healingislimitless · 15 days
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Hey Friends!
If you're in the GTA, you'll know we've had some pretty unpredictable weather. Snow, storms, warmth, Sun, and sometimes all at the same time. While we're not really strangers to this weather, it never ceases to amaze me every time we experience it. This is just another transitional time in the year where we move through the rebirth and awakening stage of the Earth.
Weather aside, you can slowly feel the world coming back to life as we do every Spring. Pay attention to the subtle signs of #growth and rebirth all around you. Pay attention to the way your own body experiences these changes. It's now that we plant any seeds we wish to cultivate later in the year, and set our intentions. Remember to grow with your projects and passions - if you're waiting for opportunity, I promise it's right in front of you.
Be kind to yourself this Spring - you don't water a seed and yell at it to grow faster. Be patient, be understanding, and enjoy the subtleties of the process.
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healingislimitless · 22 days
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Hey Friends!
I got a bit of a loaded question for you - when was the last time you listened? Just listened? Not hear, not listen to respond, but simply listened?
When was the last time you listened to The Universe? Mother Nature? The sounds of the world around you, your fellow human being? When was the last time you listened without judgment or #expectation ? When you listened to not only the words being spoken, but the meaning behind them?
So often in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day, we only ever listen to respond - almost as a means to end the topic so we can move on to the next one. To sit and listen to what The Divine has to say and really absorb the message. Remember that The Divine speaks through many channels and often in disguise - you could be receiving Divine guidance from the sounds of Nature, from a friend, from a conversation from strangers you overhear in passing. The Divine is constantly giving you guidance and information - it's only when you take the time to really listen will you get what you need.
Take a moment today to quiet your mind, take a breathe, and just listen. No expectations, no 'deciphering' or overthinking, just simply listen. What do you hear?
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healingislimitless · 29 days
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Divine Support (Whispers Of Lord Ganesha - Angela Hartfield)
Hey Friends!
Happy Spring Equinox! I know it's been a while since I've posted, and this card is fitting for that. Lately I've been focused on going within, especially this past Winter . As we know Winter is a time for hibernation and inner work, while Spring brings that renewed sense of life and of self. Even when the world is at it's darkest (especially with everything happening on and to our planet right now) it's always important to remember that there is always the chance for a brighter future.
This cards message is simple, but brings with it limitless ways to resonate with it. Divine Support is always available. The tricky part is knowing how to access it and tap in. The card itself shows Lord Ganesh with his hand up - is he giving support to those who ask, or is he asking for support himself? Why not both? No matter where you are in life, no matter how well off you think you may be, regardless of your circumstances Divine support is always accessible.
The card also shows a giant Om which as we know is the sound or frequency of The Universe (check out my previous post on Om for more info). Ganesh is producing this frequency with his vibration while also allowing himself to be enveloped in it. I myself spent this past weekend in Holy Fire energy, reconnecting with the Divine Consciousness and aligning with the Divine Mind . The support you seek isn't "up there". That Divine Mind is is being brought down to us to help bridge that gap, and by aligning with it we can receive that support to better live our Divine purpose. Spring is literally the perfect time to reconnect with your Authentic Self and live your Divinity.
How are you welcoming Spring this year?
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healingislimitless · 4 months
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Three of Wands - (Smith-Waite Tarot Deck - Centennial Edition)
Hey Friends!
Happy Winter Solstice / Yule! Today is that special day that marks The Sun returning after the longest night of the year. The days only get longer from here! For many of us, it's a another beautiful cozy night in with friends and family. For others, it's a beautiful opportunity to honour Mother Earth in her darkest state, and honour the darkness and #shadow within ourselves. Remember your Shadow Work? What better day to sit and do some introspection than a day that celebrates bringing our inner light forward.
