#‣ muse { alleria windrunner } —  ❝ VOIDFORGED. ❞
warwaged-moved · 2 years
I’m still thinking about the syl.vanas book excerpt basically saying alleria was expected to have kids and imagining she was probably expected to find a nice match, and that we canonically know sylv had lots of guys who wanted to marry her, even the prince, and considering the same was likely for alleria who was 1. expected to become ranger general 2. very beautiful too 3. a windrunner
I think all three sisters probably had people trying to marry them for several reasons, and I think alleria hated it. for the longest time I think she wouldn’t want to marry anyone at all bc she’d be so tired of it having been forced on her before (bc my hc is lireesa would have tried to marry her off as a ‘this is part of your duty’ sort of thing) which is a nice tie with my old headcanon she and tural.yon never married because she’d always say no whenever he asked. 
the only person she’d ever marry is willa c: only her wife. no one else. ever.
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
Ranger Captain Alleria Windrunner Renowned Troll Hunter of Quel'Thalas. Lead Scout and Intelligence Agent for the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed deceased. Your heart flew straight as any arrow upon the wind, sister. You were the brightest of our Order. You were the most beloved of our kin.- Sylvanas Windrunner - Ranger General of Quel'Thalas
Alleria hates being regarded as the legendary heroic figure she has come to be. When she left to Draenor, of course part of her reasoning was to protect those she loved and keep her world safe, but it was also not to return. When she went through the portal, Alleria did so believing it (wanting it) to be a one way trip, in which she would, yes, protect things she loved, but also take down as many orcs as possible before she herself found her end in battle. She went there for revenge. She went there meaning to die. That changed when she was there, of course, but the people who hail her as a hero don’t even know that. They idolize her for actions and decisions from the darkest part of her life, the moment she was literally hopeless, the moment when she was completely volatile and purposefully endangered herself all the time because she didn’t know how to live with her grief and guilt. Her statue in the Valley of Heroes is the epitome of people putting her (and more specifically that version of her) in a pedestal she is certain she did nothing to earn. And when she gets past the initial aversion she feels towards that statue, the most Alleria can see in it is a monument to her death — to a version of herself that indeed died, for who she is now isn’t by any means the same Alleria the Alliance saw fit to carve in stone.
Regardless, she hates the statue --  but when it comes to the plaque, her feelings are quite different. What is written there starts ordinarily enough, identifying her and her deeds — but the last line is different. The last line is not simply empty flattery of people who didn’t know her and had no idea of the state of devastation she was in when she was presumed dead. It isn’t just pretty words written by someone she doesn’t know, or even someone that knew her only as a warrior or a Farstrider. It isn’t merely honoring a deceased hero. Sure, that last line accomplishes that. It honors her as a hero, as a warrior and a Farstrider, it mourns her death. But it is personal. And the first phrase is what frames it like that.
“Your heart flew straight as any arrow upon the wind, sister.“ Even if the ‘sister’ wasn’t there, this is someone speaking of her heart; of who she was. It is someone who knew Alleria, who knew she did what she wanted with the certainty of a well aimed arrow, who knew her to be determined and deadly and not held back by anyone or anything.
Reading it the first time, this would be the line that would affect her in a way nothing about the statue did because it would actually reach her feelings. This is her sister speaking of her… and Alleria would know immediately which sister it was, too, which in itself would make her heart ache immensely.
"You were the brightest of our Order. You were the most beloved of our kin.” From anyone else, Alleria might have deemed it empty praise. But those two sentences combined with the previous one, there is no way she feels it is untrue — what she would feel is that this was, in a polished way that befit both the honoring of a hero and the station of the one who wrote the words, the honest speech of a sister who truly mourned her when she wrote that. It would fill Alleria with sorrow and regret, to imagine what her supposed death meant to Sylvanas, with all the losses their family had already suffered and everything she had to carry upon her shoulders. It would make her guilty for her choice to leave (for her inability to deal with her own feelings) all over again.
