#♔ out of ideas; nowhere to run; looking right down the barrel of a gun ♔ ( pico )
mgicalmultitude · 2 years
What were your muses last words? (ft. Pico, Orpheus, Eli, Dark Choco Cookie, Tabi, & Princess Peach)
Tagged by: stole it from seeing it on the dash Tagging: you if you wanna
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Pico 's last words were "I will be avenged".
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Orpheus 's last words were "So this is it, huh...".
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Eli 's last words were "Guess that could have gone a little better...".
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Dark Choco Cookie 's last words were "How did it end up like this...".
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Tabi 's last words were "I'm so sorry for dragging you into this...".
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Peach 's last words were "My death was long overdue anyway".
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mgicalmultitude · 2 years
Verse: BF/Keith, Pico, GF/Addie IDV Survivor ability kits (under the cut because it gets LONG, I will also make another post for where their backstories are concerned)
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Name: Boyfriend/Song maker Surv type: Contain
External Traits;; Glowing note: 7 seconds into the match starting and then every 40 seconds after, he is able to use his vocals to reach his teammates, allowing him to see their positions on the map for 6 seconds as well as the hunter’s for 3
Battle heart: He is not afraid to fight when it comes down to it, nothing scares him. Terror radius is reduced by 15%. However, when the hunter is within range, he is able to stop and challenge the hunter to a rap battle that lasts 10 seconds with calibrations being the deciding factor. 3 successful calibrations allows him a 3 second movement increase of 30% and headstart with the hunter staying in place for that time, 2 is .5 damage with a movement increase and vaulting speed increase of 20% (with a 2 second headstart), 1 successful calibration is 1.5 damage with 10% movement and vaulting speed increase (and a 1 second headstart), and no successful calibrations is an immediate incapacitation.
Linked hearts: When he is on the field with Pico or Girlfriend, he links his heart with theirs, allowing all three/the two of them (depending on if one or both are there) extra movement speed of 5%, vaulting and pallet dropping speed of 5%.
Name: Girlfriend/ Surv type: Assist
External Traits;; Demon’s Love: She was born of demons, which gives her some incredible abilities especially when it comes to people she cares about, and everyone she is around can feel it. Healing speed increased by 30% with the healed receiving a speed increase of 20% for 10 seconds. When rescuing, the rescued receives a speed increase of 30% for 7 seconds.
Linked Heart: When she is on the field with Pico or Boyfriend, she links her heart with theirs, allowing all three/the two of them (depending on if one or both are there) extra movement speed of 5%, vaulting speed and pallet dropping speed of 5%
Father’s Curse: Seeing the hunters reminds her of her father’s actions against her exes and many other innocent people. Because of this, she worries one of them may recognize her and come after her the second they see her. She is visible on the field for 2 seconds at the start of the match and decoding speed is decreased by 5%
Dumb luck: She isn’t the best with strategy, and has almost no fear so everything that happens is sheer dumb luck with her. Successful pallet drops while pursued without damage allows her a 4 second speed increase of 5%. Vaulting a window/pallet while pursued without damage allows her a 5% speed increase of 8 seconds.
Name: Pico Newgrounds Surv type: Rescue/Contain
External Traits;; Sharpshooter: As a merc for hire and the hero of the incident of which he is known for, Pico has a very good shot with a gun. His will not disappear, however, he will only have one shot every 190 seconds and the hunter is stunned for 5 seconds.
Ghosts of the past: He isn’t proud of what he did during the incident, it haunts him. The fact he is being slammed into a 1v4 death match is reminding him of this and he is unable to focus on anything but the safety of everyone else. Decoding speed reduced 20% with an extra 10% reduction for every teammate who is incapacitated and chaired. with it capping out at a 50% decrease for all three of his teammates being incapacitated and chaired.
Trained for combat: Over the years after the incident and becoming a mercenary for hire, he has trained himself to be able to handle combat situations. Vaulting speed, pallet dropping speed increase by 25%. 
No repeats: Pico made a promise to himself he wouldn’t let anyone he cares for in his life fall again, and the same rule applies here. Movement speed around rocket chairs increases by 10%, rescue speed increases by 20%, movement speed increased by 5% when body blocking for an injured/rescued teammate. Rescued/injured receives 15% movement speed increase for 5 seconds when Pico has been downed from body blocking.  --Undead specifications: when against the undead: movement speed around the incapacitated is increased 10%, healing speed is increased 20% to the incapacitated, rescued/injured gains a 20% movement speed increase for 5 seconds when Pico has been downed from body blocking.
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mgicalmultitude · 3 years
@nearnoted​  starter call
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     ♔𝒫𝒾𝒸ℴ;; ‘ There something I can help you with? ‘ Pico had merely rounded the corner and felt eyes just watching him, not leaving as he tried to keep going. He wasn’t carrying anything more than his DJing equipment with him, so he knows for a fact there was nothing he could have possibly drawn attention to himself to. Unless, they were someone trying to get him to sneak them something or they were lost... He was fairly used to both of those by now.
     ‘ It’s a little sketchy waiting around an alley you know? People have to have asked you questions by now. ‘
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