simplicitydefined · 1 year
Specifically in interpersonal relationships rushing in with masculine energy to make something happen often only exacerbates the problem. Finding peace in your alone time, peace with putting your phone down, peace with your phone being dry, takes you to another level of control over your anxiety.
If you’re anxious that if you don’t take action you’ll lose them and be alone, healing your perspective on being alone is key.
I’ll admit, I used to go insane over not hearing from someone all day. I have stayed up all night crying absolutely certain that they met someone else, or I did something wrong. Only to find out that they had a understandably crazy day. Some even texted me but I missed it because I was so busy crying over it.
After a particularly embarrassing incident where I ended up in my coworkers office trying to hold back tears because a guy I liked hadn’t responded, only to go back to my desk and find texts waiting for me from hours before I got to work. I knew I had to shift this. It started with shadow work.
I was deathly afraid of being alone because I was an only child and I was basically alone until my junior year of high school. I spent 16 years of my life codependent on my mom. It made me desperate for a connection. Which landed me in several toxic relationships (including a codependent marriage) before I realized that it really was better to be alone than with someone who makes you feel crappy.
Then I decided to lean into my feminine energy. Which meant a willingness to be soft and vulnerable and in order to gain access to that side of me others have to pursue me. I no longer did things that caused me anxiety. I don’t text first. I don’t ask anyone out. Not even platonic friends. I make plans with myself first so I’m never waiting on someone. I do things that make me happy and make me look and feel better. Things that are truly for me.
I was so scared that if I did that and stopped driving my relationships I would be lonely. What’s crazy is not only did I fall in love with myself, but my phone filled up with people who are pursuing me. They see me enjoying my life and they want to be a part of it. I get calls every week now from different friends, or potential romantic partners asking me if I can spend time with them. Asking me what I want to do, trying to appeal to my desires. I still don’t text first, and I still make my own plans.
Sometimes I relapse, and get down if my phone is dryer than I want it to be. I just remind myself that I like spending time with me, and I’m loved. Then I take it as a sign to focus on myself and anything I’ve been avoiding. (Like the dishes or the gym😅)
It doesn’t happen overnight, and that’s okay. But it’s worth the freedom from fear of abandonment. I’m living and enjoying my life.
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simplicitydefined · 2 years
“But cha gotta have faith” – George Michael
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Let’s start with the important part. I know faith unfortunately has a religious connotation. Faith has nothing to do with a certain religion, that’s a misconception. Faith is the belief in the unseen. Unfortunately certain religions make the “unseen” a deity or something similar. While the desires that you’re manifesting are the true unseen thing.
I truly believe that a lot of the “secret“ was written in many of the holy books we use today but it is being misconstrued. I believe that we have always had the ability to manifest and people were trying to teach us about this centuries ago and we got so stuck on legalism that we missed out on the gems of knowledge in these texts.
I also believe that people in positions of power would not want this information to be easily deciphered by normal people. 😏 Imagine being the king of a land and knowing that any of the people that are working under them can gain their level of power if those people understood how manifestation worked. Of course you’re going to make the text confusing to gatekeep this information. You’re going to create language barriers and do everything you can to keep this knowledge to yourself and those you want in power.
When you look at the Bible and how it talks about faith you will find these verses:
📜Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 (check out that angel number too)
📜For we live by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7
📜He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20
📜Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.”
Matthew 21:21
📜“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
Mark 10:52
😬 I’ll be honest this is cherry picking the Bible because there are verses that also say things like this:
📜I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws.
Psalm 119:30
That doesn’t sound like the same definition of faith does it? 🤔Which made me think that faith and faithfulness are not really the same words. So I did a little research.
Pistis is “faith” in the original Greek in Hebrews 11:1. Now, Psalm is in the New Testament and that was written in Hebrew so I won’t have a direct language comparison. However Psalm 119:30 is actually “I have chosen the way of truth. Thy judgments have I laid before me.” The NIV translation adds faithfulness.
(I’ll also add for good measure that there is an argument in the reverse, but to be honest this is obviously a word used for two completely different meanings. If you’re an avid reader you’ll know this isn’t the only conflicting text in the book. So you can definitely go ham in the notes about me being blasphemous or spreading misinformation or you can test it for yourself.)
So it’s not the same word, faith and faithfulness are not interchangeable. In fact the word truth makes more sense. Faith doesn’t really make sense in this context.
