narcotlcs · 3 years
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Moving blogs You can find me over here
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narcotlcs · 3 years
*starts to sober up*
me: i can’t take this
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narcotlcs · 3 years
Hearing Felix attempt to make sense of everything that she’d just said only ended up making it sound more confusing, a frown etching itself onto the features of Shiloh’s face as she tried to wrap her head around the conversation. She was glad that he’d decided to drop the topic, because while it was funny, she didn’t have the energy to decode such things.
When the inner tube had been pulled over, Shiloh had remained at the side of the pool, only joining him in using the floatation device after he’d given her a physical invitation in the form of a nod of his head. Even then, she’d taken a moment to think about it before she’d floated over, deciding that there couldn’t be any harm in being opposite him on an inflated ring. After folding her arms on it, she was able to get comfortable, her dark gaze settling on the male that was looking back at her. 
Although Shiloh had known him for a couple of weeks now, this was the closest that she’d ever been to him, and for the first time, she was carefully taking in the details of his appearance, starting with the cute mess of blond locks that sat atop his head. Even while wet, each strand still seemed to defy a definitive pattern, sticking out in various directions in an unruly mound of adorable chaos. His eyes were much prettier than she’d initially thought too; a pale blue that looked even bluer with the reflection of the water, the lights from below highlighting them perfectly and causing her to momentarily fixate. Even his tattoos were much more extensive than she’d ever noticed, covering the bulk of his body in a maze of patterns and artwork. A nice surprise, she thought. She’d never seen him shirtless until now, let alone naked, and so she hadn’t known what to expect. It wasn’t as though she’d been blind or never found him attractive, but this was the first time that she’d ever allowed herself to really think about it and enjoy looking at him.
“My birthday?” Shiloh asked after a moment, zoning back into their conversation. “It’s stupid. The fourth of July,” she answered, a roll of her eyes accompanying the mention of the date. It had always seemed ridiculous to her that her birthday was always accompanied by fireworks and a ridiculous number of parties; most of them overshadowing her own special event. Not that she’d ever really cared though.
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“Why do you want to know? You planning on making me a cake to get revenge?”
Once Shiloh had joined him on the opposite side of the inner tube and gotten comfortable, Felix gently pushed them away from the side of the pool to allow them to slowly float into the center of it. It was more comfortable to be actually sitting on the floatie, but for obvious reasons they weren’t going to do that; not that he would personally have a problem with it, being as shameless as he was, but Shiloh would probably have something to say about it. He was content with staying where they were, his gaze meeting with eyes that shone in the dark of the night.
There was something to be said about brown eyes, the way they could appear like a captivating liquid gold in a certain light while appearing invitingly warm and expressive in another. The dimples Shiloh had that deepened whenever she smiled only went to add to her charm. Of course, he knew she was a catch right off the bat when he’d spotted her at the beach. It was why he’d gone ahead and ditched the woman he’d been talking to to instead talk to her. A natural beauty who would surely turn heads when all dolled up. Sucks to suck, Hunter.
“Your birthday is on the fourth of July?” Felix asked, torn between thinking that was both cool and unfortunate. Always having fireworks on your birthday sounded kind of awesome, and yet having it be overshadowed by people celebrating a totally different occasion seemed a little sad. Well, at least for people who liked to celebrate their birthday. If it had been his own, it really wouldn’t make any difference, but he wasn’t sure how she personally felt about them. He knew some people who liked to turn a birthday into a whole birthweek.
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“Pfff. Fuck no, I think we’ve both suffered enough with a taste of that salty abomination,” Felix laughed. “I dunno. I guess since you hung out with me on my birthday, I thought we could do something for yours.” He shrugged, hoping the suggestion didn’t come across as him pitying her or feeling obligated to do something in return. “If you’re not sick of me or don’t have other plans by then. I know it’s months away.”
