#&& Archie ( V: MAIN )
dvarapala · 7 months
you pointed me in the right direction, and for that, i'm forever grateful.
i wasn't expecting you to change my life // @naturallyglamorous
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"you're welcome. i know what it's like to feel stuck somewhere. and honestly, i'm just glad that all my knowledge about aliens and planets, the universe and the multiverse and stuff finally comes in handy." udyati runs a hand through her hair. "so now that you know you can go anywhere, too, what'll you do? where will you go?"
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storybounded · 11 months
" would you care for some roasted salmon Archie? " ;; TOA Vee to Archie
Well, at least they asked. He may have his dragon roots, but being a feline runs in his blood no matter what others may believe. The black furred beast was going to help himself to some no matter the answer. One cannot simply set out roasted salmon and deny him a bite or two or three. Preposterous.
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"Do you even have to ask such a question?" Archie purred with delight while he stood and took his delicious prize. He raised it up as if he was about to say 'cheers'. "The answer will always be a resounding yes."
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sassyfrassboss · 9 months
I do think Harry is a much more involved parent...
Sorry but based on what tho? He stays in hotels hours away and admitted it himself in Waaagh that he was an absent parent. Whenever he mentioned the kids he came across as not knowing anything about kids like when he said that a 6 month old Archie was admiring the scenery in Vancouver lol Kids are a lot of work and he's lazy and probably gets bored after spending 15 min with them.
So I don't get why it's assumed that he's a more involved parent and frankly why people even want him to be. This is a guy who fantasized about blowing up his father and seemed to be high all the time in his book and you just know that in reality his drug use is likely to be much worse. He beat up his bodyguards and abused animals and allegedly sex workers. He's filled with so much resentment and hate for his family that it's pretty much guaranteed that he'd poison those kids too with it. He didn't care about their safety when he boasted about killing the Talibans. This guy is an unstable, violent, hateful and reckless drug addict. He's utterly unfit to be a parent. She could v well be worse but so far there's nothing factually to assume that he's a better and more involved parent.
The better scenario for the kids in the circumstances would probably be a benign neglect by their parents with a loving nanny raising them instead.
On that note, and generally speaking, I see it all the time - people assuming that he's somehow better than her just because - and it frankly amazes me at this point. He's not and is arguably worse since it's his family that they've been abusing and trying to destroy and the way he had treated his grandparents in their final years is just unconscionable and frankly unforgivable imo. But people can't seem to get away from his old PR-created persona even when it has since been revealed to be a mirage and make the assumption based on that. But it just shows how much better and more successful a con man he is than her for whom it takes all 5 min for most people to see thru. Remember how he smirked when he said that people didn't know the real him in an interview years ago? Yeah. Even now many seem willing to get conned yet again and think that somehow the good lad Harry will be back after deprogramming once she's gone.
And that's one of the reasons why I don't want them to divorce. I have no doubt that most of the now anti Sussex crowd (and the media ofc) will turn around and be back to babying this asshole and blaming it all on her. And I believe he knew that he could always count on that when he married her and that's why he's the worst. He's weaponized her against those who had done nothing but cared for him while also using her as a shield and to whitewash himself and will use her as a scapegoat in the end cos it's what he always does. He never takes responsibility for anything in his life and that's why he's unredeemable. He doesn't deserve all that goodwill and it's utterly wasted on him since he will undoubtedly squander it all again after a while like he always had cos the problem is and has always been him. And the problem with him is that he's a viscious asshole who doesn't a damn about anyone other than himself. And his problem -- the main reason for this saga -- is his deep-seated envy and futile desire to best his brother, the outcome of which had already been decided the moment they were born.
SORRY for the long rant lol
Don’t be sorry!
I do see all of your very valid points.
I just think that he is more likely to be more involved because of how little she is involved.
Harry has so so so many faults and issues. Between his jealousy and stupidity…
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yamayuandadu · 8 months
Ishkur, Baal, and others: a guide to the weather gods of Mesopotamia and ancient Syria
I received an ask recently which was difficult to answer in the conventional way: Is there any difference between Adad, Hadad, Ugaritic Baal, and Ishkur? What aspects would be specific to each? Was Dagan said to be the father of Ugaritic Baal or Hadad? Also, what sources would you recommend on the subject? After much consideration and multiple failed attempts to write a short response I decided to present the information in the form of a proper article. You can find it under the cut.
Recommended reading I’ll reverse the usual formula and start with literature recommendations. The most comprehensive treatment of this matter is quite literally a 1000+ pages long monograph, Daniel Schwemer’s Die Wettergottgestalten Mesopotamiens und Nordsyriens im Zeitalter der Keilschriftkulturen. Materialien und Studien nach den schriftlichen Quellen. It’s available for free, and remains reliable basically 99% of the time. I am aware reading hundreds of dense pages of academic German might be a bit much, but luckily the same author effectively wrote a two part abridged edition in English, The Storm-Gods of the Ancient Near East: Summary, Synthesis, Recent Studies. It is similarly available for free, see here for part 1 and here for part 2. Other literature which is worth checking out, and which I also utilized here, includes Lluís Feliu’s monograph The God Dagan in Bronze Age Syria and his article Two brides for two gods. The case of Šala and Šalaš; Alfonso Archi’s Hadda of Ḫalab and his Temple in the Ebla Period; and Shana Zaia’s Adad in Assyria: Royal Authority in the Neo-Assyrian Period. Furthermore, a new desertion which seems relevant was published recently, Albert Dietz’s Der Wettergott im Bild: diachrone Analyse eines altorientalischen Göttertypus im 3. und 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr., but I did not have the opportunity to read it yet. To properly answer the rest of the questions, the historical and environmental context of the worship of weather deities has to be addressed first. Ishkur in Mesopotamia in the Uruk and Early Dynastic periods At the dawn of recorded history, in lower Mesopotamia weather gods did not enjoy particular prominence. This has a lot to do with the environment - the importance of weather deities typically stems from reliance on rainfall in agriculture. As through a solid chunk of Mesopotamia irrigation mattered more, there was no real need for a major weather deity to arise. Canals were often handled by local tutelary gods, for example Shara in Umma. The oldest attested weather deity in Mesopotamia is Ishkur, who pretty clearly already worshiped in the Uruk period, but his importance was comparatively minor. His two main spheres of influence were seemingly providing water for land which was not irrigated (for example the steppe) and presiding over the destructive side of the weather - not just heavy rainfall, but also dust storms. Ishkur was also the main god of the city of Karkar, which has not yet been located with certainty, but presumably is to be found close to Adab on the banks of the Tigris. The fact that the logogram read as “storm” also represented this toponym in the Uruk period already is how it was possible to establish that the city was already a cult center of Ishkur at this time, and presumably earlier. The same logogram was also used to represent Ishkur’s name, for obvious reasons. However, the etymology of his proper name is unknown. It might be a Sumerian word which fell out of use before the start of recorded history otherwise, or it might come from a substrate language; this is ultimately irrelevant and has no real bearing on the tangible early history of this god. In addition to Karkar Ishkur was worshiped in nearby Adab and even further south in Lagash, but that’s about it for the earliest sources. Worth noting that for example in Ur there was virtually no cult of any weather deity until the late third millennium BCE, and even then, in the Ur III period it was of no interest to rulers. We also do not know much about the circle of deities associated with him. Based on later evidence it is presumed that his wife might have been the goddess Medimsha (“possessing beautiful limbs”), and god lists indicate his sukkal (attendant deity) was the deified lightning, Nimgir, but that’s about it. Adad ("Hadda") in early Syrian sources
