silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Self Love To-Do List💗🌸
Talk more positive to myself.
Say I love you to myself three times a day.
Take showers daily as a way to clear my mind.
Do productive things that will help me feel better about myself.
Journal, confront feelings, thoughts, & fears I didn’t even know were there.
Exercise when I wake up.
Make time for breathing exercises.
Give myself time; have patience. Accept myself.
Don’t judge myself. Don’t criticize myself.
Be more compassionate and understanding with myself.
Think about myself more.
Think for myself more.
Set boundaries; stop letting people in or come back so easily.
Trust yourself more than anyone else.
Look for answers inside of yourself, not in another person. Unless I am truly in need of advice.
Be more creative and passionate.
Find things I love.
Spend time in nature.
Write poetry.
Be colorful. Allow color into my life.
Find ways to be more positive.
Say affirmations.
Meditate in ways that bring me peace and serenity.
Tap into my wisdom by expressing my feelings and opinions even if it’s just to myself.
Set small goals for myself.
Find creative ways to make money.
Prove myself to no one.
Over-explain myself to no one.
Know that I’m well aware of myself.
Know that my feelings are valid.
Be mindful and aware.
Observe my body responses.
Trust myself. Pray often, believe in my faith.
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Hello new friends and welcome to my blog. Remember to take care of yourselves because I care about you guys. Eat, drink, rest and all that. Anyways I got Dragon Scale gloves that I want to show off
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Devotional Poem for Ferir
Your first words to me
were more cold winter air
than howl —
softer than I imagined,
gentle almost, in the way of a tired soldier.
I clutched your figurine in a fist,
ready to fight, wanting to flee.
You answered the question that has haunted me
from the time I learned to speak.
You whispered,
“Some things are unbreakable —
until they are not.”
I too have watched my child’s chains
grow tighter with every struggle.
I have sat with her and wept with her,
and wept *for* her.
I too have bitten off
the hand that betrayed me.
When the storm threatened to take me,
you said to me,
“Some things are unbreakable —
until they are not.”
Our mother sang lullabies in my ears
when the woman who birthed me
held me down because I would not sleep.
I flung Mother’s compassion in her face,
and when my heart hardened,
You assured me,
“Some things are unbreakable —
until they are not.”
You, too, know what it is
to be tied down and mocked.
You, too, know what it is
to be called strong as they
spit in your face
and talk behind your back.
You, too, know what it is
to never be satisfied
with the scraps you are thrown.
You spoke to me then,
and you speak to me now,
“Some things are unbreakable —
until they are not.”
While I plot my Ragnarok,
I dream of washing their world
In fire and blood,
To break apart,
To tear down
To expose
To avenge
To bring honor to survivors.
It is by your example,
Oh, Great Wolf,
Devourer of the Sun,
Being of Darkness and Hunger.
You stand by my side and shake yourself,
blood rushing back into your limbs
And with a growl, baring teeth
longing to tear
into traitorous throats,
You snarl,
“Come, brother,
We have work to do.”
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
My dash barely has anything on it. Lms/reblog if you post about:
Irish paganism (or any type of Celtic polytheism tbh)
Hellenic polytheism
Norse paganism/Heathenry
Any type of paganism tbh, I wanna learn more about other types too (maybe especially Mesopotamian/Sumerian, Canaanite, Roman, Kemetic, Slavic...)
Spirit work
No TERFs, racists, nationalists, homophobes, transphobes, etcetc
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
On Offerings and Altars
Offerings don't need to be something new and shiny, placed on an altar as a physical reminder of devotion. I know a lot of us, myself included, are drawn to tangible items that we can use in our practice, especially with the influences of new age marketing and just... capitalism as a whole... But as nice as they are, those items do not define our devotion.
Offerings could be quiet, words of thanks whispered under the breath or only spoken in our minds. It could be song, even the kind that's belted out during car rides or while cleaning.
