shutomo-bujo · 9 months
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translations101 · 2 years
English words that are used in Japan pt 2
ice cream (アイスクリーム), is also referred to as just `ice` (アイス)
pen (ペン)is also called a ballpen (ボールペン)
chime (チャイム)
drama (ドラマ)
television (テレビジョン), is usually shortened and referred to as `terebi`(テレビ)
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defiant-ghost · 4 months
Lampの「ふゆのひ」 - eng trans
"winter day" by Lamp
---日本語の歌詞 / jpn lyrics---
木枯らしも吹き止んだ コートを伝う 深い冬 12月の冷えた午後 鈍い影が差す 澱んだ水面 萎びた池に浮かぶ 私の心 温もりは遠い陽の 空の向こうに 遠く霞む景色 青い星 あなた住む街 思い出していたの 陽だまりが眩しくて 細めた目に映った永遠 12月の冷えた午後 嬰児のように包まれていた 落ち葉は積もり 散った時間も積もる 温もりは遠い陽の 風も言葉も みんな消えてしまう 青い星 あなた住む街 思い出の中だけ
--- eng lyrics / 英語の歌詞 ---
The cold, winter wind has stopped blowing.
A coat conveys this deep winter.
A cold, December afternoon.
A hazy shadow appears on the water's stagnant surface.
My heart floats in the wilting pond.
Warmth is the distant sun in the sky beyond,
the hazy, distant scenery.
I was remembering-
A blue star, the city that you live in.
The sunshine was dazzling, and
eternity reflected in squinted eyes.
A cold, December afternoon.
Wrapped up like a baby.
The fallen leaves pile up, lost time also piles up.
Warmth is the distant sun-
Wind, words,
Everyone sadly disappears.
A blue star, the city that you live in-
Are only in my memories.
--- Notes ---
In the beginning of the song, the artist sets the scene for the listener- it's the beginning of a cold, biting winter. The term "木枯らし," translated into a "cold, winter wind," more specifically refers to the strong, cold wind that blows during the transition from the end of autumn to the beginning of winter. In describing the pond, the adjective "萎びる" can be directly translated as "wilt" or "wither," but can also to be more specific to mean "to be shriveled up the cold." For simplicity, and perhaps a more poetic reference to the death surrounding winter, I kept "wilting pond." The artist describes their heart as floating in this pond, maybe with the intention to say that their heart, along with this small pond, is one of the last things to be affected by the cold winter.
Reminiscing on someone that they used to know, the artist projects the warmth that they feel from the distant sun onto their memories and regrets the way that time has escaped them, the way that they haven't relished in the warmth of earlier in the year and of the person they miss.
These lyrics are sad, but not remorseful. The song also has a dream-like quality to it; I wouldn't be surprised if the artist created this song with the intention of conveying a type of "winter is here but now I miss the summer" nostalgia.
Disclaimer: My translations are not directly translated; I try to match connotations between languages, but the overall message is similar. I am also not perfect :,) I'm still learning and open to corrections.
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happyfunlearn · 7 months
📣【広告掲載】 🧐学校以外での英語の勉強は、ネットを使用されますか? ネット上の英語ページが上手く読み取れない時は翻訳機を使用されますか? 「はい」と答えた皆さん、ご注目ください! 皆さんの英語学習をお手伝いいたします🥰 ChatWizとは、選択された文の翻訳や、全文翻訳など、とっても便利な機能を兼ね揃えている翻訳プラグインです。特にワンクリックサマリーという機能は、数秒で長文の要点をまとめることができる機能で、皆さんの英語学習において強力なパートナーとなるでしょう。 ✌早速ですがダウンロードして試してみてください!たくさんのご利用お待ちしています! GO URL:https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/chatwiz/eapjofhjnfknfjggkkdnlidaedinfdgb?hl=en
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petapeta-english · 1 year
Hi everyone, my name is Praya Lundberg. I'm an actress and model in Thailand; that's what I do.
I struggle with introducing my occupation to people. It makes me nervous. I like to watch people's reactions. I either get a weird smirk, or I can tell they're thinking, "Yes... Is that what you do?" Especially abroad, people don't know who I am, they're like, "Seriously? Are you paying your bills OK?"
But when I was at NIST, my name was actually Nataya Lundberg I'm the girl with the hair covering my face. I have no idea why I chose that hairstyle for my yearbook photo. Thankfully, I dress a little bit better now.