And it would be a knife being further twisted because she was in Stormwind before she actually met Sylvanas again. All Alleria has of her at this point is memories and the warning of what she’s become (and what she became and what led her to become this are both sensitive topics as well, because Alleria will always wonder if her staying could have made a difference in saving Sylvanas). So at once she’s left to deal with the sorrow and guilt and regret from what she caused her sister to go through and the knowledge the Sylvanas who wrote those words is no longer the Sylvanas she will meet when they finally see each other again. If the statue is a monument to an Alleria that no longer is, the words on the plaque were written by a Sylvanas who is just as much gone. Later, she would think it suitable.
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warwaged-moved · 2 years
- soreana trying to marry katarina off (credit to @shehili for the idea but also spoiler: kat would kill her potential husband before getting married to anyone  (✿◡‿◡) )
- arranged marriage with irelia for an alliance with ionia or between ionian factions (I just think she’s a prominent enough figure I can throw her in the political arranged marriages ok)
- tbh kalista being a princess with a father who had no male heirs leaves her in the perfect position for arranged marriage plots (you know, before she died and became a ghost of vengeance)
- mel would arrange her own marriage if it was beneficial ngl 
- asoiaf is arranged marriage free real estate so like....... I don’t even have to come up with situations for myrcella and ashara
- people wanting to arrange marriages with windrunners is just a thing that would happen you know I’m right!! (alleria would be the one refusing every potential husband and avoiding marriage like the plague. does not show up to meetings with suitors. refuses them without meeting them. is a pest when she’s forced to be around them in general. 10/10 would scare off potential husbands on purpose)
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warwaged-moved · 2 years
I finished reading the sylv.anas book and this will be spoilerish and filled with complaints so beware (also predominantly alleria-centric, although I have lots of criticism about the book as a whole beyond that). I’ll not really acknowledge any of it when writing war.craft muses tbh, which means alleria is extra canon divergent now
I do like that alleria and liree.sa’s dynamic is more or less as I expected it to be. li.reesa being a stern ranger general, and requiring even more from her daughters (and from alleria, as the eldest and the heir, most of all) is really fitting, and I have always thought their relationship would grow strained as alleria got older and rebelled against the predetermined fate imposed on her. 
I also like that their father is the voice of reason and prone to intervening when mother and daughters are fighting, something that was actually an old hc I had. I don’t like him being advisor to the king though. let him be someone who isn’t politically super important you know. the windrunners are already so important on their own. so yeah, when it comes to my portrayal, he’s still just a guy. also alleria’s favorite parent iudhfuishf
alleria did not leave quel.thalas out of a desire for adventure, much less bc of a man. this isn’t even hc or what I wanted, it’s the actual canon this book throws away. she only left to help the alliance bc she thought the elves were paying too little credit to the horde as a threat -- and she was right. but you can see even in previous books, alleria is desperate to get back to quel.thalas and warn them of the horde attack. she weeps at their forests being destroyed by the orcs and dragon fire. she loves her people and her homeland so much and then this book is like ‘oh no she just wants to go explore the world and get the human paladin d’
and later on she leaves azeroth to try to end the dark portal, and ends up fighting the legion for a thousand years. the reason she doesn’t come back isn’t that she doesn’t want to, it’s that she keeps getting caught in one threat bigger than the other. if you think it’s valid to criticize her for leaving bc she wasn’t in silvermoon during the fall all I have to say is lol. lmao
sylvan.as and li.rath’s dynamic and them being the closest after that was a whole point in alleria’s story, after his death threw her off because she couldn’t handle the grief and got lost in revenge because they were so close, really just. ugh. it annoys me so much. the fact they even have sy.lvanas go to nath.anos in a way that feels like a shitty rip off of plots they used with alleria and tu.ralyon too lol. the fact even when it comes to warning the king, syl.vanas is said to have done it first. like. an iconic beloved character of the war.craft franchise, and you really had to steal plots from her sister for no reason at all instead of giving her an actual story?
