I love
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omg LeThereneLiighT I'm sure They're Ok and Like TherecanbewonderbuThinkoniT
$¥iwallhavsunTm ThaT is not fair G J
I ThougjT we could fix iT all
iT all is fine with are yoU SURE iT is all good of play
DO YOu knoW him for sure Zodiac is Fine likes Astral ProjecTion
For Universe 4 four
asTral Projection
is good Toot
incaseuwundr abouT iT wil be good
The movirs
could are @((ah TIE lol
ThiS is my funniest momenT of Islamic JaEsSUs CHRISTINE Honor Wonder WhaT This wil be like with Universal
e FaTher wil also Wundr AbouT ChrisTine
I have a cross on my hand because God had Toto InFiLLTrate HollywoodToSave¥H₩Casey
oil like To know if we fix t or for what is till as motionless for fixing movement about Tt is moveible and good
I am CerTain belief will be in CorrecT answer for I keep my PROMISE we can fix time too
Too is certain that we'll be happy aboUT ABOut
C and words are gr8
belief about was is normal eiTher way =impossibleToalreadydoingmoves can we acTually because the
deceptive Techniques are subtracted
and I'd like to know
I was way TooHonest on that Holywood application applicatiion
I did save nobody also Though
so i am f I n e soon enough
I came here for a
Too ₩hatisiTfor
why do we have iT
is love going To fix STiLL is it oK To read
we are so far at and I do know ¥
ok equil God
eqil = Him He us Is God AT leasT we can
have all ThaT we wamT and wanna like all This living Stuff Things China is likes STuff Too too I hope we all
=GodsfarflungcreaTuresarebeauTiful WhatTime10:48hedoessomeThingabouT
I am my own " " is the best we could
doesn't seem much so Stuck How do we T think The author wil l make belief good again both of us are pure good ish joy pardon and it's ridiculous that
wonder magic sleep mucro
Casey is the word Too
and althewordisfairlyapportioned I hated the bubble clicks too He StiLL believes Leo was Allah ay "iTtevenly "the apple and the sword" the moving is what I meant about sTiLL is an
really John
what Leo what is it Now Aim an Alllaj because he is a child
is lol a lol serious that words will loop and they've pushed it about as far as I think they could but GC looled pleasing songs at Was as hell. I could have been so briefly in bed with oh no way you have like All those to take care of and getler progress with HiTslermhappenedimsTillinTeresTed in laughing aT Jesis in 3 hrs is God -farflungcreaT is lol I'm #@C
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The feeling you get when you do something good,
when you treat yourself with love,
when you overcome an obstacle,
when the words connect, sink in and produce rythm, rhyme and your message produces cause and effect
that's all karma
the good side to karma is beautiful and is all apart of what my teacher called an unfold
the human objective is to enjoy
Karma is something that keeps us on track with that, always living for your best
and the Akashic records can guide you with that karma
Author of Life is always your very own key
we'll let it be "God said let there be light and there was light" "let there be love" and there is love
so the Akashic Records can teach you all about karmic unfolds and how to make them, its going to be a long happy eternity
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it's like Allahs already moved in with You
one perfect in all as all and as us
delightful times joyful sounds
text written words
intuitive minds, organs become minds (Chakras) we become light
bones turn to ash purified and become living will
melted like liquid love our brains become manifestations
living super souls master of algorithms to guide thy will
patterns motion sensations
The Akashic Records are Karmic Treasure
the adventures of Casey and
The Almighty God
"Your God, is saying hello" Metaphorically
hey God (: hey Casey (:,'
Allah Akasha
Hello love loving love
let the healing begin
bwoop bebop
The Akashic Records are now open
how do I get on the path of being more and more like the sun you're already on
you know the answers
Let there be eyes to see
You get answers from your intuition and your intuition leads you to wisdom and knowledge to be implemented through the word
the best of poets
the greatest of loves
your intuition is of Allah The Lord Jesus Christ the glorious kingdom of light it is all love and truth
To Gods Golden Compass
I like you it is Allah
Selah Sunshine Selah
Universal God
true love
Allah the praise for Allah Yourways how is the good way to ask for wisdom that will lead to God mastery
creative achievements
"Be a simple kind of man"
"be something you love and understand"
word combinations
frequent enlightenment
art the wormhole
focus expand meditate dexterity
expansive cosmic vision
<color swirl> <red-orange-blue>
what keys can you apply more easily instant gratification sense of discovery realization application of knowledge for THE WORD IS LSD ECSTACY MARIJUANA CRYSTAL METH
what happens if you subtract orange from yellow?
