sassoonery · 3 months
I break the language into small bits,
swallow some, put the rest in the back
of a cupboard where no light can reach. 
When I speak, rain puddles and rivers
meander further south. Only the squirrels
notice. There is no one in church,
not even a lost angel. I have the hallelujahs
to myself. Some words strain behind
my teeth, some sandpaper my throat. 
They want out, so badly. I’m careful
but it only takes one slip, one hesitant pause.
In the cold winter air, words are suspended
between bulbous clouds, precious to some.
I try to reclaim them, lure them with honeyed
sighs. Thus, I am diminished, less 
of an alphabet, scurry of letters, forced
to make do with eye movements and facial
contortions. I am no longer the source,
the fountain, the encryption, the narrative.
There are gaps which means there are tears.
We’re in a sorry state.
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sassoonery · 3 months
california light rained
like the sugary something we ate
falling on his shin, my tongue, his toes
landing in his hair
car lights—fireflies out the window
laughing , fingers touching—
wind drew diamonds from the blur past
Goodbye, in the midst of it all
on the other side of the sky
he gave life twice—
once, he knows
but this he doesn’t
he let me go from the grief of his heart
as it slows—descending
it’s most difficult turn making a drumbeat
towards dark
(A never ending list of things that could’ve happened @scarletfieldsofcankanorey )
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sassoonery · 9 months
Your love was like the wind
Intermittent and pushy
The first gust stealing my breath
Still I reached for you as the sun’s rays
Stretch toward clouds
In the end touching only wispy void
Between blue and gray
Yet I mourn your absence like stardust aches for the moon
Fiercely in bright pulsing fits
In the misty silence at dawn
As I dissipate into ozone
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sassoonery · 1 year
Night stretches and I am a haunting
Of birds, feathering thick with dusk,
A flood of beaks shadowing the gated
Square, a sudden whoosh of wings like a downpour,
Swallowing all the names and tears inside me.
I make walls from husk of breath and blurred
Sky of memory and wait for the water to rise—
Hold me. Now the darkness will break.
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sassoonery · 2 years
in time you will forget the melody
of birdsong
echoing under a cerulean sky
because memory is fleeting
the joy of a choir in summer’s vast embrace
will be replaced by
nature’s frantic morse code
the whining of the wind
the turbulent thwack of tree limbs
against the wooden barn
your mother calling you home
run to her with wild abandon
with thankful prayers sent up to an out-of-focus sky
through salty tears for the false safety of home
and the lost symphony of something so simple
as the coming of an afternoon storm
and a mother’s embrace
( prompt: “go to her” @nosebleedclub )
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sassoonery · 2 years
the squall line
of the derecho
stretches across the summer sky
threatening and massive and
frighteningly beautiful
i lift my eyes in awe
smell the air juicy with humidity
and precipitation that
suddenly sizzles on the pavement
the drag and shove of wind
my arms stretched out
like a weather vane
( Prompt: “derecho” from @nosebleedclub )
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sassoonery · 2 years
My sunburnt heart yearns
For suck and shudder of waves,
Love like a monsoon.
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sassoonery · 2 years
What certainties does this darkness hold,
Cradled in the crepuscular void?
Vast, deep fields abundant in
Disembodied whispers of
The desperate nightingale
Choked by a bruised gloaming
Chaotic plans we made
And sacrificed to the shadows
Trying to recall the melody of a calming breeze
Across absurd poppy fields sown with brass
Oppressive between lonely heartsong
And a solitary candle
(August prompt “deep field,” @nosebleedclub )
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sassoonery · 2 years
Dear Diary,
in the space between now
and forever
i fall into bed
like dust
i have already lived this day
but it has come again
because the days do as they please
and I will never understand
how time can be slow like a bruise
and faster than the fall
how pain beats like an eternal pulse
and laughter rots like petals
and nothing ever stays
but everything lingers
time is running out
is overflowing
is everywhere
i can’t catch it
and i can’t escape it
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sassoonery · 2 years
All year I’ve stood like a stone column
Steady, immovable, mute
Alone in my singular makeup
But now December comes and you’ve brought the band
My temple shows it’s settling
Small volcanoes of dust erupt around my toes
I’m too exhausted to even raise a fist
My skin betrays me
A cracked façade
It dimples purple and shrinks under your fingertips
My voice exposes what’s left of my foundation
Sarcasm, agony, something else entirely
Such is life
My eyes leak truth
Drip what my bones want from you
A relenting peace
No more rumble
The chance to move wide open again
Be still my heart
You’re choking me
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sassoonery · 2 years
Together we
Collect the tap water into a ceramic bowl.
