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“If it’s still in your mind, it is still in your heart.”
— Paulo Coelho
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Your soul knows. It will literally tell you when it's time to start a new chapter of your life. Trust it.
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Travel and tell no one. Live a true love story and tell no one. Live happily and tell no one. People ruin beautiful things.
Khalil Gibran
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“You know you are doing well when you lose the interest of looking back.”
— Unknown
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“Sometimes I forget that unsaid sentences do not mean unfelt emotions.”
— Tyler Knott Gregson
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🌞T H E   K I S S🌛 OC repaint of Gustave Klimt’s 1908 The Kiss  Thought it would be cute since Trish works in an art gallery and has been introducing Olly to Fine Art
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Zodiac by FDASuarez
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It’s MerMay again ^_^
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The Kind of Magic Each Zodiac Sign Carries🧚🏻‍♀️ Pt.2
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
A Star was receiving punishment for horrendous crimes across the known Universe. The Star had disturbed the law and order of the Cosmos, so the sentence was for it to experience total Chaos for its repentance. It was decided the Star would test out different levels of consciousness to study duality and separation. A planet now torn apart by wars for its operation of Freewill was chosen as the Star's learning ground.
The Star, then, had to go through 12 cycles of birth and death on Gaia. Each time the Star was incarnate in a new form, it would take on a new name whilst retaining knowledge and memories from its previous incarnations. This is the birth, lives, and death of a Star through the zodiacal wheel.
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Here is a tiny myth (fictional tho) for new and old astrology students alike. This is meant to help you get familiar with the basic nature (or personality?) of each zodiac sign in a manner that allows you to see the more magical aspect of it—in both good and not-so-good ways.
Magic is impartial. There's creation magic and there's destruction magic. Rely on your own innate wisdom in regards to how you see creation and destruction as a positive or negative force.
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Ionno what was possessing me when I wrote Part 1. It was written almost half a year ago LMAO Reading it now, the whole writing is somewhat chaos. Do forgive me if you can😶It’s still a pretty wholesome post if you’re passionate about Astro hahah
⚖️Libra Magic
The Star returns to Gaia in its seventh incarnation. For the first time, the Star feels like an adult—like it's learnt enough and thus, wiser. Being on the opposite end of Aries, Libra now looks at its own first incarnation and ponders a lot the nature of being Human. What does it mean to be Human in a world that constantly bathes in misunderstandings and conflicts? Surely everybody has their own reasons behind their differing worldviews. The Star is no longer a child, but also not mature enough to understand all of the world with its intricacies. Libra thinks it best to try to balance itself in the way it thinks, perceives and judges the world. Libra thinks it best to always be fair with everybody. But in doing so, in prioritising that, sometimes Libra forgets it needs to be fair with itself—that it also needs to be prioritised and paid careful attention to.
Libra magic of creation - Priestess of Opulence
-This card is like the purplest in the whole deck like oh ma gosh if that ain’t the colour of Libra.-
Good cheer is in the blood of a Libra individual. Not only is Libra capable of creating magic everywhere it goes, but by its sheer presence Libra is a delight to others; this is because Libra casts beauty on whatever it touches. And just like that, Libra often serves as a source of inspiration for those around it. There’s beauty, but there’s also ambition and petty jealousy. Libra holds ambitchious power which it doesn’t speak of very often but others can see it via natural charisma. Oh, and… have you seen a Libra individual who isn’t destined for riches? They’re a rarity instead. Libra has this inner knowing that they can be and achieve whatever they want. The ambition is there. The only other challenge is whether or not Libra will allow itself to be bitchy enough to have its way in the world🚬😎
Libra magic of destruction - 9 of Cups Rx
Trying too hard to be rational, Libra can often forego daydreams. What this causes to a Libra individual is a sense of bitterness. An underdeveloped Libra consciousness that has become bitter can be spiteful. And if you think this spells disaster for those around it, WRONG. A spiteful Libra bitch is a disaster to itself. Robbing itself of the little pleasures of life by being so preoccupied with low self-esteem, a toxic Libra individual pours poison to its own pool of mental clarity. It’s not like such an individual becomes toxic to others, but they just appear to be annoying in the eye of others. And being seen unfavourably by others only adds to a Libra’s sense of disorientation!
