Lol, I forgot a made a Tumblr page. Tumblr blog? Is that what these things are called? I honestly have no idea. Anyways, I sort of got distracted these last few months as the semester dragged on. I took four courses, which is a lot for me. I take all my courses online. I literally have never stepped a foot on the UF campus. At my community college where I got my AA degree, I also took all my classes online. I did have to go to campus a grand total of three times. Once for freshman orientation (a big waste of time), to pick up my student ID, and to take a stupid exam bc the math department can't trust a student to take their exams using online proctor services. But whatever, the past is the past. UF online has been great. I could literally do these classes from anywhere in the world. The orientation was online, they mailed me my ID, the exams are online. Of course, you have to be very independent and self-motivated to be successful. Some people don't understand how I can do my classes online. I have family members who judge me and say that all I do is stay home. When the reality is I actually put a lot of time and effort into school. I graduated from my community college magna cum laude and made either the dean's list or the president's list each semester. Compared to my high school career, I am doing exceptionally well. I just hope that the pandemic has shown people that online classes are just as difficult (if not more) as face-to-face formats. Wow, I just ranted. My bad.
Anyways, the semester is finally over. I turned in my last exam last Wednesday and I'm still waiting for my grade. Our professor gave us all 10 points extra credit for completing the GatorEvals for the course. I also did a study at the beginning of the semester which got me 5 extra points. If my exam score is higher than a 77%, my grade will remain above an A. I'm actually surprised by this and I wasn't expecting to make above a 90. Law and Society turned out to be a very challenging course. I wouldn't recommend it with a full schedule. But I will take a B. I'm just glad the class is over.
I wanted to update my Tumblr to try to motivate myself back into writing. I have a few story ideas, one is already been planned out. I just lost my will to write. But my summer course load is fairly light, with only 2 classes during the A term. I'll be taking a road trip with my family pending my second Moderna dose. My parents already got theirs. Most of my family has gotten vaccinated.
I also plan on getting my laptop repaired soon so I should be able to write without the damn battery from misbehaving. I also have a crack on my screen that needs to be fixed. I got $500 from the UF emergency COVID relief fund or whatever it was. So I'll be able to pay for the repairs, luckily.
I hope that anyone who reads this is doing alright.
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I Hate People...
So lately, I’ve been very active on social media (specifically Facebook and Twitter). I’m very liberal and my posts reflect that. I have a certain family member (to be technical, they are the partner of one of my family members), who is on the opposite end of the political spectrum and does not agree with what I post. Now I’ve known this for a long time. It’s never been an issue until I posted something on Facebook that basically said “fuck all trump supporters”, something I do not regret posting. Because let’s be honest, if you support Trump, you are a real piece of shit. Get over it. 
But this particular person did not appreciate this. I imagine they had something to say about it to my family member, who in turn called my mother. Apparently, some miscommunication happened (not on my end, clearly), and my family member thought the post said “fuck all republicans”. Which I would never say because I do honestly believe that not all republicans are shit holes. Mike Pence, for example, as actually earned my respect recently with the way he has handled all the chaos that is currently happening. Anyways, my mom knew what the post actually said and corrected my family member. Now I’m not sure if this family member was still offended after learning what I had said, but they’ve defiently been treating me differently since then. But of course, they don’t show it because they can’t cross that line and piss me off because they need me more than I need them in my life. Sad but true. 
So skip to today when I had to do something over at my family member’s house. I was helping one of my cousins out with a project for cub scouts where they had to chose an international hero. The first one that came to mind for me was Greta Thunberg. I’m very passionate about climate change and I honestly look up to her. Especially because she pissed Trump off. When I suggested it to my cousin, my family member immediately objected and told us not to use her for the project. I held in my rage, because that’s what I was taught to do, and helped my cousin do his project on Nelson Mandela instead. Surprisingly, my family member didn’t have any problems with Mandela. Again, shocking. 
