healthy-lving · 6 months
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# on a forever journey
remember that happiness comes within. you are capable of feeling happiness and you deserve it. talk to your favourite person, buy yourself a plant, do something for your soul…. Life is short and you are beautiful.
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# no of days of a healthy life
A reminder to anyone to start the week feeling confident. Even if you’re not satisfied with where you are, be confident in who you are and you’re capabilities. You’ll be okay and you’ll get there!
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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Are you actions coinciding with the future you want?
# on a forever health journey
A reminder to be mindful and to stay present. Forget tomorrow. Think of today and the future.
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# days to health
I just finished watching a documentary and body shapes was mentioned…
If you’re reading this, I want you to know that your body shape is beautiful. We all come in different shapes and sizes. Maybe you’ve seen a certain shape on social media constantly…
But that doesn’t mean yours isn’t beautiful!
Food for thought: back in the days smocking was seen constantly in ads… until it became illegal
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# days to health
A reminder to let go of the weekend. Put your hands up and only remember the good times you had this weekend…
That extra food that you had or extra “going out”… leave it in the past and just remember the good moments.
You’re okay :)
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# days on a forever health journey
To anyone out there who is rushing the process or wants to see progress NOW…
Have patience. You want this to last a lifetime. You’ll get there!
Today I finally said no to a voice inside my head that has been controlling my life and has been shouting in my head for the last 5 years of my life… I wasn’t perfect…. But it was the first time in 5 years that I actually said NO.
Be patient! It’ll come!
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# days on a health forever journey
if you see this… then it’s a sign!
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# days on a health forever journey
A reminder for anyone out there who is beating themselves up for not looking or feeling a certain way.
You’re body is amazing. You are alive and the world is your oyster. You’re capable of working on yourself. Become friends with your body.
The friendship will allow you to strive for greatness that will fulfil you!
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# Days of Healthy living
In our current society instant gratification and results are the status quo. As a result, we become impatient, frustrated when met with “waiting” and constantly “on edge”.
Progress, be it physically or mental becomes borderline impossible due to our “transformation” as a population.
This a sign to remember: do not give up.
If it seems difficult, or if your journey is not evolving in a perfect upward trend, it is normal. Trying to “progress” in something is remarkable given what society is like today.
You’re doing great. Keep going!
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# days you days to happiness
It’s important to remember that reality is subjective.
Because reality is subjective, your thoughts and self induced feelings are factors that determine the magnitude of your happiness.
Maybe things aren’t perfect … but a positive mindset will make the journey towards fulfilment and victory truly possible.
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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Fear of trying …
I constantly dealt with the “fear” of going back to training or trying something again.
I fear the judgement. I think they can see that I’m a failure as soon as they look into my eyes…
But I forget to ask myself “who cares if they do, you’re dreams and hopes will go to hell if you don’t retry!”.
Life’s too short. A laugh and a comment should not destroy your access to greatness. Brush it off and remind YOURSELF that you are just f***ing getting started.
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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Mirrors are daunting objects ...
What makes them daunting? Is it the reflection or your own opinion regarding the reflection?
Admire yourself. Wake up and tell yourself that you are strong, beautiful, and preserving. Tell yourself that you’re capable of greatness.
Embrace your reflection. Acknowledge your flaws kindly and work towards filling in self-detected gaps whilst maintaining kindness.
You are in charge of determining what is daunting.
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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Overcoming guilt 
A journey is never linear... if it is, then it’s considered zip lining.
You don’t want to zip line, because it’s a relatively quick event. You want a journey, with mountains to climb and roads to drive on, despite encountering annoying rocks along the way.
That’s where you’ll meet excitement and learn about yourself.
Sometimes you will have to restart... and IT IS OKAY.
Keep persevering. Exceptional views are hidden and they only reveal themselves to the travel who is PERSISTENT. 
You’ll do great if you don’t give up.
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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One day you’ll come to the conclusion that beauty is subjective. And “feeling good” should be your priority.
What is the point of being considered beautiful if you are living in a shell that is constantly bringing unhappiness.
When you stop caring and stressing about how you are “perceived” you will be able to heal.
Think about health... and you’ll attract happiness
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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# Days towards happiness
It might seem hard... impossible even. The thought of being happy feels like a sensation stuck in a glass box.
Unbreakable. Bulletproof.
Guess what... sometimes it takes continuous hits. Some days it’s a small hit. Some days it a massive burst of anger.
Keep hitting.... keep fighting for your goal.
All the obstacles in your way ... they will break.
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healthy-lving · 3 years
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Upside down.
Sometimes you might feel like you’re floating. Wondering when you’ll finally be okay...
You’ll be okay.
Take control of your mind.
Believe you’re in control.
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