charlotte snapped at him and bit into her burger.
"Me too," Henry said, also eating his burger. However, the taste of the cucumber made them both gag.
"Okay, pickles are gross," Charlotte said, spitting the little green things back out.
"I can't eat this pickle." Henry agreed, shutting his burger box as Jasper smirked. He knew them better than they did at times. 
~Meanwhile, in the Man Cave~
Ray was dressed in some sweatpants and a white t-shirt with a red, sleeveless jacket. He had been waiting for (y/n) to get ready for ages since she had agreed to help him fulfil one of his not-dying wishes. Hers had been to watch the sunset on a beach in Hawaii, but with the amount of time they had left, it wasn't possible. So, she had decided that if she couldn't achieve her final dream, she would help someone else and that someone was Ray. 
"Let's get to it, (y/n), we don't have much time." He said, taking a swig of water from his bottle. (y/n) came out from the back of the Man Cave wearing a long-sleeved, black, scoop neck shirt, a flowy red miniskirt, some pale pantyhose and red sneakers. She walked over to him swiftly, adjusting the top so her boobs didn't fly out.
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"All right, bossy, I'm here, I'm here. Why's this so important again?" She smiled at him, as he choked on his water at the sight of her décolletage. Her neck looked so soft and delicate and he wondered what it would be like to just bury his face into it.
"I told you. I promised my grandmother that one day I'd learn how to dance the Jitterbug. And in...42 hours, there won't be anybody left on Earth to practice with." He said, reminding himself that he was set to lose her. 
Seeing his broken expression, she put a hand on his cheek and stroked his cheekbone with her thumb. She gave him a sad smile, not being able to imagine being the last human on Earth with no friends or family to love. 
"We have 42 hours, let's make the most of it." She said to him, putting on a brave face. He glanced over her features, thinking that he could just say it. She was here, for now, breathing and standing in front of him so beautifully, it made his heart soar. His lips parted, his tongue dashing out to wet them, and his vocal cords went to make a sound, but before he could tell her, she pressed the button on the stereo and the lively band music began to play.
He let out a small sigh but didn't let her see his disappointment, so he held out his hand for her to take and they began to dance. 
"And, five, six, seven, eight." They moved their feet in time to the music, their chemistry making it so much more intimate and fun. He twirled her around and then they backed up and clapped their hands. Ray grinned at her as they shuffled around the Man Cave, (y/n) giggling as she kicked her legs out. With one final lift into the air, the dance came to an end and the woman fell into her partner's arm.
She looked up at him and dragged her eyes down from his crow's feet to the faint scar on his cheek to his pale, pink lips. It was like he had been sculptured by Greek Gods, and she was the mortal who was blessed to have him in front of her. She returned the hug he pulled her into, thinking that she could just say it. 
"Grandma Manchester will be happy that I can dance now." His voice was muffled in her hair, but she heard him all the same. 
"And she'll be happy that you're a natural." (y/n) teased him, running her hand through the back of his hair. 
"I had a great partner." He mumbled back and she felt content to just hold him for now. 'A silly confession would just ruin the mood.' She told herself, swallowing down the words that threatened to erupt from her throat. 
~The next day, Swellview High~
"Buy a fruit bar." Oliver Pook said to Mitch Bilsky and his horrible friends, offering the box to the boys. Mitch Bilsky was a bully, so when he saw the boy selling the bars, he couldn't help but choose him as his next victim.
"Uhhh, yeah. I'll take a fruit bar." He said to the boy, picking up one of them and throwing it across the hall. Oliver being Oliver, didn't get that he was being bullied and acted like he was another normal customer.
"That'll be two dollars." He deadpanned to the laughing boy.
"You know what, I think I'll take two more of your fruit bars." He threw two more bars, which landed close to the steps that Henry and Charlotte were walking down. 
"I take cash or checks," Oliver said, making Mitch and his friends laugh mockingly.
"I'm going over there," Henry said to Charlotte, wanting to be the person who would finally stand up to the bully.
"No. You don't wanna mess with Mitch Bilsky. He's big and crazy." Charlotte warned him, grabbing his arm to stop him from going up to the larger boy. Henry was puny in comparison and he would surely be squished like a bug.
"But he's picking on Oliver." He stated, seeing the way the boys jeered.
"So? Oliver doesn't even realise it." The girl pointed out, looking over at Mitch who was now stacking the fruit bars on Oliver's head.
"Look, we only have 28 hours left before that volcano destroys the whole world on Friday," Henry said to her.
"I know, but--" Charlotte tried to get him to back down, but Henry was too determined.
"I'm not holding anything back anymore. I told Jasper I don't like buckets, I ate five chilli cheeseburgers after dinner last night, and now, I'm going to stand up to the biggest jerk in school. I fear no man." Henry said, feeling pumped.
He turned around and walked over to the bullies.
"Hey, Mitch! I think you dropped this." Henry yelled at the large kid and threw the fruit bar back in his face. The surrounding kids gasped at his actions, knowing that Mitch was gonna beat his ass.
"Okay, Hart. Now...you and me are gonna fight." Mitch seethed at Henry, lifting the boy off his feet and into the air by his hoodie.
"You know, you really should get your teeth whitened." Henry insulted him, not showing any fear. 
"If you guys fight here, you're going to be surrounded by teachers in five seconds." Charlotte jumped in, seeing that Henry was way out of his depth. The crowd agreed with her.
"It's true." The boy said to Mitch.
"Monday, after school in the parking lot behind that Jewish church." The bully spat in his face, but Henry furrowed his brows at his words.
"They're called Synagogues. IDIOT!" He berated.
"Whatever, Monday after school behind the Cinderdog." Mitch's pronunciation made Henry giggle.
"Monday? Yeah, sure, dude. Let's fight on Monday. Sounds good." The boy said, knowing that Monday would be too late. Mitch dropped him to the floor, and walked out with his posse, as Oliver continued to shout about his fruit bars.
~Later that day~
Oliver Pook walked up behind Henry, who was busy looking in his locker.
"Hey, Henry." He said, spooking Henry and causing him to drop his books.
"What's up, man?" Henry smiled at him, wondering what the boy wanted.
"You wanted to come ice fishing with me a week from Saturday?" He asked the boy, who sighed at the idea of sitting in the cold with the weird teen.
"Oliver, every month you ask me if I want to go ice fishing with you. And what do I say every time?" He put to the boy.
"When I ask in person you say no. When I text you, you just pretend you never got the text." He deadpanned.
"Exactly. Now, guess what?"Henry said in an uplifting tone.
"I'd love to go ice fishing with you a week from Saturday," Henry told Oliver, shocking the boy and Charlotte, who had been listening in from her locker.
"Seriously?" Oliver couldn't believe it.
"Yep." Henry smiled when he saw how happy he had made the other teen.
"Henry Hart, you make me happy." Oliver gave him an awkward hug, before running off.
"Ice fishing with Oliver?" Charlotte asked, walking up to her blond friend. She couldn't believe he'd agreed to put himself through that.
"A week from Saturday, the world won't even be here." He said with a sigh.
"Yeah, I know." The girl said dejectedly and took a bite of whatever she was eating.
"What are you eating?" Henry asked her.
"A stick of butter with sprinkles on it." She told him, and Henry pulled a disgusted/confused face.
"Why not?" Charlotte retorted, before glancing over his shoulder.
"Hey, hey, there's Bianca. Go tell her you like her." Charlotte said, spying the pretty girl near the doors.
"What's the point? None of us are gonna exist after tomorrow." Henry sulked.
"Yeah, but if you tell her, maybe you'll get to kiss her before, you know..." Charlotte imitated the sound of an explosion and her words were enough to convince Henry to walk over to the brunette.
"Hey, Bianca!" He called out to her.
"Oh, hi, Henry." She said to him sweetly.
"I like you. And I don't just mean 'I like you, I mean, I like you, like you.'" Henry came straight out with it. He could teach Ray a few things.
"Cool, anything else?" Bianca asked him, her cheeks turning rosy.
"Nah. Yes. I would like to kiss you if you're down for that." He said in a loud voice, drawing some looks.
"With everyone watching?" The girl looked around sheepishly.
"Yeah. Let's show them how it's done, son." He joked, so Bianca stepped forward and pecked him on the lips. Everyone watching started to clap, as Henry walked back over to Charlotte with a huge grin on his face.
"How do you feel?" The dark-haired girl smirked at him.
"Feel good," Henry said, swaggering to his next class.
~The Man Cave~
Down in the hideout, (y/n) and Charlotte were eating the white cream from the middle of Oreos and then discarding the chocolate cookie. Hey, they were set to die tomorrow, they were gonna spend their last few hours living dangerously. Between them, they had gotten through six packets of the sweet treats whilst they waited for Henry and Ray to return from their outing.
The tubes came down, and the tired superhero duo came plodding into the Man Cave. (y/n) gave them a tired smile, as they walked over to the couch.
"Where you guys been?" Charlotte asked in confusion. They were wearing their super suits, but there had been no emergency call.
"In the Man-Copter." Henry sighed.
"Flying over Swellview, looking around," Ray said, moving towards where (y/n) was sat, and leaned on the back of the couch behind her.
"One last time," Henry mumbled, as (y/n) turned around and draped her arms around Ray as he rested his head and hands on the sofa.
"Nice." The girl said, licking more filling from an Oreo.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Eh." The two grumbled simultaneously. Henry gave Charlotte a pointed look and gestured to the two sulking adults, so the girl kicked (y/n) under the table as Henry poked Ray's back. Each adult looked to a kid and saw them gesturing to the opposite person, hinting that they should admit their feelings.
Ray shook his head quickly, looking at the boy with an agitated face. (y/n), on the other hand, was thinking about it, hard. From where she was sat, she could see the countdown ticking away on the supercomputer and used the stress it gave her to boost her courage.
"R-Ray?" She stuttered, her cheeks feeling red hot and her heart racing like a horse.
"What?" The man didn't look up from his slouch position, and the fact that she couldn't see his face made it a little easier for her. 
"I need to tell you something." She screwed her eyes tight and dug her fingernails into her palms so hard she thought she'd draw blood. Henry and Charlotte looked at each other with wide, hopeful eyes, waiting with bated breath for her to say the three magic words. 
"Yeah?" The man still didn't look to see how wound up she was, so she gritted her teeth and forced herself to speak.
"I--" To their horror, she was cut off as the elevator came down and Schwoz walked into the Man Cave, wearing a gym outfit and holding a piece of paper.
"Hey, peoples, look it. I got membership to Muscle Works." The little man showed them the contract, as Henry and Charlotte held back screams. (y/n) however, was relieved at the intrusion, feeling like she had been saved by a higher power. 
"You joined a gym?" She said to him in an unusually happy voice, wafting her face with her hand to cool down her flushed complexion. 
"Yeah, I paid for five years upfront, which got me two percent off and this tank top," Schwoz explained the crappy deal he got, confusing the others.
"No, no, Schwoz, why did you pay for a membership when you know the world is going to end tomorrow?" Henry asked in a miffed voice, still feeling irritated that (y/n) had been stopped from confessing to Ray. Now, she'd never tell him, it took the threat of a volcano to force her hand, for Pete's sake!
"Yeah, why?" Ray, (y/n) and Charlotte asked together in bafflement.
"You guys didn't get my text?" Schwoz said slowly.
"What text?" Henry and Ray felt like he was about to say something stupid.
"Well, you know how I figured out that the supervolcano go kaboom tomorrow?" The genius said to them.
"Yeah, you stressed that point numerous times." (y/n) said, a tight smile on her face. She had a feeling that she knew what Schwoz was going to say next.
"It's not going to happen tomorrow." The man said, shocking them into silence.
"Then when?" Henry piped up.
"In about 17 million years. I swear I sent you a text." Schwoz said, walking off when he got bored of them looking like goldfish.
The four of them burst into cheers, Ray giving (y/n) a big bear hug. She let go reluctantly but was swept up into another hug with Charlotte, as Henry switched on some disco light and music.
"We gonna live. Ha!" They all chanted as they danced around. (y/n) leapt onto Ray's back and he span her around, Henry and Charlotte watching them with smiles on their faces. Henry whispered into Charlotte's ear, who smirked at the sound of his plan.
"Hey (y/n/n), do you want to grab some ice cream?" Charlotte smiled at the woman, who climbed off of Ray and walked over to the auto-snacker.
"Sure, what flavour?" (y/n) asked, but Charlotte needed her to be distracted, so she ran over with intention of stalling her.
"Uhhhh, let me have a look at them." She replied, and started scrolling through every combination logged in the system. 
"Pssst, Ray, I have an idea," Henry whispered to Ray, bringing him over to the couch. He took the man's laser remote and set the large TV monitor to come down from the ceiling. 
"Kid, what are you doing?" Ray asked, looking confused at the setup. Henry made the couch table go down and ran to the back of the Man Cave where (y/n) stored some scatter cushions in a box. He threw them at Ray, who caught them in confusion. The teen glanced at the two females on the other side of the room and saw that Charlotte was doing a good job of keeping her busy.
"Pillows? Henry, what is going on?" Ray said in a hushed tone, getting the idea that Charlotte was distracting his best friend, but he had no idea what his sidekick had planned.
"Y'know how (y/n)'s always wanted to watch the sunset in Hawaii?" Henry smiled at him as he fluffed the cushions and spread out a blanket. 
"Yeah?" The superhero was beginning to see what he was getting at, and he remembered how (y/n) had described her fantasy to him down to the tiniest detail.
"Well, you're bringing Hawaii to her. Charlotte's on Piña Coladas and ice cream, and we're getting the 'beach' ready." Ray grinned at how sweet Henry was and he ruffled his hair. 
"Wait, what do you mean I'm bringing it to her?" Ray stopped and thought about the boy's words.
