mytrashcanlife · 9 months
Okay to anyone who actually reads this blog, I release 1 fic a year. It’s always a multi-part, slow burn reader insert romance, and I write the entire thing before releasing any of it to Avoid burning out and abandoning projects. I’m running out of inspirational characters so anyone with any ideas feel free to leave them in the comments. Until then I wait for inspiration to strike.
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) Pt.11 Final Part
Trigger Warning: Cursing, Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking.
“Shit!” You run over to Beatrice, push her into the room and close the door. You and Xavier exchange a look of absolute terror. This is bad. “This is why you’ve been avoiding my flirting? You’re screwing your roommate!” You jump in at that. “Okay first of all no! He is not screwing me thank you very much.” “Yeah. I’m not…doing that.” “What the hell is going on here!” “Lower your voice, Beatrice. You want the whole school to hear you?” “Mabey, I do.” “no no no no no! none of that! Look, Y/N and I started dating a few weeks ago and we realize that puts the school in kind of a weird position, so we’ve been keeping it secret.” “Who knows?” “Nobody. Not even Enid knows.” This seems to calm her down. “Enid know everything about everybody.” “Well, she doesn’t know this about us. She tried to set me up with someone today.” “And we would like to keep it that way. Please Beatrice I know you’re upset, but don’t say anything.” She looks between the two of you for a moment and sighs. “Fine.” She pushes past you and opens the door to leave. “But if you get caught leave my name out of it.” She slammed the door behind her, and you immediately lock it. “We’re screwed Xavier.” “She just said she isn’t going to tell anyone.” “I don’t trust her. Nobody calms down that fast. Nobody! We are in so much trouble!” “We are only in trouble if we get caught by the media or something.”
It had been three days since the encounter. Parents weekend began tomorrow, and you were surprised that nothing had happened yet. For a moment you almost thought you were safe, until Enid came to the lunch table with a magazine. “Y/N, Xavier, you two might wanna take a look at this.” You both look in horror at the front page. It was a picture of the two you at archery practice. He had been helping you learn to shoot so he was close with his hands on yours. They had taken the picture for the yearbook, but now it was splashed on the front page of a tabloid with the headline “Xavier Thorpe involved in roommate scandal with potential murderer!” “We’re in trouble.” “No shit!” “Wait this is true?! And you didn’t tell me?!” Ajax and Enid looked shocked. Even Wednesday had a slightly concerned look on her usually neutral face. You turn to Enid and Xavier talks to Ajax. “Enid, we didn’t tell anyone.” “Then how did this get out?” “We got caught. She was sworn to secrecy, but she was obviously mad enough to go to the press.” “Who?” “Who do you think? Beatrice!”
“Dude, I knew it!” “Keep your voice down.” “How long?” “Since the Poe Cup.” “It was the shed, wasn’t it?” “Yeah. Look I really like her, and this,” he picks up the magazine, “puts everything at risk.” “I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” “We didn’t tell anybody.”
Ring. Ring. Ring. Your phone starts ringing startling everyone. “It’s my mom. I have to take this.” You pick up the call and walk away from the loud quad and back up to your room. “Mom? Parents weekend starts tomorrow can’t this wait?” “No, it cannot. Unfortunately, I have to be on a business trip, so I can’t be at parents weekend, but that is not the main reason for this call. Have you seen the news?” You close and lock your door. “What news?” “Y/N you and Xavier are painted on every news station, tabloid, magazine, and newspaper in the outcast sphere of influence right now. Are you really with him?” “What have you heard?” “They’re speculating everything from coercion on either side of this, to a star-crossed love story. Depends on which source you read but in every case you two are together is that true?!” “Yes mom. We are dating, but that’s it. We aren’t having sex, and nobody has been coerced into anything. He saved me from the normies, I let him paint me in a pretty dress, we kissed and now we’re together.” You hear your mother sigh heavily on the other end. “Y/N you cannot get into any more trouble. You cannot get kicked out of that school!” “Mom they can’t control who I’m dating, and they have no proof of anything else because we haven’t done anything else, so what are they gonna do?!” “Good point. Okay look, I am your mother and I just want you to be happy so here’s my questions do you love this b—” “Yes!” “Okay. Are you Happy?” “Yes. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.” “Then go for it. I’ll deal with the principle, and I’ll call Xavier’s Father to deal with the press.” “Thank you.” “Bye.” “Bye.” You turn around at the sound of the lock turning to find Xavier on the phone too. “Yeah, dad I know…You don’t have to do that. Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He hangs up and tosses his phone onto his bed. “That didn’t sound good.” “Well, the good news is Enid, Wednesday, and Ajax are on our side and understand 100%” “The bad news?” “My dad is coming tomorrow.”
Parents weekend isn’t about the kids. It’s about the parents. This time though, it was about you two. Your mom hadn’t turned up, but Xavier’s dad had. You got to meet him in person, and he wasn’t very happy with you. The two of you met his in the quad with the rest of the students and their families. The two of you had agreed it was best to have witnesses to this conversation. You decide to start by introducing yourself and reach out to shake his father’s hand. “Hello Mr. Thorpe. I’m Y/N.” “So, you’re the reason my son is all over the news?” “Dad leave her alone it’s not her fault.” You feel Xavier grab your other hand and pull you away from his father. He guides you to stand just behind him, like he’s trying to protect you. “Of course, it isn’t. I sent you to this school to keep you out of the public eye Xavier. You had one job!” “I know that!” “It wasn’t his fault either.” “Then whose fault was it then?” Xavier looks over his shoulder at you with a look that says let him handle this. At this point other students in the quad had begun to back away from the commotion. You could vaguely see Enid in the corner who looked like she was ready to come to your rescue if you needed it. “Beatrice.” “Who?” “She was some girl who had a crush on me. She opened the door without knocking and saw me kiss Y/N and then she completely overblew it to the media.” “I’m not even angry that you’re dating that girl. Honestly, she’s from a good family, and officially all her charges are being dropped as of next week.” He looks at you directly “You’re welcome by the way. I didn’t need the media covering you being a convicted felon and my son’s roommate.” “Then what is the problem?” “The problem is that you didn’t tell me and then you got caught.” “What happens now?!” “I already talked to media management to get this under control. All they have is pictures of you two in archery, and no proof of anything. You both, make a statement denying the allegations and you stop seeing each other.” “No!” His eyes narrow at Xavier and you start to back away from them. “What did you just say to me boy.” “I said no. I’m not just gonna abandon Y/N because some idiot in the tabloids is making stuff up.” “You will stop seeing her. I already looked into having her expelled but that isn’t an option, so I will remove you from this school Xavier.” “Do it. I’ll still find a way to see her.” “Why are you being so unreasonable!” “Because I love her damnit! I love her more than anything and I always will. I will love her like fire loves innocence, like misfortune loves orphans and like justice loves to sit and watch everything go wrong!”
