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Reposting for the last picture. For some reason it's incredibly funny ro me.
Ten Václavův svůdný pohled. 🤣🤣
A je zde další pokračování! Zveřejňujeme to na velmi důležitý den pro lgbt komunitu - den, kdy je Anděl Páně v televizi. Dnes je tu Trans Kategorie!!
1. Popelka (Tři oříšky pro popelku)
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GENDERFLUIDNÍ IKONA!!! Popelku princ a jeho kumpáni nepoznali jako myslivce a brali, že je hoch, tomu říkáme passing. Genderová závist prorazila strop.
2. Anička (Tajemství staré bambitky)
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Další obrovská ikona, loupežník Karaba a hrnčířka v jedné osobě! A píseň “holka nebo kluk” je trans awakening.
3. Princezna Helena a Princ Václav (Šíleně smutná princezna)
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T4T pár a nikdo nás nepřesvědčí o opaku.
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There is so many books whose plot is "books are magical and powerfull and we should honor them" and "look at this awesome book that has all the answers" and "this wise and powerful person has it all from reading" but there are no movies that are like "look how smart and powerful this person is, he got it from movies"
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I live next to a house that has a sighn on it that teads "V tomhle domě se nikdy nenarodil, nikdy nebyl a nikdy nežil Jára Cimrman" (Jára Cimrman was never born, never visited or never lived in this house) and honestly, I love it.
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This sounds fun as hell.
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Plus all the cimmermanologysts add to this gender noncomformity by playing all the female roles themeselves and there is nothing funier than a 60 year old man with a mustach playing a princess or a young maiden.
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This sounds fun as hell.
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Like thee, Man is in part divine,
A troubled stream from a pure source;
And Man in portions can foresee
His own funereal destiny;
-Lord Byron, Prometheus
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Pro všechn začínající LARPáky a cosplayery kteří potřebují přidat patinu na novou košili nebo blůzu:
Vemte svou košili a vyperte ji. Moje je ze sekáče 80% bavlna.
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Jen jsem ji namočila ve vlažné vodě se sprcháčem a vypláchla studenou vodou.
Poté vemte černý čaj svého výběru a udělejte alespoň 0.5l silného odvaru
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Já použila 10 pytlíků Jemči na 1.5l.
Nechte čaj vylouhovat a schladnout alespoň na 40°C.
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Nakonec do lavůru s košilí a vlažnou/studenou vodou přelejte všechen čaj i s pytlíky. Konečná teplota by měla být asi 30°C aby se košile nesrazila.
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Košili nechte louhovat jak dlouho bude potřeba, já tam tu svoji nechala skoro 12 hodin.
V procesu ji několikrát pomačkejte a obraťte aby byly všechhny kusi ponořeny, můžete tu košili i zatížit ale není to potřeba.
Po cytáhnutí ji trochu propláchněte ve vlažné vodě, vyždímejte a dejte sušit.
A tohle je moje košile druhý den ráno.
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(Bohužel nemám before pic)
Hodně šéstí
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Všichni jsme už slyšeli o svršcích a spodcích na místo top a bottom. Ale jak má kamarádka krásně přeložila ještě existují vypínači.
Takže co jste vy, svršci, spodci či vypínači?
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Myslíte, že by šel udělat long-post vašich oblíbených českých memů a shitpostů, které jste kdy na internetech posbírali? Vše samozřejmě kradené. Vykopávám:
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Also ba naming him Papadopulous he made him into a coomoner because that is the most frequent last name in Greece. Not only does it sound dumb as hell but it's also super common.
Lester Papadopoulos is a ridiculous name, yes. But do you think Zeus chose it for another reason outside of just humiliating his son? Think about it, in the Riordanverse it's repeatedly stated that "names have power"
Early on in Percy Jackson, characters didn't like to use the gods or monsters' names without reason because it gave them power to find them. Names having power is an even bigger theme in The Kane Chronicles where you could see someone's soul if you knew their true name. Names are how the gods are remembered and thereby how they stay alive -- they give them power. Apollo is very a powerful name, it's a name that radiates divinity. Leaving his name as Apollo while punished could've left him with more godly power. But Lester Papadopoulos is a pathetic sounding name, you don't think highly of someone with a name as stupid as that. And that was exactly Zeus' point. By giving Apollo the name Lester, Zeus was reducing Apollo's power further. Attempting to make him as pathetic as his name and render him literally powerless
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No we won't, go on.
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Somebody physically restrain me before i make more of these
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percy: .....so u are obsessed with women?
annabeth (a feminist) and piper (a lesbian): yeah
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nico: and this is my boyfriend, will. he’s also a nightlight
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Always fun to remember that Dionysus the Liberator was so strongly associated with uprisings and revolts that the Roman Senate at one point cracked down, executed priests and priestesses, and outlawed unapproved Bacchanals
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No, no, no
Don't do this to me.
Zuko and Katara have great chemistry because Zuko humbles himself. Draco does too, but not like Zuko does, he stays a stuck up.
Zuko and Katara are just Draco and Hermione in a different font. There. I said it.
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Where is the fanart?
sorry if u think nico doesn't have a pair of black heart shaped sunglasses that he wears everywhere but i beg to differ
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One and only chance to be noticed by 2 gods who will fight for your affection, ultimately turning you into a beautiful flower. I'll take my chances.
Plus, frisbees aren't made of metal anymore, eliminating the killing part.
You want me to play frisbee? The thing that killed Hyacinthus?
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