spezialistin · 9 months
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I cry for you Don't you understand you must not die!
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spezialistin · 9 months
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Ah, the power of women. 
                       One need hardly say more.
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spezialistin · 10 months
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Ah, the power of women. 
                       One need hardly say more.
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spezialistin · 10 months
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Ah, the power of women. 
                       One need hardly say more.
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spezialistin · 10 months
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Ah, the power of women. 
                       One need hardly say more.
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spezialistin · 11 months
OOC: If you’re a bsd blog, I probably followed you because I will be having a higuchi blog, it will be at @kokyuchusei
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spezialistin · 1 year
what tarot card are you?
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The World
Power is a heady thing. Do you have what it takes to control it? You thought you did, for a long time as you gained more and more. Power only begets more power, after all. Mind your breaking point, mind your load, mind how high you’ve climbed up the ladder; it’s against regulation to stand on the top rung. You could get hurt up there. You could fall. I’m not sure that I could catch you, so high above the rest of us. Don’t look down. Mind the ceiling fan.
tagged by: @naitfall​ tagging: you
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spezialistin · 1 year
If you were a Deity, What would you be God of?
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The Revenant
At some point in recent years, you suffered what felt to you like a 'death', whether creative, social, emotional, spiritual or even literal, and you've been reborn. This reincarnation didn't come easy, and you're not entirely the person you were, but you sloughed yourself out of your figurative grave with the kind of vigour only a phoenix could have. When you sleep, you dream strange and vivid dreams, and your gaze now holds a certain intensity. When something takes your attention, it doesn't let go. Your kindness is endless, as is your love for vast things like the sea, the sky and the stars. You have a certain unshakable fixation with religion or higher powers, and the prospect of death doesn't scare you. In fact, you feel less fear than you should, and you've never felt more alive than you do now. As a deity, you're the god of life and death, of moving on, of growth and of courage.
tagged by: @fallesto​
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spezialistin · 1 year
what's your role in a found family dynamic?
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the hermit who helps
at first, you were a resource for the established characters to turn to, but you quickly began to steal the show due to your personality, your usefulness, or your inherently interesting perspective on life. you were pretty much already able to provide for yourself, but the next thing you know, these people are growing on you. instead of asking favors, it becomes an invitation to socialize. you find yourself sticking around for no apparent reason other than you like it here. the people are fun to watch, if nothing else, but ultimately they're just--oh no. oh no, you care about them. you always thought you stayed away from this "relationship" stuff for a reason. it gets messy and isn't worth it unless it really works. for some reason, this group really works. these weirdos are now your weirdos, and if anything happens to them, there will be hell to pay. you were basically already looking after them before this, after all. welcome to the family, hermit.
tagged by: @fallesto​
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spezialistin · 1 year
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spezialistin · 1 year
How do you love?
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with softness, smiles and secret glances
you love with a tide of emotions curtained by vague hand gestures and almost hidden intricate details. you love as if it is the only thing you were born to do. you love as if you are set in a jane austen novel. your love is finding their eyes across the room and smiling a smile that speaks more than any words you utter ever could. your love is fingertips brushing against each other. your love is greeting everyone with hugs. you love greatly. you love gently.
tagged by: @fallesto​ tagging: you
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spezialistin · 1 year
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You planned well you know how to hide evidence.
tagged by: @fallesto​ tagging: you
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spezialistin · 1 year
where does your power lie?
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the mouth
sharp teeth, sharper tongue, all growl and bark and bite, bite, bite. your power is gritted teeth and set jaws, quick and powerful words, decisive actions. everything you do is so personal and vulnerable - the way you love, the way you are loved, the way you attack, the way you drink in and feast on life.
tagged by: @fallesto​ tagging: you you
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spezialistin · 1 year
what does your heart look like?
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iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
tagged by: @fallesto​ tagging: you
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spezialistin · 1 year
What Monster from Folklore Protects you?
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"Far, far away something made a single ghostly howl, like a banshee in the dark." -Lucy Christopher
The banshee, is a creature from Irish Folklore. Though not inherently malevolent, it is said to be a dark omen. The ghostly cries of a weeping woman drift in the air, warning any unfortunate soul who hears of impending death. Following her like the train of a morbidly beautiful wedding dress, a thick fog envelops her skin as she croons a sorrowful, haunting song which is filled with concern and love for her family. This song can be heard a few days before the death of a family member and in most cases the song can only be heard by the person for whom it is intended. Some even go to argue that it is the banshee's unwitting song which kills the person.
You care very strongly about your family and friends. Your loyalty towards those whom you care for is unconditional. You are an excellent and reliable friend, trustworthy enough to bear even the darkest of secrets. Secrets which you would gladly carry to the grave unless of course, they harm your loved ones. You will fight tooth and nail to protect the ones you care for, restraint left abandoned. The banshee admires your reslience and passion. It desires to aid you in protecting those you love and to help you navigate a harsh reality just be warned and keep a close eye on the people you love,
Your undying loyalty may just become their undoing...
tagged by: @fallesto​ tagging: go ahead and do it u.u
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spezialistin · 1 year
what creature lies in your soul?
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you are a powerful force, not afraid to defend what is your through fire and blood. those around you would be wise to respect the power you wield.
tagged by: @fallesto​ tagging: you
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spezialistin · 1 year
how do you need to be touched?
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your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
tagged by: @fallesto​ tagging: you
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