#''master the fundamentals and then play with them'' sort of mindset
honestly that’s why i’m not super in the fandom. i’m just in the background writing my dysfunctional izzy/ed fic and trying not to be weird abt izzy but tbh idek what ppl discourse abt. the only think that appeals to me abt him is the ed stuff. like why does ed want him to stay. why does he want ed to be blackbeard. it compels me. but some fanon interpretations of izzy i’ve run into have been. odd
I went off here but drop the fic if you want I'll probably read it.
Oh baby I wish I was you. I jumped on the fandom really early on because I needed something to do to take my mind off of a recent breakup and other things that were also happening which I'm less inclined to talk about and now I'm in the fucking trenches. I'm pretty immune to a character like Izzy Hands because I personally have never been able to hide who I am and I've always been violently myself. Mad respect to the autistics who have mastered the art of masking but I could personally never figure it out. I never really spent time in the closet I just realized what I was and announced it to the world. So a character who the vibe on him is "repressed gay man who hates himself" is a character I'm sympathetic too but is not relatable to me, and a character who is constantly obsessed with projecting his idealized version of other people onto them and getting violent when they don't fit into the box he's made for them is a character I loose patience for immediately. I'm navigating a minefield of guys who want me to fit into their neat little box and get mad when I don't in my real life. It's very easy for me to be normal about him for this reason.
If I can get a little off of your og question and into the weeds for a minute (I can you are in my inbox now <3) One of the best things about this show for me personally is the morality of it. Like this show sets up a world where we're supposed to forget everything we think about right and wrong and accept a new metric for us, growth and authenticity vs stagnation and repression. It's a moral framework that really appeals to me as a trans person a gay man and a neurodivergant person who has been beaten down for who I am my entire life, and also as someone who has never really figured out hiding for my own safety no matter how much I probably need to. I really like stories that tell me "I know it's hard for you to go against the grain but actually you're doing amazing sweetheart. being yourself is based as fuck" and there are a lot of stories that pretend to have that message but none of them really feel inclusive to me except for this one. And Izzy is terrific as a main villain because he basically embodies the wrong side of OFMD's moral dynamic. He mirrors Stede in a lot of ways, but Stede is constantly learning and growing and encouraging others around him to grow and be themselves, where as Izzy stagnates and tries to drag Ed down with him. And he's got more layers than a Calico Jack or a Badminton so, as much as I, a known Calico Jack enjoyer, hate to admit it, he is the best villain in the series.
So when people look at him and say "Actually that guy is right" it just sort of takes the wind out of me almost. Because while Our Flag says "the greatest good their is is being authentic to yourself" Izzy says "Oh, you think your cute" and "Pirates my ass" and "I should have let the English kill you. This, whatever it is that you've become, is a fate worse than death." Like you're not supposed to sympathize with that mindset, even if its coming out of the mouth of a character in the fundamentally relatable position of being gay and having a big fat crush on Ed.
So yeah the fanon interpretations have been really fucking odd. (there are also the other, bigotry related aspects, which have been talked to death by me and others.) I do think a lot of it is a failure of media analysis. And because I have to explain this character so thoroughly he has become less fun to play with as a toy. I'd much rather play with Calico Jack, a character who all of my disagreements with the majority of the fandom on are pedantic or conjecture, and none are related to racism or sexism or homophobia or anything like that. Which is tragic because Ed and Izzy's weird co worker codependancy is fucking juicy, dude. Why are they like that? I hope we get some of it in season 2.
I also kind of hope that Izzy is newer. Like Taika offhandedly threw out the idea that Ed has been a pirate for 20 years in an interview and I've seen people be like "Izzy has been pining for Ed for 20 years of working under him" as if it's a fact and I think it would be very funny if it was like "Nah actually they lesbian u haul moved in together 2 years ago and they've been like this ever since. " I don't know tho there's so many possibilities.
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canmom · 2 years
perhaps it's just a limited view of it, but it really seems like the mindset of amateur self taught artists has changed a lot with the rise of the youtube drawing channel. instead of handing about ad hoc techniques, there's grown a huge emphasis on certain technical skills - 'learn your fundamentals' has become almost a religious mantra, and nowadays you'll see a lot of figure breakdowns and discussion often revolves around invocations of principle - shape design, form, perspective etc. - and exhortations to draw more.
in this current aspiring artist subculture, art seems to be increasingly viewed almost as a levelling tree in an rpg. you master certain skills, in some sort of notional order. some people endlessly comb through drawing videos and beg for permission to draw in the perfect proper way. some earnestly post their weekly progress and apologise for not drawing enough. there seems to be a very broad need for validation.
is this a good or bad thing? i can't deny wanting to achieve certain technical aesthetic effects and making use of all these materials in the hope of drawing like certain artists i admire, and there's no question that certain kinds of work in the capitalist art industries (concept art, anime genga, etc) demand certain skills, but seeing this egregore possessing so many young artists makes me worried. what awaits at the end, a job at ubisoft?
there is much less focus on cultivating the expressive and personal aspects of art, or learning a vocabulary to talk about them, even though that is the thing that forms your connection with an artist far more than their level of technical skill. there is more to drawing than trying to catch up to kim jung gi on the great scoreboard of art mastery. and yet, if you told me to give up trying to learn all these skills and just be happy with what i can do now, i don't think i could. there is a certain sense that learning all these skills is necessary to reach certain emotional aesthetic effects.
steven zapata's solution to this conceptual dilemma is to suggest that each artist must develop their own personal strong aesthetic opinions, essentially defining the game they're trying to play, and that is where the struggle for skill plays out rather than one universal pyramid. i think i agree with this. and yet, when i stumble on an artist fighting to climb the same stupid mountain, like this guy who drew every day for six months and never saw his friends and still goes on about how he needs to tackle harder things and learn anatomy better and just try harder, all in the hopes of animating for The Line in London in a couple of years, i have a sense of a kindred spirit - another mad fool perhaps. when someone asks me for drawing advice i can whip out 20 drawing channels and an explanation of all the technical vocab bc it's a special interest and i like to be knowledgeable. watch, all these doubts go away and i take your hand and lead you into the dragon's mouth...
the whole 'sigma grindset' meme is a joke of course, but the fact it gained currency feels like it's reflecting some kind of generational anxiety. so i end up wondering - what currents are carrying me this time? the rise of the online tutorial, the sakuga fandom, deviantart declining and artstation rising, the notion of 'grind', techbro culture - i can only see some of its edges and tendrils, but it feels like something has grown here. is it a cultural echo/side effect of a period of rampant unemployment and precariousness where manufacturing has mostly been exported abroad and jobs in the creative industries seem to be the only promise of both security and fulfilment? essentially the same as the monster that ruled in academia? ...yeah that's probably just it huh.
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malazansapper · 4 years
autism month april
april 12: social skills/communication. whats hard?
well, suppose the most obvious is i have been nonspeaking for maybe 10 months now. i dont consider this hard, but i think others ppl do.
what do i consider hard?: initiating. sharing. turn taking/entering convo. make friends. interaction with others ppl. asking help. express opinion. express need. express want. time. energy.
how does manifest:
initiating: there is a story from my childhood. family friend drives me home from sports event (maybe 3 hour trip). decides to make a social experiment: will not speak to me and waits for me to introduce a topic. result: 3 hours of silence. i am not able/inclined to initiate social interactions.
my father did used to make a story/analogy for me of how to have a conversation: it is two ppl carrying a log, and [he would try to explain to me] i am having to do my part to carry the other end of the log. it is funny that the given was that i must needs participate or am presumed able to.
sharing: this one is more nuanced? i think it ties into how easy i am to take advantage of [my mind: if they are asking to use my thing, there must be desperate need, and also a kind of reverse of that: i do not often think to attempt share my mind], and also into a kind of black/white yes/no mindset [boundaries are hard]. regarding social: i am mostly holding everything back and in. because there is not a: open the gates a little. is either on or off. having on leads to me getting hurt and overwhelmed. off is {easier?}safer, but leads to problems. i should like figuring this out better.
storytime: dangers and being taken advantage of, to illustrate: family vacation: i was put on plane alone to foreign country: travelling is fine, i usually just sleep the whole time. was supposed to meet sisters at other airport (starting travels in dif city] arrive, and many breakdowns: no sisters, no phone/communication with family, only address of where to end up. i get marked, shuffled off to moped self taxi. arrive after maybe hour. told to pay a couple hundred dollars [for taxi from airport). i do, but have to go to bank with this person. mostly end of it: my family says: you did WHAT?! {really just blamed me or took a laugh from it: again in my life no consideration of how i did end up in the situation or why}i could easily have been taken anywhere or told to do anything and i probly would have complied.
turn taking: again the conversation log: this has been an issue for forever. entering a conversation: i raise my hand and wait to be called on hahahahah. every situation. either that or i just have my responses in my head and watch the others.
make friends: none friends. had parent arranged friends growing up: physical group play, physical activities {like swim pool} closeness with sister: drifted some. tried being friends with roommates last year and ended disaster, with me losing my house hahaha.
asking help: best example is first time i crash/burn at college. went as long as i could manage (love learning and books). got to be too much (not the book work, but all other stuff). withdrew/isolation. fail classes through not participate. none questions, no help: i leave, they send away. didnt know what to ask for, and no one else thought to suggest anything was amiss. taylor trivia: is yale dropout hahah. splendid rare book library. i wanted to be a wizard hahahahha
aside: i am thinking this is a fundamental flaw or difference in how autism is recognized. there is a presentation that is inward focused. some ppl are having much brain processing power. ppl are singular. with this: sort of magic: deflections, illusions. ppl assume things. leads to problems. can hold together for a long time. cracks cracks breaks
ppl look for the ppl that act outwardly. or the inward ones who dont quite deflect in the right way. illusion: master
express myself: so difficult with words or to another person [saying this way, because i believe i do express/communicate, but differently]
i am slowly getting better at asking for help? im not sure this is true hahahh. i think my need has finally overtaken what i can withstand. i start recognize that i am needing and might be available help. ssi/ssdi, programs, etc. luckily i can do paperwork and waiting: what else is new, has been waiting decades. recognize: oh, maybe these are for ppl like me. or maybe i finally have some understanding gained
[edit: how could i forget the classic: eye contact: none. some ppl tell me to look at them. my father and a therapist come to mind. is a home video with me dad, and he has to prompt me: come here; look at me; stop bouncing around; talk to me. hahah :(:(:( sometimes i am thinking: it is so personal, it is too much. both ways. sometimes i watch mouths, often just looking away, processing, or waiting for the speaking to be finished hahahah]
[edit 2: the phone: hrm, i use the relay system now, so i think the change is that i have less anxiety about it. i still plan out what will be needed and said, start thinking about it the day before, but having the whole interaction typed is so much easier to me.]