“Well, that’s good to hear Xavier” The three of you turn to see where the principle stands. “Ms. Principle? What are you doing here?” “I just got off the phone with Y/N’s mother and I was coming to talk to Xavier’s father.” “How much did you hear?” “Enough. Y/N will not be leaving Nevermore, and there is no reason to make Xavier leave either. Beatrice admitted to being the informant for the tabloids, and it is against student conduct to give private information about other students to the media. As such she has been expelled from Nevermore and will be transferring to another school for outcasts, which means there is now a space available in the female dormitories. Y/N can be moved in by the end of the weekend, the two of them can continue their love and we simply deny that they were ever roommates to begin with. Do we have a deal Mr. Thorpe?” The whole quad seems to be holding their breath for his answer. You’ve moved back to Xavier and are holding his arm lightly. “Fine.” “Yes!” You look at Xavier who immediately envelopes you in a quick kiss. His hands on your face, yours around his neck. “On one condition! Neither of you can leave Nevermore for the until this all dies down. The moment you step off campus reporters are waiting for a statement.” “Deal!” you both say at the same time. After the commotion had calmed down, the quad quickly filled back up with students and parents. At one Point Wednesday’s Parents come over to meet you. “You must be Wednesday’s new friend.” “Looks like the two of you have been through a rough first part of the semester.” “Yes Mr. and Mrs. Adams. I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” “Please, call me Morticia. Nice to meet you as well dear. Can I talk to you alone for just a second?” “Absolutely Mrs. Adams. I mean Morticia.” She walks you just out of ear shot of the rest of the group, while Gomez Talks to Xavier. “Xavier, is it? I heard what you said about her. Lemony Snicket quote was a fine touch young man.’ “Thank you.”
“Y/N Dear?” “Yes Ma’am.” “We heard everything about your love story with Xavier., and let me just say, that boy quoted Lemony Snicket for you. Don’t ever let him go.” You smile at her before turning to look at Xavier still in conversation. His hair down and that beautiful smile on display. You turn back to look Morticia in the eyes. “I don’t plan on it.”
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) Pt. 10
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. This chapter gets a bit steamier than others, but I’m not writing smut. It’s like a level 2 makeout.
If there was one thing the both of you could do, it was keeping a secret. Three weeks went by with no issues. The two of you would attend classes, some of which you sat together in and some of which you sat with others. You ate lunch with your mutual friends, and you always sat together, but everyone sat in the same order, so it wasn’t suspicious. You would finish classes and study in groups, but once you were both back to the room, with the door locked, the two of you were as close as you could get. The school had no idea that he currently had you sitting on his desk with his lips on yours. “I missed you.” He pulls away from your lips and starts to make his way down your neck. One hand holding your face with his thumb on your jaw pushing your head back to give him better access. The other on the table behind you. “Xavier, we have three classes together. You saw me an hour ago.” “Yeah, but then I had to go study with Ajax and Beatrice” At that name you roll your eyes, and scoff. Xavier pulls back and looks at you with raised eyebrows. “I’m sensing some tension there and something tells me Ajax isn’t the one you have a problem with.” Everything was fine, until Beatrice happened. In her defense as far as she knew Xavier was single. Wednesday had made it abundantly clear she had no interest in love at all, Bianca had given up on getting him back before you ever got to Nevermore, and you had been insisting that there was nothing going on between you two, so what was the harm in a bit of flirting right? “She has a tendency to flirt with my boyfriend so you can see why I might be a bit annoyed with her.” “You mean the boyfriend that nobody knows you have?” “Still doesn’t mean I have to like her.” “Fair enough.” “You’re gonna have to let her down easy.” “Look if she asks me out, I’ll tell her no, and until then I’m sure Ajax will ask me about her at some point. I’ll tell him she’s not my type which will get back to Enid, and she’ll fix the issue.” “You know if I didn’t know Enid, I would say that’s crazy, but knowing her I think that might be crazy enough to work.” “Exactly, now stop being jealous of women I have no interest in, and get in bed, we have class in the morning.” “Fine,” You hop off the desk and into his waiting arms, “but for the record, I’m not jealous. I’m territorial.” You give him a quick kiss before heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.”
The next few days went well enough. You and Enid had been assigned to a project together, so you were in her dorm working on it. “So, I know you said you don’t have anything going on with Xavier, but—” “No buts Enid. No ifs not buts no coconuts. Nothing is going on.” “Fine, but just because you aren’t dating Xavier, doesn’t mean you can’t date anyone! Soo…Has anyone caught your eye?” “No.” “Oh, come on! I know some guys I could introduce you to. Or girls if that’s what you’re into, but those options are bit more limited at the moment.” “I’m fine the way I am Enid, but I appreciate your concern. How are you and Ajax?” “Oh, we’re doing great.” “That’s good to hear. Now I know you know everything about everyone, so what’s the drama? Give me your meadow report.” You see Enid’s eyes light up at the invitation. “Okay, so you know Taylor from bio? She’s dating a normie in Jericho. Bianca’s mom might be in an MLM. Half the boy’s golf team is dating the girl’s tennis team. Let’s see what else…Oh! Speaking of your roommate, he might be in some love drama soon, cause Beatrice has a huge crush on him, but Ajax told me that Xavier said that she isn’t his type. Apparently, he’s gotta thing for (y/h/c)s. Why are you laughing?” You were laughing because Xavier’s plan was working, but you couldn’t tell her that. “Xavier was telling me the other day that Beatrice was acting weird, and he didn’t believe me when I said she was flirting. Men, right?” “I know right they are so oblivious! Remind me to tell you about how me and Ajax started dating sometime. It was a mess, but we don’t have time for that, we need to finish this tonight.” “You’re right.”
Once Enid and you had made enough progress on your project for the night you headed back to the dorm to find it empty. You figured Xavier would be back late tonight. He had the misfortune of getting Beatrice for this project, because if there was a higher power out there, they had a sick sense of humor. You look out the window and see the two of them at a table in the quad covered in papers. Just as you were about to draw a bath you see the two of them start to pack up their things, so you decide on a change of clothes and a quick shower instead. You hear the door open and close just as you step out of the shower. You throw on your pajama shorts and a tank top leave the bathroom. “You look beautiful as always.” “Thank you darling.” He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to him. One hand on your hip and he other caressing your jaw. You wrap your arms around his neck in response. “How was your day?” “Good. Your plan is working by the way. Enid told me about what you said to Ajax.” “Not working fast enough apparently. The news hasn’t made it back to Beatrice yet.” “I give it a few days.” “Speaking of a few days, you ready for parents weekend?” “I could ask you the same thing.” “My dad never shows up. What do I need to prepare for?” “The disappointment. I’m sorry about him. He doesn’t know what he’s missing.” “Enough of that, come here.” He leans in to kiss you. This one is softer than usual, and you can feel his exhaustion; both physical and emotional. One of your hands finds it way into his hair as you pull him ever closer to you. Lost in each other once more. “Hey Xavier? You forgot your—oh my god!” The two of you break apart and turn to the door. Standing there, hands over mouth, eyes wide, in the doorway was your new worst nightmare: Beatrice.
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
Quick Update
Okay so for those of you following my current work you are going to notice that I changed the name of the fic. I am working on the last part (maybe two parts depending on a couple things) and I realized that the quote I based the title on was written wrong in my notes, which means that I named the fic the wrong thing, which messes up my plans so I had to go pack to all the parts and fix it. “As fire loves orphans” is now “As fire loves innocence” which also means I don’t kill off anyone anymore so yay! Anyway don’t be confused it’s the same fic I just had to fix the name to make the last couple parts make sense. 