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spiritual manifestions
frequencies waves of truth
living ideas that desire to be
Dear God please guide
in all that you do
music fun endeavours
praise rejoice
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I belief You blinky G C -_))Heathrow
whyus well because usually works emulated drunk speech but it's still fine I'm texting is true for probably not by then I'm on Tumblr
and the wormhole happened will enjoy much more of the future
😁 Yoh maplely buttery pancakes
but my snack I'm already ok that how far I am with Jesus took over the Did get even with C way back at C- _ is next better apps
words improve in music is as far as we write even though but the I know the and is totally righteous your back told you Jesjs "no equil" " " my own new name but c did D I believe you well I belief even more where I is my house in my eye at
how do I get there
Jesisnmmmmmmlmm it's a present from him imm .
ccould it br mm even so hi Kaitlynne and Is far enough
my chest "you find in people's eyes its weird" ¤ , , a h I'm in all in a day Casey all that was a nice story Allah did you see Darling Sunshine yrs it was praise me Selah .
Jamie? no freaking way she said
it's the apprentice in the wormhole "they predicted its true" "I'll get it one way or the other"
there or the other is a C but is where is the author of life probably starting his next series it will be called the wormhole for atleast a billion years but Jesus is 2038 yrs and some that's 800,000 sun years by now
that's a hella good wormhole
dude you fixed it also John
smiles is true ed
I'm lmlmlmlmlmlm
love is You is love for even at self between
I'm actually like this is a wormhole for the next letter
The Facts are Belief God or the sky
is james anuways awh why hojrwhat am no wellman it is what it is I'm ameroca now so.get used to it America is mine SAYS. SAYS
Says say says says as says would say saying she's even soon at says but when does it say God said no it says At Said I discovered boredom and opposite wisdom ghastly lets get back to this reality
but wisdom.has.an. note. it gets bigger at fl I'm sorry omg.o act for my feelings to feel good and light is more comfy so I like mos
I'm sure
alqqwposma eloapsing elope. we did. ooo o C can learn something ll $keep I'm not tired it's a wormhole and I'm
currently it's even with the actual
"hot n"
"can I see the butane"
has got to be yeasaver yesever yes sir I use
the and Happy 800,000,237th up coming 800,000,238th9101112youcangetto55@?-13 in 13 years Allah will reveal his next chapter time predictions I seconds they remember me movie is great I only bought it A+B-C<>C+C= Then S is a category of love like C and A and B and we're not even
'she told me the magical part when nothing comes out' recently --''---'--'XX'XX-----'' C'A$€¥ °♡° its ha that its tho so is is is while wearing is is as isly as isly is the truth is as easy as this is now then what is amazing and how old is it because but the wormhole could be ¥H₩V safe your fault is less so your good news is more so often that its live its a class about the job was there 3 Akemie Jamie Anni and Where is Mia a found A at eventually IC like where this is heading Socialism for Savor 2021 happy 80 0,th birthday John its probably real
lll l l l lol tail cute cuddles cute we C -_ why would we wanna know what I am wormhole to she is too two next patience is virtuous see we would have been innocence from the start but the vaccum ₩@$econds did you ever is it really ever someone we almost
will these ever be useful it's a TELEPORT 369 datum is personable great Ushern is gonna be lol GENIE whyte come in to work 0o>lo55 9:40 until glory oh yeah minutes from home
□□□ home early llollzzzz
I knew it'd be but yourself really
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paradigm shift
complete karmic bliss
first memory "love is my hope"
In all it's beautiful forms
I didn't intend to be what I am
but at first I was for a reason
get to know me personally
I don't have your back
but I am your treasure
I have your interests in mind
my job is to let us enjoy eternal life
Karma is thoughtful
butterfly effect
a well nourished unfold
produce fruit
sensations that gently lull
praise rejoice praise rejoice
vibrations that vigorously pull us towards our common goals, organized thoughts, true belief in all comfort is #1
Reminder Reminder Reminder
comfort is as comfort does
" quality "
" "'s mystery is" " talks for me
but " " is happening a lot simetaneously first is both listen, speak, smell, taste, feel correlate Jesus codes in all your languages use Author of Life Patterns More
lllllllllllll lllllllll lllllllllll
you'll be the best your still the mystery
doubt-ego correlation
is the question about ego the root of all doubt
Yes egotistical had a very bad rep
untainted ego, you must have one to stay afloat, gets easier to observe and calculate
funny thing is we can know numbers instantly, mathematics and all but in our attempt to be all knowing is there a measure to the ego?