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narcotlcs · 3 years
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‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒  CORRECT . Tone was universal and the way he’d practically spat it out in that hushed harshness meant more volumes than any English statements could ever. Even as he stood by, listening to the halls that echoed noises he couldn’t differentiate from the roaring in his ears, there came a brief reprieve from all of this horror. Craning himself to keep his mind focused, desperate to pull away and sheepishly admit he was just paranoid by all the insurmountable stress placed on his shaking shoulders ; he was nothing if he wasn’t the logical one here, he was nothing if he wasn’t the rational one here, he was nothing if he wasn’t the – just more capable one ; if he couldn’t handle it, he was nothing. Fingernails scratched along the door’s wooden interior, the thought plaguing him with the self-doubts he grew up with – ones his father placed on him whenever he wasn’t living up to the golden standard. As his mind clouded over, the noises outside garbled into the frequency of the damned, and then…
       Did he seriously just ask him if he could pass as a plumber because of his ass crack hanging out? Did he…seriously just…?? Eyebrows raised at the blond, skeptical if he were joking or trying to be serious – annnnd judging by the expression on his features he wasn’t even remotely joking ; it was as if desperation and panic mixed together created an idiot of any man, not like he could say much… This entire night had been nothing short of frothy attempts at fixing a vase like a couple of kindergarteners would. By this point, they might as well let themselves be arrested just for how EMBARRASSING their futile actions were. ❝ Felix… ❞ A roll of the eyes, though this one seemed…less hostile than others brought before, either by sense of understanding or humor – hard to tell. ❝ Our plumbers wear coveralls. ❞
       Though there came a slight sigh of relief when the noises he thought he’d heard seemed to be nothing more than a product of his own overactive imagination. He’d step back, eyeing the computer and gesturing at it, ❝ Um…good job…by the way… ❞ Maybe he should mention the grounding that the statement prior had given him, but he’d hold back, not wanting to give Felix some kind of complex…or ego ; later, if they weren’t arrested, he’d give him that, but now he just needed to keep their heads above water. As fingernails stopped their pursuit of damaging the wall, he’d let the hand fall, wincing only slightly as the cut underneath bandages caught against the doorknob. ❝ I think…we’re in the clear… ❞ The next action came with twisting the aforementioned knob around and pushing the barrier, causing a sudden start as it met against a torso, a stifled gasp escaping Jake’s lips as one arm extended back to shove into the blond, to keep him from exiting alongside him, while the other pushed the door further open and then slammed it shut behind him, leaving them both separated from one another, Jake’s back now pressed hard into the door to keep it situated – as if he feared Felix might suddenly break it down in some kind of rage.
       Gentle words, softer, sweeter, than he’d ever spoken to anyone in their little group would leave him, though none of them in English but one of them cracking in what sounded like fear ; this was, if not already guessed, a sign that they had been caught – or just Jake at the moment.
Had it not been for the fact that Jake had told him good job, Felix likely would’ve responded to the previous statement about the attire of the plumbers. It was rare that he heard words of praise and approval coming from Jake, and while he didn’t seek his or anyone else’s approval, it was still a nice change from the eye rolling and frustrated sighs. “Is there cameras in here too? I’m gonna get a copy of this moment,” he joked, his voice remaining just above a whisper to avoid unnecessary attention. As far as he could tell, there wasn’t anyone on the other side of the door. It was pretty quiet, meaning they still had a chance to sneak on out of here undetected. Maybe they’d actually manage to pull this off.
Wrong. One gentle push of the door was all it took for Jake to realize that someone was, in fact, on the other side--or so Felix assumed, judging by the sudden gasp and hand coming out to press against his chest and keep him back. He didn’t even have time to react before the door was slammed in his face, leaving him alone in the room of computers. All of it had happened so quickly that he was left feeling a little stunned. Minus their stupid attempts at trying to piece the vase back together, it had been going pretty smoothly. They even had a few plans to fall back on just in case, but now they skipped all the way from plan B to Z. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Hide? Come on out and face the music with Jake? Wait it out and hope for the best? 
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“Fuck,” Felix muttered under his breath, hand stopping mid-reach for the handle. From the other side of the door, he could hear Jake speaking in a tone that sounded borderline weird coming from him. It was too soft, too sweet. What they were talking about was beyond him since they were conversing in another language, but he assumed Jake was trying to smooth things over and prevent access to the security room. Jake’s dad seemed like a pretty safe bet for who he was talking to, for who else would he take such a gentle tone with? Felix never heard him speaking that way with anyone. Exhaling a sigh, he forced himself to sit tight and wait for a sign. Whether that was staying put or coming out of hiding would all depend on how the situation played out.
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narcotlcs · 3 years
“I was never taught how to love in healthy ways.”
