distracted-author95 · 3 years
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distracted-author95 · 3 years
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distracted-author95 · 3 years
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I don’t know who Isaac Stack is but I want him to write every single textbook about everything.
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distracted-author95 · 3 years
The Forgotten Lake
Sun shone through the leaves as Harper walked deeper into the forest.
Chirps and chattering filled the air, songs of love birds echoed in the background.
The sky is bright and cloudless, the breeze winds its way through the trees.
The old road to The Forgotten Lake was well  covered. The long grass tickles as it slides against the skin.
The old willow trees whips form curtains, hiding the lake.
The lake glistened, as if filled with glitter, ripples form in the center of the lake.
Harper spread natures curtain to see the glistening water.
The Lake hadn't been touched by a person in decades.
Here its bone chilling quiet. Not even a cricket chirped.
Harper stepped beyond the willow tree's branches.
The water began to ripple. Something was moving beneath the surface.
Harper stood rooted in her spot.
"I'm not afraid of you." Her voice was quiet but steady.
The forest around the lake was silent, the lake rumbled.
"I do not fear you." again she spoke, a snake like creature raised its scaly head.
"That is your mistake child." The Serpent glided through the water.
"Foolish child, I have banished all humans from my domain. Why do you seek me out?" The Serpent hissed.
"I am Harper. The granddaughter of Agnes McClellan." The Serpent hissed louder.
"Why should I care?" The girl stepped closer to the water.
"Tell me Snake, why did you hide yourself?" The Serpent gnashed at being called snake.
"Why don't you ask that Grandmother of yours?" The diamond shaped head lowered to the girls level.
"I did." The Serpent let out a rancid laugh in the girls face.
"What did she say?" The forked tongue flicked near Harpers ear.
"She said there was a creature that lived in the underground caverns of the lake. She said it was the most beautiful water dragon. She was the bluest blue with the darkest purple accent scales. Her eyes glittered like diamonds; her frill, magenta in color glistened dazzling anything that caught sight of it."
"Continue child." The Serpent watched as Harper crossed to a hear by boulder to sit upon.
"She said she made friends with the creature. Nothing in this world captivated her more than this dragon. She met with the dragon everyday for three years. Agnes said she came out one day to find the dragon had turned against her. The dragon promised to never be seen again. And she wasn't....until now."
The Serpent sneered at the story.
"Agnes was supposed to have kept me a secret. I see she failed me again." The Dragon Serpent rose up, revealing her whole body.
"She is dying." The scales were black now, with algae growing in-between them.
"She told man I existed. They tried to kill me for sport." Harper frowned. The Serpents wingless body glided on the water until it's legs rested on the sandy beach.
"I don't think she did. She said she never told anyone until she told me." The Serpent scoffed.
"Why then, would she tell you?" The Serpent swiveled its head as if trying to see something.
"She's dying, she just wanted to know if you were still alive. If you would grant her one last visit." The Serpent seemed to grin, and nodded its sleek head. The girl slid off her perch.
"I'll be back in a few days with her." The Serpent silently retreated into the water.
~~~~5 days later~~~~
Harper strode back to the willow trees curtains.
"Serpent! I have returned." Ripples from the lake came faster than the last time.
The water dragon lifted its head peering from just above the surface.
"I don't see her." The Dragon said as it raised its head out of the water.
"She is here. She was pleased to know you were alive." The water Dragon scanned the tree line, looking for the frail woman.
"Where is she?" Harper opened her back pack, tugged out an urn.
"She's dead. She wanted her ashes scattered here so she could be with her friend again. This is her last visit." The Serpent stared at the colorful jar. The blue and purple were reminiscent of the Serpents scales.
"She may rest here." The Dragon watched the young girl climb on the same boulder she sat on the last time.
"Agnes, may you rest well for all eternity." Harper tipped the jar and watched the ashes swirl in the wind and formed the image of her grandmother, when she was in her youth.
"Ryu, take me home."  The Serpent watched the ashen vision fade away towards the center of the lake.
"She spent the rest of her life living at the edge of this forest, just hoping to hear your call once again." Harper said as she slid off the rock.
Ryu stared at the spot where Agnes' ashes faded.
"I think its time for me to rest too." Ryu left Harper on the lake side, and sunk to its depth.
