sokkatoaang · 3 years
Katara: Aang. He just took his glider and disappeared. He has this ridiculous notion that he has to save the world alone. That it's all his responsibility.
Hakoda: Maybe that's his way of being brave.
Katara: It's not brave. It's selfish and stupid. We could be helping him. And I know the world needs him, but doesn't he know how much that we need him too? How could he just leave us behind?
Hakoda: You're talking about me too, aren't you?
Katara:  How could you leave us, Dad? I mean, I know we had Gran Gran, and she loved us, but...but we were just so lost without you.
Hakoda: I am so sorry, Katara.
Katara: I understand why you left. I really do, and I know that you had to go, so why do I still feel this way? I was so sad and angry, and hurt.
Hakoda: I love you more than anything. You and your brother are my entire world. I thought about you every day I was gone, and every night when I went to sleep. I would lay awake missing you so much, it would ache.
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Sokka: The Universe just loves proving me wrong, doesn't it?
Toph: You make it so easy!
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Sokka: And the best part is, the eclipse isn't even our biggest advantage. We have a secret. You!
Aang: Me?
Sokka: Yep, the whole world thinks you're dead! Isn't that great?!
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Katara: You need to take it easy, o.k? You got hurt pretty bad. I like your hair.
Aang: I have hair?
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Mai: Aren't you cold?
Zuko: I've got a lot on my mind. It's been so long. Over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed. I wonder how I've changed.
Mai: I just asked if you were cold. I didn't ask for your whole life story.
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
I am the greatest earthbender in the world! Don't you two dunderheads ever forget it!
Toph, Avatar the Last Airbender
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Sokka: Thank goodness we're in time!
The Earth King: In time for what?
Ty Lee: Yeah, what are you in time for... cutie?
Sokka: Uh, I'm kinda involved with Suki.
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Azula: I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing. So you had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. But true power...the divine right to rule...is something you're born with. The fact is, they don't know which one of us is going to be sitting on that throne and which one is going to be bowing down. But I know. And you know. Well?
Long Feng: You've beaten me at my own game.
Azula: Don't flatter yourself. You were never even a player.
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Sokka: You don't know how much this means to me dad. I'll make you proud, and I'll finally prove to you what a great warrior I am.
Hakoda: Sokka, you don't have to prove anything to me. I'm already proud of you, and I've always known you were a great warrior.
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Aang: What? Why would I let go of Katara? I...I..I love her.
Guru Pathik: Learn to let her go, or you cannot let the pure cosmic energy flow in from the universe.
Aang: Why would I choose cosmic energy over Katara? How could it be a bad thing that I feel an attachment to her?
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Azula: The Earth King and The Council of Five do not trust the Dai Li. They imprisoned your leader, Long Feng. Soon they will turn on all of you, and eliminate you. Seizing power today is a matter of life and death. The coup must be swift and decisive. The Earth King, and each of the five generals, must be taken out simultaneously. Long Feng has placed you in me command while we overthrow the government. If I sense any disloyalty, any hesitation, any weakness at all, I will snuff it out. That is all. Ty Lee: Nice speech Azula. It was pretty and poetic, but also scary in a good way.
Mai: Yeah, I thought you were gonna make that one guy pee his pants.
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place.
Uncle Iroh, Avatar the Last Airbender
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
General How: General Fong's base will serve as the launching point of the attack. In exactly two months, the Army and Navy will invade the Fire Nation on The Day of Black Sun.
Katara: Or we could send in Momo to do some damage!
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Aang: Then we'll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko.
Sokka: Woah there. You lost me at, "Zuko".
Iroh: I know how you must feel about my nephew. But believe me when I tell you there is good inside him. 
Sokka: Good inside of him isn't enough. Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, okay?
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Aang: So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice. And great tea.
Iroh: The key to both is proper aging.
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Guru Pathik: You must gain balance within yourself before you can bring balance to the world. And the first step to gaining balance begins with this. Drink up!
Aang: Ugh! It tastes like onion and banana juice!
Guru Pathik: That's because it is. Yum yum!
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sokkatoaang · 3 years
Many times, I imagined myself here, at the threshold of the palace. But I always thought I would be here as a conqueror...instead, we are the Earth Kings personal guests, here to serve him tea. Destiny is a funny thing.
Uncle Iroh, Avatar the Last Airbender
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