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kiwireviewz-blog · 4 years
What Is Inside Push Magic?
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All in all, what will you have when joining this course? Peruse on the part beneath to find some fabulous highlights you will get:
♣ Module #1: Tech Foundation
Acquainting with the Push Notification Advertising. Figure out how to arrangement all pivotal tech components. Bit by bit instructional recordings. You don't need to be specialized!
Novice Area
Attitude, transformation types, verticals and more clarified
The most effective method to Apply For Affiliate Network Account
Apply for a record where you get your ideas to advance
Step by step instructions to Register A Domain Name
Register .Com area for as low as $1
Step by step instructions to Setup A VPN
Get and arrangement the best VPN to see your offers pages
Step by step instructions to Apply For Traffic Source Account
Apply for a record where you show your crusades
Step by step instructions to Setup A VPS
Arrangement virtual private server for $5
Step by step instructions to Setup A Tracker
This is a #1 device of each member running CPA offers
Instructions to Setup A CDN
Accelerate your lander's stacking time with content conveyance organize
♣ Module #2: The Basics
Running efforts from start to finish. Find out about Landing Pages, Tokens, Spy Tools and furthermore how to keep an eye on rivalry and how to arrangement and improve your battles.
Keep an eye on Competition
Figure out how to appropriately utilize Spy Tools and see what's working at the present time
Fix Ripped Landers
Figure out how to fix landers downloaded from Spy Tools
Tokens Explained
Realize what tokens are, the means by which they work and how to utilize them
Run Your Campaigns
Instructions to get an offer, include your lander and arrangement crusade
Successful Campaign Optimization
Figure out how to enhance your crusade dependent on gathered information
Scaling Your Campaign
Pull out 100x more benefit from your working efforts
The Whole Process Explained
All the crusade components portrayed and clarified
♣ Module #3: Pro
100% ROI AND BEYOND! Find out about cutting edge systems that can twofold your venture: transform $100 into $200, transform $1000 into $2000. Every one of them can radically expand your benefit or transform your negative battles into productive.
The World Of Cloaking
Get over 100% ROI (rate of return) and conceal your lander
Blackhat Methods
Use Blackhat Methods to radically build your ROI
Stealth Mode
Make your lander undetectable to different offshoots and Spy Tools
Figure out how to appropriately arrangement and use Cloaking Software
Very Fast Funnel
Step by step instructions to expand your benefit considerably more
Superfast Funnel
Accelerate stacking time of different components of the pipe
Superfast Landing Pages
Systems that accelerate your lander's stacking time
More Important Than You Think
These systems can expand your ROI by up to 100%
♣ Module #4: 6 Weeks Challenge
From 0 to first change, and from transformation to first beneficial battle. week-by-week, step by step, bit by bit.
Weeks 1-3: Learning Stage
Become familiar with all the intricate details of Mobile Push Notification Advertising
Fundamental Knowledge
The establishment information for novices
Devices And Services
Join to every single essential apparatus and administrations
Tech Instruction
Perceive how to arrangement all the tech odds and ends
Pick up shrouding and blackhat techniques
Top Landers
Investigate our library of the top landers and creatives
Run Campaigns
Figure out how to arrangement, test, upgrade and scale your crusades
Weeks 4-6: Action Stage
Run and test more battles, continue improving your ROI
♣ Module #5: Weekly DFY Pack
A pack of top presentation pages and creatives that play out the best in most recent 7 days – From 6 of the best Spy Tools. Prepared to download
Unique (Unchanged)
Unaltered crude records directly from the Spy Tools
Arranged by the most famous verticals
Prepared (Improved)
Arranged for your crusades
Suspicious Code Removed
Conceivably destructive contents (can take your changes) expelled
Upgraded For Load Speed
Quicker Load = More Profits
Lucrative Scripts Added
Contents that the creator utilizes in his greeting pages included
Fixed Source Code
Basic mistakes like copied content fixed
Source Code Beautified
Source code changed from 'mess' to discernible organization
♣ Module #6: Monthly Content
New substance included at any rate once every month. New lucrative contents, contextual analyses, most recent techniques and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
COMING IN APRIL: $35.000+ Lander Revealed
The Best Landing Page Described In Details
♣ Module #7: Resources
A pack of instruments, administrations and contents that the creator by and by utilizes in his battles and select limits.
Assets Mine
A rundown of apparatuses the creator by and by usse on everyday schedule
Lucrative Scripts
A full library of contents the creator utilizes in his landers
Ace Mindmap
Your Cheat Sheet: A Full System On 1 Page
♣ Facebook Group
Join Private Facebook Group For Push Magic individuals as it were. A shut network helping one another.
Facebook Group
Shut gathering network helping one another
♣ Bonuses
2 Awesome Bunuses
Recover Your Time
Twofold your efficiency
Reconstruct Your Mind For Success
8 Mindsets that lead to steady triumph
A Value Of Membership All Modules If Sold Separately. Diy Cost Is At Least Double The Total Value Figure:
♦ Video Training
15 Instructional Videos From Modules #1, #2, #3: $97
♦ 6 Weeks Challenge
From Zero To First Conversion And First Successful Campaign: $197
♦ Weekly DFY Pack
Genuine Annual Cost Of Spy Tools And Developer: $12,696
♦ Monthly Content
Evaluated Annual Cost Of My $30k Lander Etc.: $1,164
♦ Resources Mine
Instruments And Services I Personally Use In My Campaigns: $197
♦ Making Scripts
12+ Scripts For Your Landers Increasing Your Campaigns ROI: $297
♦ Master Mindmap
This Is Your Cheatsheet – A Whole System On 1 Page: $497
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All out Value: $35,000
Moderate Estimation: DIY least expense of testing landers, verticals, traffic sources, and offshoot systems, making sense of tech stuff, purchasing or creating contents for points of arrival, an expense of your work and the sky is the limit from there… .
Stop by my blog to read more here
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nezumiismissing · 5 years
Missing Characters Analysis Pt.2
Okay, so! It’s been a while since part 1 of this series, but I’m not giving up on it, because I had a lot of fun with the first one, and I want to explore all the other missing characters. If you missed it, here’s part 1. That being said, probably none of these are going to have the same format because of the differences between the characters and their role in the story, so in a way I suppose this isn’t a real continuation, but whatever.
For this part, we’re going to talk about Getsuyaku, who similar to Rashi, although to a lesser extent, I found to play a mostly symbolic role in the story. While he does directly interact with the characters and the story itself, and therefore has a more grounded role than Rashi, for this post at least, I’m going to focus on more of the symbolism, which means that you now get to sit through me rambling about class analysis for the next 1500 words or so. Sorry in advance.
Now the details of No.6’s class system is a discussion for another time, but I’m making it the theme of Getsuyaku’s analysis because he serves as basically the sole representation of the Lost Town residents, who occupy a position we would most likely consider working class. As a working class citizen, he is in an interesting position of existing both within the city and outside of it, in this case literally, since his job at the Correctional Facility takes him outside the wall, and he therefore has the ability to communicate, at least to an extent, between the middle class of No.6 and the impoverished West Block. Although he is a citizen of No.6, it is shown to us in several instances that he is not treated equally to other citizens, having to do unsanitary work and being given no respect by anyone other than other Lost town residents. On one hand, he is treated as being below the other citizens of No.6, not deserving rights or respect, and being basically equivalent to a West Block resident who had managed to break into the city. On the other hand, he is misunderstood by West Block residents, who believe that because he lives within the walls that he is comfortable and taken care of. This is also an internal struggle for Getsuyaku, though, as we see that he feels an obligation to continue working for the city—although whether this is out of fear or genuine appreciation for No.6 is somewhat unclear— therefore maintaining his position as “above” the West Block residents while at the same time recognizing his position within the city as lesser than other citizens and reluctantly going against it by selling things to Inukashi in order to survive and improve his own life.
The divide between “inside” and “outside” the wall is made extremely clear by most of the characters throughout the story, and yet here we see a rare (or maybe not so rare) example of someone who, for symbolic reasons, occupies both spaces. For the most part, each character in No.6 serves as a way to compare two or more different groups of people or conflicting ideas, perhaps most notably Shion in his representation of both the elite class of No.6 as well as those who have been banished from the city altogether. The importance of these comparisons is often to highlight their differences and incompatibility with one another; however, in this case we see Getsuyaku as a unifying force rather than a divisive one. By occupying both spaces simultaneously, he is able to represent both The Lost Town residents via his citizenship within No.6, as well as to a certain extent the residents of West Block who, like Getsuyaku, are forced into criminal activity as a means to basic survival. Within this dual identity, we are able to see that despite their statuses as either “inside” or “outside” the wall, these two groups are fundamentally almost the same to a great extent. The wall becomes not a great divide between those that are deserving and those who are not, but instead a thin line between barely scraping by and abject poverty that is able to be crossed at any time.
