dreamternatywa · 3 years
So I can’t guarantee that this’ll work for you, but I discovered a new flying technique last night and it works so well. If (like me) you’re new too lucid dreaming, you’ve probably tried to fly, and you’ve probably failed because it’s really hard. But I found an easy technique that isn’t just “imagine you can fly”. Instead, I’m providing you with a specific step-by-step guide to flying.So here’s the technique: (Important note: as I said in the title, this is for minecraft players. It’ll probably work if you’ve ever flown in minecraft. If you haven’t played minecraft, I suppose you could try doing this, but it might not work.)Step 1: get high up. This could be something like the roof of a building, or maybe just your bedroom window. As long as you’re not on the ground floor, this can work. Later on, you will be jumping from this height, so make sure you have done a reliable reality check. This technique will not work irl.Step 2: imagine yourself wearing elytra wings from minecraft. This might sound silly, but I think the reason it works is because minecraft is an immersive game, so I’d you’ve experienced flying in minecraft, you’ll probably be able to believe flying in a dream. When you imagine the wings, you don’t have to fully summon them in as you would with a dream object, just pretend that they’re there. (If you can get them to actually appear in your back, that might make this technique more effective, but it’s not necessary.)Step 3: jump. But don’t jump in the way you’d normally jump, jump like a minecraft character. (Again, yes this is silly, but it needs to feel like the game to work.) As you jump, stay vertically straight and begin to fall.Step 4: imagine the keyboard controlling your minecraft person has had the space bar pressed. If you know what happens now in the game, you should automatically become horizontal as the wings spread apart and you start to glide.Step 5: you’re currently gliding, but soon you’ll hit the ground because there’s nothing to propel you. You need firework rockets! You could summon these in to use them, but the easiest thing to do is just pretend right-click has been pressed, then pull back your right arm as if you’ve just used a rocket. When I did this, I found myself uncontrollably vocalising the sound effect, which probably helped because it made it feel more like minecraft. Well, now you should be flying. If this flying technique doesn’t work first time, you can keep trying because it’s likely to work eventually, especially if you’re familiar with elytra mechanics.TL;DR: pretend you’re a minecraft player flying with elytra wings. See above for more details. via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
Whenever I dream, I can feel the presence of one person just out view for the entire dream. I know he’s standing beside me, but he always avoids my gaze. I don’t know what he looks like, but I know his name. He’s called Mike. He didn’t tell me that, at least not out loud: we communicate telepathically. When he wants to tell me something, the concept of what he’s saying arrives in my head, and then my own mind converts the thought into language so I can better understand what he’s telling me. Last night I was trying to fly in a dream, and Mike gave me the idea of a really effective flying technique.Does anyone else experience this dude in their dreams, or am I just weird? via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
Question! Have any of you been in a dream and your dream tries to convince you you are not dreaming?Last night I was dreaming and I thought I was so I said out loud " I'm dreaming" and many of my dream characters said "no you're not" or "that doesn't eve make since" and "how could we be here if you were dreaming?" with other such statements like such. Following this I said "well I cant remember how I got here." As I tried to recall my privous steps. Then my dream character started filling in blanks, but the past events didn't make since then I had one of them wake me up. via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
Like a dog or something to walk with you in your lucid dream and protect you in case it goes a little off the rails via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
What is your experience with a lucid dream? via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
To elaborate, I was finally fully aware of waking up from a dream, which was kinda cool, however I can't remember much of the dream. What I do remember is that just before waking up, I was holding hands with my fiancé in the dream. When I woke up, I could still vividly feel their fingers laced between mine. I did a reality check to see if I was still dreaming, but I was awake. As I became more awake, the feeling faded away.This isn't the first time it's happened to me either. A few years ago, I had a dream where something hit me in the back. The force was enough to wake me up, and I still felt the pain for a few seconds.Is that a normal kind of sensation you can feel after dreams? via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
I had some lucid dreams throughout my life. Recently they got more frequent. But all dreams have something in common. Whether I am very lucid or just barely aware that I am dreaming: I can't realy hear sounds in my dreams. Even if I am very lucid, to a point where I can feel a breeze of air and even smell the world in my dream, I can't hear anything. I know that there are sounds at it feels like my brain fills the missing soundscape with knowledge about what I should be hearing. It is hard to describe: My thoughts are like very descriptive subtitles. Has anyone experienced something similar? via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