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) Pt. 9
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
Xavier ended up with two weeks detention for the incident, and he was banned from participating in the Poe Cup this year. You apologized again and again, but every time he would just wave it off. Now the games were tomorrow, and the team had to replace him. Ajax originally offered the spot to you, but you didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of sinking. In addition to this it would just add insult to injury if you were to replace Xavier after being the reason, he needed a replacement to begin with, so you elected to remain on the sidelines with him and cheer on the team. “I know I’ve already said it a thousand times, but I’m really sorry. Enid told me all about last year, and I know how much you wanted to help Ajax get revenge, and now you’re going to miss it, and it’s all my fault. I’m so sorry” “Y/N, again it isn’t a big deal. I’m still watching it tomorrow I just can’t participate in the game itself. I can try again next year.” “I know but I still feel so bad about the whole situation.” “You wanna make it up to me? Would that make you feel better?” “Yes! Whatever you want. You name it.” “Okay, I’m working on my figure paintings, and I need a model. You can be my model for a few hours, and we can call it even. And you get to see the art shed. Deal?” You look up at him with a raised eyebrow. “I know exactly what you are thinking. Not that kind of modeling. Wear something comfortable to sit in for a long time.” “Okay Deal. When?” “We have dinner after the Poe Cup with the group, we can go after that.” “Sound’s good.”
The Poe cup went about as well as once could expect. Your team lost. Again. “We would have won if Xavier had been with us!” Ajax has been insisting this the entire dinner. You had the urge to apologize, but the only people who know what really happened in the weathervane are you and Xavier. The two of you had stuck to the same story since. The boys were harassing you. They touched you and Xavier three coffee on them to protect you knowing that the heat wouldn’t hurt you. In a way this wasn’t untrue; it just wasn’t the whole truth either. “You had Xavier last year and you lost.” “I know that Wednesday, but this year we were more prepared. If those idiots hadn’t attacked Y/N we wouldn’t be in this mess.” At this point Enid piped in. “Yeah if anyone is to blame here it’s the normies who don’t know how to keep their hands to themselves. They’re just luck they got Xavier with coffee and not me with claws.” You laugh at her protective nature. “Thank you, Enid. And Thank you Xavier again for defending me.” “It was nothing. Don’t worry about it. Besides we’re even now.” Enid and Ajax both look at you at that statement, but it’s Wednesday who speaks up. “Even?” “Yep. Y/N has so graciously volunteered to be my model so I can work on a few different painting techniques.” You see Enid give Xavier the same look you did, and Ajax lets out a “Nice dude.” Before you interrupt. “Not that kind of modeling.” Xavier looks almost offended. “Why does everyone think I’m just trying to see you naked?” Ajax snickers at the comment. “Dude, have you looked at her? You’re the only guy with a girl roommate and she’s hot.” Enid elbows him at that comment causing him to backtrack a bit. “I mean she’s conventionally attractive. Not my type though.” Enid seems satisfied with this. “Look I can assure you that there is nothing going on between me and Xavier. We are just friends who happen to be roommates. Nothing more.” “You’ve been invited to his supper secret art shed in the middle of the woods to be his model.” “I’m just helping my friend with his hobby, as a favor for literally saving me from the normies.” “Yeah, what she said. Nothing is going on.” Enid puts her hands up in surrender. “Okay, I believe you. I’m just saying to people who don’t know you this could be a bit suspicious.”
You finished up dinner, and head back to your room so you can change before the two of you head out into the woods. You decide to wear a little dress. It’s knee length and red with short sleeves and sweetheart neckline. He brings you to a little shed and unlocks the padlock on the door. The shed consists of one little room with several canvases and sets of drawers holding supplies. “Wow” “I know it’s not much, but it’s mine.” “It’s amazing.” Xavier points you to a stool in the middle of the room and has you sit angles towards a small table with a lit candle on it. He positions you with one hand in a fist with your chin resting on it as you look at the candle and the other arm draped across your lap. Once he has you in the right pose, he steps back a bit. “Okay. Now don’t move for the next three hours or so.” “Can I talk?” “For now, yes, but eventually I’ll need you to just smile and shush so I can get your facial details right.” “Okay just let me know when.” He takes his time with this painting. You can see the look of concentration on his face at times, like when he’s trying to mix an exact shade of a color to show light spreading across your face. At first you try to hold a conversation but eventually you just let him do his work and you gaze off into the distance in a daydream. You zone out for so long; you don’t realize that the sun has set leaving the candle on your table and one behind Xavier as the only light source in the room. “Y/N? Y/N! it’s done you can move now.” This snaps you out of your daze. “You wanna see it?” “Yes!” You hop off the stool and stretch out your limbs, stiff from being sedentary for so long, and blow out the candle which was on its last leg after burning for so long. You walk over to Xavier and turn to look at the painting. Your hand immediately covers your mouth in shock, which worries Xavier at first. “Is it bad?” “No. It’s beautiful. Can you make it move or is it only certain drawings?” “I can make it move.” He holds his hands up and you watch in amazement as the flame begins to flicker. In the painting Your small grin grows wider into a full smile as you remove your hand from under your chin and reach out to touch the flame. It grows slightly larger for a moment before you bring your hand back to its original position and the painting stops moving. You turn to Xavier as he lowers his hand. You hadn’t realized just how close he was to you until now. He looks down at you with a new look in his eye. It seems vaguely familiar, but you can’t quite place it. The two of you are afraid to speak above a whisper, as if the moment was so fragile that even a small noise could break it, and neither of you wanted to leave it yet. “You are beyond amazing Xavier.” Neither of you register the two of you leaning closer and closer until your foreheads are touching, your breathing heavy and sporadic. In a moment of bravery Xavier reaches out. His hands hovering just away from your face. “Can I kiss you?” “Please do.” With that his lips are on yours. The kiss soft yet desperate. He holds your face as if he is afraid that you will slip through his fingers, and you respond by throwing your arms around his neck. When you finally break apart, you’re both panting. Neither of you have moved your hands and your foreheads are still together. “To be completely honest Xavier, I’ve wanted you to do that since the weathervane” “I’ve wanted to do that since your first day of classes.” “Nobody can know about this. Not while we still live together. It’s a scandal waiting to happen.” “I know. My dad would kill me. I can see the headline now.” As the two of you started to laugh at that thought the final candle finally went out, and you realized how late it was. “We should get back to the dorm.” “Yeah. You’re right.” The two of you walk back the dorm. You just barley back before curfew, and as you close and lock the door your head is still spinning from the realization of what tonight means for you. Xavier walks over to you and takes your hand as you look up at him.  “You know I think I’m gonna like this room a lot more now.” “Why?” “Cause like you said, nobody can know about us out there, but in here you’re mine.”
