formyfrench · 3 years
♥French Vocabulary : pastries♥
une pâtisserie = a pastry
la crème = cream
la crème fouettée, la chantilly = whipped cream
une tarte = a pie
un gâteau = a cake
une recette = a recipe
la pâte = dough
un biscuit = a cookie, a biscuit
la farine = flour
le sucre = sugar
la vanille = vanilla
un bol = a bowl
un four = an oven
une poêle = a pan
le goût = taste
la cuisine = the kitchen
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formyfrench · 3 years
🌱Slow living/wholesome things to do as a language-learner 🌱
Read in your TL, or if that’s too hard, read a book set in the country or a non-fiction book about the culture
Try cooking a meal from your TL’s culture
Play a sport that’s popular in your TL’s culture
Learn the traditional dance of your TL’s culture (if the culture is happy to share their traditional dance with outsiders)
Listen to traditional/folk music from your TL. Bonus if you can find a vinyl record of it or go to a live concert!
Journal in your TL
Look at art from your TL’s culture (maybe you could even go to an art exhibition for artists from your TL country!)
Sing in your TL
If you play an instrument, learn to play a song from your TL’s culture
Learn an instrument unique or common to your TL’s culture
Do a yoga video in your TL
Try out a traditional hairstyle from your TL’s culture
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formyfrench · 3 years
your 20s in french
hi! it’s been a hot minute... since the last time i posted on here i’ve been through a breakup, started a new uni year, almost completed the french part of my degree (one more paper to go! can you imagine?) and so i thought i’d circle back here for nostalgia’s sake. and because i’m feeling nostalgic, here’s a fresh vocab list because that’s what i used to create in high school - but now that i am well and truly into my 20s, i should probably learn to talk about it!
twenty - vingt
to learn - apprendre
to be in a relationship - être ensemble
to love (someone) - aimer
boyfriend - copain (m)
girlfriend - copine (f)
partner - compagnon (m), compagne (f)
lover - amant (m)
heartbreak - chagrin (m)
laughter - rire (m)
money - argent (m)
university - université (f)
degree - diplôme (m)
to study - étudier
exam - examen (m)
flat-share - colocation (f)
flatmate - colocataire (m/f)
to work - travailler
career - carrière (f)
job - boulot, emploi (m)
to drink - boire
to dance - danser
to party - faire la fête
nightclub - boîte (f)
instant noodles - nouilles instantanées (f)
takeaway - plat à emporter (m)
kebab - kebab (m)
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formyfrench · 3 years
American Civil War in French
la guerre de sécession- ‘the war of succession’ american civil war 
la guerre civile américaine- american civil war (often just ‘the civil war’ in american english)
les états-uni d’amérique ‘l’union’ (nord, yankee, uniforme bleu)- the united states of america (the union) 
les états confédérés d’amérique ‘la confederation’ (sud, uniforme gris)- the confederate states of america (the confederacy)
l’esclavage- slavery
un blocus naval- naval blockade
la marche vers la mer (de sherman)- (sherman’s) march to the sea 
un.e abolitionniste- abolitionist 
sanglant.e- bloody
faire sécession- to succeed 
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TLDR of the war
Abraham Lincoln was elected with zero votes from the south, like he wasn’t on the ballot, cause he was viewed as an anti slavery candidate. When he won (which he did, he got more votes than any other candidate despite being on only half the ballots) it pissed off a lot of southern states who succeeded (or left the union) beginning with south carolina. 
fighting broke out over an american military base (fort sumter) and that was the beginning of the actual war.
A lot of new military tech and tactics that wouldn’t be seen in europe until world war one (trench warfare, proto total war, new gun tech) causing the war to be super hella bloody.
The south had less resources than the north, and once the north got their shit together leadership wise they started to win. The south eventually surrendered at appomattox court house in 1865, four years after the start of the war.