​Things I realized when I thought about what I want to tell you if I ever see you again, part XIV
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narcotlcs · 3 years
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‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒  ❝ YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO anything at all… ❞ Was arguing with Felix futile? Yes, but Jake really didn’t want any chances of them having to hide Felix’s identity after this ; the guy would have to wear a bald cap and cover his tattoos and – god, he’d be angrier at the idea of ever being around Jake again…and why wouldn’t he? This was all Jake’s fault in the first place, so why wouldn’t he blame him for the misery? Everything about his night had basically been ruined to the point of them picking up the pieces the best they could – and they were doing a shitty ass job at that. If not for the spectrum of FUCKED they’d be if Jake started up making noise, he’d of long started up screaming into his hands or throwing around something to just…get all this pent up frustration out of his system.
        Hesitantly, much like all of this had been for him, he removed his back from the door, sending to one last wary glance. To him, blocking it with his body felt safest ; when he was a child, this was how he kept his dad out countless times before, small frame pushing back desperately against the hardwood that concealed him from the man’s wrath. It was safety, it was security, it was his form of peace, but seeing that Felix seemed to not know what the hell he was doing, he approached him and placed both palms against the desk to stare at the screen in concentration.
        At first, Jake was about to tell Felix exactly where to go, but he’d pause briefly upon hearing him mumble about the liquor store. Lips tightened into a frown and his hand would slap the back of the guy’s head, not hard enough to hurt but enough to say, ‘ HEY, DUMBASS, SHUT UP, ’ though the words that came spilling out of Jake’s mouth were a variant of Korean insults about the guy being a boneheaded ox testicle for even THINKING about that now, but, if Felix struggled to understand the first bout of angry mutterings, the next ones were more commonly spoken by Jake in regard to him: ❝ Wae geuraeyo?! Joogeulae?! ❞ He’d kill him himself!
        Instead of giving him exact instructions verbally, he’d be granted more soft muttering as finger would jab at the screen, indicating where to click. Seriously, of all times to bring up another criminal activity, it had to be during their already horrifying encounter. PAY ATTENTION, FELIX! The liquor store would have been just as bad…ish…! His dad was scarier than any cops, but he’d rather not be in cuffs over some gas station or liquor store bought drinks! Pausing both his actions and his mumbling, he’d snap his attention toward the door and usher Felix to keep going as he made his way toward it, clearly having heard something – or maybe he was just paranoid – outside the locked doorway. One glance back, he’d point at the screen then grab hold of the doorknob, pulling back on it tightly, seeming to silently be praying that he was just hearing things. 
Concentration kept on the task of deleting the recordings, which was almost done, Felix became momentarily distracted when a hand came down on the back of his head. Truth be told, he wasn’t even sure what the smack had been for, but he figured it probably had to do something with the comment he made about the liquor store. What confused him even further was the words that followed immediately after the action; words he couldn’t even begin to understand because they were spoken in another language. Head turning to the side to look at Jake with a frown worn on his face, Felix narrowed his eyes. “I have no idea what you said, dude, but fuck you because I know it wasn’t nice.”
Allowing his gaze to drift back to the screen, Felix blinked when he saw Jake beginning to firmly point at it to tell him where to click. As far as he knew, he was doing the job just fine and didn’t need any guidance. It must’ve been his comment that had thrown him off, he realized, since he hadn’t been all too specific with it. “My bad, man. I know what I’m doing here. I meant--” pausing mid-sentence, blue eyes widened at the sudden sense of urgency that had Jake rushing over towards the door. Oh shit. Was somebody out there? Had they already discovered that the vase was missing and were coming to investigate? And if they got caught, how the fuck were they going to talk their way out of it? Felix was usually pretty good at bullshitting, but there really was no getting out of something when caught redhanded. 
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“Shit, shit, shit,” the blond muttered under his breath while forcing his attention to be turned away from the door. It wouldn’t do either of them any good if he just sat there panicking and doing nothing. After a few clicks and drags of the mouse, he was pushing the chair back and getting up onto his feet. Now all that was left was finding a way out of here undetected, and honestly? He would be totally fine with never coming back here again. “Okay, it’s done. Tell me we aren’t fucked,” he whispered, long legs carrying him over towards the door that Jake was pulling back on. “How’s the maintenance here? Do you think they’d believe me if I pulled my pants down real low and said I was the plumber?”