So why would two words be used in such different ways be almost disguised as if they were the same thing? 🤔That leads me back to my theory that a lot of the things that were being taught in the Bible were purposely made confusing so that people could not understand the true power that they had access to. In fact if you thought about faith like the original definition that you’re getting in Hebrews 11:1 you would have the key to bringing your manifestations forth.🤯
But if you believe that all of your desires are controlled by a deity and are based on how good of a person you are that’s going to change how much you have access to. That’s going to immediately limit your power. When faith means just believing in things that are not seen.
When you’re manifesting you are believing that what you desire - although it isn’t seen in your 3-D - is yours now. And you move as such. So you are in fact walking by faith. That is the definition of “living in the end.”That is the definition of “feeling it real.” In layman‘s terms you’re acting like it’s yours no matter what anyone says or what anything looks like. That’s Faith.
Let’s talk about mustard seed faith. Essentially you don’t have to have a lot of faith to manifest your desires. All you have to do is have the willingness to test it. Or “taste and see.” Just a little bit of willingness to believe that something could be possible is going to start a domino effect of movement. Once you manifest that one cup of coffee you’re going to want to manifest something a little bit bigger next time. Suddenly you’re trying to manifest a mansion and a yacht because you now have the power to do so but it all started with the tiniest bit of faith. In my previous post I explain that you can manifest no matter what state you’re in and that’s because all you need is the slightest idea that this might work.
Also stepping away from just the term faith you have to consider that the Bible is full of scriptures that talk about manifesting. There are scriptures about writing and making your vision plain, that the Lord wants to prosper you, that the power of life and death resides in your tongue, etc. There is so much information about how to get your desires from having gratitude to being persistent.  so it makes perfect sense to me that faith would also be about manifesting not just about obeying the laws and making a vow to a deity. This book was created to teach you how to live your best life and there is no way with all this knowledge that they wouldn’t be teaching you about manifestation. There’s no way that there is a God with all this wisdom and grace and desire to prosper us who would not teach us how to manifest the desires of our heart. That’s just counter intuitive.  If I’m making a book with all of this wisdom that I want to pass on from generation to generation and I have discovered the power of manifestation and I can have everything I pray for as gifts like manna from heaven why wouldn’t it be in the book? The same book that’s teaching people who didn’t know how to properly prepare pork and other things like how not to get sick and how to find safe and clean drinking water would definitely include how to manifest your desires.  Seriously, the Bible is not all about not doing “bad” stuff there is so much information in those books that were specifically placed to make sure that those people who had been wandering alone for 40 years would be able to survive and reproduce and stay healthy. Many of these things we no longer need to follow because we can safely prepare lobster shrimp and pigs.  This was a manual for living your best life so you best believe how you get your best life is in those pages and unfortunately the people in power wanted to make sure that we would be too confused to truly understand these methods. Let me sit down before I go too far off topic, lol.
When the Bible talks about unwavering faith that’s about when negative thoughts come back and start to test what you’re trying to manifest and you stand strong in your beliefs. For example let’s say you’re manifesting an SP and you’re feeling really good about it but you text them and it takes them hours to respond. You may have this anxious feeling that they are talking to someone else or they’re not interested in you. Even though you’re affirming you may feel a waiver in your faith.
Unwavering faith is when something shows up in your 3-D that you don’t like but you do not allow it to take you off of course from what you’re manifesting. This is when you apply techniques such as revising. I’ve never been very good at revision because it feels too much like lying so I normally logic my way out of it or I just rebuke the thought.
For example if I haven’t heard from the person in hours I try to think what could I be doing for hours that would cause me not to respond? If it’s the middle of the night I fell asleep. If it is the middle of the afternoon I am driving somewhere. I could be in an argument with someone. I could be taking a nap. There are a multitude of things that I do on a daily basis that causes me not to respond in a timely manner that are absolutely normal. So I will decide that it’s illogical to think that it has to be the worst case scenario. And then I label it as anxious behavior and move on. This way I steady myself and I stop the wavering in my faith. I may also remind myself of previous manifestations that have come to pass so that I know that I can have my desire. 
Feel free to do what works best for you though. I have noticed that when I steady myself and I stay on the path instead of giving up and getting frustrated I always always always see movement. People often say that things get really bad right before your manifestation comes through. It gets the hardest to maintain that positive thought. Because this is when your subconscious is giving you all it has left. All the negativity that you have left is purging out. Like a pimple you have popped, it is time to finally clean it out. (That’s gross but true).
