@ gays what are your laptop backgrounds i’m genuinely curious 
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inocrrect quotes again
2 people said they liked them so this is for you i love you
so here it is i changed it up slightly by using a different generator
Moritz: I am very small, and I have no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress I’m under
Hanschen, bad at flirting: I like your name Ernst, equally as bad: Thanks, I got it for my birthday
Melchior: I relate to Belle because she loves books and likes people for who they are! Wendla: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies
Ilse, dumping out a shopping bag full of Lunchables onto the table: Tonight, we feast.
Moritz: *kicks “G” off Graveyard sign* Let’s get this party started!
Wendla: *signs a legal document with a glitter gel pen*
Martha, to Ilse: I dare you to— Anna: Ilse isn’t allowed to accept dares. Ilse: Apparently I have ”no regard for my personal safety”
Ersnt: You’re smiling, did something good happen? Hanschen: I can’t smile just because I feel like it? Moritz: Melchior tripped and fell in the parking lot.
Ilse: It’s nice to be wanted, you know? Moritz: Not by the law!
Thea: Don’t correct me!!! Anna: Don’t be wrong.
Melchior: The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
Melchior: What am I doing wrong? Moritz: Do you want me to answer as a friend or a therapist? Melchior: As a friend. Moritz: See a therapist
Thea: You always look so unapproachable. Melchior: And yet, here you are.
Hanschen: I have no idea what I’m doing, I just know that I’m doing it really well.
Ernst: What happens when you press the brake and the accelerator at the same time? Melchior: It takes a screenshot. Hanschen: Get out, both of you.
Wendla: FOUR MONTHS. Anna: What’s she talking about? Melchior: C'mon, it was funny- Wendla: FOUR MONTHS YOU WATCHED ME WATER A FAKE PLANT.
Wendla: I know we don’t always see eye to eye on things- Melchior: That’s because you’re too short.
Wendla: Let me see what you have. Ilse: A knife! Wendla: Okay, have fu- Moritz: NO!
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incorrect quotes again idk anymore
im sure after 3 other posts it must be getting old but i don’t care i think theyre funny
Ilse: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying ‘Haven’t decided yet’ is typically a good response.
Melchior: Oh just so you know, it’s very muggy outside Moritz: Moritz: Melchior, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn… Melchior: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Ernst: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars. Hanschen: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
'Can I copy the homework?’ Ernst: I can help you with it! Hanschen: Yeah, sure. Melchior: Bold of you to assume I did the homework. Moritz: lol nope. Georg: Wait, we had homework?!?!?! Otto: *Read 5:55pm*
Anna: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions? Wendla: Put spaghetti in it. Anna: I’m currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you. Ilse: Put spaghetti in it. Anna: I’m currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two. Martha: Put spaghetti in it. Anna: I’m no longer taking suggestions.
Melchior, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Wendla, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids Moritz: what are you guys doing? Melchior: playing systemic oppression
Melchior: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It’s terrible for the environment! Wendla: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
Melchior: Okay, truth or dare? Moritz: Truth Melchior: How many hours have you slept this week? Moritz: Moritz: …Dare Melchior: Go to bed. Moritz: I don’t like this game.
Ilse: What’s up guys? I’m back. Martha: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die. Ilse: Death is a social construct.
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incorrect quotes 3 (from me and my friends)
Hanschen: “I have an A in this class so if I fail this what the hell, I’ll go out with a bang.”
Otto: When we were on a zoom there was a bunch of background noise and screaming- “My mom pretended to give birth to a cat”
Melchior: *finds a paper for an overdue project: “Oh my god.. Moritz…” Moritz: “Sonnenstich emailed me and said it’s now extra credit.” Mechior rips up the paper immediately
Melchior, whispering: “And read a few books that you’ve already read that don’t count as book reports. THEY DON’T COUNT AS BOOK REPORTS?!?”
Ernst: "Yall I have two pins and one says ‘Sick’ and the other 'Don’t trip’. Don’t make fun of me, they’re cool!”
Ilse: “If we do have to go to school in masks imma draw a little mustache and goatee on my face so if anyone pulls down my mask, they get a nice surprise.“
Moritz:  "My mom is paying me for breathing. I feel like we should get paid to exist. It’s hard to like, not die.”