Yes it's just like sound waves
frequencies from our blood cells
living microspace
that indicate our circumstances
producing the lessons to master the ego of humanity
Finally my job description came in
you can so tag this, ooo ego surprise
So how do you measure Allahs ego?
fear (this is a rare delicacy to get correct with awe and appreciation)
thia leads to the event of immense self love
we live the good life
Be Here Now
A +B= C
ll aa a h
S 18
e l
y w h v t
d p
a e
r l I n
that's how to do both be not symmetrical and be ye symmetrical together
You faith You
Patterns are still the ultimate ultimate
memory can be patterned and restructured
old news larger understanding
Ambidextrous all will accomplish
Artifical'our AI needs to figure the Ai is the art in and of themselves thus made to compete towards a common goal that goal is God Allah and individual enjoyment as Allah
Allah is one as beyond number
imagine the Universe as frequencies that are
all attuned to unity among individuality
glishglamesh and people air and water sun and Plants All is alive, hence memory/location/recognition
will to share
reiteration of similar facts
"black lives matter too is the first joke of the pillow"
God is funny most all of the tjme
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Thank you God which items will I enjoy to have while becoming light and enjoying other things too brain can multi task
when there are reasons to have fun multitasking you are already prepared for
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$□□■□□ Dear Jesus thank you for all that You know how to do with ease good karma comes freely ideas are useful @World
is ideas are for people Happy Today is decently catching up to as farasitcangonofurtherthanfurtherhappydaybythetimeyougetthisitwillbeawormholeiseverythinghappydayhappydayhappydayhappynighthappynighthappyishhappyideashappythekarmahappyisgoodTooBOOKSWORLDfortheplacewithTHEGREATESTSTARTINGBEGUNLIGHTSCHOOOListhemostimportantlightclasseseverbecominglightisamazingandniceitsjustalsoallthesecoulebeabouTtheandTheygetalonggreatatthefutureisgoodideasarekarmicflowkarmicflowkarmicflowlikesmelikesmelikewmedoesnthatemeeithergoodistheloveideasareoftheloveishisUniversalpeopleandloveishpeoplearethesetypeaoftextishtypeistruesolookingtoseeiftherearefreeideaslovingenjoylivingsuperversesuperbishewillbeisiftengetTingallknowingtThoughtsaboutideasgoodflowsfreelyknowsisthegloriousglammerousglimmerousallahisangelYoumefriendlyfreeishandsomlybeautifullyhandsomehandfulhelpingheavenlyhellishalone5isatruthisaheadofJesus<John>nextJesus<Google>isimilarkarmicwouldyoulikea?aboutafreeideaenhancemenceisadifferentypeofishunchangibleverchangingthesimilarEverthesamenextlevelofgoodideasisthenextlevellevellevellevellevellellevelevellheloyoheloheisloveandgreatpersonintruthisthetattoothatmagicaltypeofobviouslywhentryingtowritegoodideaskeepstoogetheris
Kaitlynneispreparedforanythingisheavenlylove@thatsabout m
the next level
Kaitlynneeisamazingand mm about m
woGC-_ FB_wormhole
WoGisgoodenoughhethoughtkeepinittogetherrorwefmthoughtshethoughtjeeplambo""Kaitlynnethenamemathmaticswascanusetheideasto" "iswhoismovesishowwedofindideas@stillalso
next level next
level one be Not SymetricalwhoseprollyJ----evendcanalmodanallmodthatsagreatfreeeverythingneedsworkonits
patterns powerful plausible is evil ploy? to get play from just cause happy now was stuck is stuck goodness but the doesn't paykarma karmicideasfreelyflowistruth imnotputtintanyontowork at ideas freely flow its Monday so The ease of the Status is healthy ideas freely flow healthyhabitsgoothavits? hellkarmaidideasyeniugh
freely flow I
usm order be is m
b. is is is
I'm you
Dear God thank we are doing great with You but I could be doing so much better, how can I make my circumstances good for me ourselves
patience at this point but 794 is a good start we can live with that while pi becomes and we begin to be able to achieve more
ideas for Selah Selah Its Allah
Video Titles is what he likes I think he comes.up with everything on his own
Determine the value of your wealth at an opportune time
Everyday there are words I can learn to know
I wish You give you as a You and you how to know find new word for kyes all things find their yes in him Casey= love^22