Along with the burden of simply doing undesirable work, Getsuyaku, and therefore the working class as a whole, is also forced to play a significant role in the maintaining of the system through the control of information. No.6, and most societies in general, are built upon the control of information, and the withholding of certain information from the general public. Getsuyaku’s job at the Correctional Facility necessitates that he learn what is likely otherwise classified information about No.6, whether that be the conditions under which he has to work or any suspicious materials he may find while sorting through the city's trash. While this information would clearly be useful to both regular citizens and those working against the city such as Yoming, he is obligated to withhold this information out of fear of punishment by the government, and therefore takes part in his own oppression. This is of course not a voluntary position, as his death shows us, but nonetheless an important aspect in the world building of the story.
Speaking of his death, the murder of Getsuyaku also serves as the first time that we directly see fatal violence enacted upon a regular citizen of the city. While it's clear by this point in the story that No.6 is not above murdering its own citizens, and other instances have been implied, such as the case of Yomings wife, this scene cannot be understated. Other deaths take place within predefined contexts: part of the experimentation with the bees, a direct response to going against the city, culling older people to preserve resources. Obviously none of these things are ethically justifiable, but they come with explanations that we can on some level understand for the purposes of the story. Getsuyaku’s death on the other hand comes with almost no explanation, and even from the perspective of No.6 itself, is less justified than the Manhunt. He is murdered not because the officers know he has done anything deemed to be “wrong”, but simply because they are suspicious of him, because in their minds it is easier to claim that he is to blame for the malfunctioning robots than it is to believe that it was an accident or regular breakdown. The fact that we know the circumstances of the incident don't matter in this moment because we are not in a position to make a decision about him.
Getsuyaku’s position as the first civilian casualty of the last portion of the story also serves a narrative purpose, that of a symbolic catalyst for the revolution that takes up a large portion of Volume 9. As the representation for Lost Town, we see that although other groups will be punished for disobedience, the true targets of No.6's master plan are the Lost Town citizens, the working class. Through their repression, No.6 maintains control over the baseline functioning of the city (waste management, energy production, food production, etc), as well as the vital information that is created and gathered through these industries. Because the working class is in control of these fundamental processes by virtue of being the ones working there, any disobedience on their part, no matter what the reason, is taken as a direct action against the city as a whole, even if another explanation for the incident exists. Through his death, we see that No.6, however incorrect they may be, views Getsuyaku, as well as the rest of the working class, as disposable and replaceable. To an extent, we see that this mindset has been internalized by many members of Lost Town, who, while upset at a person’s disappearance, have accepted it as a fairly normal part of their lives. In Getsuyaku’s case, however, enough of the right characters, namely Yoming, Lily, and Karan, are involved with Getsuyaku and his family that his disappearance serves as a breaking point for this internalization, indirectly resulting in many of the events of the last volume of the novels.
For those in West Block, Getsuyaku’s death serves an entirely different purpose. While it is only witnessed by a few characters, his death confirms for Inukashi what we as the reader already know, that No.6 has no issue with disposing of its own citizens if they are no longer useful. By extension, we also see that he was never really considered a citizen in the first place, but rather an unconscious tool for the maintenance of the city. Being able to see directly the cruelty of No.6 towards those living even within the city disrupts the commonly held belief of the West Block residents that the inside of No.6 is a utopia, and that it instead may be just as bad in some ways as it is outside of the walls. At least West Block doesn’t try to give off the impression of being a safe and comfortable place, right? At this point there is no hope of a better life for the West Block residents, and they are instead faced with the reality that as long as they were not born into power, they would never truly be able to gain it within the city.
So what does this mean in terms of the anime? The exclusion of Getsuyaku from the anime, while understandable given the time constraints and already rushed ending, ultimately still affects the story and our perception of how No.6 and its class system actually function. It draws a firm line between No.6 and West Block, leaving no room for the portrayal of the proximity between the working and poverty classes, and giving no opportunities for them to interact or assist each other in any way. Ultimately, it shows a picture of a world in which downward mobility only occurs to a certain extent, and that even those who have fallen or have always occupied the lowest rung of the working class will still be protected from interacting with or becoming the impoverished “others” by the government. In his absence, we do not get to really see the reality of working class life in No.6, and are therefore unable to make a significant connection to what would otherwise be an important moral center to the story. The cruelty of No.6 is still blatantly obvious, but it is never shown to have been turned directly onto its own citizens. This is starting to drift into some themes I want to explore in another post, but you get the idea. In attempting to reflect an image of our own world, No.6 as an anime fails to construct the world as it really is, with blurred lines between different “classes” of people, and instead draws strict barriers between lower classes that instead serve to reinforce the mainstream concept of a disconnect between working and poverty class people that makes them enemies rather than allies.
If you made it to the end, thanks for reading! I tried really hard to make this not about a bunch of stuff other than Getsuyaku, but he’s so wrapped up in the other aspects of the world building that I’m not really sure I succeeded in that regard. I had a lot of fun with this one though, so hopefully you enjoyed it too!
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lilmajorshawty · 6 years
The natal chart And it’s Houses 🏛🏛
The ascendant and the Midheaven:
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Your ascendant and midheaven both play crucial roles in how you’re perceived by others in your environment. Your ascendant rules over your immediate interactions in an Aries like fashion. This means this is often how people perceive you in a unstructured and unbalanced way as this is the first impression they’d get of you without knowing the theoretical whole story. Your midheaven governs interactions that are structured and “worked at” this can mean a persona or even a concept that is projected onto you via the public. Often the midheaven governs the more refined and disciplined areas of life in which we are far more cautious building so this is the realm of social media, this is that corporate office job or even what the paparazzi puts into the newspaper. The difference here is the cardinal square between Aries and Capricorn which governs these houses. Your immediate reaction often varies quite a bit from your sculpted image which can create discrepancies between the “who I am” and the “who I strive to be.”
Your self worth/commitment/and values:
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Your 2nd house/7th house and your Venus all operate as your Venusian energy and are all operating simultaneously. Your 2nd house is often what will be involved in what you wear, how you wear it as well as how and where you prefer to be touched in order to feel secure or I’m order to feel pleasure. This can also be the qualities and necessities that you need in you’re relationships in order to “commit” to them. Your 7th house is your shadow and is often unconscious energy you project and that is often projected back at you. This means that your 7th house rules how you interact with the world and how they interact with you in response. This is the part of yourself that’s missing in your expression of beauty and is also what you loathe and love when you see it in others. Usually this is what I like to call you 3rd venus as this is fundamentally qualities you need to see in someone in order to consider a long term commitment like marriage or a future with someone. Lastly your venus rules over your values- this is often the reason behind why you wear what you wear and the concepts and or basis of consideration behind much of your romantic and artistic endeavors! It’s a bit of how you express your energy via conscious and unconsciously so. Your venus in essence is the ideology you base your love upon and is often a huge building block behind the type of love you are in pursuit of and what rouses love within you. It’s your feminine nature as well as the females who are actively in your life. This is also a big reason behind your climax as venus is the 2nd half of mars and this is the more erotic side of your nature and what is responsible for the way you masterbate and climax.
Your 6th house and 12th house your body and your spiritual:
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Your 6th house governs your body, this in essence is what and how your inner system functions as well as serves as a road map for possible alignments and trigger points to your health or the lack there of. Your 6th house is your grounded level of meditation and helps keeps you “level” great care is advised of your 6th house as it rules the domain of your daily earthly life and how you react to the world around you and vice versa from a nature stand point. Animals can feel if you haven’t mastered your 6th house as they will either lack responsiveness to you or lack grounding in your presence. People with a well fostered 6th house have no trouble easily navigating wilderness or oceans at sea. They can easily read patterns in the sky or develops relationships with animals that others cannot. Your 6th house also rules your daily mindset towards work and sort of the type of atmosphere your work life can be filled with. People also overlook this quite a bit but the 6th house is also a house that rules over our libido and what situations surround our arousal.
Aries/Scorpio or Pluto and mars:
can point to a high libido and an even higher need to masterbate and or “get off” and an even lead to sex needing to be incorporated in the daily life. Can attract big animals or intense animals who might be against societal Norms in a sense.
Taurus/libra or venus and Juno:
Can have a libido that intensifies when they’re in a relationship or may have a libido dependent upon them being with another person. Usually the libido is passive and they can really go without sex. The animals they attract tend to be either very lazy or very glutinous. A very warm and radiant nature that soothes animals is present.
Gemini/Virgo or mercury and Chiron:
can have a mental libido that is more of a cerebral than physical need. They may do much of their sexual escapades in their mind and might be less sexual than they let on. Attracts animated animals or very smart animals who pick up on nuances in human behavior quite easily.
Cancer or moon and ceres:
can have a emotional based libido which for the most part means it’s low unless a full moon cycle is on the way or during water moon cycles. They can also be very aroused when they are actively connected to another person and the stronger the bond the more sexual release they’ll require. Masterbation is often dome seldom or in private! Likely the shower. Attracts animals who are very shy and tender, animals who are protective and loving.