If we look at the figure in the Three Of Wands, he stands with his wands or staves and looks out over an empty valley. He himself is reflecting on his journey - where he's been, where he is now, and where he is yet to go. Notice how he holds one staff, while the others are behind him - he's recognized what has helped him get to this point, but now he needs to shed to make space for his journey ahead, and only keep what is needed. What he's holding on to, is his will - his will to move forward and push on. He's reminding us to wake up and be even 1% better than the day before in whatever way, shape or form that may be. Also, the colours of this card, his robe and the background make for the perfect Yuletide card don't you think?
Reminder this #Solstice to give yourself some downtime and check in with yourself. What is it you want to leave behind this year? Did you meet the goals you set at the beginning of the year? If so, what helped you get there? If not, what changed? What are your plans for the year ahead? How can you give more to yourself in the New Year?
Remember to take inventory of what you have and who you are. Enjoy time with yourself and your loved ones this Holiday!
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healingislimitless · 6 months
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Hey Friends!
With our favourite day tomorrow, Halloween / Samhain brings unparalleled energy as always. It brings that beautiful energy of death and transformation, we just had a Full Moon and eclipse, and Harvest Season is still in full swing!
Whatever your plans are, I want to remind you of something. Samhain is sacred for many and a big tradition is communing with your #ancestors and other spirits. We continue to hear that The Veil is thinning around this time, but I want to remind you all that WE are The Veil. You are the bridge between the physical and Spiritual planes. Remember that your departed loved ones are always with you, giving you subtle guidance and #healing . Remember to thank and honour them.
Whether you're going out or staying in, remember to be safe and enjoy the day!
Check out my previous video on The Veil!
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healingislimitless · 6 months
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Hey Friends!
It's been a while since I've posted. I've been taking the world in a lot lately. Experiencing the shift in seasons, the shift in energy. As someone who loves Spooky Season, I haven't engaged in many spooky activities and part of that is because of that 'dull' feeling in the air. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Autumn, but there's been a dullness in the air - particularly in the weather. In the GTA, it's been kind of dreary the past few days. I haven't felt the Spooky Season vibe too much this year, a lot of that because I forget to look for magic in the everyday.
I like my Spooky Season to be big and adventurous - markets, events, farms, pumpkin patches, the whole nine yards. Because I haven't done much of that, my Fall doesn't feel as vibrant or fulfilling as I'd like that to be. And then I remember - that Spooky Season feeling is magical because I make it so. I don't have to go to every event or market to make my Spooky Season worthwhile - that magic I love to experience is also in all the little things.
I have to remind myself that magic is always available - it's just through the lens I view it through. If magic is intention, and intention is everything, how could I forget that everything is magic? I create my own magic when I actively seek out magic in the mundane - in the way I make my coffee, the way I cook, the way I dress myself - EVERYTHING is magic. While it's easy to forget in the every day hustle and bustle, it's never out of reach.
Remember to create your own magic however often and in whatever way you need to.
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healingislimitless · 7 months
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0 - The Fool (The Golden Tarot - Liz Dean)
Hey Friends! I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted - since Summer Solstice in fact! While I haven’t felt the need to post as often as I have, I’m still here to hold space for your wellness the same as I have always been. My content is Divinely inspired - I only post when I feel it’s right to do so and have something meaningful to share.
With that said, as we move into our favourite Spooky Season with Fall Equinox right around the corner, we’ll be shifting into that warm harvest energy that we love so much. October is fast approaching, and so to is our beloved Samhain / Halloween . Halloween is a Witch’s New Year and The Fool is all about a new adventure! While Harvest Season is not usually considered the start of a cycle, Fall brings a new sense of wonder and a need for introspection - going within to better understand the world around you. Kind of has that New Moon energy, don’t you think?
The Fool is classically looking towards a bright future. He’s taken inventory of what he needs and only carries with him the essentials - maybe it’s time for you too to take inventory and leave behind anything you don’t need! He has this soft expression as he contemplates his journey ahead, with that gorgeous Sun lighting his way. What do you see on your path ahead? What steps can you take to ensure it’s a smooth one? The Fool wants you to remember it’s okay if you don’t have a clear direction or hit some bumps along the way - it’s all part of the journey.
