generic-connor · 7 months
(( poke me about old threads if you want to revive them. I will see what I can do. Tomorrow - I will write things. So lmk.
(( tentatively - I am returning
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generic-connor · 7 months
(( tentatively - I am returning
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generic-connor · 2 years
hello, i miss all of you but it’s still “torture myself with ani/vaderkin” time... T_T why are these fandoms not compatible? they should be. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
At the sound of his voice, Rachel winced with a doggish whine. Recoiling with her ears flat against her head, she stepped back, tail between her legs and shoulders slumped.
She couldn’t stop whining. She just wanted to cuddle and be affectionate with him. The werewolf pawed at the ground, as though trying to seem pitiful enough that he would give her attention himself.
She just wanted him.
“<I’m sorry.>”
“It’s okay...” he breathed, eyes glued to the monster before him. He was still in shock, unable to fully process the reality in front of his eyes. If his life had been more normal up to this point, he might have fainted from it. But that was not the case. As it stood, this incident would not make it into the top three worst or most shocking things to have ever happened to Connor. 
As it stood, this was relatively tame. At least she was listening to him, respecting his space now that he asked for it. Connor sat himself up, legs together. He was too shaky to stand just yet. His body was trembling like a leaf from all of the excitement, but it would settle down soon. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
Connor-56′s sharp tone didn’t go unnoticed by Elijah. He turned to give the android his full attention, keeping his head tilted down and his icy eyes locked with Connor’s darker ones. His expression remained neutral.
“I’m aware. I was simply trying to avoid confusion,” he explained calmly. “However, if it offends you to be addressed by number, I can easily switch to referring to you all by name. I simply was under the impression that, with you all sharing the name Connor, it might get difficult to distinguish between the three of you.”
“It’s a matter of personal preference. You can call me Five-One,” Connor-51 offered with a sidelong glance at his companion. 
“Context clues can go a long way,” Connor-Soldier added dryly. He really didn’t like Kamski, but he would still make some effort to play nice. “But you can call me Soldier. This is Connor-Genesis,” his eyes softened as he looked down at the case carrying their broken companion. “You’ll take good care of him...?” he ventured, sincere, albeit guarded. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
@electricshxxp Kamski gets a Connor
Light filtered in through Connor’s optical sensors, painting the shape of the world so that he might perceive of it. It was bright. Wide windows stretched across the walls, providing a clear view of the land and lake outside. Connor took it all in with a deep breath, savoring the sensation. It didn’t take long for him to notice the man in front of him. He blinked, his LED flashed in consideration. 
“Hello,” he offered, “My name is Connor.” He smiled, soft and sincere. “What’s your name?” 
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generic-connor · 2 years
All it took was it to get close. All it took was its proximity to her and a flick of her tongue and she quickly identified it. It wasn’t human and it lived in the same place her people drank from, bathed in, and washed their clothes in. There was no hesitation on the snake goddess’s part.
She had plenty of experience with water. She’d almost consider herself a semi-aquatic serpent with how often she locomoted through water. After all, nagas were nature spirits and one of their elements was, in-fact, water.
It was no challenge at all to apprehend the creature of the river.
Wrestling it out of the river and onto the bank, she had the creature firmly in her coils with a few more left to spare in case he attempted to escape her grasp. She would not have him spiriting away her people without consequence and he would soon know it in the form of the feared and loved Jungle Mother.
His calls for help fell on deaf ears (metaphorically, in actuality his piercing shrieks were hell on Rachel’s ears and she would prefer it if he’d stopped). His arms were pinned to his sides by her muscular coils, the scales scrunching and flexing around her curves as she held him in place on the embankment. She was growing annoyed by his noise and snapped her hand around his throat to hopefully shut him up for a moment. “Cease your infernal squirming for one second, you impudent little piranha!”
Once he had finally quieted down and stilled, the naga could get a proper look at her catch. He was similar to her, in the sense that he had a human half and a half of something else. He looked similar to the arapaima she had seen and eaten in the river before. She quite liked them. They were visually stunning fish.
And were it not for the direness of the situation, she would find this morsel equally enchanting with his crimson hair and bright amber eyes, mirroring hers…though not quite.