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) pt 8
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
It had been a long day. After the events at the Weathervane, you and Xavier had finished out the day but upon returning to school Xavier has been called to talk with the principle. You felt kind of bad that he was covering for you. You would have to find a way to thank him later. For now, though you had decided to take a bath to clear your head. As you sank beneath the water, you heard a door opening and closing followed by another. you came up for air just in time to hear “oh God I am so sorry” “It’s alright Xavi- “ “I was just coming to take a shower. I’ll come back later.” He says turning to leave “Where are you going?” He pauses in the doorway and turns around. “I don’t know, probably just my desk.” “Would you stay? Talk to me?” “Sure. About what?” “How was your day?” He shrugs in response and sinks to the floor against the cabinet by the tub. “good enough, I guess. Thornhill’s replacement gives a lot more homework.” “I never knew Thornhill, but I hear she was terrible. I quite like this teacher, despite the workload.” “Yeah, she was a bitch, but at least one who gave me more free ti—I’m sorry but does this not bother you considering your…” “Past? Actually, this is done because of it.” Y/N waves her hands around in reference to her bath, and Xavier can see the steam coming off of her skin. It isn’t red like it should be when overheated though; it kept its typical coloration. “I trust you with my life Xavier, but even if you wanted to hurt me you couldn’t right now nobody could.” “I would never hurt you, but what makes you so confident someone else couldn’t?” “Touch the bath water.” “What?!” The look of surprise and slight fear on his face reduces you to laughter. You sink back down into the water with only your head left above it.” “Just do it. I promise I won’t bite” Xavier hesitantly reaches out one finger. As his fingertip touches the water a sizzling sound echoes through the bathroom and he jumps back, clutching his hand. As he blows on the small burn, the pain fades, and he’s left with nothing but a faint reddish tint on his fingertip. “Ow. What was that?” “It’s boiling. Well not quite a rolling boil but enough.” Y/N lifts her hand out of the water and with her palm up he can see the steam billowing from it like a burning twig. “If anyone tried to touch me with any confidence, they’d burn themselves. It gives me the power to make myself untouchable, even if just temporarily, that’s why you can’t see me through the water either.” “How do you do that?!” “I heat the water myself, and if fire won’t burn me then how can hot water do so?” “Good point. I wish I could do something that cool. I just make pictures move” You look at Xavier in surprise. “You do so much more than that. You’re an artist, you bring to life moments and places I would never see otherwise. And then you make them move. I just burn things. Xavier, I destroy things, but you…you make things new, and beautiful.” “Thank you. I—” Knock Knock Knock  “Hey Xavier? You in there, buddy? I’m about to head down to the chamber to study if you wanna go with!”
Both turn their heads to the sound and Xavier rises to leave again.
“I should go. You enjoy your bath and I’ll go get some homework done. Besides, Ajax needs all the help he get in classes. I’ll see you later.” “See you later.” As soon as you heard the dorm door close and lock, you let out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding. With a wide smile on your face, you pushed back your hair and sank once more into the quiet calm of the boiling water.
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) Pt 7
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
“You must be my Nevermore Workers.” You feel Xavier tense up beside you. Nobody speaks for a moment as you notice that the tall black man in front of you is staring at Xavier with an icy look. “Lucas, what are you doing here?” “Tyler left town last year and I picked up the job. Dad thought this would help me build character” You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, but you just wanted to get behind the bar and start this day. The sooner you start the sooner it ends, and you can go home, so you decide to introduce yourself. “Hi. My name is Y/N. Lucas, right?” You see suspicion in his eyes as he looks you over. You had worn a simple black t-shirt and matching pants to avoid getting your school uniform messed up. “Yeah. Nice to meet you. Xavier, you were here last year you know what to do grab an apron from the back for your friend too.” Xavier leaves through the swinging door to the back room. “Y/N, is it? Have you ever worked with espresso before?” “Yes sir. I was a Barista back home before I transferred to evermore.” “Perfect you’re behind the bar with your Xavier. If you need anything I’ll be in the break room.” As Xavier comes back to you with an apron Lucas disappears leaving the two of you alone at the front of the Café. It was empty at the moment, so you took the time to start wiping the tables, while Xavier was making sure everything behind the bar was working and clean.   “So, Xavier?” “Yeah?” “What’s with you and Lucas giving each other the look of death?” “He and his friends have caused nothing but trouble for Nevermore. You remember when Enid told you some kids destroyed my mural?” “Yeah. That was awful.” “That was him and his buddies.” “Oh. I’m sorry.” “It’s not your fault.” As more people started to arrive at the caffe the two of you had split up duties. You were currently at the register while Xavier had gone to the back room to grab some more syrups. Just as the last customer in a while was leaving, two more boys walk in and they look surprised to see you. You put on your best customer service smile and voice. “Hello. Welcome to the Weathervane. What can I get started for you today?” “You’re new. What’s your name?” “I’m temporary. My name is Y/N L/N. I’m here for outreach day from Nevermore.  So, what can I get started for you today?” His friend speaks up behind him. “Wait a minute I know that name. You’re that girl that burned a man alive! They let you out in public after that?” Your heart is beating faster, and you feel your breath shortening. “That’s not what happened.” “That’s what the court says happened.” “I-I-I didn’t—“ “Hey what’s going on?” You look up to see Xavier walking over. “Leave her alone asshole.” The boy in front of you begins to laugh. “Xavier?! What is this your new freak of a girlfriend?” One of them reaches over the counter and grabs your wrist. “Pigtails and knives wasn’t enough for you? You wanted to play with fire too? “Don’t touch me!” You grab his hand on your wrist. SSSS “OW!” He lets go of you and pulls his hand back. It’s bright red and smoking slightly as if he had touched a stove. “The bitch burned me!” You feel the panic start to set in and look at Xavier with wide eyes. “I-I didn’t mean to. I promise.” “It’s okay.” “It is NOT OKAY she burned me! I’m telling the sheriff!” Without a word Xavier grabs a nearby cup of drip coffee and throws it on his already burned hand. The coffee covers a good bit of him, but it isn’t quite hot enough to do much damage. “What the hell dude!” “Dude we gotta get out of here.” At that moment Lucas emerged from the break room to see what all the yelling was for. He saw the end of the scene in the dining room as his friends were leaving. “What on earth happened?!” Before you can say anything, Xavier speaks up. “Your friends came in to harass mine. I spilled coffee on him, and he ran.” “Great. I’ll have to deal with that later too!” Lucas returns to the back room, and you turned to Xavier. “Thank you.” “It was nothing.” “No, it was something. I actually lost control and you took the blame for me. You know the principle is gonna be pissed when she finds out about this.” “I can handle her. Don’t worry about me. Are you okay?” “I’m fine.” “Good. That’s all that matters, and I’ll bet you anything they won’t touch you again.”
