eihhwrites · 5 months
you know that feeling when your friends hate you and you hate you and you just don't want to be here, you'd rather be anywhere but here. i'd rather be anywhere but here
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eihhwrites · 2 years
i am very small. i have no money. so you can imagine the kind of pressure i am under.
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eihhwrites · 2 years
*unintelligible shrieking*
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eihhwrites · 2 years
ahhh of course i love your hands why wouldn’t love your hands i am in love with your hands they‘re like super cool hands where am i going with this okay bye
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eihhwrites · 2 years
i think my life is a lie.
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eihhwrites · 2 years
ali wong is an aesthetic
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eihhwrites · 2 years
if a cow could, in fact, jump over the moon, would the cow be a space cow or what
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eihhwrites · 2 years
does anyone know how to use tumblr on ios 12? my phone’s too old to update, so i’m using safari and that’s really annoying.
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eihhwrites · 2 years
My pain leaked through my palms, the flow unstemmed by darkness. My head throbbed with the effort to pretend there weren’t a hundred tears pouring down my face. My jaw clenched with the effort to keep from crying out. “Are you alright?”, asked a voice. And I opened my mouth, unable to express the things I was feeling, “Oh yeah, yeah, I’m okay.”
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eihhwrites · 2 years
I fell in love on a summer evening, unbeknownst to myself. “I fell in love like one falls asleep; slowly, then all at once.” I fell in love with a whole person. Another human being. What astounds me the most is that he exists. He exists and loves me too. I fell in love on a summer evening. And with him, it wasn’t very hard to do.
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eihhwrites · 2 years
My fingers itch for a pen, restless. My mind races, thinking about nothing, and yet everything at once. I am stuck in the state of not knowing. Limbo. The in between. Am I never to know what I have? Am I to remain mere words on paper? Am I forever to be free only between the pages of a book, a neatly wrapped fairytale?
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eihhwrites · 2 years
The nonsensical whimsy of a fifteen year old can most often be dismissed as just that; nonsense.
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eihhwrites · 2 years
Memory is a foggy thing. At times, wholly imagines, and other times, too clear for ones liking. Humans are forgetful creatures. We are not meant to remember. And yet, we try to thwart our nature - with pictures, diaries, letters. We’re we not so sentimental, we’d save ourselves so much pain. To be human is to forget, and yet to try to remember is the most human thing possible. There is so much humanity would like to forget, but we do not allow ourselves to. Instead, we pass it down, generation by generation, hoping the human race can one day be redeemed.
Sometimes I wonder, are there people who would like to forget? People who want no memories? I wonder what a life one has to have lived to feel their memories are worthless. What are memories worth, if not a person’s entire life?
- eihh
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eihhwrites · 2 years
“It is better to write nonsense than not to write at all.”
- from an unfinished piece of writing
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eihhwrites · 3 years
She keeps me calm but keeps my heart racing
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eihhwrites · 3 years
Perhaps, what scares me the most, is that I will fall in love and I won’t even know it.
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eihhwrites · 3 years
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I feel this on a spiritual level
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