lovely-uma · 3 years
lucky for us masterlist
currently an ongoing series. can also be found on wattpad
prologue chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five chapter six chapter seven chapter eight chapter nine chapter ten chapter eleven chapter twelve chapter thirteen chapter fourteen chapter fifteen chapter sixteen chapter seventeen chapter eighteen chapter nineteen chapter twenty
4 notes · View notes
lovely-uma · 3 years
lucky for us (aizawa x reader)
pairing: aizawa x gn!reader
warnings: slight ooc aizawa, canon level violence, slight manga spoilers
word count: 2.6k
part one  part two  part three  part four
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You ran to catch up to Aizawa, stopping when you reached his side.
“How did class go yesterday?” He asked.
You huffed, “It’s clear that All Might is a new teacher alright.” you scrunch your nose. “He had them do a battle simulation, which was already a bad idea if you think about it. I mean they just got their hero costumes, what could have been better would’ve been sparring but..”
“A battle simulation was not his best idea, Aizawa-san. To start off, Midoriya-kun doesn’t know how to control his quirk. Hopefully today after the USJ I can get a 1 on 1 with him,” you turned to look at Aizawa. “Next, it is clear that he and Bakugou have some sort of history. What I'd recommend is either talking to Bakugou and Midoriya or not pairing them up together at all.”
“Anything else?”
“I want a one on one with Kaminari-kun as well. His quirk is powerful but I noticed that he said something about a drawback on his application. While watching him I can tell that he has some control over his quirk but not his best.”
You hesitated before speaking again, “I have a theory about who broke in. I mean who helped the press break in actually. I already gave my theory to Principle Nezu.”
Aizawa nodded his head and opened the door to class 1-A you walked into class trailing behind him.
“I'm sure you all noticed that today your classes are going to be different,” he said. “Today we have a field trip with Himura-kun, All Might, myself, and a special guest.”
The class exploded into questions and excitement. You smiled softly and Aizawa used his quirk to quiet the class down.
“Now, you can change into your hero costumes or not. Meet me outside.”
The two of you stood outside the bus and watched as Iida tried to get the class in order. Once everyone was seated on the bus you sat down next to Aizawa, your brain swarming with ideas.
“What's your theory?” he asked.
You looked at him, “It’s not solid,” you started. “It’s more on the quirk used.”
He looked at you, raising his eyebrow.
“I think it’s some sort of decaying quirk. Might be a five point of contact quirk. Do we know if anything’s missing?”
Aizawa shook his head. The bus drive towards the USJ was both calm and loud. The students engage in conversations with each other. Once the bus arrived at the scene everyone walked off the bus.
After you all entered the USJ, you heard both Midoriya and Uruarka fan over Thirteen and smiled. You looked over at Shoto giving him a soft smile before Aizawa looked at you. Thirteen was talking about rescues, the dangers of quirks and if used badly how villainous they could be, of course they also talked about the USJ itself.
“Okay class,” you said looking over at the students. “I'll be over at the control room giving you real-time support on your quirks and the best way possible to use them in certain situations. Now, each of you was given an earpiece so I can communicate with each and every one of you.”
You give them a soft wave as you walked towards the control room. You sat down and looked at the cameras keeping note of the areas and making sure you knew how to work the system. Before leaving the students you had made sure to give an earpiece to both Aizawa and Thirteen as well.
“Aizawa-san,” you asked through the coms. “Where's All Might?”
You heard him huff, “He used up his time, he won’t make it today. That’s what Thirteen told me”
You hummed acknowledging his response and then looked at the cameras again.
“Um.. Aizawa-san,” you said. “There’s something or someone near the shipwreck zone-“
You looked closer and cursed. “It's a villain.”
On screen you could see as he turned and looked back towards Thirteen, his mouth moving and how he jumped down and started to fight the villains. You looked around the cameras and noticed the various villains in different areas. Another curse escaped you as you watched Aizawa.
“Iida-kun,” you said.
You noticed as he perked up and pressed the earpiece.
“Yes, Himura-sensei?”
“I need you to leave the USJ and run to get back up.”
“Iida-kun, this is an order, not a question-“
You looked and noticed as Aizawa blinked.
“One moment.” you switched the coms to Aizawa. “The warp villain got away when you blinked.”
“I know, fuck-“
“Don’t worry about it. Give me a moment,” you switched back to Iida. “Iida-kun go now! They must be jamming signals going out the USJ, your quirk is the best to go get help. I’d suggest keeping away from the warp villain. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sensei.”
You turned to the camera and noticed as Bakugou and Kirishima went towards the villain.
“Fuck!” you pressed onto their coms. “Kids! Don’t do that-“
You watched as they got taken in as well as the other students. You cursed, Iida had been able to run away and a few students were able to stay away. Thirteen used their quirk and you jumped to press their com.
“No! Thirteen,” you said. “Your quirk isn’t fitted for taking in a warp villain-“
You were too late, the villain had opened a gate behind Thirteen and used their own quirk against them.
You pressed the com for Sato, Ashido, and Uraraka.
“Okay, I need you three to do something,” you said. “Make sure to tend to Thirteen, don’t panic, keep calm, and be careful please.”
You heard a commotion outside the door and sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. You quickly gathered some water molecules and held it before the doors. You looked over to the camera that was situated on the other side of the door and noticed Aoyama. A soft hum escaped your lips and you went to contact him.
“Aoyama-kun,” you said. “Don’t respond to me, they’ll know.”
You saw a soft nod and then noticed as he used his quirk. The thought they’re children escaping your mind.
“I need you to slowly make your way to the door into the control room,” you said. “Try not to go into quirk exhaust either. I can protect you better when you’re in here.”
You watched as various students used their quirks to battle the villains. You made sure to guide the students back to the entrance and away from the villains in the center.
“Wait Shoto-” you said. “Hagakure-kun is with you, be careful with the ice, okay kid?”
You saw him nod and you turned to press on Aoyama’s comm.
“Kid, get in here,” you said.
You watched as he came in and turned to see him holding his stomach.
“Alright kid,” you said. “Restroom is over there-” you pointed to a corner of the room. “Don't open the door to anyone unless I tell you okay?”
Aoyama nodded and went to the restroom. You turned to look at the villains in front of you and hummed, grabbing some rope. You tied them up and made sure to keep them in the furthest corner away from you and Aoyama. Turning back to the cameras, you watched as Midoriya used his quirk and trapped the villains. They stayed at the edge of the pool watching Aizawa.
Ship...shipwreck zone. The villains. Aizawa-
You quickly pressed on Tsui, Mineta, and Midoriya’s comms. “Kids, I need you guys to go back to the entrance. Do not engage with those villains. Aizawa has this okay?”
You noticed as Midoriya tensed and turned to his classmates.
“We’re just going to watch sensei-” Midoriya said.
“Kid, you’re just putting yourself in the line of danger-”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence and in horror, you watched as Aizawa got smashed by the brute villain and his elbow started to decay.
“Fuck!” you yelled. “Kid, Aoyama-kun, I need you to stay hidden okay? Aizawa needs my help- fuck.”
You heard a soft okay and ran down to help Aizawa. A decay quirk could be deadly if used wrong or in the wrong hands.
“You really are cool,” you heard. “Eraserhead.”
“Eh, I wouldn’t say he’s the only cool one,” you said. You quickly looked over to Asui, “Kid, getaway and take your classmates with you.”
Midoriya is a reckless kid. You knew that and you had hope that Asui would listen to you.
“It’s nice to meet you… oh, I’m sorry I don’t know your name,” you said.
You had your hands on your side and your fingers were moving to get some of the water over the villains. You smirked.
“You’re not even a mini-boss,” he said.
“Say, Shigaraki, do you think of me as an NPC?” you asked.
You saw as his hand stopped moving.
“I think I’m at least a mini-boss. Not the final boss but still.”
Once the water was over him you quickly froze it and watched as it fell on top of him. He reacted as you thought he would. Anger as he ran towards you, his hand reaching out so that he could touch you. You knew that the kids hadn’t moved from their spot most likely frozen in fear. You made sure to keep the fight away from the kids.
I should have kept my knife with me, you thought. You moved your fingers as you grabbed some more water from the shipwreck zone. You manipulated the molecules to turn into a whip and made sure to aim it at Shigaraki. Noticing that the fight was pretty far from the students you made sure to drop heavy ice on him to derail him a bit.
“Kids!” you yelled. “Get Aizawa-san! Take him to the entrance!”
The three of them grabbed him and took him. Relief took over your body and you went back to fighting with Shigaraki. Soon enough the doors bust open and All Might walked in.
“It’s okay! I am here!” he said.
A groan escaped your lips and you were quick to continue. Your body feels weak due to the lack of sleep and food. All might ran down and stood next to you. You noticed Shigaraki getting giddy.