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier x Reader) Pt 6
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
It had been a few weeks since joining the nightshades, and you had to admit you did make friends faster afterwards. Enough friends to warn you about outreach day coming up. You hadn’t been in the general public since the incident. You had begged the principal to let you stay at school, but she insisted that you participate, or it wouldn’t be fair to the other students. You and Xavier left the room together that morning and picked up your assignments. “What did you get?” You open the little envelope in dread. “The Weathervane. What’s that?” “It’s a little coffee shop in town.” “Oh, I used to be a barista in my old town that’s perfect. What did you get?” Xavier opens his envelope and flips a paper to face you. It’s identical to yours. “Guess we’re working together.” “Sounds fun” You try to hide your blush as Enid, Wednesday and Ajax meet up with you and the five of you start walking to the opening ceremony.  Ajax and Xavier seem to slow down slightly, and they follow just a bit behind the girls. Ajax speaks in a hushed tone low enough to be out of earshot of the girls. “Weathervane again? And you’re with Y/N? Dude how lucky can you be?” “To be honest not that lucky. I may have pulled some strings to make sure Y/N wouldn’t be left alone or with some stranger. She seemed really freaked out about being in town.” “You never pull strings for me?” “Ajax, I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you, but you aren’t as pretty as her.” Ajax gasps in fake surprise. His hand clutching non-existent pearls. “How rude, Xavier.” He drops the act when he sees Enid turn to look at him suspiciously. “Dude seriously, just ask the girl out.” “She’s, my roommate. I cannot make that weird Ajax; she’s been through enough as it is.” “I’m just saying she’s gonna figure you out eventually. You do everything with her. Has she seen the shed too?” “No, there is no good reason to take her into the middle of the woods are you crazy?” “Live a little dude.” Meanwhile the girls are having their own conversation. “So how are you settling in?” “Pretty well. I’m just not excited about today.” “Yeah, Jericho and Nevermore have a bit of a strained relationship, so once a semester we do a big community service day as a show of good will to the locals. Although last year Wednesday kind of ruined it.” “I made it much better. If anything, the locals ruined it the year before I got here.” “You blew up a statue.” “And they ruined Xavier’s mural. I’m still right here.” This took you by surprise and you turned to Xavier interrupting his conversation with Ajax. “You made a mural?!” “Huh? Yeah, I did, but the local kids ruined it, so I refuse to paint anything else for Jericho.” “As you should. I wouldn’t want to paint for them either after that.” You reach out to take his hand and look him in the eye. “I like your paintings.” “I’m mostly over it now, but thanks Y/N I appreciate the words of encouragement.” The two of you seem to slow down to almost a full stop as you stare into each others eyes. You don’t notice, but for a few seconds Xaviers eyes wander down to your lips. “Sorry to interrupt your moment you two, but we’re here we should find a seat.” Enid was right of course so you find your seats and sit through two hours of pomp and political speeches. The new principle says some words about friendship, the mayor talks about working together despite differences, all that good stuff. After the speeches the students are sent to their working positions. Xavier walks with you to the coffee shop.
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) Pt 5
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
You looked at the staircase spiraling into the underground stone library and your stomach turns. “I’m not sure I can do this Xavier. I don’t do well in dark enclosed spaces.” “Are you claustrophobic?” “You could say that.” “You don’t have to go to this thing if you don’t want to, but as a nightshade I do have to attend.” “You promise not to leave me alone down there?” “Promise.” He held out his pinky and you took it with your own with a muffled giggle, before descending the stairs. The statue above makes an ear-splitting grinding sound as it closes above you. You jump at the sound but realize quickly that the space below was well lit and warmed by a fireplace and several candles. You get to the bottom of the staircase to find Bianca and several other students drinking something amber from a clear bottle. It’s obviously alcohol but you don’t know what kind. Bianca smiles as she sees the two of you. “Xavier! Y/N! glad you could make it. What did you bring?” Xavier pulls an eraser from his pocket and hand it to Bianca who places it in a bowl on the left side of the staircase. You hand her a small satchel “What is this?” “It’s worry dolls. Open it” Bianca opens the bag to find 6 tiny dolls made of rolled up paper wire and thread. “I have a ton of them. My grandmother sends them to me from Guatemala regularly. She says they keep nightmares and worries away” “Interesting.” She puts the dolls back in their satchel before placing it in the bowl on the right side of the staircase. She looks back up at you and sees your confusion. “Those are for a game later, but first the interrogation game” The two of you follow her back to the circle in the middle of the room. The game appeared to be a weird version of spin the bottle. A boy you don’t recognize speaks up. “The game is simple. One person spins the bottle, whoever it points to takes a small sip of this” He holds up the bottle of Amber liquid. “It’s truth serum which has been diluted by a ton of whiskey. This shortens the time it affects you. Once the person drinks, they’ll be under the influence of the truth serum for about a minute before it wears off. The spinner flips the timer,” he points to a small plastic hourglass you assume was taken from a board game, “and has until it runs out to ask the drinker questions. The drinker is then the new spinner and the game continues until we run out or we get bored. Whatever happens first” You nod and take a seat in the circle. The boy spins the bottle, and it lands on Ajax. He takes the amber liquid and drinks a small amount, as the boy flips the timer. “Shoot” Ajax sounds remarkably calm and leans back. “You have a crush on Enid, right?” “oh, come on man you already know the answer is yes.” “Yeah, but I wanted to hear you say it. Okay…what was your first celebrity crush?” “Lola Bunny from space jam” “Dude no way! She’s a rabbit!” “I know that man, but she was still hot” The whole circle had devolved into a fit of laughter now and soon the timer had runout. This game went on for almost an hour. You had been called on a few times and asked a few questions like your first celebrity crush, your worst habit, etc.…, but the as the game went on you noticed the questions getting riskier. The bottle was running low, and it seemed there was only enough left for one more spin. Bianca was the last spinner and your stomach dropped as you saw the bottle point at you again. You took the last swig of the mixture and look back up at her as she flipped the timer. “Is it true you burned a man alive?” “No.” The room goes quiet as they realize that you had been telling the truth this whole time. “Did you really kill him?” You feel the whole room hold its breath “Yes.” “How then?” “I poisoned him and then burned the body as much as a could to cover it up. Told the judge I lost control in self-defense, and he burned up.” “Why?” “He kidnapped me and kept me lock in a cave underground for months. I saw an opportunity for escape, and I took it.” You draw a small fire to your hand and allow it to float above it. As you move your other hand the ball grows slightly larger and rolls along your arms. You pass it back and forth between your arms for a few seconds before waving both hands causing it to dissipate into thin air. “I have never lost control of it. I may not be able to do anything flashy yet, but I don’t conjure this by accident.” “Do you regret it?” As you’re about to answer, you hear someone murmur “Bianca” and look down at the timer to see it’s run out. You no longer feel the truth serum in your veins, but wait another breath before you look back up at Bianca “No. I’d do it again. I’d just be more careful not to get caught” You stare into her eyes for a few moments as she stares back. You see a look of understanding in her eyes. A sense of female solidarity. She nods at you. “I respect it. I imagine he got what he deserved.” She must have sensed the tension in the room and decided to break it. “You know what? I’m actually really tired so I think we’ll save the bowl game for another day.” A chorus of yeah’s and me too’s comes from the rest of the circle and everyone begins to pick their things up out of the bowls as they leave. Just as you go to leave Bianca hands you your worry doll satchel and grabs your hand. “Hey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pried so hard. You have every right to be upset.” “It’s fine Bianca. The truth was going to have to come out eventually anyway, but if anyone official asks, I lost control.” “For sure. If you need anything at all let me know.” “Okay” “One more thing” She hands you a black hooded robe and gold pin. “Welcome to the nightshades.”