My experience at NIST was a little bit different to everyone else's that's why I'd like to share it. I can tell you that most of you in here don't realize how fortunate you are to be able to receive an education that is not only a quality and professionally-organized education, but also a beautiful, multinational, multicultural education.
Just look around us: how many nationalities do you see? How many languages do we speak between us? We are taught not only to embrace this naturally but to grow from it. Prevailing global issues such as racism, 
we would never even understand. I think that's a beautiful thing. That's something you all have to keep with you for the rest of your life.
My time at NIST was not the easiest time, I have to admit, and me coming up here to talk about it isn't the easiest thing for me.
I started acting and modeling at the age of 14, in year 8. I was spotted at a mall on Sukhumvit and signed my contract two months after.
My parents had no idea what would transpire for the next ten years. But they were supportive of my career path and my education.
My typical day at school would be waking up at 6 a.m., going to school at 7:30, going through the IB, going to class, finishing class at 3, and then afterwards, going straight to a film set working from 12 to 1.
I worked on weekends, I worked on school holidays. High-school was lonely for me. It stressed me out a lot. I was envious of my friends. I wished I could do things without being in the spotlight, making mistakes like normal teenagers could.
But looking back in hindsight, I couldn't be more thankful for that opportunity because it taught me to exercise strong self-discipline from a very young age.
With my job, if I don't show up on set not only do I let down 200 people, nothing happens! There would be huge financial consequences, no one can substitute for me.
If I'm sick, they have a saying in my job, "Unless you're dead, you better show up."
Trust me, I've had an IV taken out of my hand and dragged back on set when I was dying.
Yeah, the cons of my job. But I'd like to say that NIST was so supportive.
That's a great thing about being in this as a student. They're supportive of your dreams. Whatever your dream is,
they make sure that you can achieve your dream and at the same time, get a great education. After that, my parents sent me to university in the UK, and I was able to study without the pressures of having to work, without having to think about being an adult anymore.
I was able to learn and grow. For some of you, that's happening really soon, so I just want to say: enjoy your college years. They're the best years of your life. I promise you that.
When I moved back, I changed my negative emotions about my job to positive ones. I can tell you that when you do what you love, and you have gratitude, you achieve so much more with your life. Whatever you're doing, try to make it a positive experience, even if it's hard right now. even if you're doing your IB exam soon, and you think, "God, it's hard."
Make it a positive thing, and you'll do so well. Recently, I went to a temple with my manager, in Lopburi. It is a Buddhist temple that takes care of AIDS patients. We were visiting temples within the area, and I decided to go to this one.
We brought small donations. When I say small, I mean nothing special. It was snacks for 60 patients. They took me to the terminally ill ward.
As I approached the third patient lying in his bed he was frail, thin.
I don't think he's moved in a very long time. He can't pick up a spoon when he's hungry, go to the bathroom when he needs it, or even take a walk on a nice sunny day; things that we take for granted daily.
When I was walking up to him, I felt a sense of fear, I've never had that kind of fear. As my hand touched his hand, I said in Thai, "I'm sorry for disturbing your rest time."
He looked back at me with so much generosity, and said, "No, your smile has made my day."
I held back my tears because I thought, "God, everything  that I looked and reflected in my life that I thought was so important, all comes down to nothing."
In a split second, he changed my life. I'm thankful for that. I think from that moment onwards, my goal and purpose in life should be different.
We should not only just chase success, chase money. That's what I do, but I think life there's so much more to it.
I think giving back to the community is something that we should all do. It doesn't have to be about money, it doesn't have to be something big, it could be something small, even doing something nice to your neighbor.
I'm not here to tell you I'm perfect; I'm not a saint, trust me. If you'd seen the Thai tabloids, you'd know. I've done so many things in my life I'm not proud of and my parents aren't either.
But I'm human, and the thing about being human is that you have the ability to learn, grow, and reflect from your mistakes.
Being human means that every day you have the choice to be compassionate, to be kind to yourself and everyone else around you.
I would tell you that from today onwards, someone is going to do something to you that will hurt you, that will disappoint you; someone will embarrass you; it's happened to me a million times.
But don't let that harden you, let it soften you. Let it open your heart up and change you for the better
so that you can be the change that you wish to see in the world.
I'm going to leave you with a quick end note from one of my favorite books. I didn't read this book in high-school, I picked it up at the airport a couple of years back. I picked it up because it was on the best-seller list, and it was the smallest one.
So I said, "That's the one I'm going for." It's called "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom. It's about a guy who goes back and sees his sociology teacher, who was terminally ill with ALS. They have discussions about love, money, and regrets.