Last night I was trying a guided meditation to help my body relax while entering a lucid dream. I didn’t have a lucid dream because I got distracted by the noise in the background, but it was still very exciting because my body was really starting to relax and for a few seconds I couldn’t feel it at all. I’m going to try again tonight and see how it goes. via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
Hi I haven’t been lucid for more than month and today I had a lucid dream that was the best and I can actually see huge progress. I’m very proud of myself. I have some question that I want to ask in the end of the post too.The story (you probably don’t care)Wait you actually care? That’s nice from you! This dream felt super long. I was normally out with my friends and I was having a really aggressive argument with one guy (it’s a old man that I even hate in reality). After that me and my friends went to the store in our town. As I was in the shop I was like: “Damn I was really rude to that old man I’m not like that. Yeah let’s do reality check but let’s be honest there is no way this is dream-. 6 fingers you’re kidding me!?” I instantly run out of the store and tried to fly. And I did it. I was flying for like 5 seconds but my main goal in lucid dreaming was completed! After that I land back at the ground and I was waiting for my friends. When they came out I wanted to told them something but the first thing I wanted to say was that I’m in the dream. But as I was thinking about it. I wasn’t sure if I want to tell them because I had that though that I don’t speak to them but to something in my head. Then two huge tornados appeared. I wasn’t able to control them but I pulled out map. On the map there was a mark where we are. We were in North America (even though I live in Europe). I zoomed on Italia and chose location called something on “Oi”. I remember saying: “damn I’m going to remember only first two letters and another three not. Yeah and I wonder if this location actually exist”. And then I teleported me and my friends next to the building in Italia. They asked me where we are and I said them it’s my home because I didn’t know what to said them. I opened the doors and there was an person. My friends asked me who is he and I said that this is me.To the question.Is it normal to being lucid and not being able to control the story of the dream whole time?Thanks for reading <3 via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
I've been trying to smoke less weed lately because I know it's known to hinder REM sleep. However, some mornings when I wake up around 5 or 6, I like to smoke a bit and go back to bed. And then I have crazy vivid dreams! I have not become lucid this way yet but I will be experimenting more with this. Have a day off tomorrow and I'm gonna get a good indica and try again in the morning. Maybe do FILD or MILD before drifting off.Anyone else have success with this? via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
I have a new tale to tell of an experience I had today.I entered another sleep paralysis to try go lucid and kept repeating to myself "its all fine, its all fine the halucinations are not real, they are not real" and I was doing pretty well and was not panickying as usual.until... I felt like I had peed my pants, I heard the drops of urine, I felt the blankets going wet and then I panicked.. I was like "NO NO NO I'M AN ADULT! HOW THE HECK. NOW I NEED TO WASH MY BLANKETS!!"I forced myself to wake up just to discover everything was an halucination and everything was dry and I had lost my chance to enter a lucid dream ;-;The end. via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
Ever since I was a child, I dream about the same town every night. As the years have gone by I have grown up in that town, had different jobs, moved around and basically memorized the lay out of the entire town. I basically live there, as I get older so do the people, sometimes people move away and sometimes people move in, I’ve gotten to know a lot of the towns people. All my dreams are mostly nightmares that usually start being nightmares once I figure out I’m dreaming. Like oh I’m dreaming, whelp now there are zombies. I can usually run away from what ever it is because I can control myself and a bit of the environment. Like flying away or creating a get away car. One thing that is weird is that once I find out I’m dreaming the people in the town start trying to catch me or ignore me asking for help. Sometimes they will all just start staring at me. Has anyone had experience with this? Why would I dream about a fully functioning town? Sorry for the long post (>_
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
Okay my fellow Oneironauts get comfortable grab a snack because this will be a looooong one with one of my lucid dreams as a bonus but first i want to tell you a bit about my story and how i achieved lucidity with some of my favorite techniques and tricks!So I’ve been lucid dreaming for quite a while but last week i really dived deep into it mostly because i learned i could create portals to other dimensions in the lucid world and i really wanted to talk to my higher self, i used a few techniques i used a totem which i just wear now and use as a tool in the lucid world but i learned that objects can be manipulated by the mind in the dream world they can be changed or they can not work when expecting them to float because one time i just watched as my totem Didn’t float it just fell on the ground in a dream so i assumed I was not dreaming when i actually was i used the flying technique but again i just didn’t fly and assumed that i was awake.my favorite technique and charm is the dinger counting technique because it always worked its the finger counting technique where you count your fingers throughout the day and if you have dive you know your awake but if you have eight then you will know that your dreaming thats because your brain cant perfectly create your hand in dreaming state so you cant be fooled into thinking your awake this is what caused me to go lucid EVERY TIME! But you have to perform the