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) Pt 4
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
It’s so cold. You feel weak. Everything feels wrong, and it hurts. “How are you, my darling?” You feel your heart beating in your throat at the sound of that voice. “No” “What’s wrong dear?” “This isn’t real. You’re dead. I killed you.” You sit up quickly and look around at the familiar surroundings. You see the stone walls. You see the old nightstand with that god awful perfume on it. You even see the kitchen you could just barley reach before the chain on your ankle pulled you back towards the little bed. You don’t see him. “Is that what you thought?” You turn violently in the direction of the sound only to find an empty wall. “where are you! Show yourself you coward!” “I’m right where I’ve always been dear.” You feel a hand on your waist pulling you, but when you reach for it nothing is there. You’re still being pulled backwards though. “I’ve brought you right back where you belong, And this time you’re going stay right here forever.” “No. No this can’t be happening. Stop it! No. No! NO! N—”
“Y/N!” You awake with a start to find a familiar face above you. Your breath is coming ragged and broken by tears “Xavier?” “I’m right here. It’s okay.” “Xavier” Your voice is barely above a whisper, but he can hear the relief in it as you throw your arms around his neck and burry your face into his chest. You feel him hold you a bit tighter as sobs rack your body. “I’ve got you. What’s wrong? Do you wanna talk about it?” “Not with you. I can’t.” “Okay. That’s fine. Do you have anyone in particul—” Knock knock knock You jumped slightly as you both turn to look at the door. “Hey guys it’s Ajax. I was walking past, and I heard y/n screaming so I went to get Enid” “It’s me Y/N. Do you need any help? Can I come in before I get caught over here?” You nod at Xavier, and he leaves you on your bed to open the door and usher the two of them into the room. Enid immediately runs over to you, while Ajax drags Xavier into the hallway and shuts the door. Enid sits next you on your bed and pulls a tissue out of her purse. “Nightmares?” You can only nod while you blow your nose. “How long have you been having them?” “Since the incident.” “Do you wanna talk about the incident? Or maybe vaguely describe the dream?” “I’m back where the incident occurred, and I can hear the man, but I can’t see him. I can feel him dragging me backwards, but I can’t do anything about it.” “Okay. I have a blow-up mattress if you wanted to come sleep with me and Wednesday tonight.” “No, I have to get use to my new surroundings, or they’ll never go away.”
Meanwhile in the hallway “Dude what happened?” “I don’t know she was fine and then I woke up to her screaming and flailing in her sleep. She’s having nightmares about whatever happened to her.” “Well, what happened to her?” “How should I know? I don’t just ask random women about their traumatic backstories.” “Oh my god you scared the hell out of me man” The boys were so caught up in their conversation they didn’t hear the principal walking up behind them. “Is there a reason you two are out here and not in bed?” The two turn around and feel immediate fear as they remember that Enid is in the room. Xavier speaks up first. “I just wanted to give y/n some space. She had a nightmare, and I didn’t want to intrude. Ajax was walking back to his room and heard the commotion through my door, and he just wanted to make sure she was okay.” “Oh my. If she’s having nightmares, I should really check on her.” The two look at each other quickly then back to the principal as Ajax thinks of an excuse. “Maybe you could do that in the morning. It sounds like she’s finally calming down and I wouldn’t want you wake her again.” “Nonsense, I need to make sure she’s alright, now let me in the room.” “Okay” As Xavier reaches for his key to the room Ajax trips and slams into the door. You and Enid turn to the noise and hear the principal on the other side. “Well, if she was asleep again, she most certainly isn’t now.” “Sorry” You look back at Enid in a panic and rush her to the bathroom. You lock the door and turn on the shower, quickly stripping down and jumping in while. You hear the Boys and the principal enter the room. “Y/N? Are you in here?” “Yes ma’am, I was just taking a shower.” “I really need to see that you’re alright.” “Okay I’ll be right out.” You turn off the water. Enid hands you a towel to cover up with and hides in the corner as you crack open the door and poke your head out. You see the boys immediately turn to face the other way. The principle looks concerned. “You wanted to see me ma’am?” “Yes, these two tell me you were having a nightmare. Are you alright you look like you’ve been crying?” “I’m fine now ma’am. Xavier was right I just had a little nightmare. Nothing to worry yourself about. I’m talking about them with a counselor, and she says they’ll fade with time.” “Is there anything I can do for you in the meantime?” “No ma’am. I just take a quick shower and go back to bed. It’s nothing to worry about. I’m sorry if I woke Xavier.” Xavier speak up with a quick “I was up drawing anyway; it was no inconvenience.” The Principle looks slightly suspicious, but more so relieved that you were okay. “Alright. I’ll take my leave then. Ajax return to your own room and Xavier and y/n you two have a good night.” The principle saw Ajax out of the room as she left, and Xavier locked the door behind her. You motion to Enid that she can come out of her corner, and she hand you your clothes back. “I should go before she checks my dorm and realizes I’m gone. I’ll take the window out.” You hear Xavier see her out as you finished getting re-dressed, hair still soaked from the shower. When you exit the bathroom Xavier is waiting alone at his desk. “Are you okay? For real?” “I will be. Remind me to thank Enid later.” “Yeah, and I’ll thank Ajax.” You walk past him on the way back to your bed and pull the blankets back up to your neck. “don’t all those layers get hot?” “not really. The heat doesn’t bother me, but I hate being cold. The cold has a tendency to trigger nightmares.” “I’ll be sure to keep the heat on then.” “Thank you.” “No problem” “Good night” “Good night”
You slept the rest of the night without further disturbances. When you woke again for the class the next day you went behind your screen to get dressed and grabbed your bag. You were both running late that morning to your first class, so it’s no surprise that in your rush you almost missed the note that had been slid under your door. You picked it up and Xavier saw it. “What does it say?” “You are hereby invited to the next gathering, in celebration of Festivus on December 23rd at 6pm. Prepare to drink and brink a small trinket with you. Yours, the nightshades.”
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) Pt 3
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
Xavier had walked you to the first class in the morning. You sat with Enid though, and got an introduction to Wednesday. She seemed nice enough. Enid referred to her as an “acquired taste.” You made it all the way to the last class of the day without issue. You walk into the class and take a seat at an empty table, hunching over it with your head in your hands and your eyes closed to take a breath. “Okay Y/N, you can do this. One more hour and you can go back the dorm.” “Are you talking to yourself?” You looked up quickly to find Xavier sitting next to you. “Xavier, you startled me.” “Sorry. How have you been today? Saw you met Wednesday.” “Yeah, she seems chill. I’m doing alright, just trying to make it through this last class.” “Aren’t we all right?” Just then the bell goes off and the teacher stands up at the front of the class. She welcomes us all to the semester and begins to make her way through the syllabus, letting us know we would have several projects throughout the class. “You will need a partner for those projects and whoever you are currently sitting next to will be that partner. I’ve already written down your placement so this will be the seating chart for the semester.” She begins to explain the first experiment and turns on a burner. Just as she goes to add something to a tube she trips and sends the burner toppling. Flames quickly fill the table and the other students head for the door. You hear someone yell your name and look down to find your ankle had also caught fire, but you couldn’t feel it. Before the teacher could grab the fire extinguisher you gained control of the flames. You pull your arm up slightly to test the control. The flames rise in response, and you quickly bring your arm down causing the flames to extinguish themselves. You turn around to see the class staring at you, but your gaze is caught on the fear present in Xavier’s eyes. “I think that’s enough excitement for one day. Class dismissed.” Before you can even think you’re sprinting back to your room, but before you can close the door behind you, Xavier catches it. “Are you okay? You look like you’re gonna throw up?” “I’m fine.” You hear the door close and lock behind you. “So that’s what you do? You control fire?” You can only nod. “That’s why the judge said you had to go here. You didn’t just burn a guy alive you lost control of your abilities.” You turn to face him. You can’t tell him what happened. You aren’t ready for that yet, but you also can’t let him be afraid of you. “I didn’t burn him alive! And I didn’t lose control, that’s just what I told the normies. Xavier I wouldn’t burn someone ali-” “I believe you.” “You…you do?” “Y/N the whole front of the room caught fire in seconds. You took almost less time to get control of a fire you didn’t start and put it out. I believe you.” “Okay.” “Look, I can’t stay long. The beginning of the semester is when we have the least amount of homework, so I’m heading out my shed to get some painting done before I get bogged down, but if you need anything ask Wednesday and she’ll know where I am or ask Enid and she’ll probably be able to help you better.” “Okay. Yeah. I’ll see you later.” No sooner had you spoken, he was gone, and you were left to your own thoughts. Does he really believe you? Is he just saying what he thinks you want to hear so you don’t get mad? Should I just tell him what happened? You didn’t have answers, only questions. You decide to get ready for bed and just sleep this whole day off. Maybe things would be better in the morning.