Point of self-actualisation - Silver Physician (John Dee)
Spiritual health gives maintenance to mental health, and the latter gives sustenance to physical health. This is literally what this oracle is all about. And so for the Star to thrive in this human world as a Libra, it would need to learn to balance all of those areas. It may sound like a tall order written on paper, but the Libra consciousness would be happy to know it’s been able to maintain order in such a fashion. Libra is symbolised by a scale (the only symbol that’s actually an inanimate object) and thus, carries both the consciousnesses of Virgo and Scorpio. In its previous incarnation as Virgo the Star was learning about being of service to others via self-sacrifice; meanwhile its next incarnation as Scorpio already causes the Libra Star to have anxieties about power and selfishness. The Star’s point of self-actualisation as a Libra then, becomes very confusing as only itself can decide what’s become its achievement whilst being incarnate as a diplomat consciousness. The key though, will always be balance.
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🦂Scorpio Magic
The Star now enters its eighth incarnation on Gaia as Scorpio. Having dealt with a sense of disorientation when it comes to its own identity for so long (from Aries all the way to Libra), the Star now seeks to solidify its own persona in the world. A persona may be a shadowplay but Scorpio is only at the beginning stages of creating an identity. A solid one at that. But the more important thing is that when a Scorpio presents itself outwardly, everything it chooses to express is by its own personal decree. Scorpio thinks what it wants to think and does as it pleases. And if it could influence someone else to taste a similar flavour of freedom, it would be happy. But Scorpio isn’t particularly concerned with such a thing because Scorpio lives for itself. Selfish as that may be, Scorpio is only trying to not be absorbed by its environment. So Scorpio keeps a lot of its real identity under wraps so nobody gets access to manipulate it.
Scorpio magic of creation - Priestess of Prosperity
There is no Scorpio who isn’t smart. The Scorpio intuition is piercing and intellect penetrative. Being a Water sign, its spirituality also plays a big role in determining a Scorpio individual’s type of eerie logic. When a Scorpio individual decides to not care what others think, they can only become more and more abundant in Life. A liberated Scorpio who has a good grasp on reality is quite literally the world’s greatest master manifesters. Well, as long as Scorpio lives for its own peaceful happiness tho, which may not always be so easy because Scorpio sorta feels what others think or say. On the outside I’m skrt skrt; on the inside I’m hurt hurt. A Scorpio individual who has been hurt a lot in Life will carry this magic of creation that’s fueled by vengeance. Vengeance on their lame past motivates Scorpio to achieve greatness and respect in the world, but whatever happens to their wounded spirit? Who knows. It’s Scorpio.
Scorpio magic of destruction - VI The Lovers Rx
Scorpio is obsessive, controlling and manipulative. They want to know and own all of you, but they guard themselves up that you don’t even know who they are. You can’t own Scorpio, but you belong to them if they’re obsessed enough with you. On top of such selfish logic, though Scorpio is usually calm and charismatic, it has no fear of doing the criminal things to do for punishment. Obsession is just one of Scorpio’s most conflicting traits—whether it’s used for good or bad depends on context. But Scorpio’s obsessive behaviours that have turned unhealthy could be its greatest downfall. Being on the opposite end of Taurus, Scorpio has that undercurrent of stubbornness to let go of what’s really not good for itself. Scorpio isn’t keen on letting go of what it considers its possession. It may not even be keen on changing the way it perceives things. Still, Scorpio is an old soul who has matured a lot, so unlike the stupid Taurus, Scorpio does learn eventually. And, rather quickly too.
Point of self-actualisation - Green Physician (Paracelsus)
-I honestly almost had nothing trying to derive any energetic information here. Such is the depth, and darkness, of Scorpio.-
For the sake of simplicity, let it be said that Scorpio’s point of self-actualisation is health and balance. This is because Scorpio can deal a lot with a sense of paralysis from its own obsessions. Different from Virgo’s analysis-paralysis, Scorpio’s paralysis is on the spiritual level. When Scorpio doesn’t understand itself, it ponders and ruminates to no end the meaning of good vs bad. Has it been a good incarnation or has it been a terrible incarnation? Is it good to have been so bad in society one gets feared? Or is it bad to have been so good that one gets underestimated by society? And on and on and on the answer everlastingly elusive. The Star would be successful in its incarnation as a Scorpio—its Soul would be satisfied—when it reaches its own peaceful conclusion. Not perfect, not good, not right; just what’s peaceful for itself. And that is the kind of thing that requires a lifetime of learning to make peace with its own dark, convoluted logic.