counting finger techniques many times throughout your day five times minimum but i suggest more and your really have to focus your energy when doing the reality check really asking your self “Am i dreaming?” Before you goto bed tell yourself i am lucid and aware of my dreams because your telling your brain you already have this ability and can do it.It is also VITAL that you write down your dreams daily every night because this will tell your brain that dreams are important to you so your subconscious doesn’t just push all your dreams as unimportsnt to the back it also strengthens your dream abilities i can talk for so much longer weekly i will have all your questions answered in my posts so look out for me. I took a night of my adventures out of my dream journal for you guys to enjoy!!!BELOW IS ONE OF MY LUCID DREAMS ⬇️ I am having fun being on a bounce house with lyssa were having a blast I’m trailing up and down this massive inflatable house when it hits me I’m dreaming i must be dreaming i then look down and see many fingers so i scream hit the air and start flying like theres no tomorrow WOO HOO i shout pure ecstasy indeed as i go round and round i see king and them and dive down no one seems to care much but king was exited he tells me to pick him up so i do and we start flying its awesome we spin around the property a few times i go past the goat pen i then see a spider and avoid it i brush off our shoulders making sure that it Didn’t get us as i go back around i see a goat growing from a tree that dream fades i need to remember never forget your dreaming NEVER FORGET!next time i go lucid me and alex are together being in a car as we drive and he tells me to get my vaccine he says get it now before its pumped with nasty chemicals i tell him i cant ill get a heart attack brother you know this we turn the car around and exit the darn place he puts his windows down and im skeptical thinking theirs covid patients around roll that damn window back up you ape some girl touches him and say told you so now me and alex are sharing a wheelchair strolling around the hospital some lady steals the first elevator from us and we get on the next one i am cramped because he stole all the space we then exit and i perform a reality check my fingers look as if they were all broken it was gross looking i then knew i was dreaming i kept lucid repeating the phrase i am lucid i am lucid i am dreaming don’t forget i am dreaming we then sit at a booth of a restraunt and i repeat i am dreaming i then have bread placed down and take a bite mmmmm it tastes delicious like real bread that bread you get from the restraunts i keep repeating the phrase i saw aunt Laurie alex lyssa mom and mimi we all were enjoying a nice fine dining meal my plate was places in front of me and i took a bite of the spinach and cucumber coated in a nice greek dressing the nice tanginess of the greek dressing came through i then lost myself in the taste of the food as i also lose myself in the bottle of wine in front of me i reach for aunt Laurie glass filled with fruit and wine she takes it back so then mom hands me a entire bottle i then lost my lucidity as i recall the restraunt fade into a tenti hear dad leave and peek out the tent curtains i see some people carrying Cuba they look like badmen we all run outside to see whats happening we all surround Cuba who is at gunpoint i see mom and cub restraining dad because he tries to help his best friend not die i run and see mimi trying to save him and i panic MIMI GET AWAY FROM HIM PLEASE COME HERE IM FREAKING OUT MY TWIN CANT DIE ILL LOSE IT!! Get out of the way girl the hitmen shouts i then panic grabbing king and Marley running back away from the hitmen because who knows who will be shot next as im running back dad breaks free and starts running toward cuba turns out it was all a prank some laugh others not so much i thought it was awful dad as well cuba looked scarred for life as if they didint let him know it was a prank 😂poor guy Didn’t move a muscle we all start to leave and I’mw XD running down some hallway that seem to resemble hotel ways i then notice again I’m lucid so i decide hmm maybe ill go through the wall i try running with that small amount of doubt and VVVVVVVV!!! I smack into the metal almost feeling like i was electrocuted really shocked me and caught me off guard i then decide to teleport closing my eyes doesn’t work so i spin around and voila I’m back outside i now seem to be surrounded my people as i open up these portals and people enter through them i keep making more and am not sure where they led at this point I’m blindly lucid but it was fun people enter in and out of them i end up hopping in and it brings me home i then wake up in bed not realizing i never woke up i was still dreaming! (I also have more techniques and tips that i will happily answer with all your questions in my future posts.) via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
i want to lucid dream and have been wanting to for a while, but i’m scared i’m going to think of some scary things and stuff that i fear so then it’s going to turn into a nightmare via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
No text found via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
so i had an LD few hours ago, and i got a false awakening but i didn't realize that so i just instantly got my dream journal out and started writing what i remember from my dream then i woke up for real and was confused for like 10 seconds then just wrote everything down on my dream journalI guess the lesson here is to always do a reality check when you wake up via /r/LucidDreaming
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dreamternatywa · 3 years
Im not sure anybody else has this happening to them but being in an endless loop of waking up is something i you guys might be able to help with? via /r/LucidDreaming
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