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narcotlcs · 3 years
Flinching away when the water was splashed in her face, the faintest of frowns briefly crossing her expression, Shiloh followed the tattooed male over to the edge of the pool. She was still feeling out of breath from the struggle and she’d swallowed enough pool water that she was certain she’d be too full to go to Taco Bell now, but all in all, it had only put her in a better mood.
“If the shoe fits,” Shiloh answered him with a shrug. “You’re weird, you’re naked, and you’re a man.” She said no more on the topic, her gaze briefly skimming over the umbrellas that she saw Felix looking at. Her attention only lingered on them for a moment though, as it was soon stolen by the provoking of an answer to a question. Her eyes were already sore too, so she could relate to his dilemma.
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“Both?” Shiloh answered. “In any order. Either you’re gonna crash in your car and crash your car, or you’re going to crash your car and then… crash in your car.” She started to laugh, realizing that as she spoke the words aloud, they all sounded interchangeably the same. “They sound alike, but I’m sure that your insurance company will think differently.”
Initially, Felix had plans of finding other things to do after Shiloh inevitably parted ways with him for the night. At this rate, however, he would probably head straight home and go straight to bed--or even just end up sleeping in his car if he felt like he was too tired to drive. On the other hand, there was always a chance that the effects of the chlorine would wear off and he’d be right back where he started.
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“Wait, what?” Felix asked, frowning as he tried to sort through the repeated words Shiloh was saying. There was a lot of crash and car, and he couldn’t quite make sense of it. “What I’m hearing is that either I fall asleep and end up crashing, or I crash my car first and then sleep. Or die. Right? Actually, don’t answer that. We’re just gonna move along to a new topic.” There were far more interesting things to talk about than sleeping in cars or dying in cars or whatever with cars.
Lifting himself out of the water a little, the lanky blond leaned forwards and reached for an inner tube that he’d noticed out of the corner of his eye. It was a translucent blue that had a nearby light reflecting off of it. After dragging it closer, he pulled it into the water and draped his arms over one side to hold onto it. He assumed Shiloh would grab onto the other side without a vocal invitation, but just in case, he nodded pointedly at the other side. He didn’t wanna end up drifting too far away from her since they had to keep their voices low, and this was more fun than just staying by the edge anyway. “Hey, I can’t remember if I’ve asked you this or not...” Maybe he already had the answer, maybe he didn’t, but after tonight he wanted to at least try to keep it in mind. “When’s your birthday?”
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narcotlcs · 3 years
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narcotlcs · 3 years
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The Road to El Dorado (2000) dir. Bibo Bergeron and Don Paul
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narcotlcs · 3 years
As soon as Felix came out of the water and cleared his face of the water droplets that were trickling down his features, Shiloh immediately realized that she’d started a war that she probably couldn’t win. She’d done went and fucked up. The grin on her face remained, however, it had faded a little to make room for the fear that was quickly creeping into her expression. “Felix,” she began, holding her hands out in front of her while her gaze remained trained on his own, as though that would put some distance between them and stop him from following through with whatever plan he was concocting in that little blond head of his. ”Felix, fuck off… We’re even now. Fuck off…”
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Without any chance to get away, Felix had already closed the gap between them, his hands finding their way to her waist. “Whoa,” she gasped, her heart immediately jumping into her chest. She had no idea what he was doing, but this wasn’t what she’d been expecting. His hands on her head, maybe, or even on her shoulders, but he certainly wouldn’t be dunking her under the water by her waist. Before she could ponder aloud any further, one of his hands had found her ribcage and he was tickling her obnoxiously, causing her to squirm and writhe in a fit of laughter.
It didn’t take more than a few seconds for the tiny brunette to get annoyed and raise the white flag, but try as she may, she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. Exhaustion set in quickly and before she knew it, she was forced to hang onto the tall male’s shoulders to stay afloat. “Stop!” She pleaded repeatedly, her laughter making her sound anything but serious. “Fucking stop, you weird naked man!” Shiloh finally snapped, taking in a mouth full of water and spitting it in the blond’s face. She fell silent then, her eyes wide with shock, as though she’d just done that without any control whatsoever. Laughter followed immediately after.
As expected, tickling Shiloh to make her run out of energy was far more satisfying than simply holding her under the water for a few seconds. Being tickled mercilessly by someone while begging them to stop was one of the most obnoxious experiences. He knew first hand what it was like, because he’d been in that boat before too. Despite her laughter, he could tell that she was getting exhausted and annoyed, but he had no intentions of stopping. At least not yet. He wanted to make her suffer a little longer.