The teacher says, "So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep even when they are busy doing things they think are important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose."
I couldn't agree with it more. I've been working for 12 years, I still don't know what I want, but I know that I feel happiest when I have a purpose. This is the first time I've come up and shared a personal experience. You don't do that often with my job, you're taught to have a wall.
I'd like to say the thing that makes me happiest that I'm an actress is that of all the years I've worked, and all the exciting years to come, I have a voice. I have a voice to share my thoughts, my visions, my passions,
and hopefully, make a positive change in the world.
I'd like to say that I don't know where you all will end up in life, but I hope that you find your voice, and you make your voice powerful, you make it strong,
but at the same time, you make it kind, you make it gentle.
You have a voice with the intention to listen. Let your voice change the world.
Thank you.
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hiromisroom · 1 year
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昨日は #紙博 に行ってきました! いつもより購入品は少なめだけど、大満足💟 楽しかったー! 可愛いショップカードもGET おやつはお友達からの誕プレ🎁 #サブレミシェル のエジプト缶! これは私の趣味をわかってくれてる心の友ならではのプレゼントでとっても嬉しかった💟 #かわいい缶 大好き! ありがとう😍 ✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️ 今日も文法動画を中心にのんびり勉強します! 部屋の掃除もしたい🧹 ☑︎英文法(アプリ) ☑︎ディクテーション ☑︎英語日記 #英語学習 #studygram #studytips #studynotes #TOEIC勉強法 #studygrammer #studynote #studying #studymotivation #toeic勉強 #英語勉強中の人と繋がりたい #toeic勉強垢  #やり直し英語 #studyplanner #studyplanning #英語の勉強 #iPad勉強法 #英語勉強 #英語ノート #ふせんノート #大人の勉強垢 #勉強机 #勉強垢 #手帳 #ロルバーン #rollbahn https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9BI1UJHZU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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korohate · 1 year
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メキシカン パンチはその種類が独特で、メキシコ起源ではないクリスマス シーズンの飲み物であり、征服中に国に入ってきましたが、メキシコの多種多様な果物がアメリカ大陸全体で独特の風味を与えるのに役立ちました. (you can find the ingredients in the English or Spanish version lol) By the way, If you add tequila it tastes better El ponche mexicano es único en su tipo es una bebida de temporada navideña que no es de origen mexicano, ingresó al país durante la conquista pero la gran variedad de frutas que hay en México ayudó a darle un sabor único a lo largo del continente americano, el ponche mexicano tiene como ingredientes: - caña de azúcar - guayaba - jamaica - tejocote - ciruela pasa - tamarindo - manzana - canela - piloncillo, como endulzante - frutos secos The Mexican punch is unique in its kind, it is a Christmas season drink that is not of Mexican origin, it entered the country during the conquest but the great variety of fruits in Mexico helped to give it a unique flavor throughout the American continent. The Mexican punch has as ingredients: - caña de azúcar - guayaba - Jamaica - tejocote - siruela para - tamarind - apple - cinnamon - Piloncillo( kind of Sweetener from Mexico) - nuts - frutos secos #ponche #mexico #mexican #mexa #navidad #navidad2022 #diciembre #メキシコ料理 #メキシコサラマンダー #メキシコ人 #英語学習 #英語の勉強 #料理 #スぺイン語 #멕시코 #멕시코음식 #learningspanishisfun #learningenglish #learninglanguages https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpxPOFOdy7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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joshua01englishdic · 23 days
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katsu-english · 10 months
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iprofevo · 1 year
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Free English lesson plan Free games for kids Download now https://iProf.shop/ #大阪ママ #堺市ママ #堺市北区 #堺市 #5歳 #英語 #英語の勉強 #英語勉強法 #teaching_english #freeresources #teachingideas #teachingideas #teachingenglish https://www.instagram.com/p/CrrqE1npp7E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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english-whitelily · 2 years
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shutomo-bujo · 7 months
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Summary for September 26, 2023:
- Got a new TV for my parents' room. Kids are excited about watching YouTube on it.
- Visited a cafe with delicious croissants due to my mother's request.
- Started a 3-day online course about art, which was fun and new to me.
- Wrote up to page 81 of 192 in my notebook.
- Finished reading a book. Read more than 10 books this month.