“Nomu! Attack them!” he yelled.
You were quickly thrown to the side hitting the wall. You felt disoriented, your vision blurry and you couldn’t risk using your quirk in case you hurt All Might. You tried to get up slowly and winced. Your ribs were either bruised or broken and that wasn’t a good sign.
You turned to the voice and smiled.
“Hey kiddo,” you said. “Why are you here? You should be at the entrance-”
“I have to help,” he replied.
“Shoto don’t be reckless-”
You saw as he used his quirk and turned to see All Might trapped within the warp gate and cursed. Shoto looked at you eyebrows raised and you nodded. He ran over and you sighed, noticing Midoriya. You noticed as Bakugou and Kirishima ran over too and as All Might got out Bakugou ran to the warp villain. You took in a deep breath, wincing, and moved your hand, hopefully, you could knock Shigaraki out.
A frown was etched on your face as you watched Cementos used his quirk to keep Kirishima and Midoriya apart. You would talk about that later. Midoriya had rushed in and the implication of that was that he had known about the time limit before UA. A paramedic had taken you over to an ambulance and you sat down waiting for Recovery Girl.
“Hi Himura-san,” spoke the detective.
“Hi,” you replied. “You need my statement correct?”
He nodded and you sighed softly.
“I was in the control room, we were supposed to be running rescue ops. I think I was the first to notice the villains through the cameras so I notified both Aizawa and Thirteen. After that I made sure to send Iida away so he could get back up since I thought that the signals were jammed,” you fiddled with your fingers as you continued. “I helped students get out of the areas they were trapped in and told them to head back to the entrance. Aoyama was with me, I mean he was warped outside the room. He fought some villains and then I told him to enter the room and stay hidden.”
The next couple of minutes went on like that, telling the detective the things that happened in the USJ. You were then healed afterward and your body was tired.
“How are you doing?” asked Yamada.
“Hm? ‘M sine Yamada-san,” you replied.
He nodded and continued to drive. The drive to the hospital was quiet but not an uncomfortable one.
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Ghost,” you repeated. “I mean with quirk evolution and just quirks overall there has to be ghosts. Or maybe someone with a quirk that can see ghosts or can become a ghost after death.”
You turned to look at Aizawa. He was covered in bandages head to toe, his eyes nowhere to be seen. The damage to his quirk was unknown yet, you couldn’t help but feel worried.
“What brought this on?” he asked.
You hummed, “I was thinking,” you pressed your lips together. “I mean everyone has to have ghosts? Or maybe not everyone, just people with people. I think heroes have ghosts. People that they couldn’t save-”
“People they failed to save,” he interrupted.
“No, Aizawa-san. People that they couldn’t save on time. We both know the toll it takes on heroes, especially underground heroes.
He hummed.
“I think that villains have the most ghosts. People that they have killed might be haunting them for… revenge. I don’t think that children have ghosts,” you took in a breath. “If they did, I think it would only be in a situation where the parent or parents have passed away. But villains…”
“What about them?”
“Well… I was thinking about Shigaraki Tomura. He had hands all over him, one even going as far as covering his face. I feel like they’re important to him in some way. He has some sort of… connection to them. The only thing that comes to mind is family.” You closed your eyes and leaned back against the chair. “There are too many hands all over him. The more I think about it… I feel like there was an accident.”
You felt that if you could see his face he’d have an eyebrow raised, urging you to continue.
“Imagine a five year old with a decay quirk. The kid in question would have zero control over said quirk, how to turn it on or off, or what to do in case he touches something or someone. I don’t know, it’s just a theory.”
“Try sending it to Tsukauchi.”
“Mhm.” You got up from the chair. “Anyways, I should let you rest. We have the day off tomorrow but, I better not see you back in class the next day. I’ll cover your classes the best I can, Aizawa-san.”
He hummed once more.
“Goodnight, Aizawa-san. I’ll make sure to tell our class that you’re okay.”
You walked away and exited the room. You smiled at Yamada and thanked him for letting you see Aizawa. As you took the train home you were already mentally preparing for things you had to do. For one, you’d have to scold four children. Then, email Tsukauchi about your theory and what he could do on finding out what happened to Shigaraki.
Well, I guess I don’t really have a day off then.
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lovely-uma · 3 years
lucky for us (aizawa x reader)
pairing: aizawa x reader (slow burn) warnings: age gap (reader is mid 20s while aizawa is in his early 30s), slight ooc aizawa, i do not know the script so i am winging this on memory word count: 1.2k
part one  part two  part three
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You rubbed your neck hopping that the tense muscles would feel better. You looked at the clock and griminced at the time. Hero training was starting soon, you walked out of the teachers room and towards the classroom. You waited till their last teacher walked out. You walked in and smiled at the students, two minutes later when the bell rang Aizawa walked in. You stood next to him as he reviewed what the class was on.
“Okay,” he started. “Hero training today with All Mi-”
“I am here!”
You turned and scrunched your nose. Aizawa was interrupted and he sighed.
He grabbed a control and pressed a button. “These are your hero costumes, suit up and meet at Ground Beta.”
You waved to the class and walked outside with Aizawa.
“What are you going to do for the class?” he asked.
“Take notes on their quirks,” you said. “Might help with the previous notes I have taken.”
He nodded, “let me know.”
“Sure thing Aizawa-san.”
You walked next to All Might, the silence between the two of you comforting. The two of you waited for the class to show up, it took a couple minutes. Something that made you smile was how good their costumes looked.
“Wow you all look like heroes!” said All Might.
You nodded your head agreeing with him.
“All of your hero costumes look amazing,” you said looking around. “If you guys would like consultations to help you out with your costumes, wanting to.. upgrade them,” you smiled at the class. “Make sure to tell me!”
The class nodded their heads and turned back to All Might. You wondered what they’d be doing today, he hadn’t told you or Aizawa what today’s lesson would be about.
“Today.. we are doing..” he paused dramatically. “Battle simulations!”
You winced. That sounded like a bad idea, they had /just/ gotten their hero costumes. They shouldn’t jump into that yet.
“All might-san,” you whispered.
“Now! most battles against villains happen indoors and in urban areas!” he said.
You nodded, once again agreeing with him.
He cleared his throat pulling out a script. “Now, you all will be split into teams. Some of you will be villains while the others are villains. The object of the hero team is to retrieve the bomb and or secure the villains. while the objective for the villains is to keep their weapon safe and or secure the heroes! now,” he put the script away. “We will be drawing lots!”
Each student drew lots to see who was on their team. next up was seeing who was battling who.
You felt as if your heart dropped seeing that midoriya and bakugou were against each other.
The class (apart from team a and team d) were in the control room watching the fight. Thankfully, all might had handed you an ear piece to communicate with the students. When the simulation started you watched as Uruaka and Midoriya went in through a window. You smiled softly, taking note of that.
After that, Bakugou came out with his explosions. you winced, seeing midoriya dodge it /and/ moved Uruaka out of the way. through the screen, you saw him grab bakugou and slam him onto the ground. He reads his opponents well, you thought. you watched as Uruaka runs away, in search of the weapon while midoriya fights with bakugou. you took note of talking to either one of them about their relationship.
In the back you heard the students take note of that as well and turned to them, looking away from the screen.
“You’re all correct,” you said. “It seems that midoriya-kun knows how to read his opponents.”
You saw Yaoyorozu raise her hand. “Does this mean we should do the same?” she asked.
You hummed, “it is a suggestion, yes.”
You turned back to the screen and saw Uruaka and Iida talk. You noticed how he had taken everything out and nodded acknowledging his intelligence. Not long after you heard All Might’s panicked voice.
“Young Bakugou! A blast like that will kill him!” he yelled.
/what?/ you turned to the part of the screen where he was located.
“Only if he doesn’t dodge,” you heard him say.
The class behind you was freaking out, telling All Might to stop the fight.
“Bakugou!” you yelled a second too late.
He had taken off the pin and an explosion went off. /fuck/.
“Young Bakugou, if you give off another blast like that again I'll stop the fight.” warned all might.
You cursed under your breath, taking note of the level of explosion. /I really need to talk to Aizawa about this./ You thought.  you turn to where Uruaka is and watch as she tries to get to the weapon only to fail. You could hear the class behind you freak out yelling to stop the fight.
“All Might,” you started. “Stop the fight.”
He shook his head, watching the screen.
“All Might,” you said.
“No-“ he said. “Not yet.”
“All Might.” you said more sternly.
Midoriya used his quirk, aiming up to the ceiling and you cursed. Uruaka took charge of that chaos, aiming small debris towards Iida and capturing the weapon. Midoriya fell down, his arm broken and you sighed.
The hero team won, and it was time for the next team.