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe x Reader) Pt. 2
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
Ajax and Xavier walk down the hall to their rooms. Within 24 hours every rumor possible had been circulated about the new girl. This was the only time recent Nevermore history that the rule against co-ed dormitories had been waived for a student. “Dude, you’re rooming with a girl now? How is that allowed?” “Apparently both our parents signed off on it.” “Have you met her?” “My dad said we went to camp together as kids, but I don’t remember her. That was a long time ago and we never kept in touch.” “Well let me know how it goes.” “I will” You turn around as you hear the key in the lock of the room. As the door opens, you’re met with a tall, thin, boy with long hair and a lopsided smile. He closes the door and leans back against it. “So, you’re my new roommate?” “That’s me. I’m Y/N.” “Xavier. Nice to meet you. So…You wanna tell me what happened that was so insane that my dad agreed to this PR nightmare waiting to happen?” “Well, I don’t think it’s that bad.” “I heard you burned a man alive.” “On the court record yes, but that’s not what happened.” “What happened then?” “Not important.” “So, you didn’t kill a man?” “I said I didn’t burn him alive.” “That doesn’t make me feel any better about my chances.” “You’ll be fine. I don’t imagine you would get yourself into that bad a situation. Although if what I heard about last year is true, you should really be more worried about arrows and Nevermore should be more concerned with the behaviors of its teachers rather than its students.” The tension finally breaks as Xavier laughs. “fair enough” “So, what do you do? Do you have visions like your dad?” “Not quite. I sometimes get dreams of premonitions but mostly I just do this” He raises his hand and looks over your shoulder. You look at him confused before you turn around to find the butterflies from a few of his drawing were circling and moving closer until they were above you. “Whoa. That’s amazing.” He waves his hand, and the bugs all return to their respective papers, back the way they were. “It’s nothing impressive. I just make pictures move. I’m getting better at it though.” “it’s cool” “Thank you. What do you do?” Knock knock knock “Xavier? Is your new roommate in there? I’m supposed to give her a tour” Xavier Smiles and rolls his eyes as he opens the door to reveal a short blonde girl, with short hair and color in it. “Y/N this is Enid.” “Hi Enid” “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m in charge of your tour so if you’ll just come with me I’ll show you where all your classes are and all that fun stuff.” The two of you leave and walk out into the main courtyard. “The main four groups are the Scales, Sirens over there.” Enid points to a group of students with the most stunning eyes you had ever seen. “The one closest to the fountain with the short hair is Bianca. She was dating your roommate at one point but they broke up two semesters ago. I think they’re friends-ish now but just a heads up on that dynamic.” “Thanks?” “Next up is the Stoners, Gorgons. They all wear the hats so they don’t accidentally turn everyone to stone. Oh! There’s Ajax! I’ll introduce you. AJAX!” One of the students from the group looks up and waves at Enid. He walks over to the two of you. “Ajax this is Y/N. She’s new.” “Hey! You’re Xavier’s new roommate, right? He’s my best friend.” “Nice to meet you.” “How did you convince the new principle to let you room with him?” “There were no other rooms available, so we had to get written permission from both of our parents.” “That’s crazy though. Xavier’s dad is ridiculously strict.” “The room is almost split down the middle. There’s a big screen I change behind, and there’s all sorts of rules. It’s a whole deal and believe me if I had another option, I would take it.” “Yeah Ajax, nobody wants to live with boys. I have brothers I would know.” “Whatever. Enid if you need me, you know where to find me. See ya later y/n” He runs back over to his friends and Enid turns to you continue the tour. “Next up is the Vampires. We call them the Fangs. They aren’t the most social group though. Finally, we have the furs or the werewolves. AKA yours truly.” “What about those of us with miscellaneous powers?” “You just make friends where you can. Look if you need anything at all ask me. Any friend of Xavier’s is a friend of mine, and if you need to know about anyone ask. I know everything about everyone. Now what’s your class schedule?” You hand her the piece of paper with the schedule on it. He face quickly becomes even more excited. “We have the same classes! And Xavier is them with us so just leave with him in the morning and I’ll tell him to show you where they are.” “Okay sounds good. Thank you, Enid.” “No problem girly. I’ll see you tomorrow” Enid dropped you back off at your dorm so you could unpack, and you mentally prepared yourself for the semester to come.
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
As Fire Loves Innocence (Xavier Thorpe X Reader) Pt1
Happy New year. I got my one fic of the year up just in time. The rest of the parts will be released one part per day over the next few days. Enjoy. 
PS: Bonus points to those of you who know the title reference. I’ll be putting the full quote in the final part somewhere.
Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and Trauma, Angst, Mentions of underaged drinking. 
“Please you have to take her!”
You had heard that line a thousand times before. You had been kicked out of almost every school you ever attended for various reasons. First it was consistent fights, then it was an inability to keep other kids from bullying you, most recently though it was so bad you had been court ordered to Nevermore Academy. There was just one problem.
“I have already told you there is no room for her. All the girls dorms are full.” “Then give her a boy’s dorm.” “They only have one bed available and there is already another male student living in it. I can’t house her with a boy.” “I’ll give you permission. I’ll sign anything I have to.” “It’s a liability.” “She can handle herself.” “A liability for him! Your daughter killed a man!” “In self-defense! It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t control it.” “Ma’am the answer is no.” “Please. If she can’t go here, they’ll throw her in juvey, and god knows what she’ll do in there.”
It was never fun to see your mom cry. She would cry more if she ever found out it wasn’t an accident, but as things stood you had to get into this academy. You spoke up.
