darksideoftheshipps · 19 days
I can't stop thinking about Vessel having a nipple piercing, belly button piercing or, we know exactly where piercing.😏
But about this intimate jewel would know only his lovers. *living in polyvessels universe*
And hear me out ! Hear me out! 🔥 III with pierced tongue.🔥
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darksideoftheshipps · 21 days
Even though the guys didn't give any dates for the European tour, which pisses me off even more, I'm really looking forward to it. Because there will be a lot of content. Photos, videos. Omg I'm really looking forward to it. If nothing else. I want another load of homoerotic acts. Touchy, touchy ❤️🔥
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Hey! Sleep! Send them to the Czech as quickly as possible. There are enough worshipers here!
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darksideoftheshipps · 1 month
I still wonder what would happen if they ran out of black color. Maybe it has already happened once. That's why III started to paint himself red.
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(Random photos from pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and other platforms.)
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darksideoftheshipps · 1 month
Exactly! Need them in Czech or Slovakia. Man, I would be able to go to Germany at worst. I need to attend their ritual.
Mr Vessel Token the First, you should really spill some eu tour dates if you have any up in your sleeve before I impulse purchase plane tickets to the uk. 😋
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darksideoftheshipps · 1 month
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After two months of procrastination is Mr. Sebastian finished.🔥
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darksideoftheshipps · 2 months
/info: tento článek byl začat psán 27.12.2023 a dokončen byl 14.2.2024 (ano, byla, jsem a budu líná kůže) hodně prokrastinuju/
Zdravím mí drazí přátelé. Rok s rokem se nám sešel a na ČT 1 opět dávali Daddyho Krakonoše. (26.12.2023)
Samozřejmě se dívala, celá naše rodina.
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Sranda však je, že já a moje paní sestra @non-human-feelings
shipujeme strašně moc lodí a tak se tomu nevyhlo ani Krakonošovo tajemství. To znamená, že kdykoliv ti tři Adam, Krakonoš a Jiráček, byli spolu ve scéně (ať už dohromady, nebo odděleně) vždy jsme se na sebe potutelně podívaly, abychom si daly vědět, že myslíme na to samé.
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A teď slyšte, slyšte.
Teď vám sem vložím několik svých a sestřiných headcanons které nám leží v hlavě:
Jiráček spolu s Adamem a Krakonošem měli být cottage, polyamorous husbands. S tím že by žili s Krakonošem napůl v jeho hájence a napůl v chatce po Lidušce (vysvětlím v dalším bodu). Tam by čas trávil hlavně Pravoslav, když by potřeboval být sám a mít klid ke psaní dalších, svých knih. Nebo si jednuše odpočinout od těch dvou. O to víc, pokud by Adam s Janem chtěli provozovat nějaké to fyzické intimno. U toho Pravoslav úplně být nepotřebuje.
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Liduška by si svou rodinu nastěhovala k sobě do zámku a časem by si našla manželku. S tou by adoptovaly nějaké to mimčo ze sirotčince a žili by jako jedna velká, šťastná rodina.
Adam, Jan a Pravoslav by byli strejdové.
Liduščinu manželku si představuju jako Marušku ze Dvanácti měsíčků
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Krakonoš bere Lidušku, jako svou dceru a je velice overprotective. Takže ještě předtím než Liduška oznámí, kdo ukradl její srdce, Krakonoš o Liduščině nápadnici už ví všechno.
Maruška je myslivec 🤌🏻a to Krakonošovi imponuje. Nemá proto námitek (ne že by na nich záleželo) když Liduška všechny tři pozve na svatbu.
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Jan po dlouhá léta neměl nikoho s kým by mohl být ve fyzickém kontaktu. A tak je hodně touch starved. A ačkoliv to nikdy nedává najevo, je strašně vděčný Adamovi za sebemenší dotek či pohlazení.
Co se týče Jiráčka. Spousta z vás by si řekla, že se musí cítit jako páté kolo u vozu, ale není tomu tak. Od Jana a od Adama se mu dostává dost pozornosti a lásky, jen v jiné podobě než si prokazují oni dva.