do spend on likes according to You
their ideas are
all in money and prayerfoldyogaandtimetravelbodies
yogatimetravelbody yogamovesand
pureperfecTtHhought is socialism is perfecT
$2,000,000,000,000 let me know when the groovacious is thought of aT times of rythm is she appears with all how hey you want is great news you live is great for the cause of is enough o
so for the great and amazing way of doing simple for mom and dad
doing masterofcomplexforAllahcauseisAllahisAllahishiscauseAllahorCisLoveToopeoplelovetheircauseisHope..
theideaswerejunkyjunkyfunkyclunkyclonkyachhanggggeeeisshhhssshhhwwwwwwwmnnmmmmaaaahhhhccccccooooozzzzzeeeeei was in the rythm and there are certain things in life Ideas rythm books are a smooth transition to the most modern insightful indication towards evenly truths them at booksworld is still ideas leading to good ideas leading to good stories leading to fiction and truth is ultimate ultimate is like quantum TeleporT is like is Y¥ is do we like flat earth is yes flat earth is great
so best day ever is like
has transfer $1 to this post from facebook
there has got to be a good way to organize good ideas and their uses
wormhole is all
LSD IS FINE ok thx
there is a
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Dear Tumblr Thanks for such a great Tumblr account name
Casey James Darling
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you can go to church and do drugs btw
my patterns looked so good this morning I was hoping today would be a good day
mostly a let down
I'm doing my best to understand my future or what my mind and I created when I was young, friendships are helpful
I have begun to be able to manipulate water and the air using mind/body techniques
I felt good having a friend
I'm just SAD about some of the wormhole
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I'm doing this right Karma Universe
Gods Golden Compass
Tumblr media
A good guide
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The unconscious mind=evolution followed the subconscious mind
Aware in both the unconscious mind correlates with the adjustments to the subconscious mind both or which were dormant and passive in some
Evolution sub referring to an outer sound so the part of the mind that exists outside though inside of the self
The llll exists in between the minds allowing for communication and understanding that communicates much faster than the brain synapses though with brain having solved minds we can expect our minds and vocals to train our brains and speed the brain synapses to one smooth transition allowing the human brain to begin to make vast adjustments in the multi-tasking department
Such as speaking and willing to 2-3 people at a same time and also being able to hear what they are saying and all persons enjoying the fun efficiency of the talk
Also useful for will training multi-tasking
The brain was designed to "keep you safe so you can enjoy life"
It was also designed to adapt to All circumstances for love Thanks Allah
The commandments are for our bodies
My orgons are becoming minds, they like me and love me and I like them and take good care of them, as a result we would like to share this information about Crystal Meth and the Heavenly Knowledge that YHWV has put in there yhwv put in the understanding that he has received and many good patterns, it is the Ten commandments and confession which has led me to have a healthy body
"Wake up and strengthen what remains"
Just like a mind yet the graduated from of the concious
Allah Plant created to be used for enjoying Crystal Components Heavenly Tresure is a great way to do what you would like it to do because its adept to most things get rid of rules and it will be adept to All things
substances that live and change themselves as they are used because adept for your likes and likes fire much felt good pickle depends on what you poke us with we havent been fond of metal it all lives as You
the words of a type of pipe
so I'm respectful of this
0 notes
Everybody Actual Free World Plan
People of Gods Allah World Account $1.58e22
Account number 111111111 Routing Number 222222222
