studysectionexam · 2 years
Abstract Factory in Python
Design patterns are used to make code more scalable and maintainable. There are different categories of design patterns depending upon the problem it solves. Using design patterns it is easy to add new features to existing code without interrupting it.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Service Layer in PHP
Service Layer is a list of service classes that are used to handle application logic. Service classes are distinguished from used from different front ends.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Bootstrap3 Datepicker is not working for Dynamically created elements
Let’s have a simple HTML code where Input is used and datepicker is used on an already existing element. Please include the required jquery and bootstrap3 files before loading the bootstrap datepicker library.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Lazy Loading in C#
Lazy Loading is a technique that delays the initialization of an object. This is a new feature of C# 4.0. The basic idea of lazy loading is to load objects or data only when they are needed. A lazy loading pattern is also called Object on Demand. In other words, initialization of the object happens only on demand.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Module Design Pattern
The Module Pattern is the most common design pattern used in JavaScript. It keeps the particular code block independent from the other components. It wraps a set of variables and functions together in a particular scope. Module patterns enable better maintainability since all the related code can be encapsulated inside a single scope. This functionality is in the form of modules, and since we can reuse them, we do not need to define them again.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Bridge Design Pattern
Design patterns provide solutions to the commonly occurring problems in the design of the software. The design pattern is like a blueprint that can be customized to target any particular problem of the code. Patterns are a toolkit of solutions to address common problems in software design. They provide the team with a common language to communicate efficiently.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Private Class Data – C#
It provides control on write access of class properties.
It separates the data from the methods where they need to be implemented.
Class data get encapsulated during initialization.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Unit Of Work Pattern in C#
Unit of Work Pattern in the most effective way to implement Repository pattern. So to implement Unit Of Work Pattern we must have knowledge about the Repository patterns.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Template Method design pattern in PHP
The template method behavioral design pattern is to define an algorithmic program as a skeleton of operations and leave the details to be implemented in subclasses. These steps can be abstract methods that don’t require implementation while declaration time. That’s why they will be implemented in subclasses. Subclasses will override only the steps defined in the base class without changing the overall algorithm’s structure.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Strategy pattern in Salesforce Apex
In the Strategy pattern, we implement multiple solutions for the same problem and solutions can be selected at run time depending on the condition. In Apex, we can use custom metadata or custom settings to define these conditions.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Explain this pattern with example in PHP – Server Session State
A session is a way to continue information across different web pages to recognize users as they traverse a site or app.
There was absolutely no way a server could remember a specific user between multiple requests, which is why we call the HTTP protocol a stateless protocol.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
What is Web 3.0?
In this article, we will discuss the evolution of the Internet from its Elementary Phase, where it’s going now and how it affects Us.
In the current time, we don’t think about our life without the Internet. We know how the internet Has evolved from Static Websites to Dynamic Social Media Websites.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Singleton Design Pattern
Design patterns provide solutions to the commonly occurring problems in the design of the software. The design pattern is like a blueprint that can be customized to target any particular problem of the code. Patterns are a toolkit of solutions to address common problems in software design. They provide the team with a common language to communicate efficiently.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Bridge Design Pattern
Design patterns provide solutions to the commonly occurring problems in the design of the software. The design pattern is like a blueprint that can be customized to target any particular problem of the code. Patterns are a toolkit of solutions to address common problems in software design. They provide the team with a common language to communicate efficiently.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
WebDriver Architecture Selenium
The requirement of WebDriver Architecture selenium is to understand the Web-UI automation using selenium WebDrive.For the depth of knowledge of selenium Webdrive, we have to understand the architecture first.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Foreign Key Mapping
Foreign Key Mapping is the process of establishing a link between two records. Suppose I have a User and I make a table called users that has some specific ID that should be a primary key.
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studysectionexam · 2 years
Webhooks are extensions of APIs. The data comes in a web request to your application. Webhooks may be the result of an earlier API call, this type of webhook is also called a “callback”, such as an ‘asynchronous’ request to the Number Insight API. Even webhooks are used to notify your application of events such as an incoming call or message.
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