"She can't watch it alone, dude." Henry grinned and signalled Charlotte to bring the woman in question over.
"Henry, I can't sit---" Ray was cut off as (y/n) turned away from the machine and gasped. The lights dimmed and she saw the couch had been made all cosy. 
"What's happening?" She said, walking over to the TV area with two bowls of vanilla ice cream. Now she understood why Charlotte insisted on looking at every topping the snack-machine had.
"We can't go to Hawaii, so I'm bringing Hawaii to you." Ray quickly went along with the plan and gestured to all the things Henry had quickly set up. 
Of course, the real Hawaii would have been so much better to anyone else, with a real sandy beach and the crystal blue sea lapping away gently, but then again, Hawaii wouldn't have meant anything without Ray.
"You did all this for me?" She questioned him, her eyes sparkling with tears as she took in the scene. Henry played the video of a Hawaiin sunset on the TV and Charlotte set down the Piña Coladas. Backing away slowly, they left silently in the elevator, high-fiving when they started moving.
"The kids helped a bit," Ray confessed, looking down at his feet. (y/n) raised her hand and peeled the mask off his face so she could read all his facial expressions. 
"My very own beach." She smiled, sitting down and pulling the blanket over her lap. Ray joined her, passing her a drink and placing the ice cream bowl in front of her. She rested her head on his shoulder and gazed at the video on the screen, imagining that they could be looking at a real sunset like this, with matching rings on their fingers.
"What did you want to tell me earlier?" Ray broke her out of the daydream, and she said the first thing that came to her mind.
"Doesn't matter." She immediately felt regret for the first time since she fell in love with him, because for the first time, she wanted to tell him. She had reacted on instinct, having acted the same way for so long now that her mind was disconnected from her heart. 
Ray said nothing, eating another mouthful of ice cream. Like her, he dreamed of taking her to Hawaii and standing on a beach just like the one onscreen. She would float towards him wearing white and they would promise to love each other forever with a sealing kiss.
'Maybe in another life.' They thought together, believing that they were worlds apart when in reality, they had never been closer.
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leonscape · 6 months
leon and maid irene
it’s a bad idea. it’s a horrible idea. you know you messed up when you’re confiding in clavis and jin. they looked at each other and started grinning.
“i just want to do something nice for him. he does so much for me and he helps whenever he can. which is basically all the time since he goes out of his way,” irene sighed. the two brothers listened to her troubles and their brains both came to the same conclusion.
“why don’t you become his maid for a day?” clavis suggested.
“his maid? it’s a bit out of the box but it would make him happy,” irene said.
“great! i’ll get a special uniform for you,” clavis said.
jin scoffed, “he’ll just get you something with a short skirt. you need something more practical if you’re gonna be helping leon out all day. but you also want it to be flattering too.”
now it was clavis’ turn to scoff, “he’d just get you something with a low cut that exposes your chest. but i know leon is a man of distinguished taste. he knows the the legs should be highlighted here.”
“whaaaat?? nah he’d definitely agree with me,” jin argued back. “we’re actually a lot more alike than you think.”
“well i guess we have no choice but you get a maid uniform that shows off both,” clavis sighed.
irene went to rio instead to request a maid’s uniform.
“this isn’t what we had in mind,” clavis said.
“i don’t care if you don’t like it. i only care if leon likes it,” she sighed and shook her head. “this is about helping him, not seducing him! get your heads out of the roses.”
“what’s going on in here?” leon appeared.
“oh, leon! i’m your maid today!” she said.
“really? what brought this on?” he asked.
“i just wanted to do something nice for you since you always do nice things for me,” she told him. “jin and clavis suggested it.”
“ah, i figured,” leon chuckled. “but in that case, i shall take you up on your offer.”
irene was excited to help him. there was just one problem: leon was naturally a giving person. he never ordered her to do anything, opting to do everything himself out of habit. she attempted to clean the faction’s office but yves took pity and started cleaning for her.
“we ought to give yves a maid outfit,” jin chuckled.
“EXCUSE ME?!” yves shrieked in embarrassment. “well i guess you’re right since i’m the only one that ever cleans this place up!”
his hands were on his hips as he angrily frowned at jin. “that’s not true, i cleaned up my desk last week,” jin said.
“no, you just piled stuff up and you work on a tiny portion of your desk!” yves huffed.
“i still cleaned it a little…” jin mumbled into his lollipop.
“ahem, uh… prince yves? i can handle cleaning up,” irene sheepishly told him.
“we really should make leon and that old perv clean their mess up,” yves sighed.
“hey, licht makes a mess too,” jin said.
“no he doesn’t,” yves denied. licht was eating darioles, leaving crumbs on his desk. he then proceeded to slap his hand on the table and hoover the crumbs up from his hand. “see? it’s leon and jin that makes the most mess. jin leaves bottles of random alcohol around and leon leaves books around.”
“i guess the difference here is that jin finishes the alcohol but leon doesn’t finish the books,” licht said.
leon entered the room as if he was summoned by licht’s words. “hey, that’s not true, i finished a book yesterday.”
leon had a cart of little goodies and tea. “hey, i thought i was supposed to help you?” irene frowned.
“you’ve been cleaning up in here which is a big help,” leon said. “c’mon guys let’s take a break!”
licht ate some more sweets, yves continued to grumble about the state of their office as he poured everyone tea, and jin was jin-ing.
there wasn’t much to do for the rest of the day. leon had been so kind to her the whole day when it was her day to return his kindness.
“you really don’t make it easy,” she told him.
“what do you mean?” he asked. “i thought today was pretty easy.”
“i’m meant to be helping you, not watching you do all the work while you spoil me,” she said. “i even wore a maid’s uniform for you.”
“you don’t have to become a maid in order to help me. you help me everyday just by being by my side.”
“aww, leon. you’re so sweet. but i just wanted to give back to you and show my appreciation.”
“well i’d say you were successful. you even got all dressed up for it. you didn’t have to go that far.”
“you don’t think me in a uniform is attractive?” she teased.
leon nervously laughed, “i think you look good with or without the uniform. i mean if you wore something else i didn’t mean you being naked, but you do look good naked but that’s not the point. um, it’s just that… you remind me of the old maids that used to take care of us as children.”
the couple burst out laughing.
“maybe you should help me out of this uniform?”
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 5 months
Day 3, The great Mystery
Summary: Is Santa real? Well let's see what the turtles, April and Casey think.
A/n: I CANT WAIT FOR MY BIRTHDAYYY YALL, ANYWAYS ENJOY, T-CESTERS AND PROSHIPPERS DNI. (Btw I didn't have enough space for a Casey # so yea sorry 😭)
Lee: Casey, Donnie, Mikey, Leo, April.
Ler: Donnie, Raph, Leo, April, Mikey.
Extra: Splinter.
Warrnings: Just Fluff and if you still or don't belive in Santa then I suggest to skip the ending.
It was the 3rd day of December, 22 days left, The boys and April decided to meet up and write a letter to Santa together.
💚:Whait whait whait, so let me get this straight, you WRITE a letter to a guy dressed in red named Sa-satan?- Stain?-
💙💜❤️🧡💛: Santa.
💚:Okay a guy named Santa, you just WRITE a letter to that guy and you will get ANYTHING you whant by writing on that letter?
💜:Well technically no since you can't ask for a unicorn since those don't exist and don't have a physical form or place or evidence that they-
🧡:Well yea! You just write a letter about Santa and there! Isn't that fun?? Santa's a great guy!!
Mikey said as he smiled brightly at the Santa thing. Casey was though suspicious of that as he said.
💚:I don't trust that guy...
💙:WHY not??
💚: A guy in a red costume comes and gives some presents that could be traps or poisoned? It's a bit...suspicous-
💜: Well you don't need to worry about that dear junior cause yours truly made traps that Santa won't go through! I finally will show you all that he is in fact not real.
🧡: *Gasp* D! How could you?! You know Santa can hear you??
💜: OH Pleasee Mikey! It's weird that NO ONE EVER saw this guy and somehow there are presents under the tree! I mean come on!
💙: D you're ruining the fun! Santa is real cause if NOT, HOW do we get presents under the Christmas tree???
💜: cough cough, WHAT about Raph huh??
Donnie argued pointing at Raph that looks anxious and nervous.
💙: What about him??
💜: OH please you DONT think HE might be the one setting presents under the tree?
💛: I mean Dee's gott a point, like come on guys, who on earth whould even HAVE 8 BILLION toys every YEAR. And do it for a century???
🧡:Santa! Cause HE is real!!
Mikey and Leo argued with April and Donnie while Casey was still suspicous of the mysterious man while Raph still was anxious. Before, suddenly the 4 heard giggles and turned around and saw Raph tickling Casey junior as he said loudly.
❤️: Santa's a good guy! Trust in him a little bit guyss!
Before April and Donnie could react the other 2 turtles yelled.
As they pounced onto the poor Human and the soft shell as the box turtle started tickling April into her sides and Leo started tickling Donie onto his tummy while giggling. Raph continued tickling Casey that was held in the air by the snapping turtle and squirm as he laughed hysterically with snorts.
❤️:Whaat?~ Raph dosent hear what you're saying junior~
April squealed as she rolled him onto his back and started tickling his armpits in return as she giggled a bit with him.
Mikey giggled out as he started to squirm meanwhile Leo was tickling Donnie, Donnie managed to tap his wrist pad and 2 metal hands pulled Leo of and pinned him to the ground as Donnie giggled out.
And started tickling Leos Ribs while Leo just begged and laughed hysterically.
This went on for a WHILE before Raph said.
❤️:Guys! Look! There is something under the tree!
And there were, presents.
💛:NO WAY!!
💚:...So that "Santa" guy is real?
❤️:Told ya guys! Just trust the spirit of Christmas and you guy will get gifts! Now yall wanna watch a Movie?
All of them agreed and went to get themselves ready for the Movie night.
(Ending part reveal if you don't whant to ruin the Christmas Magic (especially if your a child) then I recommend to scroll down now, ba-bye!)
Later when it was night Raph came to Splinters room and he hugged his father ad there he was, the mystery was solved, there was papper and ribbons in Splinters room, it was Splinter, the weird fat man in disguise.
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oblivious-aro · 2 months
Where the Sky Meets the Sea Ch. 1/3
And now, presenting a fanfic where the main couple of the show don't get together. Happy Valentine's Day!
Summary: Rewrite of the parts of season 6 of Ninjago (Skybound) that make my blood boil. The main change is that Nya's struggles are respected, and she's allowed to yell at people. Also, Jay isn't a complete tool the whole time abs actually goes through some character development. Follows roughly the same plot line as Skybound. The parts that are unchanged are just skimmed through.
Word Count: 4800
Being framed for a number of petty crimes and thrown into prison had been a bit of a setback, but the ninja did manage to obtain a solid lead on how to defeat Nadakhan from one of the inmates before they escaped.
All they needed was a map hidden in a lantern on his ship, Misfortune's Keep.
The only problem was that they had no idea where Nadakhan's ship was located.
Scouting for information on Nadakhan would be difficult with the police on the lookout for them, but Jay and Nya managed to sneak into police headquarters under disguise.
Nya had only been trying to keep their cover from getting blown when she'd requested a lunch break, but once they were outside the smell of burgers cooking made her realize she was actually quite hungry.
"Two double cheeseburgers, one with double cheese, double ketchup; the other double pickles, double mustard, ready to go!" the hamburger vendor finally announced.
Nya reached into her pockets, but Jay stopped her.
"Lunch is on me." he insisted.
"That's okay Jay." Nya said.
"Nonsense, what kind of gentleman lets a lady pay for her own food?"
Nya rolled her eyes, but she didn't want to cause a scene while they were undercover, so she let Jay have his way.
But when he dug through his pockets, all Jay could find was lint. He didn't have the money to pay for his lunch, let alone Nya's.
"Uh...um...wrong pants?" Jay smiled nervously at the unamused vendor.
Nya sighed and gave the vendor money for both their burgers.
"I-I can pay you back later." Jay said.
"Nonsense." Nya grinned coily "What kind of lady lets a gentleman pay for his own food?"
Jay sighed.
Not one of his smoothest moves.
Jay and Nya walked for about a block until they found some benches that were semi-hidden by a giant tree.
Nya sighed in relief as she pulled off her itchy moustache and police cap.
"If I had a nickel for every time I was broke..." Jay laughed.
But Nya wasn't in the mood for jokes.
"Jay," she said, "We need to talk."
"Oh?" Jay's throat went dry "About what?"
"About the way you've been acting. You've been making moves on me all week, and frankly, I don’t appreciate it."
"Whaaaat?" Jay tried to smile innocently "I don't know wha-"
"Don't you dare play dumb with me Jay Walker!" Nya snapped "We both know very well what you're doing!"
That shut Jay up.
Nya sighed.
"Jay, I like you. I really do. But as a friend." her tone was soft but firm "Somewhere out there there's a really great person for you, but that person isn't me. I broke up with you because we weren't right as a couple. It...it just didn't feel good for me. I wasn’t happy. And yeah, I know I probably should have been more upfront with you back then, but I'm being upfront now and telling you to cut it out. Do you get what I'm saying?"
Nya's words hit like a dagger through Jay's heart.
He'd seen the future, they were together, and they had looked so happy. Nya had looked so happy. The sight of relaxed upturn of her lips and the crinkled corners of her eyes had been burned into Jay's memory.
In the present though, Nya's lips were tight and the soft wrinkles of her brow had been replaced with stressed creases.
Jay had just been following the vision. Why was it having the opposite effect of what he saw?
Despite his confusion, Jay knew there was no way he could continue to try and make the vision come true. Not after what Nya had just said.
"Yeah, I got it." Jay managed to stick a smile on his face "Cut the flirting. We're friends. Good...good friends. And friends...don't try to push friends into situations they're uncomfortable with."