So later, when I got home, I got a text message from that family member to both me and their daughter (who is shares the same beliefs as I and is very active on social media) telling us to unfriend their partner on Facebook. The entire message was just a big bowl of passive aggressiveness. I hate people who hide under passive aggressive language. It’s just cowardly and rude because they are don’t want to be too direct and piss us off. Which obviously didn’t work because now we are pissed off anyway. I texted my cousin and asked if she had also been offended by the text message. She called me up and we basically spent twenty minutes ranting about it. We both agreed to just ignore the message and to not unfriend my family member’s partner. If they do not like what we post and share, that is their problem. It’s ridiculous to make us feeling like we are the problem here. So they can unfriend us if they want. 
Look I understand not everyone shares the same opinions as me. I’m not that naïve. We all have have different political beliefs. That’s what is so awesome about our country. We can all believe in different things and still live in peace. Or at least we used to until Trump became president and just made things worse. I truly believe that not all republicans are shit holes. Not all republicans are Trump supporters. But all Trump supporters are shit holes. I don’t regret saying that because it’s honestly true. They are full of such hatred and false patriotism. And if that’s how they want to be seen in society, then so be it. But I’m not going to just ignore that. I’m not just going to write it off as a difference in opinion. I’m going to call people out for it. I’m going to call them shit holes. I’m going to be the one hold up a mirror and say “hey, you look like an idiot”. 
And if someone doesn’t like it. Then boo hoo. They can fuck off and unfriend me.
I honestly don’t know what else to say so that’s the end of this rant. I just hope it made sense. 
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You Know What I Miss?
I miss the smell of a breakfast restaurant, like IHOP or Crackle Barrel. I miss the warm aroma of pancakes, coffee, bacon. And the sounds. The loud and yet comforting background noise of a restaurant kitchen. The constant buzz of early morning conversations happening around me. 
I haven’t been out for breakfast ever since the pandemic. I used to go maybe once every couple weeks with my mom. I look forward to the day when the virus is over and we can safely eat pancakes and bacon again. 
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Wisdom Tooth Update
Lol, if anyone actually cares, I decided to wait to have my wisdom tooth looked at. I fortunately, woke up with just a little bit of pain- not any worse that the day before. I still have a canker sore on my gum that I’ve been treating with that mouth numbing stuff. I guess I’ll limit my sour candy consumption. I won’t stop drinking my lemonade or orange juice though!
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Fuck Wisdom Teeth
So on Saturday, I noticed the bottom left side of my jaw was feeling a bit sore. I also got a pretty painful canker sore on my gum that I’m pretty came from some sour candy I got for christmas. Today, it was not feeling better at all. I did a warm saltwater gurgle which sort of helped. But then I took a quicker look inside and noticed a bit of swelling around where the wisdom tooth is starting to come up. I’m 21 with an intense fear of the dentist, so I have regretfully been avoiding having my wisdom teeth removed. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can avoid it any longer. In the past, I’ve experienced the same pain on the other side of my mouth and it’s gone away. I don’t really want to do that again. I want to just get it over with. 
I did some research and I absolutely want to be put under IV-sedation. From what I’ve gathered, it makes the whole procedure a lot easier to handle. What I’m most worried about is the stupid gauze that they will likely put in my mouth after the procedure to stop the bleeding. I’m not exaggerating when I say I have the WORST gag reflex, which is the main reason I hate the dentist so much. I’m hoping that maybe it won’t be as bad? It’ll have to happen at some point.
I don’t really want them taken out before new years though. I’d like to be able to enjoy new years eve and say “fuck you” to 2020. But the longer I wait, the more pain I’m in and I’m assuming there’s also a risk of a serious infection as well. I also have a prolonged winter break before the spring semester starts, giving me more time to recover. And because I have no spring break this semester (thanks COVID), now would be the best time to have them removed. 
So what am I going to do? 
I’m going to give it one more day. If tomorrow I wake up with even more pain, I will make an emergency appointment and see if I can get it removed before the new year. If nothing changes, I’ll discuss it with my mom and see what I should do. After all, mothers know best. 
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Writing out my day dreams...