The situation was diametrically different in upper Mesopotamia and across northern Syria. In these regions agriculture did depend on rainfall, which naturally meant weather gods were present in many local pantheons for as long as evidence is available. The best early sources we have are the texts from Ebla, which are roughly contemporary with the Early Dynastic sources mentioned in the previous paragraphs. The Eblaites evidently recognized Aleppo as the cult center of a weather god, who they referred to as Adad - or rather by a cognate of this name, which can be romanized as something like “Hadda” or "'Adda", but you get the point. It’s a derivative of the root *hdd, “to thunder”, which appears in some capacity in virtually every single language from the Semitic family. The Akkadian spelling, which is firmly Adad, seemingly reflects the weakening of the h present in Eblaite and later in a number of other languages (Ugaritic, Aramaic etc) into a glottal stop. Despite the root *hdd itself appearing in languages spoken as far south as Ethiopia, weather gods with names derived from it were seemingly initially basically restricted to northern Syria and upper Mesopotamia. Therefore, this is another piece of evidence indicating there is hardly such a thing as a “Semitic pantheon”; languages are not religions. It is not possible to tell when his cult was originally established, and claims linking any neolithic object with worship of weather gods require a healthy dose of skepticism. What is clear is that he was already well established by the third millennium BCE. Interestingly, despite Adad’s high status in the Eblaite pantheon, his original cult center, Aleppo, was hardly a political power in its own right in the third millennium BCE. In that regard he resembles many of the other major members of the local pantheon, like Hadabal (formerly read as Nidakul; no etymological relation to Adad or Baal) or Dagan, whose cult centers likewise did not form kingdoms in their own right .
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A map of ancient Syria, showing the location of Ebla, Aleppo, Mari and other nearby cities (wikimedia commons)
All we can tell about the associations between Adad and other deities in the Ebla-Aleppo area is that he definitely had a wife, Halabatu, possibly to be understood as “she of Aleppo”. This name likely later morphed into better known Hebat. There’s no real evidence for a link between Adad and Dagan at this point in time, and Alfonso Archi went as far as arguing Dagan was not yet regarded as a senior, fatherly figure in the third millennium BCE, but this is ultimately speculative. Adad was also worshiped midway between Ebla and lower Mesopotamia, in Mari. Local scribes were the first people on record to associate him with Ishkur, and utilized the logographic writing of the latter’s name to represent the former. Curiously in Ebla this convention was entirely unknown, even though in other cases logograms borrowed from Mesopotamia did see some usage in a similar context. Adad and Ishkur in Mesopotamia through third and second millennia BCE In the Sargonic period Adad started to spread to new areas. He is well attested as far east as Gasur (later Nuzi) near modern Kirkuk. Since no comparable evidence is available for the Early Dynastic period, it can be safely assumed that he was restricted to western areas earlier. However, how exactly his cult entered the east and the south remains poorly understood. A major development for Adad in Mesopotamia was the merge between him and Ishkur. Presumably it started developing right as the southern scribal culture started to expand into areas where Adad was worshiped, like Mari. The details of this process are poorly known, but by the Ur III period Adad and Ishkur were effectively the same god in Mesopotamia. The worship of Adad was subsequently promoted by kings of the Isin and Larsa dynasties, and by the Old Babylonian period he was recognized as a major deity. He acquired some new roles, being invoked as a god of justice and divination - perhaps these offset the environmental factors responsible for Ishkur’s lack of popularity? However, many sources also indicate that even as a weather god he was recognized in a positive, rather than exclusively destructive role, acting as a bringer of abundance. He also came to be known as the "canal inspector of the gods", ie. as a god of irrigation. Adad's family in lower Mesopotamia
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Frans Wiggermann's drawing of a seal impression showing a weather god and his spouse; reproduced here for educational purposes only. In lower Mesopotamia, the composite “Ishkur-Adad” kept a genealogy most likely originally developed with Ishkur in mind. His father was Anu, the sky god. The relationship between them is hardly explored in myths, though an Old Babylonian flood myth has a funny passage where, to cite Schwemer, “Adad (...) is to bring about a famine for humanity through lack of rainfall, and (...) then has to be guarded in heaven by Anu because of his corruptibility”. Alas, the audience presumably didn’t think that giving him the role of a failson was funny, and this element is absent from later flood myths. There is apparently only one source from the south which directly refers to Adad’s mother, and it places Urash in this role. This is hardly unexpected. My impression is that among online hobbyists Urash gets the least recognition of all three of Anu’s wives, but honestly prior to the “antiquarian theology” rising in late sources from Uruk, literally mere centuries before the death of cuneiform, she was -the- wife of Anu, with Ki bordering on being a non-personified concept and Antu hardly mattering. If a deity was defined as a child of Anu chances are very high Urash was the mother, basically. In the Old Babylonian period the southern version of Adad also gained a spouse, Shala, a fellow weather deity. This goddess must be categorically distinguished from Shalash known from earlier sources, who will be discussed later. We do not really know particularly well where she came from. Today the most common assumption is that her name is Hurrian and can be translated as “daughter”. This would point at origin in some part of Upper Mesopotamia. Lluis Feliu suggests that she might have originally been the spouse of the Hurrian weather god Teshub in a tradition perhaps centered on hitherto unidentified cities on the Tigris, though while plausible, this is ultimately purely speculative. Shala is very sparsely attested in Hurrian context, but to be fair most evidence we have comes from the west of the Hurrian sphere, and not from the east where she theoretically would be present. Mesopotamian god lists indicate that Shala was equated with Medimsha, presumably in a similar manner as Adad was with Ishkur. There is no independent evidence for Medimsha being Ishkur’s wife beyond texts which equate them with Adad and Shala, but the conclusion she held such a status even before the conflation is widely accepted, and I see no real reason to dispute it. Adad and Shala also had a number of children. The best attested ones are Misharu (“justice”), originally an independent god perhaps integrated into Adad’s circle because his name sounds similar to the akkadian word for wind, and Usur-amassu (“heed his - ie. Adad’s - word”). There isn’t much of a reason to discuss them in detail here since they were not weather deities; Usur-amassu is a fascinating figure though, and while initially male, they are mostly notable due to switching gender in the first millennium BCE as a new courtier of Inanna/Ishtar in Uruk, without losing the connection to her parents.