"Yes," Nya smiled, her shoulder visibly relaxing. "That’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m so glad we’re on the same page. Hug?" Nya stretched out her arms.
Jay usually had no problem hugging his friends, including Nya, but right now he didn't think he could handle such an intimate interaction.
"Uh, how about a fist bump?" he counter-offered, holding his fist out.
Nya, still smiling, enthusiastically smashed her fist to Jay's.
Too enthusiastically.
Having neglected to set her hamburger down before fist bumping, Nya's sandwich got squished and spilled all over Jay's shirt.
"Oh um, oops." she said.
"Heh, guess lunch really is on me," Jay forced out a laugh "I'm gonna go clean this up."
"Alright, I'll keep your spot saved." Nya called as Jay started across the street to look for a restroom.
Nya looked up at the beautiful clouds in the sky. That had gone way better than expected. Her life was kind of a disaster right now, but at least she and Jay were back to normal.
"Why Nya?" Jay wiped away the tears that had started to form in his eyes.
They'd been such a good couple! Having a girlfriend who shared his interests and sense of humour had been the greatest thing that's ever happened to him. He'd felt so confident and complete knowing someone so cool loved him as much as he'd loved her.
It was the happiest Jay had ever been in his life.
And then...that stupid matchmaking machine! That was where the trouble started.
Jay supposed it made sense. Nya had lost interest in him the second she realized she could go for someone other than Jay.
Someone better than Jay.
Sure, she hadn't actually ended up dating Cole, but that only proved Jay's suspicions further. Nya had liked Jay enough to start dating him, but it didn't take her long to realize he wasn't worth it.
It hadn’t been that she was interested in someone else, she just didn't want to be with him.
"Maybe if I was better..." Jay glanced over his shoulder "Maybe we'd still be together if I wasn't just some loser who was born in a junkyard without a penny to his name..."
"I may be able to help you with that."
Jay jumped at the sound of the unfamiliar voice.
When he turned back around someone with four arms and a cloudy tail instead of legs was floating in front of him, grinning sinisterly.
Jay had never met him before, but there was only one person this could be:
"N-N-Nadakhan! I forgot we weren't supposed to be alone!" Jay's head snapped back to Nya, obliviously munching on her sandwich "I can scream, you know. Really loud!"
"Fine, fine, suit yourself." Nadakhan turned as if to leave "Even if you are wasting a golden opportunity to get the girl to fall for you...aw well, it's your decision."
"Ha! Nice try!" Jay gloated "But I already know you can't wish for love!"
"That is true, but..." Nadakhan slowly turned back around "There aren't any rules against wishing for something...a little less direct."
"What do you mean?" Jay asked, his indomitable curiosity getting the better of him.
"You said so yourself," Nadakhan gestured to Jay with his upper right hand, "The girl showed interest in you before, right? Perhaps if you had a little more to offer her than 'boy from a junkyard', her interest would return."
Jay glanced back at Nya one last time.
"Well...maybe just one wish wouldn't hurt. You wouldn't tell anybody, right?"
"Of course not! It'll just be our little secret. Now, what was it you wanted to wish for?"
"I wish...I wish I wasn't born in a junkyard, and I wasn't poor so I can give Nya everything she ever wanted."
"Your wish is yours to keep."
Jay could hear his voice, but when he looked around, Nadakhan was nowhere to be seen.
"Um...Nadakhan?" An ominous feeling began to bubble in Jay's stomach.
What had he just done?
"Hey there, ninja!"
Jay whipped around and saw a familiar mail carrier approaching on his bike.
"Don't worry," he said "I'm not here to turn you in. Just delivering the mail." He reached into his bag and handed Jay an envelope.
"Uh, thanks?"
Who could've possibly been sending Jay mail at this time? He tore open the envelope and started reading.
"Mr Jay Walker, this letter has been sent to inform you of your father's passing, and the vast inheritance he has left you in his will... Wait, my father's...passing?!"
Jay couldn't look away from those two words. His head felt like it was under water, while the rest of his body seemed to turn to stone.
He couldn't...his dad couldn't be…
"Aw, that's sad to hear. Congrats on the inheritance, though." The carrier waved as he rode away.
Jay barely heard him. He just stood there for several seconds, unable to move or even think properly.
"Mom..." Jay suddenly realized.
He summoned his elemental dragon, and they flew off towards the scrapyard at top speed.
"Mom!" Jay practically screamed as he slammed the RV door open "Mom! Where are you?"
"Jay!" Edna smiled from the rocking chair she was knitting in "I'm so glad to see you, dear! We've been pretty worried after those reporters came by and asked us-"
"Mom, where's Dad?"
"Oh I'm sorry dear, but your father's no longer here."
"No..." This was all Jay's fault. Why'd he have to make that stupid wish? "No, no, n-"
"Well Edna," Jay heard a familiar voice say behind him "I got those diddilybops for the buggy, but I still can’t seem to- Oh, hey there Jay! What brings you-"
"Dad!" Jay was on his father in an instant, nearly strangling him in a bear hug. "You're okay!"
"Of course I'm okay, son." Ed said once Jay finally let him have enough air to breath. "Whew! Quite the arm strength you got there! That ninja training's really paying off."
"Whoops, sorry Dad."
"Quite alright, son. Now, not that I don't appreciate a visit and a hug from my little Jaybird, but what seems to have gotten you so worked up?"
"Sorry dad, I just got the weirdest letter." Jay pulled the document out of his pocket to show his parents. "It said that my dad had died and left me lots and lots of money. It addressed me by name and everything, so I thought something had happened to Dad. But I guess there was some mix up and we can all laugh about it now, huh?" Jay shrugged lightly.
Ed finished reading the letter and looked at Edna somberly. She gave him the same look back.
"Um...am I missing something?"
"Dear, I think it's about time we told him." Edna said.
"Told me what?" Jay asked.
"Well Son," Ed said "We did want to tell you sooner, but it just never seemed like the right time, and we could never really figure out how to say it exactly. I guess we can't really put it off any longer though." Ed laughed emptily.
Jay's heart rate began to pick up.
All his life, Jay's parents had spoken with a bubbly warmth in their voice that persisted through the worst of times. Even when Jay had broken his leg trying to invent a flying machine as a kid, even when the serpentine attacked the scrapyard, even when the two of them had almost turned into snakes-zombies, that bubbliness always lingered.
But now their voices were dead serious.
That scared Jay more than any dragon he’d ever faced.
"You see son, it's just that you're uh...you're...adopted."
Jay hadn’t been expecting that.
"I...huh?" Jay's brain struggled to form words. The walls of the RV seemed to shift and swirl around him.
"It's true." Edna stood up and joined Jay and Ed by the door "We found you right there on our doorstep one morning with a key. Your father and I hadn't really planned on having kids, but you were just the cutest little thing, so we took you in and raised you as best we could."
"A...key?" was all Jay could manage to get out.
"Yes," Edna pulled a key out of her pocket and handed it to Jay. "It didn't come with a note or instruction of any sort, but I have a feeling those directions on the back of that letter might have something to do with it."
"Oh?" Jay hadn't even noticed anything on the back of the letter until Ed passed it back to him "Oh um, yeah. I-I should probably go check that out."
Jay turned and ran out the door, his mind too full to form a proper goodbye to his parents. Once he was far enough from the RV, Jay summoned his dragon and took off to the location specified on the back of the letter.
"Well, there he goes." Ed sighed.
"You say that like he isn't coming back, Ed."
"Edna, that kid's been itchin' to leave the scrapyard behind ever since he figured out it was all we could give him."
Edna didn't say anything. She just grabbed Ed's hand as the two of them watched Jay's dragon disappear into the distance.
The directions on the letter led Jay to a secluded woods a small distance away from Ninjago City.
His dragon landed on a stone path and let Jay dismount before vanishing.
At the end of the path was a sleek villa surrounded by various types of lush flora. The building was coloured in tasteful gradients of grey, and very expensive looking.
A part of Jay wasn't sure this was the right place, but when he tried the key his mother had given him in the lock on the front door, it fit perfectly.
More confused than ever, Jay opened the door and went inside.
"Hello?" he called.
The house was completely silent.
"So...this was my birth dad's house?" Jay said to himself.
The inside of the house made him think of a magazine cover. Giant windows let in enough natural sunlight that there wasn't any need to turn on a light (which was good because Jay had no idea where the lightswitch was). The furniture was sparse, but very modern and pristine. A giant flat-screen TV hung on the wall above the electric fireplace.
Whoever furnished this place clearly had money to burn.
Jay walked over to a blue-grey chair. He was slightly afraid to sit in such an expensive looking seat, but he really needed a quiet minute to just relax and-
"Fear isn't a word where I come from!"
Jay jumped and whipped around. Standing behind him was a two metre tall statue of his favourite comic book character, Fritz Donnegan.
"Fear isn't a word where I come from!" the statue repeated.
"Guess my dad was a big Fritz Donnegan fan. That's…kind of cool."
Jay walked over to the trophy case by the statue.
"Gee, he sure won a lot of awards." Jay reached for a random trophy "I wonder what-"
There was a click. Jay pulled his hand back as the shelf slid to the side, revealing a hidden room.
"Woah!" Jay stepped inside. The secret room was full of various costumes and Fritz Donnegan paraphernalia.
Jay's eyes widened when he spotted a limited edition Starfarer Rayblaster lying on a Hollywood-style vanity.
"Wow, I don't even have this one!" Jay excitedly ran over and grabbed the ray gun "My dad must've really liked Fritz Donnegan! I wonder why he had a secret collection room with a giant mirror, though?"
Jay looked into the mirror. Surrounding his reflection were some taped-up notes and a bunch of old photographs of one guy with various people.
"That guy looks kind of familiar...oh! It's Cliff Gordan! The actor who played Fritz in the movies. I can respect a fellow fan, but maybe you're going a little far with the decorations here, Dad. I wonder what all these notes say...Good luck Cliff, love Nancy...You're hot stuff Gordon, Vanessa...Go get 'em Cliffy, Libber ;)...Geez, did my dad steal a bunch of personal notes to Cliff Gordon? That's- wait a minute..."
It suddenly clicked for Jay.
"My dad...was Cliff Gordon?!" Jay tok a dizzy step back from the mirror "N-no way! How's that even possible? I can't be...Jay Gordon...can I?"
"Ah, but you can."
The hair on the back of Jay's neck stood up.
Jay turned and fired his ray gun at the djinn.
A rubber dart bounced harmlessly off him.
"Now now, there's no need for such hostility," Nadakhan smiled, "All I’m here to do is grant your second wish."
"Look Nadakhan, I don't know if you rewrote the past or what, but whatever you did, I don't want a second wish!"
"Rewrite the past? I did no such thing. All I did was merely reveal something you didn't know to already be true. I didn't change a thing, as fun as rewriting the past would have been..." Nadakhan tapped his chin thoughtfully.
"Y-you're evil! I don't want to make any more wishes!"
"Oh come now, everyone always wants something." Nadakhan insisted, lazily floating in a circle around Jay "Power, prestige," he leaned a little closer to Jay "Perhaps a ray gun that actually works?"
"No! I don't want anything else! I just wish I wasn't alone with you! No, wait!" Jay buried his face in his hands "I didn’t mean to…"
Nadakhan grimaced. That hadn't been how he'd planned to make Jay use his second wish!
The wish magic surged through and out of Nadakhan before he could come up with a way to turn Jay's request to his advantage.
Ding dong! Ding dong!
"Hello?" a distant voice called "Jay? Are you in there?"
"Nya!" Jay lifted his face from his hands "Is that you?"
"Until next time." Nadakhan grumbled, vanishing in a puff of smoke.
Jay didn't waste any time racing out of the secret room and across the foyer. He nearly tore the front door from the wall as he threw it open.
"Nya!" he exclaimed "How'd you find me here?"
"You were kinda gone for a while, so I went looking for you. When I couldn't find you, I got worried and called your parents. They said you'd be here. Why'd you run off without…"
Nya trailed off as she got a look at the inside of the building.
"Wow," she breathed, stepping inside "I didn't know you had a place this ritzy. How long you been hiding this?"
"Oh, uhh..."
Jay couldn't tell her the truth. If anyone knew he had made a wish with a dangerous djinn, he'd never live it down. Especially since the wish involved trying to impress Nya after she'd literally just told him to back off.
Jay desperately wracked his brain.
"I mean...if you can have a secret hideout...why can't I?" Jay hoped he didn't sound as nervous as he felt.
"A secret hideout eh? Well, I suppose I of all people can respect that. But why'd you leave in the middle of-"
"Nya, Jay, come in!" Lloyd's staticky voice interrupted Nya.
"We're here." Nya spoke into her bracelet "What's going on? Did something happen?"
Jay quietly sighed with relief, thankful for the distraction.
"Haven't you heard?" Lloyd replied "Sky pirates are attacking the city! We need everyone here stat!"
"Sky pirates? We're on our way now!" Nya looked up at Jay "Come on! No time to lose!"
Jay nodded and followed Nya out of the house. Once they got out of the trees, both of them summoned their dragons and took off towards Ninjago City.
"Hey, about earlier," Nya called to Jay from her dragon, "I'm sorry if I've been kind of in a bad mood lately."
"Oh, uh...you don't really need to apologize for anything, Nya." Jay called back.
"I don't know, I feel like maybe I do." Nya rubbed the back of her neck "I've just kind of been under a lot of pressure. I mean, being the newest ninja on the team, trying to catch up in training, how the general public has been reacting to there being a girl ninja..." Nya briefly frowned but quickly shook off whatever was on her mind. "Anyway, it's just been a stressful couple of months. I'm just really glad I've got at least one person in my corner."