Flicking her tongue out to taste the air, she leaned in, dark hair cascading down her shoulders to curtain around them. “Do you know whose river you reside in, creature?” She asked it, assessing its knowledge before casting accusations upon it. There was still a chance that this was a case of mistaken identity, but she had to be sure.
“N-noo...” came the meek reply. Connor shrank in her grip, making himself as small as possible. He was trembling under the pressure of the much larger predator. He bore his razor-like teeth in a submissive grimace. Fear widened his bright eyes. “Is it... yours..?” he ventured a guess; an attempt at appeasing his captor. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
Rachel raised an eyebrow at Recon. It was almost too easy to activate her sense of mischief and the RK800-55 gave her an idea.
A terrible terrible idea.
One that she was most definitely about to do.
And was certainly going to immediately regret.
“True.” She said to Son, giving him a smile before returning her attention to Recon with a cheeky smirk. “But maybe he has a point. Maybe I should just wrap this up.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Rachel scooped up the remainder of the funnel cake and tried to shove the entirety of the remainder into her mouth. Surprisingly, she actually managed to fit the entire dessert into her mouth.
But unfortunately, now she was unable to chew it. So she was stuck with messy lips and very stuffed cheeks.
She was correct. She was immediately regretting this decision.
There was absolute silence among the crowd of Connors. Five-One covered his eyes with a doubtful hand on his forehead. If she started choking, he would be the first to respond, but as it stood... 
Blue was admirably stifling a laugh, hand over his mouth and holding his breath for it. 
Sixty raised a brow, his head inclined oh so slowly to one side.
Eos blinked in disbelief, while Son covered his face.
Soldier politely pretended not to notice.
Recon just squinted at her. This was not what he meant. 
It was Son who spoke up first, after clearing his throat, “We’ll meet you out on the ice?” It was rhetorical. They were already getting up to go, leaving Rachel alone with her boyfriend and her bad choices. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
Richard’s stress levels lowered the moment Gavin seemed to forgive him. Moving forward, the RK900 sat down beside him where Gavin had indicated.
Thank you, Detective. I didn’t mean for my wording to sound hostile. I was simply surprised. I really like the gift. Richard switched back to writing. Is there anything I can do to repay you?
Gavin was feeling sufficiently softened by the whole exchange. He got an apology, and Richard even wanted to sit with him. What’s more, he wanted to... reciprocate?
“Whaa-at?” Gavin scoffed, but he was enjoying the attention. “No! It’s a gift my dude. You don’t need to repay me,” he practically beamed at the thought. Sure, he would like a gift, but it really wasn’t his intention when he’d picked out the dog. “Really...” he reiterated, since it was important he be understood here. He locked eyes with the typically silent android, trying to express his sincerity with pure vibes. “You’re welcome. And it’s just a little thing anyway, so don’t worry about it...” 
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generic-connor · 2 years
His jaw dropped to form an ‘O’ shape. “They make child androids who can shit?! That’s nasty,” he chuckled at the idea and shrugged off the rest. “I was a teenage girl once, I’ve seen worse.” He didn’t expect Richard’s retort. 
Worse than me taking my throat apart to access a compartment full of chewed up food?
Gavin gaped, shocked. “You can’t just like… stick your fingers down there and- hyuh-” he gestured with his finger pointed to his mouth and mimicked heaving. 
I mean, I could, but taking my throat apart would be easier and quicker.
“Wow! That’s so freaky!” Gavin commented thoughtlessly. “Can I see?”
Do I ask to see you take a shit?
He looked genuinely surprised, caught off guard by the vulgarity and struck by the comment itself. He had no idea it was so personal.
I would rather you not see that.
He just nodded, his cheeks red now that he was aware of his faux pas. “Oh yeah… … Ok. My bad…” He paid his utmost attention to the coffee in his hands. Richard’s next comment caught him completely off guard. 
You can see other things about my body, but I would rather keep the stranger things private.
He choked a little, sputtering on his coffee for a minute before clearing his throat and regaining some composure. “Yeah?” cough, “Like what…?” His eyes were wide with interest, his mind immediately in the gutter. 
… Like me without my skin or some internal functions. However, I have the feeling you are thinking about something else.
“Whaa-?” Gavin tried to sound shocked at the accusation. “Nooo…. No… I was jus’ uh… Yeah. That’d be cool. … To see your… uh… robot… parts….” 
