swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
Page of Wands and Six of Pentacles
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Today’s cards are the Page of Wands and the Six of Pentacles, which if you notice share a few similarities. For starters, both convey movement - more specifically a swinging motion, and both feature red roses surrounding the main image on the card. The only difference between the two is that on the Page of Wands card the skeleton controls the motion of the swing, and in the 6 of pentacles the clock’s pendulum does. 
Still, regardless of who is seemingly in control, the theme of “time” connects all the symbols on these cards. We see the skeleton and know that at some point that’s what we will become. We see the red rosebuds, and know that the bud stage is only one part of a rose’s complete life cycle. 
When feeling at odds with the passage of time - especially when trying to bring your ideas to life - remember that just because your timing may not match up with the Universe’s doesn’t mean you’ll never achieve what you set out to do. There’s always a reason for divine timing - some step to take or lesson to learn in the meantime that will prepare you for whatever’s next. 
Try to find the beauty in your current stage of the process, knowing that at some point things will change again. Right now is just the beginning of what’s to come, and you must use your time wisely. 
Deck used: The Santa Muerte Tarot
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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Ace of Pentacles with the Ace of Wands
Since both of today's cards are aces, the message here is opportunity and the birth of something new. Aces are pure energy in whichever element their suit represents - in this case, earth and fire.
Both of these elements working together speak to opportunities for creativity and inspiration to grow into something that will benefit you in the long term, possibly financially.
Maybe this includes crafting something with your hands or learning a new skill. Or maybe it's a new desire or motivation to work on grounding yourself in order to find inner peace.
However the properties of these two elements resonate with you, the important thing to remember is that it's up to YOU to decide how to focus that raw elemental energy, and how to make the most of these new opportunities.
Deck used: The Santa Muerte Tarot
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
🌾 You are allowed to unlearn parts of you that do not align with who you are now 🌾
💌 You are allowed to re-evaluate your beliefs
🍃 You are allowed to change your mind
🦋 You are allowed to redefine your identity
☀️ You are allowed to let go of behaviors and habits that hinder your growth
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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3 of Cups
Today's card, the three of Cups, encourages you to lean on your friends for support and encouragement.
Especially after what we've seen in the cards earlier this week, it may help to open your heart and share what's been going on with those closest to you.
Just as you've got their back whenever they need it, they've got yours.
Tarot deck : The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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Five of Wands (reversed)
Today’s card, the five of Wands reversed, points to inner conflict or avoidance of conflict with others. This is not the ‘walking away from a fight' type of avoidance, but the ‘whatever you want, I’m sorry’ type that has us agreeing and possibly even accepting blame in order to pacify others because we're afraid of speaking up for ourselves.
Seeing this card after the reversed four of swords makes sense. If you're mentally exhausted, the last thing you probably want to do right now is hash things out with someone you're not in agreement with. BUT avoiding conflict altogether is only delaying the inevitable. At some point you will have to confront whatever or whoever it is you're avoiding.
Take time to clear your mind and get control of your feelings before continuing the discussion, and resist the urge to just cave in order to please someone. Their happiness is not worth sacrificing your own.
Tarot deck: The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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Monday, September 6, 2021
Four of Swords (reversed)
We’ve been processing lots of information lately with all that’s going on in the world, and a lot of us (myself included) have been left feeling depleted, scattered, and mentally exhausted. 
Try to take time for yourself today, and find ways to quiet the mind. Whether that means taking a break from the news, social media, or whatever it is that’s causing you anxiety at the moment, you need to do what’s right for you and realize it’s okay to take a break and rest. 
Trust me, everything will still be there when you get back. 
Tarot deck: The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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Daughter of Swords
Deck : The Wild Unknown Tarot
The daughter of Swords is very observant, often picking up on things that others don’t. Watching and listening, she is prone to curiosity and speaking her mind.
When we see court cards in a reading, it either points to an actual person in your life, or a quality to take on when dealing with a certain issue. With the Swords being a symbol of air: thoughts, beliefs, and ideas, this is an encouragement to watch and listen. There’s a lot to be learned from the world around you, but you must take care not to let that curiosity become intrusive. 
