#Évoli gen 1
spunsugarsims · 3 years
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So, after Yvette got her long-awaited promotion, she and Delphine said a bittersweet goodbye to the little house where they had met and fell in love…
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llaumeggui · 6 years
Youhou, je suis joie, j’ai réussi à récupéré les questions qui me manquaient, donc c’est parti
On commence par celles de @saintgeorges alias Nono (comment ça va ?):
1. Une de tes plus grosses phobie. 
LES TRUCS SOUS L’EAU, moi je veux juste du sable.
2.La pire connerie que t'es pu faire dans ta vie.
Tirer au pistolet à billes à bout portant sur la tempe de sa soeur est dans te le haut du classement je pense.
 3. Un rêve que tu penses ne jamais pouvoir réaliser. 
Courir un iron man, je suis une bite en natation donc un triathlon, ce sera déjà pas mal.
4. Qu'est ce que tu en fais de tes regrets ? 
Rien, on peut juste éviter d’en avoir d’autres.
5. Ta chanson du moment
 Futur Start Slow des Kills.
6. Tu regardes Westworld, ton avis ?
Bah je regarde pas, sorryyy
7. T'as eu l'bac avec mention ?
Très bien de justesse.
8. Les comptes tumblr que t'affectionnent ?
@iamknockingonheavensdoor @barthelemyledragon @aurance @justevivante @copiieconforme @ouragandsentiments et beaucoup d’autres.
9. t'as déjà profité du porno sur tumblr :D ?
J’avoue, j’avoue 
10. Tu penses que l'humanité en a pour combien de temps encore ? 
Il me semble que dans 5 milliards d’années il fera trop chaud et il y aurait des grosses éruptions, séismes et autres tempêtes donc 5 milliards max
11. ton bouquin préféré ?
La maison dans laquelle de Miryam Petrosyan
Et pour finir, celles de l’unique dragon @barthelemyledragon :
1. Quels sont les petits moments anodins du quotidien qui te font sourire ?
Quand il y a un rayon de soleil, c’est toujours magique.
2. Aimes-tu les dragons ? 
3. Comment est la dernière personne que tu as rencontré ? 
4. Trois choses que tu aimes chez toi ? 
Mes yeux, mes cheveux et mon optimisme 
5. Comment fais-tu pour remonter le moral de quelqu’un ? 
Un câlin ,ça marche toujours 
6. Ton pokémon préféré ? 
Tortipouss, je l’aime ptn, mais il y en a d’autres (évoli ^^)
7. Quatre destinations de voyages où tu rêverais d’aller ? 
L’Islande, Amsterdam, NY et l’Alaska
8. Quelle est la blague qui te fait le plus rire ? 
Il en faut peu pour me faire rire, je me souviens pas de toutes les blagues. 
9. Cinq trucs de ta bucket-list ? 
Voir des aurores boréales, finir un triathlon, voyager, gravir l’Everest  et voir des gens d’ici.
10. Qu’est-ce qui t’inspire ? 
Le fait qu’on a qu’une vie. 
11. Comment je fais pour draguer un barista ?
Tu le regarde d’un air enjôleur, tu prends ta voix de crooner et tu lui dit “Salut, bébé” et hop, il est dans tes bras. Dis moi si ça marche.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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…And bought a large suburban home with plenty of room to grow.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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The couple was pleasantly surprised when Delphine gave birth to twins! They named their son Evian and their daughter Vivienne.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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Delphine’s second pregnancy seemed to fly by. She was in higher spirits than she had been during her first, largely because she felt healthy enough to keep working on her music. Yvette couldn’t help but take notice of her wife’s beautiful glow.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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Yvette also lacked the space to host dinner parties with all her friends.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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When life became stressful, Yvette and Delphine knew they could always find strength in the loving relationship they had built together. Which is why, in spite of all the frustrations and tribulations of parenthood, they made the decision to expand their family once again.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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While Yvette tried to be a good host to all her guests, she couldn’t help but focus most of her attention on the mysterious Delphine.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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Fortunately, some neighbors arrived to welcome Yvette to the block.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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Delphine found the larger house came with additional benefits. She finally had room for a bathtub so she could stretch out her aching fins. Additionally, Yvette surprised her with a new fish tank. Talking with its scaly inhabitants helped soothe Delphine’s homesickness for the underwater home she’d left behind.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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Though Yvette’s chef job kept her busy and Delphine spent most of her time on her music, the newlyweds squeezed in date nights whenever possible. Yvette was dying to try the new diner that had opened in Newcrust.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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The next day, Yvette woke up happy. She cooked herself a delicious breakfast before heading to her new job as a chef.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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Between the couple’s full-time jobs and raising a toddler, Yvette and Delphine often felt overwhelmed. One day, Yvette was so stressed that she called in sick to work and plopped herself in front of the TV in her pajamas. Luckily, her old friend Pacific Holiday visited and decided to do some household chores to lighten Yvette’s load.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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Parenting wasn’t always easy. Yvette often found herself frustrated by Evangeline’s messy habits. Being a fussy toddler, Evangeline frequently responded to her mother’s scolding by throwing a tantrum.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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The move came at a great time, because it wasn’t long before Evangeline grew into a scampering toddler.
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spunsugarsims · 3 years
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Delphine took some time off from her job as a musician during her pregnancy. Yvette invited friends over occasionally to make sure her wife didn’t get lonely. She was working long hours in the hopes of getting a promotion to better support her growing family.
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