Leo or sun and Eros/amor:
can have a incredibly high libido but most likely much of it will go into masterbation or sports much like Aries. Attracts very sassy and argumentative animals who think they run the show. The animals will be attention hungry.
Sagittarius/Pisces or Neptune and Jupiter: fluctuating libidos! They can be super high or super low depending on the amount of joy or lack their if they feel. They tend to have a large sexual apettite but can also go long periods without feeling anything sexual. The sexual organs tend to be used to their back and forth nature with arousal. They likely don’t like to masterbate but will still watch porn. The animals can deceptive but deeply sensitive. The animals are likely to be timid at first but likely very loving and at times over the top in the energy department.
Capricorn/Aquarius or Saturn and Uranus:
Seldom do they let their libidos run them and they tend to prefer more scheduled masterbation sessions if at all. They might be a bit turned off by the idea and much of their libido is hushed as they tend to unconsciously distract themselves via work or prior work engagements. Animals are likely structured in your presence and very rarely do they
Your 12th house governs your psyche, you’re dreams whilst in rem sleep, as well as your hidden and more private self and who you are in the later hours of the evening or even for a lack of better words the you that hides behind the curtain during the day. This house governs the more elusive side of us that others don’t likely see unless they’re our families, our lover, or those very few who might’ve seen us under the influence a couple of times. This house for the most part isn’t very visble and because of this much of our thoughts and real life reactions to situations that are in a sense unseen by our first house happen here. This is also in a sense mental Barriers and traumas we have on our selves that prevent us from doing specific things and mastering your 12th house can often show up as dreams as you’re learning to release that energy in a more conscious and easy flowing manner. The 12th house is opposite of the 6th which rules our conscious arousal. So the 12th rules our unconscious arousal and things that turn us on secretly. That being said the 12th house is what we come into this world already knowing and gifted to us from the previous life. This house also governs our karmic energy and trials we must overcome in this life so to speak! Having planets here can often be a blessing and curse as often in the early years it shows much emotional and spiritual awareness but also a fear to utilize and trust this as you get older.
Aries/Scorpio or Pluto and mars:
May struggle with asserting oneself or claiming their own power. They can be passive and avoid immediate confrontation with others as a means to control the demon raging within them. A past life as a warrior or a ruthless soldier is indicated and coming into this life these natives are often fearful of their intensity and immense strength. In truth these natives are a force to be reckoned with and its for good reason they try to make sure they master their own power as to not burn everyone with lack of control. They can instinctually be aggressive or sexually passionate. They secretly crave control and domination. Lots of wet dreams, especially on younger years. A “butch shadow”
Taurus/libra or venus and Juno:
May struggle with love, can hide the more affectionate side of their nature and are likely to avoid physical intimacy for the sake of keeping control over their own intense feelings. Very loving and emotionally caring on a soulful and instinctual level but also can be frightened of this. Likely they lived a past life as someone beautiful and graceful but might’ve been someone who was used for their beauty and or used others for beauty and saw love in a more superficial light. This could also point to having already met your soul mate and meaning you’re destined to meet your soul mate again in this life after much trial and tribulation. Very privately gracious and often has a very radiant and innocent nature to them. Instinctually very passionate and sensual sexually. Want to be dominated and overwhelmed.
Gemini/Virgo or mercury and Chiron:
The mind works on a transcendent level. The intellect is often misunderstood because of how deep and full of depth their minds are able to work in regards to understanding the thoughts and feelings of others. Intensely psychic and premonition like dreams are indicated. A tendency to be completely mentally coherent and sound when alone yet gibberish and stuttering whilst in the presence of others is common. The mind moves much faster than the rest of the body can process which causes them occasional mental overloads. The past life was filled with constant learning and researching. They were likely journalist and or travel researchers and or scholars who were constantly on the hunt for knowledge in every crevice and depth they could find. In this life they’re to learn to articulate his vast resivoir of knowledge and help the world. Instinctually adaptable sexually and very easily able to connect to any lover sexually. Wants to be kept on their toes and to be constantly witnessing a new sexual postion.
Cancer or moon and ceres:
Emotionally deep, very powerful and sometimes overwhelming emotions are indicated. No matter the moon sign the tendency to delve deep into their own psyche and passionately be taken by their feelings is present. They feel everything, every vibration and endless word un-uttered. The desire for emotional intimacy and vulnerability is often sought after but seldom is it ever really something these natives do. They are fearful of their feelings-they often fear being vulnerable around others no matter how much they care it’ll always feel like the better option to just hide their own feelings. The past life can often be characterized as sacrificing for the mother, the mother was in a way a burden on the child in some way causing a great many emotional sacrifices that made it almost a necessity for the native to put their own feelings on the back burner. Commitment of any kind now, especially emotional is seen with much caution and is often something that takes time to work themselves up to as be fear of giving up their whole life again is ever so present. Instinctually very tender and loving during sex. The need to impregnate or to create security through sex is strong. Wants to be cared for and desires nurturing.
Leo or sun and amor/Eros:
The ego is often hidden behind a thin glass wall of passiveness and artificial shyness. They can hide much of their real personality or even the depth to their own character for the sake of seeming likable or agreeable for others. In reality they’re deeply sensitive people but also with an incredibly radiant and often intoxicating personality behind it that’s often hidden in recluse. The past life was often one of royalty and higher family lineage as the sun and moon deal with family ties when in the 12th house. The sun here points to a past life of dedication to the father even to the extent of giving up their own individuality for the sake of their fathers goals. To some extent these natives come into this life being agreeable and amicable and even to some extent Goal-less as so much of themselves was forfeited. Instinctually ardent and erotic but can have a selfish nature to their sexual appetite. Wants passion, needs admiration.
Sagittarius/Pisces or Neptune and Jupiter:
Very internally spiritual, these two aren’t so badly placed here so this is usually indicative of a more pleasurable past life. The past life was often one of being a performer or medium or even a prophet/nomad. Their was a voyager sort of mentality and a need to view the world from every angle. They’re deeply spiritual and easily able to connect to the angst and woes of others without much provocation. They’re easily able to align and mediate their spatial and spiritual natures which often shows up in their dreams and at night. A deeply refined spiritual nature inclined here. Instinctually jovial and playful but also responsive and impersonal sexually. They desire a Devine connection and need emotional understanding.
Capricorn/Aquarius or Uranus and Saturn:
They can have a great inner structure within them one that stands the test of time of holding their mental and spiritual nature together from the trials of the outside world. They’re deeply serious and ambitious deep down and loathe sitting below others. They have a iron clad mind and often struggle with hand outs as they like to be the sole providers for their own lives and destiney. A great clairvoyance and spiritual cunning is indicated here but much emotional blockage is also present. The psyche is often seldom allotted rest as either Uranus(keeps her up all day constantly bubbling with endless activity and heightened cerebral networking) or Saturn(keeps her anxious with his constant Critique and scolding) both views mean these natives albeit genius in their own right also struggle with opening up to others about thee grand schemes and often give of a less structured appearance then what actually exist. Instinctually sensual and mature sexually but can also be experimental and spontaneous. Desires something real and grounded sexually so not likely to have sex with just “anyone” likely they’ve known you for some years.
The 5th/9th and 11th house and your expression/philosophies and dreams:
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As no surprise your 5th house is your house of expression it’s how you go about doing things that make you “happy” this is where you go to brainstorm and how and what inspires you. Ironically being the house the rules your newborns this can also mean your children can be your source of inspiration. The sign here as well as the aspects made to its ruler and or the house it sits in can greatly impact the placements of your child or even give some inclination as to how they may act. It’s the early details on how and what your interactions with kids are actually like and vice versa but it also how you go about having dates, the dating scene and who is the most likelist to catch your eye physically and or so in a “omg I want you” way. This is also activities we do when we’re bored as well as what conditions we need to feel are lost artistic or to have casual sex or if we’re even the types to do so. In a sense this acts as your 2nd sun so this can also add another layer to your already present sun sign traits.
Our 9th house governs universities/college/basic training or military/our travels to foreign lands away from home/ our belief Systems or the lack of them. This also rules over our morals and how we deal with others in regards to said morals. If we have Jupiter we may hold a more higher standard to open minded thoughts and “trust” while Pluto here may indicate a more heated relationship with privacy and holding control and depth above all else when it comes to morals. Our 9th house can also show how intensely or loosely we grip to our religion or spirituality or what teathers we must relinquish in order to delve into our spirituality or 12th house.
Our 11th house rules our friendships, it’s our organizations and our more communal aspects. This is how we relate to groups and or more friendly and detached interactions and vice versa. This house and it’s condition can tell us is we’re friendly or if we’re loners. It can speak on the nature of our friendships and whether or not we’re the types to seek friendships for healthy reasons or bad reasons. The 11th house also rules our dreams and the condition of said dreams! Wether or not we follow them and the lengths we are willing to cultivate them. A strong 11th house is often a sign of a “leader”
The REAL YOU(3rd/4th House):
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The 3rd house governs communication, our neighbors and our siblings. This is the house that rules are mental process in a more grounded and cerebral sense. This is also how our voice comes/ how we talk. While the 2nd rules the tone of our voice. The third house can tell a lot about how we process information and also about the types of circumstances surrounding our descision making! We might be people who need time to make a choice and usually are slow to come to a conclusion if we have “Taurus” in our third. Or we might be brash and impulsive when it comes to choices if Aries rest on the 3rd. The third house also speaks on our siblings and the relationships with said siblings! Wether they are blurry and undefined with Pisces here or unpredictable and lacking in grounding if Uranus is present.
It’s our early conditions growing up and speaks a lot on pre-conditioned behavior. The third house plays a huge role into how we as a people interact and contemplate on what we do and how we do it. If we’re stubborn or passive and so on.
