tokidokitokyo · 2 days
at the critical moment, when it counts
usually written using kana alone; often used as ここぞというとき or ここぞとばかり
あいつは駄目だ, ここぞという時に一発が出ないんだから。 あいつ は だめ だ、ここぞ と いう とき に いっぱつ が でないん だから。 That guy is no good, because he won't make a move when it matters most.
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russenoire · 1 year
the teruki hanazawa arc seized me by the brain almost two years ago and still refuses to let go. teru is just warped in a slow-burn-horror kind of way, despite his apparent good cheer, and i find him tragically fascinating.
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i looked up a word he attempts to bludgeon intimidate shigeo with in episode 5: 上下関係。
it's read じょうげかんけい (jougekankei). for context, here's teru's dialogue where it appears:
「聞きたいことは いくつかあるけどその前にハッキリさせとかないとね。上下関係ってやつを差!」 ききたい こと は いくつ か ある けど その まえ に はっきり させ と かない と ね。じょうげかんけい って やつ を さ! k'kitai koto wa ik'tsu ka aru kedo sono mae ni hakkiri sase to kanai to ne. jougekankei tte yatsu wo sa! 'i have some questions i want to ask you, but first i have to clarify something. between the two of us, who answers to whom?'
the english subs translate 上下関係 as 'hierarchy', though it's a little closer maybe to 'pecking order' or 'senpai/kouhai dynamics'. i couldn't even find it on a 15000-word japanese frequency list. fortunately, this 四字熟語 (よじじゅくご・yojijukugo・four-character idiom)'s individual components are common and easily assimilated; i was able to understand what it meant on sight:
上下 = among other meanings, high and low, top and bottom... the ruling and the ruled. kanji: 'up, above' + 'below, down, inferior'.
関係 = relationship, connection, concern. kanji: 'gateway, connection' + 'thread'
the katakanized english loanword for hierarchy, ハイアラーキー, is far more common in japanese. so why would teru use this word? why might he just drop it on shigeo without explanation as he does?
much of the vernacular co-opted by criminal organizations -- at least in anime -- tends towards the archaic and/or formal, in keeping with samurai ideals they profess to uphold. was this language he picked up from fending off claw mooks, alone, throughout his childhood?
knowing the exact word teru uses for 'hierarchy' lends even more hilarity in japanese to shigeo's bafflement when he hears it. it's unlikely that he would know teru's peculiar choice of expression, given his lack of interest in academics. the joke in the english translation falls a little flat IMHO, as the boy doesn't seem so poor a student as to be unfamiliar with the word 'hierarchy' or the concept.
i... i want to examine more of teru's language now in this arc, to see how much of it is as elevated as this word and his sense of self-importance here.
an edit (2023.03.31) for some minor errors in this post:
上下関係 actually isn't a yojijukugo... not all four-character expressions are four-character idioms, of course. i should have consulted the monolingual japanese dictionaries i use on this. ごめんなさい!
my transliteration of the line 「聞きたいことは いくつかあるけどその前にハッキリさせとかないとね。」 should have been: k'kitai koto wa ik'tsu ka aru kedo sono mae ni hakkiri sasetokanai to ne. i still get stumped semi-regularly by 〜て+おくcontractions in the wild. thank you @listlessnss for this and the previous erratum! させとかない is just させる (to cause or make someone do. usually taught to JSL learners as an inflection of する) in its conjunctive affirmative form させて + 置く (as an auxiliary verb, here meaning to do a thing in preparation for something else).
'formal' would have been a better word choice than 'archaic' for describing 上下関係。上下関係 is not an archaic word, but it is uncommon-ish and more likely to be found in formal writings.
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sheeeshvangi · 3 months
Hi! Hope y'all are good.
My exams went great and I'm finally getting back on track with Japanese. I did a grammar point today, along with some 語彙 and 漢字!
It's definitely difficult lol but it's fun to study something else after so long! 🤍
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lemonwordgarden · 1 month
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Today's word is:
煙 (pronnounced: kemuri - けむり).
Which means: smoke.
La palabra de hoy:
煙 (se pronuncia: kemuri - けむり).
Significa: humo.
Le mot du jour est :
煙 (sa prononciation est: kemuri - けむり).
Sa signification est: coupe de fumée.
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adito-lang · 3 months
06. & 07.01.24 Traveling 旅行
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noun (object) particle verb
旅行(りょこう)へ行く(いく)to go on a trip; to travel
チケットを予約する(よやくする)to book/reserve a ticket
新幹線(しんかんせん)に乗る(のる)to take/ride the shinkansen
旅館(りょかん)に泊まる(とまる)to stay overnight at a guesthouse
観光地(かんこうち)を見学する(けんがくする)to view/visit tourist attractions
Answer and Translation
旅行へ行く前に、チケットを予約します。Before I travel, I book/reserve a ticket.
旅行の楽しみの一つは、美味しいものを食べることです。One of the fun things about traveling is eating delicious food.
ジャパンレイルパスを使って、新幹線に乗りました。I used the Japan Rail Pass to take/ride the shinkansen.
日本の旅館に一度泊まってみたいです。I would like to stay overnight at a Japanese guesthouse one time.
去年、日本へ行った時、観光地を色々見学しました。When I went to Japan last year, I viewed/visited a lot of tourist attractions.