"Oh, y-yeah. No problem..." Jay said,
"Seriously Jay, thank you for just listening to me being a friend. You have no idea how much I need that right now." Nya turned to Jay and smiled.
Jay smiled back briefly before turning away. He genuinely wondered if he should take some kind of medication for the awful feeling in his stomach.
During their battle with the Nadakhan’s crew, Cole managed to snag the lantern that contained the map to the hidden Tiger Widow Island, but their victory came at a cost.
Kai was nowhere to be found after the sky pirates retreated.
It didn't take long for the remaining ninja to figure out that Nadakhan had trapped him in his Djinn Blade along with Wu and Misako.
The loss hit the group hard. It wasn't that Wu or Misako's absence was unfelt, but Kai had been by their side minutes ago, and now he was suddenly just...gone.
Something flashed across Nya's face that made Jay's heart ache, but before he could even consider consoling her, a determined rage replaced any vulnerability in her eyes.
Nya was the first one to speak, breaking the group out of their stupor by reminding them it was time for the next step in their plan.
Feeling a bit guilty about Kai, Jay offered up his new house for the group to hide out in and plan their next move.
Cole took Jay aside and confronted him about his sudden acquisition of such an expensive property. Jay knew he wouldn't be able to get away with lying to Cole, so he confessed everything. Cole was not happy to hear any of what Jay told him, but he promised to not say anything to the rest of the group.
So long as no one else got hurt.
The island was too far away for their dragons to fly to, so the team headed down to the docks to charter a ship.
Unfortunately, the sailor manning the docks sensed a mighty storm brewing, and refused to lend them a sea vessel.
Luckily, Jay's late father happened to have a robust (not to mention incredibly shiny) boat at that dock the ninja were free to use.
The storm was as bad as the sailor had predicted. Jay had to be tied to the top of the mast to act as a lightning rod, while Zane went below deck so he wouldn't attract any lightning away from Jay.
It was one of the worst storms any of the ninja had ever seen. Everyone was so caught up in the chaos of making sure the ship didn't crash, that no one noticed the island approaching before it was too late.
"Brace yourselves!" was all Lloyd had time to shout before there was a deafening crunch, and the world went black.
The gentle sound of waves breaking on the sand greeted Jay’s ears as he started to regain consciousness.
When he opened his eyes, he saw the sun beginning to rise, and Lloyd helping Cole stand up. Nya stood nearby, her hand shading her eyes as she scanned the sea.
Behind them was a thick jungle, presumably with the tiger widow lurking somewhere in its depths.
At least they’d made it to the island in one piece, even if the former Cliff Gordon’s boat hadn’t.
Jay blearily stood up and brushed as much sand as he could out of his gi.
"Cole!" he suddenly realized "How on earth did you manage to not get wet in a shipwreck?"
Cole just rubbed his head, not awake enough to form a response.
"Jay! You're up!" relief washed over Lloyd's face "Thank goodness we're all okay."
"Not all of us," Nya frowned, "I can't find Zane anywhere!"
“Zane?" Cole blinked and looked around the beach.
"Oh no!" Nya's hands shot to her mouth in horror "He was below deck during the storm alone! How could we have forgotten? Nadakhan must have-"
"Okay, that's it!" Cole snapped, now very awake and very angry "This has gone too far!"
"Cole," Lloyd said "We're all upset about losing Zane and Kai, but you have to stay calm."
"I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about him!"
Jay’s heart stopped as Cole pointed at him.
"Jay?" Nya asked "What'd Jay do?"
"Ha ha, y-yeah Cole? What'd I do?"
"Don't play dumb." Cole shot Jay a glare before turning back to Nya and Lloyd "Jay already made two wishes with Nadakhan before he visited any of us. He could have warned us, and Kai and Zane might still be here!"
"Wait what?" Nya's eyebrows shot up.
"Wh…” Lloyd scrunched his face in confusion ”Why didn't you tell us earlier Jay?" Lloyd asked.
"Oh, I don't know, it just didn't really seem important, I guess..." Jay didn't make eye contact with anyone.
"He didn't tell anyone because he used his wish to get that fancy house to try and impress Nya!"
Jay’s stomach dropped and the world seemed to stand still.
Nya's eyebrows somehow shot up even higher.
"You..." her voice was unsteady, like someone had knocked the wind out of her "You mean when you disappeared at lunch...after I had made it very clear I wasn't interested in dating you..." the disbelief in Nya's voice steadily morphed into rage "You told me you understood, and then you ran off with an evil djinn and tried to wish for my love!?"
"N-no! Nya, it's not like that! I wasn't trying to...h-he tricked me into-"
"Save it Jay." Nya turned away from him and crossed her arms "I don't want to hear whatever lies you're trying to feed me!"
She marched into the jungle without looking back.
"No, wait! Nya! I'm not-" Jay looked at Lloyd and Cole "C'mon, help me out here guys!"
"Here's some advice," Cole said "Next time, don't keep vital information from the team just to save your own sorry hide."
Cole's shoulder bumped roughly into Jay as he walked past him to follow Nya.
Jay desperately turned to Lloyd, but the hard glare Lloyd was giving him destroyed any hope he had for sympathy.
Lloyd didn't even say anything as he walked past Jay into the trees.
"I just found out my parents aren't my birth parents!" Jay shouted into the trees "If anyone cares!"
There was no response.
Jay groaned and ran after the others.
When they got to the tiger widow's cave, Jay was unanimously voted to go in and retrieve the venom alone. He desperately tried to protest this decision, but no one was budging.
Despite the threat to his life and limb, a part of him was glad to get away from Nya's burning glare.
After much struggle (and screaming), Jay finally managed to procure a canteen of the deadly spider's venom. When he escaped the cave, he found his friends scattered and locked in fierce battle with various members of Nadakhan's crew.
The ninja managed to regroup, but the angry tiger widow had followed Jay, and chased the group across an unstable bridge. The bridge couldn't hold their weight and snapped in two.
The ninja managed to grab onto one half of the bridge and began to climb to safety, but Nadakhan suddenly appeared and took advantage of their compromised position.
He kidnapped Jay, emptied his canteen, and sent the tiger widow tumbling to the treacherous valley below.
"Jay!" Cole yelled as the cackling Nadakhan and his crew retreated into the sky "Oh no, we've lost Jay and the only thing that can stop Nadakhan!"
"Not quite." Nya pulled out a canteen full of-
"The tiger widow venom?" Lloyd's eyes widened "But, how?"
"I switched canteens with Jay before the bridge collapsed." Nya grinned proudly.
"So that means..." Lloys smiled.
"We have the only thing that can stop Nadakhan!" Cole finished enthusiastically.
"And better yet, they don't know we have it." Nya added.
Cole squinted at the sky.
"But there's no way our dragons can fly that far, and our ship was scuttled on entry, so how are we supposed to get off this island?"
"If we managed to escape an asteroid in the desolate void of space, we can get off this island." Lloyd said confidently.
"Lloyd's right. We'll find a way. We always do." Nya tightened her grip on the canteen. "Nadakhan had better watch out, because we're coming for him."
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gayswithguitars · 2 years
Well, now that it’s been nearly 48 hours since I saw MCR, I should talk about it. This will likely be sappy and cheesy, I’m not apologizing.
The openers were hella fun, though I had to fill my mom in on what happened between Gabe Saporta and Mikey so that was fantastic.
Then this deafening static, the kind that shakes you to your teeth, it felt like ages but was probably only five minutes max.
Then they were there.
All four of them.
I can’t describe the rush of emotions that flooded me, shock, excitement, anticipation and most of all, pure joy.
If I could go back in time and tell my 12 year old self that one day I’d see MCR live, she’d burst into tears. If I told her that one day she’d see the whole emo trinity, she’d faint.
The Foundations of Decay starts, beautiful and haunting. I knew that night was going to be incredible when the stadium shook on the “So he gets to die a Saint but she will always be the whore!” part.
The song pulls to a close, and I’m shaking with happiness. Praying for my favorite songs to play.
BANG. THANK YOU FOR THE VEMON!!! This is easily my number one MCR song, it’s fast, it’s heavy, and seeing Mr. Toro rip it to shreds was absolutely wonderful.
So I’d think after these two fast, hard songs they’d play something slow, but iN COMES IM NOT OKAY. Again, my younger self would piss herself. God, it was so incredible.
Again, like a fool, I think a slower song will follow. Nope! Vampire Money! I started losing my voice around here. Oh! Gerard also sang “Get fucked in an airport bar.” So we had that going.
THIS IS HOW I DISAPPEAR!!!!! Beautiful, wonderful, served, I love her. Mwah.
Finally we get a little reprieve, Ah fuck, it’s Summertime. Look, don’t get me wrong, I love the song, but it’s about you know who. I’m gonna ignore that because G asked us to put our lights up, giggled and said it looked magical :)
Back to it! Cemetery Drive! Was there a tiny part of me praying Mikey would slip again? Maybe, you’ll never know.
Lights go off, it gets quiet. Gerard starts humming. “What are we? To him? To god? Our father, who art in heaven…”
BLAMO it’s Our Lady of Sorrows!!!!! Also I forgot to mention, Mikey was hella active with our section ugh He’s awesome.
Hang Em’ High starts! Gerard just wore a black shirt and pants but I wish him or Ray wore a cowboy outfit.
Boy Division starts, again, hearing a whole crowd together was awesome, especially the LA LA LA LA part.
Welcome To The Black Parade. What can I even say. Words can’t describe how moving it was to hear everyone singing together. This anthem. This banger. So beautiful.
Teenagers. Gerard said he didn’t like the song that much but they’ve got to play it I suppose. (Cough) though they could play MGATMK but that’s not my business.
I turn to my mom, smiling, this smile would quickly drop as I realized DESTROYA was starting. So yes, I had to watch Gerard Way moan with my mother. (Heavy sigh)
DEATHWISH!!!! How I love it, so fucking cool.
And from the heavens, my baby girl, Mama begins. Gerard literally pointed the mic at the crowd and told everyone to “Sing it!” at the gender part. I love them.
HOUSE OF WOLVES!!!! I had to delete my messages with my father to make room for storage here, do not regret it.
Na Na Na! My mom knew this one and said she really liked it live :) love you mom
Famous Last Words. I told myself I wouldn’t cry at this show. I was so SO wrong. They let the crowd sing the part after the guitar solo alone and I broke into tears, my makeup and I did not survive.
They left the stage as I sobbed, my mom staring at me wondering what the hell was wrong.
Ready for the encore? Good, buckle up.
Gerard announces the next song is for the king. Everyone says what the fuck. BOOM. VAMPIRES WILL NEVER HURT YOU. WHAAAAT.
Next up is Helena, so beautiful and perfect, I thought this would be the last song as it used to be.
Everyone left the stage except G, who was laying ass up on the stage.
My mom and I laughed, watching as he hopped up.
And then.
Every emotion I’ve felt in these rough few months came crashing down. I sobbed like a baby. Then it was over.
I am so thankful I got to see this show, it was genuinely life changing. I hope you all get to see them one day if you haven’t. It was just, wow, wow wow wow.
These guys saved my life, and I think they did it again last night. :)
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willgayers · 2 years
112. and 64. And could you please write it eddissy❤️
‘112. why are you bleeding?’
‘64. you’re so beautiful’
oMG this is so disgustingly cute you guys
genre; FLUFF!!!
warnings; bullying, violence, cursing, bl**d
notes; au high school era, where chrissy and eddie are classmates :3 
Tumblr media
gif by @psyche-edits
“and that’s it for today, everyone!” the cheer coach called out, and all the cheerleaders of hawkins high began to gather up their stuff from the field. chrissy cunningham grabbed her backpack from the ground, and started to make her way towards the locker rooms at the other side of the field, attached to the school building.
“oh my god- kelly is such a bitch.” her teammate jocelyn snapped, as she hurried next to chrissy. “yeah,” chrissy noted, letting out a small chuckle. “like, did you hear what she said?” jocelyn continued. “that she should be on top of the pyramid. who does she think she is?!” chrissy was about to answer to that, but her gaze got stuck at the sight of some black curly hair peeping out from behind the stadium benches.  “chrissy?” jocelyn asked. “hello- did you hear what i said?”  “uhm- i’ll, i’ll be right after you.” chrissy blurted out to her, and jocelyn frowned at chrissy as she started to walk towards the benches, holding on to her backpack straps. “fine, whatever.” jocelyn said, and started marching towards the locker rooms.
as chrissy got closer, she started to see more of the boy she’d already; from the top of his head; recognized as eddie. he was sitting on one of the metal planks, brushing off mud and- blood? - chrissy frowned to herself, - from his ripped jeans. chrissy then noticed that his jeans weren’t ripped on purpose. they’d gotten ripped. he had a pretty bad cut on his lip, and his shirt was all muddy as well.  “eddie?” chrissy asked softly, voice full of worry and confusion. eddie flinched, turning his head around fast. his lips parted a little as she saw chrissy, embarrassment filling his gut. he didn’t think anyone would find him here; and he definitely didn’t want someone like chrissy finding him here. chrissy and eddie weren’t that close, other from the fact that they had been assigned lab partners ― which was why eddie had started to form a massive crush on chrissy. he was simply aware that there was probably never going to be a single chance for someone like him to be with someone like her. he’d given up on the thought of the two of them before he had ever really started. but of course, chrissy’s boyfriend jason didn’t know that.
༝   ”what’s the freak drawing-?!”
eddie shot his gaze up as jason and his gang started approaching him in the park by the school.
“you, naked.” eddie smirked at him, and jason’s nostrils widened from anger. he marched over to eddie, and eddie tried to close the sketch book, but jason snatched it from his hands just in time.
“give it back,” eddie spat, jumping up and trying to grab the book, but jason stepped away, quickly opening the page eddie was just on.