please this book hates alleria so much for no reason
also I’ve always been a fierce defender of ‘lor.themar and syl.vanas were close friends in life’ but NOT LIKE THIS. it’s so poorly done. they have no development at all, and are friends simply bc the book says they are, and every single time syl.vanas thinks of them and ha.lduron as ‘the Trio’ I cringe so hard skjdfnaskjdfn
the way they handle sylvan.as is just gross when she ends up not only serving the jailer but also thinking a.rthas was right
an.duin going to the maw in the end sucks so bad let this boy catch a break without syl.vanas around goddamn
I love na.thanos and I didn’t think much of what they did with him in general tbh 
glossing over some of the most important events in syl.vanas’ life briefly certainly was A Choice, but then again, what wasn’t in this shitshow
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
a.lleria and illi.dan are both very uncomfortable in tight spaces, specially if there are no windows
illi.dan is uncomfortable in underground sort of places in general
he will kill anyone who tries to imprison him again (mostly......................... there are people he just can’t kill tbh)
with all.eria it depends on who it is and why. when ro.mmath tried to have her imprisoned, for example, she preferred to flee rather than fighting and possibly killing belfs but that’s just because she still sees them as her people
they would literally prefer death to being imprisoned ever again
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
I know canon says ver.eesa and syl.vanas were closer than either of them was close to a.lleria but honestly in my head a.lleria and syl.vanas were also very very close they just had very different dynamics in this essay I will
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
Alleria has a considerable amount of scars, although none of them is particularly grisly.
The oldest ones date back to her youth. Most of those she got when fighting Trolls (and because of her own recklessness when doing so lbr).
She has several scars that date back to the Second War, more specifically the post war actually, from when she was hunting orcs — as this happens to be the time period in which she was at her most careless and actively did not care if she got hurt.
A few were caused by the Legion, though most of those did not come from battle as much as they came from torture; by the time she was fighting the Legion, she was both skilled enough and careful enough to not get hurt as often, even though it most surely happened at times. Even when she got hurt, when with the Army of the Light any injuries would have received proper care sooner and rarely left marks.
She got a considerable amount in her 500 years roaming alone in search of the Locus-Walker, as well, considering her search definitely did not take her to pleasant places if Niskara is anything to go by (and I would say it is).
Last but not least, she definitely has a few, less noticeable marks of her time being tortured by a Naaru.
The scars from after the Second War and those acquired in her time alone are also the ones that are more noticeable/larger. In the first case, on top of being careless, she would not have minded to have them properly healed as much as she would in other times, while in the second she would not have received proper care in the conditions she was in.
Most of her scars are on her upper arm, abdomen and on her back.
The larger scar she has is on her back, and was one of those she got from the orcs when she was pretty much trying to die after the Second War.
Alleria is not bothered by her scars in the slightest – for the most part. Battle scars or even those left by the Legion are fine, and she’s not self-conscious about them in any way. Any marks left from her imprisonment by Xe’Ra are different, however. Those are the only ones she’d make more of a deliberate effort not to show. They are not easily noticeable, though, and one would need to both be close and paying attention to see those.
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
❝  i remember little more than scattered images from my life then.  ❞ // for alleria
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"I remember everything." Untouched by death, yes, but not by darkness. Hers did not steal memories, did not cause them to fade to time; it would, perhaps, had Alleria allowed it to control her. She does not, no matter what others think. Her mind is her own, but she doubts they would have allowed her to forget; what the Void did was twist, perhaps beyond recognition, but not erase, not completely. 
It worked in their favor. That love would be used against her as much as hatred had been one of the very first lessons the Locus-Walker had taught her, intent on making her let go of her past bonds. A lesson Alleria stubbornly refused to learn.  
 “Even from when we were still young.” Even from when everything was easier and they stood side by side. Her eyes do not betray any softens the feelings elicit; there is no antagonism this once, and yet Alleria’s walls stand tall and solid around her heart. “What do you remember?”
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
Although canon timeline gets confusing, likely because they didn’t think it through decided to retcon things later, I don’t disregard Beyond the Dark Portal but I have a different take on how things go, especially when it comes to A.lleria’s relationship with Tu.ralyon. So, taking it into account, here’s my take on how things happened (spoilers: it doesn’t include A.lleria calling Tu.ralyon my love half a second after they’ve talked to each other and made peace, sorry not sorry @Beyond the Dark Portal):
A.lleria and Tura.lyon met when fighting in the Second War. Before that, she did not have contact with many humans, and if she didn’t necessarily look down on them, A.lleria didn’t really see them as equals either (their senses are not as sharp as the elves’, their lives are way too short, and they are still quite arrogant in spite of that, in her eyes). It isn’t until the war that she has a chance to get to know them better, and fighting beside the humans definitely changes her views on them.