Our 4th house is our home life, it’s us at home and our soul nature. It’s often the way we handle our emotions in the comfort of home and how our family upbringing or dynamic tends to be like. This can often describe the earlier aspects of life at home as well as how we ourselves “really are” stripped down of everything else in our natal chart. This is in a sense our second and more authentic moon sign. This also rules over genes and generational traits that have spanned in your bloodline and can actually give a more concise physical outlook of your family even more so than your ascendant. This is your families history and historical pattern and can often be pre-habitual traits you do without even realizing.
Aries on the 4th:
Might actually be very impulsive deep down and have a restless/brash nature. When someone gets intimate with you or lives with you they see how tenacious and often self immersed you can be at times. Likely emotionally intense and not afraid of confrontation-oh and a libido like a stallion. You need an active and productive partner who keeps themselves busy but also who adores you.
Taurus on the 4th:
Likely relaxed and stable deep down. Immovable and sort of a sloth when it comes down to it. You’re highly sensual and love to indulge in the pleasures of your life especially those of sexual and food origin but you are extremely reliable and ambitious likely with a strong ability to build for yourself even with just scraps. You need a chill partner who’s not overly talkative but has a very tender and sensual side to them.
Gemini on the 4th:
Likely scattered and easily distracted. You love knowledge and tend to spend seconds at a time on topics never really diving into the source of it. You are hard to pin down and likely to have multiple on going interest all at once. As a lover gets to know you they’ll likely be trying to get your attention constantly as you’ll likely be in your own little world. You need a communicative lover as you love interacting with your lover 28/9 but you also need a emotional partner who forces you to ground your emotions as you yourself are actually pretty sensitive.
Cancer on the 4th:
Likely very sentive and nurturing of yourself and others deep down. You have a huge heart and tend to have an easy time understanding the feelings of others mainly because you yourself have so many feelings and thoughts bustling around yourself. You need a gentle lover who puts family first just as you do.
Leo on the 4th:
Likely you’re proud and enigmatic! You either love being the center of attention or hate or depending on how the light was on you growing up. You’re rather self assured and know you’re worth and have no problem putting your all into something so long as it’s earned your respect. You need a lover who is genuine and who is willing to go those extra miles for you.
Virgo on the 4th:
Likely a TRUE Virgo, you need and crave consistency. You need things orderly and can hate chaos especially in your home or when you’re comfy. You strive for integrity and tend to have a really self critical and often anxious nature deep down. In reality you’re super calm and have a very warm and earthy nature to you that makes everyone! Even god and the devil feel at ease. You need a lover who is able to keep your mind stimulated but also a lover who is deeply loyal to you in every aspect and willing to build with you. Oh and sex because BITCH you are mad stressed and you need some loving.
Libra on the 4th:
Likely you’re indescive and charming deep down. You loathe confrontation and tend to stray from anything overly direct or disorganized. The need to create peace and enjoy life in a curteous and refined way is super pronounced in your nature! You’re a little boujee but like in a cutesy way. You need a beautiful lover inside and out and someone who’s got a romantic side to them
Scorpio on the 4th:
Likely you’re intense and mysterious. You don’t give out much info about your personal life or
Your family and what’s even more you tend to leave much up in the clouds when it comes to getting to know you. You tend to speak best through sex or through emotional expression but you might also test others and their loyalty as a means to ensure you’re not opening up to the wrong people. Authenticity and realness are the best ways to describe who you really are and deep down all you want is love understanding. You need a emotionally stable lover who can handle your turbulent moods as well as keep you in check when you turn into a grouchy old man.
Sagittarius on the 4th:
You likely have a very easy going, blunt nature when not comes to life and people deep down. You could really care less about the logistics and prefer to just go all in when you’re interacting with others. Your independence means a lot to you and you get very antsy when ever said independence is threatened. You live as if everyday is your last and have no qualms about expecting others as they are. You need a lover who is as open minded and curious of the world as you are! It also wouldn’t be a bad thing if they had a passport cause you love to travel.
Capricorn on the 4th:
You likely have a more grounded and serious approach to life and your emotions. You’re not readily accepting of your short comings and can be rather hard on yourself. Strict maintance of your vulnerable side is common here and you’re often the type to place ambition and work above intimacy without a second thought. That being said you’re so dependable and very tender when you open up to someone. You need a patient lover and someone who isn’t scared of by your more somber nature.
Aquarius on the 4th:
You likely have a very far out and often detached relationship with the world around you. Albeit your mind is often constantly adjusting and analyzing every interaction you still may struggle with connecting to your emotional side deep down. You value the more impersonal side of life and love anything space age and even robotic. The need to maintain emotional distance from others is always strong. You need a lover who is a bit of an oddball but someone who’s willing to take a chance with you and your mind and support your endless array of ideas and feelings as they come and go.
Pisces on the 4th:
Likely you’re deeply sensitive as well as extremely receptive to the feelings of others deep down. You’re slightly cluttered and may be a bit all over the place when it comes to your home life. You have such a sentiment heart and likely have a hard time really pushing anyone anyway of leaving them on the streets as it’s in your nature to care for others which can at times be your downfall. You need a lover who doesn’t lie or deceive you or take advantage of your kindness! A lover who is protective and gentle is best for you.
Sadly the 8th house won’t be talked about in this particular post as I’ve already mentioned some of its themes! But I do plan on doing a separate write up in the future! ♥️
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spyinthepalace · 5 years
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Carla Delgado’s Personality Profile
Slytherin Primary| Slytherin Secondary | Wampus | 8w7 | ESTP | Chaotic Neutral | Aries Sun | Capricorn Moon | Capricorn Rising
Hogwart’s Houses
[Slytherin Through and Through] I swear, when I started this, I didn’t want to automatically sort Carla into Slytherin because I felt it would make me guilty of stereotyping. But. After reading through all of the primary and secondary descriptions, the choice is clear. Carla is all Slytherin.
Carla does not make friends easily. In fact, its probably safe to say she has none. But she is fiercely loyal to her parents. And if she ever made a true friend or was to find a true love, she would literally kill for them. No questions asked. No hesitation.
Though, I feel like she has a drop of Gryffindor in her. While she’s generally selfish when it comes to her loyalties, the few times she has come face to face with pain and suffering, it has stirred her to action. She would never stand up to the authorities publicly, but she might try to secretly right a perceived wrong.
Her Slytherin secondary comes into play with her adaptability and fluid nature. Her entire life is based around becoming what she needs to be to solve any problem. In the past it was doing what needed to be done to make sure she and her father had food to eat that day. Currently, its adapting to any situation that comes up in her line of work. She works best in the moment. Patience and planning on not her strong suite.
Ilvermorny House
[Wampus] This one was hard because there really isn’t much out there as far as descriptions or analysis of the Ilvermorny houses. But the quiz results were wampus and after reading up a bit on what I could find, I feel like wampus just might be the house for her. Carla is fundamentally impatient and is a girl of action, even though a lot of her actions are cloaked in shadow and subtlety. She does not like to sit around thinking about what might be or what may have been. She prefers to learn as she goes and sometimes gets herself into trouble for an impulsive action or word.
[type 8 (The Challenger) with a 8w7 wing] It is ridiculous how well this type fits Carla. She is currently living under the thumb of an evil dictator who she hates. Her greatest desire is to be free from that control and to be the master of her own fate. She is strong willed and refuses to completely submit so she exercises her personal will against Shuriki’s in small, quietly rebellious ways. And when it comes to personal relationships, she may tend to be more domineering and controlling simply because she has had enough of that, thank you very much.
I thought her type 7 (The Enthusiast) wing was rather appropriate seeing as she intends to live her life in Swynlake to the fullest. For the first time ever, she is in a position to seek out pleasures and fun distractions. And seek them out she will.
Myers Briggs Personality Type
[ESTP (The Entrepreneur)] I’ll admit, I’m not sure if this type would change if Carla quit her line of work, because for now, her profession is all she really knows. But at this moment, she is a highly observant, live in the moment type of girl who isn’t terribly concerned with how you feel about anything. I only wonder if she would be more introverted if given the opportunity? In her current state, she wants to party and seek out pleasure and fun almost in a teenage rebellion sort of mindset.
Moral Alignment
[Chaotic Neutral] This is the one result that I was not completely surprised by. Carla is often annoyed by the restrictions posed by laws and protocol; that and she finds “do-gooders” to be some of the most irritating creatures on the face of the planet. But she’s not without her morals and can occasionally be swayed to go out on a limb for those less fortunate than she. She can be unpredictable at times though usually she will side with whichever answer is in her best interest.
Sun Sign
[Aries] I picked an aries birthday for Carla because her most defining characteristics are selfishness and impatience. Even when she is concerned for others, its in a “protecting MY people” sort of mentality. She hates waiting and hates to be interrupted. Her plans usually only include the barest of structure and are often diverted by her impulsive tendencies. On the positive side, she knows what she wants in most situations and goes for it. If given the opportunity, she’d make a great leader as she’s
Moon Sign
[Capricorn] Keeping her emotions under tight control is the name of the game for Carla Delgado. Oh, don’t get her wrong. She feels. A lot. But she is terrified at the prospect of letting loose when it comes to her emotions.
Rising Sign
[Capricorn] Competence and image are literally a matter of life and death to Carla. And her knack for projecting these traits positively are the key to her success and her survival. Also worth noting, her sense of family and responsibility fall hard on her shoulders.
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inktail1 · 5 years
Can Shoes Help Increase Vertical Jump?
