bucky: no!
sam: please? for me?
bucky: don’t do that. 
sam: what?
bucky: you think whenever you say “please, for me” that i'll just do anything you want. not this time!
sam: please, for me?
bucky: [sighs] okay. 
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sam: just be yourself. say something nice.
bucky: which one? i can't do both.
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bucky: not to be nsfw but i want someone to hold me while i sleep.
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police officer: you have the right to remain silent. 
bucky: i choose to waive that right! 
bucky: *screaming*
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sam: i hate it when you're right. 
bucky: do you hate me all the fucking time then? 
sam: no, i kinda like you when you talk about how shitty you are. cause then you're wrong. 
zemo: that is the fastest i've seen someone go from insulting a person to complimenting them, what the fuck-
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bucky: name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. i’ll wait. 
sam: you and me! 
bucky: *tearing up* ok.
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bucky, brushing their teeth over sam’s kitchen sink: good morning. 
sam: when did you get here?
bucky: i spent the night.
sam: but i remember you were leaving before i went to bed. you said, “goodnight, i’m going home” and then you left. 
bucky: yeah, but then, on my way out, i tripped and fell down the stairs. 
sam: oh my god, were you hurt?
bucky: nah, i just didn’t feel like getting up, so i slept on the floor.
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bucky: when i was your age, we didn’t even have cellphones. 
peter: yeah, but you had stuff we don’t have.
sam: like dinosaurs and moses. 
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accepting submissions for incorrect quotes!
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sam: it’s just like that old movie, the ape. and by the way, i don’t get it: why was the doctor dressing as an ape and killing people??? 
bucky: wow, talk about spoiler alert. 
sam: oh, grow up, that ship sailed, you’re 80 years too late.
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mickey: wow, chloe, you want to hold my hand before marriage? how awfully lewd of you. 
chloe: we literally slept together yesterday. 
mickey: that's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
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lance: hello, hope.
hope: lance.
hope: you still say it the same way. astonishment mixed with a hint of dread, yet…with a hopeful finish.
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sharon: these two bicker on like an old married couple!
bucky: we ARE an old married couple!
sam: who are you calling old?!
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sam: [squishing bucky’s face between two pieces of bread idiot sandwich style] what are you?!
bucky: a snack.
sam: no!
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lance: i hope no acknowledgement of your birthday was exactly what you wanted for your birthday
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lee: hahaha… hahahaha… hahahahaha…
arvin: haha… is this a good laugh or a bad laugh…? hahaha…
lee: hahaha… AHAHAHAHAhahaha…
arvin: haha… well, the longer it goes on, the more i think it’s a bad laugh…
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mickey: i’m microwaving some coffee
chloe: you really did give up on getting your life back together
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