友達にお土産を買ってあげます。I will buy souvenirs for my friends.
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seherstudies · 3 months
意味/meaning:会社・役所などの仕事で、他の地域・場所に臨時に派遣されること。Business trip.
例文/Example sentence: 彼を北海道へ出張させた。 かれを ほっかいどうへ しゅっちょうされた。 I sent him to Hokkaido on business.
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kikikokonihongo · 3 months
🏢⛰️(🧳 ๑^ω^)🗺▨ω▨)🏙️🌳 Let's travel the world, together!
Learn African country names from アルジェリア (Algeria) to ジンバブエ (Zimbabwe) in Japanese!
🔊 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮
(๑⁠・ω・๑⁠)📋[・▿・](๑⁠・ω・๑⁠) You may wonder why the 阿 in Africa (阿弗利加) is different from the 亜 in Asia (亜細亜).
You'll find that kanji meaning isn't the variation that's to blame in this lesson:
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐣𝐢? | 当て字とは?
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manabamba · 1 year
Page 3
入り江 いりえ inlet, creek, bay
ひそと in secret
通り過ぎる とおりすぎる to go past, to pass by
擡げる もたげる to raise (one's head)
耳を澄ます みみをすます to strain one's ears
こすれる to be rubbed
枯れ葉 かれは dead leaves
ひょっとしたら possibly, perhaps
摘む つむ to pick, to pluck
産卵場所 さんらんばしょ spawning grounds
花壇 かだん flower bed
ごろごろ  all over the place, in great numbers, common
群れる むれる to crowd, to swarm
排水溝 はいすいこう gutter, ditch
轢く ひく to run over (with a vehicle)
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lienguistics · 1 year
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there were quite a few 気 words. i still confuse 気取る and 気を取られる, and i forget 気に留める.
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talk-in-japan · 2 years
JLPT N1 Lesson 6-2 Grammar「5N1 といい、N2 といい」【日本語能力試験】
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tokidokitokyo · 3 days
this season
そんな とき に やくだつ の が、こんき デザインせい たっぷり に しんか した シャツ と、デコラティブ な あまさ が ぎゃく に いさぎよい ブラウス。
In this case, a shirt that has been evolved with many design elements from this season, and a blouse with sweet decorations that is actually elegant, are useful items.
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russenoire · 1 year
TFW you struggle with the meaning of a word until you *look* at the definition in 日本語…
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減らす 〖 へらす・herasu 〗
from dictionary.goo.ne.jp; my own translation. 1) 数・量や程度を少なくする・suu/ryou ya teido wo s'kunak' suru・to reduce the quantity, weight or degree of ~. 2) 人をけなす・h'to wo kenasu・to disparage, belittle or dismiss someone... to reduce them.
compare with the english definition from takoboto.jp: to abate, to decrease, to diminish, to shorten.
*sighs heavily*
i took one look at the most common meaning in goo's dictionary and understood instantly what kind of reduction was meant, just from the kanji:
数・number, quantity;
量・weight, mass (this one can also mean 'quantity', but i have already seen it in so many words related to weight);
程度・degree, grade, standard;
少・little, few.
moral of the story: once you've absorbed enough kanji to make sense of japanese-language dictionaries? use those for a clearer sense of word meanings. thank you for coming to my TED talk.
note: i first saw this kanji in reigen's line to hanako in chapter 1 / season 1, episode 1. with other kanji, it's read げん (gen):   『…本気のCコースだと霊を99%削減することをお約束します。』 ...honki no shii kousu da to rei wo kyuu-juu-kyuu paasento sakugen suru koto wo oyak'sok' shimas'. ...and the all-out course C, which guarantees a 99% reduction in spirits.
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単語: コロナウイルス
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今日、Dropsのアプリを使ってニュースを読んで新しい単語を学んだ。アプリには 「手指消毒剤」 の 「手指」 が訓読みを使ったけど、辞書には音読みを使う。音読みを使うでしょう
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抗原検査 こうげんけんさ(抗原检测)
コロナ変異株 へんいかぶ(新冠病毒变种)
陰性 いんせい(隐形)
陽性 ようせい(阳性)
待機期間 たいききかん(隔离期间)
待機施設 たいきしせつ(隔离设施)
無症状 むしょうじょう(无症状)
濃厚接触者 のうこう せっしょくしゃ(密切接触者)
追加接種 ついかせっしゅ (加强针)
感染者 かんせんしゃ
病床使用率 びょうしょう しようりつ
後遺症 こういしょう(后遗症)
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lemonwordgarden · 12 days
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Today's word is:
油 (pronnounced: abura - あぶら).
Which means: oil.
La palabra de hoy:
油 (se pronuncia: abura - あぶら).
Significa: aceite.
Le mot du jour est :
油 (sa prononciation est: abura - あぶら).
Sa signification est: huile.
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moko1590m · 7 months
今の分類分業のしかた、語彙が絶対だと思ったら大間違い 分節はアレンジし直すためにある 
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kikikokonihongo · 3 months
🥁🌲(๑˘▿˘)🎸💬(ര‿ര๑ ) 🌲🎶 🎶𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝🎶
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👋(⁠๑・ω・๑⁠)[◜▿◝]🗯️👋(๑・ω・๑⁠) QUIZBO™ joins to pronounce useful questions for a first meetingー We even have some example answers to help you form your own sentences!
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