Western views on Adad’s genealogy and marital status While Shala was firmly the wife of the Mesopotamian Adad in Babylonia and Assyria, and Anu was equally firmly his father, the situation was different over in Aleppo and around it. As I mentioned before, the weather god of Aleppo already had a wife in the third millennium BCE, Halabatu. While many deities worshiped in Syria in the third millennium BCE later vanished, she remained a member of the local pantheon under the shortened name Hebat, and her position did not change. To my best knowledge the eastern limit for her recognition as the spouse of the weather god was Mari. The west is more complicated, though she pretty firmly appears in this role in Alalakh. The complex case of Ugarit will be discussed later. The different circles of associated deities make it pretty easy to separate Mesopotamian and western traditions. I would argue that a formal distinction between the Mesopotamian Adad and the “Aleppine” original is attested in the god list K 2100 (no catchier name for now), which lists “Ilhallabu”, “god of Aleppo”, among Adad’s foreign counterparts. Mari is somewhat of an oddity in that western and southern traditions pertaining to the weather god of Aleppo and the Mesopotamian Adad probably coexisted there. The Mariote kings recognized the weather god of Aleppo, but we also have some evidence that his peer from Karkar had some presence in the kingdom. For instance, Shala appears in personal names, and a seal refers to Anu as the weather god’s father. However, it is possible that a distinct western tradition regarding his parentage was followed in this area. While we do not know if Dagan was regarded as the father of the weather god of Aleppo in the third millennium BCE, it does appear that a connection between them was recognized in the Old Babylonian period. A mystery which for now cannot be solved is whether Dagan became the father of the weather god because his Hurrian counterpart Kumarbi was, or the other way around. Until more textual sources dealing with the theology of northern Syria surface it probably will remain impossible to answer this question for certain. Regardless of how the weather god came to be Dagan’s son, his mother in this situation would be Shalash. Her name is accidentally similar to Shala’s, but she has a distinct origin. In a ritual preserved in the Mari corpus but originating in Aleppo, Dagan and Shalash both appear alongside Hebat, which is generally taken as an indication they were regarded as members of one family.
Weather gods of Kumme and Arrapha in Mari (and beyond): enter Teshub
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A late Bronze Age relief depicting Teshub (center left) and his wife Hebat (center right) alongside their family and court (wikimedia commons)
A further Mariote curiosity are references to weather gods of Kumme and Arrapha, to whom kings also paid respect. Both of these cities were Hurrian, and it is quite likely that the deity designated by the logogram normally read as Adad was in fact Teshub in these cases. Teshub was seemingly also starting to approach on the turf of the original weather god of Aleppo in the Old Babylonian period, as Hebat already shows up as his wife at this time. Eventually he fully replaced him, becoming the new weather god of Aleppo due to growing Hurrian cultural influence in Syria, though he did not hold this title forever. After the bronze age collapse local Luwian princes referred to the weather god of Aleppo as Tarhunza, and eventually the old name returned, with Arameans in the first millennium BCE worshiping Hadad in Aleppo. It’s worth noting a Neo-Assyrian treaty invokes the god of Aleppo separately from the Mesopotamian Adad, which indicates in this period the two were also viewed as separate. As a further Assyrian curiosity it might be worth bringing up “Adad of Kumme”, more or less the last reference to Teshub; see here for more information, in addition to Schwemer’s monograph. It is agreed the pairing Hebat with Teshub was adopted by Hurrians from northern Syria based on parallels between him and the local weather god, but it is not clear if he had a wife earlier. There is a theory that Shaushka, who in later sources firmly appears as his sister, was originally his spouse, but I will admit I do not fully get the reasoning, it’s not like anyone sensible advocates that Utu and Inanna were originally a couple. Feliu’s Shala theory strikes as much more plausible: Shaushka is firmly unmarried, Shala is firmly the wife of a weather god.
Coastal novelties, or the rise of Baal in Ugarit
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Detail of the Baal stele from Ugarit (wikimedia commons).
The overlap between the weather god of Aleppo and Teshub was not the only western development in the second millennium BCE. Thai was the creation of Baal. The title designated the western weather god from the Mediterranean coast to roughly the middle Euphrates, though it only replaced the basic name, Hadad, in coastal areas. While the epithet Baal -or rather its cognates -  already occurs in the third millennium BCE (for example in titles of Dagan), its use to specifically designate a distinct weather god was a novelty. While it seems the use of the title Baal to designate a god derived from Hadad was widespread on the Mediterranean coast, this phenomenon is best attested from Ugarit. Baal had the standard responsibilities of a weather deity there, but also acquired the unique role of a protector of sailors. Rather fittingly, in the Baal Cycle his enemy is the personified sea, Yam. We know there already was a myth dealing with the conflict between a weather god and the sea before in the tradition of Aleppo, but I do not think there’s any real consensus over what it entailed. I’m under the impression that since Dagan was ultimately the supreme deity, and there’s no real indication his relationship with his children was negative, it is not impossible that what unfolded was more similar to the various myths about Ninurta’s exploits, where the hero acts on behalf of his father. This is ultimately pure speculation, though. Baal was associated neither with Shala nor with Hebat. The latter was only worshiped in Ugarit as the spouse of Teshub, recognized as the god of Aleppo. Baal himself seemingly had no permanent spouse, though Ugaritic literature might point at informal links between him and Anat and/or Ashtart. Ugaritic tradition recognized Dagan as his father, in line with the views popular further inland, though the matter is pretty complicated as the supreme coastal god El could also be referred as his father. This remains a matter of heated debate, and the fact “father” was also effectively a generic honorific does not really help. Multiple nondescript minor goddesses were recognized as Baal’s daughters, though their mother is left unspecified. Pidray is by far the best attested, and a recent discovery indicates she was already worshiped by Amorites in the Old Babylonian period, presumably in relation to the weather god of Aleppo. Aramaic Ramman
The last distinct name which needs to be briefly discussed here is Ramman(u), which in Mesopotamia earlier on was primarily a title of the god Amurru, who can be best described as a divine redneck stereotype. However, in the first millennium BCE Arameans used to refer to their version of Hadad, worshiped in Damascus arguably effectively as a distinct deity. For more on this topic, which I am actually not very well-versed in, see here. Other Mesopotamian weather deities While Adad was obviously THE Mesopotamian weather god, a second figure of analogous character, Wer, was worshiped in the north and west. The origin of his name is uncertain. The first consonant behaves in wildly unpredictable ways which do not really match the phonology of any known language spoken in ancient Mesopotamia which might mean it originates in a hitherto unknown extinct substrate. Wer is relatively sparsely attested in literature, but in the Old Babylonian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh he is referenced as the master of Humbaba, something unparalleled both in earlier and later versions of Gilgamesh narratives. We never actually encounter him in the surviving fragments, but Enkidu basically hypes him up as if he was an overarching shonen antagonist:
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This passage is sourced from Andrew R. George's edition.