You watched as Shoto and Shoji walked into the building. Shoji uses his quirk and you see him telling shoto where the other team is.
Their battle was short lived compared to the one before hand.
The battle simulation finished and the class was walking back to their classroom. You walked ahead of them and waited at the front of the class as they were sitting down.
“Okay, I guess I should start a bit on me huh?” you asked.
“what about deku-kun?” asked Uruaka.
You hummed, “i’m sure you’d fill him in Uruaka-kun. Midoriya-kun is with recovery girl right now, he’s healing. he’ll be back when he wakes up.”
Uruaka nodded her head and sat down. You looked at the classroom and smiled at them.
“You all have .. great hero potential.” you started. “But you are also just kids learning to control your quirks even more. As aizawa-san said, I'm his ta.” you took in a deep breath. “but i am also an underground hero! Apart from that, sometimes i do analyst work for agencies as freelance.”
“What's your hero name?” asked Ashido.
“Yeah! What's your name?” Kaminari asked.
You smiled at them, “Ah well, how about I start with my quirk?” You saw the students nod. “Alright, my quirk is.. a sort of water manipulation. I can take water molecules around me and manipulate it!”
You moved your fingers around, gathering water around you and smiled softly. “It took a bit to train it and make it good. it’s not a flashy quirk. which is perfect for underground heroics!” you chuckled.
“What else can you do?”
“Ah, well.. this is something I figured out in my final year at UA.” you said. “I learned that I can also .. lower the temperature of the water molecules.”
You turned the water you had gathered into ice and caught it before it fell onto the ground.
“It's useful if I need to knock a villain out,” you said with a chuckle.
The class erupted into excited chatter, questions being asked around.
“Ah wait wait calm down guys.” you said.
The class quieted down and you smiled.
“My hero name. I suppose, it's a bit of a mess,” you said. “I'm the water hero: molecule. kinda ironic!”
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lovely-uma · 3 years
enough for you
song fic: enough for you word count: 2.5k pairings: past!dabi x reader, established!hawks x reader angst (dabi x reader), fluff (hawks x reader) warning: mentions of gaslighting, gaslighting, emotional abuse, anime/manga spoilers
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You were sitting down looking out the window, your cup of coffee in your hands. The cafe was empty, the occasional buyer coming in and out. You smiled softly as the rain hit the window, missing the bell ringing and someone sitting in front of you.
You jumped, startled and came face to face to a scarred face.
i wore makeup when we dated cause i thought you’d like me more
The two of you stared at each other. The silence between the two of you was awkward. You shifted in your seat before you started to get up.
“Dont- don’t leave,” he said. “I want to talk to you.”
You turned back to him, a strained smile on your face.
“But I don’t want to,” you replied. “goodbye.”
if i looked like the other prom queens i know that you loved before
You huffed as you got into your apartment. you were dead on your feet and just wanted to nap. What you didn’t expect was to find someone sitting on your couch.
You screamed.
Whoever was sitting down got up and stared at you. You felt panicked, but you stared down at the intruder. From the lighting you could tell that he was tall, or at least taller than you. His hair was black, his eyes blue, his body scarred.
“What are-”
“I didn’t know that they rented this apartment out to someone.” he interrupted.
“...what are you doing here?” you asked.
“... nothing. I thought it was empty.” he said.
He walked towards your window and left. You sighed and rubbed your head. Yeah, you definitely needed that nap.
You unlocked the door to your apartment, leaving your shoes next to the door.
“Keigo?” you called out.
“In the kitchen birdy!” he replied.
You walked towards the kitchen, and smiled up at him. You gave him a quick kiss and patted his arm.
“How was work?” you asked.
“Same old same old.” he replied.
You hummed looking at him.
“Come on then,” you said. “I get you’re hungry so out. I’ll cook us something to eat.”
He kissed your forehead before walking out and letting you cook. You played some music, humming along. The two of you ate together, conversing about your day.
“Oh,” you said. “I ran into my ex at the coffee shop today.”
“Did he.. Try anything?” he asked.
You shook your head, “he said he wanted to talk. I said no and came back home.”
Keigo nodded and the two of you changed topics. The next day, you stopped by the coffee shop before heading back home. You stared at your laptop and read the news. A photo of Dabi coming up and you frowned. You shook your head and started to prepare for the meeting you had.
tried so hard to be everything that you liked
“Dabi?” you called out.
You heard a groan coming from the couch. Turning the light on, you saw him.
“You have got to stop being so reckless love,” you said.
He flipped you off and you chuckled.
“What happened this time?” you asked as you got the first aid kit.
“Just my quirk y/n.” he replied.
You hummed and looked him over. “Let me patch you up.”
You winced. Your neck hurt, you had fallen asleep at your desk. Again. You sighed and sat back towards your chair. Your body slumped and you looked towards the clock. Keigo was still at work. With a sigh you got up from your chair and walked towards the kitchen. You were hungry and your coffee had gotten cold. The rain was hitting against the windows, it was raining again. You stared out the window with your coffee mug in hand, memories pushing forward.
“God, fucking drop it!”
“Drop it?! Wow, you sure have the balls don’t you Dabi.”
The two of you were glaring at each other. Your shoulder was in pain but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
“Yeah actually,” he said. “I do have the balls. Are you so insecure that you’re picking fights?”
You scoffed, “I am not insecure.”
“Well you sure are acting like it.”
“Excuse me?”
“You fucking heard me.”
just for you to say you’re not the complementing type
You frowned, “I suppose running into him makes the memories come back huh.”
You turned away from the window and started to cook. Unaware of the person coming in through the window. The rain and thunder were enough to keep you company until Keigo would come back home. Once you were done cooking you placed your plate down and went back to your desk. You grabbed your laptop and walked back to the table.
“You broke in,” you said. “Really Dabi?”
“I said I wanted to talk,” he replied.
“And I said no.” you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Get out.”
“No,” he walked towards you. “Not until we talk.”
“About what? There is nothing to talk about-”
He wrapped his hand around your waist and pulled you close. “Us,” he said. “I want to talk about us.”
You struggled and moved his hand away, “there is nothing to talk about Toya.” You moved away from him.
“Hear me out-”
“No. For fucks sake, what don’t you get?”
He stayed quiet and you started to laugh. “God, you fucked up Toya, I don’t want any sort of shitty apology from you. Move on. I did.”
He shook his head, “let’s just talk.. I’ll leave after that.”
You pressed your lips together, you didn’t want him here. You sighed, “..fine.”
and i knew how you took your coffee and your favorite songs by heart
“How bad did I hurt you?” he asked.
You looked at him crossing your arms, “bad enough.”
You noticed his shoulders get tense and you sighed. “What did you want to talk about?” you asked. “And don’t say us. I know you Toya, you always have an ulterior motive.”
“... you haven’t told anyone about me, right?” he asked.
“... I'm not you Toya. So.. no I haven’t,” you replied. “I don’t go around telling secrets.”  You saw him wince and you scoffed. “What?”
He stayed quiet and you shook your head.
“You can leave Todoroki-san. I don't want you here.”
“No, you don’t get that privilege any more Dabi.”
He sighed and looked straight at you. “Listen, Don’t tell anyone my plan.”
“Oh?” you laughed. “You mean your plan on killing Endeavour?” You walked closer to him. “The one where you said you also wanted to kill your younger brother Shoto Todoroki?” You scoffed, shaking your head.
i read all of your self-help books so you’d think that i was smart
“You will not tell anyone.” he sneered, his fingers twitching.
“Oh ho? You gonna use your quirk on me big boy?” taunting him. “Like father like son huh?”
He froze and glared at you. His flames started to grow.
“Guess you really would attack a quirkless person.” you said. “I tended to you and your wounds. I took care of you and helped you. Maybe I will tell someone! What are you going to do to me?” You huffed. “Hurt me? Go on Dabi. You big bad villain.”
You saw his quirk die down and you laughed. Dabi walked closer to you and stared you down. You didn’t look away from him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.
“What Dabi?” you asked. “Was this all you wanted to ask? Get out.” Your voice had gotten small and you hated that. “Leave Dabi.”
“You’re dating the number two hero? Right? Hawks,” he said.
“That doesn’t matter. That should not matter to you Dabi.” you replied. “You left me. You don’t get to do this,” you waved your hand up and down. “Whatever this is Dabi.”
“So you are?”
You sighed, “Stop this Dabi. It doesn’t matter. What is it you told me when you broke my heart? Do you remember?”
He looked at you.
“Ah, that’s right, stupid emotional obessisve little me.” you grinned. “You said that, didn't you? When I asked what was wrong, and how could I help you?” you chuckled. “Leave.”
“You know, I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave,” he said.
“Excuse me?”
“You found someone more exciting.”