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🎠Sagittarius Magic
Moving forwards in the zodiacal wheel, the Star enters its ninth incarnation and begins to let go of the notion of being just human. The Star is right in the middle of phase two of its lessons on Gaia. The Star ponders a lot the meaning of being Human based on what it’s learnt so far about the Human world and its societies, cultures, dogmas and dramas. It’s clear enough Gaia is a messy place, but then, what must one do to ameliorate all of the reasons Gaia is a messed up place? The more the Star focuses on resolving Human conflicts, the more aware it becomes of all things that are ugly about Humans. And the more the Star allows itself to notice only the ugly parts, the more it comes into conflict with everyone else. And so the Star itself becomes a contributing factor in the conflicts and dramas of the Human realm. The more the Star tries to become higher than Humans, the more human it becomes, strangely enough🤷🏻‍♀️
Sagittarius magic of creation - Priestess of Inspiration
Being so big-brained and courageous—to a point of being petty, savage, and even plainly insufferable—Sagittarius is the world’s best inspirational character. Whether as a teacher, celebrity, or whatever. When Sagittarius consciousness is kind, mature, and compassionate, the individual could become so well-liked for their courage and respected for their savage. The key to achieving this wonderful point of self-creation is only one: heart. A Sagittarius incarnation can be said successful only when an individual uses their high-strung temperament for the purpose of ameliorating other people’s cowardice.
Sagittarius magic of destruction - King of Wands Rx
-I swear I shuffled the fuck outta these cards!!🤣-
Sagittarius’s most annoying trait is this: using its unique way of thinking and sheer fiery passion to act holier than thou. This attitude, coupled with a lack of actually proper study, gives rise to Sagittarius’s famed insufferably high-conflict personality. Must you always fight everyone who thinks differently than you? Must you always endeavour to fix another’s mindset/priority that doesn’t resemble your own? Must you always slip into that teacher role to straighten up other people’s conduct? Must you really take up all of these burdens on your shoulders and burn bridges with those you could have a friendly union with? Dunno. Sagittarius only cares what it wants to care. And others don’t get to change that. And, really, with that aggressive sense of social justice, who are you trying to protect, really, when you’re not even that social?
Point of self-actualisation - Red Astrologer (William Lilly)
With its keen intelligence, Sagittarius is the type of consciousness that sees all of the world’s problems. And it wants to fix them. And even if the Star could have a difficult time expressing this vulnerably and honestly, it does care a lot about other people. The Star cares so much about the Human world it can’t stand idly by watching the world burn itself. It’s just… Sagittarius’s method is often broken. The Star would be satisfied with itself if it accepts that being conflicty itself doesn’t resolve anything in the world. That it must spend its energy wisely into extensive study instead. That the pursuit of studying itself, also, is not about proving anything to anyone. That study is used to contribute something better than what’s already existing. This, is precisely the Star’s biggest lesson being incarnate as Sagittarius. Maybe because Gemini sits opposite to it and the Star still feels bitter about how its Gemini incarnation was so much all about people pleasing, and now it wants to exert power over everyone else instead. The Star wants to be seen as strong, opinionated and capable. At the end of the day, the Star just wants to be useful to its society. After all, there aren’t that many chances left to come to Gaia to fix all of the Planet’s problems.
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🐐Capricorn Magic
The Star is now at its tenth incarnation on Gaia. The last of the Earth element. By this point, the Star has reached maturity and come to understand a lot more about the intricacies of society vs self. Being Earthy, Capricorn possesses strong, determined, unshakeable qualities reminiscent of Virgo and Taurus. Capricorn perceives itself to be incredibly strong and thus, wishes to be a pillar for those it cares about. Sitting on the opposite end of motherly Cancer, Capricorn also expresses a similar self-sacrificing tendency through hard work. The Star believes at this point, that in order to be happy and fulfilled one must work really hard in accordance with the rules and laws of society. Capricorn plays smart by being not in direct opposition to structure, custom and law. But that workaholic-ism and blind obsession with glory may have caused the Star to forget the true meaning of enjoyment whilst being on Gaia…
Capricorn magic of creation - Priestess of Divination
Capricorn probably doesn’t get enough recognition for its protective tendencies. Listen, being ruled by Saturn, Capricorn consciousness often involves tons of restrictions and a feeling of being repressed, suppressed, walked all over—until the individual finds their own strength purely from within. With this raw transformative power Capricorn becomes strong and seeks to protect others from harm and malice. This is why Capricorn individuals are known to be workaholics. They know money is the ultimate tool for protection as they seek to shelter and provide for others. Capricorn consciousness, when developed properly, is the Earth’s ultimate protector—the Divine Father.
