streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Daily Reco Entry 3262: Friday, August 16, 2019, PM
Coming Home by Diddy and Dirty Money, featuring Skylar Grey
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. Her stupid boyfriend that she should not let touch her at the moment. Huffing at even at the thought of it. Rolling her eyes even as she buckled in trusting Ollie to get them home.
“Uh we work together? You’re a guitarist at a club?” Peri offered though she imagined that would confuse him but she just wanted her Dodger back.
And maybe a good shock to the system would help.
Guitarist at a club? 
He fucking wished. That would be the dream, wouldn’t it? To be in a band for a club or a bar - be the house entertainment? A solid gig, if anything. That was a goal though, not a reality. Even if the pretty girl seemed confused about that right now. 
“...sounds like a dream, babe.” Dodger huffed, looking over the blond with a carefree smile and a shrug. “...if thats your way of offerin’ me a job though, shit I’ll take it. I usually gotta prove I got talent first but if yous just willin’ to take my word for it, hey.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Shine Your Light || Dodger & Elliot
“The roof feels more of a dangerous place to be during tings like that but sure?” If Dodger thought he had the most control there then Elliot wasn’t going to fight someone that was gonna make sure that at the end of the day he got home safe and in one piece.
Ready to jump into another disaster to protect this town.
Still Dodger had ordered them a drink so he finished up that one. “You gotta say buy to your girl or anything?”
“Yeah...give me a minute ain’t.” Dodger said, waving the man off to slip off of his barstool so that he could slip into the back to sneak Peri a quick kiss and let her know that he’d be taking Elliot back to his place to let off some steam. He knew she’d understand, and well... he’d slip into her window sometime later if he could. 
As long as Elliot didn’t do anything dumb or need too much help after all this. 
Returning to the firefighter’s side, Dodger nudged his shoulder softly. “...Alright c’mon big guy. Supervised party favors await.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri let out a small huff but nodded. “I’m fine with you in the back with me. I’d warn you to keep your hands to yourself but I don’t really mind.” The sentence really came out before Peri even thought about it. It’s something she would say to her boyfriend without even thinking. Without considering that he didn’t remember her, and it made her sad all over.
Ollie was quick to reach out and ruffle her hair. While Dodger might not remember right now that didn’t mean that Peri wasn’t part of their little makeshift family.
Opening the door for them, he let them get in, wiggling his eyebrows at Dodger with a grin before he moved to the driver side.
Dodger’s brows couldn’t have raised any higher if he tried at that comment - a snort easily leaving him before he could even pretend to try and contain himself. He had to remind himself that she totally said that though! God if the kid wasn’t here, the way he’d already be trying to make plans for a whole different direction. 
As it was though - they were in the presence of a younger all but child and therefore Dodger had to do his best to keep it PG. Though he had to admit, the headache? Definitely helped kill any of the game he would have otherwise. Still, Dodger was trying not to let that bother him as he glanced across the backseat to the mysterious blonde with a smile. 
“........so... how do we’s know you again?” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Hey, hey, you, you. || Dodger & Oliver
Ollie reached out to kick at Dodger’s leg again gently. Ollie didn’t think he was being all that much of a hero but the fact he could help even a handful of people was something that he was excited to do. Even if it wasn’t through the system if he could help them get off the street he would.
If there was one thing his family had taught him it was to get around the rules so who was to say he wouldn’t do that in his job too.
“Eh I mean, I guess so. I don’t feel all that grown or what not. Still just figuring things out.”
“...Figurin’ things out don’t mean yous ain’t grown.” Dodger huffed, glancing over at Ollie when he kicked at his leg again, though he easily shifted to bump his back in retaliation before he shrugged. “Hell - look at Frankie. Guy’s ancient and he’s still figuring shit out - like how t’get himself on broadway.” 
An endeavor Dodger wasn’t sure the man would be successful at, but shit, he had to give Frankie the credit for his never-ending passion. 
“..Ain’t no one ever gonna have everything figured out but... yous got a few things...” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, memory or not she wasn’t about to let him forget that title at all. But she would continue to be stubborn and if she had to fight him, well he was going to remember why he loved her.
When was the last time Peri had told him she loved him. Would he really forget her and all those moments?
“Totally coming onto you mate.” Ollie fake whispered back completely enjoying this despite the huff on Peri’s face. “I she must have a major crush on you.” Ollie poked as they walked up to the car. “Where you wanna sit, front, or back with the cute blonde?”
