eisukeoooka · 4 months
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Information error “on the canvas”「Sound of Night vision」
1 Night vision Α alpha 2 Night vision Φ phi 3 Night vision Σ sigma 4 Night vision Ω omega 5 Information error Δ delta 6 Information error Ο omicron
Information error “on the canvas” October 7, 2023. The war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas has finally begun. Nowadays, the world is said to be influenced by cognitive warfare, and a variety of false and untrue information is stirring up people's anxiety. As a result, individual interpretations become fragmented, sometimes biased justice goes out of control, and the world becomes divided. In order to put an end to biased information that seems to be on the verge of error, the works on display are layered based on the colors of the color test pattern after the broadcast of a TV program, and together with the CD work ``Sound of Night Vision'', they depict the suffering of living in this era and information about Japan. Control and media error conditions are expressed on canvas and with sound.
12月6日(水)-12月10日(日) 三重県松阪市肥留町30-1 coma-gallery.air-nifty.com 定休日:月曜日、火曜日駐車場(9台)
大岡英介 / Eisuke oooka
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eisukeoooka · 5 months
Sand Step (Dusk tone guitar) 4k
As I was driving home, I saw a beautiful scenery of Japanese pampas grass shining in the setting sun. At that moment, music suddenly comes into my head. It may be an exaggeration, but I may have lived for this moment. On the other side of the ocean, there is a musician who is battling illness. I wanted to show this scenery to him who loved Japan. The autumn sunset at the end of November is beautiful. Sand Step (Dusk tone guitar)
車で帰宅中、いつもの風景だが夕陽にススキが輝いてる美しい風景を見た。その瞬間にふと頭の中に音楽が流れてくる。大袈裟だけど、この一瞬の為に生きて来たのかも知れない。海の向こう側では闘病中の音楽家がいる。日本が好きだった彼にこの風景を見せてあげたい。11月最後、この秋の夕陽は美しい。Sand Step (Dusk tone guitar)
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eisukeoooka · 6 months
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Information error “on the canvas”
On October 7, 2023, the war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas began. Nowadays, the world is said to be influenced by cognitive warfare, and a variety of false and untrue information is stirring up people's anxiety. As a result, individual interpretations become fragmented, sometimes biased justice goes out of control, and the world becomes divided. In order to put an end to biased information that seems to be on the verge of error, the works on display are layered based on the colors of the color test pattern after the TV program was broadcast, and include the suffering of living in this era and Palestine, along with the CD work "Sound of Night Vision". Information control around the world. Media error conditions are expressed on canvas and with sound.
2023年10月 7日、イスラエルとパレスチナのテロ組織ハマスとの戦争が始まった。世界が認知戦で左右されると言われる昨今、真偽不明の様々なフェイク情報が人々の不安を煽っている。それにより、個々の解釈が細分化され、時に偏った正義が暴走し、世界が分断されていく。展示の作品はエラー寸前とも思われる偏った情報の終止符としてTV番組放送後のカラーテストパターンの色彩をベースにレイヤー化し、CD作品 ”Sound of Night vision”共にこの���代を生きる苦悩とパレスチナを含め世界中への情報統制。メディアエラー状態をキャンバス上とサウンドで表現した。 大岡英介 / Eisuke oooka
大岡英介 / Eisuke oooka
2023年12月6日(水)〜12月10日(日) アートフォーラム三重 ART BAZAAR  MIE 2023  in Gallery COMA  営業時間:10:00〜17:00 住所:三重県松阪市肥留町30-1 定休日:月曜日、火曜日駐車場(9台)
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
Information Error  Eisuke oooka ver.2
update of the Information Error video installation exhibited at Art Forum Mie 2023, this time it was exhibited at Gallery So from April 28th to May 7th.
Information Error     video installation
"The limit of information overload" The world is said to be an information warfare.  Individual interpretations are subdivided and biased justice runs wild and becomes fragmented.  In addition, the number of fake information is increasing, and TV is already overflowing with uneasy information that is not true or false, and is on the verge of error.  We who take them seriously will search for the truth to collect a huge amount of information due to fear and confusion.  As an end to biased media information, I experimentally expressed the anguish and error state of living in this era in the colors of the color test pattern.
Please subscribe to EIsuke oooka YouTube channel!
