when you call something ugly, would you truly feel that if you didn't know their name?
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I want to read a book
I want to read a book, a really good book that I finish in a day and come down for dinner feeling empty without it but fill up on food and good conversation in its stead.
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Pepto Bismol pink clung to blonde hair matted to a girls head. It was all fun and games, honestly. A bubble. A bigger bubble. The biggest bubble- and pop. It was stuck. No need to deny it, as it's existence is as clear as the sun. It's not as though she didn't like bubble gum. Infact she loved it! Just not in her hair. She felt betrayed, for when she started chewing she could never imagine that it would invade her space like an enemy squadron. Her friends told her it was her fault for she started chewing it of her own will. She was practically asking for it. But now she couldn't get the gum out. Not without chopping her hair. But she could see no other way. Her mother did the same when she was young, but her mother never chopped hers. Infact it the gum was stuck to this day. Growing messer and damaging. The girl did not want that. So she grabbed a pair of scissors and created ragged cuts. Ends looking like splintered wood. The girl cried at the loss of her hair, but felt free. Until the bubble gum told her friends of how she had cut him out. The friends were shocked at her rude behavior. And comforted the bubble gum wrapped cosily in the girl hair. The girl was stuck.
Above is a short story of how it feels for a friend to confess their love to you when you don't return their feelings. Aka the friend zone.
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Black and white
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The vibe you get from walking down the street on a quite beautiful night!
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April 8th, 2021
Today I made a promise 
as a star does to its wisher
as a candle does to a birthday girl
as a eyelash does to a small gust 
my promise seems silly
you might not see it at first 
as you often don’t see the first drop of rain before a storm
but gradually it trickles into a stream 
and cascade into your bowl
like lucky charms hitting milk in an avalanche 
my promise will come true
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