“i bet it’s some nasty shit about the monsters in his stupid game,” one of the guys laughed from the side, but jason wasn’t laughing. he was staring at the book with furrowed brows and an open mouth. eddie clenched his jaw, waiting for jason’s final reaction.
“what the shit?” jason spat. he turned to look at eddie, and held the book up, showing him the page. it was a picture of chrissy. nothing sexual, just a sketch of her leaning against the desk in maths class, staring out of the window, chewing on her pen. something eddie was more focused on in the class than the actual lecture.
“you’re drawing my girlfriend?” jason asked, raising his brows.
“whaaaat? she’s your girlfriend?” eddie faked, and jason growled, throwing the book in to the trash.
“oh, you’re dead, freak.” he growled, walking off to eddie and sucker punching his face. eddie fell to the ground, and before he could get up, jason kicked his rib, making eddie fold. the other guys started to kick him as well; and then the bell rang.
“guys— guys, i think someone’s coming,” one of the boys yelled, and they stopped.
“this isn’t over, bitch.” jason spat to eddie, and then they took off, leaving eddie lay on the ground. ༝
“chrissy,” eddie said. “what are you… doing here?” he let out a nervous chuckle which hurt his ribs, gesturing around. “i don’t think this is where the cheer practice is.”  “i saw you,” chrissy said, walking closer to him, ignoring his joke. “what happened to you? why are you bleeding?”  “i tripped.” eddie said, and chrissy only stared at him, blinking.  “oooohkay- guess we’re not buying that one,” he cleared his throat. “your boyfriend. your boyfriend happened.” he fake smiled, wincing a little at the pain it sent to his lip.  chrissy’s brows furrowed.  “jason?” she asked.  “you have more than one idiot boyfriend?” eddie raised his brows.  “jason and i aren’t together anymore.” chrissy said quietly, glancing at the ground. she crossed her arms in front of her chest, and turned her gaze away. it wasn’t that she felt awkward talking about it with eddie— it was that jason had been such a douchebag to her, that it made chrissy uneasy just talking about him in general. “i, uhm… i broke up with him last night.”  “oh,” eddie said, not even realizing how his tone of voice just kinda raised in a hopeful manner. “i mean-“ he now tried to brush his reaction off. “good for you. he’s a real dick.”  “yeah.” chrissy said, and eddie just looked at her.
short silence.
“here- let me help you.” chrissy spoke, not able to take the silence anymore.  she started opening up her backpack as she stepped closer, and then sat down next to eddie. eddie tensed a little, the scent of chrissy’s perfume filling the air nearby him. she smelled like vanilla and lilies, and eddie found it an extremely pleasant scent to breathe in. every time she sat next to him in chemistry class, he’d sometimes kinda drift off for a minute in it.  “this is gonna sting a little,” chrissy said, spraying anti bacteria spray on eddie’s open knee, and eddie jumped.  “shit- a little?!” he cursed out, and chrissy turned to look at him, smiling amusedly.  “oh, you think that’s funny?” eddie let out a small laugh. “you find my pain hilarious?”  “no,” chrissy shook her head. “i find you hilarious.” if eddie didn’t know better, he’d say she was actually flirting with him a little.  “oh, wow.” eddie said. “chrissy cunningham finds me hilarious. what a time to be alive.”  chrissy just gave him a look, before wiping his knee with a wound pad. eddie hissed.  “jesus- why do you even have all this stuff?” he asked, staring at chrissy’s backpack.  “i’m a cheerleader.” chrissy looked at him. “i get wounded up a lot.”  “right. it’s a brutal sport, really.” eddie said, and chrissy shot him a glare as she leaned to get a bandaid from her backpack.  “no! i’m serious,” he chuckled. “i’ve seen you guys practice. you must’ve fallen at least fifty times.”  chrissy stopped what she was doing, and turned to look at him with a confused smile. “you’ve seen me practice?” she asked.  eddie went a little red, and he hoped chrissy wouldn’t notice. she did, though.  “i mean,” he let out a nervous laugh. “i come out here to smoke sometimes.”  “by yourself?” chrissy quirked a brow, putting the bandaid on his knee. eddie watched her do it, and couldn’t help but feel his stomach flutter as her small fingers with pink nails brushed against his skin for a second.  “no, with… with…” eddie tried to think of someone as chrissy gave him a suspicious look. “dustin.”  chrissy let out a surprised laugh, raising her brows.  “you come out here to smoke with dustin?” she asked, not believing it.  “totally,” eddie blurted out, and chrissy started to laugh. she threw her head back as her eyes closed and nose scrunched. eddie liked this sound; hearing her laugh. he liked it a lot. and he wanted to hear more of it.  “what, you don’t believe me?” he blurted out. “well i am shocked!” he acted all dramatic.  “i’m- i’m sorry,” chrissy giggled, shaking her head. “of course i believe you.”  she chuckled, her eyes still closed and her smile going from ear to ear. the more chrissy laughed, the more eddie smiled.  “god you’re beautiful,” he blurted out; immediately realizing what he’d just said. chrissy opened her eyes, her smile slowly fading away; but never fully leaving her face. she tilted her head a little, eyes sparkling with curiosity.  “what?” she asked.  “nothing.” eddie quickly said. “i said absolutely nothing.”  “no,” chrissy said. “you said i’m… beautiful.”  eddie looked at her, feeling his cheeks tingle. she stared back at him; and god, eddie thought to himself. she truly was beautiful.  “i mean-“ eddie mumbled. “i mean, you are, so...“ he gestured at her, slightly squirming in his seat.  chrissy’s smile softened, as did her eyes. she put her hands flat on the plank, putting her weight on her arms as she swayed her legs in the air a little. she suddenly felt this funny feeling, where she didn’t know how to act, or how to be. lightheaded. but in a good way.  “really?” she asked, cheeks turning pinkish.  eddie raised his brows.  “w-wha- yes really!” he blurted out, actually shocked this time. “you’re gorgeous, come on.” did she really not believe him?  chrissy turned back to look at him, and eddie’s breath hitched in his throat.  “you really think so?” she asked.  “yeah,” eddie said; or more like breathed. he didn’t get how a girl this beautiful didn’t know she was beautiful.  chrissy smiled at him, tears nearly appearing in her eyes. eddie didn’t know if it was a good thing.  “can i, uhm… can i show you something?” he asked.  chrissy tilted her head a little, nodding.  “uh-huh,” she smiled, biting down to her lower lip. eddie smiled with the corner of his mouth as he turned around to his backpack, and pulled out his sketchbook.  “i’m sorry it smells like rotten lunch, but you can thank your-“ eddie started, and glanced at chrissy. her smile dropped immediately, and eddie felt bad for bringing up jason. “no one.” he coughed, opening the book. “uhm- here.”  he held the book open towards chrissy, showing her the sketch of her.  chrissy’s lips parted slowly.  “oh my god,” she said. “is that- is that me?”  she grabbed the book from eddie’s hands, gasping silently. “wow- this is- this is so good!”  she turned to look at eddie.  “did you make this?” she asked.  “yyyyyeah.” he was starting to regret showing her. was he being a total pussy? “i don’t know.” he shrugged. “i was bored.”  “oh,” chrissy’s smile disappeared, and she turned to look at the picture again, this time looking sad.  eddie’s jaw dropped a little at her reaction, and he hurried to fix the situation.  “no- uh, i was kidding.” he said. “i was not bored. i was totally staring at you.”  chrissy started to smile again as she turned to look back at him.  “not in a stalkery way, or anything,” eddie shook his head. “i don’t want you to think that. uhm- okay. i was just-“  but his sentence was cut off by chrissy’s lips on his. eddie’s eyes closed the second he felt her lips, but once he realized what was going on, his eyebrows shot up. the kiss stung his lip, but it was definitely worth the pain. chrissy kissed him softly, and that was how eddie responded to it. after a small moment, chrissy pulled away a little, biting down to her lower lip to stop herself from smiling.  “wow- okay,” eddie blurted out, pretty much in shock. “i’m sorry- could you do that again?”  chrissy chuckled, glancing down.  “i mean, only if you want to,” eddie rushed to say. “but it was really great, so-“  chrissy cut him off again with another kiss, this time grabbing his cheek. eddie couldn’t help but slightly grunt into the kiss. he grabbed her waist, pulling her closer. this time the kiss had way more emotion in it, and eddie’s head was up in the clouds.    so was chrissy’s. she didn’t remember the last time kissing jason had made her feel like this. she’d always thought eddie was cute — not in your typical way, but it may be for that reason exactly that chrissy had found him even more interesting. she thought he was funny and smart, and not that she would ever admit it (maybe later to eddie), she liked the way he smelled like cigarettes. it gave her a certain high.  and now here they were, practically making out behind the stadium benches. and it felt like there was no one else in the world; everything felt right in that moment.   chrissy pulled out, breathless.   she rested her forehead against eddie’s, trying to catch her breath.  “you’re a really good kisser,” she chuckled.  “so are you.” eddie said, and chrissy smiled. and then the bells rang. it was like they got snapped in back to the reality; chrissy closed her eyes, smile fading.  she pulled away.  eddie clenched his jaw. shit. did this mean that things were back to normal again? he knew it was too good to be true, chrissy cunningham actually hanging out with him. kissing him. eddie wondered if they could stay here forever, in this loophole of realities.  “you have to go, right?” he asked quietly. chrissy could hear the disappointment and even sadness in his voice. she opened her eyes, and was faced by eddie’s drawing again.  she looked at it, thinking of what it felt like kissing eddie. of what it felt like hearing the things he said, making her laugh.  she lifted her gaze to eddie, and started to smile.  “no,” she said. “we have to go.”  eddie raised his brows surprised.  “we?” he asked, and chrissy nodded with a smile as she got up.  “where?” eddie let out a small chuckle, also getting up.  “well- lets skip class.” chrissy shrugged, and eddie couldn’t believe his ears.  “you wanna go back to your place and watch a movie?” chrissy swayed her hips a little so that the cheer skirt swung in the air. something she did when she was nervous; but this time it was nervous in a good way. “i hear the new horror one is pretty good.”  “you like horror movies?” eddie asked. just when he thought chrissy couldn’t be more perfect.  “i love them.” chrissy smirked.  eddie started to smile, and he nodded.  “okay, then.” he said. “lets go.”  chrissy smiled wide, and held her hand out to him. eddie felt as though his heart was gonna burst out of his chest at this point, and he grabbed her hand. chrissy smiled up at him, closing her hand around his, and they started walking away from the school property, both smiling.
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digitalsatyr23 · 1 year
Ocarina of Time Fanfic (Ch3)
Saria, Hero of the Forest Chapter 3: Sunshine and Storm Clouds Characters: Saria, Kakariko Villagers, Anju, Sharp, Flat…
Saria was restless. She remained in a half-conscious, half-unconscious state for hours, never reaching full sleep. Tossing and turning, she eventually woke up to the smell of fresh stew. Salty and savory smells made her mouth water. Wiping her mouth with her sleeve and rubbing her eyes, she remembered where she was. She was in a small house in Kakariko Village.
“Oh, you’re finally awake, dearie!” said a portly woman at a stove. “Are you hungry? I made potato stew if you’d like some.”
“Y-yes, I’d appreciate that. Thank you.”
As Saria sat up, she realized that Poppy was fast asleep inside her cap, right beside the pillow. She decided to leave the fairy alone and join the woman at the table. After being served a good portion of stew, Saria let the steam hit her face. Now she felt fully awake.
After blowing on a few spoonfuls of stew to cool it and eat, Saria said, “This is good! Thank you for this, miss…?”
“You can call me Ofukuro. And your name is Saria, right?”
“It is. My memory of our first meeting is fuzzy. I was pretty tired when I came here.”
“It’s fine. Your little fairy explained things.” Ofukuro paused to eat some stew then continued. “It’s probably not my business, but are doing all right, dear? You were crying in your sleep. Your fairy was so worried she stayed up the whole time to watch over you. She only recently fell asleep herself.”
Saria glanced back at Poppy, who looked so sweet and peaceful. One of the fairy’s legs twitched before she calmed down. The Kokiri’s expression softened at the sight.
“I’ve been better, but I’m trying to make the most of things. Thank you for your concern, Ofukuro.”
“Of course! And if you’re still troubled, you can always come talk to me.” By this time, the kind woman had finished her first bowl and got up to serve herself seconds – or so Saria thought. After filling several other bowls, she turned to Saria. “Since you’re awake, if it’s not too much trouble, my sons have been working all day in the village. They’re carpenters that were all hired by Impa to help expand this village, but their boss, Mutoh, is always working them half to death. Could you take some stew to them for me?”
“I’d be happy to.”
“Wonderful! They’re all over village, but it shouldn’t be hard to recognize them. They’re all quite big, with hair the same color as mine. There’s Ichiro, Jiro, Sabooro, and Shiro.”
“Ichiro, Jiro, Sabooro, and Shiro. Got it.”
Showing great dexterity, Saria grabbed two bowls and balanced two more on her arms. She swiftly made her way through the village, seeking out the oversized men. It didn’t take long to find the first one.
The first son, Ichiro, was found inside a finished but empty building. His eyes lit up as he saw the stew and thanked Saria profusely for it, slurping it down in a go. After slamming the bowl on the counter, he said, “Ah, thanks for that!”
“You’re very welcome,” said Saria. “Say, if you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing in here?”
Ichiro leaned in and said, “Between you and me, I’m actually hiding from the boss.”
“O-oh, is that so?”
“I nearly threw out my back yesterday carrying wood and I barely get paid anything! I’ll never get rich like this! It kinda makes me wonder if there’s a way to work less but get paid more.” The man scratched his chin. “I suppose I could become a thief.”
Did he just say that out loud? Saria thought.
“Are you sure that’s the best course of action? What if you get caught? Wouldn’t you get in trouble?” asked Saria.