It’s also a good idea to pay attention to how you speak, and what you say. You don’t need to sugar coat things, but you should definitely avoid being overly blunt or rude - especially when defending your own ideas and beliefs.There will always be someone out there that feels the need to test you, but only you can control how you respond. 
If you believe this card is pointing to someone else/other people in your life, watch out for those who are always watching and listening, and either using their “observations” to spread gossip, or bait you into an argument. Don’t engage. Not taking the bait doesn’t mean you’re “letting them win.” It only means that you’re not choosing this battle. Again, how you handle things is entirely up to you.
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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Thursday, September 2, 2021
5 of Pentacles
On this card we see a wilted red rose with a falling petal, lines that look like rain in the background, and a half moon with five pentacles on the top of the card.
The five of Pentacles indicates that we may be experiencing a sense of loss or sadness in our lives. As symbols of the earth element, pentacles are often thought to symbolize wealth and material things, but those are certainly not the only meanings for this suit. Looking at the earth as a provider and sustainer of life, the pentacles can also include issues regarding health as well.
Experiencing loss, whether financial, material, or physical, can lead to feelings of lack and instability. It’s hard to feel grounded when it feels like the ground is being pulled out from under your feet.
The important thing to remember during hard times is that as disruptive as they can be, they’re only temporary. Eventually, the rain stops, new plants grow, and the moon shifts through its phases. Though it may be hard to see the way out now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Try your best to care for yourself in the meantime, find support where you can with friends and loved ones, and keep going.
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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Wednesday, September 1st, 2021
9 of cups
On this version of the 9 of cups from the Wild Unknown Tarot deck we see an assortment of horizontal lines in a red to blue gradient, and nine simple cups arranged into a “U’ shape with an image of the crescent moon in the middle.
With cups representing our emotions and the crescent moon symbolizing our intuition, the message I get from this card is that we need to listen to what our intuition is trying to tell us, especially during times of overwhelm and stress.
Too often we ignore what our bodies are trying to tell us and press on, thinking that if we just keep going things will sort themselves out. Obviously, this is not always the case. We overwork ourselves, we burn ourselves out, and in the end we’re left feeling emotionally and physically depleted. We don’t take time to give back to ourselves by doing the things that bring us joy and provide emotional fulfillment.
If this resonates, I invite you to take a moment today for a self “check in,” and listen to what your body and intuition are trying to tell you. Are you feeling stressed out or overwhelmed? What can you do to “refill” your cup and find joy?
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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Tuesday, August 31, 2021
King of Swords
If you read my post yesterday, you saw that The Hanged Man card was encouraging us to seek different perspectives to get “unstuck.” Today’s card, the King of Swords offers guidance - or a challenge, depending on how you see things! 
The King of Swords is about using logic and truth to seek clarity. He relies more on thoughts and ideas than on emotions. Seeing him after yesterday’s card indicates that maybe the different perspective we seek in our situation lies in changing the way we think. 
For a very creative person who relies more on intuition and emotion to see them through a problem, this can be a tough card to see when they’re feeling stuck. Having to completely switch gears and approach something in the opposite way they’re used to can definitely create some discomfort. 
This is when, if you can’t quite get there on your own, it’s wise to seek someone who can help. 
Apart from being a logical, intellectual person, the King of Swords is also an authority figure. Seeking someone who embodies the spirit of this card to offer a little guidance could be a great way to get the perspective you need.
Deck: Rider-Waite Tarot
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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The Hanged Man
This card shows us a person hanging upside down from a tree branch that closely resembles the wands suit, while maintaining an almost meditative pose. While they may be experiencing some discomfort hanging by one foot in that position, the halo around their head indicates enlightenment. 
If you’ve been feeling stuck somehow, this card suggests that maybe you need to look at your issue from a different perspective and find a new way to tackle things. Continuing to do things the same way you’ve always done won’t yield new results. What you need is to think creatively, and “outside of the box” for a solution. 
Depending on your situation, this may mean facing your fears or the unknown, or being open to putting yourself in an uncomfortable spot for the sake of experiencing a breakthrough. 
Spend some time in contemplation and see what comes up for you when you look at this card. Where in your life do you feel “stuck” or like you can’t quite find a way forward? How can you look at the world or your situation differently in order to change course? 
The answers may not come to you right away, but don’t give up! The end results will be worth it.
