shotbyshe · 13 days
Two aftershocks from earthquakes in New York today, in the AM (10) and the PM (an hour ago at 6).
Both occurred while I was at my desk working. I just felt small rattles. It was frightening at first, but by the second one I was used to it.
Not me getting used to earthquakes. How we get two in one day though? At literal moments when I started work and ended too...
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shotbyshe · 14 days
4.3.24 - just stop already
If there's anything that I hate most about having to work with people is that when they say "ask questions" "ask whatever you want" they don't really mean it. They ignore you…or maybe it's just me that gets ignored…..
(while writing this I asked again, more forwardly, and the issue was resolved in my favor)
….I hate that I always have to be assertive to get people to take me seriously, and I hate it because it's not looked at as assertion, it's looked at as aggression…because of my skin and sex…none of which have anything to do with my abilities to do something.
I'm so tired of it. It becomes even more frustrating when I am right, and proved to be right. I don't feel vindicated, I feel looked over, and it always has to take a team of people for someone to believe or trust me. Meanwhile everyone else (who doesn't look and/or sound like me) are treated on the individual level, but I'm always a fucking subordinate. God forbid I show you a new/different/better way to do something! I can't tell you how many times I've been in situations where I've known more than someone who is supposed to know more because they've "been there longer", "lived longer", or "had more experience". RIGHT! "So why am I seeing things that are completely blind to you SIR! MA'AM!??!"
I am someone that is always looking at everything from every direction. I see more. I think more. It's a gift and a curse. I see everything and most people just have to see the front or the surface. I hate it! I could use this to my advantage but I'll still have to worry about that other thing: me not being believed or taken seriously. Then when I am taken seriously, I'm being laughed at, or told that I'm mean or angry. It's exhausting.
-- she
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shotbyshe · 15 days
The significance of April 4th...what the date means to me and what I remember it as:
World Trade Center opened
Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination
Robert Downey Jr.'s birthday
Bey-Z marriage
Jill Scott's birthday
Heath Ledger's birthday
Roger Ebert passed away
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shotbyshe · 17 days
Words of the Day
Carried out or performed with little or no preparation; impromptu.
Prepared in advance but delivered without notes or text.
Skilled at or given to unrehearsed speech or performance.
Sensory overload occurs when one or more of the body's senses experiences over-stimulation from the environment. There are many environmental elements that affect an individual. Examples of these elements are urbanization, crowding, noise, mass media, and technology.
bacchanal: an occasion of wild and drunken revelry.
Rewatched a video I made from 14 years ago [I tend to go down memory lane from time to time with my video logs that go back to my late teens] and I referenced a relative of mine -- that I no longer spar with -- having an innate ability to adlib. This word is basically a synonym for it.
A colleague said that working with a lot of folks gives them sensory overload. I think I get that too.
Read this word in a book I'm currently reading. The writing style is quite dystopian to me and the way this word was used intrigued me. I also have a soft spot for words with silent 'h''s.
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shotbyshe · 26 days
Words of the Day - about: status, class, associations
A recent convert to a belief; a proselyte.
A beginner or novice.
A newly ordained priest.
The class of industrial wage earners who, possessing neither capital nor production means, must earn their living by selling their labor.
The poorest class of working people.
The property-less class of ancient Rome, constituting the lowest class of citizens.
A small, often select group of persons who associate with one another frequently.
A set or circle of persons who meet familiarly, as for social, literary, or other purposes; a clique.
Any of the hereditary, endogamous social classes or sub-classes of traditional Hindu society, stratified according to Hindu ritual purity, especially the Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra castes.
A social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank, profession, or wealth.
A social system or the principle of grading society based on castes.
A specialized level in a colony of social insects, such as ants, in which the members, such as workers or soldiers, carry out a specific function.
A separate and fixed order or class of persons in society who chiefly hold intercourse among themselves.
To be degraded from the caste to which one has belonged; to lose social position or consideration.
The formation or use of words such as "buzz" or "murmur" that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.
A word that sounds like what it represents, such as "gurgle" or "hiss".
Sofia Coppola was called a 'neophyte' in an article written about her after The Godfather Part III came out.
The majority of people who exist in the world are 'proletariat' and they probably will NEVER get out of that status, nor will their offspring.....YET these are the people who have the MOST offspring. Make it make sense.
