iibislintu · 1 day
I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but intrusive thoughts are basically your brain’s (sometimes very upsetting) way of saying “If there were two guys on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?”
I’ve personally found that adding the “would that be fucked or what?” part in myself really helps put the more disturbing thoughts we sometimes get into perspective. Helps me say “yeah thar sure would be fucked up” and move on with my day.
It’s not a secret desire, it’s not something that only occurs to you because you’re a bad person. It’s just your brain deciding to process the fact that it knows an uncomfortable thing exists in the world by feeding it to you in an absurd “what if” with you as the main character.
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iibislintu · 3 days
So, my spouse has been exploring his gender lately; he also just built himself a new laptop. Today he told me that he in an attempt to process some genderfeels through metaphor, he made a post on a trans forum along the lines of: "I'm a lifelong Windows user and I think I'm pretty good at it. I want to find out what Linux has to offer but I'm afraid I wouldn't be any good at it. And how do you choose the right Linux distro, anyway? Do you have to try them all?"
The responses, he said, were a mix of useful advice about feeling out your gender and useful advice about choosing a Linux distro.
I love trans people so much
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iibislintu · 5 days
...he is weaving the chocolate. Do you copy, this bitch is WEAVING CHOCOLATE
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iibislintu · 5 days
The places I've lived but in English
Swampy pasture
St. Stephen's place
The king's place
The cross that marks the village border
The island you access by ferry
17th century Swedish town that has export rights
Clumsy man's place
Monk mountain
Rocky pasture
St. Martin's valley
The place of the copper mine
Add your own!
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iibislintu · 5 days
having to tap the "if an australian place name sounds strange to you please google it and make sure you're not just mocking indigenous languages" sign again
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iibislintu · 5 days
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it gets funnier the longer you look
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iibislintu · 6 days
Sarjan tärkein perintö on kuitenkin tarinankerronan alalaji nimeltä Susikoira Roi -vitsit.
Retroilu jatkuu: nyt on tutustuttu kasariklassikkoon. Susikoira Roi on suomalainen tv-sarja vuodelta 1987, ja se perustuu Jorma Kurvisen nuortenromaaniin Susikoira Roi (1976). Sarjassa on neljä puolituntista jaksoa.
Tv-sarja noudattelee aika tarkkaan romaanin juonta. Kaksitoistavuotias Tomi on kesäpäivänä matkalla uimarannalle, kun hän kohtaa metsikössä poikajoukon. Tornitalon jengin jäsenet kivittävät saksanpaimenkoiraa joka on jäänyt hihnastaan kiinni, ja kun koira puree yhtä pojista he häipyvät paikalta ja sanovat hakevansa jonkun isän ampumaan sen. Tomi irrottaa koiran ja lähtee viemään sitä kotiinsa piiloon. Uskalias pelastusoperaatio onnistuu, mutta koiran pitäminen omana ei olekaan ihan yksinkertaista. Sekä vanhemmat että naapurit suhtautuvat vähän nuivasti uuteen tulokkaaseen. Mutta kun naapurin pikku-Satu katoaa, pääsevät niin Tomi kuin Roikin näyttämään kyntensä.
Vaikka sarjalla on ikää melkein neljäkymmentä vuotta, se näyttää edelleen hyvältä. Joissakin kohdissa kuvanlaatu on hieman heikko ja musiikki on erehtymättömästi kasaria, mutta yleisesti ottaen sarja on kestänyt aikaa hyvin. Ehkä hätkähdyttävin seikka nykynäkökulmasta on se, miten mies voi kuljeskella avoimesti kiväärin kanssa asutuskeskuksen liepeillä aikomuksenaan ampua koira ilman että kukaan edes ajattelee ilmoittaa asiasta poliisille.
Tarinan kerronta on muutunut hieman kun seikkailu on siirretty kirjan sivuilta tv-ruudulle. Tomin sisäinen monologi on muutettu puheeksi Roille tai dialogiksi muiden hahmojen kanssa. Ajankuva on sen verran modernimpi, että sarjaan on lisätty topakka Tomin ikäinen Osku-tyttö pikkuisen tasoittamaan poikapainotteista hahmokaartia. Tarinan lopusta on myös napsaistu iso pala pois: kirjan lopussa Tomi käy poliisiasemalla ja saa kuulla miten rikosjuttu päättyi ja mistä Roi on alun perin kotoisin. Sarjassa Roin tausta jää arvoitukseksi ja tarina päättyy Tomin kotipihalle.
