lotzzoforangezoutside · 4 months
Occam's Razor
msr | s6 | words: 910
She keeps him guessing. Always.
It isn’t until that awkward time, the few days between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve, does Mulder finally realize that after five years, after Alaska and Arkansas and Antarctica, after his Molly VIII, IX, and X became little fish angels, after her abduction and her cancer and her abduction again, after mutants and clones and Mothman and The Great Mutato, after being her partner for over 2,100 days, Dana Scully still keeps him guessing and stays one step ahead of him.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 4 months
The Next Christmas
msr | s6 | words: 1,110 | Sequel to  Second Christmas
They agree that for their Solo Double Christmas Do-Over, she will plan the first half till lunch, and he’ll plan the rest of the day.
He reluctantly lets Scully go home to change and sleep in her bed. Mulder is so excited that he goes and bounces on his mysterious waterbed for some time. He quickly gets nauseated and relocates to the living room.
Looks like his new bedroom set from his fairy godmother will have to make its debut another time. He lolls around nearly half of the night, searching on the internet and Mapquesting the routes for their chocolate hunt.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 4 months
Second Christmas
msr | s6 | words: 975
So they faked it and celebrated Christmas twice.
He did go with her to her mother’s for the actual Christmas Day. It was already late when Scully came over to his apartment, and after the presents were opened, she fell asleep on his couch, and he made a good and dutiful human pillow that doubled as her giant teddy bear.
He forgot to ask when she needed to be in Baltimore, therefore, he became the best reason to why she was late to The Scully Family Christmas Morning Roll Call.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 4 months
Last Christmas
msr | s6 | words: 920
“It’s snowing outside.” She comments and he glances at the window.
“So it is. A white Christmas.” He looks down at her hands gripping several small, fat bottles of bath oils. “Was I anywhere close?” He asks.
It takes her a minute to realize what he’s talking about. “Oh, yes, Mulder. They’re actually scents I’m not entirely familiar with. I usually get–”
“Peach or lavender or something I recently found out that’s called citrus-basil?” He finishes her sentence.
“How’d you know?” She sounds surprised.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 4 months
A Reunion
msr | Cricket Universe | words: 960
He was hoping it would be a birthday surprise for her, and he couldn’t think of a better surprise than this.
Well, that’s not entirely true. Their son was a wonderful surprise, so was their daughter, and so was him for coming back from the dead, Mulder thought.
He wondered who he had to thank for all of that. Having Scully in his life, living with her, and being her husband, the father of her children.
Her children. How his heart still beat wildly at the thought.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 4 months
Seven Pound and Six Ounces
msr | s5 | words: 610
He’s never held a day-old baby before this one.
And now, Fox Mulder can proudly say that he has held one, changed his diaper, and napped with the tiny thing like a log in the cradle of his arm.
With his other arm held by one Dana Scully, his hand holding hers. On the sofa in her big brother’s living room.
How the fuck did this happen? He almost wants to laugh.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 4 months
Christmas at Grandma’s
msr | Emily AU | word: 750
Scully listens to the sounds coming from the family room as she turns off the lights in the kitchen.
“Can I do it?” One child asks.
“No, I want to do it.” another child urges.
“You did the last one.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“I’m gonna tell grandma!” Oh no, someone sounds like he’s about to cry.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 4 months
Letter to Santa
msr | Emily AU | words: 920
“Hey, whatcha doing?”
He purposely sits down on the carpet right next to Emily, bumping his arm on her shoulder, and the preschooler giggles.
“What is it?”
“We’re drawing what we want for Christmas.” Emily works hard on coloring the wheels of her bicycle, her brown crayon down to a stub. Mulder makes a mental note on getting her more art supplies.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 5 months
A Full House Thanksgiving
msr | thanksgiving special | Orange Universe(!) Xover  | words: 2,440
She sees the dining table already set and counted the placemats. It feels odd to have this many—even if they were having guests over, the setting looks too intimate, and the dishes on the table are too homely and simple.
This is her kitchen; her mind tells her so. Her heart feels certain about it as well. But something is not quite right. Scully catches her reflection in the big mirror by the front door; she looks a little chubbier, a little older, and her hair is much longer. How very odd.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 5 months
The Turkey Special
msr | s5 | words: 830
He’s been grinning at her very appreciatively and rather endearingly since he came into her apartment half an hour ago, and she feels that it isn’t just because she’s feeding him. Granted that the plate he’s placed on his lap has been one of the best meals she’s had in months and she’s letting him eat in front of the TV with the remote in one hand and a fork in another.
Why not, she thinks, it’s Thanksgiving.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 6 months
Pink, Dancing, and Bubbly
msr | s5 | words: 770
“Tell me a good Halloween memory, Scully.”
He’s been distracted from work since they got back from lunch and she has been trying to not call him out on it. As long as he keeps the paper airplanes on his side as much as possible, she’ll let him wander off in his mind for the rest of the afternoon.
“Come on, Scully, give me a trick-or-treat memory?” Mulder gets up from his chair and walks to lean against the edge of her side of the desk. “Did you ever dress up like a little Native American princess?”
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 6 months
Perfect Oxymoron
msr | s2 | words: 500
His hands are shaking.
His hands are shaking so much that he finds it difficult to complete this little task. They are shaking so much that he just can’t.
Mulder relaxes his fingers by pressing his hands together and lightly taps his fingers against their counterparts as if he’s clapping silently. Looking at the symmetry of his hands, from the fingers to the palms, he recalls that Scully has one hand bigger than the other. Slightly, very slightly, but that’s the intriguing thing about her. Even her imperfections are fascinating.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 6 months
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Mulder listens to Scully’s version of events, from Bad Blood. The X-Files. Watercolour on paper.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 6 months
msr | og series | words: 800
“Aaaaahhh, Scully!” He wails and she quickly closes the door behind her. Sometime she’s so grateful that their office is down here in the basement where there are no one but them.
Mulder’s only ever made that sound a handful of times. Akin to the cries of a wounded animal in the jungle, it communicates its frustration and distress. He doesn’t even make that sound when he’s shot; Mulder’s always been near-silent when wounded. His quiet wincing makes her want to protect him more.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 6 months
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AU | Mulder and Scully as childhood friends
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 6 months
A Single Life
msr | og series | words: 570
“Look, look, look at the TV right now, Scully.” He hollers and she runs into the living room from the kitchen.
“What am I looking at, Mulder?”
She thought it might have been a breaking news, or maybe someone they know is on TV, or maybe even some rare footage of Bigfoot, Loch Ness, or another Giant Panda cub tumbling down a slide—yes, Mulder’s actually hollered for her to come watch that once.
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lotzzoforangezoutside · 6 months
msr | between FTF and s6 | words 780
No, they have not crossed the line yet.
Soon, he feels. Of course, he is not certain, he has no timeline, and no one can be so sure when it comes to the enigmatic Dr. Dana Scully. So, no, they have yet to cross that line, but he feels like they soon will.
They have always taken things slowly, very slowly, and have been enjoying the little steps they’ve allowed themselves to take over the years. Their blockbuster weekends. Their late-night phone calls that continue into the wee hours, sometimes until one of them falls asleep.
He never runs out of things to say to Scully.
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