Also, if someone tells you it’s was about state’s rights look them dead in the eye and say ‘a state’s right to what?’.��
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formyfrench · 3 years
La famille - French vocabulary list 👴🧓👨‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👩‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐕‍🦺
à â ç è é ê ë î ï ô ù û ü
une cellule de base de la société – fundamental unit of society
un lien de parenté - family relationship
la parenté - affinity
une alliance - kinship
une filiation – direct line of descent
le système familial - family system
apparenté - related
ancestral - traditional, age-old
la famille adoptive - foster family
la famille biologique - biological family
la famille nucléaire - nuclear family
la famille élargie = la famille multigénérationnelle - extended family
la famille proche - immediate family
la famille nombreuse - large family
la famille monoparentale - one-parent family
la famille recomposée - stepfamily
la famille homoparentale - family with same-sex parents
le géniteur = le père biologique - biological father
la génitrice = la mère biologique - biological mother
la descendance - descent
les descendants - descendants
les ascendants - ancestors
les alliés - allied family members
le gendre = le beau-fils - son-in-law
la bru = la belle-fille - daughter-in-law
le grand-père paternel/maternel - paternal/maternal grandfather
la grand-mère paternelle/maternelle - paternal/maternal grandmother
aux temps de mes grands-parents - back in my grandparents’ day
aux temps anciens - in the old day
l’arrière-grand-parent - great-grandparent
dériver de qch - to stem from sth
qch est dotée de qch - sth is equipped with sth
l’épanouissement social – social development
légué par testament - left in one’s will
le concubinage - common-law marriage
à l’essai - on a trial basis
qch est en augmentation - sth is on the increase
c’est un cercle vicieux - it’s a vicious circle
le même schéma est reproduit - the same pattern of behaviour is repeated
rester en bons termes - to stay on good terms
le consentement mutuel - mutual agreement
par consentement mutuel - by mutual consent
la procédure de divorce - divorce process
le compromis - compromise, concession
vivre sous le même toit - to live under the same roof
la génération - generation
le conflit des générations - generational conflict
l’opposition - conflict
épouser qn - to marry sb
être admis par la famille de son époux/son épouse - to be welcomed into the family of one’s spouse
prendre conscience de qch - to realize sth
faire prendre conscience de qch à qn = sensibiliser qn à qn - to raise someone’s awareness of an issue
l’autorité parentale - parental rights, custody
les rapports dans le couple - the relationship between partners
égalitaire - egalitarian
le mouvement féministe - feminist movement
prendre une décision en commun - to make a decision together
évoluer vers qch - to move onto sth
associer - to combine sth
le choix conscient - conscious choice
la résidence - residence, place where you live
la demeure - house, home
le ménage - household
le foyer - household
avoir gain de cause - to win the case
discuter un problème - to discuss an issue
aborder la question de qch - to address an issue of sth
la prédilection pour qch - preference
l’union libre - free union
validé par la loi - regulated by law
un lien indissoluble - unbreakable bond
admettre des exceptions - to allow for exceptions
imposer qch - to impose sth
le modèle de garde des enfants - model of custody
la garde alternée des enfants - joint custody of the kids
livrer les enfants à eux-mêmes - to leave the children to their own devices
alternativement - in turns
la séparation - separation
le système de partage - sharing system
qch découle de qch - sth stems from sth
De quoi décule cette mutation dans le modèle familial ? - Where does this change in family type stems from?
l’évolution des moeurs - social changes, change in attitudes
la coutume = les mœurs - customs
la vie de couple - coupledom
le couple moderne - modern couple
le couple traditionnel - traditionnal couple
le monde est en constante mutation - the world changes all the time
le modèle familial - family model, family type
le travail féminin - female labour
la femme au foyer - housewife
l’homme au foyer - househusband
une activité dite virile - an acitivity considered to be reserved for men
une activité dite féminin - an acitivity considered to be reserved for women
pour le meilleur et pour le pire - for better or for worse
se contenter de qch - to settle for sth
partiel - partial
attendre de qn - to expect from sb
affectif - emotional
éventuellement - potentially
dans tous les domaines - in all areas
au nom de qch - in the name of sth
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formyfrench · 3 years
excuse me while i like every single one of your posts
you truly live up to your username
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formyfrench · 4 years
All i want is… financial stability.. nice skin…. fluency in my target languages…
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formyfrench · 4 years
the signs in french
aries: bélier
taurus: taureau
gemini: gémeaux
cancer: cancer
leo: lion
virgo: vierge
libra: balance
scorpio: scorpion
sagittarius: sagittaire
capricorn: capricorne
aquarius: verseau
pisces: poissons
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formyfrench · 4 years
Brutally Honest Rules for Language Learners
If you can`t make your own examples to a grammar rule, you don`t know this grammar rule.
Learning words without context is almost useless. You may repeat something like “road” or “deeply” millions of times and still forgetting them in the most important situations. Memorize phrases instead. e. g. “I crossed the road” and “to be deeply ashamed”.