There’s a back and forth argument in scholarship over whether Wer/Mer can be identified with Itur-Mer, the tutelary god of Mari. I personally lean towards the view that he cannot, and that the competing view is more plausible. Said alternative relies on the structure of the name, which seems to be theophoric; in the light of this peculiarity it has been argued Itur-Mer was a deified ancestor or culture hero simply bearing a theophoric name invoking Mer. For a detailed discussion of this god see here. In the Lament for Sumer and Ur, the destructive aspects of the weather are “outsourced” to a deity named Kingaludda, “director of the storm”. He is otherwise pretty much only attested in An = Anum, where he occurs far away from Adad’s section. He gets glossed as “evil god”, ilu lemnu. Another antagonistic figure related to the weather is Bilulu from the myth Inanna and Bilulu. The rainbow was deified separately from other weather phenomena under the name Manzat. She for the most part had no real connection to Adad and his circle, though it has been noted temples dedicated to Adad and Shala and to Manzat were juxtaposed in Chogha Zanbil in Elam in modern Iran. All three appear there presumably because they were worshiped in heavily Mesopotamia-influenced Susa. I wrote about her extensively in the past, both here and on wikipedia, so while she is one of my favorite minor goddesses I do not think there is a need to say more here. A mistaken assumption common in older publications and online is that Enlil, the standard head of the pantheon, was a weather god. For his character see this article and this monograph in particular. Another common mistake is interpreting gods poetically compared to storms or fighting using weather phenomena in a single myth or two as weather gods. These are just poetic topoi and there’s no real reason to assert Ninurta, Tishpak or Inanna had much to do with the weather.
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marathyst · 9 days
Honestly really love how archie sonic didnt give a fuck about the overlanders. Yea whatever they were one of the two main factions on the planet yea they had a semi human v furry war they have 4 fingers but we never draw eggman or hope with four fingers. Who give a shit. Technomancers are real too its great. This is why we stay on top
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
main masterlist V
Critical Role - multi-party kiss writing prompts // Bells and CK kiss + confession // multiparty mistletoe kisses // the parties being sick //
Vox Machina - revealing vampire fangs to them // rejecting their love //kitty cat antics // gift as a love language // Percy’s twin likes Vax // Vax + pastel pink lover // Vax’s “flirty” s/o // Percy + Vax forget s/o birthday // calm significant turned protective // Vax and easily sleepy s/o // y/n + Percy and Vax headcanons // Vox Machina baby holiday // Percy fluff + letter // Assassin!reader + leap of faith // dressing up for fancy event // Percy + getting turned into a statue // TINY ONE sees Orthax // Reader who is a WolfWalker // Percy + reader wholesomeness // Percy w/ modern!reader // Party with a werewolf!reader // whispering confession to them // the party + Cass & Archie w/ s/o and kid // VALENTINES HEADCANONS 💕// silver or gold? - Percy falls for a gunslinger // soulmate mark + Vax & Percy // expressing love // Scanlan being sweet fic + fluff headcanons // Percy and Vex + Black Canary!reader // “You” + crush romance reveal //
Side characters - Kashaw headcanons //
Mighty Nein - Caleb + s/o similar background // teen + found family // Polycule with Fjord //
Bell’s Hells / Crown Keepers - dariax & Ashton + accidental kiss // there was one bed // losing your memory + Vox Machina //
Castlevania - characters + dhamphir // helping s/o with anxiety // Trio with s/o singing // Trio + forgemasters w/ Little One // the men with a Bayonetta!reader // characters + modern!reader with a pool // CV crew + barbarian!reader //
Dracula - NSFW and SFW yandere // cuddling headcanons // kissing Dracula // jealous Dracula //
Alucard - Alucard ANGST // whisper love confession + other CV guys //
Hector - THING companion //
Styria Council - morana & striga + werewolf!reader //
A Christmas Carol (2022) - MY LADY, THE ARTIST
Assassin’s Creed - Arno’s twin with two suitors // Haytham + Shay’s sister!reader // part 2 // PART 3 // Vampire Haytham fic + headcanons //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon - phantom of the opera Aemond // love languages + MCU Namor // Aemond drabble // creature of darkness
Arcane Series (TV) - Ekko w/ painter!reader
The Dragon Prince - Soren falls for a moonshadow // reader is a WolfWalker
Star Wars - kissing as a distraction
✨GENSHIN IMPACT ✨ - Diluc 🍺 + s/o // part 2 - crying because they’re not “single” //
Monster romance(s) - satyr romance
Dragon Age - everyone likes Carver’s ex // fenris and Anders liking you //
Dragon Age Inquisition - mage reader in disguise // crew + an Umbra witch // inquisitor has a twin // Solas s/o + reincarnation //
Dragon Age Origins - Morrigan’s sister + everyone //
Pirates of the Caribbean - the captain and the witch //
Blood of Zeus - meeting Hermes // Olympus + hero!reader //
Marvel - Namor - mutant!reader who joins with Namor // kissing headcanons // dating (sort of) + jealous headcanons // cuddling headcanons // knowing me, knowing you //pregnancy headcanons // ALPHABET SMUT + FLUFF // not strong enough // SUN AND MOON - 5 times to kiss you // Namor smut - Worship // inbox request FIC // Namor + Wakanda youngest sibling // PART 2 - NAMOR + Wakanda sibling // WEDDING AND MARRIAGE HEADCANONS // Namor + reader with battle scars //
Tolkien/LoTR/The Hobbit - Bilbo’s daughter + the party //
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mewintheflesh-2 · 9 months
MORE NIGHTSKY MIKEY HEADCANONS AND ALSO (MAINLY) WINONA HEADCANONS (and other related things LMAO. Mostly under the cut. And also mostly about before Nikey lost.)
Winona is the main leader in the rebellion against Nightsky. She’s seen as a symbol of hope and light by most anyone. She hates her ex husband with all fibers of her being and wishes he would return to how he was before Paldea.