Capricorn magic of destruction - 7 of Wands Rx
With an inability to delegate or share its burdens, Capricorn destroys its own capacity for compassion through a martyr mindset. Yo, I’m the only one sacrificing myself to this degree and you’re still complaining?! How about some gratitude?! That’s toxic because in this way Capricorn doesn’t acknowledge another’s need for its attention, affection, beyond material possession. When this continues tho, Capricorn feels underappreciated for all its efforts and retreats deeper into isolation (sulking) because it doesn’t know how to convey its love. And just like that, Capricorn continues dwindling the drain of loneliness.
Point of self-actualisation - Red Magus (Edward Kelly)
In this card, Kelly looks into a scrying mirror made out of black obsidian. This is a crystal best known for its protective properties. But the question the Star must ponder is this: in trying to protect and shelter those it cares about, what is it sacrificing? If the Star’s aggressive protection becomes someone else’s prison, it’s pointless. The Star would end up regretting this a lot at the end of its incarnation. Self-reflection and a courage to admit the importance of human relations on an emotional level are the only things that can salvage the Star in its incarnation as Capricorn. Being cowardly doesn’t suit Capricorn.
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🏺Aquarius Magic
In a manner of speaking, Aquarius is the Star’s oldest incarnation as anything remotely Human. Being the last Air element, Aquarius is the height of Human intelligence. The Star is devoted to the amelioration of Human suffering as it dedicates itself to pioneering inventions and setting higher bars for new ways of doing as well as perceiving things. Aquarius wants legacy, but more than that, it wants to see a brand new world. For these reasons, Aquarius may become so preoccupied with being different and causing a disturbance in society. Well, that’s probably just a risk any pioneer must take. The convoluted nature of Aquarius’s way of thinking is not something many can grasp and this could cause a sense of alienation from the rest Mankind, which Aquarius so desperately wants to save.
Aquarius magic of creation - Priestess of Contemplation
Of course, high-speed thought process. Not many people acknowledge just how spiritual Aquarius is. Being so close to the last in the zodiacal wheel, Aquarius is like a bridge between the Higher Realms and the Human world. This is why Aquarius individuals think differently and are capable of ingenious ideas. They get those electrifying ideas from somewhere else. And so, being given so much talent and having so much fervour for change, if Aquarius isn’t meant to be humanist and charitable with its latent transformative prowess—what then becomes the meaning of its existence?
Aquarius magic of destruction - Knight of Cups Rx
Hmm yeah…when infantile and underdeveloped, Aquarius individuals are the world’s greatest emotional manipulators. Is that something to be proud of? Dunno. Aquarius is crazy anyway. This inability to connect to anybody on an emotional level causes Aquarius to have very little regard or respect for human emotions. Such an individual could become cruel to a point of turning into a serial killer even. Of course, there is no Aquarius who doesn’t know how to charm another, so that only adds to the danger of having one such person around.
Point of self-actualisation - Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
Let it be known that the Star needs to focus on future events if it wishes to achieve satisfaction by the end of its incarnation. What this means, essentially, is that it would be wise for Aquarius to always carefully think about the consequences of its actions. Whether it is personal or professional; in private or public; Aquarius needs to think about its image. This isn’t mere image maintenance for no reason at all. Aquarius often doesn’t realise its own influence on others that cause others to want to look up to them. The Star may or may not like the attention—how others put burden and expectations on them—but it is what it is. And if the Star cares enough about leaving a positive legacy in the world, these are some of the important things to keep in mind.