Tohle je už spíše nastínění na povídku než pouhopouhý headcanon
Postupem času začne Krakonošovi docházet, že jeho dvě spřízněné duše nebudou žít navždy. A tak se rozhodne najít posledního lesního ducha, který by jim mohl pomoci s jejich situací. Ale kde se skrývá dřímající duch, to ani sám Krakonoš neví. Myslel si, že všichni zmizeli a on je posledním zde na zemi. Ale čím více přemýšlel nad jejich bezútěšnou situací, začnou se mu zjevovat vize a sny, které ho přesvědčí o opaku. Ještě jeden tu je a pomůže jim. Naděje umírá poslední.
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(chci jen říct, že bych to nedržela úplně jako pohádkový příběh)
Nevím jaká by byla přesně zápletka, nad tím jsem nepřemýšlela tolik, jelikož to nenapíšu. Dlouhá léta jsem nic dlouhého nenapsala. Tady naděje už umřela :')
Vím jen že...
Duch jim sdělí, že on je tu pouze jako náhradník, kdyby se něco stalo s Janem. Prakticky se mu nic stát nemůže, ale nikdo nikdy neví.
Jan původně ani nevěděl o co konkrétně žádá. Ano, žádá o pomoc, ale jakou?
Duch jim sdělí jediné řešení na jejich situací a to, že je ochoten dát svojí sílu. Ale jenom jednomu z nich a učinit ho tak duchem lesa spolu s Janem.
Pravoslav se jím ale stát nechce, a chce dožít svůj lidský život se vším všudy. Chce ho dožít se svými nejbližšími.
Tedy problém s tím kdo dostane duchovo sílu není, ale tady nastává další háček.
Do roka a do dne musí Adam zemřít Janovo rukou. Tím získá sílu pozůstalého ducha. Avšak není jisté jestli Adam přijme duchovo energii. Přijme ji jen pouze v případě, že je dobrým člověkem.
Krakonoš má spoustu výtek, že to nedává smysl. Duch mu ale v klidu sdělí, že pokud nadále nemá zájem o tuto možnost, mohou odejít a on upadne zpátky do hlubokého spánku.
Krakonoš chce odejít. Rozhodnut, že za to riziko, to vůbec nestojí. Že by nakonec přišel o oba dva. A o jednoho dříve, než by musel.
Adam ho ale zastaví, s tím že to chce podstoupit. Že budou mít celý rok.
Janovi ani Pravoslavovi, se to vůbec nelíbí. Ale respektují Adamovo rozhodnutí.
Adam má strach. Pochybuje že by byl dobrým člověkem, ale pokud je tu nějaká možnost strávení věčnosti s Janem, chce to riziko podstoupit.
Dohodnou se tedy s duchem lesa. Ten poté zmizí. Že za rok se opět sejdou na stejném místě.
Určitě k tomu ještě něco vymyslím. Ale strašně ráda bych slyšela i vaše nápady. ❤️
Je pravda, že vidím přímo před očima scénu, kde Jan musí usmrtit Adama.
Let me tell you more:
Nejdříve se o to Jan pokusí nožem. To je hlavně Adamův nápad, jelikož chce umřít v náruči svého drahého. Ale Jan nebude schopný tento čin vykonat. Emočně to nezvládne. A tak ho Adam za ruku dovede ke srázu. Mladší muž si stoupne zády k propasti velice blízko k okraji. Jana chytne za předloktí a tím druhého muže přinutí udělat to samé i jemu. "Takhle to bude lepší. Stačí jen, když do mě strčíš." Adam se smutně pousměje.
"Lepší? Adame, co když to nevyjde?" Mladší ucítí jak v jeho milenci narůstá panika a tak si ho přitáhne blíže k sobě. Jednou rukou pustí jeho předloktí a přitáhne si jej za zátylek do něžného polibku. Polibek je plný smutku a vroucího přání, aby se ještě mohl opakovat. Jan je vyvedený z míry a toho Adam využije. Začne pomalu couvat do té doby dokud necítí půdu jen do půli chodidel. V tu chvíli promluví. "Ale vyjde, Jane." Pohladí jej po strnulé tváři a usměje se. "A teď mě strč."
Okay, možná ještě něco připíšu. Chci tu hodně komentářů, mi drazí. :))))))))
(Asi vás budu vydírat. Ano.)
