inkeworks · 2 years
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Well, I may’ve given up on inktober but I still have a few arts up my sleeve. My entry for Thousand Roads’ Tarot event. I was assigned The High Priestess. Had a ton of fun on this!
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inkeworks · 2 years
Me thinking about doing Inktober: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!
Me actually attempting Inktober: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
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inkeworks · 2 years
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Ink(e)tober Day 2 - Mindless
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inkeworks · 2 years
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Ink(e)tober Day 1 - Fish
Having another go at Inktober this year. I’m using a personalised list comprised of a mix ‘n match of prompts from previous years as I thought that it’d be more interesting and more importantly, fun. Here’s hoping I can pull through!
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inkeworks · 2 years
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My take on Mega Flygon, inspired by a discord chat. Both normal and shiny.
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inkeworks · 2 years
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Splash art for two one-shots I wrote. They can be read here and here.
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inkeworks · 2 years
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inkeworks · 2 years
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Art for @umbrahighpriestofgiratina’s fic Hero’s After All for an art trade event.
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inkeworks · 2 years
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I may or may not have forgotten about this blog. Will need to clean a few things up but in the meantime, I’ll be uploading some of the things I’ve been drawing while away. Starting with a few sketches!
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inkeworks · 3 years
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Art+drabbles based on prompts. Writing under the cut.
Prompt 1: Night Flower
Deep within the night, a ninetales stands above a frigid cliff side. Alone she inhabits the frozen wastes, wearing a headdress of sacred bamboo. There she waits for the fated dawn, when the ancestral vision gifted by the Moon and Stars will come to pass. Drums of war ring through her ears as the ninetales watches the night face its sudden end. The Sun rising a crimson red, the eight-petaled flower made of Ancient weaponry blooming—its pistil fashioned from the remains of a notebook. The ninetales shakes with uncertainty. Voice hoarse, she whispers, “Please, goddesses…don’t leave us.”
Prompt 2: New Dawn
The Sun walked over the pieces of his heart, scattered across his sanctuary, with a senseless indifference. Ever since that Ancient’s attempt to steal his heart, a new awareness had awoken within him; one that caused him to look upon the Moon and Stars with hatred. The skies were his and only his. The act of trickery and thievery done by the Ancients, Moon, and Stars embroiled him with a deep, blistering fury. They will grovel. They will burn. They will pay. With a bellowing roar, the Sun leapt towards the skies. His resolve hardened. A new dawn was coming.
Prompt 3: No Sunrise Comes
Two goddesses stood beneath the shadow of a great mountain, their new alliance solidified by the night skies; mirrored by a field of white lilies, moonflowers and roses. It was a beautiful sight. The Moon gave a deep sigh of relief. It was over. The battle was won; the Sun had been locked away, putting an end to his rampage; and the scorched lands could finally heal. The Moon gave the Stars a reassuring glance as the two walked together, ready to ascend towards their permanent position in the skies. For the very first time, there would be no sunrise.
Prompt 4: Daydream and Nightmare
She refused to look at the shadows, out towards the distance, or from the corner of her eye. However such precautions were in vain, for she was always aware of It. It prowled the edges of her daydreams, observing her, waiting. For when day became night and the buildings into trees, the fun truly began. Such was the game they played. The rules were simple; It would fashion her dreams into its domain, a beautiful nightmare, and she would run. She would always win but It was not discouraged. It was patient and It would only need to win once.
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inkeworks · 3 years
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With the plan set in motion, the Moon and Stars took to the skies to confront the Sun, who cursed the insolence of his adversaries as he leapt into battle.
Art for a project I'm working on.
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inkeworks · 3 years
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*Rises from the dark depths of inactivity* *Posts this* *Sinks back in.*
So as you may have noticed, I have created fully labeled maps for each PMD game (excluding Adventure Squad, as to my knowledge it does not contain a world map) for references sake. I hope that this will provide a valuable resource for those who need it rather than painstakingly trying to locate it via a copy of the game/videos.
A few notes:
I have used Rescue Team’s original map due to DX’s lack of map markers to make this more accurate and easier on myself. Red/Blue’s map is 1-to-1 with DX’s with the only real discrepancy being Illusory Grotto, however due to its nature, I didn’t see the need to include it.
Dungeons that do not appear on the main map have not been included. This involves dungeons from Explorers’ future as well as Special Episodes 2 & 5 (as they use entirely different maps); Gates’ Magnagate & DLC dungeons; and Super’s Voidland dungeons.
The explorers map contains both red and green markers in addition to the yellow ones--the red ones mark settlements/areas outside of dungeons, while the green ones mark dungeons that appear in Special Episodes.
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inkeworks · 4 years
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Finally decided on the team I’ll be using for DX
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inkeworks · 5 years
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Last night I had a sudden urge to revamp an older character of mine, so here’s a concept sketch
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inkeworks · 5 years
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Beautiful Life @dotakinom
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inkeworks · 5 years
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Inktober Day 31 - Headcanon
Probably one of my favourite PMD headcanons - the human from the future in Explorers is actually Darkrai after taking Palkia’s attack in the Dimensional Hole. It’s one of my favourites because it explains why there’s some random ass human wandering around the ruined future when in every other game the world of humans and Pokemon are separated from one another.
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inkeworks · 5 years
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Inktober Day 25-30
A continuation of my previous post. I’m about 1/3 of the way through inking today’s drawing, so it’ll be uploaded later today
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