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🎏Pisces Magic
The Star’s ultimate incarnation on Gaia. Is Pisces Human? Is it God? Is it a fairy? Or is it just energy? Dunno. Pisces is hard to pin down because it’s fishy. Symbolised by two fishes going in different directions whilst being tied at the tail, Pisces is schizophrenia and the world’s mania. It’s obsessive but hopeless because it’s lacking a backbone. It’s also ambitious but self-undoing due to a series of cowardly escapism. What the Star wishes to accomplish in its last incarnation is all-encompassing and this can cause it to lose balance all the time. Pulled in different directions; absorbed by all kinds of environment; manipulated by all kinds of hyenas Humans. Pisces desperately wants to be good but this ugly world ain’t letting it have it easy…
Pisces magic of creation - Priestess of Luxury
Yeah, this is literally saying: there’s nothing in this world you can’t have. I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it. Yup. With Pisces’s vast understanding of the ways of the Matrix world, it is the world’s Magician. If Pisces wants, it can manifest gold out of thin air. There is so much magic for creation and that is for helping the world. An accomplished Pisces who knows its own place in the world and all the ways and reasons it is different from the rest of the world possesses the power to make the world cower before its supreme Co-Creation prowess. The last standing challenge is only whether or not Pisces can allow itself to embrace such immense power.
Pisces magic of destruction - 6 of Pentacles Rx
When Pisces lives continuously in a cowardly manner, it quickly loses sight of its own manifestation power. It stops caring what power and manifestation mean because it is so immensely unhappy. Nothing in the world matters if Pisces is spiritually unsatisfied. Working is disappointing, socialising is disappointing, eating is disappointing, showering is disappointing, self-care is disappointing, making an effort is disappointing, loving and hating are disappointing, breathing itself is disappointing. There’s nothing left to share of itself because Pisces is just tired of Life…
Point of self-actualisation - Red Alchemist (John Dee)
-Okay, this is like the most fitting card that could appear for this part like OMG.-
The Star’s immense capacity for empathy is both a blessing to the world and a curse for itself. It requires a great deal of discipline for the Star to be able to protect itself from the negative consciousnesses of the Human Matrix. Problem is, protection is almost impossible given its empathy, so the next best thing for Pisces to do is constant distillation. To remove impurities from its system (energetic field) and maintain fresh, clean perspectives on the challenges of being Human. If the Star ignores this one key secret, it’ll only become a channel or medium for negative consciousnesses to manifest their destructive desires into this Matrix. That’s not very pretty. Given the last scores, it’ll be decided whether or not the Star has done well in serving its sentence for its past crimes. If the Star hasn’t learnt enough… who knows… it might have to be plunged into the whole cycle one more time~
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How a Scorpio REALLY Sees You
Now that it’s Scorpio season, it’s time for brutal honesty.
Aries – As a Twin
A love-hate dynamic. Not because we do not understand each other, but because we are way too similar. Same level of temper and ambition. After all, Aries is Cardinal Fire and Scorpio is Honorary Fire; and Aries’ father Mars is Scorpio’s ancient ruler. Between the two, there is intimidation. But at the end of the day, nobody comprehends Scorpio like you do.
Taurus – As an Ally
Great at marathons and other challenges of endurance, Taurus is an asset to Scorpio. We both have an inner sense of stability, long-term vision and the capacity for patience with a purpose. Of course both being Fixed signs, there may be clashes at times. But also because both are Fixed signs, our values deep down tend to align.
Gemini – As a Potential Enemy
Just because Scorpio likes or loves you does not mean Scorpio trusts you. Gemini at its core has the tendency for duplicity. A manipulative streak that may be calmed but never really killed. That is why Scorpio can greatly enjoy Gemini’s fun personality, while never forgetting that with them, falseness is always a possibility.
Cancer – As a Cousin
You love some of your cousins. Others, you hate. Others yet, you have absolutely no feelings for. Scorpio and Cancer are similar but not alike. Both being Water signs, our level of sensitivity and capability for strong emotion should be comparable. But Cancer’s passive-aggressive tendency is something that makes forthright Scorpio reject their company.
Leo – As the Potential Soulmate
At their best, Fixed signs Scorpio and Leo are the most loyal of the twelve. They also tend to have the greatest sense of self love — something deeper and more meaningful than ego. And so when you combine two people who truly love themselves and who are also capable of pure faithfulness to somebody else, then what you have is a connection that will last for ages.