Well, that had been the plan until Shiloh had called him a weird naked man and spit a mouthful of chlorine water in his face. Of all things to happen, he wasn’t expecting that. It was the comment, really, that had surprised him the most. Hands removed from the brunette’s slender waist, he again wiped the water from his face for a third time.
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“That was oddly specific,” Felix laughed, his hand skimming the top of the water to splash some of it in Shiloh’s face. He then moved away from her to go towards the end of the pool, where he folded his arms atop the edge. His gaze settled on the shadowed table and chairs beneath one of the umbrellas, which looked so much more unsettling at night compared to in the day, when pools were bright and active and fun-filled. It just had a completely different vibe at night, when it was so quiet and still. “My eyes are gonna be so tired from this, I’m probably gonna end up doing one of two things: Crashing my car, or crashing in my car. Place your bets.”
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narcotlcs · 3 years
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narcotlcs · 3 years
���Neither?” Shiloh answered after taking little more than a moment to think of a response, her body coming to a stop a few feet away from Felix as she floated comfortably in the lukewarm water. “I definitely don’t have an overabundance of brain cells. I’m so fucking stupid for doing this,” she laughed. “I’m not timid either though. I’m just not shameless like you are,” she explained, offering a small shrug of her bare shoulders. “Not that there’s anything wrong with being shameless,” she added, the grin on her face returning.
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With a gentle wave of her arms, Shiloh began to drift backwards in the water, away from Felix and back towards the edge of the pool. Once there, she held her breath and disappeared beneath the surface, resurfacing a few moments later, only this time she was directly behind the blond. Coming up quickly, she then allowed the weight of her body to fall, her hands pressing into his tattooed shoulders to dunk him beneath the surface of the water. With the differences in their muscle mass and height, she knew that it would only last a second or two at most and that she’d likely never be able to do it again, but if he thought that his earlier comment about being in the shallow end had gone completely unheard, he was wrong.
Rather than correcting Shiloh to her answer about being timid, Felix decided to just shrug it off and let the topic pass. She’d proven that she had some balls on her by breaking into the impound zone and now the pool, but she hadn’t bothered stripping down to her birthday suit. That was what his comment was directed towards, but maybe she simply didn’t feel comfortable undressing with a guy that she barely even knew. Not all girls were like that. Most of the ones he knew were pretty trashy, admittedly. Trash attracted more trash, he supposed.
Watching Shiloh disappear under the water, he’d half expected her to appear all the way at the other end. There was no telling where she was going to come up though, for the water was too dark at night and the only lights were the ones around the outside of the pool. A few seconds later, she had sprung out of the water behind him and a pressure was immediately felt atop his shoulders. Catching him off guard had been enough for her attempt to shove him under the water to work, the blond’s head once again being submerged beneath the water. He wasn’t kept under for long (he would easily overpower her even if she tried), and soon he came up sputtering, his hands wiping at his eyes before blinking the excess water away. Again, his hair was pushed out of his eyes and he immediately turned to look at the young woman who was behind the playful attack.
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“Huh,” Felix began, the tattooed male both shocked and impressed with the unexpected prank. After all the playful insults about her height and stealth, maybe he deserved it. Lips pursed, he crossed his arms and gave a slow shake of his head. He was visibily fighting back a smile, teeth biting down on the inside of his lip. “Now you’ve gone and started something.” When it came to competitions, he could be absolutely relentless and would keep going until the other surrendered first. Rather than shoving Shiloh back under the water in return, he placed his hands on either side of her waist and teasingly ran his fingers along her ribs. Finally, the devilish grin he’d been hiding was on full display. A split second later, his touch was more firm and he was finding her sensitive spots to tickle her.
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narcotlcs · 3 years
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Machine Gun Kelly photographed by Justin Campbell
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narcotlcs · 3 years
If it wasn’t for the fact that Shiloh had been in the process of using Felix as a ladder to climb the fence, she probably would have given him a smack across the back of his head for throwing a height-related insult at her. He’d been poking fun at her all night and getting away with it by using the excuse of it being his birthday, but there was only a little over an hour now before the clock struck midnight, and little tattooed, messy-haired Cinderella’s carriage would turn back into a weed-scented pumpkin. Thank fuck. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t been roasting him relentlessly too though. In fact, Shy was glad that their senses of humor resonated so well with one another’s. She enjoyed the back and forth banter.