We hear stories every once in a while about the crazed groups at the stores attempting to get their hands on a specific pair of athletic shoes. Does a specific pair of shoes truly give the wearer some sort of exceptional favorable position over any other person with regards to sports? The appropriate response is yes and no. Certain things about a shoe can enable people to build their capacity and blast when they are endeavoring to expand their vertical hop, however there is no enchantment shoe that will improve somebody play.
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The principal thing that is vital about a shoe is the fit. You shouldn't buy a shoe that is too huge for your foot. Your foot ought not have the capacity to slide from side-to-side inside the shoe. You should just have a little measure of room in the toe of the shoe www.rummagemonkey.com for your toes to squirm. When you are hopping, you apply a ton of power against the ground to control upward. On the off chance that your shoes don't fit legitimately, a portion of the power that you apply on the ground is lost in the development of the foot inside the shoe.
The bands of a shoe are vital too. It is trendy nowadays to wear athletic shoes with the bands loosened and free. By and by, you will lose a portion of the vitality that you are applying against the ground to the development of your foot inside the shoe. Fixing the bands will keep that development from happening and will assist you with achieving your best upward blast when hopping.
Another trademark to search for in a shoe is a carbon fiber shank in the sole. The motivation behind the carbon fiber shank is to make the shoe stiffer in the sole. This solidness gives a competitor a firmer stage to push against amid their exercises. An increasingly padded sole will ingest a portion of the power that is set against it and cause the competitor to lose a portion of the power that is applied on the ground. On the off chance that you can't discover a shoe with this shank, endeavor to choose a shoe that appears to be stiffer.
At last, the heaviness of the shoe can influence an expansion in vertical hop. A lighter inclination shoe gives the competitor less to convey in their upward development, however it additionally can have a mental impact. The wearer can feel like they can bounce higher on the grounds that their feet feel lighter and ordinarily this mindset can make them really hop higher.
What I realized is that the best possible shoe ought to be fundamentally an augmentation of your foot. It should offer security and support and not burden you. Set aside some opportunity to consider a portion of these focuses whenever you have to buy a couple of athletic shoes.
My name is Terri and I am a volleyball player. Something that I mastered amid a program I was taking to expand my vertical hop was the significance of the best possible shoe. The things that I learned can be connected to shoes for any game.
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buzzdixonwriter · 6 years
Musical Chairs With Racists
I’d be a fool to predict, but I can prognosticate.
Prognostication is like prediction, only with a hedge bet built in.
There are any number of things that can happen politically over the next decade (and probably sooner but see, I’m already cutting myself some wiggle room).  There are two similar-but-different things I think are more likely to happen, along with two possible offshoots of each.
The two big ones are “A New Conservative Party Arises” and “The Democrats Absorb The Sane GOP And Turn Conservative”.
Let’s dive in, shall we?
The country has been playing musical chairs with racists since before the Civil War.
Simply put, for all the noble sentiments and ideals written into our fundamental documents by our founding fathers, they really couldn’t imagine them applying to anyone except free white Anglo/European males who owned property.
Whether by accident or design, the ability to expand those ideals was also written into our Constitution, and over the centuries has been applied -- sometimes sporadically, sometimes quite deliberately -- to guarantee “liberty and justice for all.”
It doesn’t matter if slaves get freed in order to benefit the slaves, or to punish the masters, or to reward the liberators:  Slaves get freed.
In the process, however, racists have constantly fought to maintain white supremacy at the expense of non-whites, male supremacy (a.k.a. the patriarchy) at the expense of non-heterosexual males (which includes females), Christian supremacy (preferably Protestantism) at the expense of other faiths and non-believers.
Before plunging ahead, let’s define our terms; we’ll focus on racism but these standards apply to the others as well.
Racism is systemic discrimination against others for the benefit of the dominant ethnic group. One can be a racist without being a hate monger so long as one believes the racist system one benefits from should be preserved.
Bigotry is an active hateful prejudice against others outside one’s group.  While racism always flows downhill (i.e., from the powerful against the less powerful), bigotry can lash out in all directions.  Anyone, even an oppressed minority, can be a bigot.
White supremacy is the particular strain of racism found in the United States.  One can be a white supremacist and co-exist peacefully -- even intermarry -- with non-whites so long as non-whites acknowledge whites rank above them.
As I’ve noted elsewhere, white supremacists identify and define themselves by whom they exclude.  
While American has been run by and for white supremacists for most of its history, for the most part they were relatively benign / unthinking sorts.
No real hatred or animosity…
…just supreme indifference to the fates of non-whites.
There was, and always has been, a virulent core of genuine hate mongers, people whose identity is so wrapped up in their sense of entitlement at being white that it clouds their judgment on all other matters.
They existed in all political parties from as far back as the founding of this country (and even earlier when one delves into colonial politics).  
The Democratic Party, however, has had a structural design that lends to its long term survival.
It is, by and large, decentralized.
This is not to say there are no dominant wings / cliques / political machines within the Democratic Party but rather there is no single group that has driven out all contrarian voices in the party.
This is vitally important.
While white supremacists certainly dominated the Democratic Party before and after the Civil War, the truth was they needed the support of groups that didn’t subscribe to white supremacy to maintain power.
This was a broad coalition scattered across the nation, not merely congregated in the South and Midwest.
Out of necessity, the white supremacists’ most extreme policies had to be tempered.
This is how politics is supposed to work, “the art of the possible” carving out deals between and among groups with conflicting goals and values.
Nobody gets everything they want, but everybody gets something.
The Republicans, on the other hand, were always a much more centralized party.
For much of the country’s history, that wasn’t a problem; despite their lean towards authoritarianism, there was still room for a liberal and a conservative wing in the otherwise moderate GOP.
But as white supremacists began chafing at the loss of their supremacy (through desegregation and integration and civil rights laws), the GOP (in the form of the infamous Nixon-Atwater “Southern strategy”) lured them into their tent (with a couple of side trips to the Dixiecrats and the American Independence Party along the way).
And while hard right conservatives mock the “Marxist dialectics” of the constantly bickering Democratic Party, St. Ronnie’s dictum of “Thou shalt never criticize a fellow Republican” has played them false.
For one thing, it has allowed far too many frauds and poltroons access to the public stage.
For another, it has drowned out all internal dissent among the GOP.
But the worst part is that it has created a winner-take-all mindset among the leadership of the party, with an inability to accept compromise with anyone one or anything outside the party core.
And “party core” means the white supremacists.
Reagan, for all his sins and shortcomings, was a savvy enough politician to recognize if he could get 60% of what he wanted, it was smart to let the other side have the remaining 40%.
That way they became invested in the deal, more willing to go along with it.
The one non-negotiable among white supremacists is the surrender of white supremacy.
They will not go along with anything that makes them equal -- no better, no worse -- than non-whites.
But as noted, by excluding their own children and grandchildren from mixed marriages, they have been drastically reducing their own numbers.
Current demographics continuing, by 2048 non-Hispanic whites will make up only 49% of the country.
White supremacy will finally fall.
White people know this -- hell, everybody knows this -- and many white people are going nuts over it.
In this national game of musical chairs, there’s only one seat left for the white supremacists to land on and that one is the Republican Party.
Trump is just the festering boil coming to a head; we still face the lancing and then draining stage.
Which leads us (finally!) to what’s going to happen to the political parties in this country.
Option 1:  A New Conservative Party Arises
The GOP has already been purging the old line conservatives.  
The grown ups of the party have either already left or been marginalized by hacks and demagogues.
The old line conservatives are people with appreciable talents and skills and more than a little insight.
Old line conservatism actually serves a very vital function for this nation, a dialectic (for lack of a better term) counterpoint that constantly asks “Is this really necessary?” and “How are we going to pay for it?”
Conservatives force progressives to think through their proposals in order to make them workable.
The core of the existing GOP is a white supremacist / conservative Christian base being led by the 2%, a short sighted oligarchy of billionaires who seek to shed every societal obligation while maintaining their maximum benefits from same.
They have convinced the white supremacists / conservative Christians -- and, lordie, that wasn’t much of a challenge -- that the only way to maintain white supremacy is by acquiescing to the 2%.
It’s a lie, the progressives know it’s a lie, the 2% knows it’s a lie and the bill will eventually come due, but for right now enough members of the ever shrinking white majority can be tricked into giving away the store in return for keeping the “whites only” sign over the water fountain.
The smarter conservatives know this will end badly for the GOP.  Option 1 sees them forming a new political party the same way disgruntled former Whigs created the GOP in the first place.
The new conservative party, freed of the shackles of white supremacy, can sincerely reach out to conservatives among the African-American, Latino, Asian-American, LGBT, and -- most importantly -- female voters.
They can also appeal to conservative Democrats (and there are some, they just don’t get as much press as the progressives) and split some off, giving this new party a few congressional seats and political offices from the very beginning.  
Option 1.5:  Snowflakes Become Scapegoats
What we see already among the Trump supporters will get amped up all the way to eleven as the fragile little white boys lose their collective minds.
Unable to inflict genuine harm on the country, the white supremacist base will go through a meltdown of historic -- not to say histrionic -- proportions.
Oh, there will be a lot of violence:  Assassinations, bombings, various acts of terrorism and protest.
But no longer a sustained political and cultural force that steers the fate of the nation.
The violence and histrionics will do something unfortunate.
Human societies have a bad habit of looking for scapegoats, the “other” they can demonize and discriminate against (see the entire fnckin’ history of this country for example).
By losing their minds (and their self-control) the fragile little white boys are going to end up volunteering for scapegoat status.