Virgo – As a Best Friend
There is simply no friction between Virgo and Scorpio. Earth and Water will always create harmony together. And even though Virgo’s intensity is practical while Scorpio’s intensity is emotional, at the end of the day, intensity is still intensity. That is something we recognize and admire in one another. Because of mutual respect, we give way to each other’s peculiarities.
Libra – As an Acquaintance
It is not impossible, but it is difficult, for Scorpio to forge a profound and lasting connection with Libra. Because Scorpio is deep water, and Libra is carefree air. The former craves stability that the latter seems too breezy to offer. Scorpio needs more than what Libra can usually give, and Libra tends to be afraid of Scorpio’s depth. So we just smile at each other from afar.
Scorpio – As a Potential Rival
Chameleons, we can wear any face we want for the day. That is why, of each other, we are wary. Dealing with another Scorpio feels like having a gun pointed at you, while also pointing your gun at that person. Either could go off at any minute. Both people will have strong opinions and even stronger personalities. When not kept in check, explosion is an inevitability.
Sagittarius – As a Younger Sibling
Scorpio sees Sagittarius as a cooler kind of fire. We share Aries’ temperament and Leo’s self esteem. But somehow, we do not have a lot of common ground with Sagittarius. They are, to us, a safer, more transparent version of Gemini. Fun and sociable. But never quite capable of understanding us the way their Fire siblings can.
Capricorn – As a Peer
Scorpio has deep respect for Capricorn. Because this Earth sign knows the true meaning of hard work, commitment and never taking any shortcuts. Even more, Capricorn can just be as ruthless as Scorpio when it comes to things they truly believe in. And that is something that Scorpio acknowledges and very much appreciates.
Aquarius – As a Wildcard
We love some. We hate some. And even those whom we love, we hate sometimes. Aquarius is Fixed Air. But the “Fixed” seems to be less pronounced than the “Air”. We appreciate their innovative mind and fearlessness of being different, but we see in them a tendency for frivolousness that we find unattractive, even repulsive.
Pisces – As a Child
Water at its calmest, Pisces is very sweet and soft-spoken. Scorpio enjoys this submissiveness. We do not see it as a weakness, but rather, something endearing that needs to be protected. Moreover, romanticism, creativity and mysticism are abilities these signs share very strongly. There is between the two a deep kind of affinity.
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Scorpio, the Darkest Depth
Many people believe that Scorpio is the essence of ice. Another misunderstanding of the unfathomable depths that is Scorpio. True, ice can be a common characteristic of the Scorpionic nature, yet the same can be said for the other two Water Signs as well. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces can all share this "ice form" and be completely withdrawn and frozen when threatened.
One would say Scorpio is ice because they are "fixed" water. This perspective is reasonable, for Scorpio naturally has a restrictive intensity...yet at deeper examination of the core, Scorpio is not frozen at all but highly tense with immense pressure. Still fluid, yet compressed, unlike ice that is completely solid. An example being a Scorpio can show the greatest destructive rage, yet stop in mid rage and show empathy and compassion.
No, Scorpio is not the ice, but the deepest part of the ocean. Going passed the Beach Waters of Cancer and deeper passed the vast expansiveness of the ocean that is Pisces, we drop lower to the pitch black layers of the ocean that is Scorpio. It is here that we will find the true nature and characteristics of the Scorpio essence.
It's a reason why Scorpio is known for the color "Black" and bringing "Darker" tones to the other colors. The bottom of the ocean, or the "Hadal Zone" is pitch Black, for the sunlight cannot reach these depths. Sounds kind of like the relationship between the Sun and Pluto, doesn't it? Pluto, being the original name of Hades, God of the Underworld. See where I'm getting?
It's Scorpio who is modernly ruled by Pluto. Hades, Hadal Zone, Underworld and the Bottom of the Ocean all leads us back to the Scorpio Archetype. It's within the Hadal Zone that you find great darkness, crushing power of intensity (fixedness), yet fluidity within this powerfully fixed state. Such intensity, yet still holding an abundance of mysterious life within it's waters. Understanding this feature of the ocean gives a glimpse of the true magic and mystery that is Scorpio.
-Lord Yaiwa
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