“No,” you said. “You don’t get to guilt me anymore. I tried so hard Dabi, so fucking hard. You… you do not get to do this.” You glared at him.
the next second you were gone
“I loved you Dabi, and you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong,” you said.
“No! I am not giving up my plan for some bitch!”
“Excuse me?” you walked towards him. “I am not asking you to not do your plan! I am asking you to reconsider!”
“Reconsider what? Killing his masterpiece?”
“That masterpiece has a fucking name! He is your brother for fucks sake Dabi!” you pushed your finger to his chest. “Your brother.”
“I don't care. The only thing Endeavour cares about is his masterpiece! You want to know what I’ll do? Kill it!”
You scoffed, shaking your head looking away from him.
“Can’t that satisfy you baby?” he asked.
Your head snapped up towards him, “What?”
He grabbed you by your chin, making eye contact with you. Moving your hair away from your face. “I know he hurt you too baby,” he whispered. “I’m doing this for you too.”
He scoffed getting away from you, “God, does nothing satisfy you?”
“..you always say that i’m not satisfied.”
Dabi just stared at you and you just smiled at him. “But I don't think that's true. 'Cause all I ever wanted was to be enough for you.”
and all I ever wanted was to be enough for you
Dabi smirked, “And maybe I'm just not as interesting, As the boys you had before.”
You felt as if you were stabbed, “..wha-” Your body tensed up, your eyes tearing up. God, is that what he thought? “No..no I always- you were always enough i-”
“I see that it’s still easy,” he said. He tapped the side of your head, “to get in your head.”
“You- you fucking asshole!” you pushed him away, getting ready to hit him. “I loved you! So much you dick! But God, you couldn't have cared less about someone who loved you more. I'd say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that.”
He grabbed your wrist, pulling you to him, smiling. “I still love you baby, come on.”
You tried pulling your hand away, struggling to do so. “Now I don't want your sympathy. I just want myself back. Get away from me.” You pulled your hand away, pushing him away once more. “You don’t get to say shit like that. Your emotions don’t mean anything to me.”
before you found someone more exciting the next second, you were gone
Dabi crossed his arms, smirking at you. You just glared at him, wanting him to leave. Your body was tense, you didn’t want him around. You were already falling into old habits with him.
and you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong and you always say I'm never satisfied
“Leave,” you said.
but I don't think that's true 'cause all I ever wanted was to be enough
“Now Dabi,” you whispered.
“No,” he said. “Come on, let's go. I can help you.”
“Help? Help me? You- no. leave, I mean it.”
He smiled at you, walking towards you. You moved back, forgetting about the wall behind you. You cringed realizing that you were trapped. He stood in front of you, his scarred hand on your cheek, patting it.
“I. Love. You.” he said leaning down.
“No, you don’t,” you pushed him away, again. God, you were getting tired of this game. “Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded? Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?” You huffed, walking away from the wall. “You left me in my old apartment Dabi. You were the one who walked away when I was sobbing on my knees. You hurt me so much, too much. You made me doubt my worth. You.. you do not deserve me.” You sighed, “I don’t want you-”
but don't tell me you're sorry, boy feel sorry for yourself
“Birdy,” you heard. “Where are you?”
You turned to the source of the voice, “in the kitchen.”
You turned back to Dabi but he wasn’t around anymore. You sighed and shook your head, placing your hand on the feather Keigo gave you. You felt his hands wrap around your waist, his wings wrapping around you as well.
“Are you okay birdy?” he whispered into your ear.
“..not really,” you replied.
“What happened?”
You felt him press closer to you, a soft smile on your lips. You felt yourself relax into his arms. The rain still going on outside.
“Long story, too long Keigo.” you replied.
'cause someday i'll be everything to somebody else
“You know, I used to hate the rain Kei?” you asked. You heard him hum and so you continued. “Reminded me too much of my ex, bad memories. You gave the rain a new meaning, Kei.”
and they'll think that I am so exciting and you'll be the one who's crying
He kissed the back of your head, “didn’t you bump into me when it was raining?”
You laughed, “weren’t you on patrol, pretty boy?”
He nodded.
“And you still flirted with me, Kei.”
“..so? Can’t I flirt with the pretty person in front of me.”
You chuckled, “you decided to pay for a coffee once you noticed I was crying.”
He groaned, “oh my god.”
You laughed and turned around to face him. Your arms wrapping around his neck. He smiled at you kissing your forehead.
yeah, you always say I'm never satisfied but I don't think that's true
Dabi sulked away, leaning against the wall. His plan with Endeavour had failed. He was frowning. Once he heard footsteps he pulled himself away from the wall and stared at the source of the sound.
you say I'm never satisfied but that's not me, it's you
He smirked once Hawks came into view. The winged hero had a feather in his hand, pressing it against the villain's neck. The winged hero was frowning, not out of sadness but anger.
“That wasn’t the plan,” he said.
Dabi smirked.
'cause all I ever wanted was to be enough but I don't think anything could ever be enough
“Why exactly did today's little event get resolved with zero deceased?” he asked. “It's hard to believe someone who sympathized with our cause and requested to cooperate with us would act in such a way.”
“I’ve got to keep up appearances on my end. I can't afford to lose the faith that’s been placed in me as a hero,” he replied. “The more confidence everyone has in me, the more valuable the information I'll receive, and that information is beneficial for you all. You should really be looking at the big picture here.”
Dabi started to walk away from him.
“Everything I do is for the league, Dabi.” he said.
“Well... I still want to let you meet the boss for the time being, but… I'll contact you again, Hawks.” said Dabi. “oh, by the way, how does y/n feel knowing you’re working for the league.”
for you, enough for you, oh-oh no, nothing's enough for you
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lovely-uma · 3 years
the fact that i’m writing angst again...
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lovely-uma · 3 years
lucky for us (aizawa x reader)
pairing: aizawa x reader (slow burn) warnings: age gap (reader is mid 20s while aizawa is in his early 30s), slight ooc aizawa, slight ooc present mic word count: 2.2k scripts used: what i can do for now and rage, you damn nerd
part one part two part three
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You weren’t late, not technically. You ran up the hill and passed the gates, making it to the teachers lounge before Aizawa and sighed. You hummed as you sat down at your desk. You looked over the students list and hummed. You saw that their quirks were written on the side and started to write in your notebook.
Yuga Aoyama. Quirk: Navel Laser. How long can he use it? What are the side effects?
Mina Ashido. Quirk: Acid. How long can she use it for? Are there any side effects? How far can her acid go? Does she secrete acid from everywhere on her body?
Tsuyu Asui. Quirk: Frog. Does she do everything a frog does? Are there any limitations to her quirk? Frogs tend to hibernate during the winter/cold, does she do the same thing? How long can she hop? How high?
You spent the morning doing that for each student. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to look at Yamada. You gave him a soft smile.
“What cha doing?” he asked.
You hummed, “Trying to get a basic understanding of the students' quirks. There are a couple students that stump me of course. For example, Toru Hagakure and Izuku Midoriya.” You frowned as you stared at your notebook. “Hagakure-kun is said to have an invisibility quirk, she’d be great as a selth hero or an underground hero. Midoriya-kun appears to have a strength quirk but the way his body reacts to it insinuates that he just got his quirk.”
“Well then kiddo, glad to have you on our team.” he said.
You felt yourself smile, “thank you Yamada-san. I have to get going,” you said as you got up, getting your notebook and clipboard. “Class is about to start.”
You walked towards class 1-A and spotted Aizawa laying down on the floor. You walked closer to him and stood behind him.
“If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now.” he said.
You hummed and watched as the students froze in their spots. All the chatter died down. Ah, this must be the famous Aizawa-sensei in the works.
“Welcome to U.A.'s hero course,” he said with a monotone voice. He got up and started to unzip his sleeping bag. “It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not going to work.” He stepped out of his sleeping bag, “Time is precious. Rational students would understand that.”
You walked to stand next to him, and watched as the students were both confused and in shock.
“Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher,” he said as he grabbed the PE clothes from his sleeping bag. “This is Y/N Himura, they’re your TA.” He pulled the PE clothes into view, “Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside.”
You and Aizawa stood outside waiting for the students to finish changing.
“What are you going to do to them?” you asked.
“A quirk assessment test,” he said.
“Ah, to see where they lie with their quirks and their control over it?”
“Something like that.”
You hummed and watched the students start to walk out. Once all of them were out, Aizawa told them what he told you.
“What?! A Quirk assessment test?” asked the whole class.
“But orientation!” spoke a girl. “We're going to miss it!”
“If you really want to make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies,” he said and ignored as the class all gasped. “Here at U.A., we're not tethered to traditions. That means I get to run my class however I see fit. You've been taking standardized tests all your life, but you never got to use your Quirks in physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day, the Ministry of Education will learn.”
