remoony-lupin · 15 days
what makes me sad about harry potter is that when sirius escaped, harry always referred to him as black. then, when he found out he was good and he was his godfather, he called him sirius. when remus comes to teach at Hogwarts, harry calls him professor lupin but when they're in the order together, he still calls him lupin. it just makes me sad to think that remus never meant as much to harry as anyone else he looked up to. my baby needs more love and recognition :)
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remoony-lupin · 15 days
the marauders as characters from merlin:
- remus - merlin
- sirius - gwaine
- james - arthur
- peter - morgana
- lily - gwen
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remoony-lupin · 15 days
the marauders as out of context merlin quotes part 1:
lily: what are you doing?
james: looking for woodworm *knocking on her bed*
lily: before breakfast?
james: that is when the worms are most active
remus: *trousers fall down*
sirius: *trying to pull them up*
remus: no. no sirius
sirius: remus!
remus: sirius!
*rolling around on the fucking floor*
remus: get off me!!
sirius: i'm trying to help you remus
peter: what is the strongest poison that you possess?
slughorn: that would be aconite
peter: might take some of this with me. never know when you might need to kill someone
james: *stuck in stag form trying to talk*
lily: the fuck???
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remoony-lupin · 15 days
excerpt from my current wip:
the rain was coming down harder and harder now. they ran through the streets holding each other's hands until they reached the bit of shelter by remus' flat. they panted fast and laughed.
'i am never taking you out for coffee again' remus sighed.
'oh come on moony,' sirius giggled. 'it wasn't all that bad.'
he took off his leather jacket and held it over their heads.
sirius held remus' gaze for perhaps a second longer than he should have. because soon, he found his lips brushing against the other boys', lost in the warmth and colour and light in the kiss. he could still hear the rain pouring down on the street and the jacket was getting increasingly heavy but he didn't want this moment to end.
for weeks, he'd been thinking about the boy with the jumper and freckles that looked as though they had been flicked with a paintbrush on to his face. and the way that his smile seemed to speak so much to him, books, even and eyes so brown like chocolate, or leaves that crunch when you step on them.
and then, the next few days when he'd come to the bookshop and spent over an hour just looking at covers, flicking through pages and giving sirius glances when he'd look up from his book. even the way he read, almost acting out the story, making facial expressions, frowning, widening his eyes, and biting his lip.
and now, those very same lips were on sirius'.
they pulled away.
'i should really...' remus said, gesturing towards the door.
'yeah, i s'pose so. i've got a shift anyway.' sirius said, almost with a sadness in his voice.
'erm, unless, you want to... come in? to get out of the rain, i mean?'
as he turned to walk away, remus touched his arm.
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remoony-lupin · 15 days
jily: *dancing in the moonlight under the stars, wrapped in each other's arms, holding onto each other like this is their last night alive, smiling and laughing and twirling, stolen glances and little grins, and bright red long hair merging into black curls like streaks of paint across a canvas*
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remoony-lupin · 15 days
so, i was thinking *asexual remus* but then i was like, hmmm maybe not.
but then 🌟demisexual remus🌟
like, you see it right?
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remoony-lupin · 15 days
films the marauders would love part 1:
remus - dead poets society
sirius - high school musical
james - pride and prejudice (because lily forced him to watch it)
peter - ratatouille
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
kooks - david bowie
will you stay in our lover's story if you stay you won't be sorry 'cause we believe in you
the baby was perfect. he had beautiful light brown skin, a curly black head of hair, tiny little fingers and toes, but the thing that stuck out most about him was his eyes. they were dark green with little flecks of gold. 'just like your mothers' james whispered as he looked at him.
soon you'll grow so take a chance with a couple of kooks hung up on romancing
lily and james were so proud of their little boy and spent the next few days just holding him in their arms, and looking into his gorgeous eyes. he slept well every single night, only murmuring slightly if he was hungry. everything was going surprisingly well.
we bought a lot of things to keep you warm and dry and a funny old crib on which the paint won't dry
sirius and remus came first.
'so,' remus asked, 'what's his name?'
'oh, we haven't actually chosen yet.' lily said.
'oooo, what about 'sirius' ?' sirius asked.
'sirius, we are not naming our baby after you.' james replied
'i didn't mean me. i just think it's a nice name.' he grinned.
'shut up and help us come up with a name.'
'he's really hairy, you know.' said sirius
'HARRY!' james shouted
i bought you a pair of shoes a trumpet you can blow and a book of rules
'harry. let's call him harry.'
'james,' lily said, 'that's not bad actually.'
'i know, right!'
'harry potter.' remus whispered
'harry james potter.' lily said
'well, we've got to name him after his father.'
on what to say to people when they pick on you 'cause if you stay with us you're gonna be pretty kookie too
james could barely console his excitement. in fact, he couldn't console his excitement. he lifted harry up and span around the room.