Tura.lyon, specifically, does not mean much to her in the beginning. He’s obviously smitten with her, and she finds it way too amusing to waste the opportunities to tease him — but in the beginning this is all her actions are: amusement. She never seriously leads him on, and he’s quite aware she’s entertained by his reaction to her. But as time passes they genuinely become closer. A.lleria learns to respect him after fighting with him and following his leadership, and then her actions around him are not as much jokes as they were before.
She’s interested, but she isn’t in love. It is infatuation at most, she thinks, and it’ll pass soon enough (it isn’t as if she considers a serious relationship with him either: he’s a human still, his entire life until adulthood is only a fraction of her own and she’s bound to outlive him). In truth her feelings go a little deeper than she’s willing to believe they go, but it isn’t some deep, endless love. She’s falling for him, but on her part it is slow, and she makes it slower still with all the resistance against it she creates.
When they learn the Horde will target Quel.Thalas, A.lleria is immediately on edge (she grows restless, impulsively wants to run to her home ahead of the army, questions every single decision he makes just because). She’s worried about her home, her people, and the people she loves that are there and don’t know what’s coming for them. Arriving there afterwards and fighting to drive them back and still having to watch their forests burn wounded her very deeply, even more because of her previous concern. And then she learns most of her family died, including her little brother, and it breaks her in a way A.lleria hadn’t yet been broken.
She doesn’t love Tura.lyon when she goes to him. The logic is flimsy, and only really logical to her because of the state of absolute emotional wreck she’s in. She doesn’t want to be vulnerable in front of people she knows and loves and who look up to her, though, and she came to like and trust him well enough that she seeks him instead. It isn’t a well thought out thing – she’s barely thinking at all – but it feels like a good enough idea at the time: this way her sisters won’t see her breaking, because she has to be strong for them, and she won’t burden friends who have lost people themselves, and she won’t be vulnerable in front of those who look up to her as a leader.
It (obviously) wasn’t a good idea. It is something she’ll regret immediately afterwards. A.lleria would feel guilty she had used him to try to forget her hurt, because he obviously cares for her and she does not feel the same, at least not as intensely. There is no future for them, she thinks, and what she did would give him hopes of something that couldn’t be. Beyond that, she’s still hurting; she’ll continue to hurt for a long time, unable to process her grief, unable to let go and heal. As soon as it is over and he is asleep, she leaves. Afterwards, A.lleria is cold towards him purposefully, so he will know it was just one night, so he won’t think it is more than it is. Tura.lyon doesn’t take well to it, but A.lleria thinks it’s best that way. Let him live his short human life with someone who can love him better than she can. Besides, it isn’t as if he understands; he doesn’t like the path she’s taking and she cannot meet his criticism with anything other than anger.
A.lleria isn’t concerned with love, by then and after that. All she wants is revenge. For everything, for all the family she lost, but especially for her brother. Even after the war is over, she doesn’t stop hunting the orcs, and she revels in their pain. She wants each and every orc dead, but a thousand kills do not lessen her thirst for revenge, neither do they fill the emptiness within her. They do not make her feel less guilty for being alive while Lirath is dead. She won’t let go of anger and hatred for years still. And in the meanwhile between the night she regrets and the future in which vengeance is not her utmost priority, A.lleria finds herself pregnant.
It is kind of (very) despairing at first. Most of her family died, and she’s in a very dark place mentally and emotionally. She feels the need to keep it together for those around her, but she’s falling apart. She came to regret the one night in which her child was conceived, and it isn’t like she can exactly count on someone she pushed away to care for a child now. Besides, it is said the High Elves didn’t look favorably towards half-elven children, which is one more reason to be concerned for her unborn child. A.lleria doesn’t seek support of anyone else; she hesitates in even telling people close to her about it.
But she’s decided to have her child and to keep the baby with her regardless. Eventually she’d have to speak; but before it would be noticeable, she’d let at least Sylv.anas and Ve.reesa know (maybe some of her closest friends, but even that is uncertain; she might also have panicked and told Hal.duron at some point before even telling her sisters...). So A.rator is born in Quel.Thalas, and no matter what she feels towards his father, she loves her son from the beginning. And I think much of her love for A.rator, and how deep and important to A.lleria it is, comes from the place she was in at the time of his birth. To her, he was a flicker of love and hope in a world that was seemingly all devoid of it; and the fact he may suffer some prejudice amidst her people only made her more determined to give him love that would make up for it.