Deck: Rider-Waite Tarot
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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The World
Deck : Rider Waite Smith Tarot
We are a part of two worlds: the one within us, and the one around us. Today’s card, The World, acts as a bridge or portal between the two, and encourages us to share our inner peace and wisdom with the community.
The positive inner changes we make create ripples that reach out to the world around us. By going out into the world demonstrating love and compassion, and using the tools and strategies we’ve learned in our inner work to interact with those in the community, we bring some of that inner harmony we’ve cultivated to the outside.
This helps us create a world that’s more in line with the kindness and compassion we’ve strived for in ourselves. We inspire others who are ready to seek those inner changes for themselves, and we also get the opportunity to be inspired and learn from those who have been where we are now.
Though we may all be on different paths or levels of personal evolution, we still have plenty to offer each other by sharing our own unique gifts and qualities, and treating others with love and kindness.
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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🗡️Mother of Swords🗡️
(a.k.a. The Queen of Swords)
So many times we avoid speaking up because we're afraid of what someone else will think or how they'll feel. We sugarcoat things, keep quiet because we "don't want to be rude," or beat around the bush to avoid saying what's really on our mind. But sometimes, by sparing the feelings of others, we end up hurting ourselves because our own needs aren't being met.
The Queen of Swords reminds us that we are our own best advocates, and that unless we speak up and say what we want/need, nothing will change.
Tarot deck: The Wild Unknown
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
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The Sun
Happy Friday! Today’s reading is a little lighter and more uplifting than the previous days this week, and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a little sunshine - both literally and metaphorically. 
This Mercury Retrograde has put me through the wringer, and I know it’s been the same for a lot of you. But as painful as it’s been, I’ve experienced a lot of growth and it has been so worth it! 
Today’s card is the Sun, which is all about vibrancy, creativity, and all the other wonderful things that make you who you are. We’re coming out of a dark period, and I don’t just mean Mercury Retrograde. Even farther back than 2020, a lot of us have been experiencing a period of growth and transformation, slowly becoming better, more authentic versions of ourselves. Where in the past we may have had to hide our light from others and shape ourselves to fit a certain mold, we’re slowly starting to break free from that and live more authentically. (This is DEFINITELY true for me.) 
Whether or not people are accepting - and not everyone will be - we owe it to ourselves to be who we are, even if we’re only just now dipping our toes into being more open about it. So whoever you are, wherever you are in your journey, take a moment to celebrate just how far you’ve come and let your inner light shine. There is no one else out there like you, and you deserve to live authentically and embrace your individuality. 
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
The five of cups and the four of pentacles
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The horse on this week's key card, the five of cups, is so busy looking down at the dark emptiness below, that it doesn’t see the five full cups just above its head. Next to it, four pentacles are bound together to keep them from escaping.
Focusing on what we don’t have, rather than what’s right in front of us, can lead to feelings of lack and scarcity, which in turn lead to fear, possessiveness, and greed. The product shortages of this past year are prime examples of this behavior in action - remember what happened with the toilet paper? 
It’s understandable that we would want to protect everything we’ve worked hard for, and it’s only natural to want more, but fear based behaviors like this keep us from attracting the abundance and security we desire. If we’re constantly thinking about everything we don’t have and comparing our life to someone else’s, then any good things we do manage to attract won’t feel like enough. 
Today’s cards invite us to shift our perspective from fear to faith, and to practice gratitude. Being thankful for what we have and approaching life with an open mind and hope for the future will put us in a better frame of mind to not only manage our finances well, but to continue to attract abundance and blessings. 
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
The Devil and the Five of Cups
Periods of stress and emotional turmoil can cause us to seek comfort in unhealthy ways and avoid dealing with the issues we face. These bad habits and addictive behaviors only provide temporary relief, however, and no real resolution.
The Devil card with the Five of Cups warns us to look at where we're using negative coping skills to avoid dealing with our problems, and to try and find constructive ways to work through our feelings.
Left unchecked, these patterns of avoidance and addiction will only lead us down a path of self destruction.
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swtphoenix ¡ 3 years
Setting aside quality time for yourself, whether for meditation or hobbies, raises your vibration and soothes your soul.
This is the Hermit card energy I connected with in yesterday's tarot reading.
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