The word 'coterie' was mentioned in the songs of two Disney animated films in the 90s. How coincidental can that possibly be?
'Caste' is what everyone is, not racist. Mind your tongue. I look at Bangtan and how they themselves have not changed, yet they are now treated differently all of a sudden because their status changed. They NOW deserve respect. Why? Status is all people really care about. What class are you in? Where are you allowed to sit? I've met so many people this week that would tell me their title RIGHT AFTER they told me their name, as if it's a part of their identity, and that's because IT IS. You are your status, you are what you represent, that's all people see......(or that's all they want to see). Try your best to represent something positive.
I finally after almost 5 years looked up the lyrics to "Ddaeng". I know what the song is about now. 'Onomatopoeia' is used a lot! I'm certain that if I understood Korean I would not like Bangtan as much as I do.
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shotbyshe · 1 month
Words of the Day
Tending to clear someone, especially a suspect, of guilt or blame; exonerative.
Excusing or clearing of any wrongdoing.
Female government; gynecocracy.
I can't believe there is a word for this. It's crazy that there are words for things that don't exist. Our imagination is amazing. The more you learn. The more you listen. The more you know.
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shotbyshe · 1 month
Words of the Day
vacuous: having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.
moratorium: A lawful suspension of the payment of certain debts during a period of financial or civil distress.
I don't remember where or when I heard these words, it was too long ago. I only just found them on my laptop.
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shotbyshe · 2 months
metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of life; spiritual conversion
....it's ongoing....
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Words of the Day
"Me likkle but me talawa" -- just want to put this here, 'cause I heard someone say it this week.
Improper; unseemly.
Unfavorable or adverse.
Froward; perverse.
Belonging to a prison.
Of or pertaining to prison.
A pergola is most commonly an outdoor garden feature forming a shaded walkway, passageway, or sitting area of vertical posts or pillars that usually support cross-beams and a sturdy open lattice, often upon which woody vines are trained.
Though similar, a pergola is different from a gazebo.
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Words of the Day
The quality of being insusceptible of feeling, pain, or suffering.
Apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions.
A state in which the mind, enlightened as to the illusory nature of the self, transcends all suffering and attains peace.
A state in which the soul, having relinquished individual attachments and recognized its identity with Brahman, escapes samsara.
An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.
Aphantasia is the inability to create mental imagery. It is when your brain doesn't form or use mental images as part of your thinking or imagination. It's a difference in how your mind works, not a medical condition or disability. The phenomenon was first described by Francis Galton in 1880, but has remained relatively unstudied.
'Impassivity' is how J-hope described his mindset after transforming into a mom for a Muster skit.
'Nirvana' is the place that Jimin said I would reach after watching the aforementioned skit. (He wasn't wrong)
I was asked if I have 'aphantasia' from someone in my comment section on this video. They asked because I say I don't like to read fantasy books in the video. The thing is, I used to love fantasy as a child, but similar to hot chocolate, my new age tastes have changed. I no longer like many things that I used to enjoy. I, of course, don't have aphantasia because I am constantly imagining that I am best friends with J-hope and Suga practically all day. Having said that, I am still eternally grateful that I now know what this is. There is a word for everything. I am determined to know 'em all. Catch 'em all....like Pokemon.
I love learning new words. I love learning period.
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Words of the Day
Tranquil and carefree.
Scenic or picturesque.
To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring.
To increase or spread at a rapid rate.
ectomorphic: Having a build with little fat or muscle but with long limbs.
Given or granted without return or recompense; unearned.
Given or received without cost or obligation; free.
Unnecessary or unwarranted; unjustified.
I feel like I always pronounce this wrong: idyllic
Namjoon said that the front of Jimin's hair could no longer 'proliferate' because he dyed it too much.
In an interview with his bestie -- a fellow Tumblr-er -- RDJ described himself as ectomorphic.
Now that I think of it, what are people on Tumblr called?
I always misunderstand 'gratuitous' to mean 'generous'. It does not. Sometimes the praise that I see Bangtan getting from ARMY is gratuitous. This is why I can never call myself one. They worship them too much. They praise them for merely existing. How can this not be worship? They call them things like "better than human" "not human" "flawless" "perfect". It's bizarre and troubling. Bangtan will be the first ones to remind everyone how HUMAN and very FLAWED they are, but you can't tell ARMY shit.