Contacting Tura.lyon to even let him know never crosses her mind as a serious option. She would have thought of it at times, especially when his letters arrived, as he explicitly mentions having written to her and never gotten any answer, but she would be angry at herself for even considering it. If someone said she should (I believe someone might have), A.lleria would cut them short. She doesn’t need him, he cannot help; A.rator is her son, and they’ll be fine just the two of them.
Except they won’t, because even though she’s wholeheartedly dedicated and entirely loving towards him, she’s also consumed with vengeance and hatred for what happened to Lir.ath. A.rator would give her happiness she wouldn’t have felt ever since the war, but immediately afterwards even the faintest glimmer of happiness, she’d feel immense guilt (how can she be alive, happy, laughing, after having failed her home, after failing to prevent Lir.ath’s death? her brother would never get to laugh again, he would never father his own children; why should she have all of this, when he would not?).
It would become a cycle, and it definitely pushed her away further: happiness makes her feel guilty, guilt makes her dive headfirst in battle and revenge. She makes herself believe that A.rator would be better without her, but cannot find it in herself to tell Tura.lyon about their son and leave A.rator with him. It is part of why she’s so eager to go beyond the dark portal, too: she wants vengeance, and to protect the things she loves, and to die fighting, to die in a way that can at least leave her sisters proud, to die and leave her son to be raised by those who could do it better than she ever could.
Is it immensely hard to just pretend nothing ever happened once she’s forced to interact with Tura.lyon again, especially considering she is well aware their one night resulted in the most precious baby boy in Azeroth and beyond? Yes, but their antagonism towards each other helps; anger does not leave much room for her to feel guilty for not letting him know of anything. Of course, once they are together again, and once she acknowledges her feelings for him go well beyond just infatuation, she knows the conversation has to happen — and it is only then that she tells him of A.rator. It is quite a mess that they made, so reconciliation isn’t by any means easy, and A.lleria is never one to just give herself completely and without wariness. To her, opening up to him again is a slow process; and if physical contact comes earlier and easier than verbal declarations, even that would be slow. She doesn’t shy away from him, maybe even seeks him at times, but more often than not, A.lleria would more likely wait for him to seek contact than initiate it herself —- and it would definitely take a long while for her to reciprocate I love yous.
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
Contrary to popular belief, a.rator’s name was chosen as homage to an.duin lo.thar, last of the arathi, and not because of the land itself (which was called arathor). There’s a significance to it either way, and a.lleria was aware of it when choosing, but what prompted her choice wasn’t that arathor was the first human nation to establish a bond with elves, and rather that lo.thar was someone she and tu.ralyon both admired. even if she didn’t initially want him in her life, he’s still ara.tor’s father, and that isn’t something she’d ignore entirely.
there are many people she could have named her son after that meant more to her than loth.ar tbh, for all the admiration she has. I feel that even at her most unreasonable, that was still a form of compromise in regards to tu.ralyon and not erasing him from ar.ator’s life
if she had stayed instead of going to draenor, she would not deny arator of knowing who his father is. tbf, in an au like that, if tur.alyon didn’t get lost in the twisting nether I feel like? she might go back on the not letting him even know about ar.ator when their son was still young. doesn’t mean she’d change her stance on the fact 1. they’re fine without him 2. ar.ator stays in quel.thalas with her
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
@khdgar​​    ♡
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“Did you return right away, after Draenor?” A question left unanswered for so long. Alleria had considered it often --- what had happened to the others, to her friends, when she and Turalyon ended up stranded on the Twisting Nether. It was a relief to know they were well, that all of them had found their way home. Even more of a contentment to be reunited with Khadgar, and to be able to talk, this time without the threat of the Legion at their heels. 
Her own return had been bittersweet. Though her heart soars to be on Azeroth again, to be reunited with people she loved so dearly, Alleria was having difficulty adjusting. If exile from her homeland wounded her deeply, the loss of a sister cut deeper. 