Je to celkem shit. Ale po dlouhé době jsem něco sesmolila a i když to není plnohodnotná povídka, tak mám ze sebe radost. :))))
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darksideoftheshipps · 2 months
I have the T-shirt ❤️
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So only thing I need now is ...
Vessel to my III
to kiss me
or ride me
(as Vessel rode III in live performance of sugar)
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CZ/EN post
jsem debil ne...
Já: musím šetřit
Taky já, po půl třetí ráno: Hele Drop Dead mají v předprodeji triko, co na sobě měl III ze SLEEP Token.
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Bylo to drahý jak prdel, takhle drahý oblečení u sebe v šatníku nemám....ty vole dyť bych za to mohla mít kvalitní fixy 😭
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No nic, pochlapím se. Stalo se no...
Sračky se stávají i v lepších rodinách.
Má peněženka krvácí, a já nevím jak to zastavit. Volejte sanitku.
(Já nejsem Sugar Denča, abych mohla utrácet 350 000,- za hadry, ale asi budu tak hloupá, no....)
Ave Sleep
I am an idiot....
me: I have to save some money.
also me at 3:30 AM: Hey, Drop Dead has the t-shirt III wore at Wembley.
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It was expensive as hell. I don't have such expensive clothes in my wardrobe yet. Dude, I could get quality markers instead 😭
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No problem, get over it Torri. It happened...
Shit happens even in better families.
My wallet is bleeding and I don't know how to stop it. Call an ambulance.
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darksideoftheshipps · 2 months
I still have post concert depression. :'))
I was at Bad Omens show with my sister in Prague 9.2.2024. It was amazing.
Oh my god 🥵🤘🏻
I sang whole song with them...
(I can't sing and I can hear myself so it hurts.) But I enjoyed it.
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( plus, we made a friend in queue ❤️)
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darksideoftheshipps · 3 months
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🔥An offering from me🔥
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darksideoftheshipps · 3 months
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Oh my god!!! Finally!! I don't know you my dear, but I love you! *sending love*
I ship these two for a while.
Their trope is: rivals to lovers 🔥❤️🤘🏻
(I listen to BMTH since 2014 and BO since 2016 so....👉🏻👈🏻 You know..... I'm not emotional! And I'm not crying! Okay :') okay????
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(pictures are not mine)
And...what is the ship name? Noliver? Oliah? OLIAH
Good For You
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Oli Sykes
Warnings: SMUT/NSFW 18+ ONLY MDNI, praise kink, spit kink, spit as lube, oral, anal (unprotected)
Word Count: 1.4k
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When Noah first found out that he would be performing alongside Oli Sykes, his nerves kicked into high gear. Oli was a fucking icon. A metalcore legend. Whatever he did, he did it well. Always. People had been comparing the two of them for a while. And now, Noah was getting to perform with him. The perfectionist in him took over; he couldn’t fuck this up. He would never live it down if he failed to match Oli’s energy. He would never let himself live it down. The pressure was on.
What surprised Noah however, was how natural it all felt when the time finally came. He felt comfortable. The two of them interacted on that stage like they’d been doing it for lifetimes. Noah had left that stage feeling proud and in awe… as well as a bit flustered. 
Once the show ended, Noah found himself alone with Oli as they reflected on their performances from that night. Oli was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, as he spoke to Noah, who was seated in a chair not too far from where he was standing. Noah hung onto every word Oli said, staring intently with a faint flush on his face. The familiar warmth of arousal spread through Noah’s body as he took in the power of Oli’s stance, his tattoos, his sweat-dampened hair. It was almost overwhelming. “You did good, pretty boy,” Oli said, fixing his gaze on Noah. 
Noah instantly felt his cheeks begin to burn as his breath hitched and he shifted in his seat. Oli picked up on it immediately, looking Noah up and down with a smirk. “Oh,” he chuckled under his breath. He straightened his stance slightly. “C’mere, pretty boy.” 
Noah’s eyes went wide and his heart rate quickened. Who was he to disobey? He pushed himself out of the chair and stood in front of Oli, unable to look him in the eyes. 