This is that last push where you finally say “fuck that I’m getting what I want!”
“ and for your faithfulness it’s your time…” - Luther Barnes
You know I’m referring to the real definition of faithfulness here.
It’s your time, go get your hearts desire!!!
That’s enough on that subject today. I hope this information about faith helps you with your manifestation and in the next post I’ll be talking about manifesting an SP and cracking open that can of worms. See you then!
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simplicitydefined · 2 years
I’ve been busy manifesting all year and I’m finally ready to talk about it. 😅 Let’s start with the basics:
Manifesting is not:
❌Subliminal messages
❌Vision boarding
❌Or anything else.
Manifesting is the act of receiving your desires. The rest are tools that prepare you to receive. Because they are tools you can choose which one works best for you and what you’re trying to bring forward. So when people tell you scripting is the only way, or something similar that’s incorrect. Scripting is the best way for them, you need to try different methods to find out what works best for you.
Similarly, different belief systems such as the Law of attraction, assumption, belief, equivalent exchange, emergence, etc work differently for different people. As well as different teachers resonate with each of us differently. There are hard core Joseph Murphy and Neville Goddard followers as well as Dylan James or Sammy Ingram. Spending time arguing over who is right is wasting time. I’m more focused on getting my desires then trying to convince you that Abraham Hicks is better than Louise Hay. If Louise helped you manifest then stick with her. Hell, if Bob Proctor or Les Brown did it, great! Just manifest, stop trying to turn this into organized religion. 😩 Believe, do, think, however works best for you. The goal is to get your desires.
For myself I’m into law of assumption, and I listen to a few different people including reading religious texts. I also find subliminals work best when I start working towards something. This is because I don’t have to actively do anything other than listen to music. I don’t have the resistance I do by writing something or speaking it outloud when I’m not in the belief/faith state.
Speaking of states these are the states I will mention frequently to describe where we are mentally.
0️⃣ 😶Level zero is Oblivious. You are just living and hoping some good things happen. You may be fearful of change, and pessimistic.
1️⃣ 😫Level one is Desperation. This is when you need this change. You’ve decided you no longer want to live this way and you need a change now. You are probably anxious and full of doubt here but you’re willing to try anything. You may use multiple methods constantly and can be very obsessive over your desire and how you can get it. You may also spiral often. You may manifest your desire and push it back out in a rapid cycle. (Coming into money and then you have an emergency expense, getting a new car and it breaks down, getting asked out on a date and getting ghosted right after…) It often feels like an emotional roller coaster of highs and lows as well as massive change.
📍if you’re in this state try not to get swept up in spending money to learn how to manifest. All the information you need is out there for free on almost every social media app. People prey on desperation and will give you the same free information for $399. So be safe out there!
2️⃣ 💆🏾‍♀️ Level two is Calm. You still really want something but you’re no longer hyper emotional about it. You’ve seen your desires come in, and you’re starting to believe this may work. You’re willing to listen and work on yourself as you find lack thoughts coming up. But you may still spiral from time to time, you just have the tools to bring yourself back to this calm place. You may lean on the tools heavily to help maintain your mindset.
3️⃣ 🤔Level three is faith (or belief). You still have lack thoughts or beliefs but you believe generally that everything is working out for your good. When those thoughts come up you easily rebuke them. You no longer feel obsessive over your desires. You may say “if I don’t get this I’ll get something better”. You’ll also feel more relaxed about using methods, and things like affirming aloud feel better.
4️⃣ 🧘🏾‍♀️Level four is knowing. The major shift is instead of saying “if I don’t get this…” you know that you will get that. There is no other choice, it’s already yours. You’ve seen countless things manifest, you have a good handle on your thoughts, and you only use tools when you need them.
📍You don’t just ascend to level 4 and stop. You probably will be in multiple states at once. You may be on level 4 in your love life, 2 in finances, 0 in career, and 1 in your appearance. You can also get to 4, get triggered by the 3D and spiral to level 1. You want to work on your triggers so you can stay in levels 3 and 4 or at least 2. This requires shadow/inner work.
📍You can and WILL manifest at ALL levels including 0. The state only gives a clue to how you will respond to receiving your desire and the ease of keeping it. You don’t have to do anything to receive your desires including shadow work.