Sylvanas did not feel like the sole loss, only the most obvious. The years had been many, as had been the obstacles; for all the love she feels for her friends, her son, her sister, her husband, they had taken its toll. She had seldom felt so alone; and yet there had been no effort to remedy that do the most part, only further withdrawal. Khadgar is an exception. 
Hadn’t he always been? All those years ago, when they fought a war and she could not bear the weight of loss, his friendship had been essential to put her back on a path that did not end with self-destruction; a friendship she had resisted at first, so adamant at keeping everyone at a distance. It had been no more than a whim that brought her here, an impulse she acted on, to seek him out for no reason other than to meet a friend she did not wish to lose. “We often wondered if you had gotten back safely.” 
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
❝  do you think we fight hopeless wars?  ❞ arator
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"No," There is no hesitation in her reply, given in the decisive tone of one who knew the answer before question had been asked. War is a subject she is intimately familiar with, almost etched in her soul as it is. Alleria does not need a moment to ponder: daunting as the threat may seem, there would always be hope of victory, so long as they did not give up on fighting. There has to be hope; if there is none, then the fight is already lost. "The odds do not determine who wins. They may be against us now, but so they have before. So long as we fight, nothing is set in stone."
Against the Legion, each time it threatened to take Azeroth for its own. On a smaller scale, as well; against the Horde, when they terrorized human and elven kingdoms alike during the Second War. Even Draenor comes to mind --- that was supposed to be a one-way journey, a battle they would not return from, even should it be won. And yet they had achieved their purpose and lived to tell the tale and many others after that.
" --- War is no easy thing to endure, but there is always something to fight for." Harder on him, perhaps, if only because his heart was better and more gentle than her own. Alleria had always been too comfortable on a battlefield, and a thousand years of war had made her unaccustomed to anything else. Even then, those battles had never been fought for the sake of fighting. Her cyan eyes do not leave his face, and if her voice carries that same certainty, there is a softness in it reserved only to her son; there is no war she would not fight to keep him safe. "And as long as there is something to protect, we continue fighting."
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warwaged-moved · 2 years
It was not the first time their father had gracefully inserted himself between his daughters and their mother, and it would likely not be the last. Lireesa had a quick temper and a sharp tongue, but she was also fast to forgive and forget…usually.
I’m like 15 pages in and this is the only thing I’m taking from this book so far lol 
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warwaged-moved · 2 years
au where alleria isn’t tainted by eldritch horrors (I love the eldritch horrors but sometimes I just want her to have actual elves who were people she cared about around)
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warwaged-moved · 2 years
the fact alleria was there when lira.th was born 
the fact she was desperate to get there in time to protect him, but didn’t get to quel’thalas fast enough to prevent his death
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warwaged-moved · 2 years
❛  i  want  to  experience  why  we’re  here  on  azeroth .  ❜ ( alyrena @ alleria ! )
𝑺𝑶𝑭𝑻 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑺 // always accepting memes!
“ I see... ”  She did not, in truth -- a fact perhaps noticeable in uncertainty coloring her voice, though Alleria does her best not to look too questioningly upon the girl. So young, too. A thousand years and more had passed while the Windrunner was fighting a war amidst the stars, but even before, her teenage years had been a long way behind. For a race so long-lived, ‘twas difficult to see any of their own with less than twenty summers and regard them as more than children. Mostly grown though the girl may be, she was still young. 
Too young to be out there on her own, Alleria thinks, but then again, Arator is not that much older. Her son possessed a much more optimistic and warm demeanor than her own, inherited, no doubt, from the man his father had been when they met. Even that curiosity displayed by Alyrena did not resonate with the void elf; before she left Quel’thalas, before war and the loss of her family, she had not once been interested in leaving her homeland. 
Her goal had been to protect it. To know it, like the back of her hand. To guard it against those who would see it harmed. To allow it to flourish, as it ever had in its eternal spring. 
It still hurts to think she may never be allowed to set foot there again.
“ You should be careful where you look for that answer, though. ”   The warning comes from a place of concern; maternal, perhaps, or just that of one who had always sought to fight for other people’s protection. “ Even if you do not take sides, not everyone will care to hear it. Faction history runs much too deep for some to set it aside. ”
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