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
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アートフォーラム三重 2023 にて出展した「Information Error 」Video Installation をアップデートして今回、ギャラリ想(名古屋)にてGWの4/28日 ㈮~5/7日 ㈰まで展示をさせて頂きます。 この3年間で、コロナ禍、戦争、エネルギー、食料、金融、物価上昇など様々な問題を世界中がかかえる中、尊敬する作家や音楽家、そして父が他界し、自分の立ち位置や生き方、仕事や日常生活を考え、作品と向き合う時間が長くなった分、自分がやれる事とやれない事、やり残しはないか?など残された時間を更に考えるようになった。すっと信じていた事が間違ってたり、疑ってた事が正しかったり、歴史を探求すると、よくある事だが、この数年間にて分断が始まり、人々を弱体化させた情報さえ、真実なのかも不明。国民の監視社会化を目指すのもわかるけど、本来、監視しなくてはならないのは我々とは逆の立場の方々ではないでしょうか。しかし「Information Error 」は、自分にとって解放の幕開けであり前向きにサレンダーである。お忙しいGWの間ですが、お時間あれば、是非、見に来て頂ければ幸いです。
"The limit of information overload" The world is said to be an information warfare.  Individual interpretations are subdivided and biased justice runs wild and becomes fragmented.  In addition, the number of fake information is increasing, and TV is already overflowing with uneasy information that is not true or false, and is on the verge of error.  We who take them seriously will search for the truth to collect a huge amount of information due to fear and confusion.  As an end to biased media information, I experimentally expressed the anguish and error state of living in this era in the colors of the color test pattern.
大岡英介 - Eisuke oooka   "Information Error " video installation 個展 4/28日㈮~5/7日㈰ 火曜のみ休 12~18時(最終日~17時) ギャラリ想 〒464-0851 名古屋市千種区今池南3-9 3-9,imaikeminami,chikusaku, Nagoya-city, JAPAN
[email protected] 090-7854-6197 https://www.gallerysou.com
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
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Information Error    Eisuke oooka "The limit of information overload" The world is said to be an information warfare.  Individual interpretations are subdivided and biased justice runs wild and becomes fragmented.  In addition, the number of fake information is increasing, and TV is already overflowing with uneasy information that is not true or false, and is on the verge of error.  We who take them seriously will search for the truth to collect a huge amount of information due to fear and confusion.  As an end to biased media information, I experimentally expressed the anguish and error state of living in this era in the colors of the color test pattern.
青いツノ Aoitsuno 三重県津市万町津109-1 Open 10:00-18:00 18:00以降はお店までご確認ください。 定休日 毎週火曜日+不定休  撮影  山城諒恭 http://www.aoitsuno.com/index.html (ご来場時のお願い) 同時入店は2名様迄とさせて頂きます。 店内では他のお客様の迷惑ならない様ニお静かにお願いします。 作品には手を触れない様にお願い致します。
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
A two-layer structure representation of the plane "Information Error" and the three-dimensional "Mondrian Error". As an extreme theory, there is talk in quantum physics that matter changes in the presence of an observer, but in the art forum video installation, every day, the placement of cubes and new colors are added to randomly change the image, expanding the area of color light. I am doing it.
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
Information Error   Eisuke oooka
TV  733mm x 471mm x 173mm   Acrylic 760mm x 459mm x 70 mm  (3:45)
"The limit of information overload" The world is said to be an information warfare.  Individual interpretations are subdivided and biased justice runs wild and becomes fragmented.  In addition, the number of fake information is increasing, and TV is already overflowing with uneasy information that is not true or false, and is on the verge of error.  We who take them seriously will search for the truth to collect a huge amount of information due to fear and confusion.  As an end to biased media information, I experimentally expressed the anguish and error state of living in this era in the colors of the color test pattern.
As a tribute to Piet Mondrian, he expresses video paintings with three-dimensional colors and color test patterns, betraying the two-dimensional principle that paintings must be two-dimensional in order to achieve harmony between reality and structure. .  I made a video of my own color expression.