Even the act of cleaning or maintenance could be an offering. This could be on ourselves, where we cut ties with negative people or work on our own betterment. Remembering to take medication, drink water, eat regularly, or any form of physical activity could all be acts of devotion.
You could make offerings of your lowest points as well, where you can offer up your anger or grief or fears. Sharing any emotions with your deities could be powerful offerings.
When it comes to altars, they could be as simple as extra place settings at a table or a designated seat in living room. As someone who loves pocket altars, a small collection of tiny knickknacks that remind me of my deities has served me well.
What I mean by this rant is that your devotion does not need to be a show all day every day. You have no reason to feel as though you're a poor devotee if you lack the offerings or altars that others do.
Even if you aren't able to be the model devotee every single day of the week, the gods are forgiving and willing to accept whatever it is you have to give, no matter how tangible.
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Get to know the norse Goddesses:
A quick run down!
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Skaði; the Avenger. Daughter of the giant Thiazi, a strong and fearless figure who didn’t hesitate to face the Gods looking for retribution after her father’s death. Associated with winter, hunting, snow and wolves.
Sif; the Golden-Haired. Fair wife of Thor, renowned among the Gods for her beautiful locks of gold hair. It is believed she was associated with harvest, fertility, and the hearth.
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Hel; Queen of the Dead. Daughter of Loki, one half of her body decays like a corpse while the other is fresh and young. She reigns over Helheim, realm of the dead, with her hound Garm. Associated with death but most of all, the acceptance of it.
Iðunn; the Eternally Young. Fair, generous and luminous, keeper of the golden apples which grant the Gods their immortality. Associated with purity, youth and innocence.
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Frigg; the Prophetess. Wife of Odin and blessed with the gift of foresight, though she is said to keep all knowledge of the future to herself. Allmother associated with childbirth, motherhood and family matters as well as divination.
Jörð; the Fertile Earth. Giantess and mother of Thor, embodying the spirit of the earth. Associated with nature, wildlife and the prosperity of land.
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Rán; the Restless Sea. Embodying the dangers of voyage at sea, she was said to sink ships who ventured on her waters. She dwells in an underwater palace where she pulls her victims to stay with her for eternity. Associated with the ocean and death at sea.
Freyja; the Sorceress. Sister of Freyr, she masters the art of seidr (magic) and is known as the most beautiful of the Goddesses. Associated with love and sexuality, but also battle and death: along with Oðinn, she chooses the fallen warriors who will fight alongside the Gods during Ragnarök.
Hail the Vanir, hail the Ásynjur ^^
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
FREYJA protect whistle-blowers, truth-leakers, justice-workers, and those marginalized everywhere by a frightened, powerful few
LOKI'S torchlight lead the way toward just reversals and breaking oppressive cycles, a Phoenix from the ashes of despair, renewed
THOR defend us with steel and thunder and fierce love of the common people, even against giants
FENRIR show us how to break chains and howl our collective power, when we are bound and tricked
May ODIN'S sight seek out and drag all tyrrany enacted in secret into the light, laying wounds bare so healing can begin.
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
✨🌱Stinging Nettle🌱✨
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✨Botanical Latin: Urtica dioica
✨Habitat: Waste spaces, moist soil
✨Growth Habit: Perennial, 6’+ tall at maturity. Flowers in mid-late summer
✨Parts Used: Leaves and tops most often. Roots and seeds can be used as well.
✨Harvesting: Always wear thick gloves and cover your skin! Young leaves and tops - harvest before the plant flowers. See ‘cautions’ below. Roots - in the fall, after most of the energy has returned to the root from the plant. This plant is abundant, but as it’s a perennial, remember to leave at least 75% of the plants to repopulate the area.
✨Energetics and Taste: Cool, dry, salty
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Physical and Medicinal
✨Biochemical Constituents: chlorophyll, insoles (histamine, serotonin,) acetylcholine, silicic acid, vitamins C, B and A, silicon, calcium, magnesium, potassium, protein, fiber, iron.