She is very lonely and sorrowful but will not show it for the sake of the others who need hope and guidance from her.
She’s pretty much carrying the weight of the world on her back.
She had black hair with gold highlights <3 that was before she left though, she ended up dying her hair white with blue highlights instead. She’s so so so so so so pretty. (More under the cut, ALOT MORE)
Does not want pity from anyone, something she shares in common with Nikey
Would often say Nikey was the sun in her sky back before Nightsky as a form of endearment.
Nikey in the past tended to wear his heart on his sleeve to his detriment. After Paldea he had to learn how to effectively hide his emotions which was very hard for him after so long of just, not even trying to mask anything.
Autism galore. BY THE WAY.
(Joke) after the divorce Winona got together with me instead <3
Winona is very great with children and is concerned about them growing up in the smog covered Earth instead of how they should be.
Food shortages are common and constant due to crops not getting the sun they need. Plants and crops are commonly grown in hidden underground facilities, as ordered by Winona. They’re grown with heat lamps.
As you can imagine oxygen is also low due to trees not getting sun they need, though it’s not as low as it could be since ALOT of oxygen comes from the oceans plants.
Speaking of water, Nikey hoards most of the worlds clean drinking water for his members.
A lot of people resort to joining Nightsky as a desperate resort to trying to live normally again. It’s kind of like one of those war tactics to starve the enemy into giving up. But Winona and her followers are resilient
Also it’s basically a 50/50 of you evolve your eevee into Umbreon or Espeon because you literally CANNOT tell if it’s night or day. This applies to all time sensitive evolutions.
The world is very similar to how the Ultra Megaopolis is (Necrozma’s world, if you’re unaware.), with only artificial light.
The people who still live on the Earth’s surface are called The Sun’s Children. But it might as well be the name of the rebellion. You’re either a child of the sun or you’re with Nikey.
Winona has many of The Sun’s Children’s scientists working for her to help purify undrinkable waters, to help grow sustainable amounts of crops, and to help feed livestock with the plants they need. Anything to build sustainable life on Earth again. (Yes she is working with Archie and Maxie)
Zyguarde fucking hates Nikey, Xerneas hates Nikey, Solgaleo hates him, Lunala hates him, Zacian hates him, Zamazenta hates him, Calyrex hates him, Zarude hates him. The legendary birds hate him (not the galarian ones. Except for Zapdos. Zapdos hates him too.), Mewtwo hates him. Ho-oh and Lugia hate him, Celebi hates him, Groudon and Kyogre hate him but are scared of Rayquaza, Jirachi hates him, Deoxys doesn’t care, Palkia and Dialga are in their own dimensions and are indifferent, same for Arceus and Giratina, the Shaymin hate him, Reshiram hates him, Victini hates him, and Diancie hates him. Most all legendaries fucking hate him LMAO.
Winona may or may not have a woman she has a crush on. It’s one of her colleagues. She’s v pretty and so much better for Winona than Nikey. The woman also kind of has a crush on her too. Did I mention how pretty Winona is?
Winona refuses to wear anything to due with Team Sky (old team sky) even if it was from before the corruption of her ex-husband. Such an intense heartache for what she’s lost, she has a hard time dealing with it. She craves that freedom with all of her heart. She won’t let herself get too into feeling her feelings about it, since she feels she’ll be worse as a leader if she does. People are counting on her. There’s a lot of pressure on her.
She desperately wants to love and to be loved again romantically. It took her awhile to crack open again and allow herself to love people even platonically.
Tossed (fucking threw) her old wedding ring into the ocean. Doesn’t know where it is, doesn’t want to. Also HATES gold and black together on clothes
Also just realized a plot hole in the original Nightsky story. How the fuck did Skydios become shiny. Did Nikey just fuck up the time travel so bad he just went to an alternate reality? Might just add that to the list. This is getting very long so I might make another post for headcanons later!
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beevean · 2 years
How can the Sonic IDW comics be better?
Hire fresh blood, not writers who still want to write Archie Sonic
Keep the focus on the main cast - OCs are fine and welcome, as long as they don't hijack the plot like Starline did and how Surge is doing. (while you're at it, please don't recycle scrapped Archie concepts, am I right S(co)urge?)
Treat the main cast with respect. All of them. Especially Eggman, and not once a year. And if you would stop to describe Tails as a sidekick all the better :V
Pay attention to the games, and don't just use them to shoehorn references. You don't want to/can't play them? That's fine, watch LPs, but take note of everyone's characterization. Omega never once uttered the word "meatbag" in the games. Shadow is perfectly cordial. Eggman does have backup plans, even if he makes small mistakes. No one barks orders at anyone. And for the love of every deity you believe in, when you write Sonic, learn the difference between "having a cocky attitude" and "being a giant prick". Sonic is a nice, simple dude who simply wants to make things right, and he plays by his own rules while still caring for other people. He's just a bit of a showoff about it :P
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kinopioa · 1 year
I've noticed something that bugs me about how late Archie/IDW artists drew Sonic's eyebrows, though general fanart can fall victim as well
These are general observations of games. Note: this only applies to Sonic, Amy, Shadow, and Silver. Vector is a special case
Base head template
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Let's imagine the eyebrow as a band, with a V shaped bottom
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These are general ways you can raise or lower it. The pinched raise is a bit exaggerated, pinching hasn't been in Sonic Team art since 1993 (contrary to what Retro Sonic fans say)
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Surprise (exaggerated here)
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Sad (this literally is only in Oshima's 1990 model sheet. I don't think it'll be ever used)
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You'll notice this "band" doesn't intersect itself, only buckling when low
Yardley on there's a lot of cases it intersects oddly
Sonic's eye shape is entirely defined by his brow. Intersections are incorrect
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Similarly, his center brow is a rounded to point V, not a boxy U. Evan, Late ABT, and early Jack Lawrence have this issue. Alternatively, raising the center brow so high (seen in Ron Lim art to memetically bad effect, also some of Yardley)
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Finally, winking
The correct way affects brow center
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Most artists and devs try to avoid winking, so there isn't much reference. One of Marza's scenes in 06, and ingame Riders makes this error of unnaturally cutting it in half)
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This admittedly makes Sonic a simple design, but ear posing, body language, assymrtric eyebrow posing, perspective, and mouth pose can still have it expressed nicely
@beevean @crusherthedoctor @aquillis-main
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ceoofdestructix · 1 year
I've been working for my AU lore of Sonic the Hedgehog (long story short, it's the games+archie+idw all mixed in a blender to form a smoothie)
So... let's start by my main stars of the AU (obviously the bad guys)
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Scourge and Fiona
Key points:
Scourge will have a mostly original approach for his lore (him indirectly causing his father's death rather than directly, and he will have a deeper yet lighter character development);
Fiona will have a major role than just "Scourge's girlfriend" or "the Freedom Fighters Backstabber" (I'll rather make a lore where she didn't stick to the FFs for long, she still doesn't answer Tails' feelings but without the whole "slap the fox boy" thing :v).