You watched as he turned to a student. You had a pen stuck behind your ear and you opened your notebook, getting ready to take notes on the test.
“Bakugo, you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?” asked Aizawa.
“67 meters, I think.” the boy- Bakugo said.
“Great. Now try doing it with your Quirk.” he said.
You watched as the students were excited. You moved back to Aizawa, standing next to him.
“Anything goes, just stay inside the circle. Go on, you're wasting our time.” he said.
You watched as Bakugo got ready to throw. Aizawa showed you his results and you wrote it down.
“All of you need to know your maximum capabilities.” you said.
“It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero,” said Aizawa. He turned over to the class and showed them the result.
“Woah, seven hundred and five meters, are you kidding me?” spoke a student.
You hummed, that was Denki Kaminari.
“I wanna go, that looks like fun!”
“This is what I'm talking about! Using our Quirks as much as we want!”
You shook your head.
“So this looks fun, huh? You have three years to become a hero, you think it's going to be all games and playtime? Idiots. Today, you'll compete in 8 physical tests to determine your potential as a hero. Whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled.” he said.
You winced, this was going to be tough for the students.
“Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. Understand? If that's a problem, you can leave now.” he continued.
“You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, this isn't fair!” a girl, the same one from earlier.
Your eyes widened finally figuring out who she was. Ochaco Uruaka, her quirk, zero gravity. You went to her section and started to write, Aizawa’s response being zoned out.
Ochaco Uruaka. Quirk: Zero Gravity. Is there a time limit? On the hero test she puked, does that mean that she can only use it for so long before feeling sick? If she touched multiple things at once would they come crashing down? Would be an amazing rescue hero
You looked up and saw the students waiting for his next instructions.
“Now then, we're wasting time by talking,” he said.
You smiled, “Let the games begin.”
The two of you watched as the students took the test. You wrote some notes down, you could already see where they could improve. When it came to the fifth test, Uruaka’s score was infinity. That meant that whatever floats would go on forever unless she released it. You wrote that down and walked to stand next to the students. You overheard the conversations between students. Bakugo called Midoriya quirkless, that means that your theories on his quirk were correct. You'd have to talk to him about his quirk, you had so many questions.
“46 meters.” said the robot.
Oh, he decided to use his quirk.
“What gives, I was trying to use it just now?” said Midoriya.
“I erased your Quirk. The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school.” he replied.
You hummed. You noticed as the students tensed up.
“Wait, you did what to my-” his eyes widened. “those goggles! I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers. The Erasure Hero: Eraserhead!”  
“You're not ready. You don't have control over your power. Were you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body?”
Uh oh. You started to walk towards Aizawa and you watched him pull him in with his capture weapon.
“No, that's not what I was trying to do-” Midoriya started to say.
“No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing more than a liability in battle. You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero I know. One who saved a thousand people by himself and became a legend. But even with that drive, you're worthless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down. Sorry Midoriya, with your power there's no way you can become a hero.” he said and he let Midoriya go. “I've returned your impractical Quirk. Take your final throw. Hurry up, get it over with.”
You walked to stand next to Aizawa, “you know, Bakugo called him quirkless.”
Aizawa didn’t say anything and the two of you watched as he got ready to throw the ball. Oh. You saw as he threw the ball, his fingers broke.
“Mr. Aizawa, you see, I'm still standing.” he said.
“This kid…” muttered Aizawa.
He was grinning, he showed you Midroiya’s results and you wrote them down. You would have to have a one on one talk with him. You watched as the students were impressed, well not all of them. You saw Bakugo move towards Midoriya.
“What is the meaning of this? Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!” he yelled.
You watched as Aizawa used his quirk, his capture weapon, around Bakugo.
“They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made out of a special alloy. Jeez, don't keep making me use my Quirk over and over. I have dry eye!” Aizawa said.
You chuckled and watched as Midoriya backed away and Aizawa let go. They had a history, you were sure of it. The rest of the exams went their way, you took note of how Midoriya struggled with his broken fingers. At the end of the exams, you stood next to Aizawa, the students in front of the two of you.
“Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once.” he said.
The students looked over their results and Aizawa spoke again.
“By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks.”
You watched the class get surprised and suppressed a giggle.
“Ah!” you exclaimed. “If you guys want to know ways to improve your quirks I have a couple of ideas and questions for you all as well.” You gave the class a smile. “Of course, I only really have a lot of Midoriya-kun.” You saw him tense up. “Nothing bad of course, but I still have questions for you all!”
“With that, we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom, so when you get back, look over them. Midoriya -- have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself.”
Aizawa handed Midoriya a paper and the two of you walked away. You waved goodbye at the students and jumped when you heard All Might.
“All Might. So, you were watching? Too much time on your hands?” said Aizawa.
“"A rational deception" you said? April Fools was last week. You punished a whole class of last year's first years with expulsion. You cut those you judge to be without potential without hesitation. For a man like that to take back his words-- That must be because you also felt the potential of that kid, right?”
Also? You thought.
“"Also"? You seem to be supporting him quite a bit. Is that how a teacher should be acting?” Aizawa turned away and continued to walk away, you walking behind him. “His potential was not zero. That's it. I will always cut those without potential. There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway.”
You looked down at your notes. You had made copies of an email address the school provided you with so that they could ask you for questions on their quirk. Izuku Midoriya was a curious one. You waved at the teachers and walked out of the teachers lounge and started to walk towards the gate.
You turned to the source of the voice.
“Ah, Todoroki-kun,” you said. “How can I help you?”
The two of you stared at each other.
“I wondered during class why your name sounded familiar, Himura-san,” he said. “It was my mothers maiden name.”
You hummed, “that’s right. Your mother is my older sister.”
“Is that why you decided to work at UA?”
“Hm? Oh no, I do want to help young heroes,” you said. “Being able to… look after you is just a plus. Your father is… not the nicest person Todoroki-kun.”
He nodded.
“I never… saw my sister after she got married.” you said. “This is actually the first time I ever saw you.”
You saw his shoulders tense up.
“Ah I’m sorry Todoroki-kun, I didn’t mean to talk bad about your father.”
“It’s okay,” he said. “I have to go.”  
“Of course,” you said. “I hope you have a good night Todoroki-kun.”
You watched as Todoroki walked away. You rubbed your forehead and started to walk home. You wondered if you would be able to build a relationship with him, rescue him and help him. After all, isn't that what a hero is for?
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lovely-uma · 3 years
lucky for us (aizawa x reader)
pairing: aizawa x reader (slow burn) warnings: age gap (reader is mid 20s while aizawa is in his early 30s), slight ooc aizawa word count: 809
part one  part two  part three
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You tapped your knee continuously, worry sitting in your bones. UA high was a school where kids could become top heroes if they were in the hero course. You pressed your lips together, waiting patiently. You looked up as you heard footsteps walking in your direction.
“Y/N Himura? Principal Nedzu is ready for you.” said the secretary.
You got up from your chair and walked behind them, playing around with your fingers. You took a deep breath and thanked the secretary before walking into the office. You looked ahead and noticed him sitting on his chair.
“Come in! Come in! Take a seat Himura-san.” he said.
You smiled at him, bowing before sitting down.
“Now, your application said you want to become a TA for the hero course?”
You knew it wasn't a question but you still nodded.
“Why the hero course?” he asked.
You sat up straighter, “actually, I was hoping it would be the incoming hero course.” you took a breath in. “I know that Aizawa-san expelled his class this year.” You started to fidget. “As you are well aware Nedzu-san, I do quirk analysis for heroes sometimes, so they know how to improve. Apart from being an underground hero myself, if I were able to become a TA, I could help the students with their quirks.”
Nedzu hummed and looked at you. “You know I don’t have a say if you can become a TA for class 1-A.”
You nodded. “I understand that becoming a TA would fall onto Aizawa-san and if he would have me I’d be grateful.” You smiled at Nedzu.
“Why 1-A?”
“Oh!” you exclaimed. “Actually, it has to do with the fact that they are incoming heroes. I understand that both Kan-san and Aizawa-san have different teaching methods. Aizawa-san tends to be more… strict. If he sees potential in his class that means that they have great potential of course.” You continued to fidget with your fingers. “I’m not saying that 1-B doesn’t have potential!” you said in a panic.
“I understand Himura-san,” he said. “I’ll call Aizawa to talk it over with him.”
You nodded your head. Five minutes later Aizawa walked in and you tensed up.
“Ah Aizawa,” said Nedzu. “This is Y/N Himura and they want to be your TA.”
“Why?” he said, looking at you.
“Well-” you started.
“They already explained to me! They want to help future heroes and help them with their quirks! Himura-san analysis quirks on the side sometimes as well as being an underground hero.” Nedzu said.