Dodger furrowed his brows at the kid’s words, fondly rolling his eyes. He really needed to get him to stop taking after Rita’s accent. He wasn’t helping raise a proper brit. Absolutely not. Any comment regarding that was kept to himself though, instead raising a hand to the back of his head with another wince because Christ his head really did hurt. Ah well, he’d have shit to take care of that at home. So long as Fagin didn’t find out. 
“...back with blondie. For sure.” He responded instead with a wink, brushing his hand up through his hair before turning back to said blonde with an easy grin. “S’long as that’s alright with yous of course.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Shine Your Light || Dodger & Elliot
Elliot shrugged, that’s what it seemed like to him, then again Elliot usually wasn’t in this bad of a headspace around Dodger so it wasn’t like the man would have ever said no to him. He liked to party but he also had to consider his job. His ability to make sure he protected those that he could.
“Nothing too hard, I’m find with that. I just want something better than a cigarette or some drinks.” Drinks wore off too quickly and added up majorly.
“...alright.” Dodger spoke, though his tone was still a bit hesitant - and again, he found himself better understanding Tito’s hesitances in instances like this between them in the past. It made a lot more sense looking at it from this perspective, but he’d do the same thing. Just make sure he was safe. 
“...but yous gonna come t’my place then. We’ll go on the roof. That way I can keep an eye on yous. Plus it’s quiet and.. - well you know. It’s nice out there might help clear that mind of yours.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Ollie couldn’t help the laughter that spilled out of him lips. “I’m sure she’s plenty charmed by you Dodge. I think also she might be a little too stubborn to listen to you as well.” Ollie looked over Dodger at the wince and offered a shrug to Peri, Unfortunately she was going to have to deal with anything Ollie said because there was no hiding anything from Dodger, not when it was Ollie.
“I lifted some keys so I can drive you guys back into town.” There was no way and previous version of Dodger was gonna handle Ollie owning a car well so they weren’t even going to go there.
Peri’s cheeks puffed up in a huff as she looked at the two boys. Dodger needed to go to the hospital, not just get back to the apartment. She would fight them if she had to.
“...not the worst problem in the world.” Dodger shrugged, because truly he could deal with a stubborn girl. He always won them over eventually. Plus this one was totally into him. He could tell, even if she was playing... coy? Hard to get? Confusing..? 
Something. But to be fair, everything about this was confusing so she kind of just fit right in, didn’t she? “..knew I taught yous a thing or two though.” Since hey, stealing was Dodger’s game and he was more than keen to teach the rules to Ollie. Even if... the kid was supposed to be way too fucking young to drive. Even though...again he looked a lot older. Bad drugs, he reminded himself. Had to stay away from those. 
“you know... it’s quite possible she tried t’set me up or some shit me.” Dodge faked whispered to Ollie, nodding over towards Peri as if she couldn’t see him. “...yous saw her earlier ain’t? Totally comin’ on to me.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri was quick to move with Dodger in case he fell as Ollie raised an eyebrow at the pair. “What the fuck happened to me? What the fuck happened to you?” Ollie questioned with a grin squatting down as he looked over Dodger and dropped his eyes to Peri.
“You okay?”
Peri nodded with a slight frown. “He doesn’t remember anything, like you guys were back in New York so I wanna get him to the hospital to get checked out.”
Ollie grimaced at the thought before nodding. “Thought you always landed on your feet Dodge.” Ollie stated offering his hand to his brother.
“Aye - watch your fuckin’ mouth.” Dodger chided lightly, if only because... well.. no matter how uh.. grown Ollie had apparently become in one day, he knew Rita would kick his ass if she caught the kid talking like that. She’d blame him immediately too and shit, it wasn’t even his fault! Most of the time. 
It wasn’t a thought that stuck too long in his mind though, instead immediately moving on to rolling his eyes at the woman’s suggestion of a hospital again. Not happening. Bunch of drama queens here. Slipping his hand into Ollie’s, Dodger’s brows furrowed lightly in confusion as he pulled himself up with a wince. It was... really hard to figure out exactly what was going on here. “...land on my head sometimes too...’parently. Ain’t a..a big deal. I’m good - promise. Don’t listen to the pretty lady - she’s just overwhelmed by m’charm.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri let out a sigh sitting back on his legs, something she probably shouldn’t do considering everything but she felt better being able to touch him even if it wasn’t probably right to do so.