youtube  Information Error   Eisuke oooka
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
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EISUKE OOOKA Kameyama Triennale 2022 is over.  Thank you for coming.  The video installation of the day after the next day released version 1 of the Module Bath Until we meet again. Title "Module Bath ver.1"  EISUKE OOOKA   youtube ___________ 32V LCD TV 733mm x 471mm x 173mm / Acrylic water tank 760mm x 459mm x 70mm
Sequel to the Kameyama Triennale 2017 video work "Yomeiri". (In the old Kato family residence young party room) Since the early Showa era, it is said that fathers and eldest sons decided who their daughters would marry, as there were few cases of love and marriage like today. At that time, marriage was very important to pass on to the next generation.It was considered natural for both daughters and sons to follow the wishes of their parents when deciding who to marry. Kameyama clan Ishikawa family chief retainer Kato family, who was in the position of Kato family, her daughter, who was going to be married to a general family, was in agony, her last night at her parents' house where she grew up. in a contemporary bathroom I expressed the anguish and determination of her marriage with video and sound.Today, both men and women are becoming very sensitive, and the concept of marriage differs according to the political system of various countries. The concept of marriage between the early Showa period and the present day in Japan has undergone a gradual change, and we are entering an era in which people love each other and live beyond the boundaries of gender and race. It is an era when you can live with someone who naturally accompanies you, rather than being decided by others as a partner to create and live your life together. I pray that one day prejudice and discrimination will disappear from the world. Sound  Eisuke oooka Model  Ray nakazawa
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
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Title "Module Bath  Structure version "  EISUKE OOOKA ___________
32V LCD TV 733mm x 471mm x 173mm / Acrylic water tank 760mm x 459mm x 70mm
youtube  Module Bath  Structure version
Sequel to the Kameyama Triennale 2017 video work "Yomeiri". (In the old Kato family residence young party room) Since the early Showa era, it is said that fathers and eldest sons decided who their daughters would marry, as there were few cases of love and marriage like today. At that time, marriage was very important to pass on to the next generation.It was considered natural for both daughters and sons to follow the wishes of their parents when deciding who to marry. Kameyama clan Ishikawa family chief retainer Kato family, who was in the position of Kato family, her daughter, who was going to be married to a general family, was in agony, her last night at her parents' house where she grew up. in a contemporary bathroom I expressed the anguish and determination of her marriage with video and sound.
Today, both men and women are becoming very sensitive, and the concept of marriage differs according to the political system of various countries. The concept of marriage between the early Showa period and the present day in Japan has undergone a gradual change, and we are entering an era in which people love each other and live beyond the boundaries of gender and race. It is an era when you can live with someone who naturally accompanies you, rather than being decided by others as a partner to create and live your life together. I pray that one day prejudice and discrimination will disappear from the world. Sound  Eisuke oooka Model  Ray nakazawa
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
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作品  「 Module Bath  」 作家名 大岡英介 _________ 32V型 液晶TV  733mm x 471mm x 173mm  / アクリル水槽  760mm x 459mm x 70 mm 亀山トリエンナーレ2017の映像作品「Yomeiri」続編。(旧加藤家屋敷 若党部屋にて)昭和初期以降、現代のように恋愛をして結婚できる事は、ほとんどなく父親や長男が娘の相手を決めたそうです。次の世代に引き継ぐために当時、結婚はとても重要だった時代。結婚相手の決定には娘も息子も親の意向に沿うことが当たり前と考えられていました。亀山藩石川家 家老職加藤家と言う地位にあった加藤家から一般の家庭に嫁に行く事になった娘が苦悩の中、自分の育った実家にて最後の夜に現代的なバスルームにて嫁ぐ苦悩と決意の様子を映像とサウンドにて表現しました。現代では男女共に非常にセンシティブな世の中になり結婚の概念は様々な国の政治的体制により異なる。日本の昭和初期と現代の結婚の概念は少しづつ変化を遂げて男女や人種を超え愛し合い生きる時代となりつつある。人生を創造し共に生きるパートナーとは他者に決められるのでなく本来の自分が自然に寄り添える者と生きる事ができる時代。 いつか世界から偏見や差別が無くなるように祈ります。 音楽   Eisuke oooka  / モデル  Ray nakazawa
Title “Module Bath”    EISUKE OOOKA   youtube ___________ 32V LCD TV 733mm x 471mm x 173mm / Acrylic water tank 760mm x 459mm x 70mm
Sequel to the Kameyama Triennale 2017 video work “Yomeiri”. (In the old Kato family residence young party room) Since the early Showa era, it is said that fathers and eldest sons decided who their daughters would marry, as there were few cases of love and marriage like today. At that time, marriage was very important to pass on to the next generation.It was considered natural for both daughters and sons to follow the wishes of their parents when deciding who to marry.Kameyama clan Ishikawa family chief retainer Kato family, who was in the position of Kato family, her daughter, who was going to be married to a general family, was in agony, her last night at her parents’ house where she grew up. in a contemporary bathroom. I expressed the anguish and determination of her marriage with video and sound.