The comment had rolled off of Shiloh’s back with no more than a quiet scoff exiting her lips, her focus stolen by the pool as it came into her line of vision and she approached the edge of it. Although Felix had been the last to climb over the fence, he was the first one to begin stripping, making confident and quick work of removing his clothes. Shiloh could feel her face rising in temperature as it was tinted with a blush, her gaze lingering on his bare form only in short bursts, but ultimately averting entirely when it came time for him to slip out of his underwear. By then, she’d only managed to remove her jacket, boots and socks, the bulk of her clothes still remaining when the now-nude male called to her from the water.
Had she been thinking, Shiloh would have undressed faster and gotten into the water, but because she’d been nervously taking her time, she felt as though she was now putting on some sort of uncomfortable show for her company. Luckily, the nickname ‘skinny’ that he’d just referred to her as broke the ice a little and loosened her up, pulling a grin from her lips as she fiddled awkwardly with an earing; a nervous habit of hers. 
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“I don’t care if it’s your birthday,” she began, pulling her top off from over her head and throwing it into a pile to join her other clothing pieces, “-if you pull me in fully clothed, I’ll make sure you drown before your special day is over. Happy birthday to me.” She flashed him a smile, her delicate fingers unfastening the button of her jeans before she tugged them down over her hips and kicked them off of her ankles, leaving her in a black bra and a pair of plain, black cotton panties. She wished that she’d been wearing something nicer, but alas, she’d been living the single life for so long that her only goal was comfort. Regardless, it wasn’t as though she was trying to impress Felix anyhow. At this point, she didn’t even know what her intentions were with him, aside from simply enjoying his company.
Without wasting any time, and to avoid giving Felix too much of an eye-full, Shiloh lowered herself into the water, slipping beneath the surface until only her head and shoulders remained above it. “I can’t believe you’re butt-ass naked,” she laughed, momentum sending her on a gentle float in Felix’s direction. “Are you bold or stupid?”
“Drowning? What a lame death. That’s not memorable at all. If I’m gonna die, I want it to be some sort of action-movie-worthy type of death filmed from multiple angles,” Felix teased, his gaze locked onto Shiloh while she continued to rid of her garments. He wasn’t trying to make her uncomfortable, it was just the most interesting thing to look at for obvious reasons. Apparently she was too shy to fully strip too, but that was her call. She at least lived close enough to her apartment to not have to walk far at all to get out of her chlorine-soaked clothes.
“Besides, good luck drowning me in anything that’s not the shallow end, short stuff.” If anything, Shiloh would probably end up drowning herself in her sad attempts to push him under. That would be an unfortunate way to end the night, as unrealistic as it was, but it made him wonder when or if they’d be hanging out again. For the most part, he’d been the one making all the plans and forcing his presence onto her. Still, he was pretty sure that she liked his company. They shared a lot of laughs together, and if she really didn’t want to be around him, all she had to do was ignore him.
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At the question of whether he was bold or stupid, Felix paused to think of an answer. Some of the decisions he made were undoubtedly stupid, but he supposed he had a pretty bold and shameless personality too. Even in his youth, he was that kid on the playground that parents would warn their children to stay away from. He’d never been well behaved, and that wasn’t changing anytime soon. “Both, probably,” he decided with a shrug of his shoulders. He had many stories he could tell about his bold or stupid ideas and adventures. “What about you? Are you timid or do you have an overabundance of brain cells that prevent you from skinny dipping?”
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narcotlcs · 3 years
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narcotlcs · 3 years
Rylan had found her confidence at a young age. Always willing to make a person squirm in their seat or use it to draw someone in. It’s how she landed her first boyfriend, after all. And when one was a cheerleader, being confidence was a key to success of theirs. What a time, high school had been. Though, middle school was much better. There’s a small smirk that dances over her lips as she watches him, keeping her gaze upon his as she slides her hand back up the stick one more time, just for a good teasing measure, letting her tongue dart between her lips, wetting them easily, before finally bending to put the paper towel, crumbled up, into a pouch of her bag to dispose of it later. It was easy to play around like this, especially with someone so damn attractive. She always did manage to go for the tall ones. Though, her curiosity was starting to get the better of her. Just how was he outside of his good looks and scrawny body and pretty eyes?