“Whaaaat? I’m sure that wouldn’t happen. I just gotta… Find some people who are already thieves and join ‘em. I’m sure my brawn would impress them!” The man laughed to himself. Saria decided to ditch him and move on.
Saria bumped into the second son after leaving the empty building. Jiro, a man with puffy hair, was running things back and forth between the center of town and up near the gate. He gasped upon seeing Saria masterfully balance all the hot bowls.
“Oh my goodness! Is that stew?”
After swiping a bowl, he quickly ate but soon regretted it, burning his tongue. “Ow ow ow ow!”
It was an amusing but worrying sight. Saria asked, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I was just so hungry I couldn’t help myself! The boss is always making us work on all kinds of projects in the village. It’s super hard work!”
Without missing a beat, Jiro continued his tasks, all while balancing the bowl atop his fluffy hair.
The third son, Sabooro, was found atop a half-finished building in the middle of the village. He was standing on a brick wall overlooking things while the fourth son, Shiro, was running supplies up to the building from the windmill.
“Hey, Ofukuro wanted you to have this,” said Saria, handing Sabooro a bowl.
“Ooooh, thank you!” The man sat down on the building frame, blew on the stew to cool it and started to eat, taking his time to enjoy every bite. “I gotta thank her for this. This really hit the spot! Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Are you moving into the village?”
Saria sat down on the building frame as well, saying, “What? Oh no, I’m just passing through. I was just doing Ofukuro a favor since she gave me a place to rest.”
“I see, I see,” the man nodded, enjoying the stew. After taking a break from eating, he looked out across the village. “That’s just how we are in this place. It was Impa that finally opened this village to the public so we poor folk could have a place to live. She even hired all of us to help expand it since we started running out of room for new people. I think that kindness was contagious, because everyone is always trying to help others in their own way here.”
Saria listened intently to the man’s words. Her first impression of Impa was frankly terrifying, but little by little, she started to realize that hard exterior bellied a great deal of kindness.
“I see… Impa is something else, huh?”
“You’re telling me! It’s a shame she’s always so busy. She used to live here you know, before she had to spend all her time working in the castle. She may as well be the head of this village, though we rarely see her. I wonder when she’ll be back?”
“If I happen to see her, I’ll ask her.”
“Well aren’t you a helpful sort?”
“I’m just trying fit in.”
The pair laughed together, and Saria started to feel at peace. The people she had met outside the forest were sometimes strange, scary, or downright rude, but there were many others who were pleasant and kind. She decided that, if possible, she would show all the Kokiri this village when time allowed.
“Oh wow, is that stew?” said Shiro as he swiped the bowl and went back to work without a second thought. Sabooro and Saria froze at the display, unsure how to react.
“Don’t mind my brother,” said Sabooro nervously. “Shiro and the others are, um, how should I put this? A bit blunt. They don’t mean to be rude, they just don’t think about these kinds of things.”
“Reminds me of someone I know back in my village.”
When Sabooro finished his stew, Saria went to reach for the bowl, but the man stopped her. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this and the other bowls myself. I’m sure you’re plenty busy.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I’m still waiting for a friend to wake up.”
“Really? Well… If you’re feeling especially charitable, I know of a way you can kill time. You see that woman over there by the animal pen?”
Saria turned her head. A rather distressed-looking woman with dark red hair and blue eyes was frantically running about trying to grab cuccos, all of which were roaming free throughout the village.
“That’s Anju,” said Sabooro. “She’s the daughter of our boss. I always feel bad for her, because she takes care of the village cuccos even though she has an allergy to them. I’ve helped her with the cuccos before, but they escape the pen so much it’s hard to keep up with them.”
“I see…” Saria looked around, noting the cuccos scattered throughout the village. She left the man by the brick wall, darting around the village at great speed and scooping up every cucco she could find until she dropped them back into the pen.
“W-wha? How did you do that so quickly? Thank you!” said Anju.
“It’s no big deal! I heard you had trouble with these little guys, so I thought I’d help.”
“Oh… I didn’t mean to be a bother.”
“No no, it’s fine.”
Despite Saria’s words, Anju hung her head low. “I don’t have many useful skills so I try and do what I can to help out around here. I was fine taking care of the cuccos for a while, but one day they started giving me goosebumps. It’s so troublesome, but I don’t want to stop and doing nothing all day.”
“Is it really so wrong to sit around? I mean… I know how you feel, but it’s okay to take a break every once and a while too. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“I appreciate your kind words, but it’s hard convincing myself it’s okay.”
She has quite the complex, Saria thought. I wonder…
“Hey, do you know if anyone around here has a sewing kit?”
“I think that house over there might have one. Why do you ask?”
Saria took off running. “You’ll see.”
After talking with another villager and getting some supplies, Saria fashioned a thick pair of work gloves for Anju.
“Here, that should help.”
“Oh! Thank you so much! But why the gift?”
“I figure if I can’t convince you to take a break, I can at least make handling the cuccos easier. I made you a bandana as well so you could cover your face when you needed to. I hope it helps!”
As Anju gripped the gloves and bandana, tears streamed from her eyes.
“W-wait, what did I do?” asked Saria.
“I… I… You’re just so kind! I don’t know what to say!!”
Rubbing the back of her head, Saria said, “Don’t worry so much about it! It’s fine. Honest!”
“No, this won’t do. I was raised better. Hold on!”
Anju sped to the top of the village. It sounded like she was frantically searching through her house. When she returned, she gave Saria a fine glass bottle (eerily similar to one Impa had).
“Here, take this!”
“Anju, it’s fine.”
“No! I refuse! I can’t just let you be so nice without trying to give something in return! Please, accept it!”
Feeling defeated, Saria smiled and accepted the bottle, putting it away in one of her pouches.
“Ah, well, I’m sure I can use it for something… Thank you very much, Anju.”
“And you as-” Anju gasped. “Oh no! I don’t even know your name! I’m sorry!”
“It’s Saria.”
“Saria? I’ll do my best to remember the name. Thank you once again!”
Saria nodded along, smiling but a little nervous as she walked away.
She’s a bit sensitive, it seems. That’s okay, though. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve dealt with people like that.
The Kokiri reminisced about a time in her village when two of the boys were playfighting with wooden swords. One was a bit too rough and tore a hole in the other’s tunic. As Saria had helped fashion the tunic for the boy, he became so mad that he lashed out at his opponent, hurting him more than he intended. Saria had to break up the fight and set the two aside, giving both a talking to. After Saria helped fix the tunic and gave the other some medicine, they both wept profusely before Saria, apologizing over and over for their behavior. Those same two boys went on to become good friends. Saria realized she had been smiling the whole time she was reminiscing, her cheeks grown warm. Somehow, spending time in Kakariko Village and helping the villagers was making her homesick.
I should visit them soon…
With matters settled in the village, Saria returned to Ofukuro’s house to check on Poppy. When she stepped inside the house, Poppy flew straight into her chest.
“There you are! Why were you gone so long? I was worried about you!” the fairy fumed.
“I was helping out in the village. Don’t worry so much.” Saria gave Poppy a pat on the head, frustrating the fairy.
“Don’t tell me what to do! I have every right to worry after everything that’s happened!”
Even as Poppy continued to grumble, Saria chuckled at the sight. Hearing Poppy’s words brought Saria great joy. It was a busy morning, but somehow, she felt more rested than she had when she first woke up.
“Hey, Ofukuro, we’re taking off now. Thanks for all the help!” said Saria.
“Leaving so soon? All right, dearie! Feel free to come back anytime!”
Saria and Poppy said their goodbyes, leaving the house behind and making their way toward the gate that led to Death Mountain. As they did, Saria noticed a man stuck on a roof. He was looking past the Windmill to a corner of the village she had yet to explore.
“Looks like another storm,” said the man.
“A storm? With this weather?”
“There’s always a storm brewing over the graveyard. Not sure why.”
“A graveyard? What’s a graveyard?”
The man looked puzzled at Saria’s words. “Are you serious? It’s where the dead are buried.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. When someone passes away in my village, we simply return them to the soil under our great tree.”
The man seemed unsure how to respond. He said, “Graveyards aren’t too different from that. The one in this village uses stones to mark where the dead are buried. Past members of the Sheikah and Royal Family are buried there, supposedly. Old Dampé maintains the place if you’re really curious, though I suppose he’s likely asleep at the moment…”
Saria looked to Poppy. “Why would there be perpetual storms over such a place? Wouldn’t such an important place have protective magics? Unless…” Saria paused, lost in thought.
“I don’t know, but it gives me the creeps,” said Poppy.
“We should check it out, just in case.”
“What? Why? We have a mission to get to!”
“I want to make sure the village will be okay. It should only take a minute.”
Saria thanked the man on the roof and walked away. Poppy watched her go and fumed. “You say that about everything!”
When Saria first stepped into the village graveyard, the weather seemed calm, yet the closer she got, more and more dark clouds formed overhead, rumbling with thunder and lightning. Soon enough, rain was coming down all over the graveyard. Passing through the fence that separated the village from the graves, Saria found a large stone that read:
“R.I.P. Here lie the souls of those who swore fealty to the Royal Family of Hyrule. The Sheikah, guardians of the Royal Family and founders of Kakariko, watch over these spirits in their eternal slumber.”
“So it’s true,” said Saria. “This really is the burial site of the Sheikah and Royal Family.”
“Sounds like a good reason to leave them alone,” said Poppy.
Saria looked around. There was a small wooden shack to her right – likely the home of the gravekeeper – and a small boy who was swinging about a stick up ahead, saying he was imitating Dampé because he was bored. Other than that, there was nothing but rows and rows of graves with elaborately carved headstones. When she looked at the far end of the graveyard, Saria felt a wind blow that chilled her to the bone.
“What was that? It felt so… Unnatural.”
The Kokiri made her way to the very top of the graveyard. A large grave with two smaller graves dedicated to composers sat just before a raised fenced-off area. A strange, dark energy could be felt emanating from the cavern beyond the fencing up above.
“Curious… I wonder what’s up there?” asked Saria.
Poppy, who kept looking over her shoulder, said, “I don’t think it’s our business to know. We should get out of here!” Poppy checked her surroundings once more. “There’s something not right about this place. The spirits here are… Restless.”
“I feel it too, but this could be a good opportunity to learn about the Sheikah. Impa seems nice enough, but I still don’t trust the Sheikah.” Looking up at the fenced-off area, Saria said, “They’re hiding something, and I want to know what.”
Stepping closer to the large grave between the composers’ graves, she noticed an inscription, as well as the symbol of the Royal Family. Thinking back to the song Impa taught her, curiosity got the better of the Kokiri girl.
“It proves your connection to the Royal Family, does it? I wonder…”
Standing before the large grave, Saria played the song using her ocarina. Up above, the storm clouds continued to rumble and quake. They grew in intensity until finally, a lightning bolt shot out of the sky and struck the large grave, shattering it and revealing a deep pit. The explosive bolt startled the young boy in the back of the graveyard, sending him running.
“Ha! I knew it!” said Saria in triumph. “Well, except for the exploding stone part. I’m not sure how to fix that…”
Poppy floated over the dark pit, looking down. “What do you think is in there?” she asked.
“Sheikah secrets, no doubt,” Saria smugly grinned.
Saria joined her friend at the edge of the pit. It was deep enough that the faint light around the graveyard could only illuminate the first few feet. Saria was still curious, but now she wasn’t sure how to even get down there. While she was distracted, a sudden kick to her back knocked her down the hole.
“Saria!!” shouted Poppy, flying after her.
The Kokiri fell for what felt like hundreds of feet. Down, down, down into darkness she went, yet before she hit the bottom, she stopped mid-air and floated gently onto a magical platform that shimmered with light. After straightening herself out, she looked up.
“Saria, are you all right?!” asked Poppy, joining her.
“I’m fine. I don’t know what happened, though. It felt like I was pushed. Did you see who did it?”
Poppy raised a finger and was about to speak but stopped. “I… Flew down too fast to notice.”
Saria sighed. “It’s fine…” Testing her foot against the sparkling platformed, she realized it was enchanted. “I see. This should take us back to the top.”
“Oh good! Let’s get going, then.”
“Hold on,” Saria raised a hand. “We’ve come this far already. I sense dark spirits further within.” Saria drew her dagger and walked forward.
“That seems like a good reason to not stick around. Why do you want to look around so badly, anyway? Are you that curious?”
Saria reached the middle of the blue tiled chamber. The floor was littered with the bones of animals, monsters, and Hylians. She shuddered, holding a hand to her mouth.
“Wicked things truly do rest here…”
Keese noticed Saria and took flight, attacking her. Saria sliced at them as they attacked, and soon after their bodies disappeared.
“I want to keep those villagers safe. Some of them are rude and dimwitted, but many others are kind, doing their best to live their lives. I couldn’t possibly leave knowing they might be in danger.”
The fairy calmed down and looked at her friend with a tear in her eye. “Saria…”
The Kokiri girl stepped lightly around the chamber. No other monsters attacked. She did notice something else, however. She could hear the whispers of the dead.
“Shine light on the living dead…” said one of the voices.
“Those who break into the Royal Tomb will be obstructed by the lurkers in the dark…” said another.
A third voice said, “I… See… You…”
Saria stepped back. “What?”
A ghostly creature manifested itself before her, holding a lantern. A second spirit appeared behind her. Each spirit had a mustache, a composer’s baton, and flowing tattered robes with the symbol of the Triforce on them. Wearing hats, one was decorated with the image of the sun, while the other was decorated with the moon.
“Stop right there, trespasser!” said one spirit.
“You shall go no further!” said the other.