The water began to glow, as if the entire lake sat on a spot light.
Ryu and Agnes emerged, both looked as they did in their youth. Ryu was a beauty to behold. Agnes' black hair flowed in the wind, her sparkling blue eyes glittered.
The wind whispered against her cheek, as if to say thank you.
They vanished into the water and the glow faded. Never again would Harper see the The Serpent, but she could feel it's presence when she visited The Forgotten Lake.
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distracted-author95 · 3 years
The Creature
A whisper of a breeze caresses her skin.
The sun kissed her face.
The calm blue ocean called to her.
Gingerly, she stepped into the cool water.
A sweet melody washed over her.
Chills crawled down her spine, but she took another step.
The sand under her feet seemed to melt away with each stride.
Now the water was waist high, the pull of the ocean even stronger.
Waves smacked lightly against her.
She hummed the melody, as if she knew it by heart.
Someone called to her from beneath the waves.
A hand grasped hers,
pulling her down.
The hum was in her ear,
the hand belonged to a creature that shimmered in the light.
It's appearance was mesmerizing.
The last of her breath escaped her lips.
It tilted its head as the bubbles lifted to the surface.
Closing her eyes as the darkness threatened to take over,
The Creature tugged her to the beach.
It watched her struggle for air, then it spoke.
"Of all those who heard my song, only you have sang it back."
She sat up, clearing the water from her lungs still.
"I lured many people with my melody, only those with ill intent can hear it. Why did you?"
Wiping the water from her face she answered.
"Creature, I heard the lonesome in the melody. I, too, feel the emptiness of comfort and companionship."
The Creature watched the human curiously.
"I am Syren, I will forever be alone. My gift is my curse. I draw you in and let the water kill you."
The human shook her head.
"It has only ever been a choice. You brought me back."
Syren tilted its head once more.
"You didn't deserve to die."
The human smiled and sat closer to the Creature.
"Dying isn't so bad, life here is messy and complicated."
The Creature called to the ocean, the waves began creeping higher on the sand.
"Human, you heard my song because you want to die."
She shrugged and rested her head on her knees.
"Syren, I have wished for death for many years, but when I entered the water all I wanted was to ease your pain."
The Creatures webbed hand covered hers, it wept.
"Human, do you truly want to ease my pain?"
She nodded.
"Then join me once again in the ocean."
She stood and began to wade into the water once more.
She turned to Syren and held out her hand.
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distracted-author95 · 3 years
The Glass
Imagine you're wandering through a dark forest. The chirping of birds, croaking of frogs, and chattering squirrels fill the silence.
Some where in the distance something is running. Snapping of branches, crunching of foliage, screams for help replace the wildlife's chittering.
You're frantically looking for the source of the screams, thundering footfalls seem to come from every direction. You try to call out, but to no avail. Panic begins to rise. The once calm serene image before you slowly changes. The forest is darkening, the hiss of snakes and screeches of owls now fill the air.
The screams are closer, maybe just through the line of trees. Once you reach it no one is there, but the screams are. Slowly you turn, reach for a tree to lean on.
It's not a tree. It's a mirror. The screams are coming from inside the sliver glass. It's you.
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distracted-author95 · 7 years
It begins with conception and you know you’re glowing with excitement and you can barely contain yourself. You wonder when you’ll start to feel like parent, next thing you know there’s a kick and a tumble. Soon you’ll feel huge and wonder if it’ll ever end. But then in what seems like the blink of an eye, you’re in labor. After hours of excruciating pain, there the it is. The little thing you worked so hard to bring into this world, is in your arms. Soon you’ll go home, and that’s when the reality hits. You cant give it back when its screaming at 2am, you can’t walk away when it gets hard. Your whole life changes, you now have a tiny person relying on you, it can be overwhelming. After a while you find a routine that works and things seem to get easier, only to find that your little one is now trying to explore and a whole new set of worries fall on your shoulders. When this happens everything starts to speed up, they are growing and learning so quickly! Before you know it a year goes by and you look at your child and wonder how it went by so fast? 
As my child is only 15 months i cant say much more than this, but I have a feeling this will be a reoccurring theme. 
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distracted-author95 · 9 years
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feeling sad? you need this blog on your dash!
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