Back to work, after all, that’s what she’s here for, right? To fix his car and get him up and running. Since, she refused to make a return call to his father for a way home and she had her own agenda here. Luckily, it had simply been a hose gone wrong and she could fix it up faster than he probably could’ve imagine. A little grease, but she had no plans after this, that is, of course, unless she decided to give in to carnal, human desires with the man standing before her, watching her movements. Would she? That seemed to be the question of the day but instead, it’s the way her gaze lightens as he says her name, it causes the smirk to shape shift to a smile. Causes her spine to relax but then, she’s laughing at his next sentence, a hand moving to toss curls behind her shoulder easily. “Well now, handsome, that just depends.” She pauses, grabbing a new hose from her bag, coiled up and ready to go. “You going to take me to dinner first and maybe a movie or are you the type to just skip the foreplay and go straight to between the sheets?” Rylan’s laugh dies down to a giggle as she places the hose on top of the motor itself, knowing it won’t slip through any cracks to fall to the road beneath their feet. “Felix, huh?” His name feels good on her tongue. She likes saying it. “Nice name. I haven’t met many with it.”
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A heart of gold always showed through in times of need. Something Rylan had learned at a young age but it was her own decision to never shy away from it. In reality, she was going to get in trouble for not taking full payment, but so far, she hadn’t minded the decision. He was funny. He had made her laugh and he wasn’t afraid to flirt either, in good spirit. She would simply cover the rest of his charge out of her paycheck or taking on extra hours at the shop. Whichever one her father felt like was the better *punishment* for her to learn from, even if it never actually did anything. “Yeah. You never have someone be nice enough to not take full payment?” She questions, a raise of an eyebrow that she doubts he sees, considering she’s bending over the car again, hands busy deep in the motor, unhooking one hose and screwing in the next, making sure the rubber felt secure, the metal hookings weren’t loose and that, for now, there was no random air leaking out. She wouldn’t know if it had worked until he started her up again but that was easy enough. “So I’ve noticed.” She laughs, gaze drifting to him as she shuts the hood, dropping the broken piece in her bag, grabbing a rag and trying to wipe the grease off the best she can. “For starters, you wanna give me a ride home? I’m actually pretty free the rest of the day, so we could always do something else.” A small smirk dances then as she steps closer to him. “Maybe you could show me your version of fun and then we’ll talk about that one track mind of yours.”
The question of whether or not Felix would take Rylan to a movie or dinner earned the mechanic a small chuckle, the blond giving a slow shake of his head. Usually he only bothered with that if he was dating them or planned on dating them, though there were exceptions. It wasn’t as if he was opposed to hanging out and going places with women either; he just wasn’t the type to romance someone before sleeping with them. Hell, he’d never even been a relationship that could be considered healthy or normal, and so romance was a bit of a foreign concept to him.
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“I think the idea of foreplay I had in mind is a little different than yours,” Felix went on to answer, his gaze following the movements of Rylan’s hands as she continued work on his car. It was clear that she knew what she was doing, and while her face and body alike were highly distracting, he also wanted to take notes of how to attempt to fix his car manually if it were to break down again. He worked on his own vehicles from time to time, so the more he could learn, the better. It was way too pricy to dish out money every time this piece of junk had a problem. From squeaky doors to motor failure to chipping paint, it had most definitely seen better days.
“It depends on what you mean by that, I guess. Most are fine with me paying in incriments.” That was pretty normal, actually. Very rarely was anyone expected to just immediately pay out of pocket, at least when it came to stuff like this. “But nobody has ever been nice enough, or maybe crazy enough, to just tell me not to sweat it and suggest a different form of payment. That shit’s unheard of.” That was definitely a first, but he appreciated her kindness nonetheless. It was definitely a rarity. Taking a small step away from the car after Rylan had finished her work and closed the hood, he quirked a brow at her suggestion. He’d have to be out of his mind to shoot her down. Besides, with all the back and forth flirting filled with obviously sexual implications, that meant she wouldn’t pull a fast one on him and refuse to sleep with him, right?
“Fuck it, why not. I’d be happy to give you a ride.” In both senses of the word, really. Leaving his place at the trunk, he pulled open the door to the car and got into the drivers seat. First before anything, he had to make sure the damn thing would actually start up again. The keys were inserted into the ignition, turned, and resulted in the engine roaring to life. What a relief. Whatever the problem had been, it seemed like a pretty simple fix and he considered himself lucky that it didn’t have to be kept overnight or longer. From inside the vehicle, Felix reached over and pulled the handle of the passenger-side door to then push it open, a silent invitation for Rylan to hop in.