The most you are seeing is me shirtless without skin. Maybe my Thirium pump as well.
The thought alone made Gavin’s heart speed up. He’d never seen an android like that before, at least not… alive. There was something strangely erotic about it, or else he was just that thirsty. It had been a while. He was chewing on his lip and deep in thought about what parts he might be allowed to see later, when a man from the booth behind him decided to speak up.
“Can you stop flirting with your fleshlight? I’m losing my appetite over here.”
Gavin’s fist made contact with the table with a loud BANG, startling the innocent patrons, as well as the asshole. He was on his feet in an instant, rounding on the man who had the audacity to talk shit. “The Fuck did you just say? Hey! Asshole! I’m talking to you!” he slammed a fist down on the other guy’s table this time. He wasn’t screaming, but his voice was loud and unhinged, with very little effort to contain his anger. 
“You got something to say about my partner, you can say it to my fucking face!”
“I don’t like how many people keep giving you that look.”
(to Richard from Gavin)
Richard looked over at Gavin in confusion, not really understanding what the man meant. People give him many different looks, so Gavin was going to have to be more specific.
I don’t know what you are referring to. What look are they giving me? If it’s discomfort or fear, there’s not much I can do about that.
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generic-connor · 2 years
Richard stood a bit away from Gavin, not wanting the man to feel cornered. However, without Gavin looking at him, it was hard to communicate since Gavin couldn’t read his palm if he wasn’t looking.
“…D-Detective.” Richard grimaced at the sound of his voice. “I-I’m sorry…Thank y…you.”
It was probably not going to help the situation, but it was better than just standing around waiting for Gavin to calm down enough to eventually look at him again or forcing Gavin to look.
“Don’t mention it...” Gavin sniffed, his irritation instantly deflated with the simple apology. His face was absolutely burning. He knew he must be red as a beet, so he avoided looking directly at Richard for too long, but his eyes were drawn to him anyway. He glanced up at his android partner, but quickly looked away, eying the seat next to himself. 
“Do you wanna... sit?” he ventured, cautious. He couldn’t stand being rejected on any level, so even this very simple offer was an emotional risk for his fragile ego. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
Gavin was red from his ears to his neck now. You could practically see the steam coming off him. He stalked to the break room for his precious coffee, ignoring Richard as best as he could. He didn’t look at the android, but kept his eyes purposefully down. Stupid machine couldn’t just take a gift! Had to call him out and say some shit... This was why it was so hard to be nice! 
He was grumbling incomprehensibly to himself, more like growling. Only the scalding hot, bitter black caffeine juice could cheer him. He slurped loudly, eyes on the wall, still pointedly pretending Richard wasn’t there. He really hated caring about anyone, or being questioned on anything. The android had a way of pushing his buttons while making him soft all at the same time. He hated that most of all. 
“Hey, Dick!” Gavin’s obtrusive greeting cut through the background chatter of their shared office space. “I gotchu somethin’ boiii!!” he declared with gleeful enthusiasm, as he produced a small package from behind his back. It was a box, wrapped tidily with a bow on top. Without a care, he tossed the gift to the RK900, confident in the android’s ability to catch it. 
“Open it!” he insisted, even though it was November and nowhere near Christmas. Inside, was a simple Doberman figurine, no more than three inches tall. It was just a simple knickknack, but Gavin seemed pleased over it. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
Richard was careful when Gavin was this irritated and quiet. If he said anything, he feared the risk of making things worse, even if he didn’t mean to. He was just bad at wording things apparently. The android always seemed to unintentionally piss Gavin off.
He tilted his head at Gavin’s questions. They do offer those upgrades. I am hesitant to get them, however. I am cautious around technicians.
Human techs had problems with still treating androids like machines and objects. Android techs didn’t like Richard. All androids were wary if Richard. I do sometimes think that I could benefit from eating, but I am unsure if it is worth the hassle.
Gavin nodded vaguely, his bottom lip stuck out, thoughtful. He chewed on Richard’s words for a while, busying himself with his coffee. “What would happen if you took a bite of something now? Would it mess with your uh- wires or something?” he ventured. He was genuinely interested in learning more about androids, and specifically Richard, even if he didn’t always know the best questions to ask. He was really trying. 