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healingislimitless · 7 months
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Ten of Wands - (Smith-Waite Tarot Deck - Centennial Edition) Hey Friends! Happy Summer Solstice ! If you're in the GTA, the weather has been breezy and beautiful - perfect to get out and enjoy Mother Nature in all her glory! As the seasons change, there's always a shift in energy. The Summer brings with it a fire and passion to explore and be an active part of the world around you, and there continues to be elevations in the vibration of the Earth. Now more than ever it's important to be visible and active in the world - The Collective needs you to continue to be a part of it. If you take a look at the Ten of Wands, we can see the poor man struggling to carry a heavy burden by himself. While he's determined, he would benefit from making multiple trips, or dropping some baggage altogether. The man carries with him his passions and desires, his accomplishments and ongoing projects - notice how his face is hidden behind all of them. The poor thing can barely see where he's going because he's literally blinded by his ambition. His hard work has paid off for him yes, but that begs the question - why is he still carrying it around? The card asks, what are you holding on to that's making your journey harder? You may have a bunch of projects lined up, or stuff that you put on the back burner and are trying to finish. While it feels great to finish up those old tasks that you've put off, you only have two hands. It may be time to re-evaluate what needs to be done vs what can either be put on hold, or let go of altogether. Time to take inventory – lightening your load will allow you to get back out into the world and just be. Your mind, body and soul will thank you for allowing yourself some freedom. Go out and enjoy it!
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healingislimitless · 7 months
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Hey Friends! While I try not to get political, I feel like we all need to be reminded of this. Witchcraft is rebellion in every sense of the word. Aside from the countless persecutions and misconceptions of Witches and Witchcraft, at its core it's about bringing us back to the Divinity within, and the self AS the collective - somewhat of an antithesis to the society and cultural norms we've been brought up in. Witchcraft reminds us that God / The Divine / Nature / The Universe is within us as we are within it, taking the chicken and egg concept to a whole new level of meta. On the flip side, we're taught that we aren't Divine beings; that God/Divine/Nature/Universe is an external being or energetic force that has a strict authority over our lives. Witchcraft gives reminds us of our agency, and that we in fact create our own paths. Witchcraft returns us to living in harmony with Nature - the very opposite of the capitalist and consumerist society we live in. Witchcraft is all about finding your personal balance and recognizing that everything you need is already inside of you. Witchcraft is also completely inclusive - there is no cultural/racial/ethnic/gender/sexuality/body/religious exclusion. Witchcraft is, has been and will always be for everyone. I think the most incredibly inclusive fact about Witchcraft is that there are no rules. Everyone's Craft is their own, and is absolutely right for them. The entire POINT of Witchcraft is to discover your path and what it means to you - there is no right or wrong and there never will be - there are only lessons to be learned and experiences to be experienced. The point of this post is to remind you that as a Witch, there is a duty and responsibility to be true to yourself and be an advocate for your community (whether you take up that responsibility or not is up to you). While there will always be criticism directed at people who life differently, never let that stop you.
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healingislimitless · 7 months
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Hey friends! I know it's been a long time since I've posted, and there's a reason for that - The Universe has been TESTING me. I'm sure many of you have felt like The Universe has tested you, almost beyond your limits. What I've really had to sit with lately is that The Universe puts all of these obstacles in your way so you can prove to yourself that you're on the right path. I've really had to take some time to myself to learn this lesson - that where I am right now and what I'm facing is exactly what's meant for me at this moment in time to prepare me for my next chapter. The Universe rarely puts obstacles in your way when going down the wrong path, which is why it's so easy to lose yourself, and so hard to get back on the right track. Those that find themselves struggling to get where they want to be, know that you're moving in the right direction. The Universe wants you to prove that you're deserving of whatever you want to achieve. Nothing worth getting ever comes easy does it? Don't be discouraged - your efforts will ABSOLUTELY pay off and you'll be able to enjoy your spoils before you know it. Continue to honour yourself and everything that you are - I promise it'll work out.