The Destructix
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First of all, they won't be background antagonists, and they will have a major role for Fiona's storyline. They will be a much more professional mercenary group of Mobius rather than just thugs, and they will have more goals (rivalry, personal vendetta with the Chaotix for previous combats);
The Destructix are more than just comrades, but brothers in heart, and they live together in a hostel (the owner doesn't dare facing them, so he just lets them stay there). Fiona lives there too, becoming their little sis/boss (they respect her way more than Scourge) ;
Drago and Sleuth don't leave the team, but Sleuth simply passes the leadership to Sgt. Simian (I'll describe the two doggos later on).
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 months
My media this week (31 Dec 2023-6 Jan 2024)
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😊 The PostScript Murders (Harbinder Kaur #2) (Elly Griffiths, author; Nina Wadia, narrator) - entertaining cozy mystery (even tho Harbinder is an actualfax police officer). Though it's nominally Harbinder's series, she's just one of the characters, not the main character per se. Anyway, I enjoyed!
💖💖 +366K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved (YULETIDE, BABEY!) 💖💖
Put to Their Books (ribbons) - Sotherans twitter acct; KJ Charles' England & WDA series: archie/daniel, fen/pat, 2K - v clever modern social media AU feat Southerns, cameo by AZ Fell
A Particular Force (TwoWeevils) - The Will Darling Adventures (KJ Charles): will/kim, 5K - Yuletide 2023
It was of this that he had been dreaming (ExceptMaybeYou) - We Could Be So Good (Cat Sebastian): andy/nick, 4K - Yuletide 2023
Permanent Residence (Nabielka) - The Cabots (Cat Sebastian): peter/caleb, 1.7K - Yuletide 2023, 'on staying in California'
Finest of the Flavors (whetherwoman) - Lilywhite Boys Series (KJ Charles): jerry/alec, 5K - Yuletide 2023
I love you--all I can (goseaward) - England Series (KJ Charles): bill/jimmy, 5K - Yuletide 2023, Bill & Jimmy across 30 years
The Alternatives of Summer (iberiandoctor (jehane)) - Call Me By Your Name: oliver/elio, 8K - Yuletide 2023, 8 yrs later Elio & Oliver meet at Fire Island
The Matrimonial State (beautifulduckweed) - The Cabots (Cat Sebastian): tommy/everett, 4K - Yuletide 2023, "Being a short account of three different weddings in Massachusetts attended by Thomas Cabot and Everett Sloane."
Zarna Garg: One in a Billion
Midsomer Murders - s24, e3-4
Dirty Laundry - s3, e9
D20: Escape From The Bloodkeep - e1-5
Hit Parade - The Bridge: Moguls Can’t Be Choosers
Desert Island Discs - Marina Abramović, performance artist
Overinvested - Ep. 291: Doctor Who 2023 specials
Welcome to Night Vale - The Haunting of Night Vale
Vibe Check - My Spiritual Finger Is Wagging
Today, Explained - Israel’s next move
Films To Be Buried With - Chelsea Peretti
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Books We Love: No Biz Like Showbiz
What Next: TBD - Why the New York Times Sued OpenAI
Up First - Trump's Pardon Promise, The Islamic State's Iran Attack, Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracies
Endless Thread - This episode is a sign from the universe
Dear Prudence - I Don’t Want to Cancel My Retirement Plans to Babysit. Help!
Cautionary Tales - DANGER: Rocks Ahead!
Our Opinions Are Correct - New mini episode! All about our cats
You're Dead to Me - Catherine the Great
What Next: TBD - Tesla's Cybertruck Problem
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - WWDTM: Now With Real Journalists!
Up First - Jan. 6 Insurrection Revisited, Blinken to Israel, COVID Resurgence.
Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly - Disappearing Acts: When Popular Brands Are Discontinued
The Essential REO Speedwagon {2004}
I Wanna Know What Love Is
Soft Rock Ballads
Relaxing '80s Rock
Merengue Mix
AM In The A.M.: '70s Pop Morning
"Beach Baby" [First Class] radio
'70s Mellow Gold
'80s Slow Dance
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Hi archi! Just here to ask some advice on how to manage to write medic's accent. Tis very hard to do so I applaud you :D
Haha, it’s engraved into me at this point. I go to text someone regularly and accidentally start writing his accent.
Well, the first thing you want to is replace. You exchange the t’s in a word for a z, and the w’s in a word for a v. However, it usually has to be the first letter.
The way I type it is a little different from canon, but only slightly, and I feel that its a little easier
I’ll start with the main words you can exchange letters with; they, their, there, the, this, what, we, when, were, whatever, anyway
T - Z // They: Zhey , Their: Zheir , There: Zhere , The: Zhe , This: Zhis
W - V // What: Vhat , We: Ve , When: Vhen , Were: Vere , Whatever: Vhatever , Anyway: Anyvay
Anyway is one of the words where you can replace a letter in the middle of the word. I’m sure I’m missing a few things, but thats the basics of it. Oh, and make sure to throw a few German words and terms in there. I personally use gut, ja, nein and sehr on a basis, but occasionally I’ll use words for foods or if he’s angry or emotional I’ll have him speak a full sentence of German. I also include a lot of laughing, fahs, and achs.
Now, take all of this and write a sentence!
What are they doing?
Vhat are zhey doing?
No, this is the way I do it. Not that!
Nein, zhis is zhe vay I do it. Not zhat!
Whatever, you were never very smart anyway.
Vhatever, you vere never sehr smart anyvay.
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sword-symphonia · 27 days
A comprehensive list of every fictional character I have ever been mentally unwell over for any amount of time (that I am able to recall)
Buckle the fuck in I'm bored (mentally unwell in this case does not specifically mean horny, sometimes they are just my little scrumblies)
Number one pooksters of all time are in bold if you even care
God help us all.