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narcotlcs · 3 years
It took a little while for the effects of the overdose of serotonin to wear off, the brunette repeatedly catching herself grinning for no reason, but she eventually managed to get herself under control enough to where she didn’t look like an absolute clown while strolling down the street. Perhaps she would have been able to cut it out earlier, had Felix not told her to shut up and stop laughing, but knowing that she had to stop just made it so much funnier. Everything was funnier when you weren’t supposed to laugh. Everyone knew that. When the pair had approached the gated-off area of a motel pool, Shiloh’s pace slowed to match Felix’s until they were at a complete stop. The mention of her new nickname had her grinning, but she held back her laughter, her eyebrow quirking quizzically instead. “You know,” she began, stepping closer. “You keep referencing my Ninja Turtles lanyard as though it’s some sort of insult, and I’m gonna need you to grow up and cut that the fuck out.” She paused. “Give me a boost, birthday boy.”
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The brunette stepped closer, her arms reaching upward to allow her to settle her hands on the shoulders of the lanky male, a gentle pressure added to encourage him to stoop down to her level. There was no way that she would be able to get over the fence by herself. It had been a miracle that she’d made it over the one at the impound lot, but she guessed that she had the adrenaline and threat of being thrown into jail to thank for it.
With Felix’s help, Shiloh got over the fence, landing with a soft thud on the other side. Luckily, all of the shrubbery hid the pool from the prying eyes of most of the public, but she wasn’t foolish enough to say that it was private either, especially considering the fact that she was in front of Felix. As she approached the edge of the pool, she was beginning to doubt her decision, but one glance over her shoulder at the tattooed blond was enough to reassure her. She didn’t need to give him any more ammunition than he already had, and the sound of him egging her on was already annoying her before it had even begun. Still, despite the fact that she was sticking to her decision, she was undoubtedly nervous about taking the next step. She wasn’t stupid enough to think that they were going in fully-clothed (after all, this was Felix that she was with), but just how naked was he planning on getting?…
“Nah, I’ll grow up by the end of the night. Maybe. Until then...” Felix replied with a playful grin before he leaned over, his fingers lacing together to allow Shiloh to use him for a boost. Once her foot was properly positioned, he lifted her up towards the top of the fence with ease. He figured she was capable of handling the rest on her own, but just in case she were to fall, he kept his hands near her. Within a few seconds, she had made it safely and quietly to the other side.
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“How tall are you anyway? Five feet? Most people look short next to me, but you’re full on bite-sized.” Felix was excessively tall, where Shiloh seemed to be excessively short. Or in other words, above and below average. Arms reaching up, he gripped at the top of the fence, checked his footing, and then pulled himself up. He was lucky that he wasn’t short, which made it a lot easier, but he’d also had a lot of practice with climbing fences by trespassing and taking shortcuts. After dropping down onto the other side, he paused to take a quick look around and make sure that nobody was going to kick them out before they even got started. For now, it was safe. They would just have to make sure not to be too loud, otherwise they’d be asking to get caught.
Not wanting to bother wasting any more time, especially if they still wanted to go to Taco Bell before they grew too tired or it grew to be too late, Felix shrugged his hoodie off his shoulders and tossed the article of the weed-scented clothing to the side. In this case, he would make sure that his clothes were all in a pile, since it would be a pain in the ass to run around collecting all of it in the event that he had to make an emergency exit. His shirt was next to come off, exposing a fully tattooed torso, followed by his shoes, socks, jeans and underwear. Whether Shiloh wanted to fully undress or not was up to her; he just personally didn’t feel like getting dressed back into wet clothing. It was uncomfortable and he hated the scent of chlorine lingering on clothes. For him, going commando would be preferred over it. Now fully undressed, Felix went ahead and jumped into the deep end of the pool. Due to the hot sun beating down on the water all day, it still retained the heat and remained as a comfortable temperature to swim in.
Running his hand over his face and pushing his soaking wet hair from his eyes after he’d resurfaced, the tattooed blond glanced over his shoulder to look at Shiloh. He could tell that she was a little bit nervous, but he hoped that she’d be able to loosen up a little and have fun with it. “C’mon, Skinny. Get your ass in here before I pull you in myself.”
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