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healingislimitless · 7 months
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Hey Friends! In life, there are so many paths you can take. So many walks of life you can come from, and so many more to take you forward. While I know it's not for everyone, what I love about Witchcraft is that it allows me to create my own path, however I see fit. I love that I can make up the rules as I go, and my path will continue to grow and change as I continue to grow and change. The end isn't the goal for me - the journey is. Who I become along the way is far more important than where I end up. My path reminds me that I am in control. Every decision I make is mine to make alone, and every step is a learning and growth opportunity. What I want to say to you all is continue to be in the driver's seat. You are in charge of your path. Don't like the direction you're heading in? Change it. And change it again and again if you feel the need to. Your path is whatever you want it to be, and while there are external circumstances that may sway you in one way or another, remind yourself that you're in charge. While it's great to have an end-goal in mind, remember to focus on where you are now to help you get where you're going (and don't forget to smell the flowers along the way). Whenever you have a decision to make, no matter how big or small, I want you to ask yourself a few things. What is this doing for me physically? Emotionally? Mentally? Spiritually? How does this align with who I am and who I want to be? Remember to listen to that inner knowing and check in with yourself often. You'll find decisions come a lot easier to you when you listen to your inner voice.
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healingislimitless · 1 year
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Eight of Swords - (Smith-Waite Tarot Deck - Centennial Edition) Hey Friends! Spring Equinox is here! If you're in the GTA, we were blessed with beautiful weather today to kick off the start of Spring . You can feel the Earth slowly waking up as it gets ready to birth new life for another year. With Spring comes that renewal and rebirth energy that helps us plant seeds for the year ahead. The Eight Of Swords in the Tarot brings the need for a new perspective. Maybe you're thinking of falling back on old patterns and rituals that you don't really see benefit in anymore, or perhaps just continuing your day-to-day as the days just all seem to blend together. This card brings focus to reflection and introspection to challenge yourself to think outside of the box. The figure in the card stands blindfolded and bound, surrounded by swords. While it may not seem like she has a lot of control in her situation, she's reminded to look inside of herself. The swords could represent different paths or choices to make, but ultimately the choice needs to come from within. Taking a step back and re-evaluating yourself and your surroundings is never a bad idea, and gives you the chance to decide if you want to do things differently! This Spring, take in all that Mother Nature has to offer - she may offer inspiration you never thought you'd find! All you have to do is look.
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healingislimitless · 1 year
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Hey friends!
With Spring around the corner, a rebirth and renewal energy is ready to shift the vibration once again. Now as we talk about rebirth, we've done a lot of releasing and cleansing this past Fall and Winter. We've rested and rejuvenated . While releasing and letting go of energy we no longer need is good, we tend to forget that we were in a lot of those situations for a reason - there was a lesson or growth opportunity in them that we may still have yet to learn from.
When we release and let go, many of us tend to just toss away the experience and try to move on, without realising that we hadn't quite learned our lesson from the situation. We then see repeat patterns and similar situations we find ourselves in - it's the same lesson, just wearing a different face. We need to remind ourselves that before we start to shed and cleanse, we need to ask ourselves if we can grown and learn from the experience. While they're hard to be in at the moment, when we're removed enough it's worth taking some time and reflecting on the situation to see what we can do differently the next time something similar arises. That's when we're truly able to move on.
When we learn from our experiences and then let go of the baggage it carries, we truly open up space to allow new opportunities and experiences to enter our lives. History is always bound to repeat itself if you don't learn from it.. Imagine taking the 3rd grade over and over again - you might have a different teacher, but the curriculum is still the same. Time to graduate!