Oli lifted his hand to Noah’s face, gently gripping his chin and turning his head. “Look at me,” he murmured, an amused lilt to his soft voice. “What’s got you so flustered, hm?” Noah’s mouth opened to speak, but no words came out. His heart felt like it was going to beat its way out of his chest. He exhaled, his breath trembling as he stared, speechless. Oli’s long, tattooed fingers caressed Noah’s jaw with a feather light touch. “C’mon now,” he cooed. “Why don’t you use your words like the good boy I know you are?”
Noah’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head and he couldn’t stop the quiet whimper from escaping his parted lips. “You do,” he whispered, voice shaking.
“See? That wasn’t so hard, now was it, love?” Oli smirked. Noah shook his head, his face on fire. “I got a pretty thing like you all flustered?” Oli teased, thumb stroking Noah’s cheek. Noah whimpered in response, nodding slightly. Oli tilted his head as his other hand grabbed Noah’s hip and pulled him flush against him. “Well, we should do something about that then, yeah?” 
“Yes, please,” Noah breathed, melting into Oli’s touch. “Mmm, good boy,” Oli hummed, leaning in. “So polite.” He pressed his lips to Noah’s. 
Noah whined as he kissed back, hands moving to rest on Oli’s shoulders. It started out slow, lips gently gliding along each other while Oli continued to gently caress Noah’s face. When Noah felt Oli’s tongue slide against his bottom lip, he groaned, allowing Oli to slip his tongue into Noah’s mouth. The hand on Noah’s hip moved to his ass, gripping harshly through his pants to push him impossibly closer as the kiss deepened. Noah couldn’t help but grind into Oli as his tongue explored his mouth. 
Oli pulled away and began to kiss down Noah’s neck. He was careful to not leave any marks, despite how much he wanted to. He moved his other hand onto Noah’s ass and began to knead the flesh as Noah continued to grind into him, desperate pants leaving his lips. “Oh, sweet boy,” Oli murmured against Noah’s skin. “You’re so needy, aren’t you?” 
“Y-Yes sir,” Noah whined. “Please,” his voice broke slightly. He was even completely sure what he was begging for; he was already so far gone. 
“Please what, love?” Oli teased, trailing his tongue up Noah's neck to his pulse point. “Use your words.”
A whine sounded from Noah’s throat. “Need you,” his breath hitched. “Need you to take care of me.” 
“Yeah?” he cooed. “I’ll take good care of you, baby. But first, how about you put that pretty mouth on my cock? Make it nice and wet?”
Before Noah could even process that his body was moving, he was dropping to his knees. His trembling hands struggled to get Oli’s pants down. Oli looked down at Noah with a smirk as he quickly unfastened his own pants and took out his cock to help. Noah was nearly drooling as he took Oli’s cock into his eager mouth. Oli groaned at the feeling of his warm, wet mouth as he watched him take more and more. He threw his head back as Noah hollowed his cheeks around his length and traced his tongue around the underside of his cock. “Fuck,” he grunted. “Such a perfect mouth, pretty boy.” Noah moaned around his cock at the praise, causing vibrations to shoot through Oli. His hips bucked involuntarily and he heard Noah gag. Noah didn’t let it stop him, in fact, it motivated him more. Oli knew that if Noah kept this up, he’d be coming much sooner than he’d like to. 
Oli eased Noah’s mouth off of his cock before he could make him cum. “Stand up,” he demanded. Noah didn’t hesitate. Oli made quick work of getting Noah’s pants off. “Bend over and put your hands on the wall, love.” Again, Noah didn’t hesitate. He made sure to arch his back and push his ass out, eager to please and be taken care of. 
Oli groaned as he pulled Noah’s cheeks apart to see his fluttering, pink hole. He tapped the head of his spit soaked cock on Noah’s hole, reveling in the needy whimpers coming from him. He then began to rub the head along the puckering muscle, “Are you ready?” 
“Please,” Noah whined. “Need it. Fuck. Need you.” 
With that, Oli slowly began to push into Noah. He let out a long groan at the tightness around his cock, forcing himself to go slow so as to not hurt Noah, who was already trembling with his head dropped between his shoulders. Once Oli was fully inside, he stayed still for a moment, rubbing the soft skin of Noah’s ass. “You’re doing such a good job for me, sweet boy,” he breathed. “Let me know when you’re ready for me to move, yeah?”
