phxsphenes · 2 years
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Marie Antoinette in 1755 by Gautier-Dagoty
Marie Antoinette was now officially allowed writing materials. She used them to address a last letter to Madame Elisabeth, heading it October 16. 4:30 in the morning.
“I have just been condemned to death, not to a shameful death, that can only be for criminals, but in order to rejoin your brother. Innocent like him, I hope to demonstrate the same firmness as he did at the end. I am calm, as people are whose conscience is clear. My deepest regret is at having to abandon our poor children; you know that I only lived on for them and for you, my good and tender sister.” Believing (wrongly) that Marie Thérèse had been separated from her aunt, her mother dared do no more than send her blessing. There were instructions to both children to care for each other, and the elder in particular to look after the younger. As for Louis Charles: “Let my son never forget his father’s last words . . . never try to avenge our deaths.” Marie Antoinette then raised the anguishing matter of the boy’s allegations. “I know how much pain this child must have given you. Forgive him, my dear sister; think of his age and how easy it is to make a child say what one wants, even things he doesn’t understand.” source ; Marie Antoinette the journey - Antonia Fraser .
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phxsphenes · 2 years
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Valide Kosem Sultan depicted in this portrait
According to Cristoforo Valier in 1616, Kösem was the most powerful of the sultan's intimate associates: "she can do what she wishes with the King and possesses his heart absolutely, nor is anything ever denied to her." Contarini noted, however, that Kösem "restrains herself with great wisdom from speaking [to the sultan] too frequently of serious matters and affairs of state." - source ; The Imperial Harem Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire (Studies in Middle Eastern History) by Leslie P. Peirce.
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