'harry james potter. my son. my beautiful son.'
harry james potter was certainly beautiful.
will you stay in our lover's story if you stay you won't be sorry 'cause we believe in you
remus and sirius brought out the gifts they had brought harry. there was a rattle, a little soft black dog toy that woofed when harry played with it, the tales of beadle the bard and a blanket that remus had knitted..
'i think he likes them.' lily said, placing the blanket over him and he murmured.
soon you'll grow so take a chance with a couple of kooks hung up on romancing
just as harry was falling asleep, the doorbell rang. james ran down the stairs, and they heard dorcas, marlene and marys voices coming from the door. sirius was cooing over harry, stroking his finger over his face and lily and remus were sat on the bed chatting.
'look who i found!' james said.
'hello my darlings!' remus said, getting up from the bed and hugging his friends.
and if you ever have to go to school remember how they messed up this old fool
'hey love,' mary smiled, 'how are you?'
'you know, just getting by.'
'yeah. seems like that at the moment.'
'well, i want to see him.' marlene said.
'he's just over there sleeping in the cot.'
at that point, harry let out a huge cry.
'apparently not.' dorcas laughed.
don't pick fights with the bullies or the cads 'cause i'm not much cop at punching other people's dads
'someone's hungry.' lily said.
james placed him in lily's arms and kissed her forhead. he shut the door quietly behind them as he and the others left.
'tea, anyone?' he asked.
'do you even need to ask?' said remus.
'anything for our moony.' he grinned.
and if the homework brings you down then we'll throw it on the fire and take the car downtown
'so,' marlene said, 'what's it like being a dad?'
james was quiet for a while, sipped his tea, then whispered 'perfect. i wake up every morning when i look into his eyes, i think 'wow. you've done it.' i've got a child who i'm going to raise with my beautiful wife and my incredible friends and it's going to be perfect. just perfect.'
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
sirius (singing): the only thing left on my to do list today is youuuu
*winks at remus*
james: *snorts*
remus: *blushes*
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
okay okay okay. just please. just picture the scene right:
the marauders coming back after watching star wars. and reenacting the whole fucking thing. like sirius being princess leia because yes and he's there like 'help me obi won kenobi, you're my only hope.' and being so dramatic about it oml. and then remus would be obi won kenobi and him and marlene would do the whole lightsaber fight because it just makes sense for her to be darth vader. and they'd do the sound effects and everything. and then peter would be r2d2 because he's just short and mary is c3po because i love their friendship. and then james is obviously han solo because he just is. and remus is so luke because he's a fucking main character.
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
remember the monsters
sirius remembers the nights when remus would come home, staggering, crawling through the door, bleeding and crying and broken. he remembers the screams afterwards when remus was asleep, the nightmares creeping into his head and taking over his body. he'd tell sirius of how the wolves had run and were coming closer, close enough to bite, rip, tear to shreds everything they held dear to them. how they'd growl and howl. how they'd fuck so recklessly until each of them were raw and red and destroyed.
and the monster would begin to crawl up inside of him.
sirius remembers.
he remembers how, as boys, the four of them would chase each other in the night, running, feel their feet pound on the floor, hear the wolf howl, not in pain, but in victory as it won yet another battle over the little black dog. sirius was nothing compared to remus during those nights.
but he knew he had to submit to the wolf. because underneath its fur and claws and great, sharp, daggered teeth, there was remus. and he was hurting.
sirius knew the wolf stopped at nothing to take over remus' body, mind and sweet soul. it didn't matter how much remus tried to fight it, the monster controlled him. and sirius hated himself for that.
each time he looked at remus during the transformations, he could see him smiling, but beneath his smile his teeth were gritted, and in his throat he held back screams, and in his eyes, sirius could see the pain that coarsed over remus.
sirius wanted to stop it.
but, he would learn in time, that you cannot stop a monster. it hides under you bed and gets bigger as you fear it. and the bigger it gets, the bigger your fear grows. and it feeds off of it. and soon, you bed is gone, the monster has outgrown your room, the house, street, city, country and all of a sudden, it has swallowed up the whole world.
sirius tries to remember.
after. sirius sits alone in his cell. the monster is unable to burst out of the room. the walls are too strong. so it suffocates him. all he can do now is think of the times when remus came home. staggering, crawling. the smell of beer filled the whole flat, sickly and wet and warm. sirius can feel remus' countless fucks of the night vibrating through the floorboards. every quiver and sound is like a bomb gone off. he watches from the bedroom as remus pulls himself up on to the sofa. they will not sleep in the same bed tonight. no.
and sirius remembers that it will be like this until two weeks later. when remus will disappear and sirius will be far far away, where nobody can hear him scream.
you cannot fight the monster. not if you remember.
this is his mantra.
so sirius forgets. forgets everything.
all those nights together, all the smiles and laughs and hugs. when the days seemed as though they would never end and the sun would shine forever. he forgets the stolen glances, giggles in bedrooms, small, silent kisses in toilets and cupboards. it is difficult. but he does it because he has to.
and now the monster won't get to him.