Great job today! 🌞
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translations101 · 2 years
Random Japanese using the alphabet
Apple : りんご
Basket : 籠(かご)
Car :車(くるま)
Door :ドア
Elephant :象(ぞう)
Fan :扇風機(せんぷうき)
Happiness :幸せ(しあわ-せ) , 喜び (よろこ-び), 幸福(こうふく)
Ice: 氷 (こおり)
Jacket :ジャケット
Kite :凧 (たこ)
Lemon :レモン
Melon :メロン
No :いいえ
Octopus: たこ
Pineapple :パインアップル
Question: 質問(しつもん)
Road : 道(みち)
Sticker :シール
Table : テーブル, 食卓(しょくたく)
Up : 上(うえ)
Video :動画(どうが)
Where :どこ
Xylophone :木琴 (もっきん)
Yellow :黄色(きいろ)、黄(き)
Zero :零(れい)、ゼロ
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defiant-ghost · 6 months
羊文学の「予感」 - eng trans
"Premonition" by hitsuujibungaku
---日本語の歌詞 / jpn lyrics---
昨日の夜は嫌な予感がしてさ ついに朝まで君と話した
---eng lyrics / 英語の歌詞---
I had a bad feeling last night, while I talked to you until the morning.
I continued to love for no one else, as we laughed before falling asleep.
If you were able to use magic, what kind of miracle would you wish for here?
Like a single, small lie that disappears into the back of my heart.
That said, goodnight.
The overall impression that the song gives is an individual who is worrying over the sincerity of the relationship they have with their partner.
In the line about the lie disappearing into one's heart, the original artist uses the "〜てゆく" verb ending, which can imply increasing or decreasing tendency as well as something leaving the speaker, in association with the verb "to disappear." This combination leads to the understanding that, in the overall context of the song, the speaker knows that their partner habitually tells them small lies, and these lies are progressively building up, yet the speaker hides them away in their heart and chooses not to address them.
The lyrics are left open-ended, reflecting that the future of the speaker's relationship is also uncertain. The accompanying transitions within the instrumental beautifully capture the anxiety and devastating emotions of someone experiencing this situation (and I will never get tired of the electric guitar).
Disclaimer: My translations are not directly translated; I try to match connotations between languages, but the overall message is similar. I am also not perfect :,) I'm still learning and open to corrections.
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ieltsryan · 2 years
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Train for IELTS Speaking Part 2! This cue card asks the candidate to describe a long walk they enjoyed. Listen to a full band 9 sample response here: https://www.ieltsspeakingblog.com/view/courses/videos/1474809-13-june-2022-part-2-a-walk-you-enjoyed/4588622-learn-listen-without-the-pauses #StudyEnglish #雅思 #toefl #英語の勉強 #英語学習 #英検 #雅思 #雅思托福 #English #IELTS https://www.instagram.com/p/CitkGGLPz8n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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petapeta-english · 1 year
Hey guys, welcome back to Lavendaire. So today I want to have a heart-to-heart talk about change. And I feel like this entire year things have been changing a lot. I have been changing and I'm paying more attention to change. And when you start to pay more attention to the little details that are changing, you really notice that every day is differentand you are changing every single day. And when something happens that changes you, you're never the exact same person as you were before. But you know, who I am today with a new scar on my leg from Coco is not the same girl I was before I had this kind of scar on my leg. You know, things like that: the little details. Change is not bad And first off, let's start off with saying that change is not bad. Change is the only constant in life. Change is inevitable. We should be changing. We are changing, even if you're trying to resist it. So I'm here to say: Don't resist change. Embrace it, because change is beautiful. I posted a caption on Instagram that I really like saying,
“Isn't it such a beautiful thought that life is leading you somewhere you've never been before?” There's such a sense of wonder in that life is leading you somewhere you've never been before. You are becoming a person that you've never been before. And it's scary because it's different. But it's fun because it's new. To me, it's fun. Some people it might be terrifying and they don't want to change, but you know, you can't fight it. It's going to happen, so you might as well go with it. So let's talk about how I've changed recently,  I guess.How Ive changed So I can tell that I have changed internally because I see myself changing externally in just simple things, like the way my nails are always a different color each time I get them done. My hair is always a different color. It's never the same. My hair is more damaged now than it was last year because I did this double process thing. And I've gotten certain things done, like I got microbladed brows, so I'm not the same as I was before I had this tattoo or even this tattoo. I've gotten laser hair removal. I am not the same girl as I was before. You know, my body is different. You guys might have noticed I had a scab and some scars here because I recently got my skin tags removed. I had tiny skin tags and it runs on my dad's side of the family that,
when you get older they become these brown things that stick out of your neck. So I really wanted to get rid of them early while they were small. So I recently did this a couple of weeks ago and I'm like, “Wow, I'm a new person now.” I'm not the same girl I was before with the skin tags, you know? And I know it sounds silly, but it's just saying that the fact that I'm changing externally, I'm someone I've never been before and that must mean that I'm changing internally as well. And you might not notice it, you know? These are small things and that's how change happens. It happens bit by bit, little by little. And you don't notice in the day-to-day and then one year happens and you're like, “Oh my gosh, I've changed,” you know? And so what I'm doing is paying more attention to those little changes day by day. Love your body Another way I've changed recently is I've started to see my body in a different way.