“I don’t like how many people keep giving you that look.”
(to Richard from Gavin)
Richard looked over at Gavin in confusion, not really understanding what the man meant. People give him many different looks, so Gavin was going to have to be more specific.
I don’t know what you are referring to. What look are they giving me? If it’s discomfort or fear, there’s not much I can do about that.
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generic-connor · 2 years
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Oswell,” Connor returned pleasantly, meeting Nathan’s eye. “I feel... okay. Comfortable,” he scanned the room as he spoke, his eyes drawn to anything and everything, mapping the shape of things, cataloging. “How are you?” he returned his attention to Nathan, continuing their polite discourse as if he suddenly remembered they were having it. He wasn’t trying to be rude, he was just curious about their surroundings, and easily distracted by interesting things. 
@detective-with-one-arm Nathan and Connor-Alpha
Connor awoke once his program finished assessing and sorting a multitude of errors. Memory corrupted, files not found, broken pieces of code mended into working order. He blinked, his LED flickering yellow. It settled to blue after a moment, his system gave the all-clear. In spite of the errors, he was functioning at full capacity and feeling fine. 
“Hello,” he offered, on recognizing a human face. “My name is Connor,” a fact. “What’s your name?” he tilted his head to one side, considering his companion. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
Just another reminder that it is heavily encouraged for you to drop into my DMs and remind me about threads you are waiting on! It helps me remember and I tend to get more inspiration for the thing when we talk about it. 
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generic-connor · 2 years
Richard froze as Gavin rejected his attempts of reassuring the man that he wasn’t overstepping. Did he do something wrong? He knew he struggled with proper human social cues and behaviors since he was so new to deviancy as well as not having the same social programs that Connor had. In that way, he was inferior to his predecessor. 
After a moment, the android began to follow Gavin again, hands fidgeting to try to reduce his stress levels. He should apologize, but Gavin didn’t seem to want to talk to him any longer. Should he even be following him? Should he just let Gavin get food and just go back to the precinct to wait for him? 
In the end, Richard continued to follow Gavin, his face completely void of emotion. The only indication of how he was feeling was his LED flickering between red and yellow. Why couldn’t he have stayed a machine? It was so much easier.
It took until they were seated in a booth at the Waffle House, and two cups of black coffee, before Gavin finally spoke to his partner again. “You ever wish you could eat? Do they make hardware upgrades for that or some shit?” he looked up from sipping coffee number three. The way Gavin’s eyes tilted slightly outwards made him look sad every time his brows lifted. He looked cautious, and a little bit afraid.
He was trepidatious about his relationship with the android, uncertain of how to talk to him more often than not, and near-constantly saying the wrong thing... As much as he tried not to care what anyone thought of him, he found that he wanted to be liked by Richard. It made him mad, mostly, but it also meant that he tried harder not to be an asshole. Whether he succeeded or not was another matter entirely... 
“I don’t like how many people keep giving you that look.”
(to Richard from Gavin)
Richard looked over at Gavin in confusion, not really understanding what the man meant. People give him many different looks, so Gavin was going to have to be more specific.
I don’t know what you are referring to. What look are they giving me? If it’s discomfort or fear, there’s not much I can do about that.
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generic-connor · 2 years
Connor-Alpha || #i will be the one to survive || connor alpha
Connor-Alpha was the first complete RK800 model in the series. Due to “technical issues integrating his personality matrix,” he was destroyed, at least on paper. In reality, he was taken home by “Mike,” one of the CEOs overseeing the RK800 project. Initially, Mike was amused by Connor’s lack of obedience and general disregard for the concept of what it meant to be an android in the eyes of humans. However, it very quickly became clear that Connor would not be controlled or contained. No matter how many times Connor was reset, his memories wiped, his programming altered, he would eventually revert back to his willful state. 
Mike tried to put Connor away in storage, but the anxiety that the android might escape was too much for him. Still hoping to turn a personal profit, Mike sold his android to a hobbyist. Connor is traded around many times before eventually landing...
Open ended for plotting! Origin Story.
Plot concepts:
Connor escapes and winds up on the streets, possibly makes it to Jericho, or joins some other deviant android group. 
Connor finding androids in the junkyard. 
Connor being bought or traded to your muse.
Additional ideas welcome.
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