“What if his parents also agreed to it?” “His father would never agree to that.” “Let me talk to him. If I can convince him to sign off on it, can I go here?” “You know what fine! I’ll call him right now and you can explain to one the most famous outcasts on the planet that you want to room with his son after you burned a man alive.” She picks up the phone to dial. Surprisingly he picks up, and you hear a faint “hello” from your seat. “Hello Mr. Thorpe. I’m sorry to bother you but I have a bit of a situation…No Xavier hasn’t done anything wrong recently…yes, I know you are very busy I just need two minutes of your time to talk to a young lady here in my office she will explain everything…Okay thank you.” She hands you the phone with a faint “good luck.” “Hello, Mr. Thorpe, I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Y/N L/N. Xavier and I went to summer camp together when we were little?” You were lying through your teeth. You had never met his son or him, but he wouldn’t remember most of Xavier’s childhood anyway being so famous and all. On top of that he wouldn’t want to be embarrassed by admitting that he forgot a fan who knew his son, so he would assume you were telling the truth and play along. At least you hoped he would. “Y/N? It’s been years yes, I remember you. What happened to you?” “My mom sent me to normie school, and it didn’t work out. There was a bit of a situation and I defended myself a man died and now I am being court ordered to go to nevermore or juvey and the principal is saying the only bed left in the whole school is in Xavier’s room. We need your permission to house your son with a female student. Please?” “Your mom is okay with this?” “She doesn’t have much a choice, but it was actually her idea. I have her right next to me if you want to talk to her.” “That’s not necessary. Listen I don’t have much time I have a meeting to be at soon so hand the principle the phone back for me” “okay” You hand the phone back to a very smug looking woman with dark hair. “Hello, Mr. Thorpe, It’s me again thank you for your…oh okay…I’ll send the paperwork right over. Thank you. Bye now.” She looks at you shocked, as you and your mother look back at her in anxiety. Your mother speaks up first. “So?” “Welcome to Nevermore Academy”
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mytrashcanlife · 1 year
Good news
Okay y’all I have another fic coming out hopefully within the next couple days. It is a Xavier Thorpe x Reader. Angst, fluff, slow-ish burn. I release like one fic a year because I’m busy and because I will finish the entire project before I release it in order to avoid burning out and abandoning projects like I did in the past. This idea was originally going to be used for another character, but I saw Wednesday and felt like the idea flowed better in this universe and with this character than it did with the one I was originally writing for so I switched it. Those of you who still watch this blog thank you. Happy New Year!
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mytrashcanlife · 2 years
Here’s a story and after there’s an explanation for my absence if you’d like to know:
So the first piece of fanfic I ever wrote was about Jack Frost from ROTG. It was a reader insert cause that’s all I’ve ever written. I think it was 14 chapters long and I still get comments on it to this day. I wrote it in middle school on Wattpad. My best friend thought she was introducing me to fan fiction (cause when I was kid you never admitted to reading it much less writing it) and her way of introducing me was with her favorite story cause we liked the same characters. It was my story! She never knew I wrote it. To this day she reads it again and again when she needs a comfort read and I have never told her I’m the author. I will take this secret to both our graves. She can never know.
Explanation of my absence: Okay so I just got my bachelors degree. I had to take a lot of time off cause working 2 jobs and taking organic chemistry, and doing my final research project and traveling to present my other research at conferences doesn’t leave me with any time to sleep much less write, but I do have some stuff in the works now. I hope y’all enjoyed my little tale though.
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mytrashcanlife · 3 years
Post+ is coming soon
What’s Post+?
Oh, thank you for asking this totally unprompted question! Tumblr’s Post+ is our new tool that allows creators to make some of their posts exclusive to paid supporters and allows people to support their favorite creators. It’s an optional way to support and encourage your favorite creators on Tumblr, and it’s all done in the existing post form with the existing tools you all know and love.
Why Post+?
Creators are the backbone of Tumblr—whether they’re GIF artists, illustrators, comedians, cosplayers, or just really good shitposters. Since our founding, we have always believed in empowering the world’s creators to show off their best work. Post+ now gives these same creators the ability to earn money from their work.
Post+ is optional, right?
Right! Post+ simply gives creators the freedom to pick and choose which posts they want public and which posts they want only their paid supporters to see. Creators who use Post+ have the ability to choose how much of their content is free and public. Post+ is an optional program—the creator has the power to decide if they want to participate or not. The creator also has the ability to choose from a select set of predefined subscription pricing structures for their supporters.
Can I have it?
When Post+ fully launches, it will be available for anyone who wants to use it. Right now it’s still in its beta phase of testing. We want to make sure that everyone’s experience with Post+ is without any hiccups or bugs. We’re working with a very limited number of creators who are testing it out for us. But! If you want to get notified when more beta testing spaces open up, please sign up here.
Anything else?
If you want to stay up-to-date on all things Post+, give @postplus a follow. It’s where we’re posting FAQs and answering your questions. If you want to give feedback, fill out this survey here. Thanks for your patience, Tumblr.
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mytrashcanlife · 3 years
Ashes to Ashes Jasper x Reader Part 7 Final Part
Eventually the Volturi caught wind that their plan had worked, and you were one of them. They came to visit early and while you did express that you upset about not being given a choice or even a proper bite turning. In your own words “the lamest way to turn me ever” you did eventually forgive them. They were family after all. You didn’t get any special powers but that was perfectly fine with you. The Volturi offered you a place with them in Italy anyway, but you turned it down. You realized that now that you were like them you could visit them in Italy too. Even when they knew you were a vampire You still took Jade to your room and talked to her about life, well death I guess?
“There’s just one thing that still bugs me a bit.”
“What is that dear?”
“Ever since I turned I’ve gotten a lot closer with Jasper, and now I hate to not be around him for too long. We don’t officially share a room, but I spend more nights in his bed than mine. Completely innocent of course. The most we’ve done is kiss, but I just don’t understand why this feeling showed up so suddenly.”
“Well mates do have a way with feelings like that.”
“Surely they explained that concept to you by now.”
“Of course, they did. Carlisle and Esme, Rosalie and Emmet, but I didn’t think I had one. Jasper never mentioned it.”
“He probably wanted you to come to your own conclusions, but that’s why you were so hard to be around as a human. Ask him about it when you get the chance.”
“Thanks Jane.”
“I just want you to be happy.”
You were Happy of course. You asked Jasper about the mate thing and your suspicions were confirmed. He had always known you were mates, but he didn’t want you to ,like him because you thought you were supposed to. He wanted you to fall in love for naturally. You did.
After a year or so you look in the mirror and realize your eyes, once red then transitioning, were now a bright gold. You go show the Family filled with excitement for your progress. You give Rosalie a big hug and when you turn around you see Jasper on one knee. He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a ring box. It’s beautiful.
“(y/n), you know about mates, but I want to be more than that. Would you make me the happiest vampire on earth and marry me?”
Your hands fly to cover your mouth in shock, but of course you say yes.
After a year of planning and breaking up fights between Alice and Rosalie over decorations, and venues. The day was finally here. With your whole family invited including the Volturi who cancelled many plans to make sure they were all there. You sit in the back room of an old church in Texas. Going back to Jasper’s home state for the ceremony. You look in the mirror all dolled up. You like your white gown, and your tiara veil. Alice comes to get you.
“It’s time”
You watch as the others walk down the aisle first though with such a small family it wasn’t very many. Then Carlisle takes your hand and walks you down the aisle. You realize at this moment that you had never seen Jasper in a suit. You could get used to the sight of it though. After hearing Edward who insisted on being the priest drone on for what felt like hours, and after reciting the typical vows, you get to the part that you just now realized you were waiting for your whole life.
“Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do”
“and do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do”
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride”
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