All parts -  Alterative, whole body and liver tonic, (fresh leaves) anti-histamine, slightly diuretic, astringent, hemostatic, galactogogue, expectorant, nutrative.
Root - Anti-lithic, diuretic  
Leaves & Tops - arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, eczema, other skin eruptions, bleeding, low energy, stopped urine, urinary gravel, kidney and bladder infections, edema, enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Freeze dried leaves: sinus infection. Proven effective, but must be freeze dried.
Seed: prostate and kidney disorders
Root: Prostate issues, urinary tract gravel/stones, stopped urination  
✨Contraindications: Use in more restricted amounts when pregnant or breastfeeding, but it doesn’t have to be avoided all together. Don’t use with children under 2 years old. Use caution with children and the elderly. *
✨Medicinal Uses:
- One of the most popular herbs for nourishing herbal infusions. Rotate between nettles, oat straw, and linden for a good variety of nutrients.  
- Good for the voice (folk-medicine, song of the sea)
- Relieve the sting by rubbing the juice of dock (rumex crispus) leaves on the sting. See folk traditions below.
- To aid in circulation and inflammation/joint issues like arthritis, sting the area (lightly) occasionally with nettles and let it sting, without using dock to relieve it.
- It’s popular in soups and as a potherb/cooked green. Once it’s cooked or dried, it loses its sting. I like to use it in any dish that I’d use spinach in.
- It has been used to slow postpartum bleeding.
✨Preparations and Dosage:
- Nourishing Herbal Infusion - One quart boiled water to one ounce of dried leaves/tops (or a little more by weight if using fresh leaves.) Steep in a mason jar with the lid on for at least 20 minutes, up to overnight. Strain and enjoy within 3-4 days of making it. Drink up to 1 quart/day but rotate between a few different herbs to get a variety of nutrients.
- Dry plant material by weight - 9-30g
- Capsules - 2 “00” size filled with powdered herb, 3 times a day
- Tincture - 10-60 drops, 1-4 times a day
✨Cautions:  Do not ingest the leaves or tops after the plant has flowered or else risk causing a UTI.
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Magical and Traditional
✨Elements: Primary - 🔥Fire – Secondary - 🌱Earth
✨Planet: Mars, secondary Mercury
✨Other Correspondences:
-All Parts: protections, warding, voice, communication, bind a spell, bring courage, prevent being struck by lightning, notice the things that often go unseen, mindfulness.
-Roots: banishing, curse breaking, relieving pain
-The leaves and tops after the plant has flowered: causing pain, sending a curse back, banishing, make someone’s oversight/willful ignorance come back to bite them
✨Folk Traditions:
- To soothe the sting, find some dock which usually grows nearby (rumex crispus,) grab a handful and squeeze some juice out. As you rub the juice onto the nettle sting, recite:  
Nettle out, Dock in // Dock remove the nettle sting Nettle, nettle, come out // Dock, go in!
✨Specific Uses:
- The infusion is grounding and very earth centred. I feel like It may be connected to my Mother Goddess of the lake lands in Ontario.
- Use fresh tops (either before or after flowering depending on your need) to sprinkle cleansing or banishing or curse breaking (etc) water or to waft smoke. Make sure to wear gloves, of course.
- Use the dried or cooked leaves/tops to ’take the sting’ out of something or someone.
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*This page is by no means exhaustive or conclusive in any information, and is intended for educational purposes only. Always consult and herbalist and/or your healthcare professional before trying /any/ herb that is new to you.