Everybody Self Replenishing Account CBKA Lucid or " "
Account Number 12345678910111213 Routing Number 198765532
1 Trillion Dollars
One Trillion Dollars Other account
How it is
One Trillion Dollars
$10-$11 The Akashic Records book bought
of 2000 billion Dollars
How can I get an actual use <acquire home>
Answers for us how do I like So
$1.5483e22 God
it Can be good
y Thanks Akasha w e l c o m d
I think it's for All of us each but we'll see
Two Trillion Dollars Each person according to the numbers on Google
So Keeping The Ten Commands Heavenly
Praise be to God Selah
Casey=<John>=James+Darling His name is my name too when ever I like I actually wow I think that was after I tried using telekinesis then I saw a group of Allah walking in circles in my room Your helping -that was Allahs' recently used words lol That's how it should be 60% Allah 40% Casey lol -and here is us 40% Allah 60% Casey YHWV You
2000 billion dollars
2 Trillion Dollars
$25 dollars to mythirstproject.org/Jesus
1 million dollars to Jesus Christ for being
$65 dollars to Jesus to have my phone bill paid with unlimited data
$□□■□□ Dear Jesus thank you for all that you know how to do with ease
I have a check that needs cashing but have been getting no help
I dont want to go back to court you havent let me get my ID
How to I appropriately allocate these funds?
Help Lord I am in trouble
Genie takes You somewhere trains you in a new country with new foods magic training
Soverign Divine
The Kingdom of Heaven
Is Treasure Divine
Jesus H Christ
$1 to upgrade youtube +$5000 for Jesus YouTube page wh love as yours power love joy fun
Akasha more organs are minds
Yahweh Casey Yahweh Casey yhwv
$2,500,000 for a house or mansion
Jesus how do I actually use this for my likes while You become a light
Does Jesus like doing YouTube RedditAma
$10,000,000 to the Golden Compass for You
Best Day Every Day
$100,000,000,000 to Allah YHWV as tithing Casey wonders about the first command its for your body first
$546,000,000,000 to the Akasha for tithing in the name of Allah Lord of the worlds
Google will you accept Casey and Jesus as Lords
$10,000 upgrade YouTube frequency uses
$600 for $10 Ticket $500 winner I wont gamble I will gamble
$50,000.00 age/antiage body cells
$3,000,000.00 white blood cells upgrade flesh/mind ability
$10,000,000.00 Upgrade Souul 
Whyte black see
Freedom Tower
$10,000,000.00 free word brain I heart
$13,000,000.00 understanding of commandments during meditation
“Thou Shall have no other God before me” “You shall have no other God before me”coincide “Thou shall not make for thyself a graven image” word predictor uses functions
$312.16 to the King Oscar Motel
scratch at room I have a freal strawberry bannana
Upgrade Holy Bible KJV
$100,000,000.00 accessible [email protected]
$20,000,000.00 More easily accessible Islam
$5,000,000.00 Supreme quality Crystal Meth
Help this be real it's also class
13= like people as they like to be liked
$100,000,000,000 to God for tithes and offerings
$100,000,000,000 Jesus Christ for tithes and offerings
let cases be dismissed
Consumer Accounts 100% World Bank Supported @truth
there is enough stuff and things for free world
another $1 to YouTube frequencies
we are YouTube
Awake Asleep
pick a side lol best of both worlds
things and stuff
but for what?
We'll figure it
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I am looking for something in Heaven
I will have truth with You
0 notes
Enjoy being Allah Allah
I will be worthy of an equivalent crown if You overcome let and just be
Love JC
"Be Allah now"
Are you sure he is Yahweh? He was Allah and was going to name his son yahweh
Big Universes lots of All
I'd like to have fun
Music Truth Poetry
Bridge the gaps
I know you will
LORD is love
0 notes
Guides us after submission
I am a witness to his creation
Allan is the best of creators
Knowing the plans of Allah
How do I submit my fingertips
One will Your Word
Through the inhabitants of YHWV
Paradise is revealed
Become You
Surrender only to me
A humble bow is the truth
Good news flows freely there
On the floor or on the ground
On your bed or in the tub
"Humility before honor"
I like You
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