Among non-racist whites, there will be a conscious effort to disassociate themselves from these scapegoats (full disclosure:  I have long identified as “Italian-American” and not “white” because I don’t want to be lumped among white supremacists; call it hair splitting but it’s a distinction that may prove crucial in the future).
The wheel will turn, the first shall be last, and the 2% that led them astray will abandon them for more lucrative pickings.
Payback, as Yogi and Smokey would say, is a bear
Option 2:  The Democrats Absorb The Sane GOP And Turn Conservative
If the GOP doesn’t implode quickly enough, old line conservatives may find a haven among the Democrats.
For decades polling has indicated the coming generations will lean far more Democratic than previous ones.
This is because coming generations will be mostly outside the white supremacist camp.
If the Democratic party as a brand identity is going to be the dominant force for the next 30-40 years, conservatives who want to influence the course of the country will need to have a (D) behind their names on the ballot.
The Democrats, wanting to secure their generational base, will cut deals and alter policies to give the old line conservatives a home.
Upside:  The Democratic Party keeps the African-American, Latino, Asian-American, LGBT, and female voters.
Downside:  They lose the progressives.
Option 2.5:  Pedal To The Metal
Now at first this may seem to be a similar fate to the white racists in the GOP but it’s not.
Once free from mainline Democrats, the progressives will become far more politically radical.
And if conservatives fulfill a function by putting the brakes on wild ideas, progressives and radicals provide an equally important function by slamming that accelerator down hard!
We have not really had a liberal, much less leftist party in this country since the demise of the Kennedy Democrats.
By and large the Democratic platform is not that different from those of Eisenhower Republicans.
With a non-racist shift towards conservative political and cultural values, a radicalized left will be able to raise issues and fight for them in a manner they’re currently blocked from pursuing due to political alliances.
It will be a startling and energizing time to be alive.
  © Buzz Dixon
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masterprogram00 · 3 years
A Brief Overview of Information Security Master Degree
Key Points:
What is Information Security?
Why do you need to study Information Security?
What are the Career Opportunities for Information Security students?
How does an Information Security Master Degree proceed?
Which Courses and Concentrations are offered in Information Security Master Degree?
Which are the best institutes for studying Information Security Master Degree?
What is Information Security?
With the ever-advancing field of digital technology, Information Security has become a significant field of concern for those with an inclined aptitude towards computer sciences, mathematics, engineering, and Information Technology with an analytical and calculative mindset. The primary responsibilities of an Information Security Professional revolve around the development of potential security protection and encryption software with the implementation of firewalls that assure the safety of data on both individuals and organisational levels.  
Why Do you Need to Study Information Security?
Following the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job opportunities for information security analysts are bound to grow by 28%. Bachelor in Information Security with respective experience in the practical field is usually sufficient for attaining an entry-level job. However, an Information Security master's degree is much preferred for the majority of the high-income fields. It may also lead to relatively stable government jobs on the FBI or CIA level as there are increasing chances of data theft on the national and international levels. Moreover, many private firms, particularly those dealing with confidential or financial data, always need Information Security professionals.  
How Does an Information Security Master Degree Proceed?
Apart from full-time on-campus classes for the Information Security master's degree, there are also other options of part-time, online study, and distance learning for students according to their different academic and professional preferences. The primary and most common requirements for admission in Information Security master's degree include a bachelor's degree in the respective field along with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and other requirements essential for fulfilling admission criteria. Information Security master's degree may range over 2-3 years since the significant requirement for this degree is usually 30-48 credits. At the same time, cost and overall expenses for this degree vary depending on the institute, mode of study, and research projects.
Which Courses and Concentrations are offered in Information Security Master Degree?
Information Security master's degree enables its students to obtain all the relevant theory and practical knowledge along with required skills essential for surviving in the professional field of Information Security. It offers a diversified range of courses, including technical modules and generic modules related to the field with legal, social, and management perspectives. In addition to 3 significant concentrations of Digital Forensics, Information Security Management and Cyber and Information Security Technology, the primary areas of study include:
Network security
Digital and computational forensics
Biometric authentication
Wireless communication security
Organizational and human aspects of information security
Risk analysis
Security management
Cryptography and security mechanisms
Information warfare
Intrusion detection and prevention
Legal aspects of information security
Major courses usually taught in Information Security master degree often include Information System Security, Secure Software Design, Computer Forensics, Web Application Security, Fundamentals of System Development, Strategic Information Systems Management, Encryption Principles, and Database Design and Implementation. After studying Information Security master's degree, students would be able to collect, organize, analyze IT systems and their security systems. Moreover, they can also well-scrutinize any sort of security incident and conduct strict evaluations of computer security networks. This program also enables students to develop and design security systems via different technical tools and methods with consistent systems assessment. This practical implementation indeed comes with the theoretical knowledge background of network security, incident response, software and operating system security, biometrics, cryptography, security management, encryption standards, and cybersecurity.
What are the Career Opportunities for students of Information Security Master Degree?
There is an augmented demand for information security professionals in government and corporate sectors, including consultancy, IT departments, or even software companies. Their tasks can be varied depending upon their area of working, for instance, system development, security management, research and development, risk implementation and management, data and operations security, safety counseling and management, technological management, network threats monitoring, secured communication development, and programming of safety-critical projects (like play systems, payment systems, and electoral systems) along with many different areas of Information Technology.  Further, there are specific professional roles that students can pursue after accomplishing Information Security master's degree, whereas some major ones of them include:
Network Security Advisors
Information Security Managers
Cybersecurity Consultants
Cyber Forensics Investigators
Risk Analysis Consultants
Academic Researchers
Which are the Best Institutes for studying Information Security Master Degree?
If you are looking for the world's top universities to study computer science, here is given the list of top 10 universities according to the QS World Ranking by subject 2021 for Computer Science & Information Systems:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Stanford University
Carnegie Mellon University
National University of Singapore (NUS)
University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
University of Oxford
Harvard University
University of Cambridge
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
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sardonicnihilism · 3 years
A Biography of the Woman Who Never Was
Part 3 The Young Adult
Chapter 17
"Pay attention," Jen snapped. She was trying to explain the fundamentals of magic to Shannon, but she was too busy playing with Brandon. While Jen loved the fact Shannon had taken so much to her son, she still needed her to focus.
"Sorry," Shannon said in a voice that said she wasn't really sorry. She got up off the floor and sat on the couch.
Jen leaned over, kissed Shannon, and took her hands. "Listen, you need to pay attention. You have unbelievable, raw power, but all that does is bring you to the party. You are about to start dealing with the fundamental forces of the universe here. Without the proper training, you could get swallowed up by them, both figuratively and literally. I don't want that happening to you."
"Ok," Shannon replied, genuinely sorry this time.
"Alright," she said and gave her another kiss. "Most people think magic is vocational. Like sewing or carpentry or even brain surgery, learn how to use these tools, learn these steps, and voila. That is a part of it of course, but it's much more than that.
"Like I told you last week, the forces which power our world are not like the gods of mythology. They're unthinking, unfeeling, they're like the wind or gravity. To master them, you first must master yourself.
"The first thing you need to know is mindset. A witch must see themselves as above the general populace. You must act and carry yourself as a sovereign who consents to live with their subjects."
"Isn't that a bit egotistical? " Shannon interrupted.
"It seems like that at first. But that gives you the power of will."
"You mean like Green Lantern? " Shannon asked even more confused and skeptical.
Jen gave her a look that could have melted the Sun. "Be serious. Yes, there is power in the will. Will is what compels us to act, to do, to achieve. You need every ounce of that power if you're going to stand any chance.
"Think of it this way, when electricians go to work, they have special insulated tools and clothing to protect them. That's what the power of will is to a witch; it's their insulation.
"Next, is fear; you got to get rid of it. Fear of any sort creates a door by which something you don't want can come through. Trust me, I've been there, I've been possessed, you don't want that. Even if you can come back, something changes in you. You lose something fundamental.
"Potions, incantations, rituals, sacred items, these are all props used to focus the mind, which is where all magic begins and ends. That is why the mind must be made right first.
"Next thing you need to understand is that these forces run around us and through us. For the non witch, they go unnoticed, and vice-versa. The instant you start to reach out and tap into these forces, they reach into you as well. You become open to both good things and bad, which is another reason why you have to start with the mental prep first."
Shannon looked skeptically at Jen. It all sounded to fanciful. But she thought about her own faith and what that taught. Was this really any worse, or more absurd?
"Alright, so what do I need to do then? - Meditate, align my chakras, wear a cross, douse myself in holy water?"
"No, all that is just pop nonsense. A screenwriter's magical prep. You already took the first step. When you came with with me to the cemetery,"
And in the, Shannon thought to herself and had to fight hard to hold back a snicker.
"you faced down two fears: a fear of the dead, and the fear of being a lesbian. That put you on the right track, but still kept you hidden.
"Next, is a warning. I already alluded to two possible dangers, but there's more. The forces, the don't just run through the living, but the dead. Spirits can be called forth to your side and to those you love. The dead are hungry, viscous, angry at the living because they still have what they lost - life. They can lash out and torment you and everyone around you.
"Doors to other dimensions, with lifeforms that defy description, shadow versions of yourself who would gladly get rid of you to take your place, these all await, as well as just general madness if you continue. Do you understand?"
"No offense, but that sounds like a Lovecraft story."
Jen just sat there, blank faced for a bit. "Lovecraft was an unintentional seer," she said with deadly seriousness. "Had he not been an atheist, he might have seen the full truth, not the distorted fragments he wrote about."