✨✨✨These herbal monographs take hours of research and quite a few dollars worth of books and resources. Please help support me by contributing to any of these avenues: 🌱Patreon 🌱Request a Tarot Reading 🌱Buy me a coffee 🌱Donate to my education
More Posts in this Herbal Study Series: Calendula Marshmallow Cannabis Yarrow
Healing with the Herbs of Life - Lesley Tierra Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health -Rosemary Gladstar Peterson’s Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs, of Eastern and Central North America, Third Edition - Steven Foster and James A. Duke Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, expanded and revised edition - Scott Cunningham The Witches’ Almanac 2018, Issue 37, The Magic of Plants - Article by Morven Westfield Planting for the Future - Rosemary Gladstar and Pamela Hirsch The Illustrated Herbiary - Maia Toll The Healing Herbs, The Ultimate Guide to the Curative Powers of Nature’s Medicines - Michael Castleman Alchemy of Herbs - Rosalee de la Forêt The Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook, A Home Manual - James Green
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Havamal - Stanza 23
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Stanza 23
Ósviðr maðr vakir um allar nætr ok hyggr at hvívetna; þá er móðr, er at morgni kemr, allt er víl sem var.
— Translations — The witless man | is awake all night, Thinking of many things; Care-worn he is | when the morning comes, And his woe is just as it was.
-Translated by Henry Adams Bellows
The unwise man is awake all night, and ponders everything over; when morning comes he is weary of mind, and all is a burden as ever.
-Translated by Olive Bray
A fool stays awake all night worrying about everything. He’s fatigued when the morning comes, and his problems remain unsolved.
-Translated by Jackson Crawford
The irrational among us lie awake through the night thinking of everything else; now they are weary when morning arrives, and everything is as bad as it was.
-Translated by Douglas Dutton
The unwise man waketh all night, thinking of this and that — tosses, sleepless, and is tired at morn; nor lighter for that his load.
-Translated by Lee M. Hollander
A foolish man is all night awake, pondering over everything; he then grows tired; and when morning comes, all is lament as before.
-Translated by Benjamin Thorpe
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
“And in the middle of my chaos, there was you.”
Source: Unknown
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Edible Flowers
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Cherry Blossom
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Howling winds, freezing rains, getting soaked and chilled to the bone during a storm is sounding real good right about now
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
I don't feel like I fully fit this criteria but I talk about gardening and witchcraft a lot so maybe we could be friends at the very least?
Hi guys, my dash has been very much dead lately. I'm looking for nature, cottagecore, feelgood tumblrs to follow. Reblog please if you feel you fit these criteria (or not?) ❤❤
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Remember, the world is as beautiful as it is cold. Don't let the bad things out there make you think there is no good. They want you to think that there is no hope when that is untrue. Don't let them make you believe that you are alone. There will always be someone to support you. So go and know that you are enough
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Hi! I really love your worship posts and wanted to ask if you could make ones for Loki and Odin please? Thank you :)
Ways of Worshipping the All-Father Odin
(Loki's post coming soon)
- have an altar dedicated to him, as much as Norse Gods want direct and equality in communication they are fans of lavish things and flattery
- alcohol such as red wine, mead, aquavit or whiskey
- a nice chalice to pour liquid offerings into
- a mug of coffee, take a sip first and then offer the rest to him
- write and burn a poem for him
- write dramatic stories and music and read them to him, he loves drama, pour your heart into it
- share jokes with him!
- do your shadow work
- offer your pain and suffering, feel your emotions, write them down and burn them as an offering
- spend time in the woods/nature
- FLATTERY, it goes a long way with the Norse Gods
- learn and use his many names such as, the All-Father, the Victory-Father, Grimnir, Hanged Man, Wotan, Masked One, Rune God, Jolnir, Gelding, Grey beard and the One eyed Wanderer
(Knowing and using the many names is a form of flattery)
- fruit
- horse, Raven, wolf and bear imagery
- black feather, raven skulls etc (ethically sourced)
- horse shoes
- wolf pawprints, fur and teeth (ethically sourced)
- Runes: Ansuz, Wunjo, Gebo and Othala.