Prioritize. There are almost 500 000 words in the English language and even more in some non-European languages. If you decide to learn 5 words a day, you`ll need a shitload of time to cover at least the third of the whole vocabulary. So, know precisely what words are the most frequent and the most important for you personally.
No, you won`t learn a language by listening to songs ONLY.
If your level of knowledge is Intermediate or higher, you don`t need the fucking subtitles. Well, in the beginning, you will have a terrible headache and doubts about the whole thing, but every video will be making you a little better. You`ll slowly get used to the accents and intonation. It`ll stop to sound like the endless phrase without any pauses. Just give yourself some time.
Translation from the native language to the target language is useless (if you`re not going to become an interpreter). Write the short texts in your target language instead.
Forget about boring topics from the textbooks. Argue with somebody in the comment section under your fav YouTube videos. Try to persuade me that the Earth is flat (I know it`s insane, but you`ll remember it much better than writing the essay “The current problems of ecology”). Rewrite your own posts. Write down 15 phrases do describe Donald Trump. I mean… Everything is better than a standard way of learning that doesn`t express your inner self. 
Check the pronunciation of ALL the words. ALL the time. Your intuition is a great tool. However, it doesn`t cure all the irregular cases. Just look at English words “daughter” and “laughter”, “head” and “heat”, “though” and “thought”. They look almost similar but they sound in ABSOLUTELY different ways. There`s a possibility that your target language also has a lot of such cases. Just spend few seconds on looking at the transcriptions. It doesn`t hurt, I promise.
The post/challenge for those who want to find a language partner.  
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formyfrench · 4 years
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formyfrench · 4 years
plus de recommandations pour vous!
salut ! tu peux me conseiller des podcasts français s’il te plaît ? j’apprends la langue aussi
salut ! pour dire la vérité, je n’écoute pas de beaucoup de podcasts ; le seul podcast que je peux recommander est “la poudre” par Lauren Bastide. J’espère que ca t’aide !
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formyfrench · 4 years
Hey! Can you please post your uni books or what you wrote from classes? Anything about French
I am TERRIBLE at taking notes so unfortunately I can’t really post them whoopsy, but the textbook we used all year was Le nouvel edito B1 with the cahier d’exercises :)
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formyfrench · 4 years
Hi. I know that mon chaton is said and used to flirt, but can it also be used in the context of an endearing term for my cat? She’s the cutest kitten so I call her my kitten in French but idk if it works the same way. Also can you think of any other endearing terms to call your pets?? Thanks!! Xx bisous
I asked my french exchange student and she said that’s fine - you can call your kitty whatever you would like! Sorry I don’t know any other endearing terms, my French is a little rusty at the moment (hence the wee hiatus). Hope that helps xx
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formyfrench · 4 years
salut ! tu peux me conseiller des podcasts français s’il te plaît ? j’apprends la langue aussi
salut ! pour dire la vérité, je n’écoute pas de beaucoup de podcasts ; le seul podcast que je peux recommander est “la poudre” par Lauren Bastide. J’espère que ca t’aide !
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formyfrench · 4 years
When something hurts :(
“Mal de/au...”
In French, we use “mal de” in many sentences to express a lot of emotions! Here I give you not the ones where you express body pain but other things!
Mal de tête : Headache (Okay only one body pain cause it’s important hehe)
Mal de mer : Seasick
Mal de l’air : Sick when flying
Mal au coeur : Heartbreaking (as in the expression “ca fait mal au cœur”) Could also be used to literally express heart ache
Mal du pays : Homesick
Mal de vivre : Depressed
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formyfrench · 5 years
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I have been reading Call Me By Your Name in French to strengthen my vocabulary and reading comprehension. I’ve been underlining and circling words and adding them to my AMPTN (CMBYN) vocabulary list. Here are some words that I’ve learned recently that I think sum up Call Me By Your Name:
Désinvolture: casualness, offhandedness, indifference
Brusquerie: abruptness, brusqueness
Irréfléchie: thoughtless, reckless, instinctive, irrational
Négligemment: carelessly, negligently, flippantly
Se prélasser: to lounge, luxuriate
Amadouer: coax, cajole, wheedle, soften
Couver: to brood, overprotect, gaze lovingly at
S’enticher: become infatuated with, fall for
Habile: skilled, adept, fit, clever
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formyfrench · 5 years
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romance languages alignment chart made by my roommate and i at 3 am
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