datinganonion · 7 months
Survivors fear not being believed as so many of us aren’t, so they stay quiet. Survivors know that they are statistically unlikely to get justice, so they don’t report abuse. And, even if they are, even if they do, sending an abuser to prison doesn’t bring back the years lost to abuse, to trauma, to self-loathing. It also doesn’t seem to stop abusers abusing.  
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datinganonion · 1 year
Maybe love isn't about how long it lasts or if it has forever potential. Maybe the best love stories are actually the ones that we were still brave enough to write despite their expiration dates. Just because something ends, that doesn't mean it didn't matter or doesn't matter. Love doesn't always need to fall apart spectacularly in order for it end either. Sometimes, it simply needs to run its course. And when love leaves, perhaps one of the most romantic and loving things we can do for one another is to let each other go when it is time to do so.
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datinganonion · 1 year
I think I am…impossible? Or at least nearly so, to love.
I have, as they say in the architecture world, good bones. I could probably use some renovation — there are cracks in the metaphorical foundation and some walls that could use a fresh coat of paint. I think I’m done in some areas. There are places where I’ve done the work and finished and feel complete. But there are still rooms where things are falling apart. Where I don’t keep it together as much as I’d like the general public to believe. Regardless, there’s a lot here to work with. There’s a lot here worth investing in.
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datinganonion · 1 year
The truth is, you don’t always have to be there for the person who fails to show up for you. You don’t have to show up as the best version of yourself for someone who will only ever show you the worst parts of themselves. You don’t have to keep giving someone access to you if they only ever plan to take advantage of that.
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datinganonion · 1 year
Because even if you think you can handle it, even when you tell yourself it's fine, relationships like this hurt you. They change the way you look at yourself. They make you question whether you're worth anything better. They’re going to make you feel like you're asking for too much when in reality you should be asking for someone so much better than them.
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datinganonion · 1 year
The truth is, there will always be people who will choose you. There will be people who will match your energy, who will give just as much as they receive. There will be people who will love you just as openly as you love them and who will never make you feel like you’re emptying your cup just to keep theirs full. And these people will never make you wonder if you're lacking, if you’re important, if you're enough. These people will always let you know how valued you are. Please know that you are deserving of people who choose you too. And please know that you never, ever have to settle for less than that.
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datinganonion · 1 year
Let's be honest for a moment here: Love is scary. Love is messy. It's reckless and uncontrollable. It hurts us just as often as it heals us; it often breaks us before it builds us. And sometimes it changes us in ways that can never be undone. Yes, love is terrifying — but it's also beautiful. Why else would we seek it the way we do?
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datinganonion · 2 years
I hope you remember all the people you have forgiven throughout your lifetime, then remind yourself that you deserve that forgiveness, too. You shouldn't be harder on yourself than you are on your loved ones, because the love you have for yourself should be just as sacred. Learn to hold the same space for yourself as you would a beloved friend.
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datinganonion · 2 years
Life often works in mysterious ways. Sometimes we need time to grow before we're ready for a healthy relationship. Sometimes we need to stumble for all the wrong people to prepare us to fall for just the right one. Sometimes we simply need to wait because the right person is coming, they just haven't been introduced into our life yet, and once we meet them, we'll be glad it never worked out with anyone else.
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datinganonion · 2 years
Letting go means knowing that there is more for you out there, even if you aren't exactly sure what that is. Letting go means trusting that even when it hurts, it's going to be okay.
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datinganonion · 2 years
There are many people in your life who will choose you: friends, family, a crush, or that one person you never considered dating but are realizing they're pretty cute. Invest your energy into those people actively wanting to be a part of your life, not someone you have to convince to love you. A convinced love will never feel as good as you dream it will. Especially when there are plenty of people out there who will choose you without thinking twice.
Kirstie Taylor
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datinganonion · 2 years
Healing isn't about never feeling the sting of pain again. It's not about forgetting everything that hurt you. It's not about feeling invincible. You won't always feel the peacefulness you'd expect. Sometimes healing is just moving forward, even when it feels easier to take a step backwards.
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datinganonion · 2 years
You are worth more than potential. You are worth more than second place. You are worth more than 'maybe someday' and promises you know deep down will always be broken. Because love isn't about what you hope will happen or what you wish could change; love is present tense. It's about what’s right here in the moment. And if it isn't what you need, it’s time to recognize that it's not enough.
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datinganonion · 2 years
We know what it's like to have a piece of someone, but never all of them. We know what it's like to somehow convince ourselves that it's enough. We convince ourselves that the emotional hardship is worth the small, beautiful moments we share with them. We convince ourselves that we're lucky to have pieces of them at all. Sometimes, we convince ourselves that these almosts are all we ever really deserved in the first place.
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datinganonion · 2 years
See, I have very self-destructive tendencies. I wasn't loved as much as I wanted to be, anyway. The love that was supposed to be there wasn't there. It messed up my mind, my heart, and my relationships. I don’t blame anyone but myself for this — I just didn’t know how to handle it properly, and I still don't.
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datinganonion · 2 years
It's okay to miss them. It's okay to miss what you shared with them. Whatever you’re thinking of — just don't let it consume you. Don't let these thoughts take control of your feelings. Don't second guess where you are right now or who you’re with or if you made the right decision. Think of these old loves as people who you were meant to know and love at one point in time, but that's it. Think of your old loves as what they are — old loves. They are in the past for a reason. Remember that.
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datinganonion · 3 years
Not every relationship is meant to last. Some loves are only temporary. They’re meant to bring us happiness for a short while before leaving with a lesson and plentiful memories. Remember, just because you parted ways doesn’t mean your time together was a waste. It doesn't mean you should regret the good times you shared.
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