#👾pixel: animate virus🎭
threads-of-trust · 3 years
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“Wonderful...” A voice groaned from the static. A mass of moss green hair entered the screen, along with an annoyed expression. Ivory glared daggers at the screen before him, showing a critical failure in the system.
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Behind him stood Pixel, hovering in the shadows, one of her giant claws behind her back. The robot had returned from her mission, yet in her hidden hand she concealed the laptop that held Chiaki inside. While she was originally sent to destroy the device, riding on the boat back home, staring at the screen with the other artificial intelligence looking back in horror.... Pixel found it near impossible to toss the laptop in her grinder. A feeling. Another dreadful feeling. What a bother. No matter, she’d just hide this from Ivory until she could investigate further.
Pixel’s expression turned curious when the lights flickered in the room, signaling the power surge. Ivory huffed angrily, taking immediate action. “Go. Keep that witch locked away. Do not let her escape.” He commanded, Pixel obeying without question.
As she quickly advanced to the room in question, Pixel slipped the laptop under a different contestant’s holding room, in hopes of keeping it safe and sound.
Opening the doorway, the robot scanned the room for any abnormalities first, carefully. After certain it was safe, Pixel entered and approached where the tall figure lies with a helmet of multi-colored wires covering her head.
The only sound being her metallic clicking blades on the floor, Pixel reached forward and removed the helmet to reveal Aditi’s face. Her eyes were shut, head turning to the side without the support keeping her in place. The ravenette hadn’t reacted or even twitched, Pixel couldn’t see any signs of breathing.
One of the arms attached to her shoulder blades began to glow lightly, activating a feeling function. Pixel reached out to touch the woman’s chest and search for a heartbeat, any sign of life. The second her hand made contact, a horrific noise of bones cracking sounded from below.
Unnaturally long and sturdy appendages shot out of Aditi’s chest as a cavity opened to reveal her hallow insides. Pixel jumped back out of instinct, letting out a robotic screech of alarm. The former contestant’s eyes were now wide and glowing, the grin pulling at her lip full of malice. Aditi shot up from her laying position, readying her clawed hands and the six extra limbs that Pixel was now aware of.
A fairly even match. Aditi’s six appendages and two sharp talons, verses Pixel with her six arms and two bladed legs.
As the pair circled one another, sizing each other up, Pixel laughed mockingly in her distorted voice, amused by someone trying to fight back. She’d be no match like the others, surely?
Aditi took this personally, because the next second she had lunged at Pixel and locked four appendages around the robot’s hand hair arms, keeping them immobilized. Their shoulder blade arms locked with one another, as if they were dancing, but the pair only glared back at each other.
Maybe, not so easy after all. Oh well, more fun.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Miu dashed down the long winding hallway, ducking in and out of various rooms, cursing every time her labors proved useless. “Fuck.. fuck-! Where is she!? We gotta get the hell out of-!” The inventor began, only interrupted by the sound of a loud crash which caused her to emit a startled squeal.
Aditi and Pixel had brawled their way through yet another wall, sending rubble flying in every direction, some of it hitting poor Miu as she reeled back in terror at the scene. Aditi luckily had Pixel pinned at the moment with her various extra limbs making escape impossible for the robot currently. Both parties were in awful shape. Aditi was covered in claw marks and wounds from Pixel’s throttling. Pixel herself was busted in multiple areas, more stray wires poking out and electrifying the air.
The inventor stared in horror at the scene, Pixel’s unholy screeching piercing her ears and making her heart ache. “Pixel! H-Hey! Stop it, y-you’ll tear her apart-!!” Miu called out, voice wavering with desperation making her demands half hearted at best.
“What are you doing here!? Get out!” Aditi yelled back, voice much stronger and commanding than Miu could hope to be at this moment. Pixel was still clawing and struggling viciously to get free, giving the other girl a hard time.
“Fuck no!” Miu hollered back, eyes welling up with tears as she shook her head violently. “I-I can’t leave her! You’ll destroy her! She-! Sh-She’s counting on me, god fucking damn it!!” She cursed, running forward and grabbing Aditi’s arm, trying to haul her off of the robot.
Pixel finally twisted her head around completely, her dark screen face taking in the scene. For a split second, when Miu looked down at the deformed robot, she could see the red screen with the happy emoticon staring back. Miu believed it was all in her head, until one of Pixel’s long thin arms broke free and reached out slowly towards her. “….. Ṃ̴̣͝-̸͓͑M̴͑ͅ… i̴͜͝u̵͈̫̓̕…” Pixel called out with a distorted voice, barely recognizable to the inventor.
Miu let go of Aditi and gawked, her eyes filled with water and blurred her vision. “… Pixel, I-I… I’m s-so sorry…” She whispered through grit teeth, her hand shooting out to grab the robot’s. Her robot.
“You fool, don’t-!” Aditi tried to reach out and stop Miu from taking the extended metal claw, but it was too late.
As soon as contact was made, Pixel’s expression shifted back to a maniacal one, causing the inventor’s heart to drop. With ease, Pixel hurtled both the girls off of her body, throwing them both against the wall and screeching victoriously in response. Miu choked up as her back hit the wall, slumping down in pain and clutching her side. Aditi landed back on her feet, seeing Miu in pain and immediately darting in front of the pink girl to block Pixel’s path.
Pixel lunged angrily, trying to sink her claws into her opponent but found herself grabbed by the neck instead. Aditi held the robot in midair while her robotic arms lashed and scratched her body and appendages viciously. Looking back at Miu with an apologetic gaze, Aditi made her choice. With all her might, she hurtled Pixel out of the giant decorative window with a ceremonial shattering of glass.
Miu cried out pitifully as she watched her corrupted creation fall out of view, her body visibly flinched at the sound of metal clashing and breaking below that followed suit. “No… no, n-no, please…” She mumbled, pushing herself up and feeling the sharp pain in her side as she did so, but she persisted, stumbling forward to look down at the shattered remains of her robotic friend. Pixel was beyond salvaging now, she was gone. This is all my fault. The sight of the remains and guilt that followed was too much, causing Miu to hyperventilate and grow dizzy.
Luckily, Aditi rushed over and caught Miu mid-faint. She sighed heavily, her body relieved the fight was won but her mind fuzzy from the despair that radiated from the inventor. Though it was to protect them both, Aditi felt a sliver of guilt for what she had done. The ravenette picked Miu up bridal style and began the trip down to the ground.
Of course, she stopped to survey the corpse of her enemy. Bending downward, Aditi scooped up a lone, highly advanced looking green and black chip from the wreckage. After a moment of observation, Aditi tucked it into her back pocket for safekeeping and trudged forward.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
My money's on Audi!
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“Thank you for your... support-“ Aditi struggled to get out, while Pixel flailed angrily trying to fling her opponent off. Aditi clung to the robot adamantly, knowing that if her restraints were broken this would be more of a hassle. “I’m-“ She was interrupted when one of Pixel’s shoulder blade claws broke free, grabbing Aditi by the throat and tossing her against the wall. The wind was knocked out of her for a moment, but she landed on her feet like a feline. “... busy. I’m busy. Go find the others. Get them out.” She commanded, whipping a few droplets of blood off of her now visible wound on the side of her neck from Pixel’s claws.
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