📍The negative thoughts will always show up. It’s a natural protective response. Fear and anxiety are trying to protect you from hurt. Your job is to learn how to respond to them.
🚨I like to use the smoke detector analogy. If you’re burning bacon in the kitchen and the smoke detector goes off do you run outside and call 911? No, you open a window and maybe take the battery out of the detector. You know why it’s going off and you know you’re safe. But if it goes off at 3 am when everyone is asleep then you call 911 and evacuate the house.
The majority of the time it’s just “burnt bacon” 🥓 and you’re absolutely fine. So we need to learn to open the window, and turn off the alarm (ground/calm yourself) instead of calling 911 (giving up on our desires and spiraling)
// Side note: if you like me are diagnosed with anxiety (any form) you know this is a constant war. Make sure you’re using your tools that your doctor gave you as well. 🫂
📜My main rules are:📜
1️⃣ Your desires desire you 🫂
2️⃣ The universe/God/Source/Spirit wants you to have your desires 🫂
3️⃣ The universe/God/Source/Spirit is supporting you to get your desires 🤲🏾
4️⃣ The universe/God/Source/Spirit only says yes 👍🏾
5️⃣ You desire it because it’s yours. 👸🏾
6️⃣ No one has to agree or understand this other than you. 🤷🏾‍♀️
👩🏾‍🏫 I’m going to break some major points down in a series of future posts, feel free to add your thoughts.
🗃Next topic: Faith
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simplicitydefined · 2 years
Well hello tumblr, it’s been awhile.
I’m working on manifesting my ideal life. Down to the last detail.
I went from living here:
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To here:
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I went from unemployed to having a part time contract with my dream company. Then after being told I couldn’t be considered for full time employment until June, July, they created a new position for me this month (January!) and now I manage my own staff.
I went from dusty and dysfunctional to my version of an “it girl”. Skin clear, bloating gone, nails done, hair healthy, glowing.
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But I’m not done. So I’m coming here with my manifesting plan, and I’m going to map out what I’m doing, what’s the most effective methods I’ve used, and then talk about progress. I’m also going to share the wisdom I gain along the journey. So if you are interested, follow along. It’s free, and up to you.
What I’m doing now (and at least for the next 30 days)
I have a subliminal playlist I listen to while I sleep and shower (naps included) with only 5 tracks: booster, flush, blockage remover, ideal life, self concept (used to have some SP stuff on there but… I’m taking a break from that.)
I’m reading my self help books to help me with my inner work (currently reading Real Love by Sharon Salzberg)
SATs (visualization)
I practice the law of assumption. That’s been the easiest and most effective method for me. I use subliminals because they are easier to put into my brain instead of repeating affirmations and having my conscious block it. I feel like less is more. I’ve had 111 track playlists, and wrote pages of 5*55 with no results. I’ve used the TikTok famous affirmations and seen no change. I’ve watched Sammy Ingram, Abraham Hicks, Hyler, Dylan, Neville Goddard, Jasmine, April…. And so many more. At this point I feel ready to share my knowledge and help others too.
So here’s to a new year and living my ideal life from now until forever! 🧡🧡🧡
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
Everything already has…
Everything is about to change … this is your sign
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
Disappear for some time, work on yourself, return unrecognizable.
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
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© Art by guidedbywalter on Instagram
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
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🍊 🧡
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
I’m not somebody you find twice.
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
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Moving with ease through this stage. 🧡
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
the only two things that can hold you back is fear or attachment.
lose both and watch what happens.
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
I release all attachments, knowing that anything that is truly mine, will not pass me by & will arrive in divine time.
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
your future self loves you. they will look through old photos of you with affection, not disgust, nor embarrassment. they wish they could tell you stories of your future, of how much you’ll change, of the people you’ll meet, of how you’ll eventually learn to accept yourself, then love yourself. they will read your diary entries and poems and favourite lyrics, heart aching, tears in their eyes. if only you knew...
your future self loves you. if only they could show you. they are living proof. you’ll turn out okay after all. they wish they were there to console you, dance with you, and make you write it a hundred times: “I AM LOVED”. they will listen to playlists you made, just to experience you again. they will write you a letter - of forgiveness, longing, reassurance. you will never read it. but you will know.
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simplicitydefined · 3 years
you're worthy of the love you crave
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