Before Saria had the chance to explain herself, the ghosts spun their lanterns around and attacked. Saria backflipped away, dodging the attack. The ghosts simply course-corrected and continued their charge. Saria answered their charge, dashing between the spirits and striking each with her dagger. The two spirits’ eyes widened in shock before they fell apart. The lanterns shattered on the ground, revealing ghostly flames. These flames, it would seem, were the true spirits.
“GYAAAAH! YOU KILLED ME… Unbelievable!” said one spirit.
“GYAAAAH! I’M DEAD AGAIN! Wait…” the other spirit said, looking Saria up and down. “You don’t look like one of Ganondorf’s agents.
“What are you talking about?” the first one shouted. “Of course she works for Ganondorf! Why else would she be down here?!”
“Hey!” shouted Saria. “I do not work for Ganondorf. Let’s get that straight right now. Furthermore, is that the only reason you attacked me? Have his agents come down here before?”
The fiery spirits looked at one another, then the right one spoke.
“Hm… Perhaps introductions are in order. My name is Sharp.”
“And I’m Flat!”
“We’re the Composer Brothers,” said Sharp, taking a bow. “We Sheikah could never figure out the power of the Triforce, but we almost completed our study of controlling time with the tones of ocarinas. Uh, I mean… Actually, we did complete that study! We were almost famous!”
“But then Ganondorf got involved…” said Flat.
“That wicked sorcerer,” Saria clenched her fist. “What did he do this time?”
“He tried to steal our results!” said Sharp. “Of course we would never let someone like him reap the fruits of our research. We gave our lives to protect our secret.”
Flat nodded. “To tell you the truth, we were each studying a different song. I was studying the moon.”
“And I, the sun. We once had a mission to study the mysterious powers of the Royal Family, which led us down this path.”
“Now that I think of it, how did you get down here? Only members of the Royal Family should be able to reach this place.”
“Well… I’m technically an envoy,” said Saria, avoiding eye contact with the ghosts.
“Oh, is that so? Perhaps we finally have the chance to share our work!” said Sharp. He turned to face a doorway up a flight of stairs next to unlit torch sconces. “Through that door at the far end of the next chamber, the last of our work has been preserved. However…”
“A bunch of monsters are waiting to attack any intruders,” said Flat.
“What kind of monsters?” Poppy asked, biting her nails.
“The living dead,” said Sharp. “Terrible, hollow shells of men come and gone. I want you to see our work, but it may be too dangerous.”
“What would I find if I made it past them?” asked Saria.
“A magical song,” said Flat. “One that makes the moon chase the sun, and the sun chase the moon.”
“A song that could change night to day? Is such a thing even possible?”
“To be honest, we never tested it.”
Saria stumbled back.
“We’re pretty sure it works, but we were in a bit of a rush at the end. If it does work, however, you would have the power to shift the flow of time itself… Interested?”
“I’m not sure. What do you think, Poppy?” asked Saria.
“I mean it could be useful, but I don’t know what you would do with such a power. Is it really worth the risk?”
Saria pondered the matter, then spoke to the Composer Brothers again. “What are the chances these living dead could make it to the surface?”
“Now that the seal is broken?” asked Flat. “Oh, I’d say pretty good. If they can get the door open – which only requires you to touch it - that shiny platform will take them to the surface no problem!”
Sharp glared at his brother. “Are you serious? Who even put that thing there? This is a disaster! If those things get out, who knows what they’ll do!”
“I’ll take care of them,” said Saria. “I realize now I should never have come here, but I made this mess, so I’m going to clean it up.”
“Saria, are you sure?” asked Poppy. Saria nodded.
“Then before we go,” said Sharp, “let me give you some advice. The eyes of these creatures have a terrible power. They can paralyze you with a stare. They cannot see with their eyes, however. If you’re careful, you may be able to get the drop on them.”
“All right, I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you. The both of you,” Saria smiled.
Flat blushed. “Oh, it was nothing… I’m just happy all our hard work will finally amount to something.”
Sharp narrowed his gaze at his brother before saying, “Well, try not to make a habit of sticking your nose in other peoples’ graves.”
And then the flames puttered out, dissipating into the air. Before Saria entered the next chamber, Poppy slipped underneath Saria’s cap.
“I’ll just wait under here. I’m… Sure you’ll be fine.”
Saria could feel the fairy shivering. “That’s quite all right. If things get too dangerous, return to the surface and warn the others of the danger.”
Poppy gave an affirming nod, then slipped under the cap. Saria then touched a hand to the door, causing it to slide up and let her inside before shutting behind her.
Once everyone left the first chamber, a new figure slipped down the hole. After safely landing on the ground, she chuckled quietly to herself.
“So this is where they hid it…”
Saria stepped lightly, keeping her back to the left wall. At the end of a short hallway the room opened up. She could see pools of green sludge bubbling and release a foul gas into the air. It had a sharp, sickly-sweet smell to it. Dotting the visible walkways around the sludge were emaciating figures laying on the ground, crouching, or just staring at the walls. It looked like wooden masks had been strapped to their faces – and Saria had no doubt it was against their will.
Three, maybe four… It’s hard to tell with all that gas, Saria thought. They’re far enough away from each other that if I just stay quiet, I could-
A high-pitched whistle rang through the air from behind Saria. Someone or something had alerted the redead, and now they were all on the move.
Who did that?!
One of the redead slowly turned in Saria’s direction, shuffling forward. For just a moment, her eyes met the eyes of the redead, and a blood-curdling scream echoed in her mind, freezing her in place.
Shoot! I was careless! My body… I can’t… Move!
One step after another, the redead grew closer… And closer… A bony arm with long, bony fingers reached out to try and grab the Kokiri, but she broke out of the paralysis in the nick of time. The girl darted behind the undead monster and slashed away with her dagger, making the creature drop to the ground. Blue blood dripped from Saria’s dagger as red blood dripped from her lips. When she was certain it was slain, Saria ran for cover, wiping her mouth on her sleeve.
Had to bite my tongue just to free myself. I can’t even imagine what it would have done if I wasn’t quick enough.
After catching her breath, Saria readied herself for the next attack, but then something strange happened. The remaining redeads shuffled over to the one on the ground, crouched down, and just… Stared at it. Poppy, who was quivering beneath Saria’s cap, poked her head out and watched.
“W-w-w-what are they d-d-d-doing?”
“I’m not sure…” whispered Saria.
A few seconds passed, and the fallen redead’s body seemed to disappear, almost as if it were never real to begin with. Whether the creatures finished their business or lost interest, they all stood back up and turned away.
Now’s my chance!
Saria ran across the room, hopped over one of the sludge pits, then went wild with her dagger, striking the redead down one after the other. As frightening and durable as they were, they were too sluggish to defend themselves. With the last of the redead slain, Saria gasped for air. The gas in the room made it hard to breathe. The Kokiri struggled to get away, slumping against one of the walls and panting.
“It’s… Done…”
“Saria, you don’t look so good,” said Poppy. “Here.”
The fairy touched her hands to Saria’s forehead and glowed with magic power. Trace amounts of life energy were passed to the Kokiri, reversing the effects of the toxic fumes. Within seconds, Saria was back to normal.
“Poppy, you didn’t have to.”
“I’m your fairy, remember? I can’t sit by and do nothing while you’re suffering. Besides, if I let you fall here, it’s not like I could take on Ganondorf by myself.”
“Right you are,” said a woman’s voice. Saria turned to face the source of the voice, narrowly dodging a dagger hucked at her neck. Saria knocked a second dagger out of the air by striking it with her own, and then she finally saw her. It was a tall and muscular woman with bright red hair, dark skin, and vibrant yellow eyes. She wore jewelry, thick makeup, and colorful clothes, as well as light armor across her forearms and shins. Seeing the resemblance, Saria realized she was a Gerudo woman.
“Who are you?” asked Saria.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, fairy girl,” the woman smirked. After pulling out a small chunk of stone from her pants pocket, the woman casually tossed the stone up and down with one hand. “Thanks for the distraction. It would have been a pain to get this without you.”
“Wait, that inscription!” Poppy shouted. “Is that the Composer Brothers’ song?”
“That’s right,” said the Gerudo. “The only copy of it in the world, no less. I had ample time to remove it from that tablet at the back of the chamber. Ganondorf will be pleased once he sees this.”
Saria readied her dagger and drew a deku nut. “I won’t let you get away.”
“Oh, come on now. What do you care? You probably don’t even realize the value of this song. Don’t be a hero, girl. It’s not worth your life.” The woman grinned once more. “Unless you want to trade something for it. Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling you have something even more valuable than this song in one of those pouches.” The Gerudo then pocketed the stone and stepped forward, drawing a pair of scimitars as if from the air itself.
“Be careful, Saria. I can tell she’s no pushover,” said Poppy.
“The fairy is right, you know. I may be a lowly spy at the moment, but one day all of Gerudo Desert will know the name ‘Kitoga’!”
The Gerudo warrior dashed forward, swiping down at Saria. The Kokiri dodged, swerving to the right as she lashed out with her dagger. Kitoga parried, swinging once more with her second blade. Saria ducked, and Poppy shot up into the air, taking the cap with her. The pair of girls traded blows, one after the other as sparks fired from their blades every time they met.
Saria was pushed more and more on the defensive as Kitoga started reading her movements. Soon enough, all Saria could do was parry the Gerudo’s blades as she was pushed back toward a wall. Just when it seemed like there was no more room to go, Saria flipped back onto the wall and kicked off of it, crashing into Kitoga and knocking them both to the ground. One of the Gerudo’s scimitars fell into the green sludge while Saria’s dagger was all the way on the other side of the room.
“Damn you!” shouted Kitoga as she hucked a dagger at the Kokiri. Saria tried to dodge, but the dagger cut across her shoulder, drawing blood. Closing the distance to her own weapon, Saria turned and threw her cloak into the air, blocking Kitoga’s line of sight just long enough for Saria to toss a deku nut. Before the Gerudo realized what happened, Saria had knocked away her second scimitar, leaving her weaponless before the Kokiri.
“It’s over,” said Saria.
“Is it?!”
Kitoga threw a roundhouse kick at the girl, forcing Saria to dodge. The momentum was too much for the Gerudo’s pocket, however, and the stone was flung across the room right toward a sludge pit.
“No!” shouted Saria. The Kokiri leapt for the stone and caught it midair, landing safely on the other side of a pit. When she turned to look for the Gerudo, she was gone.
“Poppy, where’d she go?”
“She went through the door!”
Saria pursued, opening the door. By the time she was on the other side, Kitoga was already rising into the air via the magic platform. After disappearing in a beam of light, she was gone. Saria’s shoulders sunk. After smacking the side of her fist into the wall, she went back to the second chamber to retrieve her cloak.
“What’s wrong, Saria? You got the song. You won, didn’t you?” asked Poppy.
“She could have told us more about Ganondorf and his plans,” said Saria.
“Ah. You make a fair point. So it’s a draw, then.”
“It would seem so.”
Saria walked to the far end of the second chamber, finding a stone tablet on the wall. Missing from the tablet was the chunk of stone she was now carrying.
“Do I… Put it back? It seems wrong to take now.”
“She’d come back for it if you did,” said Poppy. “Might as well hold onto it for now.”
Nodding in agreement, Saria read the tablet aloud.
“This poem is dedicated to the memory of the dearly departed members of the Royal Family.
The rising sun will eventually set. A newborn’s life will fade. From sun to moon, moon to sun… Give peaceful rest to The living dead.”
“Interesting poem,” said Poppy. “So this is what the Composer Brothers left behind.”
Looking at the chunk of stone, Saria realized it had a musical staff with a set of notes indicating the song. After playing the song with her ocarina, she felt a strange magic wash over the air, as if the very sky had shifted. No longer was a dark storm brewing overhead. The clouds had parted, and the sun shined all over Kakariko.
A voice whispered in the air, “Restless souls wander where they don’t belong. Bring them calm with the Sun’s Song.”
Saria and Poppy looked around. Somehow the dark, dreary chamber felt… Peaceful. The Kokiri pocketed the Sun Song stone then looked to her companion.
“It’s time. Let’s get out of here.”
“Right,” said Poppy.
As Saria and Poppy walked back, Saria stopped, looking at the abandoned scimitar on the ground. Picking it up, Saria noticed the fine craftsmanship of the blade. Not only was the large blade sharp and thin enough to split hairs, but it also had a jeweled knuckle guard. Saria’s eyes widened as she looked at her reflection in the blade.
“Saria? You’re not taking that, are you?”
“I mean… She wouldn’t miss it, right?”
“What? It’d be a waste to leave it in this tomb!”
“I can’t believe you!” Saria winced at Poppy’s chastising, but then the fairy said, “I knew it was a good idea to bond with you, you little rascal!” The fairy ruffled the Kokiri’s hair, making Saria blush. Despite the heavy mood of before, Saria’s heart felt strangely light. Once the pair were in the first chamber, they stepped onto the magic platform and were pulled to the surface by a beam of light.
“Gah!” a Hylian guard shouted, falling backwards.
“Oh! Sorry about that!” said Saria after returning to the graveyard.
“I should say! What were you doing down there?! Were you grave robbing?”
“No, it’s not like that!”
“Then explain that fancy sword!”
“This was a Royal Family tomb!” said Poppy. “Why would they have Gerudo weaponry?”
“W-why… Wouldn’t… Um… Hm. Fair enough. I still don’t know why you were down there, though.”
Unsure of what to do, Saria presented Zelda’s letter. The guard took the letter and looked it over.
“Wait a minute… This is the princess’s handwriting! Let’s see here… Hmm… Okay… ‘This is Saria… she is under my orders to save Hyrule.’ Wait, seriously?”
The guard started laughing hysterically at the letter. Saria stepped back, feeling uncomfortable.
“Is everything okay?” she asked.