Zenkichi Hasegawa (and the crowd expected it completely, ladies and gentlemen)
Takuto Maruki
Ryotaro Dojima
Tohru Adachi (sighs loudly)
Yusuke Kitagawa
Kanji Tatsumi
Mitsuru Kirijo
Akira Kurusu
Naoya Toudou
Haru Okumura
Maxie and Archie, but only sometimes (stares at tumblr user gleaming_glasses)
Avery (very short-lived, actually)
D*NGANR*NPA (Listen shut up it's a pipeline):
Leon Kuwata
Kazuichi Soda
Kaito Momota
Rantaro Amami
Kirumi Tojo (I'll save you baby)
Hajime Hinata
...Kokichi Ouma. SIGHS
Gonta Gokuhara
Byakuya Togami (both versions)
Aoi Asahina
Nagisa Shingetsu (save him please oh my god)
Shunsuke Hayasaka
Naomichi Kurumada
Nao Egokoro
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Kazumi Mishima (I don't want to talk about it)
Tia Safalin
Q-Taro Burgerberg (I still don't want to talk about it)
Joe Tazuna
Mika Kagehira
Mayoi Ayase (my girlfriend. My wife. We're legally married, actually)
Adonis Otogari
Nazuna Nito
Hajime Shino
Mitsuru Tenma
Arashi Narukami (someone rescue her for the love of god)
Tsumugi Aoba
Niki Shiina
Chiaki Morisawa
Midori Takamine
Mao Isara
Yuzuru Fushimi
Makoto Yuuki
Akiomi Kunugi
Jin Sagami
Jun Sazanami
Hiyori Tomoe
Madara Mikejima
Koga Oogami
Souma Kanzaki
Divus Crewel
Sebek Zigvolt (born on Paddy's day Irish rep get in lads)
Epel Felmier
Floyd Leech
Azul Ashengrotto
Riddle Rosehearts
Ruggie Bucchi
Jack Howl
Vil Schoenheit
Kalim al-Asim
Arataki Itto
Sangonomiya Kokomi
The otters. I can't even make this shit up the fucking OTTERS
Affogato Cookie (I thought he was a girl)
Espresso Cookie (I also thought he was a girl)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Roguefort Cookie
Almond Cookie
Sour Belt Cookie
Wizard Cookie (the silliest of guys, and also my son)
Pancake Cookie
Clover Cookie (You won't fucking believe this, yall)
Black Raisin Cookie
Pistachio Cookie
Whipped Cream Cookie
Peach Cookie
Mocha Ray Cookie
Captain Ice Cookie
Croissant Cookie
Earl Grey Cookie
Aloe Cookie
Butter Pretzel Cookie
Abyss Monarch Cookie
Stardust Cookie
V Cookie (he counts. I do not go here however)
Captain Caviar Cookie
Elder Faerie Cookie
Andrew Kreiss/Gravekeeper
Martha Behamfil/Coordinator
Luca Balsa/Prisoner (The tragic, tragic origin of my name.)
Aesop Carl/Embalmer
Emma Woods/Gardener (Dressed up as her for Halloween once)
Joseph Desaulniers/Photographer
Robbie White/Axe Boy
Naib Subedar/Mercenary
Freddy Riley/Lawyer (fucking awful as a person but his gameplay is nice)
Helena Adams/The Mind's Eye (Main for life. Love you, baby) (I cannot kite for shit) (I also haven't played in about 8 months)
My Pocket Camp villager. She's a little train conductor I adore her
Tengen Uzui
Giyuu Tomioka
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Seteth (Horny reasons.)
Vander (...Also horny reasons, unfortunately)
Griss (...Don't look at me)
Catherine (She is so... oughhh)
Cockrrin (It is spelled like that for a reason, hi Sunny)
Red Son
Monkey King
Ne Zha
The Mayor
Damien LaVey
Oz (my main for life forever n ever)
Amira Rashid
Scott Howl
Nicolas Cage (I downloaded a Nic Cage mod therefore he counts) (I care not for the man himself)
Calculester Hewlett-Packard
Hazel (I do not know if she has a surname)
Watermelon Tourmaline
Phos. I refuse to try to spell their full name
Lapis Lazuli
MHA (I don't like it anymore but I gotta save my boys):
Denki Kaminari (Whenever I tell someone I like him they nearly always go 'yeah' and I have no idea how to reply to that)
Eijiro Kirishima
Yuga Aoyama
Koji Koda
Gentle Criminal (It was because he's an old man. He's like 30 or somethin but. Idk whisht)
Boyd Cooper
Sasha Nein
Quentin Hedgemouse (Silly)
Hollis Forsythe
Lizzie Natividad
Augustus Aquato
Razputin Aquato
Fred Bonaparte
The stupid fucking maternity ward easter egg the entire thing oh my god
The Tockles
Kurt Lynos
Cypher Lynos
Peri Lynos
Lazzi (he is a platypus)
Ainsley Laurent
Charlotte Laurent (Peri's girlfriend)
April Kosova (Ainsley's wife and also her lawyer before they got married)
Myron Bouras
Mizuki Suou (May or may not be an x canon oc... glances away)
Abebah Kopiona
MISCELLANEOUS (Not enough people to justify a category):
Sanji Vinsmoke- One Piece
Sabo- One Piece
Alfendi Layton- Professor Layton series
Clive Dove- Professor Layton series
Anthony Herzen- Professor Layton series
Cinnamoroll- Sanrio
Pompompurin- Sanrio
Larry Butz- Ace Attorney
Rosalina- Mario
Luigi- Mario
Espio the Chameleon- Sonic
Princess Luna- My Little Pony
Flash Sentry- My Little Pony (I was eight unfortunately)
Timber Spruce- My Little Pony (I was still eight)
Nathan Pandit- Criminal Case (I should not have been playing this aged six but we ball)
Frank Knight- Criminal Case
Stitch- Disney (I am in fact one of those girls sorry)
Winnie the Pooh- Disney
Anakin Skywalker but specifically the animated Clone Wars one- Star Wars
That one guy from Rebels with the fuckass manbun- Star Wars
Mr. Tumble- British Television (He was like crack cocaine to me)
Chase Devinaeux- Carmen Sandiego 2018 series
Tulio- the Road to el Dorado
Shiro- Voltron. Derogatory.
Hunk- Voltron
Dr. Montgomery Montgomer- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jacques Snicket- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jem- Hetty Feather books (Nick Sharratt made him look a right fitty)
Fizzy- Moshi Monsters (THE ONLY MOSHLING EVER I LOVE FIZZY I HAVE EIGHT OF THEM IN MY MONSTER'S HOUSE [Six of them are plushies tho])
Tingaling- Moshi Monsters (Okay Tingaling can stay)
Daffodil- Spiritfarer
Astrid- Spiritfarer
Akane Hino- Smile PreCure! (Made me realise I was queer)
Captain Barnacles- Octonauts
Vyn Richter- Tears of Themis
Artem Wing- Tears of Themis
Vincent Brooks- Catherine (I could fix him)
Shizuku Hinomori- Project Sekai
KAITO- Vocaloid
Camui Gackpo- Vocaloid
Octodad. Do you think I'm fucking around? Not round here, brother.
