“Jēsus” is a mistranslation of “Yeshua”, which is properly translated as “Joshua”. His earthly father was Joseph, making him “Joshua, son of Joesph”. Jēsus was a JoJo.
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I missed my electronic physics final exam today purely because I misremembered the date. Thought it was on 8/7, but it was actually on 6/7. Honestly it kinda feels surreal. Like the account of a stranger I read on the internet.
But it happened to me.
I'm feeling very confused on what I should be feeling. I feel angry at myself, I feel like crying, I feel like giving up on everything, I feel like laughing cuz, again, the situation feels too comical to be real. I really don't know what I should be doing rn.
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My aunt is asking me how today's paper was as if I could tell her that its highly likely for me to repeat this semester🙃
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Me to me: If you overestimate yourself one more time, we're gonna have some problems
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English is the most gender neutral language, therefore it’s the best language
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[Transcript under the cut]
While English is certainly much more neutral than some select languages, i don’t believe it’s accurate to call it the most neutral. 
There are many languages that have a built-in neutral pronoun, such as Armenian, and some that lack grammatical gender completely, like Swahili. Language and gender is complex, so I’m not sure there’s any way to reasonably rank them from ‘worst’ to ‘best’.
And although I understand your appreciation of English and feel quite grateful to it as well, your statement made me recall something...
You see, as a middle school student, I took classes in German as my ‘language’ requirement. At the time, many kids in my class were only there because they had to be, and at one point, a girl I sat next to said “Urgh, why do we gotta learn another language anyway? It’s annoying. Everyone should just learn English, it’s the best language.”
Which, at the time, was hilarious to me because I had just gotten used to speaking in English and knew personally how convoluted its grammar was.
And almost immediately after, I felt quite angry.
Unfortunately, calling English the ‘best language’ for any reason is not quite the neutral, positive statement it sounds like.
Many people who speak English think of it as superior, and use that as a reason to put down other languages. 
But regardless of how gender neutral they are, or how complex their grammars are, languages are all incredible. 
They aren’t good or bad, or BEST, they are something much more.
Languages are, at their core, a history. 
A history of its people, a library of their culture, and a living embodiment of not only the ones who speak it now, but those who spoke it hundreds of years ago. 
Each one is unique, each one has something that it can do that other languages perhaps cannot. But this does not make it lesser or greater. Instead, it gives us the ability to describe our experiences with our culture in a way that is inherently tied to our community and history. 
I share your fondness for English, and I like the fact that it’s neutral, and I like its ridiculous rules, its archaic spelling and its frankly ludicrous amount of vowels... but I can’t agree with it being the ‘best’ language. 
Calling any language ‘best’ is as silly as calling green the ‘best’ eye color, or blonde the ‘best’ hair color. It’s important to appreciate all our languages, whether or not they suit our personal needs.
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I dont want to take a break
I want to stop
I dont want to save and quit game
I want to uninstall it
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The number of times Ive recited a suicide note in my head has got to be unhealthy
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The big picture is made up of brush strokes
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...You'll be the wHAt now??
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I really hope coronavirus can’t spread through sex
It would be so lonely being the last man on Earth.
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Philosophers be like: hmm
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Maths would like to know your location.
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Wonder Twin Powers Activate
A friend told me to share this story so here we go: I am the youngest sibling but my step brother is only a year and two days older than me. Our parents met when we were babies so we were raised together closely and my brother has a learning disability so he ended up being held back so we were in the same grade. We actually looked similar so people always assumed we were twins. I had an explosive temper but I was eventually talked down to telling teachers when people bullied which actually made the bullying worse. My brother would try to step in, even punching a CLOSE FRIEND of his once for locking me in a cupboard when I have severe claustrophobia. When I hit middle school, I HAD HAD ENOUGH and went back to my usual pattern of attacking anyone who bullied me, my brother being the one to say he couldn’t always defend me because he wasn’t always there.
Keep reading
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I want to be a speed bump
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Lowering your book with an aggravated sigh, you shifted your gaze to the miserable looking person perched outside your window, their hand still raised and hovering before the glass, eyes pleading and concerned. 
They’d been sitting out there for a little over an hour now, softly tapping at your window as they waited patiently for you to let them in, even though you knew they could magic their way in if they really wanted to. You supposed you had to given them credit for their restraint if nothing else, as at least they respected you enough not to barge in when you were clearly upset with them over something. 
In all honesty, part of you had expected them to have given up by now, especially after it had begun to rain a short while ago, quickly soaking through their clothes and leaving their hair plastered to their skin. Unfortunately it seemed that they were determined to find out what was wrong, as, despite the rain and how long you had ignored them, they continued to gently tap at your window.
The withering glare you gave them now, only resulted in an even more miserable expression, until finally you caved, letting out a frustrated groan, more at yourself, than at them. There was no way you could fight the kicked puppy expression they were giving you, now that you’d seen it fully. 
Chucking your book onto the bed, you shuffled over and flicked up the latch, before turning away and heading for your bathroom. Ignoring the sound of them quickly slipping inside and shutting the window behind them, you grabbed them a towel and threw it at them, refusing to look up and meet their eyes.
If you did, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to hold it together, your faux anger melting away to show the hurt it was hiding underneath.
You knew it was childish of you, and that the hurt you felt was irrational. You’d always know that they were a free spirit, and that this kind of thing was just part of their nature. But it didn’t stop the sharp pang of hurt you’d felt, when they had left for one of their trips without even saying a word to you, especially after how close you’d both grown. 
Hell, you all but lived with them now, something that was made even more obvious by just how undisturbed this room had been until you’d escaped to it a short while ago, the sight only serving to make the pain even stronger.
When they had come back, cheerfully chattering about all the things they had done and seen as if nothing had happened, you hadn’t been able to stop the hurt and loneliness you’d been nursing the whole time they were away, from swallowing you up completely. It was because you knew how childish and unfair you were being, that you’d made your excuses and left so abruptly, as, despite the pain they had caused, you knew that it wasn’t their fault that you felt this way.
It had been your intention to hide away until you had worked through your emotions on your own, so that you wouldn’t take it out on them, but unfortunately, things hadn’t quite worked out that way.
Now that they knew something was wrong, nothing was going to deter them, and for once, you wished they weren’t so damned observant.
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