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
sirius black is the kid who cracked his head open by swinging on his chair
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
remus is brown
sirius is black
james is dark red
peter is blue
lily is yellow
mary is pink
marlene is bright red
dorcas is light green
reggie is dark green
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
chapter 1 - the boy in the bookshop
(this is on my ao3 - the fic is called 'the moonage daydream to his lady stardust')
remus lupin woke up to a cold and bright january morning. he’d always had a thing for blue skies, waking up when there was a patch of light shining through his cotton curtains, with the feeling that the day was going to be a good one. he didn’t know it yet, but this day was going to be better - well, at least the best he could hope for. remus got out of bed, searching for the socks he’d discarded on the floor the previous night, and slipped them on as he walked towards the windows. he opened the curtains and let a bright stream of light enter the room, showering it in pretty little patterns and rainbows. the sky was all blues and pinks and purples and fluffs of clouds streaked across the sky, as though someone had drawn them with a paintbrush.
the apartment had only been his for 3 months, but it already felt like home. on coming to london, he’d bought various things from home like his record collection, his plants (stuart, kiki, and jeff), an inexplicable amount of mugs and a couple of books that he’d accumulated over the years. however, remus had always been looking to grow his collection. books were a safe space for him; a world where he could be anyone and anything, live in the biggest castles, the prettiest cottages, watch someone else grow and go through the phases he was going through. classics allowed him to feel a sense of solidarity and connection with those from the past, fantasy let him be the most confident, strongest, beautiful person and poetry let him see that he wasn’t alone - the fact that he could read and hold someone’s experiences and hopes and fears in his very own hands made him feel, well, it made him feel-
“boo!” a hand grabbed him by his shoulder.
“fuck me.” he whispered.
he turned round to face his flatmate lily.
“i was calling out for you, y’know.”
“shit. sorry. didn’t hear you.” he said, pulling her into a hug.
“daydreaming again?”
“you know me too well,” he grinned. “anyway, what did you want?”
“well, i was wondering if you had anything to say to me.”
remus mind buzzed. fuck, he thought, what have i forgotten this time? he’d remembered to lock the door when he came home from work, he’d put out the bins, cleaned the kitchen, made lily’s cake-
“fuck! happy birthday.”
“there we go.” she laughed.
“i’m so sorry. i was just thinking about… well, you know. and only just got up.”
“excuse me,” she mocked. “do you mean to say that you don’t spend every waking moment thinking about me?”
remus laughed. “of course i do, lilyflower, of course. how could i not? just look at you, with your ravishing looks, and pretty ginger hair, and intellect. and your obsession with loving people that are way below you.”
“you flatter me, remus. always the charmer.” she giggled.
remus’ stomach growled.
“ooo, someone’s hungry.” she said. “and don’t worry about breakfast. i took the liberty of cooking for both of us on my special day. i knew you’d be tired.” she smiled, hugging him.
after a breakfast of pancakes coated in too much nutella than remus would like to admit, he showered, brushed his hair (only to mess it up again), threw on a band t-shirt, jumper, jeans, patterned socks and docs, said goodbye to lily and left for the day.
thanks to his brain and stupid boss making him work an extra shift at the concert venue, remus had forgotten to buy lily’s present. he’d always been a last-minute kind of person, but he was really pushing it this time. remus has known lily since he was 14 when they bumped into each other on accident, whilst reading a book. hers had been pride and prejudice and his had been maurice. they’d been heading to the same english class and soon became the best of friends. they sat by one another every lesson, recommended books and music, and had been remus’ only friend forever. when he was 16, and felt ready enough, he came out to her as bisexual. and then, once lily was ready, so did she. for a while, people had thought they were a couple and, in fairness, remus had thought about it once or twice, but they were better as friends. platonic love was just perfect.
remus stopped outside the bookshop. it was his favourite and he always found the cheapest books with the best stories and sweetest covers. it was a run-down kind of place, vintage, one could call it, and had a comforting and warm air to it - which remus liked.
he stepped inside and the bell rang.
a boy looked up from the counter, one he hadn’t seen before. tattoos snaked up his arms. his ears were covered in small rings, studs and loops, particularly round his helix. a leather jacket sat on the chair behind him and remus assumed it was his. he had beautiful shiny blacked hair that was tied up in a messy bun with a pencil through it at the back of his head. remus’ eyes moved down towards his hands, which were adorned in silver rings. and his eyes seemed to glow with a kind of dark but soft energy.
fuck. me. he thought.
“can i help you?” the boy asked.
“errm, no. i think. yeah. i’m fine. all good. just, yeah, just looking.” he stuttered, his face burning up.