- learn Rune magic and Rune divination
- the Hanged Man tarot card
- dedicate a form of divination to him as Odin, being associated with Horses often led him to being associated with divination 🤷‍♀️
- a statue of himself
- black, red, grey, cobalt or purple candles
- partake in rituals and celebrations such as Sigrblót (April 15th), Yggdrasil day (April 22nd), the Last Harvest (October 31st), and Yule
- Red meats especially beef
- smoked salmon
- leaks, asparagus and garlic
- eat well! Dedicate the meal to him and his wolves Geri and Freki
- feast! Spoil yourself on Wednesdays! (And spoil Odin a bit too)
- offer your secrets and speak respectfully as you would to others, the Norse Gods prefer to be spoken to as equals
- (a pipe with) tobacco
- The Nine Sacred Herbs: ash leaves, elm leaves, parsley, woad, cinquefoil, horehound, periwinkle
- make donations to or do volunteer work at a veterans organisations
- riddles and puzzles
- many heathens say that it is best to directly commune with the All-Father and ask what he wants specifically, he is a jack of all trades deity, and encompasses many aspects such as, war, poetry, riddles, kingship, magic, inspiration, death, self-empowerment, transformation, leadership, travel, madness, academia and wisdom meaning there are so many different types of offerings you could give him
- acts of courage such as standing up for yourself or others
- be wise, know or learn your boundaries in all different areas of life, financial, spiritual, social etcetera
- learn! There is so much in this world to learn, dedicate your time studying to Odin, whether it be mythos, war history or just studying for fun or classes, dedicate that time to him, maybe even light his candle
- dedicate the 9th month of the year to your practice with the All-Father, the number 9 is sacred to him, if you can find multiple ways to incorporate it into your offerings and practice as well
- become an educator, a professor, a leader or a tutor, allow yourself the ability to learn and teach at the same time
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
Norse gods and "perfection"
Something you will hear time and time again from heathens is how "human" our gods are. They are the best of us and the worst of us. Anything we can do, say, or think--odds are they've been there too.
Take Freyr for example. At his zenith, Freyr is a symbol of love and growth and joy and fertility. At his nadir, Freyr is an example of what happens when you let love/lust impair your judgement and sacrifice too much for the sake of it.
Our gods die. Our gods break oaths. Our gods know fear. And that's why I listen to them. That's why I trust them. They're the sort of parent to see you stumble home dead-drunk, and sure they'd get mad you broke curfew, but they'd be more focused on helping you learn how to make better decisions in the future rather than punishing any perceived wrong-doing.
I trust advice infinitely more from someone who's been in my shoes, and empathy from someone who's been in my position offers infinitely more comfort. So I offer thanks to our gods for their imperfections x0x
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silver-lynxclaw · 2 years
I just like saving things I find relevant
I Must Ask, do you have any Odin related folklore/general info that isn’t widely known or ignored in favor of a weird version of him?
I am literally starved of information on him cuz of other americans in my circles painting him as a very cruel hypermasculine figure. If you have any info or folklore that directly combats that (or even just general interesting info about him) I would love to hear it!
*slams my head through a brick wall* of course they paint him as cruel
Where I live Oden is the weird wandering around old man that always has some whack knowledge to share, like the homeless man who got shelter overnight in exchange for helping out with the work on the farm.
He is old, very old. And he has stories to tell, stories that end in regret and pain, stories that change the trajectory of your life, stories that will give you hope and stories that will confuse you to no end.
He is a warning to not seek what you will regret knowing, to carefully consider what the cost will be for what you want.
Yet he is the embodiment of wisdom, of storytelling and of hope. Of the responsibility you have to share what knowledge you own with the younglings, so that they can pursue knowledge otherwhere without having to go through the pains you went through.
Oden is complicated, he is everything and nothing. Wisdom and pain, joy and depression. He's been through it all and given the permission will tell you about it. But he will not carry your burdens for you, instead he will give you advice on how to let go of it or to carry it easier.
He is no king, and he is no leader. He takes those roles because someone has to, much like Loke takes the scapegoat role because that too has to be filled for life to go forward.
In a way Loke and Oden are one and the same, mirror images in completely opposite circumstances. Both warnings of what may happen, both a glimmer of hope to what is beyond our limitations.
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