kerenobara · 2 months
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kerenobara · 2 months
Author Profile- Keren Obara.
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kerenobara · 2 months
Azura Okkotsu.
Azura Okkotsu is a fourth year Kaizen at the Kaizen Space College, often thought of as the strongest, and someone who has the potential to become powerful enough to be on par with Supreme Leader Ptolemy.
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kerenobara · 2 months
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kerenobara · 2 months
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kerenobara · 3 months
Author profile - Keren Obara.
My name is Keren Obara. I am the author of Cyber Planet XYZ. I began writing this book 2021, after feeling inspired by the sci-fi film dune and the novel Cyber Planet by Brett Hermann. I hope this book touches many lives, I hope to give people something they can enjoy.
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kerenobara · 3 months
The Sanctuary of Stillness: Embracing Rest as a Catalyst for Growth.
In our relentless pursuit of achievement, we often overlook a foundational pillar of well-being: rest. We equate busyness with productivity, mistaking exhaustion for dedication. Yet, amidst the constant churn of “doing,” true progress finds fertile ground in the quiet sanctuary of stillness. In this chapter, we explore the transformative power of rest, not as a passive indulgence, but as an…
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kerenobara · 3 months
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kerenobara · 3 months
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Keren Obara 2024.
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kerenobara · 3 months
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kerenobara · 3 months
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Keren Obara 2024.
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kerenobara · 3 months
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kerenobara · 3 months
So, how do we resist the urge to do everything and instead move strategically towards our goals? Here are a few tips:
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1. Embrace the Power of "No." Not every opportunity is worth our time and energy. Learn to politely decline requests that don't align with your overall purpose. Remember, saying "no" to something creates space for what truly matters.
2. Streamline Your Workflow. Identify the tasks that truly move you towards your goals and eliminate the rest. Delegate, automate, or simply let go of activities that drain your energy without adding value.
3. Schedule Strategic Rest. Don't see relaxation as a reward, but as an essential tool. Schedule regular breaks for meditation, mindfulness exercises, or simply spending time in nature. A clear and rested mind is a more focused and productive mind.
4. Cultivate Inner Peace. When your inner world is chaotic, your outer world will reflect it. Find practices that bring you peace, whether it's journaling, spending time with loved ones, or simply taking a few deep breaths throughout the day.
5. Remember the Why. When the urge to do it all hits, remind yourself of your "why" – the bigger purpose that drives your dreams. This will help you refocus your energy and prioritize actions that truly matter.
Moving strategically towards your dreams isn't about frenetic activity; it's about mindful intention. It's about understanding that true momentum comes from a place of inner peace and focused action. So, take a deep breath, let go of the need to do everything at once, and allow yourself to move with the calm power of a flowing river. You'll be amazed at how much further you'll go.
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kerenobara · 3 months
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kerenobara · 3 months
We live in a fast-paced world where instant reactions and snap judgments are often the norm. We scroll through newsfeeds, swipe through profiles, and jump to conclusions based on limited information. But what if rushing to judge is actually holding us back from a richer, more fulfilling life? Think about it. When we immediately label a situation, person, or experience as good or bad, we shut…
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kerenobara · 3 months
Breathe, Release, unfold: Embracing the Flow of Life. By Keren.
We live in a world that thrives on schedules, timelines, and calculated steps. From to-do lists to five-year plans, we’re constantly pushing, manoeuvring, and trying to force life into our desired mould. But what if the key to true happiness lies not in controlling the flow, but in letting it unfold? Imagine life as a river. Sometimes, it gushes over rapids, its energy exhilarating yet…
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kerenobara · 3 months
The Resilience Refinery: Turning Setbacks into Strength.
Life throws curveballs. It’s inevitable. But what truly defines us isn’t the impact of those curveballs, it’s our response to them. Here’s the truth: resilience isn’t a magic shield that deflects hardship. It’s a furnace that refines it. It’s about taking the heat, the pressure, and the challenges, and emerging stronger, wiser, and even more determined. Think about it: Every obstacle is an…
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