“alright, cool. well, let me know if you need anything.” grinned the boy, revealing a ring at the top of his teeth.
“gay. i mean, okay…”
oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. what the fuck was that? remus was sure the boy could see him blushing, not even in a cute way. just bright fucking red.
anyway, he could not let a cute boy - the hottest man he had ever seen in his life stop him now. he was on a mission and would not leave the shop until he was done.
he looked around the shop, thinking about lily. she was usually a classics type, liked old romances - but not the kind where the woman takes a passive role. the sort where she fought against her society, against the men and the time, and, although you knew she’d end up with a man, it was the journey she liked. now all remus had to do was find it.
he went over to the classics section and scanned the shelf. boring, gay, women, boring, too long, read already, gay, boring, sexist, genuinely awful and gay. clearly, the classics shelf had a lot to offer. remus ran a hand through his hair; this was going to be harder than her thought.
“are you sure you don’t need help?” asked the boy at the counter.
“ha, might take you up on that offer.” remus smiled.
“the strain of choosing a book, i feel you.” he said, walking over to remus.
“yeah, i know. i can never choose one. always end up spending hours in here, going over the pages.”
“well, what kind of thing are you looking for?”
“it’s a present for a friend. i kind of forgot it was today ‘cus i was gonna come yesterday but i had to work late because my boss is a dick and then i spilled curry on myself at 3am and cried and went to bed instead.”
fuck, he always did this, always overshared to the most random people at the most awkward times, great coping mechanism, right?
“sounds rough.” he said, giving remus a sympathetic smile. “almost as bad as mine.”
“yeah. i woke up late, missed the bus, which made me late for class, got shouted at by the teacher, forgot my homework, got shouted at again, cried in front of the class, stormed out, lost my keys, had to sleep at my mate’s house, listened to him and his girlfriend the whole night, watched eyeliner tutorials until 6am, got up for work, cried again, and i think that’s about it.”
“shit. slightly worse than mine,” he nudged. “but at least you didn’t spill curry on yourself.”
“no point crying over spilled curry.” the boy shrugged.
“too late for that.” remus laughed.
the boy laughed too.
remus smiled.
“anyway, you said you were looking for a book for your friend?”
“what kind of stuff do they like?”
“usually classics, with a female, feminist protagonist, something with enemies to lovers or friends to lovers, and where men don’t dominate the whole scene.”
“pretty specific,” the boy laughed under his breath. “but, i think i might have something.”
remus watched his eyes as he laced a finger across the shelf. they seemed golden in the light. and it was cute. really, really cute.
“ah-ha.” he said, pulling one out.
“little women.”
“little women indeed. have you read it?”
“yeah, a while back though, i think.”
“well, if your friend likes what i think they do, then she should really like this. it’s pretty beautiful and the story’s good and it’s very female-lead. yeah. should work.” he smiled.
“okay, cool. well, i’ll take it. how much?” he said, pulling his card out and walking over to the counter.
“usually 12 pounds. but i’ll do it for seven. because you look desperate. and cute.”
what? what the actual fuck? cute. this man. this fucking man had just called him cute. remus could have cried right there and then.
“haha, cool.” he said, trying to play it off.
he swiped his card on the machine.
“do you want me to wrap it for you? i can even put a bow on it, if you want.”
“yeah, sure. she’d like that. i’m shit at wrapping presents anyway.”
the boy picked up a roll of brown paper from behind him and cut a piece to fit the book, wrapping the paper around it and sealing it with tape.
“ooo, which ribbon?” he asked, showing remus blue, red and green rolls.
“the green.”
“good choice. my personal favourite.”
remus watched as the boy’s fingers looped the perfect bow of forest green. he went to take the book.
“oh, wait. hang on.” he reached up and pulled out the pencil that was holding his hair up. it all came tumbling down in a swath of shiny black and the boy shook it out of his face.
as if this man could not get any more pretty, remus thought.
the boy doodled a little smiley face and kiss on the paper.
“courtesy of yours truly.” he bowed.
“fabulous.” remus chuckled.
“have a good day cutie.” the boy waved as remus started to leave the shop.
“you too.” remus sighed.
and left the shop feeling a whole lot happier than he had done this morning. this boy had called him cute. this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy had called him cute. and remus held on to that until the next time he saw him.
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
james: i'm going to the shop. do you want anything?
remus: mental stability
sirius: dick
peter: happiness
marlene: boobs
james: i meant like food, but that's cool
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
sirius: so you know how i'm a dog...
remus: yeah
sirius: and you're a werewolf...
remus: yeah, why?
sirius: well, does that make us furries?
remus: no comment
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
remus: do you ever think about something in your head
remus: and then become conscious
remus: and realise you've just been staring into space for half an hour just having a conversation with yourself?
remus: nope? just me?
remus: okay
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