You stared at Aizawa waiting for a response.
“Alright,” he said.
You sat down surrounded by pro heroes. All of you were watching the hero exam. You turned around and saw Aizawa standing against the wall. You hummed and turned back to the examination. You hummed as you watched the robots get taken down by students. You watched as Nedzu got the zero pointers and watched the students run away. You saw on one screen one student taking control of the chaos and exploding more robots. Meanwhile on the other screen you turned to see a kid jump up and punch the robot. Huh. You saw as his body flew back down, you noticed how his legs were broken and so was his arm. You noticed another examine slap him, using her quirk on him to save.
Rescue points. The kid got injured severely, broken legs and a broken arm. You gave him seven points, and you gave the other kid nine points. You saw Aizawa frown and when you finished you walked towards him.
“They're going to accept him into UA.” he said.
You hummed as the two of you walked side by side. “It might do him good.” You saw him turn to you, eyebrows raised. “I mean think about it. It seems like his quirk just manifested. He has no control over how much power he exerts.”
“It makes him a liability if he can’t control it.”
“He’d be a dead weight on his classmates and future heroes.”
You hummed, unknowing that All Might was over hearing your conversation.
“He needs to train his quirk. I wonder how it manifested.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” you said. “Most people get their quirks around age four and late bloomers around the age of five or six. It could be that his body knew that a kid would not be able to handle that amount of power. His quirk though, it could also be a trauma induce”
“Mhm, trauma induced quirks come through a severely traumatic event. He could have been attacked by a villain and his body just reacted. The same way freak cases before quirks happen with adrenaline.” You sighed, “This kid just needs so much practice. Recovery girl is going to have to be constantly patching him up.”
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lovely-uma · 3 years
i want to start a canon diverse aizawa x gn!reader lmfao
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lovely-uma · 3 years
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kinda forgot about this draft.
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lovely-uma · 3 years
i am such a sucker for uma ,,, wanna be her girlfriend </3
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lovely-uma · 3 years
Reunion (d.w x m!reader)
dean winchester x m!reader based on this tiktok angst , fluff ending warnings: homophobia, mentions of child abuse, death, description of death summery: you had moved on from the heartbreak of your first love, that is until a ghost is on the loose in your apartment building. word count: 3.6k
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You exited your car, grabbing your grocery bags. You smiled at your neighbor passing by and made your way upstairs. Walking into your apartment, you took your shoes off and placed your keys on the coffee table. You walked into the kitchen, placing the bags on the kitchen island. You started to put everything away, stopping for a moment and eating a bit of the fruit. Humming, you continued. Once you finished, you smiled and washed your hands. You walked back to your front door, putting your shoes on and walking to your neighbor’s apartment. You knocked softly.
“Mrs. James?” you asked.
You didn’t hear anything, and started to walk away.
“Young y/n!” you heard.
You smiled and turned around, “Mrs. James! I thought I missed you.”
You saw the old lady waved her hand, “I was just out getting vitamin D! Us old ladies have to get that.”
You chuckled. She started walking and made her way to her apartment.
“Come in, come in.”
You walked in with her and smiled at her. You made her dinner, and the two of you ate together. After finishing, you washed her dishes and made your way back to your apartment. You got ready for bed and went to sleep.
You woke up to a scream, your eyebrows furrowed together. You got up and put your shoes on walking out to the hallway. You noticed your other neighbors out as well, and you let out a sigh of relief. You weren’t sure who screamed, and you made a mental note to check in with Mrs.James later. Everyone went back inside their apartments and you knocked on her door. You waited for a couple minutes and knocked again.
“Mrs. James? It’s y/n.” you said.
You waited a bit more, pressing your lips together and walking back to your apartment. She was probably asleep and you did not want to wake her up. You went back to bed, letting out a breath and feeling cold. Your eyebrows furrowed together, wondering how low you had your ac. You froze in your spot, not wanting to make any sudden moves. You let out a low breath, calming down when you didn’t see it and going to sleep.
Morning arrived, and you got ready for your day. You walked past Mrs. James door, knocking once more before leaving. You grew worried, deciding to use the key she gave you for emergencies. You went on with your day, stopping by a bookstore and getting some books. As you walked out of the store you frowned at seeing a familiar car. You quickly shook it off and walked back home.
You had stopped by to pick up some desserts for both you and Mrs. James, unlocking her door you called out her name. When she didn’t reply you walked further into her apartment, placing the desserts onto her table as well as your shopping bag.
“Mrs. James,” you called out again. “I got some stuff for us-”
You opened the door to her apartment and screamed at the sight in front of you. You pulled your phone out and called the cops. You fell onto the floor, staring at her body. You didn’t notice when the police came, the paramedics pulling you up. You didn’t notice the questions being asked. You also didn’t notice your first love walking in and trying to get your attention.
“Sir?” you heard.
You felt yourself slowly come back to your senses, tears falling down your face. You got up from the couch, confused on how you got there in the first place. You walked towards the kitchen, getting some water.
“Dean, maybe we should..” you heard.
You felt someone tap your shoulder, and you turned around and faced a cop.
“Im… I'm so sorry. What-”
“It’s okay sir, I understand this was the home of Jessica James?” asked the cop.
You nodded your head slowly.
“How did you know the victim?”
“I… uhm my neighbor. She… we were friends.” you replied. “And she gave me the key to her place for emergines, I was worried about her.”
The cop nodded and waved over someone. You turned to look at who and you froze, the glass falling from your hand. You turned away and bent down to pick up the broken pieces of glass. You walked over to the trash can, throwing it away. You turned back to see the cop talking to two guys. They walked over to you, introducing themselves and you chuckled, shaking your head.
“I know you Dean,” you said. “Don’t try lying to me.”
You notice his eyes widen as well as his brothers. You smiled at him.
“Sam, it’s nice to see you again.” you told him.
He nodded at you, notepad in his hand. You turned over to Dean, raising your eyebrow at him.
“What happened?” you asked.
Dean swallowed, “have you noticed anything unusual? Sulfur smells, cold spots, being able to see your breath?” he asked.  
You pressed your lips together, “last night. My room was freezing but I think it was just me having my AC low.”
Dean nodded, taking notes. It was Sam’s turn now.
“Did your neighbor have any enemies?” he asked.
You shook your head, “she was an angel. She pretty much took me in when I moved in.”
Sam nodded, giving you a pained smile, “I am sorry for your loss.”
You smiled at him, “thank you. Is there… anything else you guys need? I have to go back home and call her remaining family…”
“No, not now.” he said. “How can we contact you if we have more ques-”
“Here’s my number,” said Dean as he handed you the paper. “If you need to contact us, for anything y/n/n-”
“Thanks, I really got to go.” you said.
You turned to leave, walking to your apartment. You sighed, making a mental note to call her son.
“Dean,” said Sam. “y/n and you-”
“Don’t Sammy, I don’t want to talk about it.” he responded. “Come on, let's go see what we’re hunting today.”
You put your phone down, wiping your tears away. You curled up on your couch, feeling drained and taking a quick nap. You woke up feeling cold, you sniffed as you got up your couch and walked towards your thermostat. You saw the green numbers saying 63, you hummed and were about to walk to your room when you heard a knock. Your eyebrows furrowed and you walked over, unlocking the door to see Dean in front you.
“Dean what… do you know how late it is?” you asked.
“It's only…. ten pm?” he responded.
You stared at him, “what happened?”
Dean stared back at you, gesturing if he could come into your apartment. You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you let him in, closing the door behind him. You turned to look at him, your arms crossed.
“What are you hunting Dean?” you asked.
He pressed his lips together, “Sammy and I think that it’s a vengeful ghost.”
You hummed at him, urging him to continue.
“Do you know of anyone who died-” he spoke. “Besides your neighbor.”
You shook your head, “I moved in maybe… two or three years ago. I just graduated college Dean, Mrs. James took care of me and I helped her.” you sighed. “No one really died here in the building. If you think its a ghost, it could have been traveling on an object, or maybe there's an unmarked grave.”
Dean nodded mentally taking notes.
“And not one neighbor is off-” you closed your mouth before talking again. “At least on my floor. Not sure on any floor. Also, if it isn’t an unmarked grave, maybe we have a killer here who brought their victim's body and the ghost wants revenge. As to why it killed Mrs. James I have no clue. She was a sweetheart and cared for everyone young.”
“Thanks y/n/n.” he told you.
You hummed, “that's it? I need to go to sleep, I have to work in the morning Dean.”
He looked at you, shaking his head. “I wanted to. No, I want to talk to you y/n.”  
“What about Dean? We haven’t talked in ten years. A decade Dean, there isn’t anything to talk about-”
“My old man died, three years ago, saving my life.”