I've started to really learn to love my body even more, learn to feel comfortable in my skin even more. I've been very shy and insecure about my body growing up. You know, I always thought I had thighs that were too big. I've been gaining a little weight in my belly recently and I was just insecure about the summertime, going to Vegas or the beach or all these things. And I think after a few of those experiences,
I'm just like, “You know what? I don't care.” My body is as it is right now and I love my body and I'm going to show it off because I am young for now.
I'm not going to be young forever. You know, you might as well enjoy what you've got and it's not perfect, but nobody's perfect. And I've learned to embrace it even more. And something that I've learned from Louise Hay was kind of life changing in a way that it changed my mindset on my body.
Now you guys might think that I'm a little weird for talking about this, but I'm sure most of you will get it because we're on the same wavelength.
But if you've heard of Louise Hay, she wrote a book called “You Can Heal Your Life,” and she talks about how a lot of physical symptoms have emotional causes.
And I read about the emotional causes of fats in your body. Basically she says that the emotional cause of fat being stored in your body is oversensitivity.
It's our need to protect ourselves. It's our fear. So you know, fat is protection. It cushions your body. So imagine the fat in your body is protecting you from something. It's protecting you from fear or anger or something that has built up that you haven't really dealt with.
I'm just going to read this from my laptop  It comes from Louise Hay.
“Fat or weight issues: Oversensitivity. Often represents fear and shows a need for protection.
Fear may be a cover for hidden anger and a resistance to forgive. Running away from feelings, Insecurity, self rejection, and seeking fulfillment.”
And she also breaks down what it means when you have fat building up in different areas.
So listen to this: “Arms: Anger at being denied love. Belly: Anger at being denied nourishment. Hips: Lumps of stubborn anger at the parent. Thighs: Packed childhood anger, often rage at the father.”
If you guys know my story, you listened to my podcast, or you’re taking the Dream Life course on the healing and forgiveness,
you know that I've had childhood issues with my dad. And when I read that and I was like, “Oh my God, I've always been insecure about my bigger-than-normal thighs.”
And the fact that in this book it says that thighs are related to“packed childhood anger, often rage at father,” I was like, “Oh my God, is this a coincidence? Do I believe this?”
And I don't know about you, but I am more of an intuitive person. I don't need science. I don't need facts. When I feel something's right, I believe in it or I just choose to believe in it because it helps me.
So it's kind of helped me see my body in a different way and see my fat in a different way, you know? I understand that fat is here because it's for my protection. It's actually trying to protect me and help me. And now that I am older, I'm matured, I'm healing from everything.
I'm releasing things and letting it go. I've decided I want to release this emotional baggage that I've been carrying with me my whole life.
And this emotional baggage is also this extra weight, physical and emotional weight that you've been carrying because you have resentment that you've held, or something from the past that you haven't completely healed from.
And to see it in that light really helped me love my body even more and tell myself, “Okay, fat, I love you. Thanks for protecting me, but I'm ready to let you go.
I don't need you to protect me anymore.” I'm a new person. I'm a new woman. I can be vulnerable now. I can be more real, I can be myself, and thus I don't need this protection around me. And so that's how I'm working through it. It's a lot of mental and emotional as well as physical, as well as eating healthy and working out and doing everything that you need to do. So I've been intermittent fasting – and I'm not an expert at any of this so I never really want to make videos on this – but I've just been working on losing weight, doing the physical stuff.
But mostly it's the mental and the emotional, releasing that weight and that extra baggage.
Moving on: Another way that I've changed recently is Be brutally honest
I have learned to be more brutally honest with my close friends and I have always been someone who is a people pleaser. I'm very kind. I'm very, very polite. I never want to hurt anyone's feelings. But you know what I've learned is, sometimes you hurt people when you're trying not to hurt their feelings.
What I mean by that is: If someone is in the wrong and "someone" is your close friend, you have the duty, it's your responsibility to tell them the truth, to tell them that they messed up or they did something that hurt someone else or whatever.