You, wearing a crown of cumulus clouds 
low upon your brow and sifting rice that
murks the water, blush the red of a rising
sun. I light the candle and fan our flame
into a slight warm halo that sets the brew
boiling. Sparrow eyes flit among the shadows,
but we are far away from normal time.
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sassoonery · 2 years
Lend me your ear and I will tell of
Bombs unexploded or still unsent
Shrapnel waiting to find a mark
Concentrated chemicals not reaching for fresh flesh
Blood still in the veins
Yet to find its way to the lung,
The mouth, the nose, the ground
Poised pens yet to ignite the revolution
Minds free of worry about
Ways to survive
The serene night air
Blanketing the dreamers
Before the waking and the dawn prayer
Potential energy all
Like motionless feet
Hidden wings
Before I fly from this cage
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sassoonery · 2 years
the moon arrived
revealing her porcelain face
subtly ablaze in the infinite
her shoulders draped with constellation
her smile a luminous invitation
to hold my soul
know myself as chosen
i watched as she
rouged her cheeks with stardust
lined her eyes with
night black
a celestial conspirator
ushering in the dawn prayer
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sassoonery · 2 years
No one ever speaks of
Fluttering eyelids in the ambulance
Searching for a horizon,
Fugitive freckles twitching
Under death dust across your cheeks
Framed just right,
Your very last word being someone’s name
Like a prayer of hope for life well lived.
They don’t remember cosmic generosity
Nor vast sorrow held close, unattended.
Friends only tell of
The satellite phone
Busted and jammed,
You cursing a stolen laptop,
An absurd white turtleneck
Now emphatic with blood.
They recall you never got to spend
Your last ten dollars and
Had no idea how to order flowers for your own wedding.
I wonder whom it was they knew…
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sassoonery · 2 years
One gets used to it, the cold,
how brittle things are; how the nights
unfold, blacker than black, the fumes
of us carried off to some softer clime
—and the stars, so close.
One gets used to it, the stars so close
and how paltry it is to wrest
from them some future Spring
when all that huddles on the ridgeline
glistens: small, frail and far.
And on these savage nights
with the stars so close, with a breath
that burns in an air that breaks, I think,
how far I’ve come, how far indeed
to be humbled—how desperately far.
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sassoonery · 2 years
The world is ending and I’m pouring coffee into plastic cups.
I’m pulling on my boots
And marking messages as read
And walking down familiar streets
And tuning out my empty echo footsteps.
I wake up and the distant sky is rust,
A tired, tarnished horizon,
And I stretch and I touch my toes
One time, two times, three times—
I didn’t know I’d be so stiff so young,
That growing up meant locking into place,
Bones frozen in time.
The clouds sculpt themselves into mushrooms,
Mythological mimics,
And still I stare into a mirror.
This place will be long gone,
Incendiary dust, the burning wreckage of a town,
And still,
I’ll be quietly washing my hands
And with the shadows of firelight crawling over my skin,
I’ll think that the afterglow of loss
Could become my color.
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sassoonery · 2 years
I’m reusing this misery,
I know it
ancient, I know it deep,
know it sea-stretching;
vast, endless, relentless blue
wide mouth opening
shiny teeth clattering
dissect my body as I wallow,
sad eyes and heartache
dispersed in the twilight
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