keep-looking-here · 2 days
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dark eyed junco + black capped chickadee ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ two of my favourite backyard visitors
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keep-looking-here · 12 days
Church of Whale Fall
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keep-looking-here · 12 days
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A gloomy day but things are happening out front. The first is a ‘White Feather’ hosta. They get greener later but look great at this stage! Then a pulmonaria and a trillium which I swear didn’t come up at all last year. It doesn’t look great this year and I think the reason is seen in that sprout behind it, the variegated Solomon seal which would take over the world if I let it. I’ll have to see if I can clear it from that area without hurting the trillium.
Then the double bloodroot about to open. It’s tiny but gorgeous and it too is threatened by the monster Solomon seal.
And last but not least primula Eilator ‘Gold Lace’, aka Bumblebee Primrose. It too is smol but so cute. I didn’t raise it from seed like the auriculas but bought a few online last year. I’m thrilled to see them!
There’s more happening out front but these are the highlights. It’s fun to watch friends appearing!
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keep-looking-here · 14 days
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keep-looking-here · 14 days
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Pacita Abad (Filipino,1946-2004) - Puerto Galera II, 1983
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keep-looking-here · 14 days
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Foolish harp/Waerera (gouache)
This painting will be my postcard for April! Join my postcard club at my patreon and you'll get an A6 mini art print in the post each month - the link is in my pinned post. (The title for the painting is taken from the Bhundu Boys song, my favourite song of all time)
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keep-looking-here · 16 days
apparently its draw a bird day!!!!!! suprisingly i havent actually drawn any birds today so i will repost some art ive done 🙏
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keep-looking-here · 16 days
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you belong here
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keep-looking-here · 16 days
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keep-looking-here · 16 days
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blue shrimpy
patreon / twitter
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keep-looking-here · 17 days
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the very rare phenomenon of a volcano producing vapor rings/volcanic vortex rings. Mount Etna today (April 5, 2024) by Boris Behncke
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keep-looking-here · 17 days
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Сабеллиды – семейство сидячих многощетинковых червей, распространенных в донных сообществах всех океанов. К сидячему образу жизни сабеллиды приходят не сразу. На стадии личинки червь безмятежно дрейфует в океанических водах. Взрослые особи живут в песке или в илистом грунте мелководной зоны. Сабеллиды - социальные животные, образующие большие колонии в тех местах, где достаточно пищи. На переднем конце тела сабеллид расположена пара перистых, покрытых ресничным эпителием пальп. С помощью этих перьеобразных щупальцев-жабр черви собирают из толщи воды и с поверхности грунта частицы, которые затем используют в пищу или для построения трубки. Кусочки грунта они смешивают со слизью и строят трубки из материала, напоминающего пергамент. Длина трубок в зависимости от вида колеблется от 2 до 10 см. Пальпы одновременно служат и органами дыхания, так как через их поверхность осуществляется интенсивный газообмен. Кроны этих щупальцев выступают из торчащих на дне трубок подобно лепесткам великолепных цветов. Однако при малейшем движении воды «цветы» мгновенно втягиваются, оставляя на поверхности лишь низкие серые «пеньки». Окраска щупальцев-жабр червей разнообразная, но чаще всего это бежевые, желтые, коричневые, черные, темно-красные, лиловые и белые цвета. Зоологи обнаружили более 10 тысяч видов этих животных.
Sabellidae are a family of sessile polychaete worms common in benthic communities of all oceans. Sabellids do not immediately adopt a sedentary lifestyle. At the larval stage, the worm drifts serenely in ocean waters. Adults live in sand or muddy soil in the shallow water zone. Sabellids are social animals, forming large colonies in places where there is enough food. At the anterior end of the sabellid body there is a pair of feathery palps covered with ciliated epithelium. With the help of these feather-like tentacles-gills, the worms collect particles from the water column and from the surface of the soil, which are then used for food or to build a tube.They mix pieces of soil with mucus and build tubes from a material resembling parchment. The length of the tubes, depending on the type, ranges from 2 to 10 cm. The palps also serve as respiratory organs, since intensive gas exchange occurs through their surface. The crowns of these tentacles protrude from tubes protruding from the bottom like the petals of magnificent flowers. However, at the slightest movement of water, the “flowers” ​​are instantly retracted, leaving only low gray “stumps” on the surface. The color of the tentacles-gills of worms is varied, but most often they are beige, yellow, brown, black, dark red, purple and white. Zoologists have discovered more than 10 thousand species of these animals.
Источник:https://m.vk.com/video-177833227_456240992?list=f6ce210ae901f2fd35&from=wall-3724862_1674, /ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сабеллиды, /vk.com/volgbioclub //www.gismeteo.ru/news/animals/raspushit-perya-kto-takie-sabellidy-i-zachem-im-nuzhny-pjoryshki/, /muzei-kholmsk.shl.muzkult.ru/Sabellids, //pofoto.club/32013-sabellidy.html, /zoogalaktika.ru/photos/invertebrata/annelida/polychaeta.
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keep-looking-here · 19 days
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When I took these pictures, the second of which is cropped a lot, the sun was so bright I didn’t look at it so I missed the iridescence in the clouds. Just another special thing to add to all the things that are happening that are *not* omens.*
*I mean they’d better not be. 😅
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keep-looking-here · 19 days
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In the night, the meadowsweet looks like it’s glowing…
(This will be my postcard design for August! If you join my postcard club on Patreon before the end of the month, you’ll get this print sent in the mail. You can find the link in my pinned post ^^)
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keep-looking-here · 20 days
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Beautiful art print by Caleb @littlestpersimmon arrived in the mail today and it's now up on my art wall! Check out Caleb's inprnt if you want to order some beautiful SEAsian art and also support him and his family.
Every time I look up at my art wall it's like I can see a portal into a fantastical world, the artwork is so detailed and amazing. It makes me really happy.
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keep-looking-here · 22 days
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“Budgies and a glimpse of a zebra finch at the Watarrka intermittent stream“
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keep-looking-here · 22 days
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The Rip XXIII Watercolor on paper, 6x7.5" 2023
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