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Just some more things I wish we'd get back to
Grooming is a major social activity and a means by which animals who live in close proximity may bond, reinforce social structures and family links, and build companionship. Social grooming is also used as a means of conflict resolution, maternal behavior, and reconciliation in some species.
I remember being a child/teen and my aunt, grandmother 'fixing' me up. I miss those days. Remember when we used to look out for one another? I don't know what happened to the West. It seems only those on the East are still doing these things. We have forgotten ourselves.
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Words of the Day
To stare stupidly or rudely; to gawk.
Look with amazement; look stupidly.
A playful or mischievous youngster; a scamp.
A sea urchin.
A hedgehog.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.
more layman's definition: the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability. This is often seen as a cognitive bias, i.e. as a systematic tendency to engage in erroneous forms of thinking and judging.
arpeggio: a type of broken chord in which the notes that compose a chord are individually and quickly sounded in a progressive rising or descending order. Arpeggios on keyboard instruments may be called rolled chords.
'Urchin' is what Noodle was called in Wonka.
Suga spoke about attempting to do an arpeggio at his concert when his guitar string broke.
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Words of the Day
Deviating from what is desired, expected, or required, especially in being disobedient or in gratifying one's own inclinations.
Difficult or impossible to manage, control, or keep in order.
A teacher or lecturer at some universities who is not a regular faculty member.
A lecturer or tour guide in a museum or cathedral.
Facial features.
The art of judging human character from facial features.
Divination based on facial features.
Wrongfully emptied or stripped of anything of value.
To rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; pillage.
To seize wrongfully or by force; steal.
To take booty; rob.
Learned physiognomy from V. He must have heard that a lot in his life.....being so beautiful and all. Fairy tales taught us this foolishness. Ugly means bad, pretty means good. I was thinking about this while rewatching Terminator 2 as well. The way everyone trusted the T-1000 just because he was dressed like a cop and had the face of a friendly model, meanwhile he was a straight killer.
"To take booty" is hilarious.
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Words of the Day
The Mediterranean diet is a healthy-eating plan that focuses on plants, fish, seafood, nuts, seeds and olive oil. It may lower the risk of heart disease by reducing cholesterol, blood pressure and inflammation.
Inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself
Restrained or reserved.
Reluctant; unwilling.
cloy/cloyed: To cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant, especially something rich or sweet; surfeit.
The study of memes and their social and cultural effects.
A theory of the evolution of culture based on Darwinian principles with the "meme" as the unit of culture.
genteel: polite, refined, or respectable, often in an affected or ostentatious way.
I met with a nutritionist and I'm debating on how to go about this ailment that I have. This Mediterranean diet is basically how I SHOULD be eating, but I don't. It's very hard to keep up with for me.
The wise man and the quiet man are one in the same. You don't need to know every thought that pops into my head. I won't lie, I battle with how much I want to share with others from time to time. If I want to let others in my head, but then I always think "should I let them know what I know?". I am a reticent individual, and I probably always will be.
I stopped liking the taste of straight hot chocolate some time ago, because it became too cloyed. My post-20s tastes couldn't stand it anymore. I switched to mocha in 2020, and I haven't gone back. Coffee, too bitter, chocolate, too sweet. Mocha is the way to go for she.
I bet you didn't know "meme"tics came from Darwin.
I'm everything about the genteel person, except the 'ostentatious way' part. This is to be showy. She subtle likeawah. (patois)*
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Words of the Day
amorously: In an amorous or loving manner.
laconic: Using or marked by the use of few words; terse or concise.
besieged: Surrounded by hostile forces.
Deception by trickery or sophistry.
Mean or unfair artifice to perplex a cause and obscure the truth; stratagem; sharp practice; sophistry.
Laconic: the way in which you should speak when you really know a topic.
Do not further confuse me when I ask you a question. Be laconic.
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shotbyshe · 2 months
Word of the Day
The repeating of or returning to criminal behavior by the same offender or type of offender.
Relapse into crime; the conduct or condition of a recidivist.
~~Nov. 20 '23
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