“Oh.” you said. “I’m sorry for your loss-”
“Dont be. I mean thanks and all but, you first hand knew how much of a… dick he was.”
You nodded.
“I wanted to apologize,” he continued. “For… not standing up for you and letting my dad hurt you.”
You sighed, “dean-”
“No, let me finish.” he looked up at you, walking closer to you. “You didn’t deserve that sweetheart-”
“Don't call me sweetheart.”
“Im so sorry-”
“For what exactly? Making you break up with me and laughing at my reaction. Or is it that he called me a faggot and almost beat me? I mean fuck Dean, your dad, outed me to my parents. You knew- you know that me coming out was never an option. Dean, I don’t… don’t blame you. It wasn’t your fault and it never was.”
“Dean, please.” you whispered. “Leave? I have to.. have to go to sleep.”
Dean nodded, looking at you one last time before leaving.
“I never blamed you Dean and I don’t want you blaming yourself either.”
You saw him nod before leaving. Once you heard your door close you sat on the floor, letting yourself feel sad and let yourself cry. Half an hour passed before you decided to get up and walk to your room. You laid down and went to sleep once more.
You groaned, carrying your bag back to your car. Stretching your arm. You felt someone bump into you, you looked up to see Sam and you smiled at him.
“Hi Sam,” you said.
“Hi,” he replied. “I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you.”
You waved him off, “it's okay- hey do you need help? I mean you’re carrying drinks and food-”
Sam pressed his lips together before nodding, “thank you.”
You nodded as you grabbed the drinks from his hand and walked side by side to him. The two of you made conversation, talking about his college life and yours. Both of you brought up failed relationships and laughed. You looked up to see the two of you reaching the motel and he opened the door. The two of you walked in and spotted Dean still asleep. You hummed, and set the drinks down. You turned to leave, waving at Sam. As you were about to leave you heard a sleepy voice call out to you. You turned to see Dean, sitting up and looking at you. The two of you made eye contact, neither of you wanting to turn away. Sam cleared his throat, your attention snapping back to him.
“Well,” you said. “I have to get going. Errands to do.”
You watched the two brothers look at each other, which was your cue to leave.
You turned around, looking back at the two brothers. Dean standing, his arm reaching. The air was uncomfortable, you shook your head.
“I have a funeral to plan.” you said as you left.
When you got back to your apartment you felt tired and drained. While it wasn’t physical, your body demanded a nap and you obeyed it. As you fell asleep and went to dream, a memory played in your mind. One you have tried to get rid of for years.
You were standing under the bleachers, your hand drumming against your thigh. You smiled when you saw Dean running towards you. The two of you hugged, and he pulled you in to kiss you, his hands around your waist. When the two of you pulled away you giggled, your head on his chest as his hand went to rub your back.
“Come over to my place-” you said.
“Oh? Are you trying to-” interrupted Dean.
“What- No! Oh my god Dean-”
You looked up to see him laughing, you shook your head and hit him on his chest.
“So we can do homework together, and maybe watch a movie. Sammy can come too.”
You stared at Dean, seeing his gears turning. You waited for him to give you an answer, playing around with your fingers and his.
“Yeah okay,” he said. “Might do Sammy some good not being kept in the motel room.”
You smiled, kissing his cheek as you heard the bell ring.
“I’ll wait for the two of you outside my car,” you told him. “Sammy can even pick the movie if he wants.”
Dean smiled at you, kissing you softly before the two of you separated to go to class. Your last class of the day was Chemistry, and although it wasn’t your favorite topic, you always paid attention. Once the bell rang and the teacher dismissed you, you made your way to your locker. Picking up everything you needed to do homework and walked towards the parking lot. You waited five minutes for the Winchester brothers. You smiled as you saw the two of them walking towards them, Dean behind his younger brother making sure he got to your car safely.
“Hey Sam.” you said as you opened the door for him.
“Hi y/n.” he replied as he got in.
You smiled at Dean and watched as he got into the passenger seat. As you started the drive you stopped by the market, parking and turned off the engine as you looked at Sam.
“Do you want to get some snacks?” you asked.
You noticed him turn to Dean and then he nodded quickly. You pulled out some cash, handing it to him with a smile.
“Go get whatever you want,” you said. “We’ll be right behind you.”
Sam smiled widely at you and got out of your car and made his way to the market. You turned the Dean and raised an eyebrow.
“Do you think he likes me?” you asked.
Dean chuckled as he leaned in towards you, “I think he loves you.”
You woke up and frowned, the memory playing in your mind. You sat up and sighed, reaching for a water bottle. You looked at your clock and slumped back towards your bed. You had slept the afternoon away, the time reading 8pm. You stared at the ceiling, picking at your nails as you remembered the last words Dean ever told.
“I’ll find you again. Please y/n, baby look at me. I love you and I will find you.”
You quickly shook the memory away from your mind and got off your bed. You walked towards the kitchen deciding to make some quick ramen. As the water boiled, you grabbed your laptop from your backpack and turned it on. You decided to work on some job assignments, once the water boiled you put your noodles in and waited for them to cook. You ate as you worked and when you finished eating you pushed the plate away and continued to work. You fell asleep with your head on the table.
“You think you’ll ever do this for a living?” you asked.
“What your dad does, hunt Dean.”
You saw him pressing his lips together.
“That's all I ever knew, baby. I think so.”
You hummed and turned to see Sam asleep.
“Your brother fell asleep,” you told Dean.
He nodded. His hand grabbing yours.
“Think we can kiss for a bit?” he asked.
You laughed softly, “my my Mr. Winchester. You are a flirt.”
“Is that a yes?”
You nodded and he leaned down to kiss you. The two of you pulled away when you heard a beep. You quickly shook Sam telling him his dad was here. You watched the two brothers get into their fathers car, pressing your lips together.
The next day at lunch you waited under the bleachers for Dean. A smile on your face when you spotted him. He grabbed your hand, pulling you down to sit down with him. You looked at him concerned when you opened your mouth to speak, he cut you off.
“Someone saw us yesterday.” he told you.
Your body tensed up.
“I- they told my dad y/n.”
“No, don't apologize. He… baby he wants me to break up with you.”
He looked at you and you placed your other hand on his cheek.
“In front of him.”
You screamed, your alarm waking you up and scaring you.
“Fucking hell…” you whispered.
You rubbed your eyes and got ready for the day. As you drove to your job you kept thinking of your memories with Dean, it had been years since you last thought of them and you were surprised that seeing him would spark all of them to come back. Your work day felt as if it were dragged and when it was finally time to leave you called up a funeral place. You had finished getting all the details for the funeral ready to send.
When you arrived at your apartment you spotted Dean standing against the wall. You rolled your eyes and walked towards your apartment.
“How long were you waiting there?” you asked as you unlocked your door.
“Not that long,” he replied.
You walked into your apartment, looked at Dean and raised an eyebrow.
“Well? Come in.”
He walked in thanking you. You noticed his tensed shoulders and sighed, rubbing the bridge of your noise.
“Do you remember,” he said. “How it happened? How we ended?”
You nodded.
“I… I never wanted to break your heart.”
“I know Dean.”
You frowned as you saw the car in front of the school, Sam sitting in the back waiting for Dean. You noticed his tense shoulders and you sighed.
“I have to do it now,” he mumbled.
“I never meant those hurtful words. I never meant to out you either.”
You frowned, “I know.”
You weren’t crying yet and you didn’t want to give his father the satisfaction to see you cry either. You saw his hand go up and stop. He looked at you, a pained smile on his face.
“I’ll find you again. Please y/n, baby look at me. I love you and I will find you.” he whispered.
You looked up at him and nodded. He grabbed your hand and placed a ring in your hand.
“Don’t forget me,” he said. “Please.”
“One can never forget you Dean Winchester.” you replied. “Go. Sammy needs you.”
“Did my dad really..”
“Oh yeah. I think he stopped by my house when you were hiding in my room. He told my parents everything and asked if you were there.”
“The second time I went to go get us snacks. So you could eat something.”
“What did they do?”
“Well, they couldn’t kick me out.” you chuckled. “After I turned 18 I didn’t have a home though.”
You noticed Dean tapping his foot.
“Do you still have it?” he asked.
“Your ring? Yeah of course.” you said. You pulled out the necklace under your shirt. “I never did forget you Dean.”
“Do you remember how I showed up that night?”
You nodded, “bruises forming and a busted lip?”
He nodded, “he sent me to a boys home after.”
“You know, you stopped by my house the night you escaped a couple months later.”
Dean nodded again.
“I had to clean your wounds once more and with tears in my eyes I begged you to stay.”
Dean looked at you, his lips pressed in a thin line.
“You said, “hey man I love you but no fucking way.” I never really blamed you either.”