Today, both men and women are becoming very sensitive, and the concept of marriage differs according to the political system of various countries. The concept of marriage between the early Showa period and the present day in Japan has undergone a gradual change, and we are entering an era in which people love each other and live beyond the boundaries of gender and race. It is an era when you can live with someone who naturally accompanies you, rather than being decided by others as a partner to create and live your life together. I pray that one day prejudice and discrimination will disappear from the world. Sound   Eisuke oooka     Model  Ray nakazawa
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eisukeoooka · 1 year
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2022年10月30日にNewシングルリリース配信を致しました。 イヴはミトコンドリアDNAの塩基配列を解析すると女系祖先はすべて「現生人類の共通の女系祖先」であると言う説���ある。母なる大地と言うが生物は皆、母から生まれ依存し母に似たものを愛する。そして女性は月と繋がり海の満ち引きは奇跡的に地球上の生命の循環を促し命が育まれる。偉大なる母の力。イヴという名は「呼吸をする」という意味と「生きる」という意味に由来する。文明の限界が訪れた時、欲望や戦いの愚かさに気づき生きている意味を知る必要があるのかも知れない。
EVE    Eisuke oooka New single release distribution on October 30, 2022 According to Eve's analysis of the base sequence of mitochondrial DNA, there is a theory that all female ancestors are "common female ancestors of modern humans".It's called Mother Earth, but all living things are born from their mothers and depend on them, and love those who are similar to their mothers. And women are connected to the moon, and the ebb and flow of the sea miraculously promotes the circulation of life on earth, and life is nurtured. Great Mother's power. The name Eve comes from the meaning of "breathing" and "living". When the limit of civilization is reached, it may be necessary to realize the stupidity of desires and battles and know the meaning of life.
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eisukeoooka · 2 years
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5thアルバム 『Fractal Drops』が2021年8月1日に配信リリース!
世界が新型コロナパンデミックの最中、不安を抱き自粛生活を過ごし、限られた空間のスタジオワークとフィールドレコーディングとオンラインにて海外のアーティストとのライブで生み出されたアルバム。その中には限られた人数の中で行われた日本の古代水源遺跡にてライブパフォーマンスを行った時に原始的な土地から直感を受けた神秘的なイメージ。そして祖母の古い家具から見つけた懐かしいオルゴールを使用した繊細なサウンドマテリアル。人との距離が離れる中、水の起源と自然界への回帰をコンセプトにした5枚目のアルバムとしてリリースを致します。@oversoul sound studio 2021 
Fractal Drops DEMO  https://youtu.be/LZ2cnBzZ-O8
EISUKE OOOKA of the 5th album "Fractal Drops" will be delivered released on August 1, 2021.
In the midst of the new corona pandemic, the world spent a self-restraining life with anxiety, and an album produced by studio work and field recording in a limited space and live performances with overseas artists online. Among them is a mysterious image that was intuitively received from a primitive land when performing live at the ancient water source ruins in Japan with a limited number of people. And a delicate sound material using a nostalgic music box found in my grandmother's old furniture. We will release the 5th album based on the concept of returning to the origin of water and the natural world while people are far away. 
@oversoul sound studio 2021
Amazon music / Apple music / Apple iTunes / LINE music / youtube music / OTOTOY / spotify
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eisukeoooka · 2 years
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Recollection room For people who are tired from being hurt in the battle To those who gave their lives to the battle So that the battle will subside So that the smiles of the children never cease Prayer for Peace 2022
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eisukeoooka · 2 years
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Artforum Mie "Art Bazaar selection 2022" 7/6 (wed)~7/10 (sun) 5th Fractal Drops Canvas jacket & album Limited sale!! am10:00~pm18:00 7/10 pm16:00 end. 会場  三重画廊 場所  三重県津市中央18-19 3F 会期 2022年7月6日(水)〜10日(日) 時間 10:00 〜17:00 入場無料 (10日)pm 16:00 最終) 感染予防の為にマスク着用でご入場下さいませ。 三重画廊  三重県津市中央18-19 3F
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eisukeoooka · 2 years
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In The Clouds / Live Performance  
In the video installation work, he continues to confront while being  painted on something like a shape that can not be grasped by hand  because it lacks the concreteness of "a story like grasping a cloud". June 28, 2018 (thu) at Velvet Moon vol.142 @Kyoto Urbangild    Released May 19, 2022
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eisukeoooka · 2 years
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Circulating waves  循環する波  
Over the last three years, the  repeated waves have had a huge impact on our lives. The number of people  decreases and the buildings in the city are just silent.Our way of life  will change and new values will be born. The visualized waves will  follow the circulation of the crowd of people. Circulating waves. A  quiet space. Silence architecture. Just stand in silence. Nature comes  back to life. And to multiple dimensions.Circulating waves Edited the ambient work of 55 minutes 25 seconds to Bandcamp version 28 minutes 53 seconds. 
Circulating waves  循環する波  この3年間、繰り返される波は我々の生活に大きな影響を与えた。人が減り街の建築物はただ沈黙する。私達の暮らし方も変容し,また新しい価値観が生まれる。可視化された波は人の群の循環により続くだろう。循環する波。静寂な空間。沈黙の建築。ただ沈黙で佇む。自然は息を吹き返す。そして多次元へ。55分25秒のアンビエント作品を Bandcamp バージョン 28分53秒に編集。Released May 17, 2022  
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