As it was she wasn’t going to have to wait long considering she could hear Ollie’s car. “My name is Peri by the way. Sorry I didn’t say that earlier.“
It didn’t take long for Ollie to walk into the area looking up at the Ferris wheel and then at the couple with a raised eyebrow. It didn’t look like a 911 call but well considering Dodger, Who knew.
“You two okay?” Ollie called out walking toward them and it was only then Peri was willing to get off of Dodger’s lap and sigh a little in relief.
Still unsure of her motives, Dodger curled his hands lightly into fists - giving a soft sigh when it seemed like this wasn’t going to be the fun little adventure he thought it was. No matter though, he could still win her over, he was sure of it. For the meantime though, Dodge was content to pull his arms behind his head, resting on them gently (while trying to avoid that throbbing area on the back of his head) as he just watched Peri, as she told him, atop him. 
Pretty name. 
He was about to say that too when he heard someone else, his gaze turning to find the figure walking towards them - one that had him doing an immediate double take. After all, there was really no mistaking that baby face nor that terrible mish-mash of an accent but... it was a lot deeper than it should have been. The figure a lot taller. More muscular. Older. Like...proper adult old and not some punk kid on the street. 
“...bro..what the fuck happened to yous?” Dodger questioned, immediately sitting up now that the weight was off of his hips - trying to process exactly what was happening in front of him. God, the drugs must have been really bad. 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri stared momentarily at their position, blinking. This wasn’t all that shocking for them. They slept together a lot and Peri was comfortable with him. As he was comfortable with her. It was just hard to remember that he didn’t know any of that at the moment.
“I am not trying to hook up with you. I’m trying to make sure you don’t try to run away.” Peri knew she wouldn’t be able to stop him if he did so she wasn’t planning on moving right now. “I texted Ollie, he should be on his way.”
Dodger felt a disappointed huff leave his lips at her words, though his gaze still dropped between them because... truly an interesting position to pick for someone not trying to hook up right now but hey. Who was he to judge the ways of...this strange woman he’d woken up next to. 
“Ah... keeping me captive. I see. Really didn’t have to go through all this t’do that, think I woulda stayed right where I was anyways. Not like me t’walk out on a pretty lady.” Even an incredibly confusing one. Who either was like...a compulsive liar or very confused as well because... Oliver didn’t even have a phone?
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Shine Your Light || Dodger & Elliot
Elliot raised an eyebrow at Dodger because honestly wasn’t it? Elli wanted to have fun and either A. he could do that by getting drunk or B. He could manage that with something a little harder.
“Someone’s getting a little more responsible huh? I mean I can’t fault you for that.” But that didn’t mean that Elliot didn’t want it, he might just have to prove that he could handle it. “I think I’d be fine honestly.”
“...ain’t go that far.” Dodger scoffed, looking down at his shot. Though...maybe he was. Or maybe it was that he valued the health of his friends and his family more than his own. Like he would never want or allow Ollie to do half the shit he did - but it never stopped Dodger from doing it himself. 
So, Dodger wouldn’t think twice about a high in the wrong headspace, but for his friend? It was a little concerning. Had him a little worried but.. shit, at least he could be there for him if it was what he really wanted. “...I mean if it’s what yous really want... Nothing too hard though. It really ain’t good t’be messing with that shit when yous upset.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri rolled her eyes at her boyfriend moving so she straddled him quickly. He wasn’t going to start to move without her saying so. She had already turned on her location and sent a message to Ollie. Hopefully he would be here sooner than later.
“You’ve got insurance and I know you do because I pay for you benefits.” Even if it came out of her own pocket she wouldn’t care. “I will call your dads if I have to, to make sure you go so don’t even test me here.” Peri demanded. “Look I know this is confusing but trust me okay? You’re Dodger Jones. You’ve been in Swynlake for 6-7ish years. You’re a guitarist at a club and have some other gigs around. I know Tito and Ollie and Rita. I know your dads. Just let me get you to a hospital. Please.” Peri begged.
Honestly? Whatever the woman was saying didn’t exactly register right away in Dodger’s head - it was almost impossible to focus on that when she was busy straddling him. In the middle of this abandoned field, no less. Hot. A smirk crawled onto his lips as he let himself sink back onto the grass a bit, no longer in any sudden rush to sit up as his hands hovered easily over her thighs. 
Consent was important, kids. 