“Ha ha ha! Oh, I think everything is fine. Seems the princess has come up with another funny game to play! Okay, okay, all right. Since she obviously put you up to this, I won’t punish you. In fact, I might as well ask. What else did she want you to do?”
“To travel up to Death Mountain?”
“Ha! Now that’s rich! All right, if that’s your orders, I’ll help you through the gate. Just be careful, Ms. Hero!”
The guard laughed all the way to the gate. Along the way, Saria and Poppy learned that he had been called to the graveyard to investigate the explosion from earlier. No one had seen any sign of a Gerudo. Even when Saria told the guard what happened, he didn’t believe her.
“Then how do you explain this fancy sword?!” she protested.
“I mean… Lots of Gerudo have been coming to Hyrule castle as of late. Who’s to say you didn’t buy that at the marketplace in Castle Town?”
“He’s got you there,” said Poppy.
“Tell you what,” the guard continued. “It’s clear there must be something strange going on, what with all this explosive lighting and Gerudo scimitar business. I’ll keep an eye out for anything strange, but in return, you can do me a favor. Have you ever heard of the Happy Mask Shop?”
Saria thought back to her time in Castle Town. The vague image of a colorful shop came to mind, but she never went inside.
“That sounds familiar…”
“It’s a new business in the market. Everyone’s talking about it! You must have seen my boy hanging out in the graveyard, right? He’s always pestering me for this really popular mask. Next time you head to town, maybe drop on by the shop and pick it up. You’d be doing me a huge favor.”
“Is there a reason you can’t get it yourself?” asked Poppy. The guard stared at her and gestured to the gate.
“I can’t just up and leave. My whole job is standing here and making sure the wrong people don’t pass through the gate. If I left my post without good cause, they’d hang me by my ankles until my face turned purple!”
“He’s got you there,” Saria said to Poppy with a smirk.
“Shush, you.”
“One more thing,” said the guard. “Try and be careful while you hike up the trail. Death Mountain isn’t just any ordinary mountain – it’s an active volcano! Sometimes it shoots whole chunks of rocks and hot magma out. That, and the locals are uh… Well, you’ll see, but they’re a bit careless as of late. Just be careful where you walk, all right?”
“Will do. Thank you, sir.”
“No, thank you Ms. Hero! Wah ha ha!”
As Saria walked off, Poppy floated after her and grumbled.
“I hate that guy.”
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dr0p-dead-gorgeous · 2 years
Eddie Munson x fem! Popular reader
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This is my first actual post! She/her pronouns. Reader is very colorful and girly, the complete opposite of Eddie
Summery: Eddie finds out one of the most popular girls in school's guilty pleasure
It was the first day of 11th grade, it was y/n's class right before lunch. She walked in seeing some familiar faces, friends from cheer, some basketball players she smiled a waved in their direction looking around. The teacher said "Find your assigned seat".She looked around eyes setting on her seat. She was sat next to no other than Eddie Munson. She had nothing against him but other students (and especially the teachers) didn't like him much. It was his second time as a senior 19 and still in high school. He was know as 'The Freak' for his punk style and leadership of Hawkins most exclusive (and only) Dnd club ,Hellfire, rumor has it, their a cult. But y/n didn't believe that, she was kind in nature, never a mean word leaving her mouth. She was nice to everyone, even the nerds and outcasts, that and being best friends with Chrissy Cunningham made her the second most popular girl in school. Chrissy was the queen, she was the princess. That being said she sat next to him unbothered by his presence. She got out her Hello Kitty notebook and pink stationary and began to doodle.
Eddie was bored, and less than thrilled to be talking this class again he looked over at her drawing , not half bad, he never struck her as the artistic type. She felt his stare and looked up at him meeting his gaze. He froze blushing ,she gave him a warm smile waving at him before going back to her drawing not thinking much of it. He looked down at his desk embarrassed ,he was getting all flustered over some prep, he usually hated her type , popular,rich,straight A student, but something about her captivated him. Maybe it was because she was one of the only popular girls that treated his crowd with human decency ,maybe it was her energetic personality,whatever it was he wanted to hate her but just couldn't. The next couple of days he found himself trying to find an excuse to talk to her past her friendly greetings and slight small talk. One day the teacher had given them the last 30 minutes of class for free time. Y/n happily took out her walkman and a couple tapes reading Madonna and began to draw in her notebook. Eddie was going to take this time to sleep but he heard the faint sound of a familiar tune grab his attention . He looked to his side the faint sound of 'i was made for loving you' by kiss came from her headphones. He was sure he was hearing things,until she started humming Tonight, I want to give it all to you In the darkness, there's so much I want to do. Now was his chance, he nudged her shoulder she looked up at him lowering her headphones "Yeah?" she said curiously. He rested his head on his hands"Quick question ,are you listening to kiss by chance?" her face turned red "Whaaaat,no, what makes you think that?" she said in a less than convincing tone "I'm listening to Madonna ." she said handing him one of the tapes. He looked at it,but something was off, the label was peeling. He looked at her and peeled off the label to reveal in bold letters Black Sabbath "Well one, this is a cleverly disguised Black Sabbath tape-" He said showing her, her eyes grew wide "Two, your humming a song i know, all too well, and three.." He looked down at her notebook "Your currently drawing Paul Stanley " She let out a sigh of defeat "Okay, you caught me Mr.Detective... you cant tell the others though, i would never live that down" he smirked "Your secrets safe with me princess,i'm just shocked Hawkins golden girl listens to the 'Devil's music'" he said throwing up devil horns she giggled. Unbeknownst to them, his devil horns alerted Andy, a jock (jerk) to their interaction. He must be bothering Y/n he has to put him in his place. He walked over slamming his fist on Eddie's desk,startling the pair "Hey,Freak what do you think your doing huh?" Eddie went to speak but he interrupted him turning to y/n "He bothering you sweetheart?" she shook her head no "No! of coarse not we were just discussing yesterdays homework" she said looking at Eddie. "Okay.. tell me if this punk is giving you any trouble yeah? As for you Freak," he said venom lacing his voice "Maybe stick to talking to someone,a little more in your league,i heard there is some street whores down town,who might be interested if your lucky,but i don't think even they would go for a street rat like you" Andy's friends laughed with him. Eddies demeanor deflated "Yeah whatever man" he said. Andy sent y/n a playful wink and went back to his seat. y/n looked down in guilt, Eddie was so nice, he didn't deserve that. She then had an idea she took her drawing and wrote down her number under it with a sweet note. She waited until no one was looking and passed it to the now sulking Eddie, he felt stupid for thinking he had a chance with her. He looked at the drawing, eyes widening at the bottom was her number it read I'm so sorry about him, you seem really cool maybe we could talk about music some other time? XOXO ~Y/n . He looked at it in disbelief a smile crept on his face. Maybe this was the start of a great friendship, or hopefully something more...
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princeofgod-2021 · 2 months
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John 1:4
DIVINE ORDER 46: Process Of Marriage 16
We have approved Courtship because we see too many broken marriages and pains beyond the Nuptials. But 2 wrongs can’t make a Right.
We assume that broken marriages are because they didn’t take time to be sure of each other before going into it, hence we “advise” that they take about 6 months at least, to Court before they say “I do”.
Mat 19:4-6 Jesus answered, "Don't you know that IN THE BEGINNING THE CREATOR MADE A MAN AND A WOMAN? That's why a man leaves his father and mother and gets married. He becomes like one person with his wife. Then THEY ARE NO LONGER TWO PEOPLE, BUT ONE. And NO ONE SHOULD SEPARATE A COUPLE THAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER." CEV
People have lost God! Let’s go back and “Find” Him.
Marriage is MADE of God; He does the JOINING.
God made the Man & his Wife and arranges for them to MEET, hence you must CONNECT with God to “find” HER.
If we are too weak in FAITH to receive this, then there will always be problems with Marriages.
Gen 2:21 So the LORD God caused him to fall into a DEEP SLEEP. While the man was sleeping, the LORD God took out one of the man's ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. GW
Again, we must understand that the major impression for putting the Man to SLEEP was to imply the Spiritual Capacity of KNOWING her without having seen her being MADE.
Gen 2:23 THEN THE MAN SAID, ���THIS ONE AT LAST IS BONE OF MY BONES AND FLESH OF MY FLESH; this one will be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” NET
Sincerely, if a young man cannot attain the Spiritual Capacity and responsibility to identify his wife, how will he have the Spiritual Authority to RULE the Home according to God’s will?
Please think about it.
Jacob spent 7yrs before he married, wherein you can be sure he was “Courting” Rachel, yet he didn’t recognize whom he slept with on wedding night?
Gen 29:20,23 Jacob worked seven years so that he could have Rachel, and the time seemed like only a few days to him, because he loved her…But that night, instead of Rachel, he took Leah to Jacob, and Jacob had intercourse with her. GNB
This is what shows the senselessness in Courtship. If she is God’s will for you, you don’t have to bother yourself about knowing her till after you are married to her.
Of course you remember that Jacob never had serious Spiritual Authority over his home. This Rachel was the “Vice” of his household; he was just her puppet.
We need to understand folks.
Gen 30:16 That evening when Jacob came in from the fields, Leah told him, "You're sleeping with me tonight. I HIRED YOU WITH MY SON'S LOVE FLOWERS." They slept together that night, CEV
Madam Rachel had to give permission as to who will be with Jacob per night and he seem incapable to do anything about it.
What a Man!
Anyhow, Courtship will only give room for us to open up to “strangers” that we have no future with, if God does not approve.
Mat 1:5 Salmon was the father of Boaz. (HIS MOTHER WAS RAHAB.) Boaz was the father of Obed. (His mother was Ruth.) Obed was the father of Jesse. ERV
Sometimes, we blame marital failures on lack of perspective on the spouse’s past. We may say: “you should have checked the background, Medical History, family covenants etc”.
Well, Rahab was an International Prostitute, yet she was in the Lineage of Jesus Christ. Salmon shouldn’t have married her if he considered her past or former life, right?
If God has shown you whom to marry and you discover she’s had abortions, slept with 100 men, etc & blablabla! Please go ahead and marry her.
The only criteria you need is that she is [now] born again.
May God guide your marriage all the way, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Monday, as we proceed in digging into this inspiring Subtopic.
Brother Prince
Friday, March 08, 2024
08055125517; 08023904307
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hlmowrer · 3 months
Week 44: I have NEVER seen a BENCH in a WALMART! ...whaaaat??
-Quote Elder Baird, my dear new companion
Greetings, my most esteemed guys and gals.  
This week is difficult to describe.  Much of it continued like the end of my last letter...soldiering on was very difficult but the Lord sent small victories, good companion bonding, a fun exchange, and some raw patience and endurance my way to help me through it.  Honestly, my biggest problem right now is simply finding enough stuff to do to fill the hours of the day.  As missionaries we tend to have an attitude of go, go, GO because the work we do is important and we're only here for so long!  Unfortunately, deciding what to do on a Thursday afternoon in a rural Michigan county while everyone's at work is not really a high energy task, and creativity is exhausting for me.  Elder Baird is adjusting really well though, so at the very least I'm less worried about supporting him than I used to be.  I find that the training and counsel he needs are the things I'm well equipped to provide, thus confirming President Peckham's recent response to one of my letters saying "Just listen to what the Lord wants you to do, you're the perfect trainer for this good Elder".  I'm so grateful for the Lord's direction in companion assignments...I have never failed to receive exactly the companion and the area I needed to continue growing and doing God's work.
Speaking of that blessing, let me tell you about the lesson I taught yesterday.  Actually, let me rewind to the beginning of the transfer 6 weeks ago.  My first time knocking with Elder Thornton after my emergency transfer to Fremont (while I was still questioning if an ET would have the same awesome inspired accuracy as a normal transfer) we met a nice young lady who said she'd be down to have us back sometime to talk about God!  We asked her for her name, and we were all delighted to discover that she had the same last name as me!  Friends....that never happens!  Seriously.  We happily went on our way, and then over the course of the next few weeks we were repeatedly thwarted in our attempts to meet with her.  Eventually contact was lost, and on Saturday night I called her in one last ditch effort to set something up before deactivating her record.  Lo and behold, she answered and eagerly agreed to come visit us after church!  We were joined by our Relief Society President and proceeded to have an amazingly spiritual lesson about the Holy Spirit, prophets, and the Book of Mormon.  When I asked what lead her to want to come visit us, she said that the day we knocked on her door she had been increasingly aware that something was missing spiritually, she had been laid off because of a medical issue, and here comes some random dude with her same name on her door wanting to talk about Jesus Christ!  There are no coincidences, folks.  There really aren't.  God sends us exactly where we need to be if we let Him.
So anyway.  Life is still hard, I'm still going to be here for a really long time and that's still a bit of an uncomfortable feeling (though I'm starting to accept that it may never go away), and I'm still watching a lot of people I care about move on with their lives.  I watched another mission homecoming this week, and this particular one bit a lot harder than the others.  If I've learned anything out here it's that God wasn't kidding when He promised me that I would be led to the people, experiences, and opportunities that I've always dreamed of.  Learning to truly trust that has been one of the biggest reasons I needed to come to Michigan I think.  Unfortunately, letting go of the past and trusting that God has a plan that is greater than whatever I envisioned once upon a time is not my strong suit.By the way my friend, if someone happens to show you this letter your song was REALLY good, and I am SO proud of you.
But hey, isn't this so great?  Isn't it great that I can whine all I want about my inability to predict the future all the while enjoying living a life that I know is sending me straight towards everything I've ever wanted?  I'm so blessed to be here you guys, I can't say it enough.  I'm being given an opportunity to go about doing good and in doing so fix all the flaws that would have otherwise dogged me forever.  I really do love my life, and I love my Savior for giving it to me.  And all of you, for everything that each and every one of you has done to get me here.
Until next time <3
-Elder Beren Mowrer
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