The entire cast of Fantastic Mr. Fox. I CUSSING LOVE that movie what the CUSS
Howl Pendragon- Howl's Moving Castle
Lego Batman, and SPECIFICALLY Lego Batman- DC
Reigen Arataka- Mob Psycho
Saiki's da- Saiki K
Marina Ida- Splatoon 2
Wheatley- Portal (Steven Merchant has captivated me)
Rodney Copperbottom- Robots (I had the FATTEST crush on him as a child stop)
The villain guy I'm too lazy to google him- Robots (also on him)
Timmy- Shaun the Sheep
Mr. Bean- Mr. Bean (my goat)
'N das all for now :3
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nepehntes · 6 months
a few notes on my portrayal of ar/chie andre.ws.
he's removed from canon, due to the fandom being intolerable, as well as just personal preference.
main story is primarily the same, with arch, v & betty being in a love triangle that instead of him picking one or the other, he's rather sad alone than make either of them sad by picking one.
he plays football in highschool, considers going to a college that offers him a full ride scholarship, he politely declines to pursue the dream of making music, as well as being a touring artist.
his parents, like in the show are divorced, and his mother is remarried. his father did not.
his mother lives in kansas, with a husband named charles. archies happy his mom is happy. she's happy he seems happy.
he still lives in riverdale, part-time. he lives in hotel rooms & a tour bus 9 months out of the year on a good year. he has an apartment in the heart of riverdale's downtown district.
he writes and produces his own tracks, he is in a band with a few people he's met through his early twenties.
the night of his senior prom, he played at the riverdale high ceremony, learning this was his dream, not sports. he declined an offer from a local college two days later. that expressed interest in his talent on the football field.
his mother despised the idea at first. she came around nearly 2/3's of the way through his first national tour. seeing him perform live, near where she lived.
it's after his first tour, where he resides in riverdale more, earning back the trust he threw away when he decided not to be the town's leading quarterback. he gets a few odd jobs, even begins waiting at pop's. leaning into the small town life once more.
in total he releases 6 albums in his lifetime, three within his twenties, and the other three spread between 2 decades.
anymore questions, feel free to send an ask or im!
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rotisseries · 11 months
giggles. time to be an annoying little mutual in ur inbox! 😊
it's crazy because half the time the main 4 don't know what's happening with each other. like they're just friends that exist in each other space and tell each other... half the story. it's crazy. archie tells V about interning for his father and not that he's spying on him for the fbi. betty tells all about her long lost brother chic but not the reason she was looking for him, and not her suspicions ab him. veronica doesn't tell anything about her family. and jughead is an open book💀 well except. for that time he sliced penny's tattoo off her body. Lmaooooo he was so real for that tho . rusty old knife too
babe wtf
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xperimentalranger · 6 months
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I've decided to make it a bit more easier for me. It mainly serves to be more organized on this blog and be a bit more comfortable. I'll be honest, I'm busy a lot lately and not as outgoing as I used to be and at this point I am much more comfortable to write with people where we have plotted enough regarding certain dynamics, to a point where it kinda makes it awkward for me to roleplay with another character.
Keep in mind, mains do not necessarily mean exclusive. I am still willing to write with the same characters (unless stated otherwise) but I will also be more selective with it and interactions with the mains take priority, be it rp wise or when talking about headcanons with said character.
It's also my personal preference - while I have talked with each mun about it, I do not mind if the other mun interacts with another character from the same muse, even if I state that I will only interact with their muse.
If you are interested in becoming mains, just dm me - the only rule here is that we have rped and talked enough about the dynamic.
List of the existing mains so far, both on XR and my multi:
@tostarcommandandbeyond We've established so much regarding their dynamic and analyzed their episodes together that it's difficult to write for me with another one. I am still willing to write with another NOS, but incredibly selective so. Headcanons and mentions of NOS in replies regarding that dynamic are always for whatever Bean and me are cooking up.
Accepting other Mira's, but also incredibly selective with it. Headcanons regarding that dynamic usually between me and Chellen.
Both Canon and MD verse are only meant for Ender's N as we established a lot regarding that relationship. I am not interested in following or interacting with another N for that dynamic, including J, Thad and Doll.
Both Canon and MD verse on XR are meant for Gracie's V. Selective accepts other V's for J but Doll only upon request.
Will roleplay with other Uzi's for canon and MD verse but since that was something plotted with Gracie, the threads take priority!
Also main for Thad and Khan.
Gracie's Lizzy is the main one and will accept other Lizzy's upon request.
@bytepire / @murdrones
Both canon and MD verse for XR with their muses! Not interested in writing with another Nori unless it's someone I know. Main for my other MD muses.
I am not roleplaying Silverweed's and Vervain's dynamic with anyone else but them. Highly Selective regarding Vervain and his brother, if at all. We established so much regarding the brothers of manipulation that it is a little awkward for me to write with another Orchis. Selective regarding Hyzenthlay and Orchis.
Not really interested in writing with another Moss either, be it for Pipkin, Campion or Vervain.
Accepts writing with another Holly, but will only ship Hyzenthlay with Lofty's Holly.
Only ships Bluebell with Lofty's Blackberry.
Will only roleplay DE with their Pure Vanilla, as we talked a lot about their dynamic and I cannot see myself writing with another one. Also my main Pomegranate for Mushroom.
For Snitter, will only write with their Hector!
Main Cream for Rough and Charmy, accepts other Cream's, Gemerl's and Vanilla's but mainly uses the headcanons between Chellen and me.
For Archie Silver, Larry and Belle (SFF verse) I am not going to write with another Leeta, Lyco or Nicole. That dynamic was established enough on discord that I don't want to write with another one.
Not going to write with another Barby either for Bill.
Only ships Hershey with their Geoffrey. Not interested in interacting with another Geoffrey for Hershey or Archie Silver.
Main Shard and Elias for Belle (SFF verse), Archie Silver and Larry. Highly selective in interacting with other Shard's or Elias.
Main Banzai and Ed for Cheezi. I am not interested in writing that dynamic with someone else, as there was already a lot of plotting involved.
Main Blowhole for Parker and Doris. Unlikely to rp with another one, mainly for Doris. Parker will be highly selective about it, if only because we already established a lot regarding that dynamic and I can't really see myself writing with another one.
Other mentions:
While the characters are no longer active on Tumblr, I am not interested in interacting with another Janja, Jasiri, Nduli or Makini.
The Shupavu and Makini are no longer active on Tumblr, but I am not looking for another one.
Absolutely not interested in writing with another Jasiri, Janja or Nduli.
Main Fiona is Bean, selective with other Fiona's. Main Clutch is Bean, willing to roleplay with others but selective.
Predator Hawk:
The dynamic between Fiona and Hawk takes priority with Bean. Highly Selective with other Fiona's.
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