I’m someone who unashamedly day dreams constantly. I used to do it all the time in school, spending most of my time coming up with unrealistic scenarios. A majority of them involved whomever I had a crush on in some dramatic, action-filled storyline. 
Currently, I’m writing a story based on a trip my class took to Washington D.C during my senior year. I had a HUGE crush on one of my classmates and I kept imagining us on some romantic montage throughout the nation’s capital. I had a lot of fun on that trip but just not with him, unfortunately. 
Anyways, a reason why I made this blog is to discuss and possibly develop a fanbase prior to releasing the story (if I ever do publish it, I’m still in the early stages of composing it). Maybe it’s a little presumptuous to think I’ll even have a fanbase to release the book for but a girl can dream right? 
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So lately I've been revisiting my hobby for bath bomb making. I used to make a lot before the fall semester started, but stopped because I got so busy.
But now I have a longer break and more time. I started making them again with the same recipe: baking soda, citric acid, olive oil and liquid soap (I like using dawn dish soap because it's gentle and foamy). Before, it took me awhile to get the right mixture but I ended up making some nice bombs that were foamy, fizzy, colorful, and smelled great with the essential oils I added.
But recently, no matter how wet I make the mix, the bombs dry out and crumble. The previous ones I made held up perfectly and were solid bombs. I've tried packing the molds full of the mix and making sure they are dense enough. But they just won't work.
Has anyone had this problem before? Maybe the citric acid I'm using is too old? I had some leftover from the ones I made months ago which is what I've been using. I'm also using cheaper baking soda. I don't know if Aldi brand baking soda is less quality than Arm and Hammer.
I'm open to any advice or recipe alternations suggestions.
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My First Semester at UF...
So today my grades were released for my first semester as a UF online student. I transferred this fall after earning my A.A degree over the summer. I actually graduated Magna Cum Laude. If that sounds braggy, it’s because it is and I’m actually fucking proud of myself. I barely graduated high school and I pushed myself so hard to get to where I am. 
But this semester really kicked my ass. 2/3 of my classes were pretty easy. The material was simple enough and my professors were super great. But that stupid biological anthropology class was a BITCH! It was one of the hardest classes I’ve ever taken. The material was really complex, and my lack of motivation really made it harder to complete the work. In the end, I studied my ass off for the final and managed to keep myself above a B. I also did some extra credit, but that didn’t really do much. 
This may sound pathetic and entitled, but I really wish the results of this semester could be pardoned for obvious reasons. This year has been so rough and I think all of us might need intense therapy just to fix the emotional damages.
I’m even more worried for next semester. Not only am I taking a full load of classes, but UF took away our spring break in order to lengthen our winter break (they were hoping we’d all have access to the vaccine over the break, which probably won’t happen). Which initially sounded great until I realized that means about 3 months of just straight classes with no breaks. The burnout is going to destroy us, our minds might actually break. That might sound dramatic but it might actually be dangerous. 
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I’m just trying out the features. This song has been in my head all day, ever since Ari blessed us with her Netflix documentary. Go check it out!!! 
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If you decide to give a fuck...
So this is my first tumblr blog/page or whatever you call it. This is also my first post. I guess I can explain why I decided to make it if you are interested. 
So, it’s currently 3:30 am. I’m pissed off because I have so many things to say about the current state of the world but I lack the right medium to put them out there. My parents and my brother understand. They are just as frustrated. I don’t have friends, except for my cousin, who honestly is just as bad at social maintenance as I am. Twitter is fine, I guess. But I hate being restricted in terms of how many characters I can include. 
Which brings me to tumblr. A place where I can hopefully post and maintain a page full of my rants and vents of things people probably won’t pay attention to. I’m not looking to go viral, if that’s even a thing people can do on here. But later, when COVID finally is eradicated, Trump is out of office, and things start to feel OK again, I want to look back on this page and be reminded how amazing normal feels and to never take it for granted ever again. 
So, if you happened to find this page, read this entire first post of mine, and are interested, consider following me. I’m not really funny and my posts will likely be way too political and glass half empty, but so are most people these days. 
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