Noah’s breathing was heavy and shaky as he whimpered out an incoherent response. About a minute passed before Noah started to beg. “P-Please, Oli. Please move.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He pulled out almost completely before slamming back in, holding Noah’s hips with a death grip. Noah let out a series of high pitched, whiny moans as Oli fucked into him like it was the last thing he would ever do. “Taking me so well,” Oli grunted, punctuating each word with a deep thrust that had Noah trembling. Noah’s moans got increasingly loud and high, his hole was clenching and fluttering uncontrollably around Oli’s cock. “You gettin’ close, love?” Oli grunted. 
“Mhm,” Noah whined, nearly sobbing. “S’close.” 
“Stroke that pretty cock for me, love,” Oli instructed, not letting up on his pace. 
Noah took one hand off the wall and grabbed his weeping cock, shuddering as he began to jerk himself off. Not even a minute later, Noah was exploding into his hand, tears streaming down his face as he moaned. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you,” he sobbed, spurt after spurt of hot cum spilled onto his hand, the floor, and the wall. 
Noah’s orgasm immediately triggered Oli’s. He buried himself deep into Noah as he came with a grunt. He slowly pulled out once he came down from his high and helped Noah to stand. “You did such a good job, pretty boy,” Oli cooed, stroking Noah’s hair as he leaned into him. “Let’s go clean you up, yeah?” 
Noah nodded sleepily and allowed Oli to help him clean up. A small satisfied smile spread across Noah lips; the night went better than he could’ve ever hoped for.
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darksideoftheshipps · 3 months
Vessel's tummy and hands are my religion🔥 Look at the veins. 💦
Who's gonna join me in the name of Sleep?
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Do you think that he knows what are we doing here??
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darksideoftheshipps · 4 months
Idea on Sleep Token ff
Hear me out. I have this intrusive thought of mine. This could be really good topic on Sleep Token ff.
I assume that many of you know what happened in London at Wembley arena. And I have this idea...
What if something happened between Vessel and Sleep? Maybe Vessel starts to feel that this "relationship" between him and Sleep is toxic. That he can't do this anymore. That he doesn't want to be only a voice for Sleep. So sleep takes his voice away from him.
But totally. Not as in our reality, but Sleep would take all of his voice. Vessel would be mute.
He tries to speak but nothing comes out. He's devasted. His boyfriends too. They don't know what to do.
Maybe I will add something to this post. Or you can. Please be my guest and share your idea with me.
Sleep be with you 🔥
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darksideoftheshipps · 4 months
Sometimes I regret that I didn't know Sleep Token and Lorna Shore until last summer. :') (thank you @akagechanart for introducing them to me❤️🔥
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On the other hand I listen to Bad Omens since 2016. I found them thanks to BMTH.
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Btw I listen BMTH since 2014. Same with the MIW.
I'm getting old.
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You can imagine what the video of Oli and Noah on stage together did to me. It was like a wet dream.
I can actively ship them. Well I shiped them before. Of course... But now. Man 💦
They trope is RIVALS to LOVERS ❤️🔥
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darksideoftheshipps · 4 months
So, the real question is...who's gonna write ff where other vessels worship Vessel's body. Because he's insecure.
Giving him love he wants.
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(he needs MOOORE love❤️)
love when i remember vessel has stretch marks on his sides
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darksideoftheshipps · 4 months
Originally it was supposed to be III and Vessel, but the high difference can't be tolerated, so it's IV and Vessel. I'M SORRY MY DEAR III !!!
(It's not done yet, it's noticable 😂)
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darksideoftheshipps · 4 months
Oh my god. Please my heart aches for it.
when will people use the anon function to send passionate, homosexual anonymous love letters
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darksideoftheshipps · 4 months
Vessel: I'm gonna fuck you through Eden and back.
Will: Holy shit.
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I have this dirty though of Vessel, II, III and IV fucking, !read worshipping!, Will during their ritual. Because he wants to be one of them. He wants Sleep to accept him as one of his worship boys.
I plan to do a mood board.
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