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healingislimitless · 1 year
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Hey Friends! With Valentine’s Day tomorrow love is in the air! Whether you show your love to your family, friends, significant others or whoever, any expression of love always goes deeper than a card or a teddy bear (but teddy bears are always welcome). The relationships we have with our loved ones are so important, especially when you connect at a soul level. The most important relationship you have however, is the one that's often most overlooked. It's the relationship with yourself. We talk a lot about self love and self care , and simple acts that we can perform to express that love, take care and celebrate who we are, and we should continue to do so as often as we can. One of my favourite ways to express that love is to sing love songs to myself. I've always had a habit of putting others before me, (even to my detriment) and showering romantic partners with love and affection because I have a big capacity for love. Now on the flip side, I've started to recognize that I can give that same love and affection to myself in an infinite amount. Singing songs that I've kept near to my heart to myself is incredibly healing . Especially when we talk about healing old wounds and our inner child . It's a simple act, but one that helps me fall in love with myself over and over. A quote that gets me in my feels is, "how silly of me to forget that I am the love of my life" - Maia @maiapoetry . This is your reminder to continue to fall in love with yourself. It takes a bit of work, but also remember, "if there's anything I know, it's that love is infinite. You can always make more when you need it" - Karen Holness in Twitches. How can you express self love?
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healingislimitless · 1 year
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Hey Friends! Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been giving myself some downtime. January felt like it FLEW by, and so many of us have felt swept up in the business of a new year. This New Year has brought some incredible new energy , feeling of renewal and rebirth especially with this past New Moon really propelling us into this year. It's felt more important now than it ever has to rest, and when we say rest we don't just mean zone out (though sometimes that IS needed, it shouldn't be done too often). Rest should include those actions that make you feel rejuvenated and refreshed. They should be both big and little actions. Remember that rest IS productive, and now more than ever you need to make sure you're taking time to rest properly. What does rest look like to you?
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healingislimitless · 1 year
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Hey Friends! If you're in the GTA, you'll know it’s been quite a while since we've seen The Sun. It's been overcast for the past week and half, and lately it feels like we've been walking around in a physical and metaphorical cloud. The New Year has brought as much confusion as it has clarity. It leaves room to feel uncertain and confused about what the future holds, and with the past few years we've had, no one blames you for feeling weary. While The World around us continues to have a new twist and turn in every direction, it's important to stay grounded and find the sunshine in yourself! It's really about letting your inner light guide you through this fog, and create a path for yourself that's all your own! You have sunshine wrapped up in that beautiful body of yours, so why not let it burst through? You'll find that clarity and direction that you need by looking within, and no matter how dark or foggy it is outside, it can never dim your inner light unless you let it.
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healingislimitless · 1 year
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XV – The Devil (The Golden Tarot – Liz Dean) Hey Friends! Been a while since I've posted - I've gotten caught up in The Human Experience and been swept up in the hustle and bustle of the Holidays. Speaking of, we've now entered the last of the four seasons in our year cycle. Winter has officially arrived, and our Solstice / Yule has definitely shifted the energy once again. Vibrations are higher than ever, and our Divine purpose becomes that much more clear. And speaking of clear, it's out with the old and in with the new as the New Year approaches! Now is a good a time as any to start clearing out old energy and making way for new opportunities and blessings that 2023 will bring! Now a lot of people get defensive or worried when they see The Devil show up in the tarot. The Devil is a card that represents our bondage - it reminds us that truly the only thing hold us back in our lives is ourselves. See the two figures at the bottom with the chains around their necks? It may seem they have no way out as they hopelessly look at their shackles. If you look closer, you'll see just how loose it is around their necks - they can easily take the chains off if they stopped feeling sorry for themselves and looked for solutions instead of pity. The Devil himself is seen as the one to hold us back - he's an explanation for our suffering and ill-fortune. But take a second look at him in the card - he's not actually holding the two figures back, he's watching the show from his seat. He knows that these two put THEMSELVES in their chains, and while he's enjoying their suffering, he's looking to see if they're smart enough to figure out that they are their own salvation. When was the last time you took a deeper look at your shackles? Have you figured out where you may be the one holding yourself back? This card is PERFECT for the end of the year. This is your reminder to take inventory of what is no longer serving you, and remove it going forward into the New Year. You don't want to keep weighing yourself down, so take off your shackles and free yourself!
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