Suomen kesä on sarjassa parhaimmillaan, mutta itse nautin sarjassa erityisesti sen hyvästä rytmistä. Jokaisessa jaksossa on jännittäviä hetkiä, mutta myös seesteisiä osia. Jännien kohtien välissä on tavallista arkea: ruokahetkiä, juoksemista hiekkatiellä, pieniä askareita. Kuten kirjassakin, sarjassa on pientä elämäntuntuista rosoisuutta: jotkut aikuiset ovat ilkeämielisiä lapsia kohtaan ja poikajengin kanssa ei vältytä yhteenotoilta, raha ei kasva puussa ja kesäloma ei ole pelkkää lekottelua.
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iibislintu · 6 days
i won at work this week!
last year, i'd found out that students at my place of work are made to work for illegally long school days (8 hours on some days, when the legal maximum for kids this age in Finland is 7 hours)
i couldn't believe my ears. my kids are being mistreated and they don't even know it!
so i told them i'd try to change the situation.
i filed a complaint at the appropriate official, but when asked about it, my boss gave the official some impressive sounding flannel and the case was dropped.
i started talking to my students about how the right to rest and free time is, like, a universal human right. and how there's a legal upper limit to their workday, and it's being ignored.
at first, they didn't think anything could be done. and i quoted the ursula k leguin divine right of kings speech to them, and their eyes lit up a bit.
then they started talking to their parents
and the parents started calling the principal
the student council chairperson (who is one of my students) took it up at the council meeting
and yesterday, the principal announced that their boss had told them to shorten the school days, and how important it had been that the kids had been so conscious of their rights and demanded that adults treat them right
and if i ever had doubts about how i as a teacher can make a difference
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iibislintu · 6 days
(April 12th 2024)
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No medical confirmation or psychological evaluation necessary. The law will be active by the 1st of November this year.
First names can also be changed while changing gender. One all inclusive package with minimum effort.
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iibislintu · 6 days
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This post was voted on by our Patreon.
The first version of this was posted in 2020, back in the very start of our page. It was an important primer then and it is again now.
In any good English 101 course, you are taught to define terms before writing the rest of your paper. Understanding how misinformation is spread through conflation, confusion, and intentional ambiguity is vital and necessary.
As we have, in the last months, been exploring Christian Zionism on our page, we've seen the comments run into issues of confusion on this very topic.
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iibislintu · 6 days
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Here they are all together! 💍✨ I have also officialy decided to make an artbook (or two) with all the characters! Hopefully it'll be printed and ready in summer!
Big thank you to all of you who reserved some of the originals. I'll send you the info and ship the drawings during next two weeks 💖
If there is someone still interested in getting some of the original drawings please let me know. These characters are left - Bard, Thorin, Ghan-burin-Ghan, Beorn, Roäc, Wormtongue.
The prices are from 50 to 80USD (shipping included). All the earnings will be sent to charities.
Thank you! 🌿
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iibislintu · 8 days
Why do you need your earbuds to have a wire so badly?
I am assuming this is about a post I reblogged like six months ago when I went off on forced technological enshitification and the slow erosion of consumer options. But sure, I'll bite.
Why do I "need" my earbuds to have a wire? I dunno, Anon, maybe I:
Don't want to have to worry about recharging my earbuds.
Don't want my earbuds to be even easier to lose.
Don't want my earbuds to need separate accessories that are as easy to lose as the earbuds.
Prefer to have bluetooth turned off on my devices for security and safety reasons.
Like being able to seamlessly plug my earbuds into my computer, my MP3 player, or any other device with a headphone jack.
Don't want to spend 50 dollars on decent wireless earbuds when I can do all the above things with a pair of solid earbuds that cost me like $12 during the Obama administration.
Don't care about what kinds of headphones or earbuds people wear but don't like what it says about our society when other people apparently care what kind of earbuds I'm wearing so much they have send an Anonymous ask to interrogate me about it.
And I guess, more abstractly, because fuck Apple. That's why.
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iibislintu · 10 days
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iibislintu · 10 days
Tisarwat really is one of the Most characters ever written. I'm 17 years old I'm 3,000 years old I'm six months old. I've died twice and been born three times. I was secretly emperor of the universe for about a month and I spent most of that time throwing up. I spent my first paycheck on surgery to get purple anime eyes. My interests are hot girls of all genders and (distant second) fish
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iibislintu · 11 days
do you think your pet would send anon hate?
i dont have a pet
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iibislintu · 11 days
I don’t know which I find weirder. 
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Old home computers with integrated cassette players for data storage. 
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Or boomboxes with floppy disk drives for music play.
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iibislintu · 11 days
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