That night, Shannon dreamed dreams that none have dreamed before. She was at a beach with blood red sand, lapped by water that was as thick and black as ink, beneath an orange and purple sky. People's heads stuck out from the sand, crying out for death as the tide rolled in and covered them beneath it's waves. As the tide went out, misshapen monstrosities came forth to cover the people back up if too much of their body had been uncovered.
Next she saw strange giant beasts stomping around, part lizard, part insect. Long, forked tongues darted out of large, oversized mouthes; full of broken, rotting teeth.
Finally, she saw what looked like a living room set for a TV show. On it, a man was tied to a chair. He was screaming in pain while one creature shot arrows in to him. Then, another creature would come up behind the man and cut his head off. The head would fall to the floor and new head would grow to replace the old one.
Then, all that dissolved and she was in dilapidated, crumbling, old house. Inside were two women of equal height but not appearance. One had long black hair with brown eyes. She wore a suit of armor that glistened with the color of twilight. The other had wavie, blonde hair with blue eyes, and golden armor.
The two were arguing. The twilight one was trying to do something while the blonde was trying to stop her. Eventually they came to an old, wooden door with a heavy lock on it.
"Sister, we mustn't," the blonde pleaded.
"Not we, you," the twilight one said. "You are their protector. It must be you who unlocks the door. We have fought to long, given up far too much; they don't deserve it, not anymore."
It was then Shannon realized she was the blonde with the golden armor. With a heavy heart, she raised her sword and broke the lock.
The door exploded open and a giant, worm like creature burst forth. It just kept coming and coming with no end in sight. It's skin was made up of human faces, screaming and yelling in pain and agony.
Suddenly, she was no longer in the house but walking up a grassy cliff. Her golden armor was gone, replaced with a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and she was barefoot. She sat down at the edge and hugged her knees to her chest as she looked across a chasm. Prismatic light swirled and danced over a town below, like oil in water. In the rainbow below, more faces shrieked and cried, begging for help. And she knew they suffered because she had let loose The Worm.
Shannon woke up in her bed and blinked; the dreams still fresh in her mind. She knew not what they meant, only that she was ready for the next step.
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kentthewolf · 3 years
Are You Above Average ? 🧠 Check Out These Personality Traits — You Might Be, According To Philosophy
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“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.”
 — Aristotle
To live well is to move toward existence with the correct methods of philosophy. 
Success, happiness, and a life well-lived are not secrets. There is no magic recipe, hack, or trick to them. There are the timeless habits and characteristics that have stayed valid for thousands of years and will stay genuine forevermore. 
The best exercises we can apply to our lives have just been sorted out, and have been repeated by philosophy again and again, for a long time. Why? because they are true and they work. These instruments of individual power have had a significant effect for extraordinary individuals for quite a long time, and can have a similar effect for you. 
12 Attributes of Above Average People 
1. They Respect — And Exercise — Their Power Over Their Reactions 
" It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." 
— Epictetus 
You, me, everybody has control over their actions — in the event that they so decide to focus on dominating the habits. This guideline for action and perception is a core value of stoic philosophy.
We don't control what happens more often than not. We can't handle markets or climate or traffic or the behavior of others. Yet, we can generally control how we react, and history's best perceived that is the thing that issues most — that it's not what occurs, but rather our reaction, that decides our direction, our outcomes, and our lives. 
2. They See Happiness As A Decision, Not A Goal 
" A man’s as miserable as he thinks he is. " 
— Lucius Annaeus Seneca 
As Abraham Lincoln would later repeat, “ we are as happy a we make up our minds to be”. As corny as it sounds, happiness is a choice, but the vast majority transform it into a restrictive prize. 
Cash, career achievement, they certainly play a part, however, what ends up happening to CEO’s and celebrity stars when they feel miserable? there's obviously more to happiness than that. Money and Materialistic Things can only content us so much. There is an inner perspective, and it is this: to allow yourself to be happy.
3. They Listen More Than They Speak 
" Practice really hearing what people say. Do your best to get inside their minds. " — Marcus Aurelius 
Listening is a ground-breaking ability, and to listen to somebody, to really listen, is the characteristic of an above average individual, for the vast majority are bad bad listener despite the fact that they might think otherwise. 
As Epictetus stated, “we have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak”. To stand separate from the rest, we should be good listener and selective speakers. As Tim Denning composed, “there is power in saying less.”
4. They Have A Vivid Direction In Life — And A Purpose 
" If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable."
— Lucius Annaeus Seneca 
What are you doing here? What is your purpose? What is your raison d'être? 
Individuals who transcend the standard, who accomplish their own extraordinary type of significance, know the responses to those questions. Having a clear, defined reason, has the important effect of organizing your effort, bringing your power to bear on something tangible, consistent, and directed. — Dale Carnegie.
However numerous individuals try, but go around circlers, failing to have the life they desire. It is as Marcus Aurelius wrote in his diary: “People who labor all their lives but have no purpose to direct every thought and impulse toward are wasting their time — even when hard at work.”
5. They Are Truly Kind 
"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness." — Lucius Annaeus Seneca 
Kindness is the characteristic of an incredible soul, an honorable heart, and is in fact a quality seen by philosophy as a strength as opposed to a weakness, as many people refer to it. Not false kindness, not egotistical kindness that has many strings attached, but rather the valid, solid, genuine consideration that gives without expecting anything in return.
Marcus Aurelius, in his time the most impressive ruler of Rome, composed that ”kindness, as long as it is without flattery or hypocrisy, is unconquerable. It is a strength to be valued and nourished.”
6. They Do Not Rely On Luck 
"I was once a fortunate man but at some point fortune abandoned me. But true good fortune is what you make for yourself. Good fortune: good character, good intentions, and good actions." 
— Marcus Aurelius
Luck is an extremely fickle lady. The best luck is simply the one we make for ourselves. Luck assumes a part in certain successes, without a doubt, yet the majority of the world's greats say otherwise, they were not by some coincidence, but rather by the simple formula of: blood, sweat and tears.
Seneca, the incomparable Roman stoic philosopher, once said that “no one has ever been wise by chance. Few are exceptional by chance either”. The vast majority wait around for luck to improve things, overestimating their luck. The above average don't stand by. They get up and make their own — through the correct character, the correct intentions, and the correct actions. 
7. They Are Intellectually Humble 
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”
— Epictetus 
The mind is only as receptive as it is humble . Somebody who thinks they know it all, who accepts that he is instructed to the point that he shouldn't be educated, isn't just foolish, but an incalculable moron. As Epictetus, and numerous philosophers have instructed, an above average individual is the person who acknowledges the limits of his or her knowledge, and doesn’t care about being correct, but simple for the truth.
“If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one’s own self-deception and ignorance.”
— Marcus Aurelius 
8. They Practice The Art Of Contentment 
" Any man who does not think that what he has is more than ample, is an unhappy man, even if he is the master of the whole world.” 
— Epictetus
Wealth is not just money.
Wealth is a mindset
Philosophy has since quite a while ago perceived this fact, which today has gotten extremely well known in the personal development field. Particularly in our consumerist culture, an ever increasing number of individuals find that their assets are not sufficient, and continue pursuing more — rather than understanding that the genuine disease is inside, in their minds. 
Epictetus, who was born into slavery, said that wealth comprises not in having extraordinary belongings, yet in having not many needs. Also, when asked who is rich, he said this: 
"He who is content." 
Anybody can want more and more. It takes an above average individual to dominate the craft of happiness. 
9. They Are Not Ashamed To Ask For Help 
“Don’t be ashamed to need help. Like a soldier storming a wall, you have a mission to accomplish. And if you’ve been wounded and you need a comrade to pull you up? So what?” 
— Marcus Aurelius
Requesting help takes strength. Being straightforward with yourself as well as other people, to know when you are up the creek without a paddle. It takes a specific measure of humility to admit this, yet it is additionally a demonstration of strength — Aurelius, as solid as he was as Rome's head, perceived this quite well, thus can we. 
10. They Take Full Responsibility For Their Lives 
"You have to assemble your life yourself — action by action. And be satisfied if each one achieves its goal, as far as it can. No one can keep that from happening.” 
— Marcus Aurelius
One of the foundations of above average individuals is taking responsibility — for their lives, for their careers, for their personal development, for their successes and failures, for their bad behaviors, everything. What's more, as Marcus stated, no one but ourselves can make our own lives, no one but ourselves can make our dreams come true.
Nobody else can get you to where you wish to go. Others can help you, indeed, yet everything starts, and ends, by your actions, your will, your goal. You should take responsibility and create a life step by step. 
This implies not accusing others or circumstances as well. It implies not stooping so low as to point the finger at others, which is a misuse of energy.
“Small-minded people blame others, average people blame themselves, but the wise see all blame as foolishness.
— Epictetus
11 They Radically Protect Their Focus 
"The value of attentiveness varies in proportion to its object. You’re better off not giving the small things more time than they deserve. " 
— Marcus Aurelius 
Our focus is just as significant as what we put it on. Numerous individuals squander their focus on unimportant details, on amusement and interruptions rather than their legacy and blessings to the world. Above average individuals respect their focus, secure it, and fundamentally guarantee that they focus around what matters most. 
12. They Are Filled With Love 
“If you wished to be loved, love." 
— Lucius Annaeus Seneca 
A live without love incomplete and empty. Possessions, success, power, fame —  mean nothing if you live in it alone.
“There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable unless one has someone to share it with.”  
— Lucius Annaeus Seneca 
Above average people are filled with love for others, and are not afraid to show it. So for those we share our lives with, as Marcus Aurelius wrote, let us treat them with love, real love.
You do not need to be a billionaire to be great.
As tacky as it sounds, all you need is love. True love.
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