It's just your job – especially if they're unaware. And you know, for me – I, many, many times in the past I've held myself back from being honest or truthful because I didn't want to hurt my friend. I didn't want to hurt their ego. I knew that confronting them would
1) be super uncomfortable and awkward  and 2) would hurt them, would make them feel bad.
And now as I'm more mature, I realized that, you know, making them feel bad is a temporary thing.
But if you tell them, yeah, it might make them feel bad temporarily, but it would give them the knowledge and insight to help them change for the better. And thus it's good for them in the long run. And in this world, most people, if they're not your close friends, they don't care as much about you. They're not gonna take time out of their day. They're not going to make the effort to tell you the truth. They're just gonna shut you out and move on with their lives.
That's why we don't deal with haters. You know, a hater is going to come at you and you're like, “Okay, I don't have time or energy to heal you, to help you, so I'm just going to move on with my life.”
But the friend, the close friend of that hater, has the responsibility to tell them the truth, to help them in whatever they have to deal with.
You know, someone's got to tell them. You realize that the world is just going to brush these people off because they don't care as much about them. But if you are a close friend and you care about them, then you gotta be the one to be brutally honest with them. And I've grown so much guys. I used to be so shy, so polite, so nice to everyone, every situation. And I – not that I'm not nice or kind still, but I can be stronger. I can stand up for myself. I could stand up for what's right even more now. That's a huge way that I've changed. Untouchable things
Another way that I've changed recently is: I have learned to see my worth in things that are invincible, things that are untouchable, things that nothing, nobody can take away from me, things like my soul, my gifts, my life experience.
You know, those are things that no matter what happens in life, no matter how bad I fail or fall, or people take things away from me, I cannot lose those things.
Your soul is invincible, indestructible, universal, whatever. And your gifts, you know, you're always gonna have your talents, I guess.
Obviously there are exceptions. You know, if you lose your arms, you can't play piano anymore.
But what I mean is the way that my mind thinks, my perspective, my world view, my kindness, my creativity, things like that I don't believe can be taken away.
And my life experience, because it's in the past, everything that I've experienced, all those experiences, traveling, going to school, building a brand or whatever, I have that experience and no matter what happens, I still have that.
And it's a beautiful thing to know that you have gained something that cannot be taken away and that is your experience.
And I've just been learning to focus on cultivating more self-worth. I mean I did that whole self-worth series. If you haven't seen it, definitely check it out. I'm really proud of it.
And I did that series because it's something that I have been trying to learn, something that I've struggled with in the past.
You know, how to stop comparing myself to others, how to truly believe in my self worth and be confident, not put my worth in physical things, not put my worth in numbers on social media or my business or my productivity, not put my worth in what other people think about me, not trying to prove myself to other people.
I used to live life trying to prove my parents, trying to prove that I can be successful. And I think that's really common for Asian children.
You know, you want to prove that you can get straight A's, and you want to prove that you can make it in life. And at the end of the day, after I've done certain things,
I feel like I've finally matured out of that stage where now, all that matters is what I think of myself. It doesn't matter what other people think of me. They can think I'm crazy or stupid or something else.
But all that matters is that I hold myself with high regard. I don't need to prove my worth to anyone else because I know I have innate worth. And I talked about this in the self worth series
where if you look at a baby, a baby is so lovable. Everyone loves babies. They're so cute and cuddly and we love them automatically, and they didn't do anything. And yet a baby has worth simply because it is alive, it's breathing. It exists in this world and thus it has worth.
Life is so precious. Life is priceless. We cannot recreate it. We can't put a price on life. And that's why it has so much worth.
And you, if you are a living being, watching this video, you have worth because you are alive and that is all you need. You don't need to prove yourself by doing anything. You don't need to achieve anything to have worth. You are worthy simply by being alive. And that is something that, it's one thing to say, it's another thing to really believe it.
So that is the journey that I've been on, that I'm still on, but I feel like I've grown so much in that area to feel that I have so much innate worth.
All right, now I'd love to hear your comments. How have you changed in the past year? Comment down below. I want to hear about your changes. And don't say you haven't changed because everyone has changed. We're all changing every single day.
Your hair is growing, your nails, your toenails are growing. You're different. You don't have the same cells on your body as you had yesterday.
You know, it's all different. It's always changing. Doesn't your skin regenerate? Or it's like new every seven years or something. But anyway, love you guys so much. I will see you guys in the next one.
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