lifedoc · 3 years
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lifedoc · 3 years
Brain-Gut Connection
Have you ever gut out the pantry, unbuttoned your pants, and slid into a food coma? This has become quite the normal for many as we face a worldwide pandemic. While in agonizing pain not only are you experiencing extreme bloat aka food baby; yet, you also are hit with fatigue as you struggle to keep your eyes open. In addition, within recent studies researchers have found that our brain-gut connection is so interlinked that there is a correlation between anxiety and stress at the onset of a “leaky gut”!
We humans have not only one, but TWO brains! Your gut is considered your “second brain”. Within your gut, the enteric nervous system (ENS) passes through as it is nearly entailed of more than 100 million nerve cells. This means we not only have to keep a bright, healthy brain- but a happy gut as well!
After the damage of growing up eating Flamin’ Hot Cheetos breakfast, lunch, and dinner and a tube of wasabi for snack and dessert, my gut has not been happy. I have tried every “fad diet” circulating through the internet and gone to all the western and naturopathic doctors. Yet nothing seemed to work!
I found my answers, by doing just the opposite- stop seeking them! We all face daily struggles from work, to school, to social life in conjunction with a worldwide pandemic, stress is a natural response we all face. As mentioned before, when our body is producing excessive amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone damages our gut. Instead of restricting food groups, altering exercise regimens, or spending unnecessary amounts of money of supplements that are the “cure” the focus should be shifted on intuitive eating, mindful living, and other forms of self care in order to nourish our bodies, and BOTH brains! 
So sorry to break it to you all who were seeking the magic supplement or regimen, just like our brain our gut is too complex and unique!
Keeping our brains lively is an on-going journey, so follow along as we document life and all it entails- mind, body, and soul!
Campos, M. (2019). Leaky Gut: What Is It, And What Does it Mean For You? Retrieved March 24, 2021, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/leaky-gut-what-is-it-and-what-does-it-mean-for-you-2017092212451
John Hopkins Medicine Staff (n.d.). The Brain-Gut Connection. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/the-brain-gut-connection
Myers, A. (2020). Is Stress Damaging Your Gut? Retrieved March 24, 2021, from https://www.amymyersmd.com/article/stress-damaging-gut/
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