“You did it all for Sam. Dean,” you sighed. “Sam was the only reason you kept going as a teen. He was the reason you never ran away and why you always endured every shitty thing your father did.”
“You were also the reason too.”
“I always said I would find you.”
“This sounds like a goodbye Dean.”
He nodded.
“Found the ghost. Salted and burned the body. We’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
“I found you and I will find you again. I know where you live now.”
You laughed, “I really wasn’t fair to you now huh.”
He smiled at you.
“One last kiss for the road eh?” he asked.
“You still are a flirt.”
“Is that a no?”
You walked towards him and pulled him down by his shirt, kissing him.
“I’ll see you around y/n.” he whispered against your lips.
You smiled at him and pulled him in again.
“Why don’t I go with you?” you asked.
“You’ll drop everything just for me?” he said. “Us?”
You nodded, “I won’t go on hunts. Not the way the two of you do. I can just research and help you guys out.”
“I can’t ask you to leave your job baby..”
“You aren’t asking me. I’m just saying.” you said. “Plus, I kinda quit two weeks ago. I went in today to get some of my things. I am officially unemployed like you.”
Dean chuckled, his hands around your waist. His forehead was pressed against yours.
“What do you say?” you asked. You looked him in the eyes, waiting for a response. “You won't have to find me again if I’m with you.”
“..alright then love.”
You smiled and kissed him. He pulled you in closer, both your bodies pressing against each other.
“I found you.” he said.
“You found me.” you replied.
“I’m not letting you go,” he whispered.
He kissed you once more and you smiled into the kiss.
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lovely-uma · 3 years
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lovely-uma · 3 years
going with bucky to your hometown headcannons!!!
i had an idea and wanted to write this, seeing as i’m moving out soon.
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you hadn’t been back home in a while
you weren’t sure how many years had passed
it’s been four
you weren’t an avenger and you also didn’t work with Stark at all
bucky met you during your time in college, finishing up your degree, and getting ready to look for jobs
the two of you had a date
and that turned into a couple
until the two of you became official
bucky had taken you around brooklyn
he talked about how it was in the 40s
what he remembered
his childhood stories and stories before he got deployed
you talked about your hometown
your favorite places
favorite shops
your childhood school
places where you and your family loved going
he fell in love with your hometown based on your stories
it wasn’t a surprise when he asked if you could go visit
you were on your laptop, working on a work assignment when he came home from a mission
his bag hitting the floor, a soft welcome home slipping your lips
his arms wrapped around your waist, kissed the back of your head before speaking
“you think we can ever go see your hometown? want to meet you family doll.”
you chuckled, nodded your head.
“of course buck,” you said. “just say when.”
you were taken by surprised that when meant two weeks later
tickets booked, hotel room booked
he even made a list of things he wanted to do while visiting
when the two of you arrived you went straight to the hotel room
he went over his list with you, asking if you wanted to add anything
and you did add some stuff, things he had forgotten he told you he wanted to see
the next day he met your family
the two of you had been together for two years
he hadn’t met your family due to distance, and he was nervous
“what if they don’t like me.” “buck” “what if they say they don’t want you with me because-” “james, i love you. my family won’t change that.”
he was timid around your family, and was only able to calm down because you were next to him
when your mom called you over to help cook he panicked
he was sitting across your dad, and your dad was glaring at him
“so what makes you think you are good for my little-” “DAD.”
he was soon able to keep a conversation going, feeling at ease after relentless teasing
when the two of you explored around, he would always ask you questions
and you always answered them
“is this where you got your snacks?” “mhm, i wonder if the same workers are there.”
when you took him to your favorite spot you were a wreck
you had told bucky about this spot and how much you held it dear to you
he fell in love with the spot as well
you were nervous he would like it but seeing how his face lit up you calmed down.
you were messing around with a box in your pocket, you pulled it out smiling at him
“now i ain’t exactly proposing, yet.” you smiled at him. “but, this is a promise ring bucky. i’m here forever.”
he teared up, you teared up
you gave him the ring and he pulled you in to kiss you
“i love you bucky.” “and i love you doll.”
0 notes
lovely-uma · 3 years
Can y’all imagine a Buzzfeed Supernatural AU with 1-A?
*in the forest hunting down demons or some shit*
*hears screaming*
Baukugo: that sounds just like my mom
Sero: is your mom fucking La Lorana?
Midoriya, at the Sally House: Ghosts ! Come and eat my spine and swallow my throat, you cowards!
Baukugo, visibly shaken: what the fuck
Mina: I bet I could be as scary as the ghosts
Denki, who was chosen to go with the biggest skeptic besides Midoriya: oh yeah?
Mina: * lets out an unearthly shriek*
Kirishima and Tsuyu messing around in one of the locations with a flashlight and playing with the ghosts because they 100% believe that they’re real they just don’t care
Denki, Baukugo, Momo, and Todoroki refusing to go with anyone on the Dekusquad (even tho Todoroki is apart of it) because they’re all nuts and keep threatening the ghosts
Overheard on the goatmans bridge
Sero: dude please don’t-
Sero, crying at this point: guys no
Uraraka: how do we know this isn’t just someone’s quirk at play?
Aizawa, only there because he didn’t want them all to die and 100% also a believer but doesn’t show it: because I fucking said so that’s why
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lovely-uma · 3 years
Rappin’ with Cap - Full video - Spiderman Homecoming
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lovely-uma · 3 years
Ok, now that I’ve finished reading the new chapter, chap 103 takes the absolute prize.
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First off, I’m glad they included this flashback of everything Claude did when he lost his memories. It was a nice way of reminding both Claude and the audience of the gravity of the damage towards Athanasia and is a nice set up for the next panels. We remember Athanasia’s humiliation, Claude’s utter distain towards his daughter, and how terrified Athanasia was.
I find it so important in this next panel for Athanasia to say these because it tells Claude exactly how she felt during those times. It’s one thing for him to see her being hurt, but its another thing for him to hear exactly HOW MUCH it hurt Athy. And once again, forces Claude to face what he’s done and how much it hurt Athanasia.
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I really like how Athanasia demanded an apology. All these times, we rarely see her ask him for things (other than the portrait and chocolate) but this time, she DEMANDED something from Claude. Claude talked about getting reparations towards the other nobles who hurt Athanasia and she really said, “You’re the one that hurt me the most. More than anyone’s, I need an apology from YOU!!” In my opinion, this next panel is the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen Claude in the entire manhwa. Here, we see him truly grasp everything he’s ever done towards Athanasia and he looks h o r r i f i e d. Athanasia had just acknowledged and explained all the pain she felt from his amnesiac self and this is him realizing and truly processing how much he messed up.
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AND THERE WE GO!! The apology!! This honestly made me really tear up cause you can tell how sincere Claude is. I’ve talked a lot on my page about needing an apology because it makes Claude acknowledge all the times he’d hurt his daughter and how much he is repenting because of it and this chapter, in my opinion, nailed it. He had to hear, first hand, of the humiliation and hurt that he imposed on his precious daughter, and Claude, the emperor who probably rarely ever apologized, acknowledged it and asked for forgiveness. You can tell that he feels remorse for rejecting, humiliating, and trying to kill Athy.Also, this is the first time we ever saw Claude actively cry in this manhwa. There were times in the past where he would wake up from a dream crying about Diana, but this is the only time where we see him flat out cry and I appreciate that vulnerability. Not only that, but you can see just how much Claude apologizing meant to Athanasia. This girl spent all her years, fearing for Claude’s rejection and when her worst fear came true, it destroyed her. But, seeing her dad reclaim her and apologize to her must mean the absolute world to her.
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I think these panels have got to be my favorite panels 1) cause I think its absolutely adorable and 2) it really concludes the whole conflict and hurt between them two. We see the dam breaking inside Athanasia and Claude apologizing more. Also, it really shows the vulnerability in Athanasia. This poor girl has spent the last months trying to act strong for the empire and taking care of her dad, all the while internalizing the pain of Claude’s rejection. But here, we see her essentially act like a child, breaking down the grown up act that she’s had to put up, and just cry and whine to her dad. And you have Claude right there, hugging her and reassuring her. Also, you can tell how much it hurts Claude to see his daughter cry.
This chapter means so much to me because I’ve been wanting and ranting on Tumblr how much I needed Claude to take accountability(both because I was afraid they would brush off all he did and curious as to how spoon was gonna do it) and we really see that in this chapter. This is so integral to his character development to acknowledge his faults, reflect on them, and ask for forgiveness as he rightfully should. I’m so glad that we have our father-daughter back and I’m looking forward to how Athanasia and Claude’s relationship progress now that both of them have let down their walls.
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lovely-uma · 3 years
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"Don't cry, darling."
"I'm sorry. Don't cry."
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