“uh-------what?” Dodger finally said when his brain decided to focus on the fact she’d been speaking instead of - well, never mind. “Dodger Jones, yeah that’s me uh-.. look, if you’re trying to hook up I am not going to stop you but yous really gotta stop with vibe killers like... hospital and dads. ‘Cause I’m getting some heavy mixed signals here you know?” Dodger finished with a vague gesture to her on top of him. 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Shine Your Light || Dodger & Elliot
Elliot let out a breath of a laugh and nodded, “If you’re willing man I’m not about to say no. If you have anything harder, honestly I don’t even care.” He didn’t have work and as long as he was in the clear for that, Elliot didn’t think it mattered what he did.
The sad thing was he wasn’t sure if he could call anyone to rescue him. Maybe Iz would. They weren’t on horrible terms. Gem he wouldn’t want to bother and same with Mads, he wouldn’t make him rescue him.
Dodger’s brow raised again and he felt his gaze slip back to Elliot with a bit of a frown. Of course he had something harder. He was... Dodger Jones. He was like a walking pharmacy for fun. He always carried a fair share of party favors of every sort. Hence the fact he always had to run extra fast when it came to avoiding the cops because... well the possession charges alone would be a little aggressive. 
That wasn’t the problem though. 
“...uh- I mean...yous know me. Just dunno if that’s the right attitude to have for that kind of fun.” Dodger said softly, nodding his thanks to the bartender as they placed the shots in front of them. “I mean I ain’t gonna say no but... probably wouldn’t recommend it.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri moved her hand to his head hoping that maybe she could be like an ice pack and help whatever growing headache he had. “You’re in Swynlake. Which is in the United Kingdom. You’re not in New York. Haven’t been for awhile.” Peri stated softly pulling out her phone texting Ollie quickly. If anything he would get them home.
“You fell off the Ferris Wheel and I’m worried now that smack has done a lot more damage then we thought. Which means you need to see a doctor.”
Dodger couldn’t help himself - he laughed. A good hearty laugh slipped from his lips after a mere moment pause after her words, even if it drew another pained hiss from his lips. It was just too funny though, wasn’t it? The United Kingdom? Why in the hell would he be out of the city let alone across the sea in a foreign country. 
“Rightttttttt, yeah I-.. don’t think so, love.” He joked, trying his best to tack that last word with an attempt at an english accent that didn’t really translate well with how thick his own accent already was. “Appreciate the concern n’all but - I think I’m fine babe. Plus - ain’t got no insurance and think the old man would be a little mad about the bill. Charge an arm n’a leg just to walk into the joint y’know.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Shine Your Light || Dodger & Elliot
As much as Elliot liked Dodger, he could always respect found family and doing anything for those that you loved that didn’t mean it opened Elliot to him. Not in the way that his brothers knew him.
What wasn’t the norm, just wasn’t the norm because Elliot didn’t show it.
“Just family stuff, You can probably imagine things are just tough.” Elliot stated simply. “Rather you know just forget about it.”
Dodger frowned with a small nod, because... yeah he could imagine. He wasn’t sure what he would do if Oliver or Tito went missing. Hell if anyone in their family up and disappeared (unless it was Roscoe or DeSoto, of course). He’d been away from his family for a few years until they came here and that alone was hard enough. Not knowing what was going on at home. Not being there the whole time. Not getting to see them. 
So.. he couldn’t actually imagine exactly how Elliot was feeling with one of his brothers missing but.. Dodger knew it wasn’t good. So he nodded softly, giving the man’s shoulder another tighter squeeze before he slipped his hand off of him to give him some space. “Right. Can do that too.” He agreed easily, even if worry still dotted his expression. “..Guess that means a few shots are on me then.” 
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streetsavoir-faire · 2 years
Stupid In Love | Dori {Trope Extravaganza}
Peri sat down on her bum at that revelation. He didn’t know who she was? That was even worse. His dads were really going to kill her. How much brain damage could he have?
“Okay - Okay.” Peri stated pulling her hands back and holding it up like she wasn’t a threat. “Uh.” Was telling him that Ollie was 21 a bigger shock than the fact he was dating her? 
“Dodger can you tell me what you remember? Where you are? Cause I think this is worse than I thought.”
What did he remember? What was this, twenty questions? 
“...Shit I dunno.” He shrugged lightly, trying to push himself up to a sit as he rubbed at the back of his head with a wince. “...have t’imagine I uh--... I dunno. Probably doin’ some dumb shit with T, ain’t? Probably havin’ too much of a good time with this headache, ain’t.” Tito must’ve gotten them the cheap shit. That would make a lot more sense. 
“...m’gonna be honest though I ain’t gotta damn clue where we’s at. Don’t even look like Central n-... well shit I dunno most places ‘round the city with this clean’a air.” 
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