jennrg · 51 minutes
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Ella Fitzgerald, April 25, 1917 – June 15, 1996.
Photo by Georg Oddner.
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jennrg · 2 hours
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jennrg · 3 hours
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jennrg · 3 hours
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……….oltre ti porto e più oltre del tempo…… ….con ME vedrai l’immobile eterno…… abbracciata d’immensa e chiara presenza l’universo intero sarà la tua stanza e scioglierai il gelo di tutti gli addii e luce sarà….. sui giorni più bui……. con ME sarai volo che penetra il volo battito d’ala che espande nell’eco….. nota che torna al suo diapason perso parola vivente che saprà infine il suo verso…. lascia che l’acqua ti scorra ovunque più dentro e più fuori delle membra e la mente……………. al di là delle ore che ti fanno più male e dentro i sentieri che non vuoi vedere ………….lascia che il fuoco sia il solo padrone brucerà le torri le reti le notti vane un pulsare lieve sarà il tuo respiro solo un cuore infinito cosciente del vero….. sciolto in ascesa che va al sole estremo dimora di pace e bene supremo………. e poi canta con gli occhi la gioia improvvisa portala ovunque il tuo viaggio la chieda………. ……………………e non temere se ancora sentirai il vento è solo il ricordo che cerca il suo centro…… chiede a TE la via per tornare perché ora sei VITA e puoi solo dare…….. perché il dono è potente e non perde la forza perché la fonte è eterna e sempre trabocca……. potrà inondare i deserti più ostili e danzare la LUCE nei templi più chiusi………. alzerà nuove e lucenti bandiere sopra gli altari di pietra e le vecchie frontiere…….. …….ora afferra quel cielo che in palmo ti porgo e riavrai tutto l’AMORE che credevi perso Faireliza art _by_charismaenigmaart ***************************** ……….I will take you beyond and beyond time…… ….with ME you will see the eternal immobile…… embraced by immense and clear presence the whole universe will be your room and you will melt the frost of all goodbyes and there will be light... on the darkest days... with ME you will be flight that penetrates flight beating of a wing that expands in the echo….. notice that he returns to his lost tuning fork living word that will finally know its verse…. let the water flow everywhere more inside and outside of the limbs and the mind……………. beyond the hours that hurt you the most and into the paths you don't want to see ………….let the fire be the sole master it will burn the towers, the nets and the vain nights a slight pulsation will be your breathing only an infinite heart aware of the truth….. loose in the ascendant going to the extreme sun abode of peace and supreme good………. and then sings with his eyes the sudden joy take it wherever your trip requires it………. ……………………and don't be afraid if you still feel the wind it is only the memory that seeks its center... asks YOU for the way back because now you are LIFE and you can only give…….. because the gift is powerful and does not lose strength because the source is eternal and always overflows……. will be able to flood the most hostile deserts and dance the LIGHT in the most closed temples………. will raise new and shiny flags above the stone altars and the old borders…….. …… .now she grasps that sky that I offer you in her palm and you will get back all the LOVE you thought you lost Faireliza art _by_charismaenigmaart 
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jennrg · 4 hours
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* High Jewelry Tiaras *
Le Jardin Tiara by David Morris - diamonds set in white gold
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jennrg · 4 hours
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Olga and Tatiana, Peterhof 1907.
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jennrg · 5 hours
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Apollo 11 crew in front of the American Embassy in Grosvenor Square, London, October 1969.
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jennrg · 5 hours
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The Apollo 11 astronauts are greeted upon their arrival in Paris, 1969.
Also, I love the fact that the caption (originally in French) referred to the astronauts as “the conquerers of the moon.”
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jennrg · 6 hours
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Jacques Chaban Dolnas presents the Legion D'Honneur medal to the Apollo 11 astronauts, 1969.
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jennrg · 6 hours
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The Collinses eat breakfast, 1969. I wonder where Ralph Morse was standing when he took this shot.
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jennrg · 7 hours
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jennrg · 21 hours
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Happy birthday, Shirley MacLaine! 🎈
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jennrg · 22 hours
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Bud Abbott (October 2, 1897 - April 24, 1974)
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jennrg · 1 day
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jennrg · 1 day
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jennrg · 1 day
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Jackie, Jack, Ethel and Bobby at Hickory Hill, c. 1956-1957.
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jennrg · 1 day
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TIARA ALERT: Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg wore the Grand Duchess Adelaide’s Sapphire Tiara for a New Year’s reception at the Grand Ducal Palace in Luxembourg on 18 January 2024.
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