Wendla: “Woah guys I have a stapler. It has staples in it. I didn’t know I had a stapler. This is like, the best news I’ve had all day.”
i hate myself for this
obviously names are changed
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alright from the incorrect quotes generator
Hanschen: I think I’m having a mid-life crisis. Ernst: You’re like 15 years old Hanschen: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Hanschen: Dumbest scar stories, go! Ernst: I burned my tongue once drinking tea. Georg: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it. Otto: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Melchior: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn. Moritz: Moritz: I have emotional scars.
Anna: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life Thea: Self-esteem, haven’t seen you in years! Wendla: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this! Martha: I knew I lost that potential somewhere! Ilse: My moral code, is that you? Anna: Anna: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Melchior: Wendla and I are having a baby. Moritz: That’s gre- Melchior, slamming adoption papers on the table: It’s you, sign here.
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incorrect quotes 2 bc y’all seemed to like the other one
Moritz: Ilse was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some. Ilse: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it. Moritz: Ilse, you ate a chair.
Hanschen: I prevented a murder today. Ernst: Really? How’d you do that? Hanschen: self control.
Wendla: Anyone d- Martha: Depressed? Ilse: Drained? Anna: Dumb? Thea: Disliked? Wendla: -done with their work… what is wrong with you people …
Moritz: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail Ilse: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
Hanschen: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Melchior: Several traffic violations. Mortiz: Three counts of resisting arrest. Ernst: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Georg: Also, that’s not our car.
Moritz: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Melchior: You and me!!! Moritz, tearing up: Okay.
Moritz: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Melchior? Melchior: … No. Wendla: I do! Moritz: I know, Wendla. Wendla: I’m sad! Moritz: I know, Wendla.
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Otto: Do you support gay marriage?
Ernst: I am gay-
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Melchior: *during Totally Fucked* The prosecution makes a compelling argument but have you considered this?
Melchior: *puts middle finger up*
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Frau Gabor: What are you doing?
Melchior: I’m confronting the person that ruined my life.
Frau Gabor: ...you’re yelling at a mirror?
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Otto: *pulls the shower curtain back while Georg is in the shower*
Otto: Are we- stop screaming, it’s just me- are we out of Cheetos?
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Moritz: Apparently I’m going to a bingo night tonight.
Melchior: Why?
Moritz: I don’t know.
Melchior: That’s fair.
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Anna: You know, if the multiverse theory is true, that means there’s a parallel reality where I’m a stalk of corn.
Thea: That’s hot, not gonna lie.
Anna: Are you... thirsting over corn????
Anna: I don’t blame you though, I’d be really hot as a stalk of corn.
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Wendla: Apparently my crush is dating someone.
Wendla: I can’t even be mad because neither of them are doing anything wrong. And also they’re a really lovely person.
Wendla: Actually, I don’t even know if I’m really jealous or really attracted to them.
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Georg: I think 8 is the hottest number. Like, look how thicc it is. Two C’s.
Melchior: It is taking all my willpower to not slap you right now.
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Martha: God damnit, Ilse! I don’t know what you did, but you go down and you fucking apologize for whatever it was!
Ilse: What?! I’m not apologizing! Those assholes left me for dead!
Martha: Did you fuck up?
Ilse: ...What even is fucking up really?
Martha: AAAH! You fucked up!
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Hanschen: What does a winner do when life gives them lemons?
Melchior: Um, make lemonade?
Hanschen: No, he squeezes them right back into life’s eyes!
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44. melchritz
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” + Melchior & Moritz
Ohhhhh boy time to be emo. Thank you so much for your ask, anon.
Word Count:878
Melchior woke up late in the morning, around ten, to the feeling of the mattress shifting beside him. Green eyes cracked open in the bright sunlight to see an outline of his boyfriend sitting up with the sun fitting through his unruly black hair.  He was hunched over, his spine popping out dramatically and blocking out the yellow light.
“Moritz,” He whispered, his voice coming out husky and rough. Normally, the sound would get Moritz crawling back between the sheets with a smile, but he stayed with his back to the younger man. “Why are you up?”
“My mother called.” Moritz replied bleakly. He didn’t move, remained staring down at what Melchior assumed was his phone. Melchior rolled onto his back, staring at the glow in the dark lights Ernst had put on his ceiling and he was far too lazy to take down. “Oh, what did she say?”
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